changeset 55071 8ae6f86a3477
parent 55070 235c7661a96b
child 55075 b3d0a02a756d
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/src/HOL/BNF_Examples/Lambda_Term.thy	Mon Jan 20 18:24:56 2014 +0100
@@ -0,0 +1,52 @@
+(*  Title:      HOL/BNF/Examples/Lambda_Term.thy
+    Author:     Dmitriy Traytel, TU Muenchen
+    Author:     Andrei Popescu, TU Muenchen
+    Copyright   2012
+header {* Lambda-Terms *}
+theory Lambda_Term
+imports "../More_BNFs"
+section {* Datatype definition *}
+datatype_new 'a trm =
+  Var 'a |
+  App "'a trm" "'a trm" |
+  Lam 'a "'a trm" |
+  Lt "('a \<times> 'a trm) fset" "'a trm"
+subsection{* Example: The set of all variables varsOf and free variables fvarsOf of a term: *}
+primrec_new varsOf :: "'a trm \<Rightarrow> 'a set" where
+  "varsOf (Var a) = {a}"
+| "varsOf (App f x) = varsOf f \<union> varsOf x"
+| "varsOf (Lam x b) = {x} \<union> varsOf b"
+| "varsOf (Lt F t) = varsOf t \<union> (\<Union> { {x} \<union> X | x X. (x,X) |\<in>| fimage (map_pair id varsOf) F})"
+primrec_new fvarsOf :: "'a trm \<Rightarrow> 'a set" where
+  "fvarsOf (Var x) = {x}"
+| "fvarsOf (App t1 t2) = fvarsOf t1 \<union> fvarsOf t2"
+| "fvarsOf (Lam x t) = fvarsOf t - {x}"
+| "fvarsOf (Lt xts t) = fvarsOf t - {x | x X. (x,X) |\<in>| fimage (map_pair id varsOf) xts} \<union>
+    (\<Union> {X | x X. (x,X) |\<in>| fimage (map_pair id varsOf) xts})"
+lemma diff_Un_incl_triv: "\<lbrakk>A \<subseteq> D; C \<subseteq> E\<rbrakk> \<Longrightarrow> A - B \<union> C \<subseteq> D \<union> E" by blast
+lemma in_fmap_map_pair_fset_iff[simp]:
+  "(x, y) |\<in>| fimage (map_pair f g) xts \<longleftrightarrow> (\<exists> t1 t2. (t1, t2) |\<in>| xts \<and> x = f t1 \<and> y = g t2)"
+  by force
+lemma fvarsOf_varsOf: "fvarsOf t \<subseteq> varsOf t"
+proof induct
+  case (Lt xts t) thus ?case unfolding fvarsOf.simps varsOf.simps by (elim diff_Un_incl_triv) auto
+qed auto