changeset 55316 885500f4aa6a
parent 54731 384ac33802b0
child 55335 8192d3acadbe
--- a/src/Pure/Tools/simplifier_trace.ML	Tue Feb 04 01:35:48 2014 +0100
+++ b/src/Pure/Tools/simplifier_trace.ML	Tue Feb 04 09:04:59 2014 +0000
@@ -1,38 +1,435 @@
 (*  Title:      Pure/Tools/simplifier_trace.ML
-    Author:     Lars Hupel, TU Muenchen
+    Author:     Lars Hupel
 Interactive Simplifier trace.
-  val simp_trace_test: bool Config.T
+  val add_term_breakpoint: term -> Context.generic -> Context.generic
+  val add_thm_breakpoint: thm -> Context.generic -> Context.generic
 structure Simplifier_Trace: SIMPLIFIER_TRACE =
-(* Simplifier trace operations *)
+(** background data **)
+datatype mode = Disabled | Normal | Full
+fun merge_modes Disabled m = m
+  | merge_modes Normal Full = Full
+  | merge_modes Normal _ = Normal
+  | merge_modes Full _ = Full
+val empty_breakpoints =
+  (Item_Net.init (op =) single (* FIXME equality on terms? *),
+   Item_Net.init eq_rrule (single o Thm.full_prop_of o #thm))
+fun merge_breakpoints ((term_bs1, thm_bs1), (term_bs2, thm_bs2)) =
+  (Item_Net.merge (term_bs1, term_bs2),
+   Item_Net.merge (thm_bs1, thm_bs2))
+structure Data = Generic_Data
+  type T =
+    {max_depth: int,
+     depth: int,
+     mode: mode,
+     interactive: bool,
+     parent: int,
+     breakpoints: term Item_Net.T * rrule Item_Net.T}
+  val empty =
+    {max_depth = 10,
+     depth = 0,
+     mode = Disabled,
+     interactive = false,
+     parent = 0,
+     breakpoints = empty_breakpoints}
+  val extend = I
+  fun merge ({max_depth = max_depth1, mode = mode1, interactive = interactive1,
+              breakpoints = breakpoints1, ...},
+             {max_depth = max_depth2, mode = mode2, interactive = interactive2,
+              breakpoints = breakpoints2, ...}) =
+    {max_depth = Int.max (max_depth1, max_depth2),
+     depth = 0,
+     mode = merge_modes mode1 mode2,
+     interactive = interactive1 orelse interactive2,
+     parent = 0,
+     breakpoints = merge_breakpoints (breakpoints1, breakpoints2)}
+fun map_breakpoints f_term f_thm =
+ (fn {max_depth, depth, mode, interactive, parent, breakpoints = (term_bs, thm_bs)} =>
+    {max_depth = max_depth,
+     depth = depth,
+     mode = mode,
+     interactive = interactive,
+     parent = parent,
+     breakpoints = (f_term term_bs, f_thm thm_bs)})
+fun add_term_breakpoint term =
+  map_breakpoints (Item_Net.update term) I
+fun add_thm_breakpoint thm context =
+  let
+    val rrules = mk_rrules (Context.proof_of context) [thm]
+  in
+    map_breakpoints I (fold Item_Net.update rrules) context
+  end
+fun is_breakpoint (term, rrule) context =
+  let
+    val {breakpoints, ...} = Data.get context
+    fun matches pattern = Pattern.matches (Context.theory_of context) (pattern, term)
+    val term_matches = filter matches (Item_Net.retrieve_matching (fst breakpoints) term)
+    val {thm = thm, ...} = rrule
+    val thm_matches = exists (eq_rrule o pair rrule)
+      (Item_Net.retrieve_matching (snd breakpoints) (Thm.full_prop_of thm))
+  in
+    (term_matches, thm_matches)
+  end
+(** config and attributes **)
+fun config raw_mode interactive max_depth =
+  let
+    val mode = case raw_mode of
+      "normal" => Normal
+    | "full" => Full
+    | _ => error ("Simplifier_Trace.config: unknown mode " ^ raw_mode)
+    val update = (fn {depth, parent, breakpoints, ...} =>
+      {max_depth = max_depth,
+       depth = depth,
+       mode = mode,
+       interactive = interactive,
+       parent = parent,
+       breakpoints = breakpoints})
+  in Thm.declaration_attribute (K update) end
+fun term_breakpoint terms =
+  Thm.declaration_attribute (K (fold add_term_breakpoint terms))
+val thm_breakpoint =
+  Thm.declaration_attribute add_thm_breakpoint
+(** tracing state **)
+val futures =
+  Synchronized.var "Simplifier_Trace.futures" (Inttab.empty: string future Inttab.table)
+(** markup **)
+fun output_result (id, data) =
+  Output.result (Markup.serial_properties id) data
+val serialN = "serial"
+val parentN = "parent"
+val textN = "text"
+val successN = "success"
+val logN = "simp_trace_log"
+val stepN = "simp_trace_step"
+val recurseN = "simp_trace_recurse"
+val hintN = "simp_trace_hint"
+val ignoreN = "simp_trace_ignore"
+val cancelN = "simp_trace_cancel"
+type payload =
+  {props: Properties.T,
+   pretty: Pretty.T}
+fun empty_payload () : payload =
+  {props = [], pretty = Pretty.str ""}
+fun mk_generic_result markup text triggered (payload : unit -> payload) ctxt =
+  let
+    val {max_depth, depth, mode, interactive, parent, ...} = Data.get (Context.Proof ctxt)
+    val eligible =
+      case mode of
+        Disabled => false
+      | Normal => triggered
+      | Full => true
+    val markup' = if markup = stepN andalso not interactive then logN else markup
+  in
+    if not eligible orelse depth > max_depth then
+      NONE
+    else
+      let
+        val {props = more_props, pretty} = payload ()
+        val props =
+          [(textN, text),
+           (parentN, Markup.print_int parent)]
+        val data =
+          Pretty.string_of (Pretty.markup (markup', props @ more_props) [pretty])
+      in
+        SOME (serial (), data)
+      end
+  end
+(** tracing output **)
+fun send_request (result_id, content) =
+  let
+    fun break () =
+      (Output.protocol_message
+         [(Markup.functionN, cancelN),
+          (serialN, Markup.print_int result_id)]
+         "";
+       Synchronized.change futures (Inttab.delete_safe result_id))
+    val promise = Future.promise break : string future
+  in
+    Synchronized.change futures (Inttab.update_new (result_id, promise));
+    output_result (result_id, content);
+    promise
+  end
+fun step {term, thm, unconditional, ctxt, rrule} =
+  let
+    val (matching_terms, thm_triggered) = is_breakpoint (term, rrule) (Context.Proof ctxt)
+    val {name, ...} = rrule
+    val term_triggered = not (null matching_terms)
-val simp_trace_test =
-  Attrib.setup_config_bool @{binding simp_trace_test} (K false)
+    val text =
+      if unconditional then
+        "Apply rewrite rule?"
+      else
+        "Apply conditional rewrite rule?"
+    fun payload () =
+      let
+        (* FIXME pretty printing via Proof_Context.pretty_fact *)
+        val pretty_thm = Pretty.block
+          [Pretty.str ("Instance of " ^ name ^ ":"),
+           Pretty.brk 1,
+           Syntax.pretty_term ctxt (Thm.prop_of thm)]
+        val pretty_term = Pretty.block
+          [Pretty.str "Trying to rewrite:",
+           Pretty.brk 1,
+           Syntax.pretty_term ctxt term]
+        val pretty_matchings =
+          let
+            val items = map (Pretty.item o single o Syntax.pretty_term ctxt) matching_terms
+          in
+            if not (null matching_terms) then
+              [Pretty.block (Pretty.fbreaks (Pretty.str "Matching terms:" :: items))]
+            else
+              []
+          end
+        val pretty =
+          Pretty.chunks ([pretty_thm, pretty_term] @ pretty_matchings)
+      in
+        {props = [], pretty = pretty}
+      end
+    val {max_depth, depth, mode, interactive, breakpoints, ...} =
+      Data.get (Context.Proof ctxt)
+    fun mk_promise result =
+      let
+        val result_id = #1 result
+        fun put mode' interactive' = Data.put
+          {max_depth = max_depth,
+           depth = depth,
+           mode = mode',
+           interactive = interactive',
+           parent = result_id,
+           breakpoints = breakpoints} (Context.Proof ctxt) |>
+          Context.the_proof
+        fun to_response "skip" = NONE
+          | to_response "continue" = SOME (put mode true)
+          | to_response "continue_trace" = SOME (put Full true)
+          | to_response "continue_passive" = SOME (put mode false)
+          | to_response "continue_disable" = SOME (put Disabled false)
+          | to_response _ = raise Fail "Simplifier_Trace.step: invalid message"
+      in
+        if not interactive then
+          (output_result result; Future.value (SOME (put mode false)))
+        else
+ to_response (send_request result)
+      end
+  in
+    case mk_generic_result stepN text (thm_triggered orelse term_triggered) payload ctxt of
+      NONE => Future.value (SOME ctxt)
+    | SOME res => mk_promise res
+  end
+fun recurse text term ctxt =
+  let
+    fun payload () =
+      {props = [],
+       pretty = Syntax.pretty_term ctxt term}
+    val {max_depth, depth, mode, interactive, breakpoints, ...} = Data.get (Context.Proof ctxt)
+    fun put result_id = Data.put
+      {max_depth = max_depth,
+       depth = depth + 1,
+       mode = if depth >= max_depth then Disabled else mode,
+       interactive = interactive,
+       parent = result_id,
+       breakpoints = breakpoints} (Context.Proof ctxt)
+    val context' =
+      case mk_generic_result recurseN text true payload ctxt of
+        NONE =>
+          put 0
+      | SOME res =>
+          (output_result res; put (#1 res))
+  in Context.the_proof context' end
+fun indicate_failure {term, ctxt, thm, rrule, ...} ctxt' =
+  let
+    fun payload () =
+      let
+        val {name, ...} = rrule
+        val pretty_thm =
+          (* FIXME pretty printing via Proof_Context.pretty_fact *)
+          Pretty.block
+            [Pretty.str ("In an instance of " ^ name ^ ":"),
+             Pretty.brk 1,
+             Syntax.pretty_term ctxt (Thm.prop_of thm)]
+        val pretty_term =
+          Pretty.block
+            [Pretty.str "Was trying to rewrite:",
+             Pretty.brk 1,
+             Syntax.pretty_term ctxt term]
+        val pretty =
+          Pretty.chunks [pretty_thm, pretty_term]
+      in
+        {props = [(successN, "false")], pretty = pretty}
+      end
+    val {interactive, ...} = Data.get (Context.Proof ctxt)
+    val {parent, ...} = Data.get (Context.Proof ctxt')
+    fun mk_promise result =
+      let
+        val result_id = #1 result
+        fun to_response "exit" =
+              false
+          | to_response "redo" =
+              ( output_result
+                (mk_generic_result ignoreN "Ignore" true empty_payload ctxt');
+               true)
+          | to_response _ =
+              raise Fail "Simplifier_Trace.indicate_failure: invalid message"
+      in
+        if not interactive then
+          (output_result result; Future.value false)
+        else
+ to_response (send_request result)
+      end
+  in
+    case mk_generic_result hintN "Step failed" true payload ctxt' of
+      NONE => Future.value false
+    | SOME res => mk_promise res
+  end
+fun indicate_success thm ctxt =
+  let
+    fun payload () =
+      {props = [(successN, "true")],
+       pretty = Syntax.pretty_term ctxt (Thm.prop_of thm)}
+  in
+ output_result (mk_generic_result hintN "Successfully rewrote" true payload ctxt)
+  end
+(** setup **)
+fun simp_if_continue args ctxt cont =
+  let
+    val {unconditional: bool, term: term, thm: thm, rrule: rrule} = args
+    val data =
+      {term = term,
+       unconditional = unconditional,
+       ctxt = ctxt,
+       thm = thm,
+       rrule = rrule}
+  in
+    case Future.join (step data) of
+      NONE =>
+        NONE
+    | SOME ctxt' =>
+        let val res = cont ctxt' in
+          case res of
+            NONE =>
+              if Future.join (indicate_failure data ctxt') then
+                simp_if_continue args ctxt cont
+              else
+                NONE
+          | SOME (thm, _) =>
+              (indicate_success thm ctxt';
+               res)
+        end
+  end
+val _ = Session.protocol_handler "isabelle.Simplifier_Trace$Handler"
 val _ = Theory.setup
-   {trace_invoke = fn {depth, term} => fn ctxt =>
-      (if Config.get ctxt simp_trace_test then
-        tracing ("Simplifier invocation " ^ string_of_int depth ^ ": " ^
-          Syntax.string_of_term ctxt term)
-       else (); ctxt),
-    trace_apply = fn args => fn ctxt => fn cont =>
-      (if Config.get ctxt simp_trace_test then
-        tracing ("Simplifier " ^ @{make_string} args)
-       else (); cont ctxt)})
+    {trace_invoke = fn {depth, term} => recurse "Simplifier invoked" term,
+     trace_apply = simp_if_continue})
+val _ =
+  Isabelle_Process.protocol_command "Document.simp_trace_reply"
+    (fn [s, r] =>
+      let
+        val serial = Markup.parse_int s
+        fun lookup_delete tab =
+          (Inttab.lookup tab serial, Inttab.delete_safe serial tab)
+        fun apply_result (SOME promise) = Future.fulfill promise r
+          | apply_result NONE = () (* FIXME handle protocol failure, just like in active.ML? *)
+      in
+        (Synchronized.change_result futures lookup_delete |> apply_result)
+          handle exn => if Exn.is_interrupt exn then () (*sic!*) else reraise exn
+      end)
+(** attributes **)
+val pat_parser =
+  Args.context -- Scan.lift Args.name_inner_syntax >> uncurry Proof_Context.read_term_schematic
+val mode_parser: string parser =
+  Scan.optional
+    (Args.$$$ "mode" |-- Args.$$$ "=" |-- (Args.$$$ "normal" || Args.$$$ "full"))
+    "normal"
-(* PIDE protocol *)
+val interactive_parser: bool parser =
+  Scan.optional (Args.$$$ "interactive" >> K true) false
+val depth_parser =
+  Scan.optional (Args.$$$ "depth" |-- Args.$$$ "=" |-- Parse.nat) 10
+val config_parser =
+  (interactive_parser -- mode_parser -- depth_parser) >>
+    (fn ((interactive, mode), depth) => config mode interactive depth)
-val _ = Session.protocol_handler "isabelle.Simplifier_Trace$Handler"
+val _ = Theory.setup
+  (Attrib.setup @{binding break_term}
+    ((Scan.repeat1 pat_parser) >> term_breakpoint)
+    "declaration of a term breakpoint" #>
+   Attrib.setup @{binding break_thm}
+    (Scan.succeed thm_breakpoint)
+    "declaration of a theorem breakpoint" #>
+   Attrib.setup @{binding simplifier_trace} (Scan.lift config_parser)
+    "simplifier trace configuration")