changeset 3512 9dcb4daa15e8
parent 3477 3aced7fa7d8b
child 3519 ab0a9fbed4c0
--- a/src/HOL/Auth/Public.ML	Wed Jul 09 17:00:34 1997 +0200
+++ b/src/HOL/Auth/Public.ML	Fri Jul 11 13:26:15 1997 +0200
@@ -11,41 +11,6 @@
 open Public;
-(*Holds because Friend is injective: thus cannot prove for all f*)
-goal thy "(Friend x : Friend``A) = (x:A)";
-by (Auto_tac());
-qed "Friend_image_eq";
-Addsimps [Friend_image_eq];
-Addsimps [Un_insert_left, Un_insert_right];
-(*By default only o_apply is built-in.  But in the presence of eta-expansion
-  this means that some terms displayed as (f o g) will be rewritten, and others
-  will not!*)
-Addsimps [o_def];
-goalw thy [keysFor_def] "keysFor (parts (initState lost C)) = {}";
-by (agent.induct_tac "C" 1);
-by (auto_tac (!claset addIs [range_eqI], !simpset));
-qed "keysFor_parts_initState";
-Addsimps [keysFor_parts_initState];
-goalw thy [keysFor_def] "keysFor (Key``E) = {}";
-by (Auto_tac ());
-qed "keysFor_image_Key";
-Addsimps [keysFor_image_Key];
-(*** Function "sees" ***)
-goal thy
-    "!!evs. lost' <= lost ==> sees lost' A evs <= sees lost A evs";
-by (list.induct_tac "evs" 1);
-by (agent.induct_tac "A" 1);
-by (event.induct_tac "a" 2);
-by (Auto_tac ());
-qed "sees_mono";
 (*** Basic properties of pubK & priK ***)
 AddIffs [inj_pubK RS inj_eq];
@@ -69,81 +34,44 @@
 AddIffs [not_isSymKey_pubK, not_isSymKey_priK];
+(** Rewrites should not refer to  initState(Friend i) 
+    -- not in normal form! **)
+goalw thy [keysFor_def] "keysFor (parts (initState lost C)) = {}";
+by (agent.induct_tac "C" 1);
+by (auto_tac (!claset addIs [range_eqI], !simpset));
+qed "keysFor_parts_initState";
+Addsimps [keysFor_parts_initState];
+(*** Function "sees" ***)
 (*Agents see their own private keys!*)
 goal thy "A ~= Spy --> Key (priK A) : sees lost A evs";
 by (list.induct_tac "evs" 1);
 by (agent.induct_tac "A" 1);
-by (Auto_tac ());
+by (ALLGOALS (asm_simp_tac (!simpset addsimps [sees_Cons])));
 qed_spec_mp "sees_own_priK";
 (*All public keys are visible to all*)
 goal thy "Key (pubK A) : sees lost B evs";
 by (list.induct_tac "evs" 1);
 by (agent.induct_tac "B" 1);
+by (ALLGOALS (asm_simp_tac (!simpset addsimps [sees_Cons])));
 by (Auto_tac ());
 qed_spec_mp "sees_pubK";
 (*Spy sees private keys of lost agents!*)
 goal thy "!!A. A: lost ==> Key (priK A) : sees lost Spy evs";
 by (list.induct_tac "evs" 1);
-by (Auto_tac());
+by (ALLGOALS (asm_simp_tac (!simpset addsimps [sees_Cons])));
+by (Blast_tac 1);
 qed "Spy_sees_lost";
 AddIffs [sees_pubK, sees_pubK RS analz.Inj];
 AddSIs  [sees_own_priK, Spy_sees_lost];
-(** Specialized rewrite rules for (sees lost A (Says...#evs)) **)
-goal thy "sees lost B (Says A B X # evs) = insert X (sees lost B evs)";
-by (Simp_tac 1);
-qed "sees_own";
-goal thy "!!A. Server ~= B ==> \
-\          sees lost Server (Says A B X # evs) = sees lost Server evs";
-by (Asm_simp_tac 1);
-qed "sees_Server";
-goal thy "!!A. Friend i ~= B ==> \
-\          sees lost (Friend i) (Says A B X # evs) = sees lost (Friend i) evs";
-by (Asm_simp_tac 1);
-qed "sees_Friend";
-goal thy "sees lost Spy (Says A B X # evs) = insert X (sees lost Spy evs)";
-by (Simp_tac 1);
-qed "sees_Spy";
-goal thy "sees lost A (Says A' B X # evs) <= insert X (sees lost A evs)";
-by (simp_tac (!simpset setloop split_tac [expand_if]) 1);
-by (Fast_tac 1);
-qed "sees_Says_subset_insert";
-goal thy "sees lost A evs <= sees lost A (Says A' B X # evs)";
-by (simp_tac (!simpset setloop split_tac [expand_if]) 1);
-by (Fast_tac 1);
-qed "sees_subset_sees_Says";
-(*Pushing Unions into parts.  One of the agents A is B, and thus sees Y.
-  Once used to prove new_keys_not_seen; now obsolete.*)
-goal thy "(UN A. parts (sees lost A (Says B C Y # evs))) = \
-\         parts {Y} Un (UN A. parts (sees lost A evs))";
-by (Step_tac 1);
-by (etac rev_mp 1);     (*split_tac does not work on assumptions*)
-    (fast_tac (!claset addss (!simpset addsimps [parts_Un, sees_Cons] 
-				            setloop split_tac [expand_if]))));
-qed "UN_parts_sees_Says";
-goal thy "Says A B X : set evs --> X : sees lost Spy evs";
-by (list.induct_tac "evs" 1);
-by (Auto_tac ());
-qed_spec_mp "Says_imp_sees_Spy";
-(*Use with addSEs to derive contradictions from old Says events containing
-  items known to be fresh*)
-val sees_Spy_partsEs = make_elim (Says_imp_sees_Spy RS parts.Inj):: partsEs;
 (*For not_lost_tac*)
 goal thy "!!A. [| Crypt (pubK A) X : analz (sees lost Spy evs);  A: lost |] \
 \              ==> X : analz (sees lost Spy evs)";
@@ -162,9 +90,6 @@
          (has_fewer_prems 1, size_of_thm)
          (Step_tac 1));
-Addsimps [sees_own, sees_Server, sees_Friend, sees_Spy];
-Delsimps [sees_Cons];   (**** NOTE REMOVAL -- laws above are cleaner ****)
 (*** Fresh nonces ***)
@@ -172,17 +97,15 @@
 by (agent.induct_tac "B" 1);
 by (Auto_tac ());
 qed "Nonce_notin_initState";
 AddIffs [Nonce_notin_initState];
-goalw thy [used_def] "!!X. X: parts (sees lost B evs) ==> X: used evs";
-by (etac (impOfSubs parts_mono) 1);
-by (Fast_tac 1);
-qed "usedI";
+goal thy "Nonce N ~: used []";
+by (simp_tac (!simpset addsimps [used_def]) 1);
+qed "Nonce_notin_used_empty";
+Addsimps [Nonce_notin_used_empty];
-AddIs [usedI];
-(** A supply of fresh nonces for possibility theorems. **)
+(*** Supply fresh nonces for possibility theorems. ***)
 goalw thy [used_def] "EX N. ALL n. N<=n --> Nonce n ~: used evs";
 by (list.induct_tac "evs" 1);
@@ -191,16 +114,12 @@
 by (Full_simp_tac 1);
 (*Inductive step*)
 by (event.induct_tac "a" 1);
-by (full_simp_tac (!simpset addsimps [UN_parts_sees_Says]) 1);
-by (msg.induct_tac "msg" 1);
-by (ALLGOALS (asm_simp_tac (!simpset addsimps [exI, parts_insert2])));
-by (Step_tac 1);
-(*MPair case*)
-by (res_inst_tac [("x","Na+Nb")] exI 2);
-by (fast_tac (!claset addSEs [add_leE]) 2);
-(*Nonce case*)
-by (res_inst_tac [("x","N + Suc nat")] exI 1);
-by (fast_tac (!claset addSEs [add_leE] addaltern trans_tac) 1);
+by (ALLGOALS (full_simp_tac 
+	      (!simpset delsimps [sees_Notes]
+		        addsimps [UN_parts_sees_Says,
+				  UN_parts_sees_Notes])));
+by (ALLGOALS (rtac (msg_Nonce_supply RS exE)));
+by (ALLGOALS (blast_tac (!claset addSEs [add_leE])));
 val lemma = result();
 goal thy "Nonce (@ N. Nonce N ~: used evs) ~: used evs";
@@ -211,35 +130,30 @@
 (*Tactic for possibility theorems*)
 val possibility_tac =
-    REPEAT 
-    (ALLGOALS (simp_tac (!simpset setSolver safe_solver))
+    REPEAT (*omit used_Says so that Nonces, Keys start from different traces!*)
+    (ALLGOALS (simp_tac (!simpset delsimps [used_Says] setSolver safe_solver))
      REPEAT_FIRST (eq_assume_tac ORELSE' 
                    resolve_tac [refl, conjI, Nonce_supply]));
-(** Power of the Spy **)
+(*** Specialized rewriting for the analz_image_... theorems ***)
-(*The Spy can see more than anybody else, except for their initial state*)
-goal thy "sees lost A evs <= initState lost A Un sees lost Spy evs";
-by (list.induct_tac "evs" 1);
-by (event.induct_tac "a" 2);
-by (ALLGOALS (fast_tac (!claset addDs [sees_Says_subset_insert RS subsetD] 
-                                addss (!simpset))));
-qed "sees_agent_subset_sees_Spy";
+goal thy "insert (Key K) H = Key `` {K} Un H";
+by (Blast_tac 1);
+qed "insert_Key_singleton";
+goal thy "insert (Key K) (Key``KK Un C) = Key `` (insert K KK) Un C";
+by (Blast_tac 1);
+qed "insert_Key_image";
-(*The Spy can see more than anybody else who's lost their key!*)
-goal thy "A: lost --> A ~= Server --> sees lost A evs <= sees lost Spy evs";
-by (list.induct_tac "evs" 1);
-by (event.induct_tac "a" 2);
-by (agent.induct_tac "A" 1);
-by (auto_tac (!claset addDs [sees_Says_subset_insert RS subsetD], (!simpset)));
-qed_spec_mp "sees_lost_agent_subset_sees_Spy";
+(*Reverse the normal simplification of "image" to build up (not break down)
+  the set of keys.  Based on analz_image_freshK_ss, but simpler.*)
+val analz_image_keys_ss = 
+     !simpset delsimps [image_insert, image_Un]
+              addsimps [image_insert RS sym, image_Un RS sym,
+			rangeI, 
+			insert_Key_singleton, 
+			insert_Key_image, Un_assoc RS sym]
+              setloop split_tac [expand_if];
-(** Simplifying   parts (insert X (sees lost A evs))
-      = parts {X} Un parts (sees lost A evs) -- since general case loops*)
-val parts_insert_sees = 
-    parts_insert |> read_instantiate_sg (sign_of thy)
-                                        [("H", "sees lost A evs")]
-                 |> standard;