changeset 42627 8749742785b8
parent 31101 26c7bb764a38
child 42628 50f257ea2aba
--- a/doc-src/HOL/HOL.tex	Mon May 02 20:34:34 2011 +0200
+++ b/doc-src/HOL/HOL.tex	Mon May 02 21:33:21 2011 +0200
@@ -2770,196 +2770,6 @@
 \index{*coinductive|)} \index{*inductive|)}
-\section{Executable specifications}
-\index{code generator}
-For validation purposes, it is often useful to {\em execute} specifications.
-In principle, specifications could be ``executed'' using Isabelle's
-inference kernel, i.e. by a combination of resolution and simplification.
-Unfortunately, this approach is rather inefficient. A more efficient way
-of executing specifications is to translate them into a functional
-programming language such as ML. Isabelle's built-in code generator
-supports this.
-codegen : ( 'code_module' | 'code_library' ) modespec ? name ? \\
-  ( 'file' name ) ? ( 'imports' ( name + ) ) ? \\
-  'contains' ( ( name '=' term ) + | term + );
-modespec : '(' ( name * ) ')';
-\caption{Code generator invocation syntax}
-constscode : 'consts_code' (codespec +);
-codespec : const template attachment ?;
-typescode : 'types_code' (tycodespec +);
-tycodespec : name template attachment ?;
-const : term;
-template: '(' string ')';
-attachment: 'attach' modespec ? verblbrace text verbrbrace;
-\caption{Code generator configuration syntax}
-\subsection{Invoking the code generator}
-The code generator is invoked via the \ttindex{code_module} and
-\ttindex{code_library} commands (see Fig.~\ref{fig:HOL:codegen-invocation}),
-which correspond to {\em incremental} and {\em modular} code generation,
-\item[Modular] For each theory, an ML structure is generated, containing the
-  code generated from the constants defined in this theory.
-\item[Incremental] All the generated code is emitted into the same structure.
-  This structure may import code from previously generated structures, which
-  can be specified via \texttt{imports}.
-  Moreover, the generated structure may also be referred to in later invocations
-  of the code generator.
-After the \texttt{code_module} and \texttt{code_library} keywords, the user
-may specify an optional list of ``modes'' in parentheses. These can be used
-to instruct the code generator to emit additional code for special purposes,
-e.g.\ functions for converting elements of generated datatypes to Isabelle terms,
-or test data generators. The list of modes is followed by a module name.
-The module name is optional for modular code generation, but must be specified
-for incremental code generation.
-The code can either be written to a file,
-in which case a file name has to be specified after the \texttt{file} keyword, or be
-loaded directly into Isabelle's ML environment. In the latter case,
-the \texttt{ML} theory command can be used to inspect the results
-The terms from which to generate code can be specified after the
-\texttt{contains} keyword, either as a list of bindings, or just as
-a list of terms. In the latter case, the code generator just produces
-code for all constants and types occuring in the term, but does not
-bind the compiled terms to ML identifiers.
-For example,
-code_module Test
-  test = "foldl op + (0::int) [1,2,3,4,5]"
-binds the result of compiling the term
-\texttt{foldl op + (0::int) [1,2,3,4,5]}
-(i.e.~\texttt{15}) to the ML identifier \texttt{Test.test}.
-\subsection{Configuring the code generator}
-When generating code for a complex term, the code generator recursively
-calls itself for all subterms.
-When it arrives at a constant, the default strategy of the code
-generator is to look up its definition and try to generate code for it.
-Constants which have no definitions that
-are immediately executable, may be associated with a piece of ML
-code manually using the \ttindex{consts_code} command
-(see Fig.~\ref{fig:HOL:codegen-configuration}).
-It takes a list whose elements consist of a constant (given in usual term syntax
--- an explicit type constraint accounts for overloading), and a
-mixfix template describing the ML code. The latter is very much the
-same as the mixfix templates used when declaring new constants.
-The most notable difference is that terms may be included in the ML
-template using antiquotation brackets \verb|{*|~$\ldots$~\verb|*}|.
-A similar mechanism is available for
-types: \ttindex{types_code} associates type constructors with
-specific ML code. For example, the declaration
-  "*"     ("(_ */ _)")
-  "Pair"    ("(_,/ _)")
-in theory \texttt{Product_Type} describes how the product type of Isabelle/HOL
-should be compiled to ML. Sometimes, the code associated with a
-constant or type may need to refer to auxiliary functions, which
-have to be emitted when the constant is used. Code for such auxiliary
-functions can be declared using \texttt{attach}. For example, the
-\texttt{wfrec} function from theory \texttt{Wellfounded_Recursion}
-is implemented as follows:
-  "wfrec"   ("\bs<module>wfrec?")
-attach \{*
-fun wfrec f x = f (wfrec f) x;
-If the code containing a call to \texttt{wfrec} resides in an ML structure
-different from the one containing the function definition attached to
-\texttt{wfrec}, the name of the ML structure (followed by a ``\texttt{.}'')
-is inserted in place of ``\texttt{\bs<module>}'' in the above template.
-The ``\texttt{?}'' means that the code generator should ignore the first
-argument of \texttt{wfrec}, i.e.\ the termination relation, which is
-usually not executable.
-Another possibility of configuring the code generator is to register
-theorems to be used for code generation. Theorems can be registered
-via the \ttindex{code} attribute. It takes an optional name as
-an argument, which indicates the format of the theorem. Currently
-supported formats are equations (this is the default when no name
-is specified) and horn clauses (this is indicated by the name
-\texttt{ind}). The left-hand sides of equations may only contain
-constructors and distinct variables, whereas horn clauses must have
-the same format as introduction rules of inductive definitions.
-For example, the declaration
-lemma Suc_less_eq [iff, code]: "(Suc m < Suc n) = (m < n)" \(\langle\ldots\rangle\)
-lemma [code]: "((n::nat) < 0) = False" by simp
-lemma [code]: "(0 < Suc n) = True" by simp
-in theory \texttt{Nat} specifies three equations from which to generate
-code for \texttt{<} on natural numbers.
-\subsection{Specific HOL code generators}
-The basic code generator framework offered by Isabelle/Pure has
-already been extended with additional code generators for specific
-HOL constructs. These include datatypes, recursive functions and
-inductive relations. The code generator for inductive relations
-can handle expressions of the form $(t@1,\ldots,t@n) \in r$, where
-$r$ is an inductively defined relation. If at least one of the
-$t@i$ is a dummy pattern ``$_$'', the above expression evaluates to a
-sequence of possible answers. If all of the $t@i$ are proper
-terms, the expression evaluates to a boolean value.
-  theory Test = Lambda:
-  code_module Test
-  contains
-    test1 = "Abs (Var 0) \(\circ\) Var 0 -> Var 0"
-    test2 = "Abs (Abs (Var 0 \(\circ\) Var 0) \(\circ\) (Abs (Var 0) \(\circ\) Var 0)) -> _"
-In the above example, \texttt{Test.test1} evaluates to the boolean
-value \texttt{true}, whereas \texttt{Test.test2} is a sequence whose
-elements can be inspected using \texttt{Seq.pull} or similar functions.
-ML \{* Seq.pull Test.test2 *\}  -- \{* This is the first answer *\}
-ML \{* Seq.pull (snd (the it)) *\}  -- \{* This is the second answer *\}
-The theory
-underlying the HOL code generator is described more detailed in
-\cite{Berghofer-Nipkow:2002}. More examples that illustrate the usage
-of the code generator can be found e.g.~in theories
-\texttt{MicroJava/J/JListExample} and \texttt{MicroJava/JVM/JVMListExample}.
 \section{The examples directories}
 Directory \texttt{HOL/Auth} contains theories for proving the correctness of