changeset 28477 9339d4dcec8b
child 28479 8b6af52424f6
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/src/HOL/Tools/atp_thread.ML	Fri Oct 03 16:37:09 2008 +0200
@@ -0,0 +1,201 @@
+(*  Title:      HOL/Tools/atp_thread.ML
+    ID:         $Id$
+    Author:     Fabian Immler, TU Muenchen
+Automatic provers as managed threads.
+signature ATP_THREAD =
+  (* basic templates *)
+  val atp_thread: (unit -> 'a option) -> ('a -> unit) -> string -> Thread.thread * string
+  val external_prover:int ->
+    ((int -> Path.T) -> Proof.context * Thm.thm list * Thm.thm -> string list * ResHolClause.axiom_name Vector.vector list) ->
+    string ->
+    (string * int -> bool) ->
+    (string * string vector * Proof.context * Thm.thm * int -> string) ->
+    Toplevel.state -> Thread.thread * string
+  (* settings for writing problemfiles *)
+  val destdir: string ref
+  val problem_name: string ref
+  (* provers as functions returning threads *)
+  val tptp_prover_filter_opts_full: int -> bool -> bool -> string -> Toplevel.state -> (Thread.thread * string)
+  val tptp_prover_filter_opts: int -> bool -> string -> Toplevel.state -> (Thread.thread * string)
+  val full_prover_filter_opts: int -> bool -> string -> Toplevel.state -> (Thread.thread * string)
+  val tptp_prover: string -> Toplevel.state -> (Thread.thread * string)
+  val full_prover: string -> Toplevel.state -> (Thread.thread * string)  val spass_filter_opts: int -> bool -> Toplevel.state -> (Thread.thread * string)
+  val eprover_filter_opts: int -> bool -> Toplevel.state -> (Thread.thread * string)
+  val eprover_filter_opts_full: int -> bool -> Toplevel.state -> (Thread.thread * string)
+  val vampire_filter_opts: int -> bool -> Toplevel.state -> (Thread.thread * string)
+  val vampire_filter_opts_full: int -> bool -> Toplevel.state -> (Thread.thread * string)
+  val spass: Toplevel.state -> (Thread.thread * string)
+  val eprover: Toplevel.state -> (Thread.thread * string)
+  val eprover_full: Toplevel.state -> (Thread.thread * string)
+  val vampire: Toplevel.state -> (Thread.thread * string)
+  val vampire_full: Toplevel.state -> (Thread.thread * string)
+  val setup: theory -> theory
+structure AtpThread : ATP_THREAD =
+  structure Recon = ResReconstruct
+  (* if a thread calls priority while PG works on a ML{**}-block, PG will not leave the block *)
+  fun delayed_priority s = (OS.Process.sleep (Time.fromMilliseconds 100); priority s);
+  (* -------- AUTOMATIC THEOREM PROVERS AS THREADS ----------*)
+  (* create an automatic-prover thread, registering has to be done by sledgehammer
+    or manual via AtpManager.register;
+    unregistering is done by thread.
+  *)
+  fun atp_thread call_prover action_success description =
+    let val thread = Thread.fork(fn () =>
+      let
+      val answer = call_prover ()
+      val _ = if isSome answer then action_success (valOf answer)
+        else delayed_priority ("Sledgehammer: " ^ description ^ "\n  failed.")
+      in AtpManager.unregister (isSome answer)
+      end
+      handle Interrupt => delayed_priority ("Sledgehammer: " ^ description ^ "\n  interrupted.")
+    ,[Thread.EnableBroadcastInterrupt true,
+     Thread.InterruptState Thread.InterruptAsynch])
+    in (thread, description) end
+  (* Settings for path and filename to problemfiles *)
+  val destdir = ref "";   (*Empty means write files to /tmp*)
+  val problem_name = ref "prob";
+  (*Setting up a Thread for an external prover*)
+  fun external_prover subgoalno write_problem_files command check_success produce_answer state =
+    let
+      (*creating description from provername and subgoal*)
+    val call::path = rev (String.tokens (fn c => c = #"/") command)
+    val name::options = String.tokens (fn c => c = #" ") call
+    val (ctxt, (chain_ths, goal)) = Proof.get_goal (Toplevel.proof_of state)
+    val description = "External prover '" ^ name ^ "' for Subgoal " ^ Int.toString subgoalno
+      ^ ":\n" ^ Display.string_of_cterm (List.nth(cprems_of goal, subgoalno-1))
+      (* path to unique problemfile *)
+    fun prob_pathname nr =
+      let val probfile = Path.basic (!problem_name ^ serial_string () ^ "_" ^ Int.toString nr)
+      in if !destdir = "" then File.tmp_path probfile
+        else if File.exists (Path.explode (!destdir))
+        then (Path.append  (Path.explode (!destdir)) probfile)
+        else error ("No such directory: " ^ !destdir)
+      end
+      (* write out problem file and call prover *)
+    fun call_prover () =
+      let
+      val chain_ths = map (Thm.put_name_hint Recon.chained_hint) chain_ths
+      val (filenames, thm_names_list) =
+        write_problem_files prob_pathname (ctxt, chain_ths, goal)
+      val thm_names = List.nth(thm_names_list, subgoalno - 1);(*(i-1)th element for i-th subgoal*)
+      val (proof, rc) = system_out (command ^ " " ^ List.nth(filenames, subgoalno - 1))
+      val _ = map (fn file => OS.FileSys.remove file) filenames
+      in
+        if check_success (proof, rc) then SOME (proof, thm_names, ctxt, goal, subgoalno)
+        else NONE
+      end
+      (* output answer of res_reconstruct with description of subgoal *)
+    fun action_success result =
+      let
+      val answer = produce_answer result
+      val _ = priority ("Sledgehammer: " ^ description ^ "\n    Try this command: " ^ answer)
+      in () end
+    in
+      atp_thread call_prover action_success description
+    end;
+  (*=========== TEMPLATES FOR AUTOMATIC PROVERS =================*)
+  fun tptp_prover_filter_opts_full max_new theory_const full command state =
+    external_prover 1
+    (ResAtp.write_problem_files ResHolClause.tptp_write_file max_new theory_const)
+    command
+    Recon.check_success_e_vamp_spass
+    (if full then Recon.structured_proof else Recon.lemma_list_tstp)
+    state;
+  (* arbitrary atp with tptp input/output and problemfile as last argument*)
+  fun tptp_prover_filter_opts max_new theory_const =
+    tptp_prover_filter_opts_full max_new theory_const false;
+  (* default settings*)
+  val tptp_prover = tptp_prover_filter_opts 60 true;
+  (* for structured proofs: prover must support tstp! *)
+  fun full_prover_filter_opts max_new theory_const =
+    tptp_prover_filter_opts_full max_new theory_const true;
+  (* default settings*)
+  val full_prover = full_prover_filter_opts 60 true;
+    (* Return the path to a "helper" like SPASS, E or Vampire, first checking that
+  it exists. *)
+  fun prover_command path =
+    if File.exists path then File.shell_path path
+    else error ("Could not find the file '" ^ (Path.implode o Path.expand) path ^ "'")
+  (* a vampire for first subgoal *)
+  fun vampire_filter_opts max_new theory_const state = tptp_prover_filter_opts
+    max_new theory_const
+    (prover_command (Path.explode "$VAMPIRE_HOME/vampire")
+    ^ " --output_syntax tptp --mode casc -t 3600") (* vampire does not work without timelimit*)
+    state;
+  (* default settings*)
+  val vampire = vampire_filter_opts 60 false;
+  (* a vampire for full proof output *)
+  fun vampire_filter_opts_full max_new theory_const state = full_prover_filter_opts
+    max_new theory_const
+    (prover_command (Path.explode "$VAMPIRE_HOME/vampire")
+    ^ " --output_syntax tptp --mode casc -t 3600") (* vampire does not work without timelimit*)
+    state;
+  (* default settings*)
+  val vampire_full = vampire_filter_opts 60 false;
+  (* an E for first subgoal *)
+  fun eprover_filter_opts max_new theory_const state = tptp_prover_filter_opts
+    max_new theory_const
+    (prover_command (Path.explode "$E_HOME/eproof")
+    ^ " --tstp-in --tstp-out -l5 -xAutoDev -tAutoDev --silent")
+    state;
+  (* default settings *)
+  val eprover = eprover_filter_opts 100 false;
+  (* an E for full proof output*)
+  fun eprover_filter_opts_full max_new theory_const state = full_prover_filter_opts
+    max_new theory_const
+    (prover_command (Path.explode "$E_HOME/eproof")
+    ^ " --tstp-in --tstp-out -l5 -xAutoDev -tAutoDev --silent")
+    state;
+  (* default settings *)
+  val eprover_full = eprover_filter_opts_full 100 false;
+  (* SPASS for first subgoal *)
+  fun spass_filter_opts max_new theory_const state = external_prover 1
+    (ResAtp.write_problem_files ResHolClause.dfg_write_file max_new theory_const)
+    (prover_command (Path.explode "$SPASS_HOME/SPASS")
+    ^ " -Auto -SOS=1 -PGiven=0 -PProblem=0 -Splits=0 -FullRed=0 -DocProof")
+    Recon.check_success_e_vamp_spass
+    Recon.lemma_list_dfg
+    state;
+  (* default settings*)
+  val spass = spass_filter_opts 40 true;
+  (*TODO: Thread running some selected or recommended provers of "System On TPTP" *)
+  fun add_prover name prover_fun = (Symtab.update (name, prover_fun))
+    (* include 'original' provers and provers with structured output *)
+  val setup =
+    (* original setups *)
+    add_prover "spass" spass #>
+    add_prover "vampire" vampire #>
+    add_prover "e" eprover #>
+    (* provers with stuctured output *)
+    add_prover "vampire_full" vampire_full #>
+    add_prover "e_full" eprover_full #>
+    (* on some problems better results *)
+    add_prover "spass_no_tc" (spass_filter_opts 40 false);