changeset 42793 88bee9f6eec7
parent 42767 e6d920bea7a6
child 42795 66fcc9882784
--- a/src/HOL/UNITY/UNITY_tactics.ML	Fri May 13 16:03:03 2011 +0200
+++ b/src/HOL/UNITY/UNITY_tactics.ML	Fri May 13 22:55:00 2011 +0200
@@ -14,51 +14,42 @@
 (*Proves "co" properties when the program is specified.  Any use of invariants
   (from weak constrains) must have been done already.*)
 fun constrains_tac ctxt i =
-  let
-    val cs = claset_of ctxt;
-    val ss = simpset_of ctxt;
-  in
-      (EVERY [REPEAT (Always_Int_tac 1),
-              (*reduce the fancy safety properties to "constrains"*)
-              REPEAT (etac @{thm Always_ConstrainsI} 1
-                      ORELSE
-                      resolve_tac [@{thm StableI}, @{thm stableI},
-                                   @{thm constrains_imp_Constrains}] 1),
-              (*for safety, the totalize operator can be ignored*)
-              simp_tac (HOL_ss addsimps
-                         [@{thm mk_total_program_def}, @{thm totalize_constrains_iff}]) 1,
-              rtac @{thm constrainsI} 1,
-              full_simp_tac ss 1,
-              REPEAT (FIRSTGOAL (etac disjE)),
-              ALLGOALS (clarify_tac cs),
-              ALLGOALS (asm_full_simp_tac ss)]) i
-  end;
+    (EVERY
+     [REPEAT (Always_Int_tac 1),
+      (*reduce the fancy safety properties to "constrains"*)
+      REPEAT (etac @{thm Always_ConstrainsI} 1
+              ORELSE
+              resolve_tac [@{thm StableI}, @{thm stableI},
+                           @{thm constrains_imp_Constrains}] 1),
+      (*for safety, the totalize operator can be ignored*)
+      simp_tac (HOL_ss addsimps [@{thm mk_total_program_def}, @{thm totalize_constrains_iff}]) 1,
+      rtac @{thm constrainsI} 1,
+      full_simp_tac (simpset_of ctxt) 1,
+      REPEAT (FIRSTGOAL (etac disjE)),
+      ALLGOALS (clarify_tac ctxt),
+      ALLGOALS (asm_full_simp_tac (simpset_of ctxt))]) i;
 (*proves "ensures/leadsTo" properties when the program is specified*)
 fun ensures_tac ctxt sact =
-  let
-    val cs = claset_of ctxt;
-    val ss = simpset_of ctxt;
-  in
-      (EVERY [REPEAT (Always_Int_tac 1),
-              etac @{thm Always_LeadsTo_Basis} 1
-                  ORELSE   (*subgoal may involve LeadsTo, leadsTo or ensures*)
-                  REPEAT (ares_tac [@{thm LeadsTo_Basis}, @{thm leadsTo_Basis},
-                                    @{thm EnsuresI}, @{thm ensuresI}] 1),
-              (*now there are two subgoals: co & transient*)
-              simp_tac (ss addsimps [@{thm mk_total_program_def}]) 2,
-              res_inst_tac (Simplifier.the_context ss)
-                [(("act", 0), sact)] @{thm totalize_transientI} 2
-              ORELSE res_inst_tac (Simplifier.the_context ss)
-                [(("act", 0), sact)] @{thm transientI} 2,
-                 (*simplify the command's domain*)
-              simp_tac (ss addsimps [@{thm Domain_def}]) 3,
-              constrains_tac ctxt 1,
-              ALLGOALS (clarify_tac cs),
-              ALLGOALS (asm_lr_simp_tac ss)])
-  end;
+    (EVERY
+     [REPEAT (Always_Int_tac 1),
+      etac @{thm Always_LeadsTo_Basis} 1
+          ORELSE   (*subgoal may involve LeadsTo, leadsTo or ensures*)
+          REPEAT (ares_tac [@{thm LeadsTo_Basis}, @{thm leadsTo_Basis},
+                            @{thm EnsuresI}, @{thm ensuresI}] 1),
+      (*now there are two subgoals: co & transient*)
+      simp_tac (simpset_of ctxt addsimps [@{thm mk_total_program_def}]) 2,
+      res_inst_tac ctxt
+        [(("act", 0), sact)] @{thm totalize_transientI} 2
+      ORELSE res_inst_tac ctxt
+        [(("act", 0), sact)] @{thm transientI} 2,
+         (*simplify the command's domain*)
+      simp_tac (simpset_of ctxt addsimps [@{thm Domain_def}]) 3,
+      constrains_tac ctxt 1,
+      ALLGOALS (clarify_tac ctxt),
+      ALLGOALS (asm_lr_simp_tac (simpset_of ctxt))]);
 (*Composition equivalences, from Lift_prog*)