--- a/src/HOL/Algebra/Ideal_Product.thy Wed Nov 13 15:14:48 2024 +0100
+++ b/src/HOL/Algebra/Ideal_Product.thy Wed Nov 13 20:10:34 2024 +0100
@@ -273,26 +273,25 @@
local.ring_axioms ring.ideal_prod_is_ideal)
- { fix s J K assume A: "ideal J R" "ideal K R" "s \<in> I \<cdot> J"
- have "s \<in> I \<cdot> (J <+> K) \<and> s \<in> I \<cdot> (K <+> J)"
- proof -
- from \<open>s \<in> I \<cdot> J\<close> have "s \<in> I \<cdot> (J <+> K)"
- proof (induct s rule: ideal_prod.induct)
- case (prod i j)
- hence "(j \<oplus> \<zero>) \<in> J <+> K"
- using set_add_def'[of R J K]
- additive_subgroup.zero_closed[OF ideal.axioms(1), of K R] A(2) by auto
- thus ?case
- by (metis A(1) additive_subgroup.a_Hcarr ideal.axioms(1) ideal_prod.prod prod r_zero)
- next
- case (sum s1 s2) thus ?case
- by (simp add: ideal_prod.sum)
- qed
- thus ?thesis
- by (metis A(1) A(2) ideal_def ring.union_genideal sup_commute)
- qed } note aux_lemma = this
+ have aux_lemma: "s \<in> I \<cdot> (J <+> K) \<and> s \<in> I \<cdot> (K <+> J)"
+ if A: "ideal J R" "ideal K R" "s \<in> I \<cdot> J" for s J K
+ proof -
+ from \<open>s \<in> I \<cdot> J\<close> have "s \<in> I \<cdot> (J <+> K)"
+ proof (induct s rule: ideal_prod.induct)
+ case (prod i j)
+ hence "(j \<oplus> \<zero>) \<in> J <+> K"
+ using set_add_def'[of R J K]
+ additive_subgroup.zero_closed[OF ideal.axioms(1), of K R] A(2) by auto
+ thus ?case
+ by (metis A(1) additive_subgroup.a_Hcarr ideal.axioms(1) ideal_prod.prod prod r_zero)
+ next
+ case (sum s1 s2) thus ?case
+ by (simp add: ideal_prod.sum)
+ qed
+ thus ?thesis
+ by (metis A(1) A(2) ideal_def ring.union_genideal sup_commute)
+ qed
show "I \<cdot> J <+> I \<cdot> K \<subseteq> I \<cdot> (J <+> K)"
fix s assume "s \<in> I \<cdot> J <+> I \<cdot> K"
@@ -308,19 +307,22 @@
assumes "ideal I R" "ideal J R"
shows "I \<cdot> J = J \<cdot> I"
proof -
- { fix I J assume A: "ideal I R" "ideal J R"
- have "I \<cdot> J \<subseteq> J \<cdot> I"
- proof
- fix s assume "s \<in> I \<cdot> J" thus "s \<in> J \<cdot> I"
- proof (induct s rule: ideal_prod.induct)
- case (prod i j) thus ?case
- using m_comm[OF ideal.Icarr[OF A(1) prod(1)] ideal.Icarr[OF A(2) prod(2)]]
- by (simp add: ideal_prod.prod)
- next
- case (sum s1 s2) thus ?case by (simp add: ideal_prod.sum)
- qed
- qed }
- thus ?thesis using assms by blast
+ have "I \<cdot> J \<subseteq> J \<cdot> I" if A: "ideal I R" "ideal J R" for I J
+ proof
+ fix s
+ assume "s \<in> I \<cdot> J"
+ thus "s \<in> J \<cdot> I"
+ proof (induct s rule: ideal_prod.induct)
+ case (prod i j)
+ thus ?case
+ using m_comm[OF ideal.Icarr[OF A(1) prod(1)] ideal.Icarr[OF A(2) prod(2)]]
+ by (simp add: ideal_prod.prod)
+ next
+ case (sum s1 s2)
+ thus ?case by (simp add: ideal_prod.sum)
+ qed
+ qed
+ with assms show ?thesis by blast
text \<open>The following result would also be true for locale ring\<close>