changeset 56089 99c82a837f8a
parent 56088 db61a0a62b2c
child 56090 34bd10a9a2ad
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/src/HOL/Tools/SMT2/smt2_systems.ML	Thu Mar 13 13:18:13 2014 +0100
@@ -0,0 +1,183 @@
+(*  Title:      HOL/Tools/SMT2/smt2_setup_solvers.ML
+    Author:     Sascha Boehme, TU Muenchen
+Setup SMT solvers.
+signature SMT2_SETUP_SOLVERS =
+  datatype z3_non_commercial =
+    Z3_Non_Commercial_Unknown |
+    Z3_Non_Commercial_Accepted |
+    Z3_Non_Commercial_Declined
+  val z3_non_commercial: unit -> z3_non_commercial
+  val z3_extensions: bool Config.T
+structure SMT2_Setup_Solvers: SMT2_SETUP_SOLVERS =
+(* helper functions *)
+fun make_avail name () = getenv (name ^ "_SOLVER") <> ""
+fun make_command name () = [getenv (name ^ "_SOLVER")]
+fun outcome_of unsat sat unknown solver_name line =
+  if String.isPrefix unsat line then SMT2_Solver.Unsat
+  else if String.isPrefix sat line then SMT2_Solver.Sat
+  else if String.isPrefix unknown line then SMT2_Solver.Unknown
+  else raise SMT2_Failure.SMT (SMT2_Failure.Other_Failure ("Solver " ^
+    quote solver_name ^ " failed. Enable SMT tracing by setting the " ^
+    "configuration option " ^ quote (Config.name_of SMT2_Config.trace) ^ " and " ^
+    "see the trace for details."))
+fun on_first_line test_outcome solver_name lines =
+  let
+    val empty_line = (fn "" => true | _ => false)
+    val split_first = (fn [] => ("", []) | l :: ls => (l, ls))
+    val (l, ls) = split_first (snd (take_prefix empty_line lines))
+  in (test_outcome solver_name l, ls) end
+(* CVC3 *)
+  fun cvc3_options ctxt = [
+    "-seed", string_of_int (Config.get ctxt SMT2_Config.random_seed),
+    "-lang", "smtlib", "-output-lang", "presentation",
+    "-timeout", string_of_int (Real.ceil (Config.get ctxt SMT2_Config.timeout))]
+val cvc3: SMT2_Solver.solver_config = {
+  name = "cvc3_new",
+  class = K SMTLIB2_Interface.smtlib2C,
+  avail = make_avail "CVC3_NEW",
+  command = make_command "CVC3_NEW",
+  options = cvc3_options,
+  default_max_relevant = 400 (* FUDGE *),
+  supports_filter = false,
+  outcome =
+    on_first_line (outcome_of "Unsatisfiable." "Satisfiable." "Unknown."),
+  cex_parser = NONE,
+  replay = NONE }
+(* Yices *)
+val yices: SMT2_Solver.solver_config = {
+  name = "yices_new",
+  class = K SMTLIB2_Interface.smtlib2C,
+  avail = make_avail "YICES_NEW",
+  command = make_command "YICES_NEW",
+  options = (fn ctxt => [
+    "--rand-seed=" ^ string_of_int (Config.get ctxt SMT2_Config.random_seed),
+    "--timeout=" ^
+      string_of_int (Real.ceil (Config.get ctxt SMT2_Config.timeout)),
+    "--smtlib"]),
+  default_max_relevant = 350 (* FUDGE *),
+  supports_filter = false,
+  outcome = on_first_line (outcome_of "unsat" "sat" "unknown"),
+  cex_parser = NONE,
+  replay = NONE }
+(* Z3 *)
+datatype z3_non_commercial =
+  Z3_Non_Commercial_Unknown |
+  Z3_Non_Commercial_Accepted |
+  Z3_Non_Commercial_Declined
+  val accepted = member (op =) ["yes", "Yes", "YES"]
+  val declined = member (op =) ["no", "No", "NO"]
+fun z3_non_commercial () =
+  let
+    val flag1 = Options.default_string @{option z3_non_commercial}
+    val flag2 = getenv "Z3_NON_COMMERCIAL"
+  in
+    if accepted flag1 then Z3_Non_Commercial_Accepted
+    else if declined flag1 then Z3_Non_Commercial_Declined
+    else if accepted flag2 then Z3_Non_Commercial_Accepted
+    else if declined flag2 then Z3_Non_Commercial_Declined
+    else Z3_Non_Commercial_Unknown
+  end
+fun if_z3_non_commercial f =
+  (case z3_non_commercial () of
+    Z3_Non_Commercial_Accepted => f ()
+  | Z3_Non_Commercial_Declined =>
+      error (Pretty.string_of (Pretty.para
+        "The SMT solver Z3 may only be used for non-commercial applications."))
+  | Z3_Non_Commercial_Unknown =>
+      error (Pretty.string_of (Pretty.para
+        ("The SMT solver Z3 is not activated. To activate it, set the Isabelle \
+         \system option \"z3_non_commercial\" to \"yes\" (e.g. via \
+         \the Isabelle/jEdit menu Plugin Options / Isabelle / General)."))))
+val z3_extensions = Attrib.setup_config_bool @{binding z3_new_extensions} (K false)
+  fun z3_make_command name () = if_z3_non_commercial (make_command name)
+  fun z3_options ctxt =
+    ["REFINE_INJ_AXIOM=false" (* not supported by replay *),
+     "-rs:" ^ string_of_int (Config.get ctxt SMT2_Config.random_seed),
+     "-T:" ^ string_of_int (Real.ceil (Config.get ctxt SMT2_Config.timeout)),
+     "-smt2"]
+  fun z3_on_first_or_last_line solver_name lines =
+    let
+      fun junk l =
+        if String.isPrefix "WARNING: Out of allocated virtual memory" l
+        then raise SMT2_Failure.SMT SMT2_Failure.Out_Of_Memory
+        else
+          String.isPrefix "WARNING" l orelse
+          String.isPrefix "ERROR" l orelse
+          forall Symbol.is_ascii_blank (Symbol.explode l)
+      val lines = filter_out junk lines
+      fun outcome split =
+        the_default ("", []) (try split lines)
+        |>> outcome_of "unsat" "sat" "unknown" solver_name
+    in
+      (* Starting with version 4.0, Z3 puts the outcome on the first line of the
+         output rather than on the last line. *)
+      outcome (fn lines => (hd lines, tl lines))
+      handle SMT2_Failure.SMT _ => outcome (swap o split_last)
+    end
+  fun select_class ctxt =
+    if Config.get ctxt z3_extensions then Z3_New_Interface.smtlib2_z3C
+    else SMTLIB2_Interface.smtlib2C
+val z3: SMT2_Solver.solver_config = {
+  name = "z3_new",
+  class = select_class,
+  avail = make_avail "Z3_NEW",
+  command = z3_make_command "Z3_NEW",
+  options = z3_options,
+  default_max_relevant = 350 (* FUDGE *),
+  supports_filter = true,
+  outcome = z3_on_first_or_last_line,
+  cex_parser = SOME Z3_New_Model.parse_counterex,
+  replay = SOME Z3_New_Proof_Replay.replay }
+(* overall setup *)
+val _ = Theory.setup (
+  SMT2_Solver.add_solver cvc3 #>
+  SMT2_Solver.add_solver yices #>
+  SMT2_Solver.add_solver z3)