changeset 3807 82a99b090d9d
child 3808 8489375c6198
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/src/HOL/TLA/TLA.thy	Wed Oct 08 11:50:33 1997 +0200
@@ -0,0 +1,85 @@
+    File:        TLA/TLA.thy
+    Author:      Stephan Merz
+    Copyright:   1997 University of Munich
+    Theory Name: TLA
+    Logic Image: HOL
+The temporal level of TLA.
+TLA  =  Action + WF_Rel +
+    behavior
+    temporal = "behavior form"
+    behavior :: world
+  (* get first 2 states of behavior *)
+  fst_st     :: "behavior => state"
+  snd_st     :: "behavior => state"
+  Init       :: "action => temporal"
+                 (* define Box and Dmd for both actions and temporals *)
+  Box        :: "('w::world) form => temporal"      ("([](_))" [40] 40)
+  Dmd        :: "('w::world) form => temporal"      ("(<>(_))" [40] 40)
+  "~>"       :: "[action,action] => temporal"       (infixr 22)
+  stable     :: "action => temporal"
+  WF         :: "[action,'a stfun] => temporal"    ("(WF'(_')'_(_))" [0,60] 55)
+  SF         :: "[action,'a stfun] => temporal"    ("(SF'(_')'_(_))" [0,60] 55)
+  (* Quantification over (flexible) state variables *)
+  EEx        :: "('a stfun => temporal) => temporal"    (binder "EEX " 10)
+  AAll       :: "('a stfun => temporal) => temporal"    (binder "AALL " 10)
+  "sigma |= Init(A)"      == "Init A sigma"
+  "sigma |= Box(F)"       == "Box F sigma"
+  "sigma |= Dmd(F)"       == "Dmd F sigma"
+  "sigma |= F ~> G"       == "op ~> F G sigma"
+  "sigma |= stable(A)"    == "stable A sigma"
+  "sigma |= WF(A)_v"      == "WF A v sigma"
+  "sigma |= SF(A)_v"      == "SF A v sigma"
+  dmd_def    "(<>F) == .~[].~F"
+  boxact_def "([](F::action)) == ([] Init F)"
+  leadsto    "P ~> Q == [](Init(P) .-> <>Q)"
+  stable_def "stable P == [](P .-> P`)"
+  WF_def     "WF(A)_v == <>[] $(Enabled(<A>_v)) .-> []<><A>_v"
+  SF_def     "SF(A)_v == []<> $(Enabled(<A>_v)) .-> []<><A>_v"
+  Init_def   "(sigma |= Init(F)) == ([[fst_st sigma, snd_st sigma]] |= F)"
+(* The following axioms are written "polymorphically", not just for temporal formulas. *)
+  normalT    "[](F .-> G) .-> ([]F .-> []G)"
+  reflT      "[]F .-> F"         (* F::temporal *)
+  transT     "[]F .-> [][]F"
+  linT       "(<>F) .& (<>G) .-> (<>(F .& <>G)) .| (<>(G .& <>F))"   (* F,G::temporal *)
+  discT      "[](F .-> <>(.~F .& <>F)) .-> (F .-> []<>F)"
+  primeI     "[]P .-> Init(P`)"
+  primeE     "[](Init(P) .-> []F) .-> Init(P`) .-> (F .-> []F)"
+  indT       "[](Init(P) .& .~[]F .-> Init(P`) .& F) .-> Init(P) .-> []F"
+  allT       "(RALL x. [](F(x))) .= ([](RALL x. F(x)))"
+  necT       "F ==> []F"
+(* Flexible quantification: refinement mappings, history variables *)
+  aall_def      "(AALL x. F(x)) == .~ (EEX x. .~ F(x))"
+  eexI          "F x .-> (EEX x. F x)"
+  historyI      "[| sigma |= Init(I); sigma |= []N;
+                    (!!h s t. (h s = ha s t) & I [[s,t]] --> HI(h)[[s,t]]);
+                    (!!h s t. (h t = hc s t (h s)) & N [[s,t]] --> HN(h) [[s,t]])
+                 |] ==> sigma |= (EEX h. Init(HI(h)) .& []HN(h))"
+  eexE          "[| sigma |= (EEX x. F x);
+		    (!!x. [| base_var x; (sigma |= F x) |] ==> (G sigma)::bool) 
+		 |] ==> G sigma"