changeset 14516 a183dec876ab
child 14518 c3019a66180f
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/src/HOL/Import/shuffler.ML	Fri Apr 02 17:37:45 2004 +0200
@@ -0,0 +1,685 @@
+(*  Title:      Provers/shuffler.ML
+    ID:         $Id$
+    Author:     Sebastian Skalberg, TU Muenchen
+Package for proving two terms equal by normalizing (hence the
+"shuffler" name).  Uses the simplifier for the normalization.
+signature Shuffler =
+    val debug      : bool ref
+    val norm_term  : theory -> term -> thm
+    val make_equal : theory -> term -> term -> thm option
+    val set_prop   : theory -> term -> (string * thm) list -> (string * thm) option
+    val find_potential: theory -> term -> (string * thm) list
+    val gen_shuffle_tac: theory -> bool -> (string * thm) list -> int -> tactic
+    val shuffle_tac: (string * thm) list -> int -> tactic
+    val search_tac : (string * thm) list -> int -> tactic
+    val print_shuffles: theory -> unit
+    val add_shuffle_rule: thm -> theory -> theory
+    val shuffle_attr: theory attribute
+    val setup      : (theory -> theory) list
+structure Shuffler :> Shuffler =
+val debug = ref false
+fun if_debug f x = if !debug then f x else ()
+val message = if_debug writeln
+(*Prints exceptions readably to users*)
+fun print_sign_exn_unit sign e = 
+  case e of
+     THM (msg,i,thms) =>
+	 (writeln ("Exception THM " ^ string_of_int i ^ " raised:\n" ^ msg);
+	  seq print_thm thms)
+   | THEORY (msg,thys) =>
+	 (writeln ("Exception THEORY raised:\n" ^ msg);
+	  seq (Pretty.writeln o Display.pretty_theory) thys)
+   | TERM (msg,ts) =>
+	 (writeln ("Exception TERM raised:\n" ^ msg);
+	  seq (writeln o Sign.string_of_term sign) ts)
+   | TYPE (msg,Ts,ts) =>
+	 (writeln ("Exception TYPE raised:\n" ^ msg);
+	  seq (writeln o Sign.string_of_typ sign) Ts;
+	  seq (writeln o Sign.string_of_term sign) ts)
+   | e => raise e
+(*Prints an exception, then fails*)
+fun print_sign_exn sign e = (print_sign_exn_unit sign e; raise e)
+val string_of_thm = Library.setmp print_mode [] string_of_thm
+val string_of_cterm = Library.setmp print_mode [] string_of_cterm
+val commafy = String.concat o separate ", "
+fun mk_meta_eq th =
+    (case concl_of th of
+	 Const("Trueprop",_) $ (Const("op =",_) $ _ $ _) => th RS eq_reflection
+       | Const("==",_) $ _ $ _ => th
+       | _ => raise THM("Not an equality",0,[th]))
+    handle _ => raise THM("Couldn't make meta equality",0,[th])
+fun mk_obj_eq th =
+    (case concl_of th of
+	 Const("Trueprop",_) $ (Const("op =",_) $ _ $ _) => th
+       | Const("==",_) $ _ $ _ => th RS meta_eq_to_obj_eq
+       | _ => raise THM("Not an equality",0,[th]))
+    handle _ => raise THM("Couldn't make object equality",0,[th])
+structure ShuffleDataArgs: THEORY_DATA_ARGS =
+val name = "HOL/shuffles"
+type T = thm list
+val empty = []
+val copy = I
+val prep_ext = I
+val merge = Library.gen_union Thm.eq_thm
+fun print sg thms =
+    Pretty.writeln (Pretty.big_list "Shuffle theorems:"
+				    (map Display.pretty_thm thms))
+structure ShuffleData = TheoryDataFun(ShuffleDataArgs)
+val weaken =
+    let
+	val cert = cterm_of (sign_of ProtoPure.thy)
+	val P = Free("P",propT)
+	val Q = Free("Q",propT)
+	val PQ = Logic.mk_implies(P,Q)
+	val PPQ = Logic.mk_implies(P,PQ)
+	val cP = cert P
+	val cQ = cert Q
+	val cPQ = cert PQ
+	val cPPQ = cert PPQ
+	val th1 = assume cPQ |> implies_intr_list [cPQ,cP]
+	val th3 = assume cP
+	val th4 = implies_elim_list (assume cPPQ) [th3,th3]
+				    |> implies_intr_list [cPPQ,cP]
+    in
+	equal_intr th4 th1 |> standard
+    end
+val imp_comm =
+    let
+	val cert = cterm_of (sign_of ProtoPure.thy)
+	val P = Free("P",propT)
+	val Q = Free("Q",propT)
+	val R = Free("R",propT)
+	val PQR = Logic.mk_implies(P,Logic.mk_implies(Q,R))
+	val QPR = Logic.mk_implies(Q,Logic.mk_implies(P,R))
+	val cP = cert P
+	val cQ = cert Q
+	val cPQR = cert PQR
+	val cQPR = cert QPR
+	val th1 = implies_elim_list (assume cPQR) [assume cP,assume cQ]
+				    |> implies_intr_list [cPQR,cQ,cP]
+	val th2 = implies_elim_list (assume cQPR) [assume cQ,assume cP]
+				    |> implies_intr_list [cQPR,cP,cQ]
+    in
+	equal_intr th1 th2 |> standard
+    end
+val def_norm =
+    let
+	val cert = cterm_of (sign_of ProtoPure.thy)
+	val aT = TFree("'a",logicS)
+	val bT = TFree("'b",logicS)
+	val v = Free("v",aT)
+	val P = Free("P",aT-->bT)
+	val Q = Free("Q",aT-->bT)
+	val cvPQ = cert (list_all ([("v",aT)],Logic.mk_equals(P $ Bound 0,Q $ Bound 0)))
+	val cPQ = cert (Logic.mk_equals(P,Q))
+	val cv = cert v
+	val rew = assume cvPQ
+			 |> forall_elim cv
+			 |> abstract_rule "v" cv
+	val (lhs,rhs) = Logic.dest_equals(concl_of rew)
+	val th1 = transitive (transitive
+				  (eta_conversion (cert lhs) |> symmetric)
+				  rew)
+			     (eta_conversion (cert rhs))
+			     |> implies_intr cvPQ
+	val th2 = combination (assume cPQ) (reflexive cv)
+			      |> forall_intr cv
+			      |> implies_intr cPQ
+    in
+	equal_intr th1 th2 |> standard
+    end
+val all_comm =
+    let
+	val cert = cterm_of (sign_of ProtoPure.thy)
+	val xT = TFree("'a",logicS)
+	val yT = TFree("'b",logicS)
+	val P = Free("P",xT-->yT-->propT)
+	val lhs = all xT $ (Abs("x",xT,all yT $ (Abs("y",yT,P $ Bound 1 $ Bound 0))))
+	val rhs = all yT $ (Abs("y",yT,all xT $ (Abs("x",xT,P $ Bound 0 $ Bound 1))))
+	val cl = cert lhs
+	val cr = cert rhs
+	val cx = cert (Free("x",xT))
+	val cy = cert (Free("y",yT))
+	val th1 = assume cr
+			 |> forall_elim_list [cy,cx]
+			 |> forall_intr_list [cx,cy]
+			 |> implies_intr cr
+	val th2 = assume cl
+			 |> forall_elim_list [cx,cy]
+			 |> forall_intr_list [cy,cx]
+			 |> implies_intr cl
+    in
+	equal_intr th1 th2 |> standard
+    end
+val equiv_comm =
+    let
+	val cert = cterm_of (sign_of ProtoPure.thy)
+	val T    = TFree("'a",[])
+	val t    = Free("t",T)
+	val u    = Free("u",T)
+	val ctu  = cert (Logic.mk_equals(t,u))
+	val cut  = cert (Logic.mk_equals(u,t))
+	val th1  = assume ctu |> symmetric |> implies_intr ctu
+	val th2  = assume cut |> symmetric |> implies_intr cut
+    in
+	equal_intr th1 th2 |> standard
+    end
+(* This simplification procedure rewrites !!x y. P x y
+deterministicly, in order for the normalization function, defined
+below, to handle nested quantifiers robustly *)
+exception RESULT of int
+fun find_bound n (Bound i) = if i = n then raise RESULT 0
+			     else if i = n+1 then raise RESULT 1
+			     else ()
+  | find_bound n (t $ u) = (find_bound n t; find_bound n u)
+  | find_bound n (Abs(_,_,t)) = find_bound (n+1) t
+  | find_bound _ _ = ()
+fun swap_bound n (Bound i) = if i = n then Bound (n+1)
+			     else if i = n+1 then Bound n
+			     else Bound i
+  | swap_bound n (t $ u) = (swap_bound n t $ swap_bound n u)
+  | swap_bound n (Abs(x,xT,t)) = Abs(x,xT,swap_bound (n+1) t)
+  | swap_bound n t = t
+fun rew_th sg (xv as (x,xT)) (yv as (y,yT)) t =
+    let
+	val lhs = list_all ([xv,yv],t)
+	val rhs = list_all ([yv,xv],swap_bound 0 t)
+	val rew = Logic.mk_equals (lhs,rhs)
+	val init = trivial (cterm_of sg rew)
+    in
+	(all_comm RS init handle e => (message "rew_th"; print_exn e))
+    end
+fun quant_rewrite sg assumes (t as Const("all",T1) $ (Abs(x,xT,Const("all",T2) $ Abs(y,yT,body)))) =
+    let
+	val res = (find_bound 0 body;2) handle RESULT i => i
+    in
+	case res of
+	    0 => Some (rew_th sg (x,xT) (y,yT) body)
+	  | 1 => if string_ord(y,x) = LESS
+		 then
+		     let
+			 val newt = Const("all",T1) $ (Abs(y,xT,Const("all",T2) $ Abs(x,yT,body)))
+			 val t_th    = reflexive (cterm_of sg t)
+			 val newt_th = reflexive (cterm_of sg newt)
+		     in
+			 Some (transitive t_th newt_th)
+		     end
+		 else None
+	  | _ => error "norm_term (quant_rewrite) internal error"
+     end
+  | quant_rewrite _ _ _ = (warning "quant_rewrite: Unknown lhs"; None)
+fun freeze_thaw_term t =
+    let
+	val tvars = term_tvars t
+	val tfree_names = add_term_tfree_names(t,[])
+	val (type_inst,_) =
+	    foldl (fn ((inst,used),(w as (v,_),S)) =>
+		      let
+			  val v' = variant used v
+		      in
+			  ((w,TFree(v',S))::inst,v'::used)
+		      end)
+		  (([],tfree_names),tvars)
+	val t' = subst_TVars type_inst t
+    in
+	(t',map (fn (w,TFree(v,S)) => (v,TVar(w,S))) type_inst)
+    end
+fun inst_tfrees sg [] thm = thm
+  | inst_tfrees sg ((name,U)::rest) thm = 
+    let
+	val cU = ctyp_of sg U
+	val tfree_names = add_term_tfree_names (prop_of thm,[])
+	val (thm',rens) = varifyT' (tfree_names \ name) thm
+	val mid = 
+	    case rens of
+		[] => thm'
+	      | [(_,idx)] => instantiate ([(idx,cU)],[]) thm'
+	      | _ => error "Shuffler.inst_tfrees internal error"
+    in
+	inst_tfrees sg rest mid
+    end
+fun is_Abs (Abs _) = true
+  | is_Abs _ = false
+fun eta_redex (t $ Bound 0) =
+    let
+	fun free n (Bound i) = i = n
+	  | free n (t $ u) = free n t orelse free n u
+	  | free n (Abs(_,_,t)) = free (n+1) t
+	  | free n _ = false
+    in
+	not (free 0 t)
+    end
+  | eta_redex _ = false
+fun eta_contract sg assumes origt =
+    let
+	val (typet,Tinst) = freeze_thaw_term origt
+	val (init,thaw) = freeze_thaw (reflexive (cterm_of sg typet))
+	val final = inst_tfrees sg Tinst o thaw
+	val t = #1 (Logic.dest_equals (prop_of init))
+	val _ =
+	    let
+		val lhs = #1 (Logic.dest_equals (prop_of (final init)))
+	    in
+		if not (lhs aconv origt)
+		then (writeln "Something is utterly wrong: (orig,lhs,frozen type,t,tinst)";
+		      writeln (string_of_cterm (cterm_of sg origt));
+		      writeln (string_of_cterm (cterm_of sg lhs));
+		      writeln (string_of_cterm (cterm_of sg typet));
+		      writeln (string_of_cterm (cterm_of sg t));
+		      app (fn (n,T) => writeln (n ^ ": " ^ (string_of_ctyp (ctyp_of sg T)))) Tinst;
+		      writeln "done")
+		else ()
+	    end
+    in
+	case t of
+	    Const("all",_) $ (Abs(x,xT,Const("==",eqT) $ P $ Q)) =>
+	    ((if eta_redex P andalso eta_redex Q
+	      then
+		  let
+		      val cert = cterm_of sg
+		      val v = Free(variant (add_term_free_names(t,[])) "v",xT)
+		      val cv = cert v
+		      val ct = cert t
+		      val th = (assume ct)
+				   |> forall_elim cv
+				   |> abstract_rule x cv
+		      val ext_th = eta_conversion (cert (Abs(x,xT,P)))
+		      val th' = transitive (symmetric ext_th) th
+		      val cu = cert (prop_of th')
+		      val uth = combination (assume cu) (reflexive cv)
+		      val uth' = (beta_conversion false (cert (Abs(x,xT,Q) $ v)))
+				     |> transitive uth
+				     |> forall_intr cv
+				     |> implies_intr cu
+		      val rew_th = equal_intr (th' |> implies_intr ct) uth'
+		      val res = final rew_th
+		      val lhs = (#1 (Logic.dest_equals (prop_of res)))
+		  in
+		       Some res
+		  end
+	      else None)
+	     handle e => (writeln "eta_contract:";print_exn e))
+	  | _ => (error ("Bad eta_contract argument" ^ (string_of_cterm (cterm_of sg t))); None)
+    end
+fun beta_fun sg assume t =
+    Some (beta_conversion true (cterm_of sg t))
+fun eta_expand sg assumes origt =
+    let
+	val (typet,Tinst) = freeze_thaw_term origt
+	val (init,thaw) = freeze_thaw (reflexive (cterm_of sg typet))
+	val final = inst_tfrees sg Tinst o thaw
+	val t = #1 (Logic.dest_equals (prop_of init))
+	val _ =
+	    let
+		val lhs = #1 (Logic.dest_equals (prop_of (final init)))
+	    in
+		if not (lhs aconv origt)
+		then (writeln "Something is utterly wrong: (orig,lhs,frozen type,t,tinst)";
+		      writeln (string_of_cterm (cterm_of sg origt));
+		      writeln (string_of_cterm (cterm_of sg lhs));
+		      writeln (string_of_cterm (cterm_of sg typet));
+		      writeln (string_of_cterm (cterm_of sg t));
+		      app (fn (n,T) => writeln (n ^ ": " ^ (string_of_ctyp (ctyp_of sg T)))) Tinst;
+		      writeln "done")
+		else ()
+	    end
+    in
+	case t of
+	    Const("==",T) $ P $ Q =>
+	    if is_Abs P orelse is_Abs Q
+	    then (case domain_type T of
+		      Type("fun",[aT,bT]) =>
+		      let
+			  val cert = cterm_of sg
+			  val vname = variant (add_term_free_names(t,[])) "v"
+			  val v = Free(vname,aT)
+			  val cv = cert v
+			  val ct = cert t
+			  val th1 = (combination (assume ct) (reflexive cv))
+					|> forall_intr cv
+					|> implies_intr ct
+			  val concl = cert (concl_of th1)
+			  val th2 = (assume concl)
+					|> forall_elim cv
+					|> abstract_rule vname cv
+			  val (lhs,rhs) = Logic.dest_equals (prop_of th2)
+			  val elhs = eta_conversion (cert lhs)
+			  val erhs = eta_conversion (cert rhs)
+			  val th2' = transitive
+					 (transitive (symmetric elhs) th2)
+					 erhs
+			  val res = equal_intr th1 (th2' |> implies_intr concl)
+			  val res' = final res
+		      in
+			  Some res'
+		      end
+		    | _ => None)
+	    else None
+	  | _ => (error ("Bad eta_expand argument" ^ (string_of_cterm (cterm_of sg t))); None)
+    end
+    handle e => (writeln "eta_expand internal error";print_exn e)
+fun mk_tfree s = TFree("'"^s,logicS)
+val xT = mk_tfree "a"
+val yT = mk_tfree "b"
+val P  = Var(("P",0),xT-->yT-->propT)
+val Q  = Var(("Q",0),xT-->yT)
+val R  = Var(("R",0),xT-->yT)
+val S  = Var(("S",0),xT)
+fun beta_simproc sg = Simplifier.simproc_i
+		      sg
+		      "Beta-contraction"
+		      [Abs("x",xT,Q) $ S]
+		      beta_fun
+fun quant_simproc sg = Simplifier.simproc_i
+			   sg
+			   "Ordered rewriting of nested quantifiers"
+			   [all xT $ (Abs("x",xT,all yT $ (Abs("y",yT,P $ Bound 1 $ Bound 0))))]
+			   quant_rewrite
+fun eta_expand_simproc sg = Simplifier.simproc_i
+			 sg
+			 "Smart eta-expansion by equivalences"
+			 [Logic.mk_equals(Q,R)]
+			 eta_expand
+fun eta_contract_simproc sg = Simplifier.simproc_i
+			 sg
+			 "Smart handling of eta-contractions"
+			 [all xT $ (Abs("x",xT,Logic.mk_equals(Q $ Bound 0,R $ Bound 0)))]
+			 eta_contract
+(* Disambiguates the names of bound variables in a term, returning t
+== t' where all the names of bound variables in t' are unique *)
+fun disamb_bound sg t =
+    let
+	fun F (t $ u,idx) =
+	    let
+		val (t',idx') = F (t,idx)
+		val (u',idx'') = F (u,idx')
+	    in
+		(t' $ u',idx'')
+	    end
+	  | F (Abs(x,xT,t),idx) =
+	    let
+		val x' = "x" ^ (LargeInt.toString idx) (* amazing *)
+		val (t',idx') = F (t,idx+1)
+	    in
+		(Abs(x',xT,t'),idx')
+	    end
+	  | F arg = arg
+	val (t',_) = F (t,0)
+	val ct = cterm_of sg t
+	val ct' = cterm_of sg t'
+	val res = transitive (reflexive ct) (reflexive ct')
+	val _ = message ("disamb_term: " ^ (string_of_thm res))
+    in
+	res
+    end
+(* Transforms a term t to some normal form t', returning the theorem t
+== t'.  This is originally a help function for make_equal, but might
+be handy in its own right, for example for indexing terms. *)
+fun norm_term thy t =
+    let
+	val sg = sign_of thy
+	val norms = ShuffleData.get thy
+	val ss = empty_ss setmksimps single
+			  addsimps (map (transfer_sg sg) norms)
+	fun chain f th =
+	    let
+		val rhs = snd (dest_equals (cprop_of th))
+	    in
+		transitive th (f rhs)
+	    end
+	val th =
+	    t |> disamb_bound sg
+	      |> chain (Simplifier.full_rewrite
+			    (ss addsimprocs [quant_simproc sg,eta_expand_simproc sg,eta_contract_simproc sg]))
+	      |> chain eta_conversion
+	      |> strip_shyps
+	val _ = message ("norm_term: " ^ (string_of_thm th))
+    in
+	th
+    end
+    handle e => (writeln "norm_term internal error"; print_sign_exn (sign_of thy) e)
+fun is_logic_var sg v =
+    Type.of_sort (Sign.tsig_of sg) (type_of v,logicS)
+(* Closes a theorem with respect to free and schematic variables (does
+not touch type variables, though). *)
+fun close_thm th =
+    let
+	val sg = sign_of_thm th
+	val c = prop_of th
+	val all_vars = add_term_frees (c,add_term_vars(c,[]))
+	val all_rel_vars = filter (is_logic_var sg) all_vars
+    in
+	Drule.forall_intr_list (map (cterm_of sg) all_rel_vars) th
+    end
+    handle e => (writeln "close_thm internal error"; print_exn e)
+(* Normalizes a theorem's conclusion using norm_term. *)
+fun norm_thm thy th =
+    let
+	val c = prop_of th
+    in
+	equal_elim (norm_term thy c) th
+    end
+(* make_equal sg t u tries to construct the theorem t == u under the
+signature sg.  If it succeeds, Some (t == u) is returned, otherwise
+None is returned. *)
+fun make_equal sg t u =
+    let
+	val t_is_t' = norm_term sg t
+	val u_is_u' = norm_term sg u
+	val th = transitive t_is_t' (symmetric u_is_u')
+	val _ = message ("make_equal: Some " ^ (string_of_thm th))
+    in
+	Some th
+    end
+    handle e as THM _ => (message "make_equal: None";None)
+fun match_consts ignore t (* th *) =
+    let
+	fun add_consts (Const (c, _), cs) =
+	    if c mem_string ignore
+	    then cs
+	    else c ins_string cs
+	  | add_consts (t $ u, cs) = add_consts (t, add_consts (u, cs))
+	  | add_consts (Abs (_, _, t), cs) = add_consts (t, cs)
+	  | add_consts (_, cs) = cs
+	val t_consts = add_consts(t,[])
+    in
+     fn (name,th) =>
+	let
+	    val th_consts = add_consts(prop_of th,[])
+	in
+	    eq_set(t_consts,th_consts)
+	end
+    end
+val collect_ignored =
+    foldr (fn (thm,cs) =>
+	      let
+		  val (lhs,rhs) = Logic.dest_equals (prop_of thm)
+		  val ignore_lhs = term_consts lhs \\ term_consts rhs
+		  val ignore_rhs = term_consts rhs \\ term_consts lhs
+	      in
+		  foldr (op ins_string) (ignore_lhs @ ignore_rhs,cs)
+	      end)
+(* set_prop t thms tries to make a theorem with the proposition t from
+one of the theorems thms, by shuffling the propositions around.  If it
+succeeds, Some theorem is returned, otherwise None.  *)
+fun set_prop thy t =
+    let
+	val sg = sign_of thy
+	val all_vars = add_term_frees (t,add_term_vars (t,[]))
+	val all_rel_vars = filter (is_logic_var sg) all_vars
+	val closed_t = foldr (fn (v,body) => let val vT = type_of v
+					     in all vT $ (Abs("x",vT,abstract_over(v,body))) end) (all_rel_vars,t)
+	val rew_th = norm_term thy closed_t
+	val rhs = snd (dest_equals (cprop_of rew_th))
+	val shuffles = ShuffleData.get thy
+	fun process [] = None
+	  | process ((name,th)::thms) =
+	    let
+		val norm_th = varifyT (norm_thm thy (close_thm (transfer_sg sg th)))
+		val triv_th = trivial rhs
+		val _ = message ("Shuffler.set_prop: Gluing together " ^ (string_of_thm norm_th) ^ " and " ^ (string_of_thm triv_th))
+		val mod_th = case Seq.pull (bicompose true (false,norm_th,0) 1 triv_th) of
+				 Some(th,_) => Some th
+			       | None => None
+	    in
+		case mod_th of
+		    Some mod_th =>
+		    let
+			val closed_th = equal_elim (symmetric rew_th) mod_th
+		    in
+			message ("Shuffler.set_prop succeeded by " ^ name);
+			Some (name,forall_elim_list (map (cterm_of sg) all_rel_vars) closed_th)
+		    end
+		  | None => process thms
+	    end
+	    handle e as THM _ => process thms
+    in
+	fn thms =>
+	   case process thms of
+	       res as Some (name,th) => if (prop_of th) aconv t
+					then res
+					else error "Internal error in set_prop"
+	     | None => None
+    end
+    handle e => (writeln "set_prop internal error"; print_exn e)
+fun find_potential thy t =
+    let
+	val shuffles = ShuffleData.get thy
+	val ignored = collect_ignored(shuffles,[])
+	val rel_consts = term_consts t \\ ignored
+	val pot_thms = PureThy.thms_containing_consts thy rel_consts
+    in
+	filter (match_consts ignored t) pot_thms
+    end
+fun gen_shuffle_tac thy search thms i st =
+    let
+	val _ = message ("Shuffling " ^ (string_of_thm st))
+	val t = nth_elem(i-1,prems_of st)
+	val set = set_prop thy t
+	fun process_tac thms st =
+	    case set thms of
+		Some (_,th) => Seq.of_list (compose (th,i,st))
+	      | None => Seq.empty
+    in
+	(process_tac thms APPEND (if search
+				  then process_tac (find_potential thy t)
+				  else no_tac)) st
+    end
+fun shuffle_tac thms i st =
+    gen_shuffle_tac (the_context()) false thms i st
+fun search_tac thms i st =
+    gen_shuffle_tac (the_context()) true thms i st
+fun shuffle_meth (thms:thm list) ctxt =
+    let
+	val thy = ProofContext.theory_of ctxt
+    in
+	Method.SIMPLE_METHOD' HEADGOAL (gen_shuffle_tac thy false (map (pair "") thms))
+    end
+fun search_meth ctxt =
+    let
+	val thy = ProofContext.theory_of ctxt
+	val prems = ProofContext.prems_of ctxt
+    in
+	Method.SIMPLE_METHOD' HEADGOAL (gen_shuffle_tac thy true (map (pair "premise") prems))
+    end
+val print_shuffles = ShuffleData.print
+fun add_shuffle_rule thm thy =
+    let
+	val shuffles = ShuffleData.get thy
+    in
+	if exists (curry Thm.eq_thm thm) shuffles
+	then (warning ((string_of_thm thm) ^ " already known to the shuffler");
+	      thy)
+	else ShuffleData.put (thm::shuffles) thy
+    end
+fun shuffle_attr (thy,thm) = (add_shuffle_rule thm thy,thm)
+val setup = [Method.add_method ("shuffle_tac",Method.thms_ctxt_args shuffle_meth,"solve goal by shuffling terms around"),
+	     Method.add_method ("search_tac",Method.ctxt_args search_meth,"search for suitable theorems"),
+	     ShuffleData.init,
+	     add_shuffle_rule weaken,
+	     add_shuffle_rule equiv_comm,
+	     add_shuffle_rule imp_comm,
+	     add_shuffle_rule Drule.norm_hhf_eq,
+	     add_shuffle_rule Drule.triv_forall_equality,
+	     Attrib.add_attributes [("shuffle_rule",(Attrib.no_args shuffle_attr,K Attrib.undef_local_attribute),"tell the shuffler about the theorem")]]