changeset 46641 8801a24f9e9a
parent 45666 d83797ef0d2d
child 46961 5c6955f487e5
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/src/HOL/Tools/try0.ML	Fri Feb 24 11:23:34 2012 +0100
@@ -0,0 +1,199 @@
+(*  Title:      HOL/Tools/try0.ML
+    Author:     Jasmin Blanchette, TU Muenchen
+Try a combination of proof methods.
+signature TRY0 =
+  val try0N : string
+  val noneN : string
+  val auto : bool Unsynchronized.ref
+  val try0 :
+    Time.time option -> string list * string list * string list * string list
+    -> Proof.state -> bool
+  val setup : theory -> theory
+structure Try0 : TRY0 =
+datatype mode = Auto_Try | Try | Normal
+val try0N = "try0"
+val noneN = "none"
+val auto = Unsynchronized.ref false
+val _ =
+  ProofGeneralPgip.add_preference Preferences.category_tracing
+      (Preferences.bool_pref auto "auto-try0" "Try standard proof methods.")
+val default_timeout = seconds 5.0
+fun can_apply timeout_opt pre post tac st =
+  let val {goal, ...} = Proof.goal st in
+    case (case timeout_opt of
+            SOME timeout => TimeLimit.timeLimit timeout
+          | NONE => fn f => fn x => f x) (Seq.pull o tac) (pre st) of
+      SOME (x, _) => nprems_of (post x) < nprems_of goal
+    | NONE => false
+  end
+  handle TimeLimit.TimeOut => false
+fun do_generic timeout_opt command pre post apply st =
+  let val timer = Timer.startRealTimer () in
+    if can_apply timeout_opt pre post apply st then
+      SOME (command, Time.toMilliseconds (Timer.checkRealTimer timer))
+    else
+      NONE
+  end
+val parse_method =
+  enclose "(" ")"
+  #> Outer_Syntax.scan Position.start
+  #> filter Token.is_proper
+  #> Token.stopper Method.parse
+  #> (fn SOME (Method.Source src) => src | _ => raise Fail "expected Source")
+fun apply_named_method_on_first_goal method thy =
+  method |> parse_method
+         |> Method.method thy
+         |> Method.Basic
+         |> curry Method.SelectGoals 1
+         |> Proof.refine
+  handle ERROR _ => K Seq.empty (* e.g., the method isn't available yet *)
+fun add_attr_text (NONE, _) s = s
+  | add_attr_text (_, []) s = s
+  | add_attr_text (SOME x, fs) s =
+    s ^ " " ^ (if x = "" then "" else x ^ ": ") ^ space_implode " " fs
+fun attrs_text (sx, ix, ex, dx) (ss, is, es, ds) =
+  "" |> fold add_attr_text [(sx, ss), (ix, is), (ex, es), (dx, ds)]
+fun do_named_method (name, ((all_goals, run_if_auto_try), attrs)) mode
+                    timeout_opt quad st =
+  if mode <> Auto_Try orelse run_if_auto_try then
+    let val attrs = attrs_text attrs quad in
+      do_generic timeout_opt
+                 (name ^ (if all_goals andalso
+                             nprems_of (#goal (Proof.goal st)) > 1 then
+                            "[1]"
+                          else
+                            "") ^
+                  attrs) I (#goal o Proof.goal)
+                 (apply_named_method_on_first_goal (name ^ attrs)
+                                                   (Proof.theory_of st)) st
+    end
+  else
+    NONE
+val full_attrs = (SOME "simp", SOME "intro", SOME "elim", SOME "dest")
+val clas_attrs = (NONE, SOME "intro", SOME "elim", SOME "dest")
+val simp_attrs = (SOME "add", NONE, NONE, NONE)
+val metis_attrs = (SOME "", SOME "", SOME "", SOME "")
+val no_attrs = (NONE, NONE, NONE, NONE)
+(* name * ((all_goals, run_if_auto_try), (simp, intro, elim, dest) *)
+val named_methods =
+  [("simp", ((false, true), simp_attrs)),
+   ("auto", ((true, true), full_attrs)),
+   ("fast", ((false, false), clas_attrs)),
+   ("fastforce", ((false, false), full_attrs)),
+   ("force", ((false, false), full_attrs)),
+   ("blast", ((false, true), clas_attrs)),
+   ("metis", ((false, true), metis_attrs)),
+   ("linarith", ((false, true), no_attrs)),
+   ("presburger", ((false, true), no_attrs))]
+val do_methods = map do_named_method named_methods
+fun time_string (s, ms) = s ^ ": " ^ string_of_int ms ^ " ms"
+fun do_try0 mode timeout_opt quad st =
+  let
+    val st = st |> Proof.map_context (Config.put Metis_Tactic.verbose false #>
+      Config.put Lin_Arith.verbose false)
+  in
+    if mode = Normal then
+      "Trying " ^ space_implode " " (Try.serial_commas "and"
+                                      (map (quote o fst) named_methods)) ^ "..."
+      |> Output.urgent_message
+    else
+      ();
+    case do_methods |> (fn f => f mode timeout_opt quad st)
+                    |> map_filter I |> sort (int_ord o pairself snd) of
+      [] =>
+      (if mode = Normal then Output.urgent_message "No proof found." else ();
+       (false, (noneN, st)))
+    | xs as (s, _) :: _ =>
+      let
+        val xs = xs |> map (fn (s, n) => (n, hd (space_explode " " s)))
+                    |> AList.coalesce (op =)
+                    |> map (swap o apsnd commas)
+        val need_parens = exists_string (curry (op =) " ") s
+        val message =
+          (case mode of
+             Auto_Try => "Auto Try Methods found a proof"
+           | Try => "Try Methods found a proof"
+           | Normal => "Try this") ^ ": " ^
+          Markup.markup Isabelle_Markup.sendback
+              ((if nprems_of (#goal (Proof.goal st)) = 1 then "by"
+                else "apply") ^ " " ^ (s |> need_parens ? enclose "(" ")")) ^
+          "\n(" ^ space_implode "; " (map time_string xs) ^ ").\n"
+      in
+        (true, (s, st |> (if mode = Auto_Try then
+                            Proof.goal_message
+                                (fn () => Pretty.chunks [Pretty.str "",
+                                          Pretty.markup Isabelle_Markup.hilite
+                                                        [Pretty.str message]])
+                          else
+                            tap (fn _ => Output.urgent_message message))))
+      end
+  end
+fun try0 timeout_opt = fst oo do_try0 Normal timeout_opt
+fun try0_trans quad =
+  Toplevel.keep (K () o do_try0 Normal (SOME default_timeout) quad
+                 o Toplevel.proof_of)
+fun merge_attrs (s1, i1, e1, d1) (s2, i2, e2, d2) =
+  (s1 @ s2, i1 @ i2, e1 @ e2, d1 @ d2)
+fun string_of_xthm (xref, args) =
+  Facts.string_of_ref xref ^
+  implode (map (enclose "[" "]" o Pretty.str_of
+                o Args.pretty_src @{context}) args)
+val parse_fact_refs =
+  Scan.repeat1 (Scan.unless ( -- Args.colon)
+                            (Parse_Spec.xthm >> string_of_xthm))
+val parse_attr =
+     Args.$$$ "simp" |-- Args.colon |-- parse_fact_refs
+     >> (fn ss => (ss, [], [], []))
+  || Args.$$$ "intro" |-- Args.colon |-- parse_fact_refs
+     >> (fn is => ([], is, [], []))
+  || Args.$$$ "elim" |-- Args.colon |-- parse_fact_refs
+     >> (fn es => ([], [], es, []))
+  || Args.$$$ "dest" |-- Args.colon |-- parse_fact_refs
+     >> (fn ds => ([], [], [], ds))
+fun parse_attrs x =
+    (Args.parens parse_attrs
+  || Scan.repeat parse_attr
+     >> (fn quad => fold merge_attrs quad ([], [], [], []))) x
+val parse_try0_command =
+  Scan.optional parse_attrs ([], [], [], []) #>> try0_trans
+val _ =
+  Outer_Syntax.improper_command try0N
+      "try a combination of proof methods" Keyword.diag
+      parse_try0_command
+fun try_try0 auto =
+  do_try0 (if auto then Auto_Try else Try) NONE ([], [], [], [])
+val setup = Try.register_tool (try0N, (30, auto, try_try0))