changeset 46988 9f492f5b0cec
parent 46987 15ce93dfe6da
child 46989 88b0a8052c75
child 46994 67cf9a6308f3
--- a/src/HOL/Matrix/Compute_Oracle/linker.ML	Sat Mar 17 12:26:19 2012 +0100
+++ /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
@@ -1,470 +0,0 @@
-(*  Title:      HOL/Matrix/Compute_Oracle/linker.ML
-    Author:     Steven Obua
-This module solves the problem that the computing oracle does not
-instantiate polymorphic rules. By going through the PCompute
-interface, all possible instantiations are resolved by compiling new
-programs, if necessary. The obvious disadvantage of this approach is
-that in the worst case for each new term to be rewritten, a new
-program may be compiled.
-   Given constants/frees c_1::t_1, c_2::t_2, ...., c_n::t_n,
-   and constants/frees d_1::d_1, d_2::s_2, ..., d_m::s_m
-   Find all substitutions S such that
-   a) the domain of S is tvars (t_1, ..., t_n)
-   b) there are indices i_1, ..., i_k, and j_1, ..., j_k with
-      1. S (c_i_1::t_i_1) = d_j_1::s_j_1, ..., S (c_i_k::t_i_k) = d_j_k::s_j_k
-      2. tvars (t_i_1, ..., t_i_k) = tvars (t_1, ..., t_n)
-signature LINKER =
-    exception Link of string
-    datatype constant = Constant of bool * string * typ
-    val constant_of : term -> constant
-    type instances
-    type subst = Type.tyenv
-    val empty : constant list -> instances
-    val typ_of_constant : constant -> typ
-    val add_instances : theory -> instances -> constant list -> subst list * instances
-    val substs_of : instances -> subst list
-    val is_polymorphic : constant -> bool
-    val distinct_constants : constant list -> constant list
-    val collect_consts : term list -> constant list
-structure Linker : LINKER = struct
-exception Link of string;
-type subst = Type.tyenv
-datatype constant = Constant of bool * string * typ
-fun constant_of (Const (name, ty)) = Constant (false, name, ty)
-  | constant_of (Free (name, ty)) = Constant (true, name, ty)
-  | constant_of _ = raise Link "constant_of"
-fun bool_ord (x,y) = if x then (if y then EQUAL else GREATER) else (if y then LESS else EQUAL)
-fun constant_ord (Constant (x1,x2,x3), Constant (y1,y2,y3)) = (prod_ord (prod_ord bool_ord fast_string_ord) Term_Ord.typ_ord) (((x1,x2),x3), ((y1,y2),y3))
-fun constant_modty_ord (Constant (x1,x2,_), Constant (y1,y2,_)) = (prod_ord bool_ord fast_string_ord) ((x1,x2), (y1,y2))
-structure Consttab = Table(type key = constant val ord = constant_ord);
-structure ConsttabModTy = Table(type key = constant val ord = constant_modty_ord);
-fun typ_of_constant (Constant (_, _, ty)) = ty
-val empty_subst = (Vartab.empty : Type.tyenv)
-fun merge_subst (A:Type.tyenv) (B:Type.tyenv) =
-    SOME (Vartab.fold (fn (v, t) =>
-                       fn tab =>
-                          (case Vartab.lookup tab v of
-                               NONE => Vartab.update (v, t) tab
-                             | SOME t' => if t = t' then tab else raise Type.TYPE_MATCH)) A B)
-    handle Type.TYPE_MATCH => NONE
-fun subst_ord (A:Type.tyenv, B:Type.tyenv) =
-    (list_ord (prod_ord Term_Ord.fast_indexname_ord (prod_ord Term_Ord.sort_ord Term_Ord.typ_ord))) (Vartab.dest A, Vartab.dest B)
-structure Substtab = Table(type key = Type.tyenv val ord = subst_ord);
-fun substtab_union c = Substtab.fold Substtab.update c
-fun substtab_unions [] = Substtab.empty
-  | substtab_unions [c] = c
-  | substtab_unions (c::cs) = substtab_union c (substtab_unions cs)
-datatype instances = Instances of unit ConsttabModTy.table * Type.tyenv Consttab.table Consttab.table * constant list list * unit Substtab.table
-fun is_polymorphic (Constant (_, _, ty)) = not (null (Term.add_tvarsT ty []))
-fun distinct_constants cs =
-    Consttab.keys (fold (fn c => Consttab.update (c, ())) cs Consttab.empty)
-fun empty cs =
-    let
-        val cs = distinct_constants (filter is_polymorphic cs)
-        val old_cs = cs
-(*      fun collect_tvars ty tab = fold (fn v => fn tab => Typtab.update (TVar v, ()) tab) (Misc_Legacy.typ_tvars ty) tab
-        val tvars_count = length (Typtab.keys (fold (fn c => fn tab => collect_tvars (typ_of_constant c) tab) cs Typtab.empty))
-        fun tvars_of ty = collect_tvars ty Typtab.empty
-        val cs = map (fn c => (c, tvars_of (typ_of_constant c))) cs
-        fun tyunion A B =
-            Typtab.fold
-                (fn (v,()) => fn tab => Typtab.update (v, case Typtab.lookup tab v of NONE => 1 | SOME n => n+1) tab)
-                A B
-        fun is_essential A B =
-            Typtab.fold
-            (fn (v, ()) => fn essential => essential orelse (case Typtab.lookup B v of NONE => raise Link "is_essential" | SOME n => n=1))
-            A false
-        fun add_minimal (c', tvs') (tvs, cs) =
-            let
-                val tvs = tyunion tvs' tvs
-                val cs = (c', tvs')::cs
-            in
-                if forall (fn (c',tvs') => is_essential tvs' tvs) cs then
-                    SOME (tvs, cs)
-                else
-                    NONE
-            end
-        fun is_spanning (tvs, _) = (length (Typtab.keys tvs) = tvars_count)
-        fun generate_minimal_subsets subsets [] = subsets
-          | generate_minimal_subsets subsets (c::cs) =
-            let
-                val subsets' = map_filter (add_minimal c) subsets
-            in
-                generate_minimal_subsets (subsets@subsets') cs
-            end*)
-        val minimal_subsets = [old_cs] (*map (fn (tvs, cs) => map fst cs) (filter is_spanning (generate_minimal_subsets [(Typtab.empty, [])] cs))*)
-        val constants = Consttab.keys (fold (fold (fn c => Consttab.update (c, ()))) minimal_subsets Consttab.empty)
-    in
-        Instances (
-        fold (fn c => fn tab => ConsttabModTy.update (c, ()) tab) constants ConsttabModTy.empty,
-        Consttab.make (map (fn c => (c, Consttab.empty : Type.tyenv Consttab.table)) constants),
-        minimal_subsets, Substtab.empty)
-    end
-fun calc ctab substtab [] = substtab
-  | calc ctab substtab (c::cs) =
-    let
-        val csubsts = map snd (Consttab.dest (the (Consttab.lookup ctab c)))
-        fun merge_substs substtab subst =
-            Substtab.fold (fn (s,_) =>
-                           fn tab =>
-                              (case merge_subst subst s of NONE => tab | SOME s => Substtab.update (s, ()) tab))
-                          substtab Substtab.empty
-        val substtab = substtab_unions (map (merge_substs substtab) csubsts)
-    in
-        calc ctab substtab cs
-    end
-fun calc_substs ctab (cs:constant list) = calc ctab (Substtab.update (empty_subst, ()) Substtab.empty) cs
-fun add_instances thy (Instances (cfilter, ctab,minsets,substs)) cs =
-    let
-(*      val _ = writeln (makestring ("add_instances: ", length_cs, length cs, length (Consttab.keys ctab)))*)
-        fun calc_instantiations (constant as Constant (free, name, ty)) instantiations =
-            Consttab.fold (fn (constant' as Constant (free', name', ty'), insttab) =>
-                           fn instantiations =>
-                              if free <> free' orelse name <> name' then
-                                  instantiations
-                              else case Consttab.lookup insttab constant of
-                                       SOME _ => instantiations
-                                     | NONE => ((constant', (constant, Sign.typ_match thy (ty', ty) empty_subst))::instantiations
-                                                handle Type.TYPE_MATCH => instantiations))
-                          ctab instantiations
-        val instantiations = fold calc_instantiations cs []
-        (*val _ = writeln ("instantiations = "^(makestring (length instantiations)))*)
-        fun update_ctab (constant', entry) ctab =
-            (case Consttab.lookup ctab constant' of
-                 NONE => raise Link "internal error: update_ctab"
-               | SOME tab => Consttab.update (constant', Consttab.update entry tab) ctab)
-        val ctab = fold update_ctab instantiations ctab
-        val new_substs = fold (fn minset => fn substs => substtab_union (calc_substs ctab minset) substs)
-                              minsets Substtab.empty
-        val (added_substs, substs) =
-            Substtab.fold (fn (ns, _) =>
-                           fn (added, substtab) =>
-                              (case Substtab.lookup substs ns of
-                                   NONE => (ns::added, Substtab.update (ns, ()) substtab)
-                                 | SOME () => (added, substtab)))
-                          new_substs ([], substs)
-    in
-        (added_substs, Instances (cfilter, ctab, minsets, substs))
-    end
-fun substs_of (Instances (_,_,_,substs)) = Substtab.keys substs
-fun collect (Var _) tab = tab
-  | collect (Bound _) tab = tab
-  | collect (a $ b) tab = collect b (collect a tab)
-  | collect (Abs (_, _, body)) tab = collect body tab
-  | collect t tab = Consttab.update (constant_of t, ()) tab
-  fun collect_consts tms = Consttab.keys (fold collect tms Consttab.empty)
-signature PCOMPUTE =
-    type pcomputer
-    val make : Compute.machine -> theory -> thm list -> Linker.constant list -> pcomputer
-    val make_with_cache : Compute.machine -> theory -> term list -> thm list -> Linker.constant list -> pcomputer
-    val add_instances : pcomputer -> Linker.constant list -> bool 
-    val add_instances' : pcomputer -> term list -> bool
-    val rewrite : pcomputer -> cterm list -> thm list
-    val simplify : pcomputer -> Compute.theorem -> thm
-    val make_theorem : pcomputer -> thm -> string list -> Compute.theorem
-    val instantiate : pcomputer -> (string * cterm) list -> Compute.theorem -> Compute.theorem
-    val evaluate_prem : pcomputer -> int -> Compute.theorem -> Compute.theorem
-    val modus_ponens : pcomputer -> int -> thm -> Compute.theorem -> Compute.theorem 
-structure PCompute : PCOMPUTE = struct
-exception PCompute of string
-datatype theorem = MonoThm of thm | PolyThm of thm * Linker.instances * thm list
-datatype pattern = MonoPattern of term | PolyPattern of term * Linker.instances * term list
-datatype pcomputer =
-  PComputer of theory_ref * * theorem list Unsynchronized.ref *
-    pattern list Unsynchronized.ref 
-(*fun collect_consts (Var x) = []
-  | collect_consts (Bound _) = []
-  | collect_consts (a $ b) = (collect_consts a)@(collect_consts b)
-  | collect_consts (Abs (_, _, body)) = collect_consts body
-  | collect_consts t = [Linker.constant_of t]*)
-fun computer_of (PComputer (_,computer,_,_)) = computer
-fun collect_consts_of_thm th = 
-    let
-        val th = prop_of th
-        val (prems, th) = (Logic.strip_imp_prems th, Logic.strip_imp_concl th)
-        val (left, right) = Logic.dest_equals th
-    in
-        (Linker.collect_consts [left], Linker.collect_consts (right::prems))
-    end
-fun create_theorem th =
-    val (left, right) = collect_consts_of_thm th
-    val polycs = filter Linker.is_polymorphic left
-    val tytab = fold (fn p => fn tab => fold (fn n => fn tab => Typtab.update (TVar n, ()) tab) (Misc_Legacy.typ_tvars (Linker.typ_of_constant p)) tab) polycs Typtab.empty
-    fun check_const (c::cs) cs' =
-        let
-            val tvars = Misc_Legacy.typ_tvars (Linker.typ_of_constant c)
-            val wrong = fold (fn n => fn wrong => wrong orelse is_none (Typtab.lookup tytab (TVar n))) tvars false
-        in
-            if wrong then raise PCompute "right hand side of theorem contains type variables which do not occur on the left hand side"
-            else
-                if null (tvars) then
-                    check_const cs (c::cs')
-                else
-                    check_const cs cs'
-        end
-      | check_const [] cs' = cs'
-    val monocs = check_const right []
-    if null (polycs) then
-        (monocs, MonoThm th)
-    else
-        (monocs, PolyThm (th, Linker.empty polycs, []))
-fun create_pattern pat = 
-    val cs = Linker.collect_consts [pat]
-    val polycs = filter Linker.is_polymorphic cs
-    if null (polycs) then
-        MonoPattern pat
-    else
-        PolyPattern (pat, Linker.empty polycs, [])
-fun create_computer machine thy pats ths =
-    let
-        fun add (MonoThm th) ths = th::ths
-          | add (PolyThm (_, _, ths')) ths = ths'@ths
-        fun addpat (MonoPattern p) pats = p::pats
-          | addpat (PolyPattern (_, _, ps)) pats = ps@pats
-        val ths = fold_rev add ths []
-        val pats = fold_rev addpat pats []
-    in
-        Compute.make_with_cache machine thy pats ths
-    end
-fun update_computer computer pats ths = 
-    let
-        fun add (MonoThm th) ths = th::ths
-          | add (PolyThm (_, _, ths')) ths = ths'@ths
-        fun addpat (MonoPattern p) pats = p::pats
-          | addpat (PolyPattern (_, _, ps)) pats = ps@pats
-        val ths = fold_rev add ths []
-        val pats = fold_rev addpat pats []
-    in
-        Compute.update_with_cache computer pats ths
-    end
-fun conv_subst thy (subst : Type.tyenv) =
-    map (fn (iname, (sort, ty)) => (ctyp_of thy (TVar (iname, sort)), ctyp_of thy ty)) (Vartab.dest subst)
-fun add_monos thy monocs pats ths =
-    let
-        val changed = Unsynchronized.ref false
-        fun add monocs (th as (MonoThm _)) = ([], th)
-          | add monocs (PolyThm (th, instances, instanceths)) =
-            let
-                val (newsubsts, instances) = Linker.add_instances thy instances monocs
-                val _ = if not (null newsubsts) then changed := true else ()
-                val newths = map (fn subst => Thm.instantiate (conv_subst thy subst, []) th) newsubsts
-(*              val _ = if not (null newths) then (print ("added new theorems: ", newths); ()) else ()*)
-                val newmonos = fold (fn th => fn monos => (snd (collect_consts_of_thm th))@monos) newths []
-            in
-                (newmonos, PolyThm (th, instances, instanceths@newths))
-            end
-        fun addpats monocs (pat as (MonoPattern _)) = pat
-          | addpats monocs (PolyPattern (p, instances, instancepats)) =
-            let
-                val (newsubsts, instances) = Linker.add_instances thy instances monocs
-                val _ = if not (null newsubsts) then changed := true else ()
-                val newpats = map (fn subst => Envir.subst_term_types subst p) newsubsts
-            in
-                PolyPattern (p, instances, instancepats@newpats)
-            end 
-        fun step monocs ths =
-            fold_rev (fn th =>
-                      fn (newmonos, ths) =>
-                         let 
-                             val (newmonos', th') = add monocs th 
-                         in
-                             (newmonos'@newmonos, th'::ths)
-                         end)
-                     ths ([], [])
-        fun loop monocs pats ths =
-            let 
-                val (monocs', ths') = step monocs ths 
-                val pats' = map (addpats monocs) pats
-            in
-                if null (monocs') then
-                    (pats', ths')
-                else
-                    loop monocs' pats' ths'
-            end
-        val result = loop monocs pats ths
-    in
-        (!changed, result)
-    end
-datatype cthm = ComputeThm of term list * sort list * term
-fun thm2cthm th =
-    let
-        val {hyps, prop, shyps, ...} = Thm.rep_thm th
-    in
-        ComputeThm (hyps, shyps, prop)
-    end
-val cthm_ord' = prod_ord (prod_ord (list_ord Term_Ord.term_ord) (list_ord Term_Ord.sort_ord)) Term_Ord.term_ord
-fun cthm_ord (ComputeThm (h1, sh1, p1), ComputeThm (h2, sh2, p2)) = cthm_ord' (((h1,sh1), p1), ((h2, sh2), p2))
-structure CThmtab = Table(type key = cthm val ord = cthm_ord)
-fun remove_duplicates ths =
-    let
-        val counter = Unsynchronized.ref 0
-        val tab = Unsynchronized.ref (CThmtab.empty : unit CThmtab.table)
-        val thstab = Unsynchronized.ref (Inttab.empty : thm Inttab.table)
-        fun update th =
-            let
-                val key = thm2cthm th
-            in
-                case CThmtab.lookup (!tab) key of
-                    NONE => ((tab := CThmtab.update_new (key, ()) (!tab)); thstab := Inttab.update_new (!counter, th) (!thstab); counter := !counter + 1)
-                  | _ => ()
-            end
-        val _ = map update ths
-    in
-        map snd (Inttab.dest (!thstab))
-    end
-fun make_with_cache machine thy pats ths cs =
-    let
-        val ths = remove_duplicates ths
-        val (monocs, ths) = fold_rev (fn th => 
-                                      fn (monocs, ths) => 
-                                         let val (m, t) = create_theorem th in 
-                                             (m@monocs, t::ths)
-                                         end)
-                                     ths (cs, [])
-        val pats = map create_pattern pats
-        val (_, (pats, ths)) = add_monos thy monocs pats ths
-        val computer = create_computer machine thy pats ths
-    in
-        PComputer (Theory.check_thy thy, computer, Unsynchronized.ref ths, Unsynchronized.ref pats)
-    end
-fun make machine thy ths cs = make_with_cache machine thy [] ths cs
-fun add_instances (PComputer (thyref, computer, rths, rpats)) cs = 
-    let
-        val thy = Theory.deref thyref
-        val (changed, (pats, ths)) = add_monos thy cs (!rpats) (!rths)
-    in
-        if changed then
-            (update_computer computer pats ths;
-             rths := ths;
-             rpats := pats;
-             true)
-        else
-            false
-    end
-fun add_instances' pc ts = add_instances pc (Linker.collect_consts ts)
-fun rewrite pc cts =
-    let
-        val _ = add_instances' pc (map term_of cts)
-        val computer = (computer_of pc)
-    in
-        map (fn ct => Compute.rewrite computer ct) cts
-    end
-fun simplify pc th = Compute.simplify (computer_of pc) th
-fun make_theorem pc th vars = 
-    let
-        val _ = add_instances' pc [prop_of th]
-    in
-        Compute.make_theorem (computer_of pc) th vars
-    end
-fun instantiate pc insts th = 
-    let
-        val _ = add_instances' pc (map (term_of o snd) insts)
-    in
-        Compute.instantiate (computer_of pc) insts th
-    end
-fun evaluate_prem pc prem_no th = Compute.evaluate_prem (computer_of pc) prem_no th
-fun modus_ponens pc prem_no th' th =
-    let
-        val _ = add_instances' pc [prop_of th']
-    in
-        Compute.modus_ponens (computer_of pc) prem_no th' th
-    end    