changeset 55596 928b9f677165
child 56220 4c43a2881b25
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/src/HOL/TPTP/TPTP_Parser/tptp_reconstruct.ML	Wed Feb 19 15:57:02 2014 +0000
@@ -0,0 +1,1925 @@
+(*  Title:      HOL/TPTP/TPTP_Parser/tptp_reconstruct.ML
+    Author:     Nik Sultana, Cambridge University Computer Laboratory
+Reconstructs TPTP proofs in Isabelle/HOL.
+Specialised to work with proofs produced by LEO-II.
+ - Proof transformation to remove "copy" steps, and perhaps other dud inferences.
+  (* Interface used by TPTP_Reconstruct.thy, to define LEO-II proof reconstruction. *)
+  datatype formula_kind =
+      Conjunctive of bool option
+    | Disjunctive of bool option
+    | Biimplicational of bool option
+    | Negative of bool option
+    | Existential of bool option * typ
+    | Universal of bool option * typ
+    | Equational of bool option * typ
+    | Atomic of bool option
+    | Implicational of bool option
+  type formula_meaning =
+    (string *
+     {role : TPTP_Syntax.role,
+      fmla : term,
+      source_inf_opt : TPTP_Proof.source_info option})
+  type proof_annotation =
+    {problem_name : TPTP_Problem_Name.problem_name,
+     skolem_defs : ((*skolem const name*)string * Binding.binding) list,
+     defs : ((*node name*)string * Binding.binding) list,
+     axs : ((*node name*)string * Binding.binding) list,
+     (*info for each node (for all lines in the TPTP proof)*)
+     meta : formula_meaning list}
+  type rule_info =
+    {inference_name : string, (*name of calculus rule*)
+     inference_fmla : term, (*the inference as a term*)
+     parents : string list}
+  exception UNPOLARISED of term
+  val remove_polarity : bool -> term -> term * bool
+  val interpret_bindings :
+     TPTP_Problem_Name.problem_name -> theory -> TPTP_Proof.parent_detail list -> (string * term) list -> (string * term) list
+  val diff_and_instantiate : Proof.context -> thm -> term -> term -> thm (*FIXME from library*)
+  val strip_top_all_vars : (string * typ) list -> term -> (string * typ) list * term
+  val strip_top_All_vars : term -> (string * typ) list * term
+  val strip_top_All_var : term -> (string * typ) * term
+  val new_consts_between : term -> term -> term list
+  val get_pannot_of_prob : theory -> TPTP_Problem_Name.problem_name -> proof_annotation
+  val inference_at_node : 'a -> TPTP_Problem_Name.problem_name -> formula_meaning list -> string -> rule_info option
+  val node_info : (string * 'a) list -> ('a -> 'b) -> string -> 'b
+  type step_id = string
+  datatype rolling_stock =
+      Step of step_id
+    | Assumed
+    | Unconjoin
+    | Split of step_id (*where split occurs*) *
+               step_id (*where split ends*) *
+               step_id list (*children of the split*)
+    | Synth_step of step_id (*A step which doesn't necessarily appear in
+      the original proof, or which has been modified slightly for better
+      handling by Isabelle*)
+    | Annotated_step of step_id * string (*Same interpretation as
+      "Step", except that additional information is attached. This is
+      currently used for debugging: Steps are mapped to Annotated_steps
+      and their rule names are included as strings*)
+    | Definition of step_id (*Mirrors TPTP role*)
+    | Axiom of step_id (*Mirrors TPTP role*)
+    | Caboose
+  (* Interface for using the proof reconstruction. *)
+  val import_thm : bool -> Path.T list -> Path.T -> (proof_annotation -> theory -> proof_annotation * theory) -> theory -> theory
+  val get_fmlas_of_prob : theory -> TPTP_Problem_Name.problem_name -> TPTP_Interpret.tptp_formula_meaning list
+  val structure_fmla_meaning : 'a * 'b * 'c * 'd -> 'a * {fmla: 'c, role: 'b, source_inf_opt: 'd}
+  val make_skeleton : Proof.context -> proof_annotation -> rolling_stock list
+  val naive_reconstruct_tacs :
+     (Proof.context -> TPTP_Problem_Name.problem_name -> step_id -> thm) ->
+     TPTP_Problem_Name.problem_name -> Proof.context -> (rolling_stock * term option * (thm * tactic) option) list
+  val naive_reconstruct_tac :
+     Proof.context -> (Proof.context -> TPTP_Problem_Name.problem_name -> step_id -> thm) -> TPTP_Problem_Name.problem_name -> tactic
+  val reconstruct : Proof.context -> (TPTP_Problem_Name.problem_name -> tactic) -> TPTP_Problem_Name.problem_name -> thm
+structure TPTP_Reconstruct : TPTP_RECONSTRUCT =
+open TPTP_Reconstruct_Library
+open TPTP_Syntax
+(*FIXME move to more general struct*)
+(*Extract the formulas of an imported TPTP problem -- these formulas
+  may make up a proof*)
+fun get_fmlas_of_prob thy prob_name : TPTP_Interpret.tptp_formula_meaning list =
+  AList.lookup (op =) (TPTP_Interpret.get_manifests thy) prob_name
+  |> the |> #3 (*get formulas*);
+(** General **)
+(* Proof annotations *)
+(*FIXME modify TPTP_Interpret.tptp_formula_meaning into this type*)
+type formula_meaning =
+  (string *
+   {role : TPTP_Syntax.role,
+    fmla : term,
+    source_inf_opt : TPTP_Proof.source_info option})
+fun apply_to_parent_info f
+   (n, {role, fmla, source_inf_opt}) =
+  let
+    val source_inf_opt' =
+      case source_inf_opt of
+          NONE => NONE
+        | SOME (TPTP_Proof.Inference (inf_name, sinfos, pinfos)) =>
+            SOME (TPTP_Proof.Inference (inf_name, sinfos, f pinfos))
+  in
+   (n, {role = role, fmla = fmla, source_inf_opt = source_inf_opt'})
+  end
+fun structure_fmla_meaning (s, r, t, info) =
+  (s, {role = r, fmla = t, source_inf_opt = info})
+type proof_annotation =
+  {problem_name : TPTP_Problem_Name.problem_name,
+   skolem_defs : ((*skolem const name*)string * Binding.binding) list,
+   defs : ((*node name*)string * Binding.binding) list,
+   axs : ((*node name*)string * Binding.binding) list,
+   (*info for each node (for all lines in the TPTP proof)*)
+   meta : formula_meaning list}
+fun empty_pannot prob_name =
+  {problem_name = prob_name,
+   skolem_defs = [],
+   defs = [],
+   axs = [],
+   meta = []}
+(* Storage of proof data *)
+exception MANIFEST of TPTP_Problem_Name.problem_name * string (*FIXME move to TPTP_Interpret?*)
+type manifest = TPTP_Problem_Name.problem_name * proof_annotation
+(*manifest equality simply depends on problem name*)
+fun manifest_eq ((prob_name1, _), (prob_name2, _)) = prob_name1 = prob_name2
+structure TPTP_Reconstruction_Data = Theory_Data
+  type T = manifest list
+  val empty = []
+  val extend = I
+  fun merge data : T = Library.merge manifest_eq data
+val get_manifests : theory -> manifest list = TPTP_Reconstruction_Data.get
+fun update_manifest prob_name pannot thy =
+  let
+    val idx =
+      find_index
+        (fn (n, _) => n = prob_name)
+        (get_manifests thy)
+    val transf = (fn _ =>
+      (prob_name, pannot))
+  in
+      (nth_map idx transf)
+      thy
+  end
+(*similar to get_fmlas_of_prob but for proofs*)
+fun get_pannot_of_prob thy prob_name : proof_annotation =
+  case AList.lookup (op =) (get_manifests thy) prob_name of
+      SOME pa => pa
+    | NONE => raise (MANIFEST (prob_name, "Could not find proof annotation"))
+(* Constants *)
+(*Prefix used for naming inferences which were added during proof
+transformation. (e.g., this is used to name "bind"-inference nodes
+described below)*)
+val inode_prefixK = "inode"
+(*New inference rule name, which is added to indicate that some
+variable has been instantiated. Additional proof metadata will
+indicate which variable, and how it was instantiated*)
+val bindK = "bind"
+(*New inference rule name, which is added to indicate that some
+(validity-preserving) preprocessing has been done to a (singleton)
+clause prior to it being split.*)
+val split_preprocessingK = "split_preprocessing"
+(* Storage of internal values *)
+type tptp_reconstruction_state = {next_int : int}
+structure TPTP_Reconstruction_Internal_Data = Theory_Data
+  type T = tptp_reconstruction_state
+  val empty = {next_int = 0}
+  val extend = I
+  fun merge data : T = snd data
+(*increment internal counter, and obtain the current next value*)
+fun get_next_int thy : int * theory =
+  let
+    val state = TPTP_Reconstruction_Internal_Data.get thy
+    val state' = {next_int = 1 + #next_int state}
+  in
+    (#next_int state,
+     TPTP_Reconstruction_Internal_Data.put state' thy)
+  end
+(*FIXME in some applications (e.g. where the name is used for an
+   inference node) need to check that the name is fresh, to avoid
+   collisions with other bits of the proof*)
+val get_next_name =
+  get_next_int
+  #> apfst (fn i => inode_prefixK ^ Int.toString i)
+(* Building the index *)
+(*thrown when we're expecting a TPTP_Proof.Bind annotation but find something else*)
+exception NON_BINDING
+(*given a list of pairs consisting of a variable name and
+  TPTP formula, returns the list consisting of the original
+  variable name and the interpreted HOL formula. Needs the
+  problem name to ensure use of correct interpretations for
+  constants and types.*)
+fun interpret_bindings (prob_name : TPTP_Problem_Name.problem_name) thy bindings acc =
+  if null bindings then acc
+  else
+    case hd bindings of
+        TPTP_Proof.Bind (v, fmla) =>
+          let
+            val (type_map, const_map) =
+                case AList.lookup (op =) (TPTP_Interpret.get_manifests thy) prob_name of
+                    NONE => raise (MANIFEST (prob_name, "Problem details not found in interpretation manifest"))
+                  | SOME (type_map, const_map, _) => (type_map, const_map)
+            (*FIXME get config from the envir or make it parameter*)
+            val config =
+              {cautious = true,
+               problem_name = SOME prob_name}
+            val result =
+              (v,
+               TPTP_Interpret.interpret_formula
+                config TPTP_Syntax.THF
+                const_map [] type_map fmla thy
+               |> fst)
+          in
+            interpret_bindings prob_name thy (tl bindings) (result :: acc)
+          end
+      | _ => raise NON_BINDING
+type rule_info =
+  {inference_name : string, (*name of calculus rule*)
+   inference_fmla : term, (*the inference as a term*)
+   parents : string list}
+(*Instantiates a binding in orig_parent_fmla. Used in a proof
+  transformation to factor out instantiations from inferences.*)
+fun apply_binding thy prob_name orig_parent_fmla target_fmla bindings =
+  let
+    val bindings' = interpret_bindings prob_name thy bindings []
+    (*capture selected free variables. these variables, and their
+      intended de Bruijn index, are included in "var_ctxt"*)
+    fun bind_free_vars var_ctxt t =
+      case t of
+          Const _ => t
+        | Var _ => t
+        | Bound _ => t
+        | Abs (x, ty, t') => Abs (x, ty, bind_free_vars (x :: var_ctxt) t')
+        | Free (x, ty) =>
+            let
+              val idx = find_index (fn y => y = x) var_ctxt
+            in
+              if idx > ~1 andalso
+                 ty = dummyT (*this check not really needed*) then
+                  Bound idx
+              else t
+            end
+        | t1 $ t2 => bind_free_vars var_ctxt t1 $ bind_free_vars var_ctxt t2
+    (*Instantiate specific quantified variables:
+      Look for subterms of form (! (% x. M)) where "x" appears as a "bound_var",
+      then replace "x" for "body" in "M".
+      Should only be applied at formula top level -- i.e., once past the quantifier
+      prefix we needn't bother with looking for bound_vars.
+      "var"_ctxt is used to keep track of lambda-bindings we encounter, to capture
+      free variables in "body" correctly (i.e., replace Free with Bound having the
+      right index)*)
+    fun instantiate_bound (binding as (bound_var, body)) (initial as (var_ctxt, t))  =
+      case t of
+          Const _ => initial
+        | Free _ => initial
+        | Var _ => initial
+        | Bound _ => initial
+        | Abs _ => initial
+        | t1 $ (t2 as Abs (x, ty, t')) =>
+            if is_Const t1 then
+              (*Could be fooled by shadowing, but if order matters
+                then should still be able to handle formulas like
+                (! X, X. F).*)
+              if x = bound_var andalso
+                 fst (dest_Const t1) = @{const_name All} then
+                  (*Body might contain free variables, so bind them using "var_ctxt".
+                    this involves replacing instances of Free with instances of Bound
+                    at the right index.*)
+                  let val body' = bind_free_vars var_ctxt body
+                  in
+                    (var_ctxt,
+                     betapply (t2, body'))
+                  end
+              else
+                  let
+                    val (var_ctxt', rest) = instantiate_bound binding (x :: var_ctxt, t')
+                  in
+                    (var_ctxt',
+                     t1 $ Abs (x, ty, rest))
+                  end
+            else initial
+        | t1 $ t2 =>
+            let
+              val (var_ctxt', rest) = instantiate_bound binding (var_ctxt, t2)
+            in
+              (var_ctxt', t1 $ rest)
+            end
+    (*Here we preempt the following problem:
+     if have (! X1, X2, X3. body), and X1 is instantiated to
+     "c X2 X3", then the current code will yield
+     (! X2, X3, X2a, X3a. body').
+     To avoid this, we must first push X1 in, before calling
+     instantiate_bound, to make sure that bound variables don't
+     get free.*)
+    fun safe_instantiate_bound (binding as (bound_var, body)) (var_ctxt, t) =
+       instantiate_bound binding
+         (var_ctxt, push_allvar_in bound_var t)
+    (*return true if one of the types is polymorphic*)
+    fun is_polymorphic tys =
+      if null tys then false
+      else
+        case hd tys of
+            Type (_, tys') => is_polymorphic (tl tys @ tys')
+          | TFree _ => true
+          | TVar _ => true
+    (*find the type of a quantified variable, at the "topmost" binding
+      occurrence*)
+    local
+      fun type_of_quantified_var' s ts =
+        if null ts then NONE
+        else
+          case hd ts of
+              Const _ => type_of_quantified_var' s (tl ts)
+            | Free _ => type_of_quantified_var' s (tl ts)
+            | Var _ => type_of_quantified_var' s (tl ts)
+            | Bound _ => type_of_quantified_var' s (tl ts)
+            | Abs (s', ty, t') =>
+                if s = s' then SOME ty
+                else type_of_quantified_var' s (t' :: tl ts)
+            | t1 $ t2 => type_of_quantified_var' s (t1 :: t2 :: tl ts)
+    in
+      fun type_of_quantified_var s =
+        single #> type_of_quantified_var' s
+    end
+    (*Form the universal closure of "t".
+      NOTE remark above "val frees" about ordering of quantified variables*)
+    fun close_formula t =
+      let
+          (*The ordering of Frees in this list affects the order in which variables appear
+            in the quantification prefix. Currently this is assumed not to matter.
+            This consists of a list of pairs: the first element consists of the "original"
+            free variable, and the latter consists of the monomorphised equivalent. The
+            two elements are identical if the original is already monomorphic.
+            This monomorphisation is needed since, owing to TPTP's lack of type annotations,
+            variables might not be constrained by type info. This results in them being
+            interpreted as polymorphic. E.g., this issue comes up in CSR148^1*)
+          val frees_monomorphised =
+            fold_aterms
+              (fn t => fn rest =>
+                 if is_Free t then
+                   let
+                     val (s, ty) = dest_Free t
+                     val ty' =
+                       if ty = dummyT orelse is_polymorphic [ty] then
+                         the (type_of_quantified_var s target_fmla)
+                       else ty
+                   in insert (op =) (t, Free (s, ty')) rest
+                   end
+                 else rest)
+              t []
+      in
+        Term.subst_free frees_monomorphised t
+        |> fold (fn (s, ty) => fn t =>
+                    HOLogic.mk_all (s, ty, t))
+              (map (snd #> dest_Free) frees_monomorphised)
+      end
+    (*FIXME currently assuming that we're only ever given a single binding each time this is called*)
+    val _ = @{assert} (length bindings' = 1)
+  in
+    fold safe_instantiate_bound bindings' ([], HOLogic.dest_Trueprop orig_parent_fmla)
+    |> snd (*discard var typing context*)
+    |> close_formula
+    |> single
+    |> Type_Infer_Context.infer_types (Context.proof_of (Context.Theory thy))
+    |> the_single
+    |> HOLogic.mk_Trueprop
+    |> rpair bindings'
+  end
+exception RECONSTRUCT of string
+(*Some of these may be redundant wrt the original aims of this
+  datatype, but it's useful to have a datatype to classify formulas
+  for use by other functions as well.*)
+datatype formula_kind =
+    Conjunctive of bool option
+  | Disjunctive of bool option
+  | Biimplicational of bool option
+  | Negative of bool option
+  | Existential of bool option * typ
+  | Universal of bool option * typ
+  | Equational of bool option * typ
+  | Atomic of bool option
+  | Implicational of bool option
+exception UNPOLARISED of term
+(*Remove "= $true" or "= $false$ from the edge
+  of a formula. Use "try" in case formula is not
+  polarised.*)
+fun remove_polarity strict formula =
+  case try HOLogic.dest_eq formula of
+      NONE => if strict then raise (UNPOLARISED formula)
+              else (formula, true)
+    | SOME (x, p as @{term True}) => (x, true)
+    | SOME (x, p as @{term False}) => (x, false)
+    | SOME (x, _) =>
+        if strict then raise (UNPOLARISED formula)
+        else (formula, true)
+(*flattens a formula wrt associative operators*)
+fun flatten formula_kind formula =
+  let
+    fun is_conj (Const (@{const_name HOL.conj}, _) $ _ $ _) = true
+      | is_conj _ = false
+    fun is_disj (Const (@{const_name HOL.disj}, _) $ _ $ _) = true
+      | is_disj _ = false
+    fun is_iff (Const (@{const_name HOL.eq}, ty) $ _ $ _) =
+          ty = ([HOLogic.boolT, HOLogic.boolT] ---> HOLogic.boolT)
+      | is_iff _ = false
+    fun flatten' formula acc =
+      case formula of
+          Const (@{const_name HOL.conj}, _) $ t1 $ t2 =>
+            (case formula_kind of
+                 Conjunctive _ =>
+                   let
+                     val left =
+                       if is_conj t1 then flatten' t1 acc else (t1 :: acc)
+                   in
+                       if is_conj t2 then flatten' t2 left else (t2 :: left)
+                   end
+               | _ => formula :: acc)
+        | Const (@{const_name HOL.disj}, _) $ t1 $ t2 =>
+            (case formula_kind of
+                 Disjunctive _ =>
+                   let
+                     val left =
+                       if is_disj t1 then flatten' t1 acc else (t1 :: acc)
+                   in
+                       if is_disj t2 then flatten' t2 left else (t2 :: left)
+                   end
+               | _ => formula :: acc)
+        | Const (@{const_name HOL.eq}, ty) $ t1 $ t2 =>
+            if ty = ([HOLogic.boolT, HOLogic.boolT] ---> HOLogic.boolT) then
+              case formula_kind of
+                   Biimplicational _ =>
+                     let
+                       val left =
+                         if is_iff t1 then flatten' t1 acc else (t1 :: acc)
+                     in
+                         if is_iff t2 then flatten' t2 left else (t2 :: left)
+                     end
+                 | _ => formula :: acc
+            else formula :: acc
+        | _ => [formula]
+    val formula' = try_dest_Trueprop formula
+  in
+    case formula_kind of
+        Conjunctive (SOME _) =>
+          remove_polarity false formula'
+          |> fst
+          |> (fn t => flatten' t [])
+      | Disjunctive (SOME _) =>
+          remove_polarity false formula'
+          |> fst
+          |> (fn t => flatten' t [])
+      | Biimplicational (SOME _) =>
+          remove_polarity false formula'
+          |> fst
+          |> (fn t => flatten' t [])
+      | _ => flatten' formula' []
+  end
+fun node_info fms projector node_name =
+  case AList.lookup (op =) fms node_name of
+      NONE =>
+        raise (RECONSTRUCT ("node " ^ node_name ^
+                            " doesn't exist"))
+    | SOME info => projector info
+(*Given a list of parent infos, extract the parent node names
+  and the additional info (e.g., if there was an instantiation
+  in addition to the inference).
+  if "filtered"=true then exclude axiom and definition parents*)
+fun dest_parent_infos filtered fms parent_infos : {name : string, details : TPTP_Proof.parent_detail list} list =
+  let
+    (*Removes "definition" dependencies since these play no
+      logical role -- i.e. they just give the expansions of
+      constants.
+      Removes "axiom" dependencies since these do not need to
+      be derived; the reconstruction handler in "leo2_tac" can
+      pick up the relevant axioms (using the info in the proof
+      annotation) and use them in its reconstruction.
+    *)
+    val filter_deps =
+      List.filter (fn {name, ...} =>
+        let
+          val role = node_info fms #role name
+        in role <> TPTP_Syntax.Role_Definition andalso
+            role <> TPTP_Syntax.Role_Axiom
+        end)
+    val parent_nodelist =
+      parent_infos
+      |> map (fn n =>
+                 case n of
+                     TPTP_Proof.Parent parent => {name = parent, details = []}
+                   | TPTP_Proof.ParentWithDetails (parent, details) =>
+                     {name = parent, details = details})
+  in
+    parent_nodelist
+    |> filtered ? filter_deps
+  end
+fun parents_of_node fms n =
+  case node_info fms #source_inf_opt n of
+      NONE => []
+    | SOME (TPTP_Proof.File _) => []
+    | SOME (TPTP_Proof.Inference (_, _ : TPTP_Proof.useful_info_as list, parent_infos)) =>
+        dest_parent_infos false fms parent_infos
+        |> map #name
+exception FIND_ANCESTOR_USING_RULE of string
+(*BFS for an ancestor inference involving a specific rule*)
+fun find_ancestor_using_rule pannot inference_rule (fringe : string list) : string =
+  if null fringe then
+    raise (FIND_ANCESTOR_USING_RULE inference_rule)
+  else
+    case node_info (#meta pannot) #source_inf_opt (hd fringe) of
+        NONE => find_ancestor_using_rule pannot inference_rule (tl fringe)
+      | SOME (TPTP_Proof.File _) => find_ancestor_using_rule pannot inference_rule (tl fringe)
+      | SOME (TPTP_Proof.Inference (rule_name, _ : TPTP_Proof.useful_info_as list, parent_infos)) =>
+          if rule_name = inference_rule then hd fringe
+          else
+            find_ancestor_using_rule pannot inference_rule
+             (tl fringe @
+              map #name (dest_parent_infos true (#meta pannot) parent_infos))
+(*Given a node in the proof, produce the term representing the inference
+  that took place in that step, the inference rule used, and which
+  other (non-axiom and non-definition) nodes participated in the
+  inference*)
+fun inference_at_node thy (prob_name : TPTP_Problem_Name.problem_name)
+     (fms : formula_meaning list) from : rule_info option =
+    let
+      exception INFERENCE_AT_NODE of string
+      (*lookup formula associated with a node*)
+      val fmla_of_node =
+          node_info fms #fmla
+          #> try_dest_Trueprop
+      fun build_inference_info rule_name parent_infos =
+        let
+          val _ = @{assert} (not (null parent_infos))
+          (*hypothesis formulas (with bindings already
+            instantiated during the proof-transformation
+            applied when loading the proof),
+            including any axioms or definitions*)
+          val parent_nodes =
+            dest_parent_infos false fms parent_infos
+            |> map #name
+          val parent_fmlas = map fmla_of_node (rev(*FIXME can do away with this? it matters because of order of conjunction. is there a matching rev elsewhere?*) parent_nodes)
+          val inference_term =
+            if null parent_fmlas then
+                fmla_of_node from
+                |> HOLogic.mk_Trueprop
+            else
+                Logic.mk_implies
+                 (fold
+                    (curry HOLogic.mk_conj)
+                    (tl parent_fmlas)
+                    (hd parent_fmlas)
+                  |> HOLogic.mk_Trueprop,
+                  fmla_of_node from |> HOLogic.mk_Trueprop)
+        in
+          SOME {inference_name = rule_name,
+                inference_fmla = inference_term,
+                parents = parent_nodes}
+        end
+    in
+      (*examine node's "source" annotation: we're only interested
+        if it's an inference*)
+      case node_info fms #source_inf_opt from of
+                NONE => NONE
+              | SOME (TPTP_Proof.File _) => NONE
+              | SOME (TPTP_Proof.Inference (rule_name, _ : TPTP_Proof.useful_info_as list, parent_infos)) =>
+                  if List.null parent_infos then
+                    raise (INFERENCE_AT_NODE
+                            ("empty parent list for node " ^
+                             from ^ ": check proof format"))
+                  else
+                    build_inference_info rule_name parent_infos
+    end
+(** Proof skeleton **)
+(* Emulating skeleton steps *)
+Builds a rule (thm) of the following form:
+                  prem1                   premn
+                   ...         ...         ...
+   major_prem     conc1                   concn
+  -----------------------------------------------
+                    conclusion
+where major_prem is a disjunction of prem1,...,premn.
+fun make_elimination_rule_t ctxt major_prem prems_and_concs conclusion =
+  let
+    val thy = Proof_Context.theory_of ctxt
+    val minor_prems =
+      map (fn (v, conc) =>
+        Logic.mk_implies (v, HOLogic.mk_Trueprop conc))
+        prems_and_concs
+  in
+    (Logic.list_implies
+     (major_prem :: minor_prems,
+     conclusion))
+  end
+(*In summary, we emulate an n-way splitting rule via an n-way
+  disjunction elimination.
+  Given a split formula and conclusion, we prove a rule which
+  simulates the split. The conclusion is assumed to be a conjunction
+  of conclusions for each branch of the split. The
+  "minor_prem_assumptions" are the assumptions discharged in each
+  branch; they're passed to the function to make sure that the
+  generated rule is compatible with the skeleton (since the skeleton
+  fixes the "order" of the reconstruction, based on the proof's
+  structure).
+  Concretely, if P is "(_ & _) = $false" or "(_ | _) = $true" then
+  splitting behaves as follows:
+                     P
+      -------------------------------
+       _ = $false         _ = $false
+          ...       ...       ...
+           R1                  Rn
+      -------------------------------
+               R1 & ... & Rn
+  Splitting (binary) iffs works as follows:
+                  (A <=> B) = $false
+      ------------------------------------------
+       (A => B) = $false      (B => A) = $false
+             ...                     ...
+              R1                      R2
+      ------------------------------------------
+                        R1 & R2
+fun simulate_split ctxt split_fmla minor_prem_assumptions conclusion =
+  let
+    val prems_and_concs =
+ (minor_prem_assumptions, flatten (Conjunctive NONE) conclusion)
+    val rule_t = make_elimination_rule_t ctxt split_fmla prems_and_concs conclusion
+    (*these are replaced by fresh variables in the abstract term*)
+    val abstraction_subterms =
+      (map (try_dest_Trueprop #> remove_polarity true #> fst)
+              minor_prem_assumptions)
+    (*generate an abstract rule as a term...*)
+    val abs_rule_t =
+      abstract
+        abstraction_subterms
+        rule_t
+      |> snd (*ignore mapping info. this is a bit wasteful*)
+             (*FIXME optimisation: instead on relying on diff
+                to regenerate this info, could use it directly*)
+    (*...and validate the abstract rule*)
+    val abs_rule_thm =
+      Goal.prove ctxt [] [] abs_rule_t
+       (fn pdata => HEADGOAL (blast_tac (#context pdata)))
+      |> Drule.export_without_context
+  in
+    (*Instantiate the abstract rule based on the contents of the
+      required instance*)
+    diff_and_instantiate ctxt abs_rule_thm (prop_of abs_rule_thm) rule_t
+  end
+(* Building the skeleton *)
+type step_id = string
+datatype rolling_stock =
+    Step of step_id
+  | Assumed
+  | Unconjoin
+  | Split of step_id (*where split occurs*) *
+             step_id (*where split ends*) *
+             step_id list (*children of the split*)
+  | Synth_step of step_id (*A step which doesn't necessarily appear in
+    the original proof, or which has been modified slightly for better
+    handling by Isabelle*) (*FIXME "inodes" should be made into Synth_steps*)
+  | Annotated_step of step_id * string (*Same interpretation as
+    "Step", except that additional information is attached. This is
+    currently used for debugging: Steps are mapped to Annotated_steps
+    and their rule names are included as strings*)
+  | Definition of step_id (*Mirrors TPTP role*)
+  | Axiom of step_id (*Mirrors TPTP role*)
+(*  | Derived of step_id -- to be used by memoization*)
+  | Caboose
+fun stock_to_string (Step n) = n
+  | stock_to_string (Annotated_step (n, anno)) = n ^ "(" ^ anno ^ ")"
+  | stock_to_string _ = error "Stock is not a step" (*FIXME more meaningful message*)
+fun filter_by_role tptp_role =
+  filter
+   (fn (_, info) =>
+       #role info = tptp_role)
+fun filter_by_name node_name =
+  filter
+   (fn (n, _) =>
+       n = node_name)
+exception NO_MARKER_NODE
+(*We fall back on node "1" in case the proof is not that of a theorem*)
+fun proof_beginning_node fms =
+  let
+    val result =
+      cascaded_filter_single true
+       [filter_by_role TPTP_Syntax.Role_Conjecture,
+        filter_by_name "1"] (*FIXME const*)
+       fms
+  in
+    case result of
+        SOME x => fst x (*get the node name*)
+      | NONE => raise NO_MARKER_NODE
+  end
+(*Get the name of the node where the proof ends*)
+fun proof_end_node fms =
+  (*FIXME this isn't very nice: we assume that the last line in the
+    proof file is the closing line of the proof. It would be nicer if
+    such a line is specially marked (with a role), since there is no
+    obvious ordering on names, since they can be strings.
+    Another way would be to run an analysis on the graph to find
+    this node, since it has properties which should make it unique
+    in a graph*)
+  fms
+  |> hd (*since proof has been reversed prior*)
+  |> fst (*get node name*)
+(*Generate list of (possibly reconstructed) inferences which can be
+  composed together to reconstruct the whole proof.*)
+fun make_skeleton ctxt (pannot : proof_annotation) : rolling_stock list =
+  let
+    val thy = Proof_Context.theory_of ctxt
+    fun stock_is_ax_or_def (Axiom _) = true
+      | stock_is_ax_or_def (Definition _) = true
+      | stock_is_ax_or_def _ = false
+    fun stock_of n =
+      case node_info (#meta pannot) #role n of
+          TPTP_Syntax.Role_Definition => (true, Definition n)
+        | TPTP_Syntax.Role_Axiom => (true, Axiom n)
+        | _ => (false, Step n)
+    fun n_is_split_conjecture (inference_info : rule_info option) =
+      case inference_info of
+          NONE => false
+        | SOME inference_info => #inference_name inference_info = "split_conjecture"
+    (*Different kinds of inference sequences:
+        - Linear: (just add a step to the skeleton)
+           ---...---
+        - Fan-in: (treat each in-path as conjoined with the others. Linearise all the paths, and concatenate them.)
+                  /---...
+           ------<
+                  \---...
+        - Real split: Instead of treating as a conjunction, as in
+           normal fan-ins, we need to treat specially by looking
+           at the location where the split occurs, and turn the
+           split inference into a validity-preserving subproof.
+           As with fan-ins, we handle each fan-in path, and
+           concatenate.
+                  /---...---\
+           ------<           >------
+                  \---...---/
+        - Fake split: (treat like linear, since there isn't a split-node)
+           ------<---...----------
+      Different kinds of sequences endings:
+        - "Stop before": Non-decreasing list of nodes where should terminate.
+                         This starts off with the end node, and the split_nodes
+                         will be added dynamically as the skeleton is built.
+        - Axiom/Definition
+     *)
+    (*The following functions build the skeleton for the reconstruction starting
+      from the node labelled "n" and stopping just before an element in stop_just_befores*)
+    (*FIXME could throw exception if none of stop_just_befores is ever encountered*)
+    (*This approach below is naive because it linearises the proof DAG, and this would
+      duplicate some effort if the DAG isn't already linear.*)
+    exception SKELETON
+    fun check_parents stop_just_befores n =
+      let
+        val parents = parents_of_node (#meta pannot) n
+      in
+        if length parents = 1 then
+          AList.lookup (op =) stop_just_befores (the_single parents)
+        else
+          NONE
+      end
+    fun naive_skeleton' stop_just_befores n =
+      case check_parents stop_just_befores n of
+          SOME skel => skel
+        | NONE =>
+            let
+              val inference_info = inference_at_node thy (#problem_name pannot) (#meta pannot) n
+            in
+                if is_none inference_info then
+                  (*this is the case for the conjecture, definitions and axioms*)
+                    if node_info (#meta pannot) #role n = TPTP_Syntax.Role_Definition then
+                      [(Definition n), Assumed]
+                    else if node_info (#meta pannot) #role n = TPTP_Syntax.Role_Axiom then
+                      [Axiom n]
+                    else raise SKELETON
+                else
+                  let
+                    val inference_info = the inference_info
+                    val parents = #parents inference_info
+                  in
+                    (*FIXME memoize antecedent_steps?*)
+                    if #inference_name inference_info = "solved_all_splits" andalso length parents > 1 then
+                      (*splitting involves fanning out then in; this is to be
+                        treated different than other fan-out-ins.*)
+                      let
+                        (*find where the proofs fanned-out: pick some antecedent,
+                          then find ancestor to use a "split_conjecture" inference.*)
+                        (*NOTE we assume that splits can't be nested*)
+                        val split_node =
+                          find_ancestor_using_rule pannot "split_conjecture" [hd parents]
+                          |> parents_of_node (#meta pannot)
+                          |> the_single
+                        (*compute the skeletons starting at parents to either the split_node
+                          if the antecedent is descended from the split_node, or the
+                          stop_just_before otherwise*)
+                        val skeletons_up =
+                          map (naive_skeleton' ((split_node, [Assumed]) :: stop_just_befores)) parents
+                      in
+                        (*point to the split node, so that custom rule can be built later on*)
+                        Step n :: (Split (split_node, n, parents)) :: (*this will create the elimination rule*)
+                         naive_skeleton' stop_just_befores split_node @ (*this will discharge the major premise*)
+                         List.concat skeletons_up @ [Assumed] (*this will discharge the minor premises*)
+                      end
+                    else if length parents > 1 then
+                      (*Handle fan-in nodes which aren't split-sinks by
+                        enclosing each branch but one in conjI-assumption invocations*)
+                        let
+                          val skeletons_up =
+                            map (naive_skeleton' stop_just_befores) parents
+                        in
+                          Step n :: concat_between skeletons_up (SOME Unconjoin, NONE) @ [Assumed]
+                        end
+                    else
+                      Step n :: naive_skeleton' stop_just_befores (the_single parents)
+                  end
+            end
+  in
+    if List.null (#meta pannot) then [] (*in case "proof" file is empty*)
+    else
+      naive_skeleton'
+       [(proof_beginning_node (#meta pannot), [Assumed])]
+       (proof_end_node (#meta pannot))
+      (*make last step the Caboose*)
+      |> rev |> tl |> cons Caboose |> rev (*FIXME hacky*)
+  end
+(* Using the skeleton *)
+exception SKELETON
+    (*Change the negated assumption (which is output by the contradiction rule) into
+      a form familiar to Leo2*)
+    val neg_eq_false =
+      @{lemma "!! P. (~ P) ==> (P = False)" by auto}
+    (*FIXME this is just a dummy thm to annotate the assumption tac "atac"*)
+    val solved_all_splits =
+      @{lemma "False = True ==> False" by auto}
+    fun skel_to_naive_tactic ctxt prover_tac prob_name skel memo = fn st =>
+      let
+        val thy = Proof_Context.theory_of ctxt
+        val pannot = get_pannot_of_prob thy prob_name
+        fun tac_and_memo node memo =
+          case AList.lookup (op =) memo node of
+              NONE =>
+                let
+                  val tac =
+                    (*FIXME formula_sizelimit not being
+                            checked here*)
+                    prover_tac ctxt prob_name node
+                in (tac, (node, tac) :: memo) end
+            | SOME tac => (tac, memo)
+        fun rest skel' memo =
+          skel_to_naive_tactic ctxt prover_tac prob_name skel' memo
+        val tactic =
+          if null skel then
+            raise SKELETON (*FIXME or classify it as a Caboose: TRY (HEADGOAL atac) *)
+          else
+            case hd skel of
+                Assumed => TRY (HEADGOAL atac) THEN rest (tl skel) memo
+              | Caboose => TRY (HEADGOAL atac)
+              | Unconjoin => rtac @{thm conjI} 1 THEN rest (tl skel) memo
+              | Split (split_node, solved_node, antes) =>
+                  let
+                    val split_fmla = node_info (#meta pannot) #fmla split_node
+                    val conclusion =
+                      (inference_at_node thy prob_name (#meta pannot) solved_node
+                       |> the
+                       |> #inference_fmla)
+                      |> Logic.dest_implies (*FIXME there might be !!-variables?*)
+                      |> #1
+                    val minor_prems_assumps =
+                      map (fn ante => find_ancestor_using_rule pannot "split_conjecture" [ante]) antes
+                      |> map (node_info (#meta pannot) #fmla)
+                    val split_thm =
+                      simulate_split ctxt split_fmla minor_prems_assumps conclusion
+                  in
+                    rtac split_thm 1 THEN rest (tl skel) memo
+                  end
+              | Step s =>
+                  let
+                    val (tac, memo') = tac_and_memo s memo
+                  in
+                    rtac tac 1 THEN rest (tl skel) memo'
+                  end
+              | Definition n =>
+                  let
+                    val def_thm =
+                      case AList.lookup (op =) (#defs pannot) n of
+                          NONE => error ("Did not find definition: " ^ n)
+                        | SOME binding =>
+                            Binding.dest binding
+                            |> #3
+                            |> Global_Theory.get_thm thy
+                  in
+                    rtac def_thm 1 THEN rest (tl skel) memo
+                  end
+              | Axiom n =>
+                  let
+                    val ax_thm =
+                      case AList.lookup (op =) (#axs pannot) n of
+                          NONE => error ("Did not find axiom: " ^ n)
+                        | SOME binding =>
+                            Binding.dest binding
+                            |> #3
+                            |> Global_Theory.get_thm thy
+                  in
+                    rtac ax_thm 1 THEN rest (tl skel) memo
+                  end
+              | _ => raise SKELETON
+      in tactic st end
+(*FIXME fuse these*)
+    (*As above, but creates debug-friendly tactic.
+      This is also used for "partial proof reconstruction"*)
+    fun skel_to_naive_tactic_dbg prover_tac ctxt prob_name skel (memo : (string * (thm * tactic) option) list) =
+      let
+        val thy = Proof_Context.theory_of ctxt
+        val pannot = get_pannot_of_prob thy prob_name
+        fun rtac_wrap thm_f i = fn st =>
+          let
+            val thy = Thm.theory_of_thm st
+          in
+            rtac (thm_f thy) i st
+          end
+        (*Some nodes don't have an inference name, such as the conjecture,
+          definitions and axioms. Such nodes shouldn't appear in the
+          skeleton.*)
+        fun inference_name_of_node node =
+           case AList.lookup (op =) (#meta pannot) node of
+               NONE => (warning "Inference step lacks an inference name"; "(Shouldn't be here)")
+             | SOME info =>
+                 case #source_inf_opt info of
+                     SOME (TPTP_Proof.Inference (infname, _, _)) =>
+                       infname
+                   | _ => (warning "Inference step lacks an inference name"; "(Shouldn't be here)")
+        fun inference_fmla node =
+          case inference_at_node thy prob_name (#meta pannot) node of
+              NONE => NONE
+            | SOME {inference_fmla, ...} => SOME inference_fmla
+        fun rest memo' ctxt' = skel_to_naive_tactic_dbg prover_tac ctxt' prob_name (tl skel) memo'
+        (*reconstruct the inference. also set timeout in case
+          tactic takes too long*)
+        val try_make_step =
+          (*FIXME const timeout*)
+          (* TimeLimit.timeLimit (Time.fromSeconds 5) *)
+          (fn ctxt' =>
+             let
+               fun thm ctxt'' = prover_tac ctxt'' prob_name (hd skel |> stock_to_string)
+               val reconstructed_inference = thm ctxt'
+               val rec_inf_tac = fn st =>
+                 let
+                   val ctxt =
+                     Thm.theory_of_thm st
+                     |> Proof_Context.init_global
+                 in
+                   HEADGOAL (rtac (thm ctxt)) st
+                 end
+             in (reconstructed_inference,
+                 rec_inf_tac)
+             end)
+        fun ignore_interpretation_exn f x = SOME (f x)
+          handle
+            | exn => reraise exn
+      in
+        if List.null skel then
+          raise SKELETON
+        (*FIXME or classify it as follows:
+          [(Caboose,
+            prop_of @{thm asm_rl}
+            |> SOME,
+            SOME (@{thm asm_rl}, TRY (HEADGOAL atac)))]
+         *)
+        else
+          case hd skel of
+              Assumed =>
+                (hd skel,
+                 prop_of @{thm asm_rl}
+                 |> SOME,
+                 SOME (@{thm asm_rl}, TRY (HEADGOAL atac))) :: rest memo ctxt
+            | Caboose =>
+                [(Caboose,
+                  prop_of @{thm asm_rl}
+                  |> SOME,
+                  SOME (@{thm asm_rl}, TRY (HEADGOAL atac)))]
+            | Unconjoin =>
+                (hd skel,
+                 prop_of @{thm conjI}
+                 |> SOME,
+                 SOME (@{thm conjI}, rtac @{thm conjI} 1)) :: rest memo ctxt
+            | Split (split_node, solved_node, antes) =>
+                let
+                  val split_fmla = node_info (#meta pannot) #fmla split_node
+                  val conclusion =
+                        (inference_at_node thy prob_name (#meta pannot) solved_node
+                         |> the
+                         |> #inference_fmla)
+                        |> Logic.dest_implies (*FIXME there might be !!-variables?*)
+                        |> #1
+                  val minor_prems_assumps =
+                      map (fn ante => find_ancestor_using_rule pannot "split_conjecture" [ante]) antes
+                      |> map (node_info (#meta pannot) #fmla)
+                  val split_thm =
+                      simulate_split ctxt split_fmla minor_prems_assumps conclusion
+                in
+                  (hd skel,
+                   prop_of split_thm
+                   |> SOME,
+                   SOME (split_thm, rtac split_thm 1)) :: rest memo ctxt
+                end
+            | Step node =>
+                let
+                  val inference_name = inference_name_of_node node
+                  val inference_fmla = inference_fmla node
+                  (*FIXME debugging code
+                  val _ =
+                    if Config.get ctxt tptp_trace_reconstruction then
+                       (tracing ("handling node " ^ node);
+                        tracing ("inference " ^ inference_name);
+                        if is_some inference_fmla then
+                          tracing ("formula size " ^ Int.toString (Term.size_of_term (the inference_fmla)))
+                        else ()(*;
+                        tracing ("formula " ^ @{make_string inference_fmla}) *))
+                    else ()*)
+                  val (inference_instance_thm, memo', ctxt') =
+                    case AList.lookup (op =) memo node of
+                        NONE =>
+                          let
+                            val (thm, ctxt') =
+                              (*Instead of NONE could have another value indicating that the formula was too big*)
+                                if is_some inference_fmla andalso
+                                   (*FIXME could have different inference rules have different sizelimits*)
+                                   exceeds_tptp_max_term_size ctxt (Term.size_of_term (the inference_fmla)) then
+                                    (
+                                     warning ("Gave up on node " ^ node ^ " because of fmla size " ^
+                                              Int.toString (Term.size_of_term (the inference_fmla)));
+                                     (NONE, ctxt)
+                                    )
+                                else
+                                  let
+                                    val maybe_thm = ignore_interpretation_exn try_make_step ctxt
+                                    val ctxt' =
+                                      if is_some maybe_thm then
+                                        the maybe_thm
+                                        |> #1
+                                        |> Thm.theory_of_thm |> Proof_Context.init_global
+                                      else ctxt
+                                  in
+                                    (maybe_thm, ctxt')
+                                  end
+                          in (thm, (node, thm) :: memo, ctxt') end
+                      | SOME maybe_thm => (maybe_thm, memo, ctxt)
+                in
+                  (Annotated_step (node, inference_name),
+                   inference_fmla,
+                   inference_instance_thm) :: rest memo' ctxt'
+                end
+            | Definition n =>
+                let
+                  fun def_thm thy =
+                    case AList.lookup (op =) (#defs pannot) n of
+                        NONE => error ("Did not find definition: " ^ n)
+                      | SOME binding =>
+                          Binding.dest binding
+                          |> #3
+                          |> Global_Theory.get_thm thy
+                in
+                  (hd skel,
+                   prop_of (def_thm thy)
+                   |> SOME,
+                   SOME (def_thm thy,
+                         HEADGOAL (rtac_wrap def_thm))) :: rest memo ctxt
+                end
+            | Axiom n =>
+                let
+                  val ax_thm =
+                    case AList.lookup (op =) (#axs pannot) n of
+                        NONE => error ("Did not find axiom: " ^ n)
+                      | SOME binding =>
+                          Binding.dest binding
+                          |> #3
+                          |> Global_Theory.get_thm thy
+                in
+                  (hd skel,
+                   prop_of ax_thm
+                   |> SOME,
+                   SOME (ax_thm, rtac ax_thm 1)) :: rest memo ctxt
+                end
+      end
+    (*The next function handles cases where Leo2 doesn't include the solved_all_splits
+      step at the end (e.g. because there wouldn't be a split -- the proof
+      would be linear*)
+    fun sas_if_needed_tac ctxt prob_name =
+      let
+        val thy = Proof_Context.theory_of ctxt
+        val pannot = get_pannot_of_prob thy prob_name
+        val last_inference_info_opt =
+          find_first
+           (fn (_, info) => #role info = TPTP_Syntax.Role_Plain)
+           (#meta pannot)
+        val last_inference_info =
+          case last_inference_info_opt of
+              NONE => NONE
+            | SOME (_, info) => #source_inf_opt info
+      in
+        if is_some last_inference_info andalso
+         TPTP_Proof.is_inference_called "solved_all_splits"
+          (the last_inference_info)
+        then (@{thm asm_rl}, all_tac)
+        else (solved_all_splits, TRY (rtac solved_all_splits 1))
+      end
+  (*Build a tactic from a skeleton. This is naive because it uses the naive skeleton.
+    The inference interpretation ("prover_tac") is a parameter -- it would usually be
+    different for different provers.*)
+  fun naive_reconstruct_tac ctxt prover_tac prob_name =
+    let
+      val thy = Proof_Context.theory_of ctxt
+    in
+      rtac @{thm ccontr} 1
+      THEN dtac neg_eq_false 1
+      THEN (sas_if_needed_tac ctxt prob_name |> #2)
+      THEN skel_to_naive_tactic ctxt prover_tac prob_name
+       (make_skeleton ctxt
+        (get_pannot_of_prob thy prob_name)) []
+    end
+  (*As above, but generates a list of tactics. This is useful for debugging, to apply
+    the tactics one by one manually.*)
+  fun naive_reconstruct_tacs prover_tac prob_name ctxt =
+    let
+      val thy = Proof_Context.theory_of ctxt
+    in
+      (Synth_step "ccontr", prop_of @{thm ccontr} |> SOME,
+       SOME (@{thm ccontr}, rtac @{thm ccontr} 1)) ::
+      (Synth_step "neg_eq_false", prop_of neg_eq_false |> SOME,
+       SOME (neg_eq_false, dtac neg_eq_false 1)) ::
+      (Synth_step "sas_if_needed_tac", prop_of @{thm asm_rl}(*FIXME *) |> SOME,
+       SOME (sas_if_needed_tac ctxt prob_name)) ::
+      skel_to_naive_tactic_dbg prover_tac ctxt prob_name
+       (make_skeleton ctxt
+        (get_pannot_of_prob thy prob_name)) []
+    end
+(*Produces a theorem given a tactic and a parsed proof. This function is handy
+to test reconstruction, since it automates the interpretation and proving of the
+parsed proof's goal.*)
+fun reconstruct ctxt tactic prob_name =
+  let
+    val thy = Proof_Context.theory_of ctxt
+    val pannot = get_pannot_of_prob thy prob_name
+    val goal =
+      #meta pannot
+      |> List.filter (fn (_, info) =>
+          #role info = TPTP_Syntax.Role_Conjecture)
+  in
+    if null (#meta pannot) then
+      (*since the proof is empty, return a trivial result.*)
+      @{thm TrueI}
+    else if null goal then
+      raise (RECONSTRUCT "Proof lacks conjecture")
+    else
+      the_single goal
+      |> snd |> #fmla
+      |> (fn fmla => Goal.prove ctxt [] [] fmla (fn _ => tactic prob_name))
+  end
+(** Skolemisation setup **)
+(*Ignore these constants if they appear in the conclusion but not the hypothesis*)
+(*FIXME possibly incomplete*)
+val ignore_consts =
+  [HOLogic.conj, HOLogic.disj, HOLogic.imp, HOLogic.Not]
+(*Difference between the constants appearing between two terms, minus "ignore_consts"*)
+fun new_consts_between t1 t2 =
+  List.filter
+   (fn n => not (List.exists (fn n' => n' = n) ignore_consts))
+   (list_diff (consts_in t2) (consts_in t1))
+(*Generate definition binding for an equation*)
+fun mk_bind_eq prob_name params ((n, ty), t) =
+  let
+    val bnd =
+ (List.last (space_explode "." n) ^ "_def")
+      |> Binding.qualify false (TPTP_Problem_Name.mangle_problem_name prob_name)
+    val t' =
+      Term.list_comb (Const (n, ty), params)
+      |> rpair t
+      |> HOLogic.mk_eq
+      |> HOLogic.mk_Trueprop
+      |> fold Logic.all params
+  in
+    (bnd, t')
+  end
+(*Generate binding for an axiom. Similar to "mk_bind_eq"*)
+fun mk_bind_ax prob_name node t =
+  let
+    val bnd =
+ node
+      (*FIXME add suffix? e.g. ^ "_ax"*)
+      |> Binding.qualify false (TPTP_Problem_Name.mangle_problem_name prob_name)
+  in
+    (bnd, t)
+  end
+(*Extract the constant name, type, and its definition*)
+fun get_defn_components
+  (Const (@{const_name HOL.Trueprop}, _) $
+    (Const (@{const_name HOL.eq}, _) $
+      Const (name, ty) $ t)) = ((name, ty), t)
+(*** Proof transformations ***)
+(*Transforms a proof_annotation value.
+  Argument "f" is the proof transformer*)
+fun transf_pannot f (pannot : proof_annotation) : (theory * proof_annotation) =
+  let
+    val (thy', fms') = f (#meta pannot)
+  in
+    (thy',
+     {problem_name = #problem_name pannot,
+      skolem_defs = #skolem_defs pannot,
+      defs = #defs pannot,
+      axs = #axs pannot,
+      meta = fms'})
+  end
+(** Proof transformer to add virtual inference steps
+    encoding "bind" annotations in Leo-II proofs **)
+Involves finding an inference of this form:
+       (!x1 ... xn. F)   ...   Cn
+  ------------------------------------ (Rule name)
+          G[t1/x1, ..., tn/xn]
+and turn it into this:
+     (!x1 ... xn. F)
+  ---------------------- bind
+   F[t1/x1, ..., tn/xn]           ...   Cn
+  -------------------------------------------- (Rule name)
+                    G
+where "bind" is an inference rule (distinct from any rule name used
+by Leo2) to indicate such inferences.  This transformation is used
+to factor out instantiations, thus allowing the reconstruction to
+focus on (Rule name) rather than "(Rule name) + instantiations".
+fun interpolate_binds prob_name thy fms : theory * formula_meaning list =
+  let
+    fun factor_out_bind target_node pinfo intermediate_thy =
+      case pinfo of
+         TPTP_Proof.ParentWithDetails (n, pdetails) =>
+           (*create new node which contains the "bind" inference,
+             to be added to graph*)
+           let
+             val (new_node_name, thy') = get_next_name intermediate_thy
+             val orig_fmla = node_info fms #fmla n
+             val target_fmla = node_info fms #fmla target_node
+             val new_node =
+              (new_node_name,
+               {role = TPTP_Syntax.Role_Plain,
+                fmla = apply_binding thy' prob_name orig_fmla target_fmla pdetails |> fst,
+                source_inf_opt =
+                  SOME (TPTP_Proof.Inference (bindK, [], [pinfo]))})
+           in
+             ((TPTP_Proof.Parent new_node_name, SOME new_node), thy')
+           end
+       | _ => ((pinfo, NONE), intermediate_thy)
+    fun process_nodes (step as (n, data)) (intermediate_thy, rest) =
+      case #source_inf_opt data of
+          SOME (TPTP_Proof.Inference (inf_name, sinfos, pinfos)) =>
+            let
+              val ((pinfos', parent_nodes), thy') =
+                fold_map (factor_out_bind n) pinfos intermediate_thy
+                |> apfst ListPair.unzip
+              val step' =
+                (n, {role = #role data, fmla = #fmla data,
+                 source_inf_opt = SOME (TPTP_Proof.Inference (inf_name, sinfos, pinfos'))})
+            in (thy', fold_options parent_nodes @ step' :: rest) end
+        | _ => (intermediate_thy, step :: rest)
+  in
+    fold process_nodes fms (thy, [])
+    (*new_nodes must come at the beginning, since we assume that the last line in a proof is the closing line*)
+    |> apsnd rev
+  end
+(** Proof transformer to add virtual inference steps
+    encoding any transformation done immediately prior
+    to a splitting step **)
+Involves finding an inference of this form:
+                   F = $false
+  ----------------------------------- split_conjecture
+    (F1 = $false) ... (Fn = $false)
+where F doesn't have an "and" or "iff" at the top level,
+and turn it into this:
+                   F = $false
+  ----------------------------------- split_preprocessing
+            (F1 % ... % Fn) = $false
+  ----------------------------------- split_conjecture
+    (F1 = $false) ... (Fn = $false)
+where "%" is either an "and" or an "iff" connective.
+This transformation is used to clarify the clause structure, to
+make it immediately "obvious" how splitting is taking place
+(by factoring out the other syntactic transformations -- e.g.
+related to quantifiers -- performed by Leo2). Having the clause
+in this "clearer" form makes the inference amenable to handling
+using the "abstraction" technique, which allows us to validate
+large inferences.
+fun preprocess_splits prob_name thy fms : theory * formula_meaning list =
+  let
+    (*Simulate the transformation done by Leo2's preprocessing
+      step during splitting.
+      NOTE: we assume that the clause is a singleton
+      This transformation does the following:
+       - miniscopes !-quantifiers (and recurs)
+       - removes redundant ?-quantifiers (and recurs)
+       - eliminates double negation (and recurs)
+       - breaks up conjunction (and recurs)
+       - expands iff (and doesn't recur)*)
+    fun transform_fmla i fmla_t =
+      case fmla_t of
+          Const (@{const_name "HOL.All"}, ty) $ Abs (s, ty', t') =>
+            let
+              val (i', fmla_ts) = transform_fmla i t'
+            in
+              if i' > i then
+                (i' + 1,
+                 map (fn t =>
+                  Const (@{const_name "HOL.All"}, ty) $ Abs (s, ty', t))
+                fmla_ts)
+              else (i, [fmla_t])
+            end
+        | Const (@{const_name "HOL.Ex"}, ty) $ Abs (s, ty', t') =>
+            if loose_bvar (t', 0) then
+              (i, [fmla_t])
+            else transform_fmla (i + 1) t'
+        | @{term HOL.Not} $ (@{term HOL.Not} $ t') =>
+            transform_fmla (i + 1) t'
+        | @{term HOL.conj} $ t1 $ t2 =>
+            let
+              val (i1, fmla_t1s) = transform_fmla (i + 1) t1
+              val (i2, fmla_t2s) = transform_fmla (i + 1) t2
+            in
+              (i1 + i2 - i, fmla_t1s @ fmla_t2s)
+            end
+        | Const (@{const_name HOL.eq}, ty) $ t1 $ t2 =>
+            let
+              val (T1, (T2, res)) =
+                dest_funT ty
+                |> apsnd dest_funT
+            in
+              if T1 = HOLogic.boolT andalso T2 = HOLogic.boolT andalso
+                 res = HOLogic.boolT then
+                (i + 1,
+                  [HOLogic.mk_imp (t1, t2),
+                   HOLogic.mk_imp (t2, t1)])
+              else (i, [fmla_t])
+            end
+        | _ => (i, [fmla_t])
+    fun preprocess_split thy split_node_name fmla_t =
+      (*create new node which contains the new inference,
+        to be added to graph*)
+      let
+        val (node_name, thy') = get_next_name thy
+        val (changes, fmla_conjs) =
+          transform_fmla 0 fmla_t
+          |> apsnd rev (*otherwise we run into problems because
+                         of commutativity of conjunction*)
+        val target_fmla =
+          fold (curry HOLogic.mk_conj) (tl fmla_conjs) (hd fmla_conjs)
+        val new_node =
+         (node_name,
+          {role = TPTP_Syntax.Role_Plain,
+           fmla =
+             HOLogic.mk_eq (target_fmla, @{term False}) (*polarise*)
+             |> HOLogic.mk_Trueprop,
+           source_inf_opt =
+             SOME (TPTP_Proof.Inference (split_preprocessingK, [], [TPTP_Proof.Parent split_node_name]))})
+      in
+        if changes = 0 then NONE
+        else SOME (TPTP_Proof.Parent node_name, new_node, thy')
+      end
+  in
+    fold
+     (fn step as (n, data) => fn (intermediate_thy, redirections, rest) =>
+       case #source_inf_opt data of
+            SOME (TPTP_Proof.Inference
+                   (inf_name, sinfos, pinfos)) =>
+              if inf_name <> "split_conjecture" then
+                (intermediate_thy, redirections, step :: rest)
+              else
+                let
+                  (*
+                   NOTE: here we assume that the node only has one
+                         parent, and that there is no additional
+                         parent info.
+                   *)
+                  val split_node_name =
+                    case pinfos of
+                        [TPTP_Proof.Parent n] => n
+                      | _ => raise PREPROCESS_SPLITS
+                (*check if we've already handled that already node*)
+                in
+                  case AList.lookup (op =) redirections split_node_name of
+                      SOME preprocessed_split_node_name =>
+                        let
+                          val step' =
+                            apply_to_parent_info (fn _ => [TPTP_Proof.Parent preprocessed_split_node_name]) step
+                        in (intermediate_thy, redirections, step' :: rest) end
+                    | NONE =>
+                        let
+                          (*we know the polarity to be $false, from knowing Leo2*)
+                          val split_fmla =
+                            try_dest_Trueprop (node_info fms #fmla split_node_name)
+                            |> remove_polarity true
+                            |> fst
+                          val preprocess_result =
+                            preprocess_split intermediate_thy
+                              split_node_name
+                              split_fmla
+                        in
+                          if is_none preprocess_result then
+                            (*no preprocessing done by Leo2, so no need to introduce
+                              a virtual inference. cache this result by
+                              redirecting the split_node to itself*)
+                            (intermediate_thy,
+                             (split_node_name, split_node_name) :: redirections,
+                             step :: rest)
+                          else
+                            let
+                              val (new_parent_info, new_parent_node, thy') = the preprocess_result
+                              val step' =
+                                (n, {role = #role data, fmla = #fmla data,
+                                 source_inf_opt = SOME (TPTP_Proof.Inference (inf_name, sinfos, [new_parent_info]))})
+                            in
+                              (thy',
+                               (split_node_name, fst new_parent_node) :: redirections,
+                               step' :: new_parent_node :: rest)
+                            end
+                        end
+                end
+          | _ => (intermediate_thy, redirections, step :: rest))
+     (rev fms) (*this allows us to put new inferences before other inferences which use them*)
+     (thy, [], [])
+    |> (fn (x, _, z) => (x, z)) (*discard redirection info*)
+  end
+(** Proof transformer to remove repeated quantification **)
+fun drop_repeated_quantification thy (fms : formula_meaning list) : theory * formula_meaning list =
+  let
+    (*In case of repeated quantification, removes outer quantification.
+      Only need to look at top-level, since the repeated quantification
+      generally occurs at clause level*)
+    fun remove_repeated_quantification seen t =
+      case t of
+          (*NOTE we're assuming that variables having the same name, have the same type throughout*)
+          Const (@{const_name "HOL.All"}, ty) $ Abs (s, ty', t') =>
+            let
+              val (seen_so_far, seen') =
+                case AList.lookup (op =) seen s of
+                    NONE => (0, (s, 0) :: seen)
+                  | SOME n => (n + 1, AList.update (op =) (s, n + 1) seen)
+              val (pre_final_t, final_seen) = remove_repeated_quantification seen' t'
+              val final_t =
+                case AList.lookup (op =) final_seen s of
+                    NONE => raise DROP_REPEATED_QUANTIFICATION
+                  | SOME n =>
+                      if n > seen_so_far then pre_final_t
+                      else Const (@{const_name "HOL.All"}, ty) $ Abs (s, ty', pre_final_t)
+            in (final_t, final_seen) end
+        | _ => (t, seen)
+    fun remove_repeated_quantification' (n, {role, fmla, source_inf_opt}) =
+      (n,
+       {role = role,
+        fmla =
+          try_dest_Trueprop fmla
+          |> remove_repeated_quantification []
+          |> fst
+          |> HOLogic.mk_Trueprop,
+        source_inf_opt = source_inf_opt})
+  in
+    (thy, map remove_repeated_quantification' fms)
+  end
+(** Proof transformer to detect a redundant splitting and remove
+    the redundant branch. **)
+fun node_is_inference fms rule_name node_name =
+  case node_info fms #source_inf_opt node_name of
+      NONE => false
+    | SOME (TPTP_Proof.File _) => false
+    | SOME (TPTP_Proof.Inference (rule_name', _, _)) => rule_name' = rule_name
+(*In this analysis we're interested if there exists a split-free
+  path between the end of the proof and the negated conjecture.
+  If so, then this path (or the shortest such path) could be
+  retained, and the rest of the proof erased.*)
+datatype branch_info =
+    Split_free (*Path is not part of a split. This is only used when path reaches the negated conjecture.*)
+  | Split_present (*Path is one of a number of splits. Such paths are excluded.*)
+  | Coinconsistent of int (*Path leads to a clause which is inconsistent with nodes concluded by other paths.
+                            Therefore this path should be kept if the others are kept
+                            (i.e., unless one of them results from a split)*)
+  | No_info (*Analysis hasn't come across anything definite yet, though it still hasn't completed.*)
+(*A "paths" value consist of every way of reaching the destination,
+  including information come across it so far. Taking the head of
+  each way gives the fringe. All paths should share the same source
+  and sink.*)
+type path = (branch_info * string list)
+fun prune_redundant_splits prob_name thy fms : theory * formula_meaning list =
+  let
+    (*All paths start at the contradiction*)
+    val initial_path = (No_info, [proof_end_node fms])
+    (*All paths should end at the proof's beginning*)
+    val end_node = proof_beginning_node fms
+    fun compute_path (path as ((info,
+                       (n :: ns)) : path))(*i.e. node list can't be empty*)
+        intermediate_thy =
+      case info of
+          Split_free => (([path], []), intermediate_thy)
+        | Coinconsistent branch_id =>
+            (*If this branch has a split_conjecture parent then all "sibling" branches get erased.*)
+            (*This branch can't lead to yet another coinconsistent branch (in the case of Leo2).*)
+            let
+              val parent_nodes = parents_of_node fms n
+            in
+              if List.exists (node_is_inference fms "split_conjecture") parent_nodes then
+                (([], [branch_id]), intermediate_thy) (*all related branches are to be deleted*)
+              else
+                list_prod [] parent_nodes (n :: ns)
+                |> map (fn ns' => (Coinconsistent branch_id, ns'))
+                |> (fn x => ((x, []), intermediate_thy))
+            end
+        | No_info =>
+            let
+              val parent_nodes = parents_of_node fms n
+              (*if this node is a consistency checking node then parent nodes will be marked as coinconsistent*)
+              val (thy', new_branch_info) =
+                if node_is_inference fms "fo_atp_e" n orelse
+                   node_is_inference fms "res" n then
+                  let
+                    val (i', intermediate_thy') = get_next_int intermediate_thy
+                  in
+                    (intermediate_thy', SOME (Coinconsistent i'))
+                  end
+                else (intermediate_thy, NONE)
+            in
+              if List.exists (node_is_inference fms "split_conjecture") parent_nodes then
+                (([], []), thy')
+              else
+                list_prod [] parent_nodes (n :: ns)
+                |> map (fn ns' =>
+                          let
+                            val info =
+                              if is_some new_branch_info then the new_branch_info
+                              else
+                                if hd ns' = end_node then Split_free else No_info
+                          in (info, ns') end)
+                |> (fn x => ((x, []), thy'))
+            end
+        | _ => raise PRUNE_REDUNDANT_SPLITS
+    fun compute_paths intermediate_thy (paths : path list) =
+      if filter (fn (_, ns) => ns <> [] andalso hd ns = end_node) paths = paths then
+        (*fixpoint reached when all paths are at the head position*)
+        (intermediate_thy, paths)
+      else
+        let
+          val filtered_paths = filter (fn (info, _) : path => info <> Split_present) paths (*not interested in paths containing a split*)
+          val (paths', thy') =
+            fold_map compute_path filtered_paths intermediate_thy
+        in
+          paths'
+          |> ListPair.unzip (*we get a list of pairs of lists. we want a pair of lists*)
+          |> (fn (paths, branch_ids) =>
+               (List.concat paths,
+                (*remove duplicate branch_ids*)
+                fold (Library.insert (op =)) (List.concat branch_ids) []))
+          (*filter paths having branch_ids appearing in the second list*)
+          |> (fn (paths, branch_ids) =>
+              filter (fn (info, _) =>
+                        case info of
+                            Coinconsistent branch_id => List.exists (fn x => x = branch_id) branch_ids
+                          | _ => true) paths)
+          |> compute_paths thy'
+        end
+    val (thy', paths) =
+      compute_paths thy [initial_path]
+      |> apsnd
+          (filter (fn (branch_info, _) =>
+                  case branch_info of
+                      Split_free => true
+                    | Coinconsistent _ => true
+                    | _ => false))
+    (*Extract subset of fms which is used in a path.
+      Also, remove references (in parent info annotations) to erased nodes.*)
+    fun path_to_fms ((_, nodes) : path) =
+      fold
+       (fn n => fn fms' =>
+          case AList.lookup (op =) fms' n of
+              SOME _ => fms'
+            | NONE =>
+               let
+                 val node_info = the (AList.lookup (op =) fms n)
+                 val source_info' =
+                   case #source_inf_opt node_info of
+                       NONE => error "Only the conjecture is an orphan"
+                     | SOME (source_info as TPTP_Proof.File _) => source_info
+                     | SOME (source_info as
+                             TPTP_Proof.Inference (inference_name,
+                                                   useful_infos : TPTP_Proof.useful_info_as list,
+                                                   parent_infos)) =>
+                         let
+                           fun is_node_in_fms' parent_info =
+                             let
+                               val parent_nodename =
+                                 case parent_info of
+                                     TPTP_Proof.Parent n => n
+                                   | TPTP_Proof.ParentWithDetails (n, _) => n
+                             in
+                               case AList.lookup (op =) fms' parent_nodename of
+                                   NONE => false
+                                 | SOME _ => true
+                             end
+                         in
+                           TPTP_Proof.Inference (inference_name,
+                                                 useful_infos,
+                                                 filter is_node_in_fms' parent_infos)
+                         end
+               in
+                   (n,
+                    {role = #role node_info,
+                     fmla = #fmla node_info,
+                     source_inf_opt = SOME source_info'}) :: fms'
+               end)
+       nodes
+       []
+  in
+    if null paths then (thy', fms) else
+      (thy',
+       hd(*FIXME could pick path based on length, or some notion of "difficulty"*) paths
+       |> path_to_fms)
+  end
+(*** Main functions ***)
+(*interpret proof*)
+fun import_thm cautious path_prefixes file_name
+ (on_load : proof_annotation -> theory -> (proof_annotation * theory)) thy =
+  let
+    val prob_name =
+      Path.base file_name
+      |> Path.implode
+      |> TPTP_Problem_Name.parse_problem_name
+    val thy1 = TPTP_Interpret.import_file cautious path_prefixes file_name [] [] thy
+    val fms = get_fmlas_of_prob thy1 prob_name
+  in
+    if List.null fms then
+      (warning ("File " ^ Path.implode file_name ^ " appears empty!");
+ (cons ((prob_name, empty_pannot prob_name))) thy1)
+    else
+      let
+        val defn_equations =
+          List.filter (fn (_, role, _, _) => role = TPTP_Syntax.Role_Definition) fms
+          |> map (fn (node, _, t, _) =>
+               (node,
+                get_defn_components t
+                |> mk_bind_eq prob_name []))
+        val axioms =
+          List.filter (fn (_, role, _, _) => role = TPTP_Syntax.Role_Axiom) fms
+          |> map (fn (node, _, t, _) =>
+               (node,
+                mk_bind_ax prob_name node t))
+        (*add definitions and axioms to the theory*)
+        val thy2 =
+          fold
+           (fn bnd => fn thy =>
+              let
+                val ((name, thm), thy') = Thm.add_axiom_global bnd thy
+              in Global_Theory.add_thm ((#1 bnd, thm), []) thy' |> #2 end)
+           (map snd defn_equations @ map snd axioms)
+          thy1
+        (*apply global proof transformations*)
+        val (thy3, pre_pannot) : theory * proof_annotation =
+          transf_pannot
+           (prune_redundant_splits prob_name thy2
+            #-> interpolate_binds prob_name
+            #-> preprocess_splits prob_name
+            #-> drop_repeated_quantification)
+           {problem_name = prob_name,
+            skolem_defs = [],
+            defs = map (apsnd fst) defn_equations,
+            axs = map (apsnd fst) axioms,
+            meta = map (fn (n, r, t, info) => (n, {role=r, fmla=t, source_inf_opt=info})) fms}
+        (*store pannot*)
+        val thy4 = (cons ((prob_name, pre_pannot))) thy3
+        (*run hook, which might result in changed pannot and theory*)
+        val (pannot, thy5) = on_load pre_pannot thy4
+      (*store the most recent pannot*)
+      in (cons ((prob_name, pannot))) thy5 end
+  end
+(*This has been disabled since it requires a hook to be specified to use "import_thm"
+val _ =
+  Outer_Syntax.improper_command @{command_spec "import_leo2_proof"} "import TPTP proof"
+    (Parse.path >> (fn name =>
+      Toplevel.theory (fn thy =>
+       let val path = Path.explode name
+       in import_thm true [Path.dir path, Path.explode "$TPTP"] path (*FIXME hook needs to be given here*)
+thy end)))
+(** Archive **)
+(*FIXME move elsewhere*)
+(*This contains currently unused, but possibly useful, functions written
+  during experimentation, in case they are useful later on*)
+(*given a list of rules and a node, return
+  SOME (rule name) if that node's rule name
+  belongs to the list of rules*)
+fun match_rules_of_current (pannot : proof_annotation) rules n =
+  case node_info (#meta pannot) #source_inf_opt n of
+      NONE => NONE
+    | SOME (TPTP_Proof.File _) => NONE
+    | SOME (TPTP_Proof.Inference (rule_name, _ : TPTP_Proof.useful_info_as list, _)) =>
+        if member (op =) rules rule_name then SOME rule_name else NONE
+(*given a node and a list of rules, determine
+  whether all the rules can be matched to
+  parent nodes. If nonstrict then there may be
+  more parents than given rules.*)
+fun match_rules_of_immediate_previous (pannot : proof_annotation) strict rules n =
+  case node_info (#meta pannot) #source_inf_opt n of
+      NONE => null rules
+    | SOME (TPTP_Proof.File _) => null rules
+    | SOME (TPTP_Proof.Inference (rule_name, _ : TPTP_Proof.useful_info_as list, parent_infos)) =>
+        let
+          val matched_rules : string option list =
+            map (match_rules_of_current pannot rules)
+                (dest_parent_infos true (#meta pannot) parent_infos |> map #name)
+        in
+          if strict andalso member (op =) matched_rules NONE then false
+          else
+            (*check that all the rules were matched*)
+            fold
+              (fn (rule : string) => fn (st, matches : string option list) =>
+                 if not st then (st, matches)
+                 else
+                   let
+                     val idx = find_index (fn match => SOME rule = match) matches
+                   in
+                     if idx < 0 then (false, matches)
+                     else
+                       (st, nth_drop idx matches)
+                   end)
+             rules
+             (true, matched_rules)
+            |> #1 (*discard the other info*)
+        end