changeset 27713 95b36bfe7fc4
parent 27700 ef4b26efa8b6
child 27714 27b4d7c01f8b
--- a/src/HOL/Algebra/Lattice.thy	Wed Jul 30 16:07:00 2008 +0200
+++ b/src/HOL/Algebra/Lattice.thy	Wed Jul 30 19:03:33 2008 +0200
@@ -1,5 +1,5 @@
-  Title:     HOL/Algebra/Lattice.thy
+  Title:     HOL/Algebra/GLattice.thy
   Id:        $Id$
   Author:    Clemens Ballarin, started 7 November 2003
   Copyright: Clemens Ballarin
@@ -7,88 +7,202 @@
 theory Lattice imports Congruence begin
 section {* Orders and Lattices *}
 subsection {* Partial Orders *}
-record 'a order = "'a partial_object" +
+record 'a gorder = "'a eq_object" +
   le :: "['a, 'a] => bool" (infixl "\<sqsubseteq>\<index>" 50)
-locale partial_order =
-  fixes L (structure)
-  assumes refl [intro, simp]:
-                  "x \<in> carrier L ==> x \<sqsubseteq> x"
-    and anti_sym [intro]:
-                  "[| x \<sqsubseteq> y; y \<sqsubseteq> x; x \<in> carrier L; y \<in> carrier L |] ==> x = y"
-    and trans [trans]:
-                  "[| x \<sqsubseteq> y; y \<sqsubseteq> z;
-                   x \<in> carrier L; y \<in> carrier L; z \<in> carrier L |] ==> x \<sqsubseteq> z"
+locale weak_partial_order = equivalence L +
+  assumes le_refl [intro, simp]:
+      "x \<in> carrier L ==> x \<sqsubseteq> x"
+    and weak_le_anti_sym [intro]:
+      "[| x \<sqsubseteq> y; y \<sqsubseteq> x; x \<in> carrier L; y \<in> carrier L |] ==> x .= y"
+    and le_trans [trans]:
+      "[| x \<sqsubseteq> y; y \<sqsubseteq> z; x \<in> carrier L; y \<in> carrier L; z \<in> carrier L |] ==> x \<sqsubseteq> z"
+    and le_cong:
+      "\<lbrakk> x .= y; z .= w; x \<in> carrier L; y \<in> carrier L; z \<in> carrier L; w \<in> carrier L \<rbrakk> \<Longrightarrow> x \<sqsubseteq> z \<longleftrightarrow> y \<sqsubseteq> w"
 constdefs (structure L)
   lless :: "[_, 'a, 'a] => bool" (infixl "\<sqsubset>\<index>" 50)
-  "x \<sqsubset> y == x \<sqsubseteq> y & x ~= y"
+  "x \<sqsubset> y == x \<sqsubseteq> y & x .\<noteq> y"
+subsubsection {* The order relation *}
+context weak_partial_order begin
+lemma le_cong_l [intro, trans]:
+  "\<lbrakk> x .= y; y \<sqsubseteq> z; x \<in> carrier L; y \<in> carrier L; z \<in> carrier L \<rbrakk> \<Longrightarrow> x \<sqsubseteq> z"
+  by (auto intro: le_cong [THEN iffD2])
+lemma le_cong_r [intro, trans]:
+  "\<lbrakk> x \<sqsubseteq> y; y .= z; x \<in> carrier L; y \<in> carrier L; z \<in> carrier L \<rbrakk> \<Longrightarrow> x \<sqsubseteq> z"
+  by (auto intro: le_cong [THEN iffD1])
+lemma gen_refl [intro, simp]: "\<lbrakk> x .= y; x \<in> carrier L; y \<in> carrier L \<rbrakk> \<Longrightarrow> x \<sqsubseteq> y"
+  by (simp add: le_cong_l)
+lemma weak_llessI:
+  fixes R (structure)
+  assumes "x \<sqsubseteq> y" and "~(x .= y)"
+  shows "x \<sqsubset> y"
+  using assms unfolding lless_def by simp
+lemma lless_imp_le:
+  fixes R (structure)
+  assumes "x \<sqsubset> y"
+  shows "x \<sqsubseteq> y"
+  using assms unfolding lless_def by simp
+lemma weak_lless_imp_not_eq:
+  fixes R (structure)
+  assumes "x \<sqsubset> y"
+  shows "\<not> (x .= y)"
+  using assms unfolding lless_def by simp
-  -- {* Upper and lower bounds of a set. *}
+lemma weak_llessE:
+  fixes R (structure)
+  assumes p: "x \<sqsubset> y" and e: "\<lbrakk>x \<sqsubseteq> y; \<not> (x .= y)\<rbrakk> \<Longrightarrow> P"
+  shows "P"
+  using p by (blast dest: lless_imp_le weak_lless_imp_not_eq e)
+lemma (in weak_partial_order) lless_cong_l [trans]:
+  assumes xx': "x .= x'"
+    and xy: "x' \<sqsubset> y"
+    and carr: "x \<in> carrier L" "x' \<in> carrier L" "y \<in> carrier L"
+  shows "x \<sqsubset> y"
+  using assms unfolding lless_def by (auto intro: trans sym)
+lemma (in weak_partial_order) lless_cong_r [trans]:
+  assumes xy: "x \<sqsubset> y"
+    and  yy': "y .= y'"
+    and carr: "x \<in> carrier L" "y \<in> carrier L" "y' \<in> carrier L"
+  shows "x \<sqsubset> y'"
+  using assms unfolding lless_def by (auto intro: trans sym)
+lemma (in weak_partial_order) lless_antisym:
+  assumes "a \<in> carrier L" "b \<in> carrier L"
+    and "a \<sqsubset> b" "b \<sqsubset> a"
+  shows "P"
+  using assms
+  by (elim weak_llessE) auto
+lemma (in weak_partial_order) lless_trans [trans]:
+  assumes "a \<sqsubset> b" "b \<sqsubset> c"
+    and carr[simp]: "a \<in> carrier L" "b \<in> carrier L" "c \<in> carrier L"
+  shows "a \<sqsubset> c"
+  using assms unfolding lless_def by (blast dest: le_trans intro: sym)
+subsubsection {* Upper and lower bounds of a set *}
+constdefs (structure L)
   Upper :: "[_, 'a set] => 'a set"
-  "Upper L A == {u. (ALL x. x \<in> A \<inter> carrier L --> x \<sqsubseteq> u)} \<inter>
-                carrier L"
+  "Upper L A == {u. (ALL x. x \<in> A \<inter> carrier L --> x \<sqsubseteq> u)} \<inter> carrier L"
   Lower :: "[_, 'a set] => 'a set"
-  "Lower L A == {l. (ALL x. x \<in> A \<inter> carrier L --> l \<sqsubseteq> x)} \<inter>
-                carrier L"
-  -- {* Least and greatest, as predicate. *}
-  least :: "[_, 'a, 'a set] => bool"
-  "least L l A == A \<subseteq> carrier L & l \<in> A & (ALL x : A. l \<sqsubseteq> x)"
-  greatest :: "[_, 'a, 'a set] => bool"
-  "greatest L g A == A \<subseteq> carrier L & g \<in> A & (ALL x : A. x \<sqsubseteq> g)"
-  -- {* Supremum and infimum *}
-  sup :: "[_, 'a set] => 'a" ("\<Squnion>\<index>_" [90] 90)
-  "\<Squnion>A == THE x. least L x (Upper L A)"
+  "Lower L A == {l. (ALL x. x \<in> A \<inter> carrier L --> l \<sqsubseteq> x)} \<inter> carrier L"
-  inf :: "[_, 'a set] => 'a" ("\<Sqinter>\<index>_" [90] 90)
-  "\<Sqinter>A == THE x. greatest L x (Lower L A)"
-  join :: "[_, 'a, 'a] => 'a" (infixl "\<squnion>\<index>" 65)
-  "x \<squnion> y == sup L {x, y}"
-  meet :: "[_, 'a, 'a] => 'a" (infixl "\<sqinter>\<index>" 70)
-  "x \<sqinter> y == inf L {x, y}"
-subsubsection {* Upper *}
-lemma Upper_closed [intro, simp]:
+lemma Upper_closed [intro!, simp]:
   "Upper L A \<subseteq> carrier L"
   by (unfold Upper_def) clarify
 lemma Upper_memD [dest]:
   fixes L (structure)
-  shows "[| u \<in> Upper L A; x \<in> A; A \<subseteq> carrier L |] ==> x \<sqsubseteq> u"
+  shows "[| u \<in> Upper L A; x \<in> A; A \<subseteq> carrier L |] ==> x \<sqsubseteq> u \<and> u \<in> carrier L"
   by (unfold Upper_def) blast
+lemma (in weak_partial_order) Upper_elemD [dest]:
+  "[| u .\<in> Upper L A; u \<in> carrier L; x \<in> A; A \<subseteq> carrier L |] ==> x \<sqsubseteq> u"
+  unfolding Upper_def elem_def
+  by (blast dest: sym)
 lemma Upper_memI:
   fixes L (structure)
   shows "[| !! y. y \<in> A ==> y \<sqsubseteq> x; x \<in> carrier L |] ==> x \<in> Upper L A"
   by (unfold Upper_def) blast
+lemma (in weak_partial_order) Upper_elemI:
+  "[| !! y. y \<in> A ==> y \<sqsubseteq> x; x \<in> carrier L |] ==> x .\<in> Upper L A"
+  unfolding Upper_def by blast
 lemma Upper_antimono:
   "A \<subseteq> B ==> Upper L B \<subseteq> Upper L A"
   by (unfold Upper_def) blast
+lemma (in weak_partial_order) Upper_is_closed [simp]:
+  "A \<subseteq> carrier L ==> is_closed (Upper L A)"
+  by (rule is_closedI) (blast intro: Upper_memI)+
-subsubsection {* Lower *}
+lemma (in weak_partial_order) Upper_mem_cong:
+  assumes a'carr: "a' \<in> carrier L" and Acarr: "A \<subseteq> carrier L"
+    and aa': "a .= a'"
+    and aelem: "a \<in> Upper L A"
+  shows "a' \<in> Upper L A"
+proof (rule Upper_memI[OF _ a'carr])
+  fix y
+  assume yA: "y \<in> A"
+  hence "y \<sqsubseteq> a" by (intro Upper_memD[OF aelem, THEN conjunct1] Acarr)
+  also note aa'
+  finally
+      show "y \<sqsubseteq> a'"
+      by (simp add: a'carr subsetD[OF Acarr yA] subsetD[OF Upper_closed aelem])
+lemma (in weak_partial_order) Upper_cong:
+  assumes Acarr: "A \<subseteq> carrier L" and A'carr: "A' \<subseteq> carrier L"
+    and AA': "A {.=} A'"
+  shows "Upper L A = Upper L A'"
+unfolding Upper_def
+apply rule
+ apply (rule, clarsimp) defer 1
+ apply (rule, clarsimp) defer 1
+proof -
+  fix x a'
+  assume carr: "x \<in> carrier L" "a' \<in> carrier L"
+    and a'A': "a' \<in> A'"
+  assume aLxCond[rule_format]: "\<forall>a. a \<in> A \<and> a \<in> carrier L \<longrightarrow> a \<sqsubseteq> x"
-lemma Lower_closed [intro, simp]:
+  from AA' and a'A' have "\<exists>a\<in>A. a' .= a" by (rule set_eqD2)
+  from this obtain a
+      where aA: "a \<in> A"
+      and a'a: "a' .= a"
+      by auto
+  note [simp] = subsetD[OF Acarr aA] carr
+  note a'a
+  also have "a \<sqsubseteq> x" by (simp add: aLxCond aA)
+  finally show "a' \<sqsubseteq> x" by simp
+  fix x a
+  assume carr: "x \<in> carrier L" "a \<in> carrier L"
+    and aA: "a \<in> A"
+  assume a'LxCond[rule_format]: "\<forall>a'. a' \<in> A' \<and> a' \<in> carrier L \<longrightarrow> a' \<sqsubseteq> x"
+  from AA' and aA have "\<exists>a'\<in>A'. a .= a'" by (rule set_eqD1)
+  from this obtain a'
+      where a'A': "a' \<in> A'"
+      and aa': "a .= a'"
+      by auto
+  note [simp] = subsetD[OF A'carr a'A'] carr
+  note aa'
+  also have "a' \<sqsubseteq> x" by (simp add: a'LxCond a'A')
+  finally show "a \<sqsubseteq> x" by simp
+lemma Lower_closed [intro!, simp]:
   "Lower L A \<subseteq> carrier L"
   by (unfold Lower_def) clarify
 lemma Lower_memD [dest]:
   fixes L (structure)
-  shows "[| l \<in> Lower L A; x \<in> A; A \<subseteq> carrier L |] ==> l \<sqsubseteq> x"
+  shows "[| l \<in> Lower L A; x \<in> A; A \<subseteq> carrier L |] ==> l \<sqsubseteq> x \<and> l \<in> carrier L"
   by (unfold Lower_def) blast
 lemma Lower_memI:
@@ -100,19 +214,86 @@
   "A \<subseteq> B ==> Lower L B \<subseteq> Lower L A"
   by (unfold Lower_def) blast
+lemma (in weak_partial_order) Lower_is_closed [simp]:
+  "A \<subseteq> carrier L \<Longrightarrow> is_closed (Lower L A)"
+  by (rule is_closedI) (blast intro: Lower_memI dest: sym)+
-subsubsection {* least *}
+lemma (in weak_partial_order) Lower_mem_cong:
+  assumes a'carr: "a' \<in> carrier L" and Acarr: "A \<subseteq> carrier L"
+    and aa': "a .= a'"
+    and aelem: "a \<in> Lower L A"
+  shows "a' \<in> Lower L A"
+using assms Lower_closed[of L A]
+by (intro Lower_memI) (blast intro: le_cong_l[OF aa'[symmetric]])
+lemma (in weak_partial_order) Lower_cong:
+  assumes Acarr: "A \<subseteq> carrier L" and A'carr: "A' \<subseteq> carrier L"
+    and AA': "A {.=} A'"
+  shows "Lower L A = Lower L A'"
+using Lower_memD[of y]
+unfolding Lower_def
+apply safe
+ apply clarsimp defer 1
+ apply clarsimp defer 1
+proof -
+  fix x a'
+  assume carr: "x \<in> carrier L" "a' \<in> carrier L"
+    and a'A': "a' \<in> A'"
+  assume "\<forall>a. a \<in> A \<and> a \<in> carrier L \<longrightarrow> x \<sqsubseteq> a"
+  hence aLxCond: "\<And>a. \<lbrakk>a \<in> A; a \<in> carrier L\<rbrakk> \<Longrightarrow> x \<sqsubseteq> a" by fast
+  from AA' and a'A' have "\<exists>a\<in>A. a' .= a" by (rule set_eqD2)
+  from this obtain a
+      where aA: "a \<in> A"
+      and a'a: "a' .= a"
+      by auto
+  from aA and subsetD[OF Acarr aA]
+      have "x \<sqsubseteq> a" by (rule aLxCond)
+  also note a'a[symmetric]
+  finally
+      show "x \<sqsubseteq> a'" by (simp add: carr subsetD[OF Acarr aA])
+  fix x a
+  assume carr: "x \<in> carrier L" "a \<in> carrier L"
+    and aA: "a \<in> A"
+  assume "\<forall>a'. a' \<in> A' \<and> a' \<in> carrier L \<longrightarrow> x \<sqsubseteq> a'"
+  hence a'LxCond: "\<And>a'. \<lbrakk>a' \<in> A'; a' \<in> carrier L\<rbrakk> \<Longrightarrow> x \<sqsubseteq> a'" by fast+
+  from AA' and aA have "\<exists>a'\<in>A'. a .= a'" by (rule set_eqD1)
+  from this obtain a'
+      where a'A': "a' \<in> A'"
+      and aa': "a .= a'"
+      by auto
+  from a'A' and subsetD[OF A'carr a'A']
+      have "x \<sqsubseteq> a'" by (rule a'LxCond)
+  also note aa'[symmetric]
+  finally show "x \<sqsubseteq> a" by (simp add: carr subsetD[OF A'carr a'A'])
+subsubsection {* Least and greatest, as predicate *}
+constdefs (structure L)
+  least :: "[_, 'a, 'a set] => bool"
+  "least L l A == A \<subseteq> carrier L & l \<in> A & (ALL x : A. l \<sqsubseteq> x)"
+  greatest :: "[_, 'a, 'a set] => bool"
+  "greatest L g A == A \<subseteq> carrier L & g \<in> A & (ALL x : A. x \<sqsubseteq> g)"
+text {* Could weaken these to @{term [locale=weak_partial_order] "l \<in> carrier L \<and> l
+  .\<in> A"} and @{term [locale=weak_partial_order] "g \<in> carrier L \<and> g .\<in> A"}. *}
 lemma least_closed [intro, simp]:
-  shows "least L l A ==> l \<in> carrier L"
+  "least L l A ==> l \<in> carrier L"
   by (unfold least_def) fast
 lemma least_mem:
   "least L l A ==> l \<in> A"
   by (unfold least_def) fast
-lemma (in partial_order) least_unique:
-  "[| least L x A; least L y A |] ==> x = y"
+lemma (in weak_partial_order) weak_least_unique:
+  "[| least L x A; least L y A |] ==> x .= y"
   by (unfold least_def) blast
 lemma least_le:
@@ -120,6 +301,27 @@
   shows "[| least L x A; a \<in> A |] ==> x \<sqsubseteq> a"
   by (unfold least_def) fast
+lemma (in weak_partial_order) least_cong:
+  "[| x .= x'; x \<in> carrier L; x' \<in> carrier L; is_closed A |] ==> least L x A = least L x' A"
+  by (unfold least_def) (auto dest: sym)
+text {* @{const least} is not congruent in the second parameter for 
+  @{term [locale=weak_partial_order] "A {.=} A'"} *}
+lemma (in weak_partial_order) least_Upper_cong_l:
+  assumes "x .= x'"
+    and "x \<in> carrier L" "x' \<in> carrier L"
+    and "A \<subseteq> carrier L"
+  shows "least L x (Upper L A) = least L x' (Upper L A)"
+  apply (rule least_cong) using assms by auto
+lemma (in weak_partial_order) least_Upper_cong_r:
+  assumes Acarrs: "A \<subseteq> carrier L" "A' \<subseteq> carrier L" (* unneccessary with current Upper? *)
+    and AA': "A {.=} A'"
+  shows "least L x (Upper L A) = least L x (Upper L A')"
+apply (subgoal_tac "Upper L A = Upper L A'", simp)
+by (rule Upper_cong) fact+
 lemma least_UpperI:
   fixes L (structure)
   assumes above: "!! x. x \<in> A ==> x \<sqsubseteq> s"
@@ -133,19 +335,21 @@
   ultimately show ?thesis by (simp add: least_def)
-subsubsection {* greatest *}
+lemma least_Upper_above:
+  fixes L (structure)
+  shows "[| least L s (Upper L A); x \<in> A; A \<subseteq> carrier L |] ==> x \<sqsubseteq> s"
+  by (unfold least_def) blast
 lemma greatest_closed [intro, simp]:
-  shows "greatest L l A ==> l \<in> carrier L"
+  "greatest L l A ==> l \<in> carrier L"
   by (unfold greatest_def) fast
 lemma greatest_mem:
   "greatest L l A ==> l \<in> A"
   by (unfold greatest_def) fast
-lemma (in partial_order) greatest_unique:
-  "[| greatest L x A; greatest L y A |] ==> x = y"
+lemma (in weak_partial_order) weak_greatest_unique:
+  "[| greatest L x A; greatest L y A |] ==> x .= y"
   by (unfold greatest_def) blast
 lemma greatest_le:
@@ -153,6 +357,28 @@
   shows "[| greatest L x A; a \<in> A |] ==> a \<sqsubseteq> x"
   by (unfold greatest_def) fast
+lemma (in weak_partial_order) greatest_cong:
+  "[| x .= x'; x \<in> carrier L; x' \<in> carrier L; is_closed A |] ==>
+  greatest L x A = greatest L x' A"
+  by (unfold greatest_def) (auto dest: sym)
+text {* @{const greatest} is not congruent in the second parameter for 
+  @{term [locale=weak_partial_order] "A {.=} A'"} *}
+lemma (in weak_partial_order) greatest_Lower_cong_l:
+  assumes "x .= x'"
+    and "x \<in> carrier L" "x' \<in> carrier L"
+    and "A \<subseteq> carrier L" (* unneccessary with current Lower *)
+  shows "greatest L x (Lower L A) = greatest L x' (Lower L A)"
+  apply (rule greatest_cong) using assms by auto
+lemma (in weak_partial_order) greatest_Lower_cong_r:
+  assumes Acarrs: "A \<subseteq> carrier L" "A' \<subseteq> carrier L"
+    and AA': "A {.=} A'"
+  shows "greatest L x (Lower L A) = greatest L x (Lower L A')"
+apply (subgoal_tac "Lower L A = Lower L A'", simp)
+by (rule Lower_cong) fact+
 lemma greatest_LowerI:
   fixes L (structure)
   assumes below: "!! x. x \<in> A ==> i \<sqsubseteq> x"
@@ -166,55 +392,116 @@
   ultimately show ?thesis by (simp add: greatest_def)
-subsection {* Lattices *}
-locale lattice = partial_order +
-  assumes sup_of_two_exists:
-    "[| x \<in> carrier L; y \<in> carrier L |] ==> EX s. least L s (Upper L {x, y})"
-    and inf_of_two_exists:
-    "[| x \<in> carrier L; y \<in> carrier L |] ==> EX s. greatest L s (Lower L {x, y})"
-lemma least_Upper_above:
-  fixes L (structure)
-  shows "[| least L s (Upper L A); x \<in> A; A \<subseteq> carrier L |] ==> x \<sqsubseteq> s"
-  by (unfold least_def) blast
 lemma greatest_Lower_below:
   fixes L (structure)
   shows "[| greatest L i (Lower L A); x \<in> A; A \<subseteq> carrier L |] ==> i \<sqsubseteq> x"
   by (unfold greatest_def) blast
+text {* Supremum and infimum *}
+constdefs (structure L)
+  sup :: "[_, 'a set] => 'a" ("\<Squnion>\<index>_" [90] 90)
+  "\<Squnion>A == SOME x. least L x (Upper L A)"
+  inf :: "[_, 'a set] => 'a" ("\<Sqinter>\<index>_" [90] 90)
+  "\<Sqinter>A == SOME x. greatest L x (Lower L A)"
+  join :: "[_, 'a, 'a] => 'a" (infixl "\<squnion>\<index>" 65)
+  "x \<squnion> y == \<Squnion> {x, y}"
+  meet :: "[_, 'a, 'a] => 'a" (infixl "\<sqinter>\<index>" 70)
+  "x \<sqinter> y == \<Sqinter> {x, y}"
+subsection {* Lattices *}
+locale weak_upper_semilattice = weak_partial_order +
+  assumes sup_of_two_exists:
+    "[| x \<in> carrier L; y \<in> carrier L |] ==> EX s. least L s (Upper L {x, y})"
+locale weak_lower_semilattice = weak_partial_order +
+  assumes inf_of_two_exists:
+    "[| x \<in> carrier L; y \<in> carrier L |] ==> EX s. greatest L s (Lower L {x, y})"
+locale weak_lattice = weak_upper_semilattice + weak_lower_semilattice
 subsubsection {* Supremum *}
-lemma (in lattice) joinI:
+lemma (in weak_upper_semilattice) joinI:
   "[| !!l. least L l (Upper L {x, y}) ==> P l; x \<in> carrier L; y \<in> carrier L |]
   ==> P (x \<squnion> y)"
 proof (unfold join_def sup_def)
   assume L: "x \<in> carrier L"  "y \<in> carrier L"
     and P: "!!l. least L l (Upper L {x, y}) ==> P l"
   with sup_of_two_exists obtain s where "least L s (Upper L {x, y})" by fast
-  with L show "P (THE l. least L l (Upper L {x, y}))"
-    by (fast intro: theI2 least_unique P)
+  with L show "P (SOME l. least L l (Upper L {x, y}))"
+    by (fast intro: someI2 P)
-lemma (in lattice) join_closed [simp]:
+lemma (in weak_upper_semilattice) join_closed [simp]:
   "[| x \<in> carrier L; y \<in> carrier L |] ==> x \<squnion> y \<in> carrier L"
   by (rule joinI) (rule least_closed)
-lemma (in partial_order) sup_of_singletonI:      (* only reflexivity needed ? *)
-  "x \<in> carrier L ==> least L x (Upper L {x})"
-  by (rule least_UpperI) fast+
+lemma (in weak_upper_semilattice) join_cong_l:
+  assumes carr: "x \<in> carrier L" "x' \<in> carrier L" "y \<in> carrier L"
+    and xx': "x .= x'"
+  shows "x \<squnion> y .= x' \<squnion> y"
+proof (rule joinI, rule joinI)
+  fix a b
+  from xx' carr
+      have seq: "{x, y} {.=} {x', y}" by (rule set_eq_pairI)
+  assume leasta: "least L a (Upper L {x, y})"
+  assume "least L b (Upper L {x', y})"
+  with carr
+      have leastb: "least L b (Upper L {x, y})"
+      by (simp add: least_Upper_cong_r[OF _ _ seq])
+  from leasta leastb
+      show "a .= b" by (rule weak_least_unique)
+qed (rule carr)+
-lemma (in partial_order) sup_of_singleton [simp]:
-  "x \<in> carrier L ==> \<Squnion>{x} = x"
-  by (unfold sup_def) (blast intro: least_unique least_UpperI sup_of_singletonI)
+lemma (in weak_upper_semilattice) join_cong_r:
+  assumes carr: "x \<in> carrier L" "y \<in> carrier L" "y' \<in> carrier L"
+    and yy': "y .= y'"
+  shows "x \<squnion> y .= x \<squnion> y'"
+proof (rule joinI, rule joinI)
+  fix a b
+  have "{x, y} = {y, x}" by fast
+  also from carr yy'
+      have "{y, x} {.=} {y', x}" by (intro set_eq_pairI)
+  also have "{y', x} = {x, y'}" by fast
+  finally
+      have seq: "{x, y} {.=} {x, y'}" .
+  assume leasta: "least L a (Upper L {x, y})"
+  assume "least L b (Upper L {x, y'})"
+  with carr
+      have leastb: "least L b (Upper L {x, y})"
+      by (simp add: least_Upper_cong_r[OF _ _ seq])
+  from leasta leastb
+      show "a .= b" by (rule weak_least_unique)
+qed (rule carr)+
+lemma (in weak_partial_order) sup_of_singletonI:      (* only reflexivity needed ? *)
+  "x \<in> carrier L ==> least L x (Upper L {x})"
+  by (rule least_UpperI) auto
+lemma (in weak_partial_order) weak_sup_of_singleton [simp]:
+  "x \<in> carrier L ==> \<Squnion>{x} .= x"
+  unfolding sup_def
+  by (rule someI2) (auto intro: weak_least_unique sup_of_singletonI)
+lemma (in weak_partial_order) sup_of_singleton_closed [simp]:
+  "x \<in> carrier L \<Longrightarrow> \<Squnion>{x} \<in> carrier L"
+  unfolding sup_def
+  by (rule someI2) (auto intro: sup_of_singletonI)
 text {* Condition on @{text A}: supremum exists. *}
-lemma (in lattice) sup_insertI:
+lemma (in weak_upper_semilattice) sup_insertI:
   "[| !!s. least L s (Upper L (insert x A)) ==> P s;
   least L a (Upper L A); x \<in> carrier L; A \<subseteq> carrier L |]
   ==> P (\<Squnion>(insert x A))"
@@ -225,8 +512,8 @@
   from L least_a have La: "a \<in> carrier L" by simp
   from L sup_of_two_exists least_a
   obtain s where least_s: "least L s (Upper L {a, x})" by blast
-  show "P (THE l. least L l (Upper L (insert x A)))"
-  proof (rule theI2)
+  show "P (SOME l. least L l (Upper L (insert x A)))"
+  proof (rule someI2)
     show "least L s (Upper L (insert x A))"
     proof (rule least_UpperI)
       fix z
@@ -238,7 +525,7 @@
         assume "z \<in> A"
         with L least_s least_a show ?thesis
-          by (rule_tac trans [where y = a]) (auto dest: least_Upper_above)
+          by (rule_tac le_trans [where y = a]) (auto dest: least_Upper_above)
       fix y
@@ -266,55 +553,10 @@
       from L show "insert x A \<subseteq> carrier L" by simp
       from least_s show "s \<in> carrier L" by simp
-  next
-    fix l
-    assume least_l: "least L l (Upper L (insert x A))"
-    show "l = s"
-    proof (rule least_unique)
-      show "least L s (Upper L (insert x A))"
-      proof (rule least_UpperI)
-        fix z
-        assume "z \<in> insert x A"
-        then show "z \<sqsubseteq> s"
-	proof
-          assume "z = x" then show ?thesis
-            by (simp add: least_Upper_above [OF least_s] L La)
-	next
-          assume "z \<in> A"
-          with L least_s least_a show ?thesis
-            by (rule_tac trans [where y = a]) (auto dest: least_Upper_above)
-	qed
-      next
-        fix y
-        assume y: "y \<in> Upper L (insert x A)"
-        show "s \<sqsubseteq> y"
-        proof (rule least_le [OF least_s], rule Upper_memI)
-          fix z
-          assume z: "z \<in> {a, x}"
-          then show "z \<sqsubseteq> y"
-          proof
-            have y': "y \<in> Upper L A"
-	      apply (rule subsetD [where A = "Upper L (insert x A)"])
-	      apply (rule Upper_antimono)
-	       apply blast
-	      apply (rule y)
-	      done
-            assume "z = a"
-            with y' least_a show ?thesis by (fast dest: least_le)
-	  next
-            assume "z \<in> {x}"
-            with y L show ?thesis by blast
-          qed
-        qed (rule Upper_closed [THEN subsetD, OF y])
-      next
-        from L show "insert x A \<subseteq> carrier L" by simp
-        from least_s show "s \<in> carrier L" by simp
-      qed
-    qed (rule least_l)
   qed (rule P)
-lemma (in lattice) finite_sup_least:
+lemma (in weak_upper_semilattice) finite_sup_least:
   "[| finite A; A \<subseteq> carrier L; A ~= {} |] ==> least L (\<Squnion>A) (Upper L A)"
 proof (induct set: finite)
   case empty
@@ -324,7 +566,11 @@
   show ?case
   proof (cases "A = {}")
     case True
-    with insert show ?thesis by (simp add: sup_of_singletonI)
+    with insert show ?thesis
+      by simp (simp add: least_cong [OF weak_sup_of_singleton]
+	sup_of_singleton_closed sup_of_singletonI)
+	(* The above step is hairy; least_cong can make simp loop.
+	Would want special version of simp to apply least_cong. *)
     case False
     with insert have "least L (\<Squnion>A) (Upper L A)" by simp
@@ -333,19 +579,19 @@
-lemma (in lattice) finite_sup_insertI:
+lemma (in weak_upper_semilattice) finite_sup_insertI:
   assumes P: "!!l. least L l (Upper L (insert x A)) ==> P l"
     and xA: "finite A"  "x \<in> carrier L"  "A \<subseteq> carrier L"
   shows "P (\<Squnion> (insert x A))"
 proof (cases "A = {}")
   case True with P and xA show ?thesis
-    by (simp add: sup_of_singletonI)
+    by (simp add: finite_sup_least)
   case False with P and xA show ?thesis
     by (simp add: sup_insertI finite_sup_least)
-lemma (in lattice) finite_sup_closed:
+lemma (in weak_upper_semilattice) finite_sup_closed [simp]:
   "[| finite A; A \<subseteq> carrier L; A ~= {} |] ==> \<Squnion>A \<in> carrier L"
 proof (induct set: finite)
   case empty then show ?case by simp
@@ -354,24 +600,24 @@
     by - (rule finite_sup_insertI, simp_all)
-lemma (in lattice) join_left:
+lemma (in weak_upper_semilattice) join_left:
   "[| x \<in> carrier L; y \<in> carrier L |] ==> x \<sqsubseteq> x \<squnion> y"
   by (rule joinI [folded join_def]) (blast dest: least_mem)
-lemma (in lattice) join_right:
+lemma (in weak_upper_semilattice) join_right:
   "[| x \<in> carrier L; y \<in> carrier L |] ==> y \<sqsubseteq> x \<squnion> y"
   by (rule joinI [folded join_def]) (blast dest: least_mem)
-lemma (in lattice) sup_of_two_least:
+lemma (in weak_upper_semilattice) sup_of_two_least:
   "[| x \<in> carrier L; y \<in> carrier L |] ==> least L (\<Squnion>{x, y}) (Upper L {x, y})"
 proof (unfold sup_def)
   assume L: "x \<in> carrier L"  "y \<in> carrier L"
   with sup_of_two_exists obtain s where "least L s (Upper L {x, y})" by fast
-  with L show "least L (THE xa. least L xa (Upper L {x, y})) (Upper L {x, y})"
-  by (fast intro: theI2 least_unique)  (* blast fails *)
+  with L show "least L (SOME z. least L z (Upper L {x, y})) (Upper L {x, y})"
+  by (fast intro: someI2 weak_least_unique)  (* blast fails *)
-lemma (in lattice) join_le:
+lemma (in weak_upper_semilattice) join_le:
   assumes sub: "x \<sqsubseteq> z"  "y \<sqsubseteq> z"
     and x: "x \<in> carrier L" and y: "y \<in> carrier L" and z: "z \<in> carrier L"
   shows "x \<squnion> y \<sqsubseteq> z"
@@ -381,44 +627,48 @@
   with sub z show "s \<sqsubseteq> z" by (fast elim: least_le intro: Upper_memI)
-lemma (in lattice) join_assoc_lemma:
+lemma (in weak_upper_semilattice) weak_join_assoc_lemma:
   assumes L: "x \<in> carrier L"  "y \<in> carrier L"  "z \<in> carrier L"
-  shows "x \<squnion> (y \<squnion> z) = \<Squnion>{x, y, z}"
+  shows "x \<squnion> (y \<squnion> z) .= \<Squnion>{x, y, z}"
 proof (rule finite_sup_insertI)
   -- {* The textbook argument in Jacobson I, p 457 *}
   fix s
   assume sup: "least L s (Upper L {x, y, z})"
-  show "x \<squnion> (y \<squnion> z) = s"
-  proof (rule anti_sym)
+  show "x \<squnion> (y \<squnion> z) .= s"
+  proof (rule weak_le_anti_sym)
     from sup L show "x \<squnion> (y \<squnion> z) \<sqsubseteq> s"
       by (fastsimp intro!: join_le elim: least_Upper_above)
     from sup L show "s \<sqsubseteq> x \<squnion> (y \<squnion> z)"
     by (erule_tac least_le)
-      (blast intro!: Upper_memI intro: trans join_left join_right join_closed)
+      (blast intro!: Upper_memI intro: le_trans join_left join_right join_closed)
   qed (simp_all add: L least_closed [OF sup])
 qed (simp_all add: L)
+text {* Commutativity holds for @{text "="}. *}
 lemma join_comm:
   fixes L (structure)
   shows "x \<squnion> y = y \<squnion> x"
   by (unfold join_def) (simp add: insert_commute)
-lemma (in lattice) join_assoc:
+lemma (in weak_upper_semilattice) weak_join_assoc:
   assumes L: "x \<in> carrier L"  "y \<in> carrier L"  "z \<in> carrier L"
-  shows "(x \<squnion> y) \<squnion> z = x \<squnion> (y \<squnion> z)"
+  shows "(x \<squnion> y) \<squnion> z .= x \<squnion> (y \<squnion> z)"
 proof -
+  (* FIXME: could be simplified by improved simp: uniform use of .=,
+     omit [symmetric] in last step. *)
   have "(x \<squnion> y) \<squnion> z = z \<squnion> (x \<squnion> y)" by (simp only: join_comm)
-  also from L have "... = \<Squnion>{z, x, y}" by (simp add: join_assoc_lemma)
+  also from L have "... .= \<Squnion>{z, x, y}" by (simp add: weak_join_assoc_lemma)
   also from L have "... = \<Squnion>{x, y, z}" by (simp add: insert_commute)
-  also from L have "... = x \<squnion> (y \<squnion> z)" by (simp add: join_assoc_lemma)
-  finally show ?thesis .
+  also from L have "... .= x \<squnion> (y \<squnion> z)" by (simp add: weak_join_assoc_lemma [symmetric])
+  finally show ?thesis by (simp add: L)
 subsubsection {* Infimum *}
-lemma (in lattice) meetI:
+lemma (in weak_lower_semilattice) meetI:
   "[| !!i. greatest L i (Lower L {x, y}) ==> P i;
   x \<in> carrier L; y \<in> carrier L |]
   ==> P (x \<sqinter> y)"
@@ -426,25 +676,73 @@
   assume L: "x \<in> carrier L"  "y \<in> carrier L"
     and P: "!!g. greatest L g (Lower L {x, y}) ==> P g"
   with inf_of_two_exists obtain i where "greatest L i (Lower L {x, y})" by fast
-  with L show "P (THE g. greatest L g (Lower L {x, y}))"
-  by (fast intro: theI2 greatest_unique P)
+  with L show "P (SOME g. greatest L g (Lower L {x, y}))"
+  by (fast intro: someI2 weak_greatest_unique P)
-lemma (in lattice) meet_closed [simp]:
+lemma (in weak_lower_semilattice) meet_closed [simp]:
   "[| x \<in> carrier L; y \<in> carrier L |] ==> x \<sqinter> y \<in> carrier L"
   by (rule meetI) (rule greatest_closed)
-lemma (in partial_order) inf_of_singletonI:      (* only reflexivity needed ? *)
-  "x \<in> carrier L ==> greatest L x (Lower L {x})"
-  by (rule greatest_LowerI) fast+
+lemma (in weak_lower_semilattice) meet_cong_l:
+  assumes carr: "x \<in> carrier L" "x' \<in> carrier L" "y \<in> carrier L"
+    and xx': "x .= x'"
+  shows "x \<sqinter> y .= x' \<sqinter> y"
+proof (rule meetI, rule meetI)
+  fix a b
+  from xx' carr
+      have seq: "{x, y} {.=} {x', y}" by (rule set_eq_pairI)
+  assume greatesta: "greatest L a (Lower L {x, y})"
+  assume "greatest L b (Lower L {x', y})"
+  with carr
+      have greatestb: "greatest L b (Lower L {x, y})"
+      by (simp add: greatest_Lower_cong_r[OF _ _ seq])
+  from greatesta greatestb
+      show "a .= b" by (rule weak_greatest_unique)
+qed (rule carr)+
-lemma (in partial_order) inf_of_singleton [simp]:
-  "x \<in> carrier L ==> \<Sqinter> {x} = x"
-  by (unfold inf_def) (blast intro: greatest_unique greatest_LowerI inf_of_singletonI)
+lemma (in weak_lower_semilattice) meet_cong_r:
+  assumes carr: "x \<in> carrier L" "y \<in> carrier L" "y' \<in> carrier L"
+    and yy': "y .= y'"
+  shows "x \<sqinter> y .= x \<sqinter> y'"
+proof (rule meetI, rule meetI)
+  fix a b
+  have "{x, y} = {y, x}" by fast
+  also from carr yy'
+      have "{y, x} {.=} {y', x}" by (intro set_eq_pairI)
+  also have "{y', x} = {x, y'}" by fast
+  finally
+      have seq: "{x, y} {.=} {x, y'}" .
+  assume greatesta: "greatest L a (Lower L {x, y})"
+  assume "greatest L b (Lower L {x, y'})"
+  with carr
+      have greatestb: "greatest L b (Lower L {x, y})"
+      by (simp add: greatest_Lower_cong_r[OF _ _ seq])
-text {* Condition on A: infimum exists. *}
+  from greatesta greatestb
+      show "a .= b" by (rule weak_greatest_unique)
+qed (rule carr)+
+lemma (in weak_partial_order) inf_of_singletonI:      (* only reflexivity needed ? *)
+  "x \<in> carrier L ==> greatest L x (Lower L {x})"
+  by (rule greatest_LowerI) auto
-lemma (in lattice) inf_insertI:
+lemma (in weak_partial_order) weak_inf_of_singleton [simp]:
+  "x \<in> carrier L ==> \<Sqinter>{x} .= x"
+  unfolding inf_def
+  by (rule someI2) (auto intro: weak_greatest_unique inf_of_singletonI)
+lemma (in weak_partial_order) inf_of_singleton_closed:
+  "x \<in> carrier L ==> \<Sqinter>{x} \<in> carrier L"
+  unfolding inf_def
+  by (rule someI2) (auto intro: inf_of_singletonI)
+text {* Condition on @{text A}: infimum exists. *}
+lemma (in weak_lower_semilattice) inf_insertI:
   "[| !!i. greatest L i (Lower L (insert x A)) ==> P i;
   greatest L a (Lower L A); x \<in> carrier L; A \<subseteq> carrier L |]
   ==> P (\<Sqinter>(insert x A))"
@@ -455,8 +753,8 @@
   from L greatest_a have La: "a \<in> carrier L" by simp
   from L inf_of_two_exists greatest_a
   obtain i where greatest_i: "greatest L i (Lower L {a, x})" by blast
-  show "P (THE g. greatest L g (Lower L (insert x A)))"
-  proof (rule theI2)
+  show "P (SOME g. greatest L g (Lower L (insert x A)))"
+  proof (rule someI2)
     show "greatest L i (Lower L (insert x A))"
     proof (rule greatest_LowerI)
       fix z
@@ -468,7 +766,7 @@
         assume "z \<in> A"
         with L greatest_i greatest_a show ?thesis
-          by (rule_tac trans [where y = a]) (auto dest: greatest_Lower_below)
+          by (rule_tac le_trans [where y = a]) (auto dest: greatest_Lower_below)
       fix y
@@ -496,55 +794,10 @@
       from L show "insert x A \<subseteq> carrier L" by simp
       from greatest_i show "i \<in> carrier L" by simp
-  next
-    fix g
-    assume greatest_g: "greatest L g (Lower L (insert x A))"
-    show "g = i"
-    proof (rule greatest_unique)
-      show "greatest L i (Lower L (insert x A))"
-      proof (rule greatest_LowerI)
-        fix z
-        assume "z \<in> insert x A"
-        then show "i \<sqsubseteq> z"
-	proof
-          assume "z = x" then show ?thesis
-            by (simp add: greatest_Lower_below [OF greatest_i] L La)
-	next
-          assume "z \<in> A"
-          with L greatest_i greatest_a show ?thesis
-            by (rule_tac trans [where y = a]) (auto dest: greatest_Lower_below)
-        qed
-      next
-        fix y
-        assume y: "y \<in> Lower L (insert x A)"
-        show "y \<sqsubseteq> i"
-        proof (rule greatest_le [OF greatest_i], rule Lower_memI)
-          fix z
-          assume z: "z \<in> {a, x}"
-          then show "y \<sqsubseteq> z"
-          proof
-            have y': "y \<in> Lower L A"
-	      apply (rule subsetD [where A = "Lower L (insert x A)"])
-	      apply (rule Lower_antimono)
-	       apply blast
-	      apply (rule y)
-	      done
-            assume "z = a"
-            with y' greatest_a show ?thesis by (fast dest: greatest_le)
-	  next
-            assume "z \<in> {x}"
-            with y L show ?thesis by blast
-	  qed
-        qed (rule Lower_closed [THEN subsetD, OF y])
-      next
-        from L show "insert x A \<subseteq> carrier L" by simp
-        from greatest_i show "i \<in> carrier L" by simp
-      qed
-    qed (rule greatest_g)
   qed (rule P)
-lemma (in lattice) finite_inf_greatest:
+lemma (in weak_lower_semilattice) finite_inf_greatest:
   "[| finite A; A \<subseteq> carrier L; A ~= {} |] ==> greatest L (\<Sqinter>A) (Lower L A)"
 proof (induct set: finite)
   case empty then show ?case by simp
@@ -553,7 +806,9 @@
   show ?case
   proof (cases "A = {}")
     case True
-    with insert show ?thesis by (simp add: inf_of_singletonI)
+    with insert show ?thesis
+      by simp (simp add: greatest_cong [OF weak_inf_of_singleton]
+	inf_of_singleton_closed inf_of_singletonI)
     case False
     from insert show ?thesis
@@ -563,19 +818,19 @@
-lemma (in lattice) finite_inf_insertI:
+lemma (in weak_lower_semilattice) finite_inf_insertI:
   assumes P: "!!i. greatest L i (Lower L (insert x A)) ==> P i"
     and xA: "finite A"  "x \<in> carrier L"  "A \<subseteq> carrier L"
   shows "P (\<Sqinter> (insert x A))"
 proof (cases "A = {}")
   case True with P and xA show ?thesis
-    by (simp add: inf_of_singletonI)
+    by (simp add: finite_inf_greatest)
   case False with P and xA show ?thesis
     by (simp add: inf_insertI finite_inf_greatest)
-lemma (in lattice) finite_inf_closed:
+lemma (in weak_lower_semilattice) finite_inf_closed [simp]:
   "[| finite A; A \<subseteq> carrier L; A ~= {} |] ==> \<Sqinter>A \<in> carrier L"
 proof (induct set: finite)
   case empty then show ?case by simp
@@ -584,26 +839,26 @@
     by (rule_tac finite_inf_insertI) (simp_all)
-lemma (in lattice) meet_left:
+lemma (in weak_lower_semilattice) meet_left:
   "[| x \<in> carrier L; y \<in> carrier L |] ==> x \<sqinter> y \<sqsubseteq> x"
   by (rule meetI [folded meet_def]) (blast dest: greatest_mem)
-lemma (in lattice) meet_right:
+lemma (in weak_lower_semilattice) meet_right:
   "[| x \<in> carrier L; y \<in> carrier L |] ==> x \<sqinter> y \<sqsubseteq> y"
   by (rule meetI [folded meet_def]) (blast dest: greatest_mem)
-lemma (in lattice) inf_of_two_greatest:
+lemma (in weak_lower_semilattice) inf_of_two_greatest:
   "[| x \<in> carrier L; y \<in> carrier L |] ==>
   greatest L (\<Sqinter> {x, y}) (Lower L {x, y})"
 proof (unfold inf_def)
   assume L: "x \<in> carrier L"  "y \<in> carrier L"
   with inf_of_two_exists obtain s where "greatest L s (Lower L {x, y})" by fast
   with L
-  show "greatest L (THE xa. greatest L xa (Lower L {x, y})) (Lower L {x, y})"
-  by (fast intro: theI2 greatest_unique)  (* blast fails *)
+  show "greatest L (SOME z. greatest L z (Lower L {x, y})) (Lower L {x, y})"
+  by (fast intro: someI2 weak_greatest_unique)  (* blast fails *)
-lemma (in lattice) meet_le:
+lemma (in weak_lower_semilattice) meet_le:
   assumes sub: "z \<sqsubseteq> x"  "z \<sqsubseteq> y"
     and x: "x \<in> carrier L" and y: "y \<in> carrier L" and z: "z \<in> carrier L"
   shows "z \<sqsubseteq> x \<sqinter> y"
@@ -613,21 +868,21 @@
   with sub z show "z \<sqsubseteq> i" by (fast elim: greatest_le intro: Lower_memI)
-lemma (in lattice) meet_assoc_lemma:
+lemma (in weak_lower_semilattice) weak_meet_assoc_lemma:
   assumes L: "x \<in> carrier L"  "y \<in> carrier L"  "z \<in> carrier L"
-  shows "x \<sqinter> (y \<sqinter> z) = \<Sqinter>{x, y, z}"
+  shows "x \<sqinter> (y \<sqinter> z) .= \<Sqinter>{x, y, z}"
 proof (rule finite_inf_insertI)
   txt {* The textbook argument in Jacobson I, p 457 *}
   fix i
   assume inf: "greatest L i (Lower L {x, y, z})"
-  show "x \<sqinter> (y \<sqinter> z) = i"
-  proof (rule anti_sym)
+  show "x \<sqinter> (y \<sqinter> z) .= i"
+  proof (rule weak_le_anti_sym)
     from inf L show "i \<sqsubseteq> x \<sqinter> (y \<sqinter> z)"
       by (fastsimp intro!: meet_le elim: greatest_Lower_below)
     from inf L show "x \<sqinter> (y \<sqinter> z) \<sqsubseteq> i"
     by (erule_tac greatest_le)
-      (blast intro!: Lower_memI intro: trans meet_left meet_right meet_closed)
+      (blast intro!: Lower_memI intro: le_trans meet_left meet_right meet_closed)
   qed (simp_all add: L greatest_closed [OF inf])
 qed (simp_all add: L)
@@ -636,33 +891,34 @@
   shows "x \<sqinter> y = y \<sqinter> x"
   by (unfold meet_def) (simp add: insert_commute)
-lemma (in lattice) meet_assoc:
+lemma (in weak_lower_semilattice) weak_meet_assoc:
   assumes L: "x \<in> carrier L"  "y \<in> carrier L"  "z \<in> carrier L"
-  shows "(x \<sqinter> y) \<sqinter> z = x \<sqinter> (y \<sqinter> z)"
+  shows "(x \<sqinter> y) \<sqinter> z .= x \<sqinter> (y \<sqinter> z)"
 proof -
+  (* FIXME: improved simp, see weak_join_assoc above *)
   have "(x \<sqinter> y) \<sqinter> z = z \<sqinter> (x \<sqinter> y)" by (simp only: meet_comm)
-  also from L have "... = \<Sqinter> {z, x, y}" by (simp add: meet_assoc_lemma)
+  also from L have "... .= \<Sqinter> {z, x, y}" by (simp add: weak_meet_assoc_lemma)
   also from L have "... = \<Sqinter> {x, y, z}" by (simp add: insert_commute)
-  also from L have "... = x \<sqinter> (y \<sqinter> z)" by (simp add: meet_assoc_lemma)
-  finally show ?thesis .
+  also from L have "... .= x \<sqinter> (y \<sqinter> z)" by (simp add: weak_meet_assoc_lemma [symmetric])
+  finally show ?thesis by (simp add: L)
 subsection {* Total Orders *}
-locale total_order = partial_order +
+locale weak_total_order = weak_partial_order +
   assumes total: "[| x \<in> carrier L; y \<in> carrier L |] ==> x \<sqsubseteq> y | y \<sqsubseteq> x"
 text {* Introduction rule: the usual definition of total order *}
-lemma (in partial_order) total_orderI:
+lemma (in weak_partial_order) weak_total_orderI:
   assumes total: "!!x y. [| x \<in> carrier L; y \<in> carrier L |] ==> x \<sqsubseteq> y | y \<sqsubseteq> x"
-  shows "total_order L"
+  shows "weak_total_order L"
   by unfold_locales (rule total)
 text {* Total orders are lattices. *}
-interpretation total_order < lattice
+interpretation weak_total_order < weak_lattice
 proof unfold_locales
   fix x y
   assume L: "x \<in> carrier L"  "y \<in> carrier L"
@@ -708,7 +964,7 @@
 subsection {* Complete lattices *}
-locale complete_lattice = lattice +
+locale weak_complete_lattice = weak_lattice +
   assumes sup_exists:
     "[| A \<subseteq> carrier L |] ==> EX s. least L s (Upper L A)"
     and inf_exists:
@@ -716,16 +972,13 @@
 text {* Introduction rule: the usual definition of complete lattice *}
-lemma (in partial_order) complete_latticeI:
+lemma (in weak_partial_order) weak_complete_latticeI:
   assumes sup_exists:
     "!!A. [| A \<subseteq> carrier L |] ==> EX s. least L s (Upper L A)"
     and inf_exists:
     "!!A. [| A \<subseteq> carrier L |] ==> EX i. greatest L i (Lower L A)"
-  shows "complete_lattice L"
-proof intro_locales
-  show "lattice_axioms L"
-    by (rule lattice_axioms.intro) (blast intro: sup_exists inf_exists)+
-qed (rule complete_lattice_axioms.intro sup_exists inf_exists | assumption)+
+  shows "weak_complete_lattice L"
+  by unfold_locales (auto intro: sup_exists inf_exists)
 constdefs (structure L)
   top :: "_ => 'a" ("\<top>\<index>")
@@ -735,41 +988,41 @@
   "\<bottom> == inf L (carrier L)"
-lemma (in complete_lattice) supI:
+lemma (in weak_complete_lattice) supI:
   "[| !!l. least L l (Upper L A) ==> P l; A \<subseteq> carrier L |]
   ==> P (\<Squnion>A)"
 proof (unfold sup_def)
   assume L: "A \<subseteq> carrier L"
     and P: "!!l. least L l (Upper L A) ==> P l"
   with sup_exists obtain s where "least L s (Upper L A)" by blast
-  with L show "P (THE l. least L l (Upper L A))"
-  by (fast intro: theI2 least_unique P)
+  with L show "P (SOME l. least L l (Upper L A))"
+  by (fast intro: someI2 weak_least_unique P)
-lemma (in complete_lattice) sup_closed [simp]:
+lemma (in weak_complete_lattice) sup_closed [simp]:
   "A \<subseteq> carrier L ==> \<Squnion>A \<in> carrier L"
   by (rule supI) simp_all
-lemma (in complete_lattice) top_closed [simp, intro]:
+lemma (in weak_complete_lattice) top_closed [simp, intro]:
   "\<top> \<in> carrier L"
   by (unfold top_def) simp
-lemma (in complete_lattice) infI:
+lemma (in weak_complete_lattice) infI:
   "[| !!i. greatest L i (Lower L A) ==> P i; A \<subseteq> carrier L |]
   ==> P (\<Sqinter>A)"
 proof (unfold inf_def)
   assume L: "A \<subseteq> carrier L"
     and P: "!!l. greatest L l (Lower L A) ==> P l"
   with inf_exists obtain s where "greatest L s (Lower L A)" by blast
-  with L show "P (THE l. greatest L l (Lower L A))"
-  by (fast intro: theI2 greatest_unique P)
+  with L show "P (SOME l. greatest L l (Lower L A))"
+  by (fast intro: someI2 weak_greatest_unique P)
-lemma (in complete_lattice) inf_closed [simp]:
+lemma (in weak_complete_lattice) inf_closed [simp]:
   "A \<subseteq> carrier L ==> \<Sqinter>A \<in> carrier L"
   by (rule infI) simp_all
-lemma (in complete_lattice) bottom_closed [simp, intro]:
+lemma (in weak_complete_lattice) bottom_closed [simp, intro]:
   "\<bottom> \<in> carrier L"
   by (unfold bottom_def) simp
@@ -783,6 +1036,216 @@
   "Upper L {} = carrier L"
   by (unfold Upper_def) simp
+theorem (in weak_partial_order) weak_complete_lattice_criterion1:
+  assumes top_exists: "EX g. greatest L g (carrier L)"
+    and inf_exists:
+      "!!A. [| A \<subseteq> carrier L; A ~= {} |] ==> EX i. greatest L i (Lower L A)"
+  shows "weak_complete_lattice L"
+proof (rule weak_complete_latticeI)
+  from top_exists obtain top where top: "greatest L top (carrier L)" ..
+  fix A
+  assume L: "A \<subseteq> carrier L"
+  let ?B = "Upper L A"
+  from L top have "top \<in> ?B" by (fast intro!: Upper_memI intro: greatest_le)
+  then have B_non_empty: "?B ~= {}" by fast
+  have B_L: "?B \<subseteq> carrier L" by simp
+  from inf_exists [OF B_L B_non_empty]
+  obtain b where b_inf_B: "greatest L b (Lower L ?B)" ..
+  have "least L b (Upper L A)"
+apply (rule least_UpperI)
+   apply (rule greatest_le [where A = "Lower L ?B"])
+    apply (rule b_inf_B)
+   apply (rule Lower_memI)
+    apply (erule Upper_memD [THEN conjunct1])
+     apply assumption
+    apply (rule L)
+   apply (fast intro: L [THEN subsetD])
+  apply (erule greatest_Lower_below [OF b_inf_B])
+  apply simp
+ apply (rule L)
+apply (rule greatest_closed [OF b_inf_B])
+  then show "EX s. least L s (Upper L A)" ..
+  fix A
+  assume L: "A \<subseteq> carrier L"
+  show "EX i. greatest L i (Lower L A)"
+  proof (cases "A = {}")
+    case True then show ?thesis
+      by (simp add: top_exists)
+  next
+    case False with L show ?thesis
+      by (rule inf_exists)
+  qed
+(* TODO: prove dual version *)
+subsection {* Orders and Lattices where @{text eq} is the Equality *}
+locale partial_order = weak_partial_order +
+  assumes eq_is_equal: "op .= = op ="
+declare weak_le_anti_sym [rule del]
+lemma le_anti_sym [intro]:
+  "[| x \<sqsubseteq> y; y \<sqsubseteq> x; x \<in> carrier L; y \<in> carrier L |] ==> x = y"
+  using weak_le_anti_sym unfolding eq_is_equal .
+lemma lless_eq:
+  "x \<sqsubset> y \<longleftrightarrow> x \<sqsubseteq> y & x \<noteq> y"
+  unfolding lless_def by (simp add: eq_is_equal)
+lemma lless_asym:
+  assumes "a \<in> carrier L" "b \<in> carrier L"
+    and "a \<sqsubset> b" "b \<sqsubset> a"
+  shows "P"
+  using assms unfolding lless_eq by auto
+lemma lless_trans [trans]:
+  assumes "a \<sqsubset> b" "b \<sqsubset> c"
+    and carr[simp]: "a \<in> carrier L" "b \<in> carrier L" "c \<in> carrier L"
+  shows "a \<sqsubset> c"
+  using assms unfolding lless_eq by (blast dest: le_trans intro: sym)
+subsubsection {* Upper and lower bounds of a set *}
+(* all relevant lemmas are global and already proved above *)
+subsubsection {* Least and greatest, as predicate *}
+lemma (in partial_order) least_unique:
+  "[| least L x A; least L y A |] ==> x = y"
+  using weak_least_unique unfolding eq_is_equal .
+lemma (in partial_order) greatest_unique:
+  "[| greatest L x A; greatest L y A |] ==> x = y"
+  using weak_greatest_unique unfolding eq_is_equal .
+subsection {* Lattices *}
+locale upper_semilattice = partial_order +
+  assumes sup_of_two_exists:
+    "[| x \<in> carrier L; y \<in> carrier L |] ==> EX s. least L s (Upper L {x, y})"
+interpretation upper_semilattice < weak_upper_semilattice
+  by unfold_locales (rule sup_of_two_exists)
+locale lower_semilattice = partial_order +
+  assumes inf_of_two_exists:
+    "[| x \<in> carrier L; y \<in> carrier L |] ==> EX s. greatest L s (Lower L {x, y})"
+interpretation lower_semilattice < weak_lower_semilattice
+  by unfold_locales (rule inf_of_two_exists)
+locale lattice = upper_semilattice + lower_semilattice
+subsubsection {* Supremum *}
+context partial_order begin
+declare weak_sup_of_singleton [simp del]
+lemma sup_of_singleton [simp]:
+  "x \<in> carrier L ==> \<Squnion>{x} = x"
+  using weak_sup_of_singleton unfolding eq_is_equal .
+context upper_semilattice begin
+lemma join_assoc_lemma:
+  assumes L: "x \<in> carrier L"  "y \<in> carrier L"  "z \<in> carrier L"
+  shows "x \<squnion> (y \<squnion> z) = \<Squnion>{x, y, z}"
+  using weak_join_assoc_lemma unfolding eq_is_equal .
+lemma (in upper_semilattice) join_assoc:
+  assumes L: "x \<in> carrier L"  "y \<in> carrier L"  "z \<in> carrier L"
+  shows "(x \<squnion> y) \<squnion> z = x \<squnion> (y \<squnion> z)"
+  using weak_join_assoc unfolding eq_is_equal .
+subsubsection {* Infimum *}
+context partial_order begin
+declare weak_inf_of_singleton [simp del]
+lemma inf_of_singleton [simp]:
+  "x \<in> carrier L ==> \<Sqinter>{x} = x"
+  using weak_inf_of_singleton unfolding eq_is_equal .
+context lower_semilattice begin
+text {* Condition on @{text A}: infimum exists. *}
+lemma meet_assoc_lemma:
+  assumes L: "x \<in> carrier L"  "y \<in> carrier L"  "z \<in> carrier L"
+  shows "x \<sqinter> (y \<sqinter> z) = \<Sqinter>{x, y, z}"
+  using weak_meet_assoc_lemma unfolding eq_is_equal .
+lemma (in lower_semilattice) meet_assoc:
+  assumes L: "x \<in> carrier L"  "y \<in> carrier L"  "z \<in> carrier L"
+  shows "(x \<sqinter> y) \<sqinter> z = x \<sqinter> (y \<sqinter> z)"
+  using weak_meet_assoc unfolding eq_is_equal .
+subsection {* Total Orders *}
+locale total_order = partial_order +
+  assumes total: "[| x \<in> carrier L; y \<in> carrier L |] ==> x \<sqsubseteq> y | y \<sqsubseteq> x"
+interpretation total_order < weak_total_order
+  by unfold_locales (rule total)
+text {* Introduction rule: the usual definition of total order *}
+lemma (in partial_order) total_orderI:
+  assumes total: "!!x y. [| x \<in> carrier L; y \<in> carrier L |] ==> x \<sqsubseteq> y | y \<sqsubseteq> x"
+  shows "total_order L"
+  by unfold_locales (rule total)
+text {* Total orders are lattices. *}
+interpretation total_order < lattice
+  by unfold_locales (auto intro: sup_of_two_exists inf_of_two_exists)
+subsection {* Complete lattices *}
+locale complete_lattice = lattice +
+  assumes sup_exists:
+    "[| A \<subseteq> carrier L |] ==> EX s. least L s (Upper L A)"
+    and inf_exists:
+    "[| A \<subseteq> carrier L |] ==> EX i. greatest L i (Lower L A)"
+interpretation complete_lattice < weak_complete_lattice
+  by unfold_locales (auto intro: sup_exists inf_exists)
+text {* Introduction rule: the usual definition of complete lattice *}
+lemma (in partial_order) complete_latticeI:
+  assumes sup_exists:
+    "!!A. [| A \<subseteq> carrier L |] ==> EX s. least L s (Upper L A)"
+    and inf_exists:
+    "!!A. [| A \<subseteq> carrier L |] ==> EX i. greatest L i (Lower L A)"
+  shows "complete_lattice L"
+  by unfold_locales (auto intro: sup_exists inf_exists)
 theorem (in partial_order) complete_lattice_criterion1:
   assumes top_exists: "EX g. greatest L g (carrier L)"
     and inf_exists:
@@ -803,7 +1266,7 @@
    apply (rule greatest_le [where A = "Lower L ?B"])
     apply (rule b_inf_B)
    apply (rule Lower_memI)
-    apply (erule Upper_memD)
+    apply (erule Upper_memD [THEN conjunct1])
      apply assumption
     apply (rule L)
    apply (fast intro: L [THEN subsetD])
@@ -834,11 +1297,11 @@
 subsubsection {* Powerset of a Set is a Complete Lattice *}
 theorem powerset_is_complete_lattice:
-  "complete_lattice (| carrier = Pow A, le = op \<subseteq> |)"
+  "complete_lattice (| carrier = Pow A, eq = op =, le = op \<subseteq> |)"
   (is "complete_lattice ?L")
 proof (rule partial_order.complete_latticeI)
   show "partial_order ?L"
-    by (rule partial_order.intro) auto
+    by unfold_locales auto
   fix B
   assume B: "B \<subseteq> carrier ?L"