changeset 33419 8ae45e87b992
child 33445 f0c78a28e18e
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/src/HOL/Boogie/Tools/boogie_commands.ML	Tue Nov 03 17:54:24 2009 +0100
@@ -0,0 +1,90 @@
+(*  Title:      HOL/Boogie/Tools/boogie_commands.ML
+    Author:     Sascha Boehme, TU Muenchen
+Isar commands to create a Boogie environment simulation.
+signature BOOGIE_COMMANDS =
+  val setup: theory -> theory
+structure Boogie_Commands: BOOGIE_COMMANDS =
+fun boogie_load (verbose, base_name) thy =
+  let
+    val path = Path.explode (base_name ^ ".b2i")
+    val _ = File.exists path orelse
+      error ("Unable to find file " ^ quote (Path.implode path))
+    val _ = Boogie_VCs.is_closed thy orelse
+      error ("Found the beginning of a new Boogie environment, " ^
+        "but another Boogie environment is still open.")
+  in Boogie_Loader.load_b2i verbose path thy end
+fun boogie_status thy =
+  let 
+    fun pretty_vc_name (name, _, proved) = 
+      let val s = if proved then "proved" else "not proved"
+      in Pretty.str (name ^ " (" ^ s ^ ")") end
+  in
+    Pretty.writeln (Pretty.big_list "Boogie verification conditions:"
+      (map pretty_vc_name (Boogie_VCs.as_list thy)))
+  end
+fun boogie_vc name lthy =
+  (case Boogie_VCs.lookup (ProofContext.theory_of lthy) name of
+    NONE => error ("There is no verification condition " ^ quote name ^ ".")
+  | SOME vc =>
+      let
+        fun store thm = Boogie_VCs.discharge (name, thm)
+        fun after_qed [[thm]] = LocalTheory.theory (store thm)
+          | after_qed _ = I
+      in lthy |> Proof.theorem_i NONE after_qed [[(vc, [])]] end)
+fun boogie_end thy =
+  let
+    fun not_proved (name, _, proved) = if not proved then SOME name else NONE
+    val unproved = map_filter not_proved (Boogie_VCs.as_list thy)
+  in
+    if null unproved then Boogie_VCs.close thy
+    else error (Pretty.string_of (Pretty.big_list 
+      "The following verification conditions have not been proved:"
+      (map Pretty.str unproved)))
+  end
+val _ =
+  OuterSyntax.command "boogie_open"
+    "Open a new Boogie environment and load a Boogie-generated .b2i file."
+    OuterKeyword.thy_decl
+    (Scan.optional (Args.parens (Args.$$$ "quiet") >> K false) true --
+ >> (Toplevel.theory o boogie_load))
+val _ =
+  OuterSyntax.improper_command "boogie_status"
+    "Show the name and state of all loaded verification conditions."
+    OuterKeyword.diag
+    (Scan.succeed (Toplevel.no_timing o Toplevel.keep (fn state =>
+      boogie_status (Toplevel.theory_of state))))
+val _ =
+  OuterSyntax.command "boogie_vc"
+    "Enter the proof mode for a specific verification condition."
+    OuterKeyword.thy_goal
+    ( >> (fn name => Toplevel.print o
+      Toplevel.local_theory_to_proof NONE (boogie_vc name)))
+val _ =
+  OuterSyntax.command "boogie_end"
+    "Close the current Boogie environment."
+    OuterKeyword.thy_decl
+    (Scan.succeed (Toplevel.theory boogie_end))
+val setup = Theory.at_end (fn thy =>
+  let
+    val _ = Boogie_VCs.is_closed thy
+      orelse error ("Found the end of the theory, " ^ 
+        "but the last Boogie environment is still open.")
+  in NONE end)