changeset 6116 8ba2f25610f7
child 6118 caa439435666
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/src/Pure/General/source.ML	Wed Jan 13 12:44:33 1999 +0100
@@ -0,0 +1,150 @@
+(*  Title:      Pure/Syntax/source.ML
+    ID:         $Id$
+    Author:     Markus Wenzel, TU Muenchen
+Co-algebraic data sources.
+signature SOURCE =
+  type ('a, 'b) source
+  val set_prompt: string -> ('a, 'b) source -> ('a, 'b) source
+  val get: ('a, 'b) source -> 'a list * ('a, 'b) source
+  val unget: 'a list * ('a, 'b) source -> ('a, 'b) source
+  val get_single: ('a, 'b) source -> ('a * ('a, 'b) source) option
+  val exhaust: ('a, 'b) source -> 'a list
+  val mapfilter: ('a -> 'b option) -> ('a, 'c) source -> ('b, ('a, 'c) source) source
+  val filter: ('a -> bool) -> ('a, 'b) source -> ('a, ('a, 'b) source) source
+  val of_list: 'a list -> ('a, 'a list) source
+  val of_string: string -> (string, string list) source
+  val of_file: string -> (string, string list) source
+  val decorate_prompt_fn: (string -> string) ref
+  val of_stream: TextIO.instream -> TextIO.outstream -> (string, unit) source
+  val tty: (string, unit) source
+  val source': 'a -> 'b * ('b -> bool) -> ('a * 'b list -> 'c list * ('a * 'b list)) ->
+    ('a * 'b list -> 'd * ('a * 'b list)) option ->
+    ('b, 'e) source -> ('c, 'a * ('b, 'e) source) source
+  val source: 'a * ('a -> bool) -> ('a list -> 'b list * 'a list) ->
+    ('a list -> 'c * 'a list) option ->
+    ('a, 'd) source -> ('b, ('a, 'd) source) source
+structure Source: SOURCE =
+(** datatype source **)
+datatype ('a, 'b) source =
+  Source of
+   {buffer: 'a list,
+    info: 'b,
+    prompt: string,
+    drain: string -> 'b -> 'a list * 'b};
+fun make_source buffer info prompt drain =
+  Source {buffer = buffer, info = info, prompt = prompt, drain = drain};
+(* prompt *)
+val default_prompt = "> ";
+fun set_prompt prompt (Source {buffer, info, prompt = _, drain}) =
+  make_source buffer info prompt drain;
+(* get / unget *)
+fun get (Source {buffer = [], info, prompt, drain}) =
+      let val (xs, info') = drain prompt info
+      in (xs, make_source [] info' prompt drain) end
+  | get (Source {buffer, info, prompt, drain}) =
+      (buffer, make_source [] info prompt drain);
+fun unget (xs, Source {buffer, info, prompt, drain}) =
+  make_source (xs @ buffer) info prompt drain;
+(* variations on get *)
+fun get_prompt prompt src = get (set_prompt prompt src);
+fun get_single src =
+  (case get src of
+    ([], _) => None
+  | (x :: xs, src') => Some (x, unget (xs, src')));
+fun exhaust src =
+  (case get src of
+    ([], _) => []
+  | (xs, src') => xs @ exhaust src');
+(* (map)filter *)
+fun drain_mapfilter f prompt src =
+  let
+    val (xs, src') = get_prompt prompt src;
+    val xs' = Library.mapfilter f xs;
+  in
+    if null xs orelse not (null xs') then (xs', src')
+    else drain_mapfilter f prompt src'
+  end;
+fun mapfilter f src = make_source [] src default_prompt (drain_mapfilter f);
+fun filter pred = mapfilter (fn x => if pred x then Some x else None);
+(** build sources **)
+(* list source *)
+(*limiting the input buffer considerably improves performance*)
+val limit = 4000;
+fun drain_list _ xs = (take (limit, xs), drop (limit, xs));
+fun of_list xs = make_source [] xs default_prompt drain_list;
+val of_string = of_list o explode;
+val of_file = of_string o;
+(* stream source *)
+val decorate_prompt_fn = ref (fn s:string => s);
+fun drain_stream instream outstream prompt () =
+  (TextIO.output (outstream, ! decorate_prompt_fn prompt);
+    TextIO.flushOut outstream;
+    (explode (TextIO.inputLine instream), ()));
+fun of_stream instream outstream =
+  make_source [] () default_prompt (drain_stream instream outstream);
+val tty = of_stream TextIO.stdIn TextIO.stdOut;
+(** compose sources **)
+fun drain_source source stopper scan recover prompt src =
+  source prompt get_prompt unget stopper scan recover src;
+(* state-based *)
+fun source' init_state stopper scan recover src =
+  make_source [] (init_state, src) default_prompt
+    (drain_source Scan.source' stopper scan recover);
+(* non state-based *)
+fun source stopper scan recover src =
+  make_source [] src default_prompt
+    (drain_source Scan.source stopper scan recover);