changeset 14516 a183dec876ab
child 14518 c3019a66180f
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/src/HOL/Import/import_syntax.ML	Fri Apr 02 17:37:45 2004 +0200
@@ -0,0 +1,227 @@
+signature HOL4_IMPORT_SYNTAX =
+    type token = OuterSyntax.token
+    val import_segment: token list -> (theory -> theory) * token list
+    val import_theory : token list -> (theory -> theory) * token list
+    val end_import    : token list -> (theory -> theory) * token list
+    val setup_theory  : token list -> (theory -> theory) * token list
+    val end_setup     : token list -> (theory -> theory) * token list
+    val thm_maps      : token list -> (theory -> theory) * token list
+    val ignore_thms   : token list -> (theory -> theory) * token list
+    val type_maps     : token list -> (theory -> theory) * token list
+    val def_maps      : token list -> (theory -> theory) * token list
+    val const_maps    : token list -> (theory -> theory) * token list
+    val const_moves   : token list -> (theory -> theory) * token list
+    val const_renames : token list -> (theory -> theory) * token list
+    val setup        : unit -> unit
+structure HOL4ImportSyntax :> HOL4_IMPORT_SYNTAX =
+type token = OuterSyntax.token
+local structure P = OuterParse and K = OuterSyntax.Keyword in
+(* Parsers *)
+val import_segment = >> set_import_segment
+val import_theory = >> (fn thyname =>
+			       fn thy =>
+				  thy |> set_generating_thy thyname
+				      |> Theory.add_path thyname
+				      |> add_dump (";setup_theory " ^ thyname))
+val end_import = Scan.succeed
+		     (fn thy =>
+			 let
+			     val thyname = get_generating_thy thy
+			     val segname = get_import_segment thy
+			     val (int_thms,facts) = Replay.setup_int_thms thyname thy
+			     val thmnames = filter (not o should_ignore thyname thy) facts
+			 in
+			     thy |> clear_import_thy
+				 |> set_segment thyname segname
+				 |> set_used_names facts
+				 |> Replay.import_thms thyname int_thms thmnames
+				 |> clear_used_names
+				 |> export_hol4_pending
+				 |> Theory.parent_path
+				 |> dump_import_thy thyname
+				 |> add_dump ";end_setup"
+			 end)
+val ignore_thms = Scan.repeat1
+			       >> (fn ignored =>
+				   fn thy =>
+				      let
+					  val thyname = get_import_thy thy
+				      in
+					  foldl (fn (thy,thmname) => ignore_hol4 thyname thmname thy) (thy,ignored)
+				      end)
+val thm_maps = Scan.repeat1 ( --| P.$$$ ">" -- P.xname)
+			    >> (fn thmmaps =>
+				fn thy =>
+				   let
+				       val thyname = get_import_thy thy
+				   in
+				       foldl (fn (thy,(hol,isa)) => add_hol4_mapping thyname hol isa thy) (thy,thmmaps)
+				   end)
+val type_maps = Scan.repeat1 ( --| P.$$$ ">" -- P.xname)
+			     >> (fn typmaps =>
+				 fn thy =>
+				    let
+					val thyname = get_import_thy thy
+				    in
+					foldl (fn (thy,(hol,isa)) => add_hol4_type_mapping thyname hol false isa thy) (thy,typmaps)
+				    end)
+val def_maps = Scan.repeat1 ( --| P.$$$ ">" -- P.xname)
+			    >> (fn defmaps =>
+				fn thy =>
+				   let
+				       val thyname = get_import_thy thy
+				   in
+				       foldl (fn (thy,(hol,isa)) => add_defmap thyname hol isa thy) (thy,defmaps)
+				   end)
+val const_renames = Scan.repeat1 ( --| P.$$$ ">" --
+				 >> (fn renames =>
+				     fn thy =>
+					let
+					    val thyname = get_import_thy thy
+					in
+					    foldl (fn (thy,(hol,isa)) => add_hol4_const_renaming thyname hol isa thy) (thy,renames)
+					end)
+val const_maps = Scan.repeat1 ( --| P.$$$ ">" -- P.xname -- Scan.option (P.$$$ "::" |-- P.typ))
+			      >> (fn constmaps =>
+				  fn thy =>
+				     let
+					 val thyname = get_import_thy thy
+				     in
+					 foldl (fn (thy,((hol,isa),None)) => add_hol4_const_mapping thyname hol false isa thy
+						 | (thy,((hol,isa),Some ty)) => add_hol4_const_wt_mapping thyname hol false isa (typ_of (read_ctyp (sign_of thy) ty)) thy) (thy,constmaps)
+				     end)
+val const_moves = Scan.repeat1 ( --| P.$$$ ">" -- P.xname -- Scan.option (P.$$$ "::" |-- P.typ))
+			       >> (fn constmaps =>
+				   fn thy =>
+				      let
+					  val thyname = get_import_thy thy
+				      in
+					  foldl (fn (thy,((hol,isa),None)) => add_hol4_const_mapping thyname hol true isa thy
+						  | (thy,((hol,isa),Some ty)) => add_hol4_const_wt_mapping thyname hol true isa (typ_of (read_ctyp (sign_of thy) ty)) thy) (thy,constmaps)
+				      end)
+fun import_thy s =
+    let
+	val is = TextIO.openIn(s ^ ".imp")
+	val inp = TextIO.inputAll is
+	val _ = TextIO.closeIn is
+	val orig_source = Source.of_string inp
+	val symb_source = Symbol.source false orig_source
+	val lexes = ref (OuterLex.make_lexicon ["import_segment","ignore_thms","import","end",">","::","const_maps","const_moves","thm_maps","const_renames","type_maps","def_maps"],
+			 Scan.empty_lexicon)
+	val get_lexes = fn () => !lexes
+	val token_source = OuterLex.source false get_lexes (Position.line 1) symb_source
+	val token_list = filter (not o (OuterLex.is_kind OuterLex.Space)) (Source.exhaust token_source)
+	val import_segmentP = OuterParse.$$$ "import_segment" |-- import_segment
+	val type_mapsP = OuterParse.$$$ "type_maps" |-- type_maps
+	val def_mapsP = OuterParse.$$$ "def_maps" |-- def_maps
+	val const_mapsP = OuterParse.$$$ "const_maps" |-- const_maps
+	val const_movesP = OuterParse.$$$ "const_moves" |-- const_moves
+	val const_renamesP = OuterParse.$$$ "const_renames" |-- const_renames
+	val ignore_thmsP = OuterParse.$$$ "ignore_thms" |-- ignore_thms
+	val thm_mapsP = OuterParse.$$$ "thm_maps" |-- thm_maps
+	val parser = type_mapsP || def_mapsP || const_mapsP || const_movesP || const_renamesP || thm_mapsP || ignore_thmsP || import_segmentP
+	val importP = OuterParse.$$$ "import" |-- Scan.repeat parser --| OuterParse.$$$ "end"
+	fun apply [] thy = thy
+	  | apply (f::fs) thy = apply fs (f thy)
+    in
+	apply (set_replaying_thy s::Theory.add_path s::(fst (importP token_list)))
+    end
+val setup_theory =
+		       >>
+		       (fn thyname =>
+			fn thy =>
+			   case HOL4DefThy.get thy of
+			       NoImport => thy |> import_thy thyname
+			     | Generating _ => error "Currently generating a theory!"
+			     | Replaying _ => thy |> clear_import_thy |> import_thy thyname)
+val end_setup = Scan.succeed (fn thy =>
+				 let
+				     val thyname = get_import_thy thy
+				     val segname = get_import_segment thy
+				 in
+				     thy |> set_segment thyname segname
+					 |> clear_import_thy
+					 |> Theory.parent_path
+				 end)
+val set_dump  = P.string -- P.string   >> setup_dump
+val fl_dump   = Scan.succeed flush_dump
+val append_dump = (P.verbatim || P.string) >> add_dump
+val parsers = 
+  [OuterSyntax.command "import_segment"
+		       "Set import segment name"
+		       K.thy_decl (import_segment >> Toplevel.theory),
+   OuterSyntax.command "import_theory"
+		       "Set default HOL4 theory name"
+		       K.thy_decl (import_theory >> Toplevel.theory),
+   OuterSyntax.command "end_import"
+		       "End HOL4 import"
+		       K.thy_decl (end_import >> Toplevel.theory),
+   OuterSyntax.command "setup_theory"
+		       "Setup HOL4 theory replaying"
+		       K.thy_decl (setup_theory >> Toplevel.theory),
+   OuterSyntax.command "end_setup"
+		       "End HOL4 setup"
+		       K.thy_decl (end_setup >> Toplevel.theory),
+   OuterSyntax.command "setup_dump"
+		       "Setup the dump file name"
+		       K.thy_decl (set_dump >> Toplevel.theory),
+   OuterSyntax.command "append_dump"
+		       "Add text to dump file"
+		       K.thy_decl (append_dump >> Toplevel.theory),
+   OuterSyntax.command "flush_dump"
+		       "Write the dump to file"
+		       K.thy_decl (fl_dump >> Toplevel.theory),
+   OuterSyntax.command "ignore_thms"
+		       "Theorems to ignore in next HOL4 theory import"
+		       K.thy_decl (ignore_thms >> Toplevel.theory),
+   OuterSyntax.command "type_maps"
+		       "Map HOL4 type names to existing Isabelle/HOL type names"
+		       K.thy_decl (type_maps >> Toplevel.theory),
+   OuterSyntax.command "def_maps"
+		       "Map HOL4 constant names to their primitive definitions"
+		       K.thy_decl (def_maps >> Toplevel.theory),
+   OuterSyntax.command "thm_maps"
+		       "Map HOL4 theorem names to existing Isabelle/HOL theorem names"
+		       K.thy_decl (thm_maps >> Toplevel.theory),
+   OuterSyntax.command "const_renames"
+		       "Rename HOL4 const names"
+		       K.thy_decl (const_renames >> Toplevel.theory),
+   OuterSyntax.command "const_moves"
+		       "Rename HOL4 const names to other HOL4 constants"
+		       K.thy_decl (const_moves >> Toplevel.theory),
+   OuterSyntax.command "const_maps"
+		       "Map HOL4 const names to existing Isabelle/HOL const names"
+		       K.thy_decl (const_maps >> Toplevel.theory)]
+fun setup () = (OuterSyntax.add_keywords[">"];
+		OuterSyntax.add_parsers parsers)