changeset 13688 a0b16d42d489
child 14030 cd928c0ac225
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/src/HOL/Bali/DefiniteAssignment.thy	Thu Oct 31 18:27:10 2002 +0100
@@ -0,0 +1,1853 @@
+header {* Definite Assignment *}
+theory DefiniteAssignment = WellType: 
+text {* Definite Assignment Analysis (cf. 16)
+The definite assignment analysis approximates the sets of local 
+variables that will be assigned at a certain point of evaluation, and ensures
+that we will only read variables which previously were assigned.
+It should conform to the following idea:
+ If the evaluation of a term completes normally (no abruption (exception, 
+break, continue, return) appeared) , the set of local variables calculated 
+by the analysis is a subset of the
+variables that were actually assigned during evaluation.
+To get more precise information about the sets of assigned variables the 
+analysis includes the following optimisations:
+  \item Inside of a while loop we also take care of the variables assigned
+        before break statements, since the break causes the while loop to
+        continue normally.
+  \item For conditional statements we take care of constant conditions to 
+        statically determine the path of evaluation.
+  \item Inside a distinct path of a conditional statements we know to which
+        boolean value the condition has evaluated to, and so can retrieve more
+        information about the variables assigned during evaluation of the
+        boolean condition.
+Since in our model of Java the return values of methods are stored in a local
+variable we also ensure that every path of (normal) evaluation will assign the
+result variable, or in the sense of real Java every path ends up in and 
+return instruction. 
+Not covered yet:
+  \item analysis of definite unassigned
+  \item special treatment of final fields
+section {* Correct nesting of jump statements *}
+text {* For definite assignment it becomes crucial, that jumps (break, 
+continue, return) are nested correctly i.e. a continue jump is nested in a
+matching while statement, a break jump is nested in a proper label statement,
+a class initialiser does not terminate abruptly with a return. With this we 
+can for example ensure that evaluation of an expression will never end up 
+with a jump, since no breaks, continues or returns are allowed in an 
+expression. *}
+consts jumpNestingOkS :: "jump set \<Rightarrow> stmt \<Rightarrow> bool"
+"jumpNestingOkS jmps (Skip)   = True"
+"jumpNestingOkS jmps (Expr e) = True"
+"jumpNestingOkS jmps (j\<bullet> s) = jumpNestingOkS ({j} \<union> jmps) s"
+"jumpNestingOkS jmps (c1;;c2) = (jumpNestingOkS jmps c1 \<and> 
+                                 jumpNestingOkS jmps c2)"
+"jumpNestingOkS jmps (If(e) c1 Else c2) = (jumpNestingOkS jmps c1 \<and>  
+                                           jumpNestingOkS jmps c2)"
+"jumpNestingOkS jmps (l\<bullet> While(e) c) = jumpNestingOkS ({Cont l} \<union> jmps) c"
+--{* The label of the while loop only handles continue jumps. Breaks are only
+     handled by @{term Lab} *}
+"jumpNestingOkS jmps (Jmp j) = (j \<in> jmps)"
+"jumpNestingOkS jmps (Throw e) = True"
+"jumpNestingOkS jmps (Try c1 Catch(C vn) c2) = (jumpNestingOkS jmps c1 \<and> 
+                                                jumpNestingOkS jmps c2)"
+"jumpNestingOkS jmps (c1 Finally c2) = (jumpNestingOkS jmps c1 \<and> 
+                                        jumpNestingOkS jmps c2)"
+"jumpNestingOkS jmps (Init C) = True" 
+ --{* wellformedness of the program must enshure that for all initializers 
+      jumpNestingOkS {} holds *} 
+--{* Dummy analysis for intermediate smallstep term @{term  FinA} *}
+"jumpNestingOkS jmps (FinA a c) = False"
+constdefs jumpNestingOk :: "jump set \<Rightarrow> term \<Rightarrow> bool"
+"jumpNestingOk jmps t \<equiv> (case t of
+                      In1 se \<Rightarrow> (case se of
+                                   Inl e \<Rightarrow> True
+                                 | Inr s \<Rightarrow> jumpNestingOkS jmps s)
+                    | In2  v \<Rightarrow> True
+                    | In3  es \<Rightarrow> True)"
+lemma jumpNestingOk_expr_simp [simp]: "jumpNestingOk jmps (In1l e) = True"
+by (simp add: jumpNestingOk_def)
+lemma jumpNestingOk_expr_simp1 [simp]: "jumpNestingOk jmps \<langle>e::expr\<rangle> = True"
+by (simp add: inj_term_simps)
+lemma jumpNestingOk_stmt_simp [simp]: 
+  "jumpNestingOk jmps (In1r s) = jumpNestingOkS jmps s"
+by (simp add: jumpNestingOk_def)
+lemma jumpNestingOk_stmt_simp1 [simp]: 
+   "jumpNestingOk jmps \<langle>s::stmt\<rangle> = jumpNestingOkS jmps s"
+by (simp add: inj_term_simps)
+lemma jumpNestingOk_var_simp [simp]: "jumpNestingOk jmps (In2 v) = True"
+by (simp add: jumpNestingOk_def)
+lemma jumpNestingOk_var_simp1 [simp]: "jumpNestingOk jmps \<langle>v::var\<rangle> = True"
+by (simp add: inj_term_simps)
+lemma jumpNestingOk_expr_list_simp [simp]: "jumpNestingOk jmps (In3 es) = True"
+by (simp add: jumpNestingOk_def)
+lemma jumpNestingOk_expr_list_simp1 [simp]: 
+  "jumpNestingOk jmps \<langle>es::expr list\<rangle> = True"
+by (simp add: inj_term_simps)
+section {* Calculation of assigned variables for boolean expressions*}
+subsection {* Very restricted calculation fallback calculation *}
+consts the_LVar_name:: "var \<Rightarrow> lname"
+"the_LVar_name (LVar n) = n"
+consts assignsE :: "expr      \<Rightarrow> lname set" 
+       assignsV :: "var       \<Rightarrow> lname set"
+       assignsEs:: "expr list \<Rightarrow> lname set"
+text {* *}
+"assignsE (NewC c)            = {}" 
+"assignsE (NewA t e)          = assignsE e"
+"assignsE (Cast t e)          = assignsE e"
+"assignsE (e InstOf r)        = assignsE e"
+"assignsE (Lit val)           = {}"
+"assignsE (UnOp unop e)       = assignsE e"
+"assignsE (BinOp binop e1 e2) = (if binop=CondAnd \<or> binop=CondOr
+                                     then (assignsE e1)
+                                     else (assignsE e1) \<union> (assignsE e2))" 
+"assignsE (Super)             = {}"
+"assignsE (Acc v)             = assignsV v"
+"assignsE (v:=e)              = (assignsV v) \<union> (assignsE e) \<union> 
+                                 (if \<exists> n. v=(LVar n) then {the_LVar_name v} 
+                                                     else {})"
+"assignsE (b? e1 : e2) = (assignsE b) \<union> ((assignsE e1) \<inter> (assignsE e2))"
+"assignsE ({accC,statT,mode}objRef\<cdot>mn({pTs}args)) 
+                          = (assignsE objRef) \<union> (assignsEs args)"
+-- {* Only dummy analysis for intermediate expressions  
+      @{term Methd}, @{term Body}, @{term InsInitE} and @{term Callee} *}
+"assignsE (Methd C sig)   = {}" 
+"assignsE (Body  C s)     = {}"   
+"assignsE (InsInitE s e)  = {}"  
+"assignsE (Callee l e)    = {}" 
+"assignsV (LVar n)       = {}"
+"assignsV ({accC,statDeclC,stat}objRef..fn) = assignsE objRef"
+"assignsV (e1.[e2])      = assignsE e1 \<union> assignsE e2"
+"assignsEs     [] = {}"
+"assignsEs (e#es) = assignsE e \<union> assignsEs es"
+constdefs assigns:: "term \<Rightarrow> lname set"
+"assigns t \<equiv> (case t of
+                In1 se \<Rightarrow> (case se of
+                             Inl e \<Rightarrow> assignsE e
+                           | Inr s \<Rightarrow> {})
+              | In2  v \<Rightarrow> assignsV v
+              | In3  es \<Rightarrow> assignsEs es)"
+lemma assigns_expr_simp [simp]: "assigns (In1l e) = assignsE e"
+by (simp add: assigns_def)
+lemma assigns_expr_simp1 [simp]: "assigns (\<langle>e\<rangle>) = assignsE e"
+by (simp add: inj_term_simps)
+lemma assigns_stmt_simp [simp]: "assigns (In1r s) = {}"
+by (simp add: assigns_def)
+lemma assigns_stmt_simp1 [simp]: "assigns (\<langle>s::stmt\<rangle>) = {}"
+by (simp add: inj_term_simps)
+lemma assigns_var_simp [simp]: "assigns (In2 v) = assignsV v"
+by (simp add: assigns_def)
+lemma assigns_var_simp1 [simp]: "assigns (\<langle>v\<rangle>) = assignsV v"
+by (simp add: inj_term_simps)
+lemma assigns_expr_list_simp [simp]: "assigns (In3 es) = assignsEs es"
+by (simp add: assigns_def)
+lemma assigns_expr_list_simp1 [simp]: "assigns (\<langle>es\<rangle>) = assignsEs es"
+by (simp add: inj_term_simps)
+subsection "Analysis of constant expressions"
+consts constVal :: "expr \<Rightarrow> val option"
+"constVal (NewC c)      = None"
+"constVal (NewA t e)    = None"
+"constVal (Cast t e)    = None"
+"constVal (Inst e r)    = None"
+"constVal (Lit val)     = Some val"
+"constVal (UnOp unop e) = (case (constVal e) of
+                             None   \<Rightarrow> None
+                           | Some v \<Rightarrow> Some (eval_unop unop v))" 
+"constVal (BinOp binop e1 e2) = (case (constVal e1) of
+                                   None    \<Rightarrow> None
+                                 | Some v1 \<Rightarrow> (case (constVal e2) of 
+                                                None    \<Rightarrow> None
+                                              | Some v2 \<Rightarrow> Some (eval_binop 
+                                                                 binop v1 v2)))"
+"constVal (Super)         = None"
+"constVal (Acc v)         = None"
+"constVal (Ass v e)       = None"
+"constVal (Cond b e1 e2)  = (case (constVal b) of
+                               None   \<Rightarrow> None
+                             | Some bv\<Rightarrow> (case the_Bool bv of
+                                            True \<Rightarrow> (case (constVal e2) of
+                                                       None   \<Rightarrow> None
+                                                     | Some v \<Rightarrow> constVal e1)
+                                          | False\<Rightarrow> (case (constVal e1) of
+                                                       None   \<Rightarrow> None
+                                                     | Some v \<Rightarrow> constVal e2)))"
+--{* Note that @{text "constVal (Cond b e1 e2)"} is stricter as it could be.
+     It requires that all tree expressions are constant even if we can decide
+     which branch to choose, provided the constant value of @{term b} *}
+"constVal (Call accC statT mode objRef mn pTs args) = None"
+"constVal (Methd C sig)   = None" 
+"constVal (Body  C s)     = None"   
+"constVal (InsInitE s e)  = None"  
+"constVal (Callee l e)    = None" 
+lemma constVal_Some_induct [consumes 1, case_names Lit UnOp BinOp CondL CondR]: 
+  assumes const: "constVal e = Some v" and
+        hyp_Lit: "\<And> v. P (Lit v)" and
+       hyp_UnOp: "\<And> unop e'. P e' \<Longrightarrow> P (UnOp unop e')" and
+      hyp_BinOp: "\<And> binop e1 e2. \<lbrakk>P e1; P e2\<rbrakk> \<Longrightarrow> P (BinOp binop e1 e2)" and
+      hyp_CondL: "\<And> b bv e1 e2. \<lbrakk>constVal b = Some bv; the_Bool bv; P b; P e1\<rbrakk> 
+                              \<Longrightarrow> P (b? e1 : e2)" and
+      hyp_CondR: "\<And> b bv e1 e2. \<lbrakk>constVal b = Some bv; \<not>the_Bool bv; P b; P e2\<rbrakk>
+                              \<Longrightarrow> P (b? e1 : e2)"
+  shows "P e"
+proof -
+  have "True" and "\<And> v. constVal e = Some v \<Longrightarrow> P e" and "True" and "True"
+  proof (induct "x::var" and e and "s::stmt" and "es::expr list")
+    case Lit
+    show ?case by (rule hyp_Lit)
+  next
+    case UnOp
+    thus ?case
+      by (auto intro: hyp_UnOp)
+  next
+    case BinOp
+    thus ?case
+      by (auto intro: hyp_BinOp)
+  next
+    case (Cond b e1 e2)
+    then obtain v where   v: "constVal (b ? e1 : e2) = Some v"
+      by blast
+    then obtain bv where bv: "constVal b = Some bv"
+      by simp
+    show ?case
+    proof (cases "the_Bool bv")
+      case True
+      with Cond show ?thesis using v bv
+	by (auto intro: hyp_CondL)
+    next
+      case False
+      with Cond show ?thesis using v bv
+	by (auto intro: hyp_CondR)
+    qed
+  qed (simp_all)
+  with const 
+  show ?thesis
+    by blast  
+lemma assignsE_const_simp: "constVal e = Some v \<Longrightarrow> assignsE e = {}"
+  by (induct rule: constVal_Some_induct) simp_all
+subsection {* Main analysis for boolean expressions *}
+text {* Assigned local variables after evaluating the expression if it evaluates
+to a specific boolean value. If the expression cannot evaluate to a 
+@{term Boolean} value UNIV is returned. If we expect true/false the opposite 
+constant false/true will also lead to UNIV. *}
+consts assigns_if:: "bool \<Rightarrow> expr \<Rightarrow> lname set" 
+"assigns_if b (NewC c)            = UNIV" --{*can never evaluate to Boolean*} 
+"assigns_if b (NewA t e)          = UNIV" --{*can never evaluate to Boolean*}
+"assigns_if b (Cast t e)          = assigns_if b e" 
+"assigns_if b (Inst e r)          = assignsE e" --{*Inst has type Boolean but
+                                                     e is a reference type*}
+"assigns_if b (Lit val)           = (if val=Bool b then {} else UNIV)"  
+"assigns_if b (UnOp unop e)       = (case constVal (UnOp unop e) of
+                                         None   \<Rightarrow> (if unop = UNot 
+                                                       then assigns_if (\<not>b) e
+                                                       else UNIV)
+                                       | Some v \<Rightarrow> (if v=Bool b 
+                                                       then {} 
+                                                       else UNIV))"
+"assigns_if b (BinOp binop e1 e2) 
+  = (case constVal (BinOp binop e1 e2) of
+       None \<Rightarrow> (if binop=CondAnd then
+                   (case b of 
+                       True  \<Rightarrow> assigns_if True  e1 \<union> assigns_if True e2
+                    |  False \<Rightarrow> assigns_if False e1 \<inter> 
+                                (assigns_if True e1 \<union> assigns_if False e2))
+                else
+               (if binop=CondOr then
+                   (case b of 
+                       True  \<Rightarrow> assigns_if True e1 \<inter> 
+                                (assigns_if False e1 \<union> assigns_if True e2)
+                    |  False \<Rightarrow> assigns_if False  e1 \<union> assigns_if False e2)
+                else assignsE e1 \<union> assignsE e2))
+     | Some v \<Rightarrow> (if v=Bool b then {} else UNIV))"
+"assigns_if b (Super)      = UNIV" --{*can never evaluate to Boolean*}
+"assigns_if b (Acc v)      = (assignsV v)"
+"assigns_if b (v := e)     = (assignsE (Ass v e))"
+"assigns_if b (c? e1 : e2) = (assignsE c) \<union>
+                               (case (constVal c) of
+                                  None    \<Rightarrow> (assigns_if b e1) \<inter> 
+                                             (assigns_if b e2)
+                                | Some bv \<Rightarrow> (case the_Bool bv of
+                                                True  \<Rightarrow> assigns_if b e1
+                                              | False \<Rightarrow> assigns_if b e2))"
+"assigns_if b ({accC,statT,mode}objRef\<cdot>mn({pTs}args))  
+          = assignsE ({accC,statT,mode}objRef\<cdot>mn({pTs}args)) "
+-- {* Only dummy analysis for intermediate expressions  
+      @{term Methd}, @{term Body}, @{term InsInitE} and @{term Callee} *}
+"assigns_if b (Methd C sig)   = {}" 
+"assigns_if b (Body  C s)     = {}"   
+"assigns_if b (InsInitE s e)  = {}"  
+"assigns_if b (Callee l e)    = {}" 
+lemma assigns_if_const_b_simp:
+  assumes boolConst: "constVal e = Some (Bool b)" (is "?Const b e")
+  shows   "assigns_if b e = {}" (is "?Ass b e")
+proof -
+  have "True" and "\<And> b. ?Const b e \<Longrightarrow> ?Ass b e" and "True" and "True"
+  proof (induct _ and e and _ and _ rule: var_expr_stmt.induct) 
+    case Lit
+    thus ?case by simp
+  next
+    case UnOp 
+    thus ?case by simp
+  next 
+    case (BinOp binop)
+    thus ?case
+      by (cases binop) (simp_all)
+  next
+    case (Cond c e1 e2 b)
+    have hyp_c:  "\<And> b. ?Const b c \<Longrightarrow> ?Ass b c" .
+    have hyp_e1: "\<And> b. ?Const b e1 \<Longrightarrow> ?Ass b e1" .
+    have hyp_e2: "\<And> b. ?Const b e2 \<Longrightarrow> ?Ass b e2" .
+    have const: "constVal (c ? e1 : e2) = Some (Bool b)" .
+    then obtain bv where bv: "constVal c = Some bv"
+      by simp
+    hence emptyC: "assignsE c = {}" by (rule assignsE_const_simp)
+    show ?case
+    proof (cases "the_Bool bv")
+      case True
+      with const bv  
+      have "?Const b e1" by simp
+      hence "?Ass b e1" by (rule hyp_e1)
+      with emptyC bv True
+      show ?thesis
+	by simp
+    next
+      case False
+      with const bv  
+      have "?Const b e2" by simp
+      hence "?Ass b e2" by (rule hyp_e2)
+      with emptyC bv False
+      show ?thesis
+	by simp
+    qed
+  qed (simp_all)
+  with boolConst
+  show ?thesis
+    by blast
+lemma assigns_if_const_not_b_simp:
+  assumes boolConst: "constVal e = Some (Bool b)"        (is "?Const b e")  
+    shows "assigns_if (\<not>b) e = UNIV"                    (is "?Ass b e")
+proof -
+  have True and "\<And> b. ?Const b e \<Longrightarrow> ?Ass b e" and True and True
+  proof (induct _ and e and _ and _ rule: var_expr_stmt.induct) 
+    case Lit
+    thus ?case by simp
+  next
+    case UnOp 
+    thus ?case by simp
+  next 
+    case (BinOp binop)
+    thus ?case
+      by (cases binop) (simp_all)
+  next
+    case (Cond c e1 e2 b)
+    have hyp_c:  "\<And> b. ?Const b c \<Longrightarrow> ?Ass b c" .
+    have hyp_e1: "\<And> b. ?Const b e1 \<Longrightarrow> ?Ass b e1" .
+    have hyp_e2: "\<And> b. ?Const b e2 \<Longrightarrow> ?Ass b e2" .
+    have const: "constVal (c ? e1 : e2) = Some (Bool b)" .
+    then obtain bv where bv: "constVal c = Some bv"
+      by simp
+    show ?case
+    proof (cases "the_Bool bv")
+      case True
+      with const bv  
+      have "?Const b e1" by simp
+      hence "?Ass b e1" by (rule hyp_e1)
+      with bv True
+      show ?thesis
+	by simp
+    next
+      case False
+      with const bv  
+      have "?Const b e2" by simp
+      hence "?Ass b e2" by (rule hyp_e2)
+      with bv False 
+      show ?thesis
+	by simp
+    qed
+  qed (simp_all)
+  with boolConst
+  show ?thesis
+    by blast
+subsection {* Lifting set operations to range of tables (map to a set) *}
+ union_ts:: "('a,'b) tables \<Rightarrow> ('a,'b) tables \<Rightarrow> ('a,'b) tables"
+                    ("_ \<Rightarrow>\<union> _" [67,67] 65)
+ "A \<Rightarrow>\<union> B \<equiv> \<lambda> k. A k \<union> B k"
+ intersect_ts:: "('a,'b) tables \<Rightarrow> ('a,'b) tables \<Rightarrow> ('a,'b) tables"
+                    ("_ \<Rightarrow>\<inter>  _" [72,72] 71)
+ "A \<Rightarrow>\<inter>  B \<equiv> \<lambda> k. A k \<inter> B k"
+ all_union_ts:: "('a,'b) tables \<Rightarrow> 'b set \<Rightarrow> ('a,'b) tables" 
+                                                     (infixl "\<Rightarrow>\<union>\<^sub>\<forall>" 40)
+"A \<Rightarrow>\<union>\<^sub>\<forall> B \<equiv> \<lambda> k. A k \<union> B"
+subsubsection {* Binary union of tables *}
+lemma union_ts_iff [simp]: "(c \<in> (A \<Rightarrow>\<union> B) k) = (c \<in> A k \<or>  c \<in> B k)"
+  by (unfold union_ts_def) blast
+lemma union_tsI1 [elim?]: "c \<in> A k \<Longrightarrow> c \<in> (A \<Rightarrow>\<union> B) k"
+  by simp
+lemma union_tsI2 [elim?]: "c \<in> B k \<Longrightarrow> c \<in> (A \<Rightarrow>\<union> B) k"
+  by simp
+lemma union_tsCI [intro!]: "(c \<notin> B k \<Longrightarrow> c \<in> A k) \<Longrightarrow> c \<in> (A \<Rightarrow>\<union> B) k"
+  by auto
+lemma union_tsE [elim!]: 
+ "\<lbrakk>c \<in> (A \<Rightarrow>\<union> B) k; (c \<in> A k \<Longrightarrow> P); (c \<in> B k \<Longrightarrow> P)\<rbrakk> \<Longrightarrow> P"
+  by (unfold union_ts_def) blast
+subsubsection {* Binary intersection of tables *}
+lemma intersect_ts_iff [simp]: "c \<in> (A \<Rightarrow>\<inter> B) k = (c \<in> A k \<and> c \<in> B k)"
+  by (unfold intersect_ts_def) blast
+lemma intersect_tsI [intro!]: "\<lbrakk>c \<in> A k; c \<in> B k\<rbrakk> \<Longrightarrow> c \<in>  (A \<Rightarrow>\<inter> B) k"
+  by simp
+lemma intersect_tsD1: "c \<in> (A \<Rightarrow>\<inter> B) k \<Longrightarrow> c \<in> A k"
+  by simp
+lemma intersect_tsD2: "c \<in> (A \<Rightarrow>\<inter> B) k \<Longrightarrow> c \<in> B k"
+  by simp
+lemma intersect_tsE [elim!]: 
+   "\<lbrakk>c \<in> (A \<Rightarrow>\<inter> B) k; \<lbrakk>c \<in> A k; c \<in> B k\<rbrakk> \<Longrightarrow> P\<rbrakk> \<Longrightarrow> P"
+  by simp
+subsubsection {* All-Union of tables and set *}
+lemma all_union_ts_iff [simp]: "(c \<in> (A \<Rightarrow>\<union>\<^sub>\<forall> B) k) = (c \<in> A k \<or>  c \<in> B)"
+  by (unfold all_union_ts_def) blast
+lemma all_union_tsI1 [elim?]: "c \<in> A k \<Longrightarrow> c \<in> (A \<Rightarrow>\<union>\<^sub>\<forall> B) k"
+  by simp
+lemma all_union_tsI2 [elim?]: "c \<in> B \<Longrightarrow> c \<in> (A \<Rightarrow>\<union>\<^sub>\<forall> B) k"
+  by simp
+lemma all_union_tsCI [intro!]: "(c \<notin> B \<Longrightarrow> c \<in> A k) \<Longrightarrow> c \<in> (A \<Rightarrow>\<union>\<^sub>\<forall> B) k"
+  by auto
+lemma all_union_tsE [elim!]: 
+ "\<lbrakk>c \<in> (A \<Rightarrow>\<union>\<^sub>\<forall> B) k; (c \<in> A k \<Longrightarrow> P); (c \<in> B \<Longrightarrow> P)\<rbrakk> \<Longrightarrow> P"
+  by (unfold all_union_ts_def) blast
+section "The rules of definite assignment"
+types breakass = "(label, lname) tables" 
+--{* Mapping from a break label, to the set of variables that will be assigned 
+     if the evaluation terminates with this break *}
+record assigned = 
+         nrm :: "lname set" --{* Definetly assigned variables 
+                                 for normal completion*}
+         brk :: "breakass" --{* Definetly assigned variables for 
+                                abnormal completion with a break *}
+consts da :: "(env \<times> lname set \<times> term \<times> assigned) set"  
+text {* The environment @{term env} is only needed for the 
+        conditional @{text "_ ? _ : _"}.
+        The definite assignment rules refer to the typing rules here to
+        distinguish boolean and other expressions.
+      *}
+da :: "env \<Rightarrow> lname set \<Rightarrow> term \<Rightarrow> assigned \<Rightarrow> bool" 
+                           ("_\<turnstile> _ \<guillemotright>_\<guillemotright> _" [65,65,65,65] 71)
+  "E\<turnstile> B \<guillemotright>t\<guillemotright> A" == "(E,B,t,A) \<in> da"
+text {* @{text B}: the ''assigned'' variables before evaluating term @{text t};
+        @{text A}: the ''assigned'' variables after evaluating term @{text t}
+constdefs rmlab :: "'a \<Rightarrow> ('a,'b) tables \<Rightarrow> ('a,'b) tables"
+"rmlab k A \<equiv> \<lambda> x. if x=k then UNIV else A x"
+constdefs setbrk :: "breakass \<Rightarrow> assigned \<Rightarrow> breakass set"
+"setbrk b A \<equiv> {b} \<union> {a| a. a\<in> brk A \<and> lab a \<noteq> lab b}"
+constdefs range_inter_ts :: "('a,'b) tables \<Rightarrow> 'b set" ("\<Rightarrow>\<Inter>_" 80)
+ "\<Rightarrow>\<Inter>A \<equiv> {x |x. \<forall> k. x \<in> A k}"
+inductive "da" intros
+ Skip: "Env\<turnstile> B \<guillemotright>\<langle>Skip\<rangle>\<guillemotright> \<lparr>nrm=B,brk=\<lambda> l. UNIV\<rparr>"
+ Expr: "Env\<turnstile> B \<guillemotright>\<langle>e\<rangle>\<guillemotright> A 
+        \<Longrightarrow>  
+        Env\<turnstile> B \<guillemotright>\<langle>Expr e\<rangle>\<guillemotright> A"
+ Lab:  "\<lbrakk>Env\<turnstile> B \<guillemotright>\<langle>c\<rangle>\<guillemotright> C; nrm A = nrm C \<inter> (brk C) l; brk A = rmlab l (brk C)\<rbrakk>
+        \<Longrightarrow> 
+        Env\<turnstile> B \<guillemotright>\<langle>Break l\<bullet> c\<rangle>\<guillemotright> A" 
+ Comp: "\<lbrakk>Env\<turnstile> B \<guillemotright>\<langle>c1\<rangle>\<guillemotright> C1; Env\<turnstile> nrm C1 \<guillemotright>\<langle>c2\<rangle>\<guillemotright> C2; 
+        nrm A = nrm C2; brk A = (brk C1) \<Rightarrow>\<inter> (brk C2)\<rbrakk> 
+        \<Longrightarrow>  
+        Env\<turnstile> B \<guillemotright>\<langle>c1;; c2\<rangle>\<guillemotright> A"
+ If:   "\<lbrakk>Env\<turnstile> B \<guillemotright>\<langle>e\<rangle>\<guillemotright> E;
+         Env\<turnstile> (B \<union> assigns_if True  e) \<guillemotright>\<langle>c1\<rangle>\<guillemotright> C1;
+         Env\<turnstile> (B \<union> assigns_if False e) \<guillemotright>\<langle>c2\<rangle>\<guillemotright> C2;
+         nrm A = nrm C1 \<inter> nrm C2;
+         brk A = brk C1 \<Rightarrow>\<inter> brk C2 \<rbrakk>  
+         \<Longrightarrow>
+         Env\<turnstile> B \<guillemotright>\<langle>If(e) c1 Else c2\<rangle>\<guillemotright> A"
+--{* Note that @{term E} is not further used, because we take the specialized
+     sets that also consider if the expression evaluates to true or false. 
+     Inside of @{term e} there is no {\tt break} or {\tt finally}, so the break
+     map of @{term E} will be the trivial one. So 
+     @{term "Env\<turnstile>B \<guillemotright>\<langle>e\<rangle>\<guillemotright> E"} is just used to enshure the definite assignment in
+     expression @{term e}.
+     Notice the implicit analysis of a constant boolean expression @{term e}
+     in this rule. For example, if @{term e} is constantly @{term True} then 
+     @{term "assigns_if False e = UNIV"} and therefor @{term "nrm C2=UNIV"}.
+     So finally @{term "nrm A = nrm C1"}. For the break maps this trick 
+     workd too, because the trival break map will map all labels to 
+     @{term UNIV}. In the example, if no break occurs in @{term c2} the break
+     maps will trivially map to @{term UNIV} and if a break occurs it will map
+     to @{term UNIV} too, because @{term "assigns_if False e = UNIV"}. So
+     in the intersection of the break maps the path @{term c2} will have no
+     contribution.
+  *}
+ Loop: "\<lbrakk>Env\<turnstile> B \<guillemotright>\<langle>e\<rangle>\<guillemotright> E; 
+         Env\<turnstile> (B \<union> assigns_if True e) \<guillemotright>\<langle>c\<rangle>\<guillemotright> C;
+         nrm A = nrm C \<inter> (B \<union> assigns_if False e);
+         brk A = brk C\<rbrakk>  
+         \<Longrightarrow>
+         Env\<turnstile> B \<guillemotright>\<langle>l\<bullet> While(e) c\<rangle>\<guillemotright> A"
+--{* The @{text Loop} rule resembles some of the ideas of the @{text If} rule.
+     For the @{term "nrm A"} the set @{term "B \<union> assigns_if False e"} 
+     will be @{term UNIV} if the condition is constantly true. To normally exit
+     the while loop, we must consider the body @{term c} to be completed 
+     normally (@{term "nrm C"}) or with a break. But in this model, 
+     the label @{term l} of the loop
+     only handles continue labels, not break labels. The break label will be
+     handled by an enclosing @{term Lab} statement. So we don't have to
+     handle the breaks specially. 
+  *}
+ Jmp: "\<lbrakk>jump=Ret \<longrightarrow> Result \<in> B;
+        nrm A = UNIV;
+        brk A = (case jump of
+                   Break l \<Rightarrow> \<lambda> k. if k=l then B else UNIV     
+                 | Cont l  \<Rightarrow> \<lambda> k. UNIV
+                 | Ret     \<Rightarrow> \<lambda> k. UNIV)\<rbrakk> 
+       \<Longrightarrow> 
+       Env\<turnstile> B \<guillemotright>\<langle>Jmp jump\<rangle>\<guillemotright> A"
+--{* In case of a break to label @{term l} the corresponding break set is all
+     variables assigned before the break. The assigned variables for normal
+     completion of the @{term Jmp} is @{term UNIV}, because the statement will
+     never complete normally. For continue and return the break map is the 
+     trivial one. In case of a return we enshure that the result value is
+     assigned.
+  *}
+ Throw: "\<lbrakk>Env\<turnstile> B \<guillemotright>\<langle>e\<rangle>\<guillemotright> E; nrm A = UNIV; brk A = (\<lambda> l. UNIV)\<rbrakk> 
+        \<Longrightarrow> Env\<turnstile> B \<guillemotright>\<langle>Throw e\<rangle>\<guillemotright> A"
+ Try:  "\<lbrakk>Env\<turnstile> B \<guillemotright>\<langle>c1\<rangle>\<guillemotright> C1; 
+         Env\<lparr>lcl := lcl Env(VName vn\<mapsto>Class C)\<rparr>\<turnstile> (B \<union> {VName vn}) \<guillemotright>\<langle>c2\<rangle>\<guillemotright> C2;  
+         nrm A = nrm C1 \<inter> nrm C2;
+         brk A = brk C1 \<Rightarrow>\<inter> brk C2\<rbrakk> 
+        \<Longrightarrow> Env\<turnstile> B \<guillemotright>\<langle>Try c1 Catch(C vn) c2\<rangle>\<guillemotright> A"
+ Fin:  "\<lbrakk>Env\<turnstile> B \<guillemotright>\<langle>c1\<rangle>\<guillemotright> C1;
+         Env\<turnstile> B \<guillemotright>\<langle>c2\<rangle>\<guillemotright> C2;
+         nrm A = nrm C1 \<union> nrm C2;
+         brk A = ((brk C1) \<Rightarrow>\<union>\<^sub>\<forall> (nrm C2)) \<Rightarrow>\<inter> (brk C2)\<rbrakk>  
+         \<Longrightarrow>
+         Env\<turnstile> B \<guillemotright>\<langle>c1 Finally c2\<rangle>\<guillemotright> A" 
+--{* The set of assigned variables before execution @{term c2} are the same
+     as before execution @{term c1}, because @{term c1} could throw an exception
+     and so we can't guarantee that any variable will be assigned in @{term c1}.
+     The @{text Finally} statement completes
+     normally if both @{term c1} and @{term c2} complete normally. If @{term c1}
+     completes abnormally with a break, then @{term c2} also will be executed 
+     and may terminate normally or with a break. The overall break map then is
+     the intersection of the maps of both paths. If @{term c2} terminates 
+     normally we have to extend all break sets in @{term "brk C1"} with 
+     @{term "nrm C2"} (@{text "\<Rightarrow>\<union>\<^sub>\<forall>"}). If @{term c2} exits with a break this
+     break will appear in the overall result state. We don't know if 
+     @{term c1} completed normally or abruptly (maybe with an exception not only
+     a break) so @{term c1} has no contribution to the break map following this
+     path.
+  *}
+--{* Evaluation of expressions and the break sets of definite assignment:
+     Thinking of a Java expression we assume that we can never have
+     a break statement inside of a expression. So for all expressions the
+     break sets could be set to the trivial one: @{term "\<lambda> l. UNIV"}. 
+     But we can't
+     trivially proof, that evaluating an expression will never result in a 
+     break, allthough Java expressions allready syntactically don't allow
+     nested stetements in them. The reason are the nested class initialzation 
+     statements which are inserted by the evaluation rules. So to proof the
+     absence of a break we need to ensure, that the initialization statements
+     will never end up in a break. In a wellfromed initialization statement, 
+     of course, were breaks are nested correctly inside of @{term Lab} 
+     or @{term Loop} statements evaluation of the whole initialization 
+     statement will never result in a break, because this break will be 
+     handled inside of the statement. But for simplicity we haven't added
+     the analysis of the correct nesting of breaks in the typing judgments 
+     right now. So we have decided to adjust the rules of definite assignment
+     to fit to these circumstances. If an initialization is involved during
+     evaluation of the expression (evaluation rules @{text FVar}, @{text NewC} 
+     and @{text NewA}
+ Init: "Env\<turnstile> B \<guillemotright>\<langle>Init C\<rangle>\<guillemotright> \<lparr>nrm=B,brk=\<lambda> l. UNIV\<rparr>"
+--{* Wellformedness of a program will ensure, that every static initialiser 
+     is definetly assigned and the jumps are nested correctly. The case here
+     for @{term Init} is just for convenience, to get a proper precondition 
+     for the induction hypothesis in various proofs, so that we don't have to
+     expand the initialisation on every point where it is triggerred by the
+     evaluation rules.
+  *}   
+ NewC: "Env\<turnstile> B \<guillemotright>\<langle>NewC C\<rangle>\<guillemotright> \<lparr>nrm=B,brk=\<lambda> l. UNIV\<rparr>" 
+ NewA: "Env\<turnstile> B \<guillemotright>\<langle>e\<rangle>\<guillemotright> A 
+        \<Longrightarrow>
+        Env\<turnstile> B \<guillemotright>\<langle>New T[e]\<rangle>\<guillemotright> A"
+ Cast: "Env\<turnstile> B \<guillemotright>\<langle>e\<rangle>\<guillemotright> A
+        \<Longrightarrow>
+        Env\<turnstile> B \<guillemotright>\<langle>Cast T e\<rangle>\<guillemotright> A"
+ Inst: "Env\<turnstile> B \<guillemotright>\<langle>e\<rangle>\<guillemotright> A 
+        \<Longrightarrow> 
+        Env\<turnstile> B \<guillemotright>\<langle>e InstOf T\<rangle>\<guillemotright> A"
+ Lit:  "Env\<turnstile> B \<guillemotright>\<langle>Lit v\<rangle>\<guillemotright> \<lparr>nrm=B,brk=\<lambda> l. UNIV\<rparr>"
+ UnOp: "Env\<turnstile> B \<guillemotright>\<langle>e\<rangle>\<guillemotright> A
+        \<Longrightarrow> 
+        Env\<turnstile> B \<guillemotright>\<langle>UnOp unop e\<rangle>\<guillemotright> A"
+ CondAnd: "\<lbrakk>Env\<turnstile> B \<guillemotright>\<langle>e1\<rangle>\<guillemotright> E1; Env\<turnstile> (B \<union> assigns_if True e1) \<guillemotright>\<langle>e2\<rangle>\<guillemotright> E2; 
+            nrm A = B \<union> (assigns_if True (BinOp CondAnd e1 e2) \<inter> 
+                            assigns_if False (BinOp CondAnd e1 e2));
+            brk A = (\<lambda> l. UNIV) \<rbrakk>
+           \<Longrightarrow>
+           Env\<turnstile> B \<guillemotright>\<langle>BinOp CondAnd e1 e2\<rangle>\<guillemotright> A"
+ CondOr: "\<lbrakk>Env\<turnstile> B \<guillemotright>\<langle>e1\<rangle>\<guillemotright> E1; Env\<turnstile> (B \<union> assigns_if False e1) \<guillemotright>\<langle>e2\<rangle>\<guillemotright> E2; 
+           nrm A = B \<union> (assigns_if True (BinOp CondOr e1 e2) \<inter> 
+                             assigns_if False (BinOp CondOr e1 e2));
+           brk A = (\<lambda> l. UNIV) \<rbrakk>
+           \<Longrightarrow>
+           Env\<turnstile> B \<guillemotright>\<langle>BinOp CondOr e1 e2\<rangle>\<guillemotright> A"
+ BinOp: "\<lbrakk>Env\<turnstile> B \<guillemotright>\<langle>e1\<rangle>\<guillemotright> E1; Env\<turnstile> nrm E1 \<guillemotright>\<langle>e2\<rangle>\<guillemotright> A; 
+          binop \<noteq> CondAnd; binop \<noteq> CondOr\<rbrakk>
+         \<Longrightarrow>
+         Env\<turnstile> B \<guillemotright>\<langle>BinOp binop e1 e2\<rangle>\<guillemotright> A"
+ Super: "This \<in> B 
+         \<Longrightarrow> 
+         Env\<turnstile> B \<guillemotright>\<langle>Super\<rangle>\<guillemotright> \<lparr>nrm=B,brk=\<lambda> l. UNIV\<rparr>"
+ AccLVar: "\<lbrakk>vn \<in> B;
+            nrm A = B; brk A = (\<lambda> k. UNIV)\<rbrakk> 
+            \<Longrightarrow> 
+            Env\<turnstile> B \<guillemotright>\<langle>Acc (LVar vn)\<rangle>\<guillemotright> A"
+--{* To properly access a local variable we have to test the definite 
+     assignment here. The variable must occur in the set @{term B} 
+  *}
+ Acc: "\<lbrakk>\<forall> vn. v \<noteq> LVar vn;
+        Env\<turnstile> B \<guillemotright>\<langle>v\<rangle>\<guillemotright> A\<rbrakk>
+        \<Longrightarrow>
+        Env\<turnstile> B \<guillemotright>\<langle>Acc v\<rangle>\<guillemotright> A"
+ AssLVar: "\<lbrakk>Env\<turnstile> B \<guillemotright>\<langle>e\<rangle>\<guillemotright> E; nrm A = nrm E \<union> {vn}; brk A = brk E\<rbrakk> 
+           \<Longrightarrow> 
+           Env\<turnstile> B \<guillemotright>\<langle>(LVar vn) := e\<rangle>\<guillemotright> A"
+ Ass: "\<lbrakk>\<forall> vn. v \<noteq> LVar vn; Env\<turnstile> B \<guillemotright>\<langle>v\<rangle>\<guillemotright> V; Env\<turnstile> nrm V \<guillemotright>\<langle>e\<rangle>\<guillemotright> A\<rbrakk>
+        \<Longrightarrow>
+        Env\<turnstile> B \<guillemotright>\<langle>v := e\<rangle>\<guillemotright> A"
+ CondBool: "\<lbrakk>Env\<turnstile>(c ? e1 : e2)\<Colon>-(PrimT Boolean);
+             Env\<turnstile> B \<guillemotright>\<langle>c\<rangle>\<guillemotright> C;
+             Env\<turnstile> (B \<union> assigns_if True  c) \<guillemotright>\<langle>e1\<rangle>\<guillemotright> E1;
+             Env\<turnstile> (B \<union> assigns_if False c) \<guillemotright>\<langle>e2\<rangle>\<guillemotright> E2;
+             nrm A = B \<union> (assigns_if True  (c ? e1 : e2) \<inter> 
+                              assigns_if False (c ? e1 : e2));
+             brk A = (\<lambda> l. UNIV)\<rbrakk>
+             \<Longrightarrow> 
+             Env\<turnstile> B \<guillemotright>\<langle>c ? e1 : e2\<rangle>\<guillemotright> A" 
+ Cond: "\<lbrakk>\<not> Env\<turnstile>(c ? e1 : e2)\<Colon>-(PrimT Boolean);
+         Env\<turnstile> B \<guillemotright>\<langle>c\<rangle>\<guillemotright> C;
+         Env\<turnstile> (B \<union> assigns_if True  c) \<guillemotright>\<langle>e1\<rangle>\<guillemotright> E1;
+         Env\<turnstile> (B \<union> assigns_if False c) \<guillemotright>\<langle>e2\<rangle>\<guillemotright> E2;
+        nrm A = nrm E1 \<inter> nrm E2; brk A = (\<lambda> l. UNIV)\<rbrakk>
+        \<Longrightarrow> 
+        Env\<turnstile> B \<guillemotright>\<langle>c ? e1 : e2\<rangle>\<guillemotright> A" 
+ Call: "\<lbrakk>Env\<turnstile> B \<guillemotright>\<langle>e\<rangle>\<guillemotright> E; Env\<turnstile> nrm E \<guillemotright>\<langle>args\<rangle>\<guillemotright> A\<rbrakk> 
+        \<Longrightarrow>  
+        Env\<turnstile> B \<guillemotright>\<langle>{accC,statT,mode}e\<cdot>mn({pTs}args)\<rangle>\<guillemotright> A"
+-- {* The interplay of @{term Call}, @{term Methd} and @{term Body}:
+      Why rules for @{term Methd} and @{term Body} at all? Note that a
+      Java source program will not include bare  @{term Methd} or @{term Body}
+      terms. These terms are just introduced during evaluation. So definite
+      assignment of @{term Call} does not consider @{term Methd} or 
+      @{term Body} at all. So for definite assignment alone we could omit the
+      rules for @{term Methd} and @{term Body}. 
+      But since evaluation of the method invocation is
+      split up into three rules we must ensure that we have enough information
+      about the call even in the @{term Body} term to make sure that we can
+      proof type safety. Also we must be able transport this information 
+      from @{term Call} to @{term Methd} and then further to @{term Body} 
+      during evaluation to establish the definite assignment of @{term Methd}
+      during evaluation of @{term Call}, and of @{term Body} during evaluation
+      of @{term Methd}. This is necessary since definite assignment will be
+      a precondition for each induction hypothesis coming out of the evaluation
+      rules, and therefor we have to establish the definite assignment of the
+      sub-evaluation during the type-safety proof. Note that well-typedness is
+      also a precondition for type-safety and so we can omit some assertion 
+      that are already ensured by well-typedness. 
+   *}
+ Methd: "\<lbrakk>methd (prg Env) D sig = Some m;
+          Env\<turnstile> B \<guillemotright>\<langle>Body (declclass m) (stmt (mbody (mthd m)))\<rangle>\<guillemotright> A
+         \<rbrakk>
+         \<Longrightarrow>
+         Env\<turnstile> B \<guillemotright>\<langle>Methd D sig\<rangle>\<guillemotright> A" 
+ Body: "\<lbrakk>Env\<turnstile> B \<guillemotright>\<langle>c\<rangle>\<guillemotright> C; jumpNestingOkS {Ret} c; Result \<in> nrm C;
+         nrm A = B; brk A = (\<lambda> l. UNIV)\<rbrakk>
+        \<Longrightarrow>
+        Env\<turnstile> B \<guillemotright>\<langle>Body D c\<rangle>\<guillemotright> A"
+-- {* Note that @{term A} is not correlated to  @{term C}. If the body
+      statement returns abruptly with return, evaluation of  @{term Body}
+      will absorb this return and complete normally. So we cannot trivially
+      get the assigned variables of the body statement since it has not 
+      completed normally or with a break.
+      If the body completes normally we guarantee that the result variable
+      is set with this rule. But if the body completes abruptly with a return
+      we can't guarantee that the result variable is set here, since 
+      definite assignment only talks about normal completion and breaks. So
+      for a return the @{term Jump} rule ensures that the result variable is
+      set and then this information must be carried over to the @{term Body}
+      rule by the conformance predicate of the state.
+   *}
+ LVar: "Env\<turnstile> B \<guillemotright>\<langle>LVar vn\<rangle>\<guillemotright> \<lparr>nrm=B, brk=\<lambda> l. UNIV\<rparr>" 
+ FVar: "Env\<turnstile> B \<guillemotright>\<langle>e\<rangle>\<guillemotright> A 
+        \<Longrightarrow> 
+        Env\<turnstile> B \<guillemotright>\<langle>{accC,statDeclC,stat}e..fn\<rangle>\<guillemotright> A" 
+ AVar: "\<lbrakk>Env\<turnstile> B \<guillemotright>\<langle>e1\<rangle>\<guillemotright> E1; Env\<turnstile> nrm E1 \<guillemotright>\<langle>e2\<rangle>\<guillemotright> A\<rbrakk>
+         \<Longrightarrow> 
+         Env\<turnstile> B \<guillemotright>\<langle>e1.[e2]\<rangle>\<guillemotright> A" 
+ Nil: "Env\<turnstile> B \<guillemotright>\<langle>[]::expr list\<rangle>\<guillemotright> \<lparr>nrm=B, brk=\<lambda> l. UNIV\<rparr>" 
+ Cons: "\<lbrakk>Env\<turnstile> B \<guillemotright>\<langle>e::expr\<rangle>\<guillemotright> E; Env\<turnstile> nrm E \<guillemotright>\<langle>es\<rangle>\<guillemotright> A\<rbrakk>
+        \<Longrightarrow> 
+        Env\<turnstile> B \<guillemotright>\<langle>e#es\<rangle>\<guillemotright> A" 
+declare inj_term_sym_simps [simp]
+declare assigns_if.simps [simp del]
+declare split_paired_All [simp del] split_paired_Ex [simp del]
+ML_setup {*
+simpset_ref() := simpset() delloop "split_all_tac"
+inductive_cases da_elim_cases [cases set]:
+  "Env\<turnstile> B \<guillemotright>\<langle>Skip\<rangle>\<guillemotright> A" 
+  "Env\<turnstile> B \<guillemotright>In1r Skip\<guillemotright> A" 
+  "Env\<turnstile> B \<guillemotright>\<langle>Expr e\<rangle>\<guillemotright> A"
+  "Env\<turnstile> B \<guillemotright>In1r (Expr e)\<guillemotright> A"
+  "Env\<turnstile> B \<guillemotright>\<langle>l\<bullet> c\<rangle>\<guillemotright> A"
+  "Env\<turnstile> B \<guillemotright>In1r (l\<bullet> c)\<guillemotright> A"
+  "Env\<turnstile> B \<guillemotright>\<langle>c1;; c2\<rangle>\<guillemotright> A"
+  "Env\<turnstile> B \<guillemotright>In1r (c1;; c2)\<guillemotright> A"
+  "Env\<turnstile> B \<guillemotright>\<langle>If(e) c1 Else c2\<rangle>\<guillemotright> A" 
+  "Env\<turnstile> B \<guillemotright>In1r (If(e) c1 Else c2)\<guillemotright> A" 
+  "Env\<turnstile> B \<guillemotright>\<langle>l\<bullet> While(e) c\<rangle>\<guillemotright> A"
+  "Env\<turnstile> B \<guillemotright>In1r (l\<bullet> While(e) c)\<guillemotright> A"  
+  "Env\<turnstile> B \<guillemotright>\<langle>Jmp jump\<rangle>\<guillemotright> A"
+  "Env\<turnstile> B \<guillemotright>In1r (Jmp jump)\<guillemotright> A"
+  "Env\<turnstile> B \<guillemotright>\<langle>Throw e\<rangle>\<guillemotright> A"
+  "Env\<turnstile> B \<guillemotright>In1r (Throw e)\<guillemotright> A"
+  "Env\<turnstile> B \<guillemotright>\<langle>Try c1 Catch(C vn) c2\<rangle>\<guillemotright> A"
+  "Env\<turnstile> B \<guillemotright>In1r (Try c1 Catch(C vn) c2)\<guillemotright> A"
+  "Env\<turnstile> B \<guillemotright>\<langle>c1 Finally c2\<rangle>\<guillemotright> A" 
+  "Env\<turnstile> B \<guillemotright>In1r (c1 Finally c2)\<guillemotright> A" 
+  "Env\<turnstile> B \<guillemotright>\<langle>Init C\<rangle>\<guillemotright> A"
+  "Env\<turnstile> B \<guillemotright>In1r (Init C)\<guillemotright> A"
+  "Env\<turnstile> B \<guillemotright>\<langle>NewC C\<rangle>\<guillemotright> A"
+  "Env\<turnstile> B \<guillemotright>In1l (NewC C)\<guillemotright> A"
+  "Env\<turnstile> B \<guillemotright>\<langle>New T[e]\<rangle>\<guillemotright> A"
+  "Env\<turnstile> B \<guillemotright>In1l (New T[e])\<guillemotright> A"
+  "Env\<turnstile> B \<guillemotright>\<langle>Cast T e\<rangle>\<guillemotright> A"
+  "Env\<turnstile> B \<guillemotright>In1l (Cast T e)\<guillemotright> A"
+  "Env\<turnstile> B \<guillemotright>\<langle>e InstOf T\<rangle>\<guillemotright> A"
+  "Env\<turnstile> B \<guillemotright>In1l (e InstOf T)\<guillemotright> A"
+  "Env\<turnstile> B \<guillemotright>\<langle>Lit v\<rangle>\<guillemotright> A"
+  "Env\<turnstile> B \<guillemotright>In1l (Lit v)\<guillemotright> A"
+  "Env\<turnstile> B \<guillemotright>\<langle>UnOp unop e\<rangle>\<guillemotright> A"
+  "Env\<turnstile> B \<guillemotright>In1l (UnOp unop e)\<guillemotright> A"
+  "Env\<turnstile> B \<guillemotright>\<langle>BinOp binop e1 e2\<rangle>\<guillemotright> A"
+  "Env\<turnstile> B \<guillemotright>In1l (BinOp binop e1 e2)\<guillemotright> A"
+  "Env\<turnstile> B \<guillemotright>\<langle>Super\<rangle>\<guillemotright> A"
+  "Env\<turnstile> B \<guillemotright>In1l (Super)\<guillemotright> A"
+  "Env\<turnstile> B \<guillemotright>\<langle>Acc v\<rangle>\<guillemotright> A"
+  "Env\<turnstile> B \<guillemotright>In1l (Acc v)\<guillemotright> A"
+  "Env\<turnstile> B \<guillemotright>\<langle>v := e\<rangle>\<guillemotright> A"
+  "Env\<turnstile> B \<guillemotright>In1l (v := e)\<guillemotright> A"
+  "Env\<turnstile> B \<guillemotright>\<langle>c ? e1 : e2\<rangle>\<guillemotright> A" 
+  "Env\<turnstile> B \<guillemotright>In1l (c ? e1 : e2)\<guillemotright> A" 
+  "Env\<turnstile> B \<guillemotright>\<langle>{accC,statT,mode}e\<cdot>mn({pTs}args)\<rangle>\<guillemotright> A"
+  "Env\<turnstile> B \<guillemotright>In1l ({accC,statT,mode}e\<cdot>mn({pTs}args))\<guillemotright> A"
+  "Env\<turnstile> B \<guillemotright>\<langle>Methd C sig\<rangle>\<guillemotright> A" 
+  "Env\<turnstile> B \<guillemotright>In1l (Methd C sig)\<guillemotright> A"
+  "Env\<turnstile> B \<guillemotright>\<langle>Body D c\<rangle>\<guillemotright> A" 
+  "Env\<turnstile> B \<guillemotright>In1l (Body D c)\<guillemotright> A" 
+  "Env\<turnstile> B \<guillemotright>\<langle>LVar vn\<rangle>\<guillemotright> A"
+  "Env\<turnstile> B \<guillemotright>In2 (LVar vn)\<guillemotright> A"
+  "Env\<turnstile> B \<guillemotright>\<langle>{accC,statDeclC,stat}e..fn\<rangle>\<guillemotright> A" 
+  "Env\<turnstile> B \<guillemotright>In2 ({accC,statDeclC,stat}e..fn)\<guillemotright> A" 
+  "Env\<turnstile> B \<guillemotright>\<langle>e1.[e2]\<rangle>\<guillemotright> A" 
+  "Env\<turnstile> B \<guillemotright>In2 (e1.[e2])\<guillemotright> A" 
+  "Env\<turnstile> B \<guillemotright>\<langle>[]::expr list\<rangle>\<guillemotright> A"
+  "Env\<turnstile> B \<guillemotright>In3 ([]::expr list)\<guillemotright> A"
+  "Env\<turnstile> B \<guillemotright>\<langle>e#es\<rangle>\<guillemotright> A"
+  "Env\<turnstile> B \<guillemotright>In3 (e#es)\<guillemotright> A"
+declare inj_term_sym_simps [simp del]
+declare assigns_if.simps [simp]
+declare split_paired_All [simp] split_paired_Ex [simp]
+ML_setup {*
+simpset_ref() := simpset() addloop ("split_all_tac", split_all_tac)
+(* To be able to eliminate both the versions with the overloaded brackets: 
+   (B \<guillemotright>\<langle>Skip\<rangle>\<guillemotright> A) and with the explicit constructor (B \<guillemotright>In1r Skip\<guillemotright> A), 
+   every rule appears in both versions
+ *)
+lemma da_Skip: "A = \<lparr>nrm=B,brk=\<lambda> l. UNIV\<rparr> \<Longrightarrow> Env\<turnstile> B \<guillemotright>\<langle>Skip\<rangle>\<guillemotright> A"
+  by (auto intro: da.Skip)
+lemma da_NewC: "A = \<lparr>nrm=B,brk=\<lambda> l. UNIV\<rparr> \<Longrightarrow> Env\<turnstile> B \<guillemotright>\<langle>NewC C\<rangle>\<guillemotright> A"
+  by (auto intro: da.NewC)
+lemma da_Lit:  "A = \<lparr>nrm=B,brk=\<lambda> l. UNIV\<rparr> \<Longrightarrow> Env\<turnstile> B \<guillemotright>\<langle>Lit v\<rangle>\<guillemotright> A"
+  by (auto intro: da.Lit)
+lemma da_Super: "\<lbrakk>This \<in> B;A = \<lparr>nrm=B,brk=\<lambda> l. UNIV\<rparr>\<rbrakk> \<Longrightarrow> Env\<turnstile> B \<guillemotright>\<langle>Super\<rangle>\<guillemotright> A"
+  by (auto intro: da.Super)
+lemma da_Init: "A = \<lparr>nrm=B,brk=\<lambda> l. UNIV\<rparr> \<Longrightarrow> Env\<turnstile> B \<guillemotright>\<langle>Init C\<rangle>\<guillemotright> A"
+  by (auto intro: da.Init)
+For boolean expressions:
+The following holds: "assignsE e \<subseteq> assigns_if True e \<inter> assigns_if False e"
+but not vice versa:
+ "assigns_if True e \<inter> assigns_if False e \<subseteq> assignsE e"
+ e = ((x < 5) || (y = true)) && (y = true)
+   =  (   a    ||    b     ) &&    c
+assigns_if True  a = {}
+assigns_if False a = {}
+assigns_if True  b = {y}
+assigns_if False b = {y}
+assigns_if True  c = {y}
+assigns_if False c = {y}
+assigns_if True (a || b) = assigns_if True a \<inter> 
+                                (assigns_if False a \<union> assigns_if True b)
+                           = {} \<inter> ({} \<union> {y}) = {}
+assigns_if False (a || b) = assigns_if False a \<union> assigns_if False b
+                            = {} \<union> {y} = {y}
+assigns_ifE True e =  assigns_if True (a || b) \<union> assigns_if True c
+                    = {} \<union> {y} = {y}
+assigns_ifE False e = assigns_if False (a || b) \<inter> 
+                       (assigns_if True (a || b) \<union> assigns_if False c)
+                     = {y} \<inter> ({} \<union> {y}) = {y}
+assignsE e = {}
+lemma assignsE_subseteq_assigns_ifs:
+ assumes boolEx: "E\<turnstile>e\<Colon>-PrimT Boolean" (is "?Boolean e")
+   shows "assignsE e \<subseteq> assigns_if True e \<inter> assigns_if False e" (is "?Incl e")
+proof -
+  have True and "?Boolean e \<Longrightarrow> ?Incl e" and True and True
+  proof (induct _ and e and _ and _ rule: var_expr_stmt.induct)
+    case (Cast T e)
+    have "E\<turnstile>e\<Colon>- (PrimT Boolean)"
+    proof -
+      have "E\<turnstile>(Cast T e)\<Colon>- (PrimT Boolean)" .
+      then obtain Te where "E\<turnstile>e\<Colon>-Te"
+                           "prg E\<turnstile>Te\<preceq>? PrimT Boolean"
+	by cases simp
+      thus ?thesis
+	by - (drule cast_Boolean2,simp)
+    qed
+    with Cast.hyps
+    show ?case
+      by simp
+  next	
+    case (Lit val) 
+    thus ?case
+      by - (erule wt_elim_cases, cases "val", auto simp add: empty_dt_def)
+  next
+    case (UnOp unop e) 
+    thus ?case
+      by - (erule wt_elim_cases,cases unop,
+            (fastsimp simp add: assignsE_const_simp)+)
+  next
+    case (BinOp binop e1 e2)
+    from BinOp.prems obtain e1T e2T
+      where "E\<turnstile>e1\<Colon>-e1T" and "E\<turnstile>e2\<Colon>-e2T" and "wt_binop (prg E) binop e1T e2T"
+            and "(binop_type binop) = Boolean"
+      by (elim wt_elim_cases) simp
+    with BinOp.hyps
+    show ?case
+      by - (cases binop, auto simp add: assignsE_const_simp)
+  next
+    case (Cond c e1 e2)
+    have hyp_c: "?Boolean c \<Longrightarrow> ?Incl c" .
+    have hyp_e1: "?Boolean e1 \<Longrightarrow> ?Incl e1" .
+    have hyp_e2: "?Boolean e2 \<Longrightarrow> ?Incl e2" .
+    have wt: "E\<turnstile>(c ? e1 : e2)\<Colon>-PrimT Boolean" .
+    then obtain
+      boolean_c:  "E\<turnstile>c\<Colon>-PrimT Boolean" and
+      boolean_e1: "E\<turnstile>e1\<Colon>-PrimT Boolean" and
+      boolean_e2: "E\<turnstile>e2\<Colon>-PrimT Boolean"
+      by (elim wt_elim_cases) (auto dest: widen_Boolean2)
+    show ?case
+    proof (cases "constVal c")
+      case None
+      with boolean_e1 boolean_e2
+      show ?thesis
+	using hyp_e1 hyp_e2 
+	by (auto)
+    next
+      case (Some bv)
+      show ?thesis
+      proof (cases "the_Bool bv")
+	case True
+	with Some show ?thesis using hyp_e1 boolean_e1 by auto
+      next
+	case False
+	with Some show ?thesis using hyp_e2 boolean_e2 by auto
+      qed
+    qed
+  qed simp_all
+  with boolEx 
+  show ?thesis
+    by blast
+(* Trick:
+   If you have a rule with the abstract term injections:
+   e.g:  da.Skip "B \<guillemotright>\<langle>Skip\<rangle>\<guillemotright> A"
+   and the current goal state as an concrete injection:
+   e.g: "B \<guillemotright>In1r Skip\<guillemotright> A"
+   you can convert the rule by: da.Skip [simplified]
+   if inj_term_simps is in the simpset
+lemma rmlab_same_label [simp]: "(rmlab l A) l = UNIV"
+  by (simp add: rmlab_def)
+lemma rmlab_same_label1 [simp]: "l=l' \<Longrightarrow> (rmlab l A) l' = UNIV"
+  by (simp add: rmlab_def)
+lemma rmlab_other_label [simp]: "l\<noteq>l'\<Longrightarrow> (rmlab l A) l' = A l'"
+  by (auto simp add: rmlab_def)
+lemma range_inter_ts_subseteq [intro]: "\<forall> k. A k  \<subseteq> B k \<Longrightarrow>  \<Rightarrow>\<Inter>A \<subseteq> \<Rightarrow>\<Inter>B"
+  by (auto simp add: range_inter_ts_def)
+lemma range_inter_ts_subseteq': 
+  "\<lbrakk>\<forall> k. A k  \<subseteq> B k; x \<in> \<Rightarrow>\<Inter>A\<rbrakk> \<Longrightarrow> x \<in> \<Rightarrow>\<Inter>B"
+  by (auto simp add: range_inter_ts_def)
+lemma da_monotone: 
+      assumes      da: "Env\<turnstile> B  \<guillemotright>t\<guillemotright> A"   and
+        subseteq_B_B': "B \<subseteq> B'"          and
+                  da': "Env\<turnstile> B' \<guillemotright>t\<guillemotright> A'" 
+  shows "(nrm A \<subseteq> nrm A') \<and> (\<forall> l. (brk A l \<subseteq> brk A' l))"
+proof -
+  from da
+  show "\<And> B' A'. \<lbrakk>Env\<turnstile> B' \<guillemotright>t\<guillemotright> A'; B \<subseteq> B'\<rbrakk> 
+                  \<Longrightarrow> (nrm A \<subseteq> nrm A') \<and> (\<forall> l. (brk A l \<subseteq> brk A' l))"
+       (is "PROP ?Hyp Env B t A")  
+  proof (induct)
+    case Skip 
+    from Skip.prems Skip.hyps 
+    show ?case by cases simp
+  next
+    case Expr 
+    from Expr.prems Expr.hyps 
+    show ?case by cases simp
+  next
+    case (Lab A B C Env c l B' A')
+    have A: "nrm A = nrm C \<inter> brk C l" "brk A = rmlab l (brk C)" .
+    have "PROP ?Hyp Env B \<langle>c\<rangle> C" .
+    moreover
+    have "B \<subseteq> B'" .
+    moreover
+    obtain C'
+      where "Env\<turnstile> B' \<guillemotright>\<langle>c\<rangle>\<guillemotright> C'"
+        and A': "nrm A' = nrm C' \<inter> brk C' l" "brk A' = rmlab l (brk C')"
+      using Lab.prems
+      by - (erule da_elim_cases,simp)
+    ultimately
+    have "nrm C \<subseteq> nrm C'" and hyp_brk: "(\<forall>l. brk C l \<subseteq> brk C' l)" by auto
+    then 
+    have "nrm C \<inter> brk C l \<subseteq> nrm C' \<inter> brk C' l" by auto
+    moreover
+    {
+      fix l'
+      from hyp_brk
+      have "rmlab l (brk C) l'  \<subseteq> rmlab l (brk C') l'"
+	by  (cases "l=l'") simp_all
+    }
+    moreover note A A'
+    ultimately show ?case
+      by simp
+  next
+    case (Comp A B C1 C2 Env c1 c2 B' A')
+    have A: "nrm A = nrm C2" "brk A = brk C1 \<Rightarrow>\<inter>  brk C2" .
+    have "Env\<turnstile> B' \<guillemotright>\<langle>c1;; c2\<rangle>\<guillemotright> A'" .
+    then obtain  C1' C2'
+      where da_c1: "Env\<turnstile> B' \<guillemotright>\<langle>c1\<rangle>\<guillemotright> C1'" and
+            da_c2: "Env\<turnstile> nrm C1' \<guillemotright>\<langle>c2\<rangle>\<guillemotright> C2'"  and
+            A': "nrm A' = nrm C2'" "brk A' = brk C1' \<Rightarrow>\<inter>  brk C2'"
+      by (rule da_elim_cases) auto
+    have "PROP ?Hyp Env B \<langle>c1\<rangle> C1" .
+    moreover have "B \<subseteq> B'" .
+    moreover note da_c1
+    ultimately have C1': "nrm C1 \<subseteq> nrm C1'" "(\<forall>l. brk C1 l \<subseteq> brk C1' l)"
+      by (auto)
+    have "PROP ?Hyp Env (nrm C1) \<langle>c2\<rangle> C2" .
+    with da_c2 C1' 
+    have C2': "nrm C2 \<subseteq> nrm C2'" "(\<forall>l. brk C2 l \<subseteq> brk C2' l)"
+      by (auto)
+    with A A' C1'
+    show ?case
+      by auto
+  next
+    case (If A B C1 C2 E Env c1 c2 e B' A')
+    have A: "nrm A = nrm C1 \<inter> nrm C2" "brk A = brk C1 \<Rightarrow>\<inter>  brk C2" .
+    have "Env\<turnstile> B' \<guillemotright>\<langle>If(e) c1 Else c2\<rangle>\<guillemotright> A'" .
+    then obtain C1' C2'
+      where da_c1: "Env\<turnstile> B' \<union> assigns_if True e \<guillemotright>\<langle>c1\<rangle>\<guillemotright> C1'" and
+            da_c2: "Env\<turnstile> B' \<union> assigns_if False e \<guillemotright>\<langle>c2\<rangle>\<guillemotright> C2'" and
+               A': "nrm A' = nrm C1' \<inter> nrm C2'" "brk A' = brk C1' \<Rightarrow>\<inter>  brk C2'"
+      by (rule da_elim_cases) auto
+    have "PROP ?Hyp Env (B \<union> assigns_if True e) \<langle>c1\<rangle> C1" .
+    moreover have B': "B \<subseteq> B'" .
+    moreover note da_c1 
+    ultimately obtain C1': "nrm C1 \<subseteq> nrm C1'" "(\<forall>l. brk C1 l \<subseteq> brk C1' l)"
+      by blast
+    have "PROP ?Hyp Env (B \<union> assigns_if False e) \<langle>c2\<rangle> C2" .
+    with da_c2 B'
+    obtain C2': "nrm C2 \<subseteq> nrm C2'" "(\<forall>l. brk C2 l \<subseteq> brk C2' l)"
+      by blast
+    with A A' C1'
+    show ?case
+      by auto
+  next
+    case (Loop A B C E Env c e l B' A')
+    have A: "nrm A = nrm C \<inter> (B \<union> assigns_if False e)"
+            "brk A = brk C" .
+    have "Env\<turnstile> B' \<guillemotright>\<langle>l\<bullet> While(e) c\<rangle>\<guillemotright> A'" .
+    then obtain C'
+      where 
+       da_c': "Env\<turnstile> B' \<union> assigns_if True e \<guillemotright>\<langle>c\<rangle>\<guillemotright> C'" and
+          A': "nrm A' = nrm C' \<inter> (B' \<union> assigns_if False e)"
+              "brk A' = brk C'" 
+      by (rule da_elim_cases) auto
+    have "PROP ?Hyp Env (B \<union> assigns_if True e) \<langle>c\<rangle> C" .
+    moreover have B': "B \<subseteq> B'" .
+    moreover note da_c'
+    ultimately obtain C': "nrm C \<subseteq> nrm C'" "(\<forall>l. brk C l \<subseteq> brk C' l)"
+      by blast
+    with A A' B'
+    have "nrm A \<subseteq> nrm A'"
+      by blast
+    moreover
+    { fix l'
+      have  "brk A l' \<subseteq> brk A' l'"
+      proof (cases "constVal e")
+	case None
+	with A A' C' 
+	show ?thesis
+	   by (cases "l=l'") auto
+      next
+	case (Some bv)
+	with A A' C'
+	show ?thesis
+	  by (cases "the_Bool bv", cases "l=l'") auto
+      qed
+    }
+    ultimately show ?case
+      by auto
+  next
+    case (Jmp A B Env jump B' A')
+    thus ?case by (elim da_elim_cases) (auto split: jump.splits)
+  next
+    case Throw thus ?case by -  (erule da_elim_cases, auto)
+  next
+    case (Try A B C C1 C2 Env c1 c2 vn B' A')
+    have A: "nrm A = nrm C1 \<inter> nrm C2"
+            "brk A = brk C1 \<Rightarrow>\<inter>  brk C2" .
+    have "Env\<turnstile> B' \<guillemotright>\<langle>Try c1 Catch(C vn) c2\<rangle>\<guillemotright> A'" .
+    then obtain C1' C2'
+      where da_c1': "Env\<turnstile> B' \<guillemotright>\<langle>c1\<rangle>\<guillemotright> C1'" and
+            da_c2': "Env\<lparr>lcl := lcl Env(VName vn\<mapsto>Class C)\<rparr>\<turnstile> B' \<union> {VName vn} 
+                      \<guillemotright>\<langle>c2\<rangle>\<guillemotright> C2'" and
+            A': "nrm A' = nrm C1' \<inter> nrm C2'"
+                "brk A' = brk C1' \<Rightarrow>\<inter>  brk C2'" 
+      by (rule da_elim_cases) auto
+    have "PROP ?Hyp Env B \<langle>c1\<rangle> C1" .
+    moreover have B': "B \<subseteq> B'" .
+    moreover note da_c1'
+    ultimately obtain C1': "nrm C1 \<subseteq> nrm C1'" "(\<forall>l. brk C1 l \<subseteq> brk C1' l)"
+      by blast
+    have "PROP ?Hyp (Env\<lparr>lcl := lcl Env(VName vn\<mapsto>Class C)\<rparr>)
+                    (B \<union> {VName vn}) \<langle>c2\<rangle> C2" .
+    with B' da_c2'
+    obtain "nrm C2 \<subseteq> nrm C2'" "(\<forall>l. brk C2 l \<subseteq> brk C2' l)"
+      by blast
+    with C1' A A'
+    show ?case
+      by auto
+  next
+    case (Fin A B C1 C2 Env c1 c2 B' A')
+    have A: "nrm A = nrm C1 \<union> nrm C2"
+            "brk A = (brk C1 \<Rightarrow>\<union>\<^sub>\<forall> nrm C2) \<Rightarrow>\<inter> (brk C2)" .
+    have "Env\<turnstile> B' \<guillemotright>\<langle>c1 Finally c2\<rangle>\<guillemotright> A'" .
+    then obtain C1' C2'
+      where  da_c1': "Env\<turnstile> B' \<guillemotright>\<langle>c1\<rangle>\<guillemotright> C1'" and
+             da_c2': "Env\<turnstile> B' \<guillemotright>\<langle>c2\<rangle>\<guillemotright> C2'" and
+             A':  "nrm A' = nrm C1' \<union> nrm C2'"
+                  "brk A' = (brk C1' \<Rightarrow>\<union>\<^sub>\<forall> nrm C2') \<Rightarrow>\<inter> (brk C2')"
+      by (rule da_elim_cases) auto
+    have "PROP ?Hyp Env B \<langle>c1\<rangle> C1" .
+    moreover have B': "B \<subseteq> B'" .
+    moreover note da_c1'
+    ultimately obtain C1': "nrm C1 \<subseteq> nrm C1'" "(\<forall>l. brk C1 l \<subseteq> brk C1' l)"
+      by blast
+    have hyp_c2: "PROP ?Hyp Env B \<langle>c2\<rangle> C2" .
+    from da_c2' B' 
+     obtain "nrm C2 \<subseteq> nrm C2'" "(\<forall>l. brk C2 l \<subseteq> brk C2' l)"
+       by - (drule hyp_c2,auto)
+     with A A' C1'
+     show ?case
+       by auto
+   next
+     case Init thus ?case by -  (erule da_elim_cases, auto)
+   next
+     case NewC thus ?case by -  (erule da_elim_cases, auto)
+   next
+     case NewA thus ?case by -  (erule da_elim_cases, auto)
+   next
+     case Cast thus ?case by -  (erule da_elim_cases, auto)
+   next
+     case Inst thus ?case by -  (erule da_elim_cases, auto)
+   next
+     case Lit thus ?case by -  (erule da_elim_cases, auto)
+   next
+     case UnOp thus ?case by -  (erule da_elim_cases, auto)
+   next
+     case (CondAnd A B E1 E2 Env e1 e2 B' A')
+     have A: "nrm A = B \<union>
+                       assigns_if True (BinOp CondAnd e1 e2) \<inter>
+                       assigns_if False (BinOp CondAnd e1 e2)"
+             "brk A = (\<lambda>l. UNIV)" .
+     have "Env\<turnstile> B' \<guillemotright>\<langle>BinOp CondAnd e1 e2\<rangle>\<guillemotright> A'" .
+     then obtain  A': "nrm A' = B' \<union>
+                                 assigns_if True (BinOp CondAnd e1 e2) \<inter>
+                                 assigns_if False (BinOp CondAnd e1 e2)"
+                      "brk A' = (\<lambda>l. UNIV)" 
+       by (rule da_elim_cases) auto
+     have B': "B \<subseteq> B'" .
+     with A A' show ?case 
+       by auto 
+   next
+     case CondOr thus ?case by - (erule da_elim_cases, auto)
+   next
+     case BinOp thus ?case by -  (erule da_elim_cases, auto)
+   next
+     case Super thus ?case by -  (erule da_elim_cases, auto)
+   next
+     case AccLVar thus ?case by -  (erule da_elim_cases, auto)
+   next
+     case Acc thus ?case by -  (erule da_elim_cases, auto)
+   next
+     case AssLVar thus ?case by - (erule da_elim_cases, auto)
+   next
+     case Ass thus ?case by -  (erule da_elim_cases, auto)
+   next
+     case (CondBool A B C E1 E2 Env c e1 e2 B' A')
+     have A: "nrm A = B \<union> 
+                        assigns_if True (c ? e1 : e2) \<inter> 
+                        assigns_if False (c ? e1 : e2)"
+             "brk A = (\<lambda>l. UNIV)" .
+     have "Env\<turnstile> (c ? e1 : e2)\<Colon>- (PrimT Boolean)" .
+     moreover
+     have "Env\<turnstile> B' \<guillemotright>\<langle>c ? e1 : e2\<rangle>\<guillemotright> A'" .
+     ultimately
+     obtain A': "nrm A' = B' \<union> 
+                                  assigns_if True (c ? e1 : e2) \<inter> 
+                                  assigns_if False (c ? e1 : e2)"
+                     "brk A' = (\<lambda>l. UNIV)"
+       by - (erule da_elim_cases,auto simp add: inj_term_simps) 
+       (* inj_term_simps needed to handle wt (defined without \<langle>\<rangle>) *)
+     have B': "B \<subseteq> B'" .
+     with A A' show ?case 
+       by auto 
+   next
+     case (Cond A B C E1 E2 Env c e1 e2 B' A')  
+     have A: "nrm A = nrm E1 \<inter> nrm E2"
+             "brk A = (\<lambda>l. UNIV)" .
+     have not_bool: "\<not> Env\<turnstile> (c ? e1 : e2)\<Colon>- (PrimT Boolean)" .
+     have "Env\<turnstile> B' \<guillemotright>\<langle>c ? e1 : e2\<rangle>\<guillemotright> A'" .
+     then obtain E1' E2'
+       where da_e1': "Env\<turnstile> B' \<union> assigns_if True c \<guillemotright>\<langle>e1\<rangle>\<guillemotright> E1'" and
+             da_e2': "Env\<turnstile> B' \<union> assigns_if False c \<guillemotright>\<langle>e2\<rangle>\<guillemotright> E2'" and
+                 A': "nrm A' = nrm E1' \<inter> nrm E2'"
+                     "brk A' = (\<lambda>l. UNIV)"
+       using not_bool
+       by  - (erule da_elim_cases, auto simp add: inj_term_simps)
+       (* inj_term_simps needed to handle wt (defined without \<langle>\<rangle>) *)
+     have "PROP ?Hyp Env (B \<union> assigns_if True c) \<langle>e1\<rangle> E1" .
+     moreover have B': "B \<subseteq> B'" .
+     moreover note da_e1'
+     ultimately obtain E1': "nrm E1 \<subseteq> nrm E1'" "(\<forall>l. brk E1 l \<subseteq> brk E1' l)"
+      by blast
+     have "PROP ?Hyp Env (B \<union> assigns_if False c) \<langle>e2\<rangle> E2" .
+     with B' da_e2'
+     obtain "nrm E2 \<subseteq> nrm E2'" "(\<forall>l. brk E2 l \<subseteq> brk E2' l)"
+       by blast
+    with E1' A A'
+    show ?case
+      by auto
+  next
+    case Call
+    from Call.prems and Call.hyps
+    show ?case by cases auto
+  next
+    case Methd thus ?case by -  (erule da_elim_cases, auto)
+  next
+    case Body thus ?case by -  (erule da_elim_cases, auto)
+  next
+    case LVar thus ?case by -  (erule da_elim_cases, auto)
+  next
+    case FVar thus ?case by -  (erule da_elim_cases, auto)
+  next
+    case AVar thus ?case by -  (erule da_elim_cases, auto)
+  next
+    case Nil thus ?case by -  (erule da_elim_cases, auto)
+  next
+    case Cons thus ?case by -  (erule da_elim_cases, auto)
+  qed
+lemma da_weaken:     
+      assumes            da: "Env\<turnstile> B \<guillemotright>t\<guillemotright> A" and
+              subseteq_B_B': "B \<subseteq> B'" 
+        shows "\<exists> A'. Env \<turnstile> B' \<guillemotright>t\<guillemotright> A'"
+proof -
+  note assigned.select_convs [CPure.intro]
+  from da  
+  show "\<And> B'. B \<subseteq> B' \<Longrightarrow> \<exists> A'. Env\<turnstile> B' \<guillemotright>t\<guillemotright> A'" (is "PROP ?Hyp Env B t")
+  proof (induct) 
+    case Skip thus ?case by (rules intro: da.Skip)
+  next
+    case Expr thus ?case by (rules intro: da.Expr)
+  next
+    case (Lab A B C Env c l B')  
+    have "PROP ?Hyp Env B \<langle>c\<rangle>" .
+    moreover
+    have B': "B \<subseteq> B'" .
+    ultimately obtain C' where "Env\<turnstile> B' \<guillemotright>\<langle>c\<rangle>\<guillemotright> C'"
+      by rules
+    then obtain A' where "Env\<turnstile> B' \<guillemotright>\<langle>Break l\<bullet> c\<rangle>\<guillemotright> A'"
+      by (rules intro: da.Lab)
+    thus ?case ..
+  next
+    case (Comp A B C1 C2 Env c1 c2 B')
+    have da_c1: "Env\<turnstile> B \<guillemotright>\<langle>c1\<rangle>\<guillemotright> C1" .
+    have "PROP ?Hyp Env B \<langle>c1\<rangle>" .
+    moreover
+    have B': "B \<subseteq> B'" .
+    ultimately obtain C1' where da_c1': "Env\<turnstile> B' \<guillemotright>\<langle>c1\<rangle>\<guillemotright> C1'"
+      by rules
+    with da_c1 B'
+    have
+      "nrm C1 \<subseteq> nrm C1'"
+      by (rule da_monotone [elim_format]) simp
+    moreover
+    have "PROP ?Hyp Env (nrm C1) \<langle>c2\<rangle>" .
+    ultimately obtain C2' where "Env\<turnstile> nrm C1' \<guillemotright>\<langle>c2\<rangle>\<guillemotright> C2'"
+      by rules
+    with da_c1' obtain A' where "Env\<turnstile> B' \<guillemotright>\<langle>c1;; c2\<rangle>\<guillemotright> A'"
+      by (rules intro: da.Comp)
+    thus ?case ..
+  next
+    case (If A B C1 C2 E Env c1 c2 e B')
+    have B': "B \<subseteq> B'" .
+    obtain  E' where "Env\<turnstile> B' \<guillemotright>\<langle>e\<rangle>\<guillemotright> E'"
+    proof -
+      have "PROP ?Hyp Env B \<langle>e\<rangle>" by (rule If.hyps)
+      with B'  
+      show ?thesis using that by rules
+    qed
+    moreover
+    obtain C1' where "Env\<turnstile> (B' \<union> assigns_if True e) \<guillemotright>\<langle>c1\<rangle>\<guillemotright> C1'"
+    proof -
+      from B'
+      have "(B \<union> assigns_if True e) \<subseteq> (B' \<union> assigns_if True e)"
+	by blast
+      moreover
+      have "PROP ?Hyp Env (B \<union> assigns_if True e) \<langle>c1\<rangle>" by (rule If.hyps)
+      ultimately 
+      show ?thesis using that by rules
+    qed
+    moreover
+    obtain C2' where "Env\<turnstile> (B' \<union> assigns_if False e) \<guillemotright>\<langle>c2\<rangle>\<guillemotright> C2'"
+    proof - 
+      from B' have "(B \<union> assigns_if False e) \<subseteq> (B' \<union> assigns_if False e)"
+	by blast
+      moreover
+      have "PROP ?Hyp Env (B \<union> assigns_if False e) \<langle>c2\<rangle>" by (rule If.hyps)
+      ultimately
+      show ?thesis using that by rules
+    qed
+    ultimately
+    obtain A' where "Env\<turnstile> B' \<guillemotright>\<langle>If(e) c1 Else c2\<rangle>\<guillemotright> A'"
+      by (rules intro: da.If)
+    thus ?case ..
+  next  
+    case (Loop A B C E Env c e l B')
+    have B': "B \<subseteq> B'" .
+    obtain  E' where "Env\<turnstile> B' \<guillemotright>\<langle>e\<rangle>\<guillemotright> E'"
+    proof -
+      have "PROP ?Hyp Env B \<langle>e\<rangle>" by (rule Loop.hyps)
+      with B'  
+      show ?thesis using that by rules
+    qed
+    moreover
+    obtain C' where "Env\<turnstile> (B' \<union> assigns_if True e) \<guillemotright>\<langle>c\<rangle>\<guillemotright> C'"
+    proof -
+      from B'
+      have "(B \<union> assigns_if True e) \<subseteq> (B' \<union> assigns_if True e)"
+	by blast
+      moreover
+      have "PROP ?Hyp Env (B \<union> assigns_if True e) \<langle>c\<rangle>" by (rule Loop.hyps)
+      ultimately 
+      show ?thesis using that by rules
+    qed
+    ultimately
+    obtain A' where "Env\<turnstile> B' \<guillemotright>\<langle>l\<bullet> While(e) c\<rangle>\<guillemotright> A'"
+      by (rules intro: da.Loop )
+    thus ?case ..
+  next
+    case (Jmp A B Env jump B') 
+    have B': "B \<subseteq> B'" .
+    with Jmp.hyps have "jump = Ret \<longrightarrow> Result \<in> B' "
+      by auto
+    moreover
+    obtain A'::assigned 
+              where  "nrm A' = UNIV"
+                     "brk A' = (case jump of 
+                                  Break l \<Rightarrow> \<lambda>k. if k = l then B' else UNIV 
+                                | Cont l \<Rightarrow> \<lambda>k. UNIV
+                                | Ret \<Rightarrow> \<lambda>k. UNIV)"
+      by  rules
+    ultimately have "Env\<turnstile> B' \<guillemotright>\<langle>Jmp jump\<rangle>\<guillemotright> A'"
+      by (rule da.Jmp)
+    thus ?case ..
+  next
+    case Throw thus ?case by (rules intro: da.Throw )
+  next
+    case (Try A B C C1 C2 Env c1 c2 vn B')
+    have B': "B \<subseteq> B'" .
+    obtain C1' where "Env\<turnstile> B' \<guillemotright>\<langle>c1\<rangle>\<guillemotright> C1'"
+    proof -
+      have "PROP ?Hyp Env B \<langle>c1\<rangle>" by (rule Try.hyps)
+      with B'  
+      show ?thesis using that by rules
+    qed
+    moreover
+    obtain C2' where 
+      "Env\<lparr>lcl := lcl Env(VName vn\<mapsto>Class C)\<rparr>\<turnstile> B' \<union> {VName vn} \<guillemotright>\<langle>c2\<rangle>\<guillemotright> C2'"
+    proof -
+      from B' have "B \<union> {VName vn} \<subseteq> B' \<union> {VName vn}" by blast
+      moreover
+      have "PROP ?Hyp (Env\<lparr>lcl := lcl Env(VName vn\<mapsto>Class C)\<rparr>) 
+                      (B \<union> {VName vn}) \<langle>c2\<rangle>" 
+	by (rule Try.hyps)
+      ultimately
+      show ?thesis using that by rules
+    qed
+    ultimately
+    obtain A' where "Env\<turnstile> B' \<guillemotright>\<langle>Try c1 Catch(C vn) c2\<rangle>\<guillemotright> A'"
+      by (rules intro: da.Try )
+    thus ?case ..
+  next
+    case (Fin A B C1 C2 Env c1 c2 B')
+    have B': "B \<subseteq> B'" .
+    obtain C1' where C1': "Env\<turnstile> B' \<guillemotright>\<langle>c1\<rangle>\<guillemotright> C1'"
+    proof -
+      have "PROP ?Hyp Env B \<langle>c1\<rangle>" by (rule Fin.hyps)
+      with B'  
+      show ?thesis using that by rules
+    qed
+    moreover
+    obtain C2' where "Env\<turnstile> B' \<guillemotright>\<langle>c2\<rangle>\<guillemotright> C2'"
+    proof -
+      have "PROP ?Hyp Env B \<langle>c2\<rangle>" by (rule Fin.hyps)
+      with B'
+      show ?thesis using that by rules
+    qed
+    ultimately
+    obtain A' where "Env\<turnstile> B' \<guillemotright>\<langle>c1 Finally c2\<rangle>\<guillemotright> A'"
+      by (rules intro: da.Fin )
+    thus ?case ..
+  next
+    case Init thus ?case by (rules intro: da.Init)
+  next
+    case NewC thus ?case by (rules intro: da.NewC)
+  next
+    case NewA thus ?case by (rules intro: da.NewA)
+  next
+    case Cast thus ?case by (rules intro: da.Cast)
+  next
+    case Inst thus ?case by (rules intro: da.Inst)
+  next
+    case Lit thus ?case by (rules intro: da.Lit)
+  next
+    case UnOp thus ?case by (rules intro: da.UnOp)
+  next
+    case (CondAnd A B E1 E2 Env e1 e2 B')
+    have B': "B \<subseteq> B'" .
+    obtain E1' where "Env\<turnstile> B' \<guillemotright>\<langle>e1\<rangle>\<guillemotright> E1'"
+    proof -
+      have "PROP ?Hyp Env B \<langle>e1\<rangle>" by (rule CondAnd.hyps)
+      with B'  
+      show ?thesis using that by rules
+    qed
+    moreover
+    obtain E2' where "Env\<turnstile> B' \<union>  assigns_if True e1 \<guillemotright>\<langle>e2\<rangle>\<guillemotright> E2'"
+    proof -
+      from B' have "B \<union> assigns_if True e1 \<subseteq> B' \<union>  assigns_if True e1"
+	by blast
+      moreover
+      have "PROP ?Hyp Env (B \<union> assigns_if True e1) \<langle>e2\<rangle>" by (rule CondAnd.hyps)
+      ultimately show ?thesis using that by rules
+    qed
+    ultimately
+    obtain A' where "Env\<turnstile> B' \<guillemotright>\<langle>BinOp CondAnd e1 e2\<rangle>\<guillemotright> A'"
+      by (rules intro: da.CondAnd)
+    thus ?case ..
+  next
+    case (CondOr A B E1 E2 Env e1 e2 B')
+    have B': "B \<subseteq> B'" .
+    obtain E1' where "Env\<turnstile> B' \<guillemotright>\<langle>e1\<rangle>\<guillemotright> E1'"
+    proof -
+      have "PROP ?Hyp Env B \<langle>e1\<rangle>" by (rule CondOr.hyps)
+      with B'  
+      show ?thesis using that by rules
+    qed
+    moreover
+    obtain E2' where "Env\<turnstile> B' \<union> assigns_if False e1 \<guillemotright>\<langle>e2\<rangle>\<guillemotright> E2'"
+    proof -
+      from B' have "B \<union> assigns_if False e1 \<subseteq> B' \<union>  assigns_if False e1"
+	by blast
+      moreover
+      have "PROP ?Hyp Env (B \<union> assigns_if False e1) \<langle>e2\<rangle>" by (rule CondOr.hyps)
+      ultimately show ?thesis using that by rules
+    qed
+    ultimately
+    obtain A' where "Env\<turnstile> B' \<guillemotright>\<langle>BinOp CondOr e1 e2\<rangle>\<guillemotright> A'"
+      by (rules intro: da.CondOr)
+    thus ?case ..
+  next
+    case (BinOp A B E1 Env binop e1 e2 B')
+    have B': "B \<subseteq> B'" .
+    obtain E1' where E1': "Env\<turnstile> B' \<guillemotright>\<langle>e1\<rangle>\<guillemotright> E1'"
+    proof -
+      have "PROP ?Hyp Env B \<langle>e1\<rangle>" by (rule BinOp.hyps)
+      with B'  
+      show ?thesis using that by rules
+    qed
+    moreover
+    obtain A' where "Env\<turnstile> nrm E1' \<guillemotright>\<langle>e2\<rangle>\<guillemotright> A'"
+    proof -
+      have "Env\<turnstile> B \<guillemotright>\<langle>e1\<rangle>\<guillemotright> E1" by (rule BinOp.hyps)
+      from this B' E1'
+      have "nrm E1 \<subseteq> nrm E1'"
+	by (rule da_monotone [THEN conjE])
+      moreover 
+      have "PROP ?Hyp Env (nrm E1) \<langle>e2\<rangle>" by (rule BinOp.hyps)
+      ultimately show ?thesis using that by rules
+    qed
+    ultimately
+    have "Env\<turnstile> B' \<guillemotright>\<langle>BinOp binop e1 e2\<rangle>\<guillemotright> A'"
+      using BinOp.hyps by (rules intro: da.BinOp)
+    thus ?case ..
+  next
+    case (Super B Env B')
+    have B': "B \<subseteq> B'" .
+    with Super.hyps have "This \<in> B' "
+      by auto
+    thus ?case by (rules intro: da.Super)
+  next
+    case (AccLVar A B Env vn B')
+    have "vn \<in> B" .
+    moreover
+    have "B \<subseteq> B'" .
+    ultimately have "vn \<in> B'" by auto
+    thus ?case by (rules intro: da.AccLVar)
+  next
+    case Acc thus ?case by (rules intro: da.Acc)
+  next 
+    case (AssLVar A B E Env e vn B')
+    have B': "B \<subseteq> B'" .
+    then obtain E' where "Env\<turnstile> B' \<guillemotright>\<langle>e\<rangle>\<guillemotright> E'"
+      by (rule AssLVar.hyps [elim_format]) rules
+    then obtain A' where  
+      "Env\<turnstile> B' \<guillemotright>\<langle>LVar vn:=e\<rangle>\<guillemotright> A'"
+      by (rules intro: da.AssLVar)
+    thus ?case ..
+  next
+    case (Ass A B Env V e v B') 
+    have B': "B \<subseteq> B'" .
+    have "\<forall>vn. v \<noteq> LVar vn".
+    moreover
+    obtain V' where V': "Env\<turnstile> B' \<guillemotright>\<langle>v\<rangle>\<guillemotright> V'"
+    proof -
+      have "PROP ?Hyp Env B \<langle>v\<rangle>" by (rule Ass.hyps)
+      with B'  
+      show ?thesis using that by rules
+    qed
+    moreover
+    obtain A' where "Env\<turnstile> nrm V' \<guillemotright>\<langle>e\<rangle>\<guillemotright> A'"
+    proof -
+      have "Env\<turnstile> B \<guillemotright>\<langle>v\<rangle>\<guillemotright> V" by (rule Ass.hyps)
+      from this B' V'
+      have "nrm V \<subseteq> nrm V'"
+	by (rule da_monotone [THEN conjE])
+      moreover 
+      have "PROP ?Hyp Env (nrm V) \<langle>e\<rangle>" by (rule Ass.hyps)
+      ultimately show ?thesis using that by rules
+    qed  
+    ultimately
+    have "Env\<turnstile> B' \<guillemotright>\<langle>v := e\<rangle>\<guillemotright> A'"
+      by (rules intro: da.Ass)
+    thus ?case ..
+  next
+    case (CondBool A B C E1 E2 Env c e1 e2 B')
+    have B': "B \<subseteq> B'" .
+    have "Env\<turnstile>(c ? e1 : e2)\<Colon>-(PrimT Boolean)" .
+    moreover obtain C' where C': "Env\<turnstile> B' \<guillemotright>\<langle>c\<rangle>\<guillemotright> C'"
+    proof -
+      have "PROP ?Hyp Env B \<langle>c\<rangle>" by (rule CondBool.hyps)
+      with B'  
+      show ?thesis using that by rules
+    qed
+    moreover 
+    obtain E1' where "Env\<turnstile> B' \<union> assigns_if True c \<guillemotright>\<langle>e1\<rangle>\<guillemotright> E1'"
+    proof -
+      from B'
+      have "(B \<union> assigns_if True c) \<subseteq> (B' \<union> assigns_if True c)"
+	by blast
+      moreover
+      have "PROP ?Hyp Env (B \<union> assigns_if True c) \<langle>e1\<rangle>" by (rule CondBool.hyps)
+      ultimately 
+      show ?thesis using that by rules
+    qed
+    moreover
+    obtain E2' where "Env\<turnstile> B' \<union> assigns_if False c \<guillemotright>\<langle>e2\<rangle>\<guillemotright> E2'"
+    proof -
+      from B'
+      have "(B \<union> assigns_if False c) \<subseteq> (B' \<union> assigns_if False c)"
+	by blast
+      moreover
+      have "PROP ?Hyp Env (B \<union> assigns_if False c) \<langle>e2\<rangle>" by(rule CondBool.hyps)
+      ultimately 
+      show ?thesis using that by rules
+    qed
+    ultimately 
+    obtain A' where "Env\<turnstile> B' \<guillemotright>\<langle>c ? e1 : e2\<rangle>\<guillemotright> A'"
+      by (rules intro: da.CondBool)
+    thus ?case ..
+  next
+    case (Cond A B C E1 E2 Env c e1 e2 B')
+    have B': "B \<subseteq> B'" .
+    have "\<not> Env\<turnstile>(c ? e1 : e2)\<Colon>-(PrimT Boolean)" .
+    moreover obtain C' where C': "Env\<turnstile> B' \<guillemotright>\<langle>c\<rangle>\<guillemotright> C'"
+    proof -
+      have "PROP ?Hyp Env B \<langle>c\<rangle>" by (rule Cond.hyps)
+      with B'  
+      show ?thesis using that by rules
+    qed
+    moreover 
+    obtain E1' where "Env\<turnstile> B' \<union> assigns_if True c \<guillemotright>\<langle>e1\<rangle>\<guillemotright> E1'"
+    proof -
+      from B'
+      have "(B \<union> assigns_if True c) \<subseteq> (B' \<union> assigns_if True c)"
+	by blast
+      moreover
+      have "PROP ?Hyp Env (B \<union> assigns_if True c) \<langle>e1\<rangle>" by (rule Cond.hyps)
+      ultimately 
+      show ?thesis using that by rules
+    qed
+    moreover
+    obtain E2' where "Env\<turnstile> B' \<union> assigns_if False c \<guillemotright>\<langle>e2\<rangle>\<guillemotright> E2'"
+    proof -
+      from B'
+      have "(B \<union> assigns_if False c) \<subseteq> (B' \<union> assigns_if False c)"
+	by blast
+      moreover
+      have "PROP ?Hyp Env (B \<union> assigns_if False c) \<langle>e2\<rangle>" by (rule Cond.hyps)
+      ultimately 
+      show ?thesis using that by rules
+    qed
+    ultimately 
+    obtain A' where "Env\<turnstile> B' \<guillemotright>\<langle>c ? e1 : e2\<rangle>\<guillemotright> A'"
+      by (rules intro: da.Cond)
+    thus ?case ..
+  next
+    case (Call A B E Env accC args e mn mode pTs statT B')
+    have B': "B \<subseteq> B'" .
+    obtain E' where E': "Env\<turnstile> B' \<guillemotright>\<langle>e\<rangle>\<guillemotright> E'"
+    proof -
+      have "PROP ?Hyp Env B \<langle>e\<rangle>" by (rule Call.hyps)
+      with B'  
+      show ?thesis using that by rules
+    qed
+    moreover
+    obtain A' where "Env\<turnstile> nrm E' \<guillemotright>\<langle>args\<rangle>\<guillemotright> A'"
+    proof -
+      have "Env\<turnstile> B \<guillemotright>\<langle>e\<rangle>\<guillemotright> E" by (rule Call.hyps)
+      from this B' E'
+      have "nrm E \<subseteq> nrm E'"
+	by (rule da_monotone [THEN conjE])
+      moreover 
+      have "PROP ?Hyp Env (nrm E) \<langle>args\<rangle>" by (rule Call.hyps)
+      ultimately show ?thesis using that by rules
+    qed  
+    ultimately
+    have "Env\<turnstile> B' \<guillemotright>\<langle>{accC,statT,mode}e\<cdot>mn( {pTs}args)\<rangle>\<guillemotright> A'"
+      by (rules intro: da.Call)
+    thus ?case ..
+  next
+    case Methd thus ?case by (rules intro: da.Methd)
+  next
+    case (Body A B C D Env c B')  
+    have B': "B \<subseteq> B'" .
+    obtain C' where C': "Env\<turnstile> B' \<guillemotright>\<langle>c\<rangle>\<guillemotright> C'" and nrm_C': "nrm C \<subseteq> nrm C'"
+    proof -
+      have "Env\<turnstile> B \<guillemotright>\<langle>c\<rangle>\<guillemotright> C" by (rule Body.hyps)
+      moreover note B'
+      moreover
+      from B' obtain C' where da_c: "Env\<turnstile> B' \<guillemotright>\<langle>c\<rangle>\<guillemotright> C'"
+	by (rule Body.hyps [elim_format]) blast
+      ultimately
+      have "nrm C \<subseteq> nrm C'"
+	by (rule da_monotone [THEN conjE])
+      with da_c that show ?thesis by rules
+    qed
+    moreover 
+    have "Result \<in> nrm C" .
+    with nrm_C' have "Result \<in> nrm C'"
+      by blast
+    moreover have "jumpNestingOkS {Ret} c" .
+    ultimately obtain A' where
+      "Env\<turnstile> B' \<guillemotright>\<langle>Body D c\<rangle>\<guillemotright> A'"
+      by (rules intro: da.Body)
+    thus ?case ..
+  next
+    case LVar thus ?case by (rules intro: da.LVar)
+  next
+    case FVar thus ?case by (rules intro: da.FVar)
+  next
+    case (AVar A B E1 Env e1 e2 B')
+    have B': "B \<subseteq> B'" .
+    obtain E1' where E1': "Env\<turnstile> B' \<guillemotright>\<langle>e1\<rangle>\<guillemotright> E1'"
+    proof -
+      have "PROP ?Hyp Env B \<langle>e1\<rangle>" by (rule AVar.hyps)
+      with B'  
+      show ?thesis using that by rules
+    qed
+    moreover
+    obtain A' where "Env\<turnstile> nrm E1' \<guillemotright>\<langle>e2\<rangle>\<guillemotright> A'"
+    proof -
+      have "Env\<turnstile> B \<guillemotright>\<langle>e1\<rangle>\<guillemotright> E1" by (rule AVar.hyps)
+      from this B' E1'
+      have "nrm E1 \<subseteq> nrm E1'"
+	by (rule da_monotone [THEN conjE])
+      moreover 
+      have "PROP ?Hyp Env (nrm E1) \<langle>e2\<rangle>" by (rule AVar.hyps)
+      ultimately show ?thesis using that by rules
+    qed  
+    ultimately
+    have "Env\<turnstile> B' \<guillemotright>\<langle>e1.[e2]\<rangle>\<guillemotright> A'"
+      by (rules intro: da.AVar)
+    thus ?case ..
+  next
+    case Nil thus ?case by (rules intro: da.Nil)
+  next
+    case (Cons A B E Env e es B')
+    have B': "B \<subseteq> B'" .
+    obtain E' where E': "Env\<turnstile> B' \<guillemotright>\<langle>e\<rangle>\<guillemotright> E'"
+    proof -
+      have "PROP ?Hyp Env B \<langle>e\<rangle>" by (rule Cons.hyps)
+      with B'  
+      show ?thesis using that by rules
+    qed
+    moreover
+    obtain A' where "Env\<turnstile> nrm E' \<guillemotright>\<langle>es\<rangle>\<guillemotright> A'"
+    proof -
+      have "Env\<turnstile> B \<guillemotright>\<langle>e\<rangle>\<guillemotright> E" by (rule Cons.hyps)
+      from this B' E'
+      have "nrm E \<subseteq> nrm E'"
+	by (rule da_monotone [THEN conjE])
+      moreover 
+      have "PROP ?Hyp Env (nrm E) \<langle>es\<rangle>" by (rule Cons.hyps)
+      ultimately show ?thesis using that by rules
+    qed  
+    ultimately
+    have "Env\<turnstile> B' \<guillemotright>\<langle>e # es\<rangle>\<guillemotright> A'"
+      by (rules intro: da.Cons)
+    thus ?case ..
+  qed
+(* Remarks about the proof style:
+   "by (rule <Case>.hyps)" vs "."
+   --------------------------
+   with <Case>.hyps you state more precise were the rule comes from
+   . takes all assumptions into account, but looks more "light"
+   and is more resistent for cut and paste proof in different 
+   cases.
+  "intro: da.intros" vs "da.<Case>"
+  ---------------------------------
+  The first ist more convinient for cut and paste between cases,
+  the second is more informativ for the reader
+corollary da_weakenE [consumes 2]:
+  assumes          da: "Env\<turnstile> B  \<guillemotright>t\<guillemotright> A"   and
+                   B': "B \<subseteq> B'"          and
+              ex_mono: "\<And> A'.  \<lbrakk>Env\<turnstile> B' \<guillemotright>t\<guillemotright> A'; nrm A \<subseteq> nrm A'; 
+                               \<And> l. brk A l \<subseteq> brk A' l\<rbrakk> \<Longrightarrow> P" 
+  shows "P"
+proof -
+  from da B'
+  obtain A' where A': "Env\<turnstile> B' \<guillemotright>t\<guillemotright> A'"
+    by (rule da_weaken [elim_format]) rules
+  with da B'
+  have "nrm A \<subseteq> nrm A' \<and> (\<forall> l. brk A l \<subseteq> brk A' l)"
+    by (rule da_monotone)
+  with A' ex_mono
+  show ?thesis
+    by rules
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