changeset 16089 9169bdf930f8
parent 16088 f084ba24de29
child 16090 fbb5ae140535
--- a/src/HOL/Tools/ATP/modUnix.ML	Thu May 26 10:05:28 2005 +0200
+++ /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
@@ -1,280 +0,0 @@
-(*  ID:         $Id$
-    Author:     Claire Quigley
-    Copyright   2004  University of Cambridge
-(****** Slightly modified version of sml Unix structure *********)
-structure modUnix: MODUNIX =
-  struct
-type signal = Posix.Signal.signal
-datatype exit_status = datatype Posix.Process.exit_status
-val fromStatus = Posix.Process.fromStatus
-fun reap(pid, instr, outstr) =
-        let
-		val u = TextIO.closeIn instr;
-	        val u = TextIO.closeOut outstr;
-		val (_, status) =
-			Posix.Process.waitpid(Posix.Process.W_CHILD pid, [])
-	in
-		status
-	end
-fun fdReader (name : string, fd : Posix.IO.file_desc) =
-	  Posix.IO.mkTextReader {initBlkMode = true,name = name,fd = fd };
-fun fdWriter (name, fd) =
-          Posix.IO.mkTextWriter {
-	      appendMode = false,
-              initBlkMode = true,
-              name = name,  
-              chunkSize=4096,
-              fd = fd
-            };
-fun openOutFD (name, fd) =
-	  TextIO.mkOutstream (
-	    TextIO.StreamIO.mkOutstream (
-	      fdWriter (name, fd), IO.BLOCK_BUF));
-fun openInFD (name, fd) =
-	  TextIO.mkInstream (
-	    TextIO.StreamIO.mkInstream (
-	      fdReader (name, fd), ""));
-(*  The result of calling createWatcher  *)
-datatype proc = PROC of {
-        pid :,
-        instr : TextIO.instream,
-        outstr : TextIO.outstream
-      };
-(*  The result of calling executeToList  *)
-datatype cmdproc = CMDPROC of {
-        prover: string,             (* Name of the resolution prover used, e.g. Vampire, SPASS *)
-        cmd:  string,              (* The file containing the goal for res prover to prove *)     
-        thmstring: string,         (* string representation of subgoal after negation, skolemization*) 
-        goalstring: string,         (* string representation of subgoal*) 
-        pid :,
-        instr : TextIO.instream,   (*  Input stream to child process *)
-        outstr : TextIO.outstream  (*  Output stream from child process *)
-      };
-fun killChild pid = Posix.Process.kill(Posix.Process.K_PROC pid, Posix.Signal.kill);
-fun childInfo (PROC{pid,instr,outstr}) = ((pid, (instr,outstr)));
-fun cmdstreamsOf (CMDPROC{instr,outstr,...}) = (instr, outstr);
-fun cmdInStream (CMDPROC{instr,outstr,...}) = (instr);
-fun cmdchildInfo (CMDPROC{prover,cmd,thmstring,goalstring,pid,instr,outstr}) = (prover,(cmd,(pid, (instr,outstr))));
-fun cmdchildPid (CMDPROC{prover,cmd,thmstring,goalstring,pid,instr,outstr})  = (pid);
-fun cmdProver (CMDPROC{prover,cmd,thmstring,goalstring,pid,instr,outstr})  = (prover);
-fun cmdThm (CMDPROC{prover,cmd,thmstring,goalstring,pid,instr,outstr})  = (thmstring);
-fun cmdGoal (CMDPROC{prover,cmd,thmstring,goalstring,pid,instr,outstr})  = (goalstring);
-(*  Takes a command - e.g. 'vampire', a list of arguments for the command, *)
-(*  and a list of currently running processes.  Creates a new process for  *)
-(*  cmd and argv and adds it to procList                                   *)
-fun mySshExecuteToList (cmd, argv, procList) = let
-          val p1 = Posix.IO.pipe ()
-          val p2 = Posix.IO.pipe ()
-          val prover = hd argv
-          val thmstring = hd(tl argv)
-          val goalstring = hd(tl(tl argv))
-          val argv = tl (tl argv)
-          (* Turn the arguments into a single string.  Perhaps we should quote the
-                   arguments.  *)
-                fun convArgs [] = []
-                  | convArgs [s] = [s]
-                  | convArgs (hd::tl) = hd :: " " :: convArgs tl
-                val cmd_args = concat(convArgs(cmd :: argv))
-	  fun closep () = (
-                Posix.IO.close (#outfd p1); 
-                Posix.IO.close (#infd p1);
-                Posix.IO.close (#outfd p2); 
-                Posix.IO.close (#infd p2)
-              )
-          fun startChild () =(case  Posix.Process.fork()
-		 of SOME pid =>  pid           (* parent *)
-                  | NONE => let                 
-		      val oldchildin = #infd p1
-		      val newchildin = Posix.FileSys.wordToFD 0w0
-		      val oldchildout = #outfd p2
-		      val newchildout = Posix.FileSys.wordToFD 0w1
-                      (*val args = (["shep"]@([cmd]@argv))
-                      val newcmd = "/usr/bin/ssh"*)
-                      in
-			Posix.IO.close (#outfd p1);
-			Posix.IO.close (#infd p2);
-			Posix.IO.dup2{old = oldchildin, new = newchildin};
-                        Posix.IO.close oldchildin;
-			Posix.IO.dup2{old = oldchildout, new = newchildout};
-                        Posix.IO.close oldchildout;
-                       (* Run the command. *)
-                       (* Run this as a shell command.  The command and arguments have
-                          to be a single argument. *)
-                       Posix.Process.exec("/bin/sh", ["sh", "-c", cmd_args])
-			(*Posix.Process.exec(newcmd, args)*)
-		      end
-		(* end case *))
-          val _ = TextIO.flushOut TextIO.stdOut
-          val pid = (startChild ()) handle ex => (closep(); raise ex)
-	  val instr = openInFD ("_exec_in", #infd p2)
-          val outstr = openOutFD ("_exec_out", #outfd p1)
-          val cmd = hd (rev argv)
-          in
-              (* close the child-side fds *)
-            Posix.IO.close (#outfd p2);
-            Posix.IO.close (#infd p1);
-              (* set the fds close on exec *)
-            Posix.IO.setfd (#infd p2, Posix.IO.FD.flags [Posix.IO.FD.cloexec]);
-            Posix.IO.setfd (#outfd p1, Posix.IO.FD.flags [Posix.IO.FD.cloexec]);
-            (((CMDPROC{
-              prover = prover,
-              cmd = cmd,
-              thmstring = thmstring,
-              goalstring = goalstring,
-              pid = pid,
-              instr = instr,
-              outstr = outstr
-            })::procList))
-          end;
-fun myexecuteInEnv (cmd, argv, env) = let
-          val p1 = Posix.IO.pipe ()
-          val p2 = Posix.IO.pipe ()
-          fun closep () = (
-                Posix.IO.close (#outfd p1); 
-                Posix.IO.close (#infd p1);
-                Posix.IO.close (#outfd p2); 
-                Posix.IO.close (#infd p2)
-              )
-          fun startChild () =(case  Posix.Process.fork()
-                 of SOME pid =>  pid           (* parent *)
-                  | NONE => let
-                      val oldchildin = #infd p1
-                      val newchildin = Posix.FileSys.wordToFD 0w0
-                      val oldchildout = #outfd p2
-                      val newchildout = Posix.FileSys.wordToFD 0w1
-                      in
-                        Posix.IO.close (#outfd p1);
-                        Posix.IO.close (#infd p2);
-                        Posix.IO.dup2{old = oldchildin, new = newchildin};
-                        Posix.IO.close oldchildin;
-                        Posix.IO.dup2{old = oldchildout, new = newchildout};
-                        Posix.IO.close oldchildout;
-                        Posix.Process.exece(cmd, argv, env)
-                      end
-                (* end case *))
-          val _ = TextIO.flushOut TextIO.stdOut
-          val pid = (startChild ()) handle ex => (closep(); raise ex)
-          val instr = openInFD ("_exec_in", #infd p2)
-          val outstr = openOutFD ("_exec_out", #outfd p1)
-          in
-              (* close the child-side fds *)
-            Posix.IO.close (#outfd p2);
-            Posix.IO.close (#infd p1);
-              (* set the fds close on exec *)
-            Posix.IO.setfd (#infd p2, Posix.IO.FD.flags [Posix.IO.FD.cloexec]);
-            Posix.IO.setfd (#outfd p1, Posix.IO.FD.flags [Posix.IO.FD.cloexec]);
-            PROC{pid = pid,
-              instr = instr,
-              outstr = outstr
-            }
-          end;
-fun myexecuteToList (cmd, argv, procList) = let
-          val p1 = Posix.IO.pipe ()
-          val p2 = Posix.IO.pipe ()
-          val prover = hd argv
-          val thmstring = hd(tl argv)
-          val goalstring = hd(tl(tl argv))
-          val argv = tl (tl (tl(argv)))
-	  fun closep () = (
-                Posix.IO.close (#outfd p1); 
-                Posix.IO.close (#infd p1);
-                Posix.IO.close (#outfd p2); 
-                Posix.IO.close (#infd p2)
-              )
-          fun startChild () =(case  Posix.Process.fork()
-		 of SOME pid =>  pid           (* parent *)
-                  | NONE => let
-		      val oldchildin = #infd p1
-		      val newchildin = Posix.FileSys.wordToFD 0w0
-		      val oldchildout = #outfd p2
-		      val newchildout = Posix.FileSys.wordToFD 0w1
-                      in
-			Posix.IO.close (#outfd p1);
-			Posix.IO.close (#infd p2);
-			Posix.IO.dup2{old = oldchildin, new = newchildin};
-                        Posix.IO.close oldchildin;
-			Posix.IO.dup2{old = oldchildout, new = newchildout};
-                        Posix.IO.close oldchildout;
-			Posix.Process.exec(cmd, argv)
-		      end
-		(* end case *))
-          val _ = TextIO.flushOut TextIO.stdOut
-          val pid = (startChild ()) handle ex => (closep(); raise ex)
-	  val instr = openInFD ("_exec_in", #infd p2)
-          val outstr = openOutFD ("_exec_out", #outfd p1)
-          val cmd = hd (rev argv)
-          in
-              (* close the child-side fds *)
-            Posix.IO.close (#outfd p2);
-            Posix.IO.close (#infd p1);
-              (* set the fds close on exec *)
-            Posix.IO.setfd (#infd p2, Posix.IO.FD.flags [Posix.IO.FD.cloexec]);
-            Posix.IO.setfd (#outfd p1, Posix.IO.FD.flags [Posix.IO.FD.cloexec]);
-            (((CMDPROC{
-              prover = prover,
-              cmd = cmd,
-              thmstring = thmstring,
-              goalstring = goalstring,
-              pid = pid,
-              instr = instr,
-              outstr = outstr
-            })::procList))
-          end;