changeset 60500 903bb1495239
parent 60043 177d740a0d48
child 61585 a9599d3d7610
--- a/src/HOL/Library/AList.thy	Wed Jun 17 10:57:11 2015 +0200
+++ b/src/HOL/Library/AList.thy	Wed Jun 17 11:03:05 2015 +0200
@@ -2,7 +2,7 @@
     Author:     Norbert Schirmer, Tobias Nipkow, Martin Wildmoser, TU Muenchen
-section {* Implementation of Association Lists *}
+section \<open>Implementation of Association Lists\<close>
 theory AList
 imports Main
@@ -11,14 +11,14 @@
-text {*
+text \<open>
   The operations preserve distinctness of keys and
   function @{term "clearjunk"} distributes over them. Since
   @{term clearjunk} enforces distinctness of keys it can be used
   to establish the invariant, e.g. for inductive proofs.
-subsection {* @{text update} and @{text updates} *}
+subsection \<open>@{text update} and @{text updates}\<close>
 qualified primrec update :: "'key \<Rightarrow> 'val \<Rightarrow> ('key \<times> 'val) list \<Rightarrow> ('key \<times> 'val) list"
@@ -68,9 +68,9 @@
 lemma update_last [simp]: "update k v (update k v' al) = update k v al"
   by (induct al) auto
-text {* Note that the lists are not necessarily the same:
+text \<open>Note that the lists are not necessarily the same:
         @{term "update k v (update k' v' []) = [(k', v'), (k, v)]"} and
-        @{term "update k' v' (update k v []) = [(k, v), (k', v')]"}.*}
+        @{term "update k' v' (update k v []) = [(k, v), (k', v')]"}.\<close>
 lemma update_swap:
   "k \<noteq> k' \<Longrightarrow>
@@ -163,7 +163,7 @@
   by (induct xs arbitrary: ys al) (auto split: list.splits)
-subsection {* @{text delete} *}
+subsection \<open>@{text delete}\<close>
 qualified definition delete :: "'key \<Rightarrow> ('key \<times> 'val) list \<Rightarrow> ('key \<times> 'val) list"
   where delete_eq: "delete k = filter (\<lambda>(k', _). k \<noteq> k')"
@@ -215,17 +215,17 @@
   by (simp add: delete_eq)
-subsection {* @{text update_with_aux} and @{text delete_aux}*}
+subsection \<open>@{text update_with_aux} and @{text delete_aux}\<close>
 qualified primrec update_with_aux :: "'val \<Rightarrow> 'key \<Rightarrow> ('val \<Rightarrow> 'val) \<Rightarrow> ('key \<times> 'val) list \<Rightarrow> ('key \<times> 'val) list"
   "update_with_aux v k f [] = [(k, f v)]"
 | "update_with_aux v k f (p # ps) = (if (fst p = k) then (k, f (snd p)) # ps else p # update_with_aux v k f ps)"
-text {*
+text \<open>
   The above @{term "delete"} traverses all the list even if it has found the key.
   This one does not have to keep going because is assumes the invariant that keys are distinct.
 qualified fun delete_aux :: "'key \<Rightarrow> ('key \<times> 'val) list \<Rightarrow> ('key \<times> 'val) list"
   "delete_aux k [] = []"
@@ -296,7 +296,7 @@
 by(cases ts)(auto split: split_if_asm)
-subsection {* @{text restrict} *}
+subsection \<open>@{text restrict}\<close>
 qualified definition restrict :: "'key set \<Rightarrow> ('key \<times> 'val) list \<Rightarrow> ('key \<times> 'val) list"
   where restrict_eq: "restrict A = filter (\<lambda>(k, v). k \<in> A)"
@@ -380,7 +380,7 @@
   by (induct ps) auto
-subsection {* @{text clearjunk} *}
+subsection \<open>@{text clearjunk}\<close>
 qualified function clearjunk  :: "('key \<times> 'val) list \<Rightarrow> ('key \<times> 'val) list"
@@ -464,7 +464,7 @@
     (simp_all add: clearjunk_delete delete_map assms)
-subsection {* @{text map_ran} *}
+subsection \<open>@{text map_ran}\<close>
 definition map_ran :: "('key \<Rightarrow> 'val \<Rightarrow> 'val) \<Rightarrow> ('key \<times> 'val) list \<Rightarrow> ('key \<times> 'val) list"
   where "map_ran f = map (\<lambda>(k, v). (k, f k v))"
@@ -490,7 +490,7 @@
   by (simp add: map_ran_def split_def clearjunk_map)
-subsection {* @{text merge} *}
+subsection \<open>@{text merge}\<close>
 qualified definition merge :: "('key \<times> 'val) list \<Rightarrow> ('key \<times> 'val) list \<Rightarrow> ('key \<times> 'val) list"
   where "merge qs ps = foldr (\<lambda>(k, v). update k v) ps qs"
@@ -558,7 +558,7 @@
   by (simp add: merge_conv')
-subsection {* @{text compose} *}
+subsection \<open>@{text compose}\<close>
 qualified function compose :: "('key \<times> 'a) list \<Rightarrow> ('a \<times> 'b) list \<Rightarrow> ('key \<times> 'b) list"
@@ -723,7 +723,7 @@
   by (simp add: compose_conv map_comp_None_iff)
-subsection {* @{text map_entry} *}
+subsection \<open>@{text map_entry}\<close>
 qualified fun map_entry :: "'key \<Rightarrow> ('val \<Rightarrow> 'val) \<Rightarrow> ('key \<times> 'val) list \<Rightarrow> ('key \<times> 'val) list"
@@ -745,7 +745,7 @@
   using assms by (induct xs) (auto simp add: dom_map_entry)
-subsection {* @{text map_default} *}
+subsection \<open>@{text map_default}\<close>
 fun map_default :: "'key \<Rightarrow> 'val \<Rightarrow> ('val \<Rightarrow> 'val) \<Rightarrow> ('key \<times> 'val) list \<Rightarrow> ('key \<times> 'val) list"