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+++ b/doc-src/Sledgehammer/document/root.tex	Tue Aug 28 13:04:15 2012 +0200
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+\def\undef{(\lambda x.\; \unk)}
+\title{\includegraphics[scale=0.5]{isabelle_sledgehammer} \\[4ex]
+Hammering Away \\[\smallskipamount]
+\Large A User's Guide to Sledgehammer for Isabelle/HOL}
+\author{\hbox{} \\
+Jasmin Christian Blanchette \\
+{\normalsize Institut f\"ur Informatik, Technische Universit\"at M\"unchen} \\[4\smallskipamount]
+{\normalsize with contributions from} \\[4\smallskipamount]
+Lawrence C. Paulson \\
+{\normalsize Computer Laboratory, University of Cambridge} \\
+\setlength{\parskip}{.7em plus .2em minus .1em}
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+        \setlength{\itemsep}{\parskip}%
+        \advance\itemsep by-\parsep}}
+    {\end{list}}
+\def\pre{\begingroup\vskip0pt plus1ex\advance\leftskip by\leftmargin
+\advance\rightskip by\leftmargin}
+\def\post{\vskip0pt plus1ex\endgroup}
+\def\prew{\pre\advance\rightskip by-\leftmargin}
+Sledgehammer is a tool that applies automatic theorem provers (ATPs)
+and satisfiability-modulo-theories (SMT) solvers on the current goal.%
+\footnote{The distinction between ATPs and SMT solvers is convenient but mostly
+historical. The two communities are converging, with more and more ATPs
+supporting typical SMT features such as arithmetic and sorts, and a few SMT
+solvers parsing ATP syntaxes. There is also a strong technological connection
+between instantiation-based ATPs (such as iProver and iProver-Eq) and SMT
+The supported ATPs are E \cite{schulz-2002}, E-SInE \cite{sine}, E-ToFoF
+\cite{tofof}, iProver \cite{korovin-2009}, iProver-Eq
+\cite{korovin-sticksel-2010}, LEO-II \cite{leo2}, Satallax \cite{satallax},
+SNARK \cite{snark}, SPASS \cite{weidenbach-et-al-2009}, Vampire
+\cite{riazanov-voronkov-2002}, and Waldmeister \cite{waldmeister}. The ATPs are
+run either locally or remotely via the System\-On\-TPTP web service
+\cite{sutcliffe-2000}. In addition to the ATPs, a selection of the SMT solvers
+CVC3 \cite{cvc3}, Yices \cite{yices}, and Z3 \cite{z3} are run by default, and
+you can tell Sledgehammer to try Alt-Ergo \cite{alt-ergo} as well; these are run
+either locally or (for CVC3 and Z3) on a server at the TU M\"unchen.
+The problem passed to the automatic provers consists of your current goal
+together with a heuristic selection of hundreds of facts (theorems) from the
+current theory context, filtered by relevance. Because jobs are run in the
+background, you can continue to work on your proof by other means. Provers can
+be run in parallel. Any reply (which may arrive half a minute later) will appear
+in the Proof General response buffer.
+The result of a successful proof search is some source text that usually (but
+not always) reconstructs the proof within Isabelle. For ATPs, the reconstructed
+proof relies on the general-purpose \textit{metis} proof method, which
+integrates the Metis ATP in Isabelle/HOL with explicit inferences going through
+the kernel. Thus its results are correct by construction.
+In this manual, we will explicitly invoke the \textbf{sledgehammer} command.
+Sledgehammer also provides an automatic mode that can be enabled via the ``Auto
+Sledgehammer'' option in Proof General's ``Isabelle'' menu. In this mode,
+Sledgehammer is run on every newly entered theorem. The time limit for Auto
+Sledgehammer and other automatic tools can be set using the ``Auto Tools Time
+Limit'' option.
+in.\allowbreak tum.\allowbreak de}}
+To run Sledgehammer, you must make sure that the theory \textit{Sledgehammer} is
+imported---this is rarely a problem in practice since it is part of
+\textit{Main}. Examples of Sledgehammer use can be found in Isabelle's
+\texttt{src/HOL/Metis\_Examples} directory.
+Comments and bug reports concerning Sledgehammer or this manual should be
+directed to the author at \authoremail.
+%\textbf{Acknowledgment.} The author would like to thank Mark Summerfield for
+%suggesting several textual improvements.
+Sledgehammer is part of Isabelle, so you do not need to install it. However, it
+relies on third-party automatic provers (ATPs and SMT solvers).
+Among the ATPs, E, LEO-II, Satallax, SPASS, and Vampire can be run locally; in
+addition, E, E-SInE, E-ToFoF, iProver, iProver-Eq, LEO-II, Satallax, SNARK,
+Vampire, and Waldmeister are available remotely via System\-On\-TPTP
+\cite{sutcliffe-2000}. If you want better performance, you should at least
+install E and SPASS locally.
+The SMT solvers Alt-Ergo, CVC3, Yices, and Z3 can be run locally, and CVC3 and
+Z3 can be run remotely on a TU M\"unchen server. If you want better performance
+and get the ability to replay proofs that rely on the \emph{smt} proof method
+without an Internet connection, you should at least have Z3 locally installed.
+There are three main ways to install automatic provers on your machine:
+\item[\labelitemi] If you installed an official Isabelle package, it should
+already include properly setup executables for CVC3, E, SPASS, and Z3, ready to use.%
+\footnote{Vampire's and Yices's licenses prevent us from doing the same for
+these otherwise remarkable tools.}
+For Z3, you must additionally set the variable
+\texttt{Z3\_NON\_COMMERCIAL} to ``yes'' to confirm that you are a
+noncommercial user, either in the environment in which Isabelle is
+launched or in your
+\texttt{\$ISABELLE\_HOME\_USER/etc/settings} file.
+\item[\labelitemi] Alternatively, you can download the Isabelle-aware CVC3, E,
+SPASS, and Z3 binary packages from \download. Extract the archives, then add a
+line to your \texttt{\$ISABELLE\_HOME\_USER\slash etc\slash components}%
+\footnote{The variable \texttt{\$ISABELLE\_HOME\_USER} is set by Isabelle at
+startup. Its value can be retrieved by executing \texttt{isabelle}
+\texttt{getenv} \texttt{ISABELLE\_HOME\_USER} on the command line.}
+file with the absolute path to CVC3, E, SPASS, or Z3. For example, if the
+\texttt{components} file does not exist yet and you extracted SPASS to
+\texttt{/usr/local/spass-3.8ds}, create it with the single line
+in it.
+\item[\labelitemi] If you prefer to build E, LEO-II, Satallax, or SPASS
+manually, or found a Vampire executable somewhere (e.g.,
+\url{}), set the environment variable \texttt{E\_HOME},
+\texttt{LEO2\_HOME}, \texttt{SATALLAX\_HOME}, \texttt{SPASS\_HOME}, or
+\texttt{VAMPIRE\_HOME} to the directory that contains the \texttt{eproof},
+\texttt{leo}, \texttt{satallax}, \texttt{SPASS}, or \texttt{vampire} executable.
+Sledgehammer has been tested with E 1.0 to 1.4, LEO-II 1.3.4, Satallax 2.2, 2.3,
+and 2.4, SPASS 3.8ds, and Vampire 0.6 to 2.6.%
+\footnote{Following the rewrite of Vampire, the counter for version numbers was
+reset to 0; hence the (new) Vampire versions 0.6, 1.0, 1.8, and 2.6 are more
+recent than 9.0 or 11.5.}%
+Since the ATPs' output formats are neither documented nor stable, other
+versions might not work well with Sledgehammer. Ideally,
+you should also set \texttt{E\_VERSION}, \texttt{LEO2\_VERSION},
+\texttt{SATALLAX\_VERSION}, \texttt{SPASS\_VERSION}, or
+\texttt{VAMPIRE\_VERSION} to the prover's version number (e.g., ``1.4'').
+Similarly, if you want to build Alt-Ergo or CVC3, or found a
+Yices or Z3 executable somewhere (e.g.,
+\url{} or
+set the environment variable \texttt{CVC3\_\allowbreak SOLVER},
+\texttt{YICES\_SOLVER}, or \texttt{Z3\_SOLVER} to the complete path of
+the executable, \emph{including the file name};
+for Alt-Ergo, set the
+environment variable \texttt{WHY3\_HOME} to the directory that contains the
+\texttt{why3} executable.
+Sledgehammer has been tested with Alt-Ergo 0.93 and 0.94, CVC3 2.2 and 2.4.1,
+Yices 1.0.28 and 1.0.33, and Z3 3.0 to 4.0. Since the SMT solvers' output
+formats are somewhat unstable, other versions of the solvers might not work well
+with Sledgehammer. Ideally, also set \texttt{CVC3\_VERSION},
+\texttt{YICES\_VERSION}, or \texttt{Z3\_VERSION} to the solver's version number
+(e.g., ``4.0'').
+To check whether E, SPASS, Vampire, and/or Z3 are successfully installed, try
+out the example in \S\ref{first-steps}. If the remote versions of any of these
+provers is used (identified by the prefix ``\emph{remote\_\/}''), or if the
+local versions fail to solve the easy goal presented there, something must be
+wrong with the installation.
+Remote prover invocation requires Perl with the World Wide Web Library
+(\texttt{libwww-perl}) installed. If you must use a proxy server to access the
+Internet, set the \texttt{http\_proxy} environment variable to the proxy, either
+in the environment in which Isabelle is launched or in your
+\texttt{\$ISABELLE\_HOME\_USER/etc/settings} file. Here are a few
+\texttt{http\_proxy=} \\
+\texttt{http\_proxy=} \\
+\section{First Steps}
+To illustrate Sledgehammer in context, let us start a theory file and
+attempt to prove a simple lemma:
+\textbf{theory}~\textit{Scratch} \\
+\textbf{imports}~\textit{Main} \\
+\textbf{begin} \\[2\smallskipamount]
+\textbf{lemma} ``$[a] = [b] \,\Longrightarrow\, a = b$'' \\
+Instead of issuing the \textbf{sledgehammer} command, you can also find
+Sledgehammer in the ``Commands'' submenu of the ``Isabelle'' menu in Proof
+General or press the Emacs key sequence C-c C-a C-s.
+Either way, Sledgehammer produces the following output after a few seconds:
+Sledgehammer: ``\textit{e\/}'' on goal \\
+$[a] = [b] \,\Longrightarrow\, a = b$ \\
+Try this: \textbf{by} (\textit{metis last\_ConsL}) (64 ms). \\[3\smallskipamount]
+Sledgehammer: ``\textit{z3\/}'' on goal \\
+$[a] = [b] \,\Longrightarrow\, a = b$ \\
+Try this: \textbf{by} (\textit{metis list.inject}) (20 ms). \\[3\smallskipamount]
+Sledgehammer: ``\textit{vampire\/}'' on goal \\
+$[a] = [b] \,\Longrightarrow\, a = b$ \\
+Try this: \textbf{by} (\textit{metis hd.simps}) (14 ms). \\[3\smallskipamount]
+Sledgehammer: ``\textit{spass\/}'' on goal \\
+$[a] = [b] \,\Longrightarrow\, a = b$ \\
+Try this: \textbf{by} (\textit{metis list.inject}) (17 ms). \\[3\smallskipamount]
+Sledgehammer: ``\textit{remote\_waldmeister\/}'' on goal \\
+$[a] = [b] \,\Longrightarrow\, a = b$ \\
+Try this: \textbf{by} (\textit{metis hd.simps}) (15 ms). \\[3\smallskipamount]
+Sledgehammer: ``\textit{remote\_e\_sine\/}'' on goal \\
+$[a] = [b] \,\Longrightarrow\, a = b$ \\
+Try this: \textbf{by} (\textit{metis hd.simps}) (18 ms).
+Sledgehammer ran E, E-SInE, SPASS, Vampire, Waldmeister, and Z3 in parallel.
+Depending on which provers are installed and how many processor cores are
+available, some of the provers might be missing or present with a
+\textit{remote\_} prefix. Waldmeister is run only for unit equational problems,
+where the goal's conclusion is a (universally quantified) equation.
+For each successful prover, Sledgehammer gives a one-liner \textit{metis} or
+\textit{smt} method call. Rough timings are shown in parentheses, indicating how
+fast the call is. You can click the proof to insert it into the theory text.
+In addition, you can ask Sledgehammer for an Isar text proof by passing the
+\textit{isar\_proof} option (\S\ref{output-format}):
+\textbf{sledgehammer} [\textit{isar\_proof}]
+When Isar proof construction is successful, it can yield proofs that are more
+readable and also faster than the \textit{metis} or \textit{smt} one-liners.
+This feature is experimental and is only available for ATPs.
+This section presents a few hints that should help you get the most out of
+Sledgehammer. Frequently asked questions are answered in
+\point{Presimplify the goal}
+For best results, first simplify your problem by calling \textit{auto} or at
+least \textit{safe} followed by \textit{simp\_all}. The SMT solvers provide
+arithmetic decision procedures, but the ATPs typically do not (or if they do,
+Sledgehammer does not use it yet). Apart from Waldmeister, they are not
+especially good at heavy rewriting, but because they regard equations as
+undirected, they often prove theorems that require the reverse orientation of a
+\textit{simp} rule. Higher-order problems can be tackled, but the success rate
+is better for first-order problems. Hence, you may get better results if you
+first simplify the problem to remove higher-order features.
+\point{Make sure E, SPASS, Vampire, and Z3 are locally installed}
+Locally installed provers are faster and more reliable than those running on
+servers. See \S\ref{installation} for details on how to install them.
+\point{Familiarize yourself with the most important options}
+Sledgehammer's options are fully documented in \S\ref{command-syntax}. Many of
+the options are very specialized, but serious users of the tool should at least
+familiarize themselves with the following options:
+\item[\labelitemi] \textbf{\textit{provers}} (\S\ref{mode-of-operation}) specifies
+the automatic provers (ATPs and SMT solvers) that should be run whenever
+Sledgehammer is invoked (e.g., ``\textit{provers}~= \textit{e spass
+remote\_vampire\/}''). For convenience, you can omit ``\textit{provers}~=''
+and simply write the prover names as a space-separated list (e.g., ``\textit{e
+spass remote\_vampire\/}'').
+\item[\labelitemi] \textbf{\textit{max\_facts}} (\S\ref{relevance-filter})
+specifies the maximum number of facts that should be passed to the provers. By
+default, the value is prover-dependent but varies between about 50 and 1000. If
+the provers time out, you can try lowering this value to, say, 25 or 50 and see
+if that helps.
+\item[\labelitemi] \textbf{\textit{isar\_proof}} (\S\ref{output-format}) specifies
+that Isar proofs should be generated, instead of one-liner \textit{metis} or
+\textit{smt} proofs. The length of the Isar proofs can be controlled by setting
+\textit{isar\_shrink\_factor} (\S\ref{output-format}).
+\item[\labelitemi] \textbf{\textit{timeout}} (\S\ref{timeouts}) controls the
+provers' time limit. It is set to 30 seconds, but since Sledgehammer runs
+asynchronously you should not hesitate to raise this limit to 60 or 120 seconds
+if you are the kind of user who can think clearly while ATPs are active.
+Options can be set globally using \textbf{sledgehammer\_params}
+(\S\ref{command-syntax}). The command also prints the list of all available
+options with their current value. Fact selection can be influenced by specifying
+``$(\textit{add}{:}~\textit{my\_facts})$'' after the \textbf{sledgehammer} call
+to ensure that certain facts are included, or simply ``$(\textit{my\_facts})$''
+to force Sledgehammer to run only with $\textit{my\_facts}$.
+\section{Frequently Asked Questions}
+This sections answers frequently (and infrequently) asked questions about
+Sledgehammer. It is a good idea to skim over it now even if you do not have any
+questions at this stage. And if you have any further questions not listed here,
+send them to the author at \authoremail.
+\point{Which facts are passed to the automatic provers?}
+Sledgehammer heuristically selects a few hundred relevant lemmas from the
+currently loaded libraries. The component that performs this selection is
+called \emph{relevance filter}.
+The traditional relevance filter, called \emph{MePo}
+(\underline{Me}ng--\underline{Pau}lson), assigns a score to every available fact
+(lemma, theorem, definition, or axiom) based upon how many constants that fact
+shares with the conjecture. This process iterates to include facts relevant to
+those just accepted. The constants are weighted to give unusual ones greater
+significance. MePo copes best when the conjecture contains some unusual
+constants; if all the constants are common, it is unable to discriminate among
+the hundreds of facts that are picked up. The filter is also memoryless: It has
+no information about how many times a particular fact has been used in a proof,
+and it cannot learn.
+An experimental, memoryful alternative to MePo is \emph{MaSh}
+(\underline{Ma}chine Learner for \underline{S}ledge\underline{h}ammer). It
+relies on an external tool called \texttt{mash} that applies machine learning to
+the problem of finding relevant facts.
+\item[\labelitemi] The \emph{Mesh} filter combines MePo and MaSh.
+The default is either MePo or Mesh, depending on whether \texttt{mash} is
+installed and what class of provers the target prover belongs to
+The number of facts included in a problem varies from prover to prover, since
+some provers get overwhelmed more easily than others. You can show the number of
+facts given using the \textit{verbose} option (\S\ref{output-format}) and the
+actual facts using \textit{debug} (\S\ref{output-format}).
+Sledgehammer is good at finding short proofs combining a handful of existing
+lemmas. If you are looking for longer proofs, you must typically restrict the
+number of facts, by setting the \textit{max\_facts} option
+(\S\ref{relevance-filter}) to, say, 25 or 50.
+You can also influence which facts are actually selected in a number of ways. If
+you simply want to ensure that a fact is included, you can specify it using the
+``$(\textit{add}{:}~\textit{my\_facts})$'' syntax. For example:
+\textbf{sledgehammer} (\textit{add}: \textit{hd.simps} \textit{tl.simps})
+The specified facts then replace the least relevant facts that would otherwise be
+included; the other selected facts remain the same.
+If you want to direct the selection in a particular direction, you can specify
+the facts via \textbf{using}:
+\textbf{using} \textit{hd.simps} \textit{tl.simps} \\
+The facts are then more likely to be selected than otherwise, and if they are
+selected at iteration $j$ they also influence which facts are selected at
+iterations $j + 1$, $j + 2$, etc. To give them even more weight, try
+\textbf{using} \textit{hd.simps} \textit{tl.simps} \\
+\textbf{apply}~\textbf{--} \\
+\point{Why does Metis fail to reconstruct the proof?}
+There are many reasons. If Metis runs seemingly forever, that is a sign that the
+proof is too difficult for it. Metis's search is complete, so it should
+eventually find it, but that's little consolation. There are several possible
+\item[\labelitemi] Try the \textit{isar\_proof} option (\S\ref{output-format}) to
+obtain a step-by-step Isar proof where each step is justified by \textit{metis}.
+Since the steps are fairly small, \textit{metis} is more likely to be able to
+replay them.
+\item[\labelitemi] Try the \textit{smt} proof method instead of \textit{metis}.
+It is usually stronger, but you need to either have Z3 available to replay the
+proofs, trust the SMT solver, or use certificates. See the documentation in the
+\emph{SMT} theory (\texttt{\$ISABELLE\_HOME/src/HOL/SMT.thy}) for details.
+\item[\labelitemi] Try the \textit{blast} or \textit{auto} proof methods, passing
+the necessary facts via \textbf{unfolding}, \textbf{using}, \textit{intro}{:},
+\textit{elim}{:}, \textit{dest}{:}, or \textit{simp}{:}, as appropriate.
+In some rare cases, \textit{metis} fails fairly quickly, and you get the error
+One-line proof reconstruction failed.
+This message indicates that Sledgehammer determined that the goal is provable,
+but the proof is, for technical reasons, beyond \textit{metis}'s power. You can
+then try again with the \textit{strict} option (\S\ref{problem-encoding}).
+If the goal is actually unprovable and you did not specify an unsound encoding
+using \textit{type\_enc} (\S\ref{problem-encoding}), this is a bug, and you are
+strongly encouraged to report this to the author at \authoremail.
+\point{Why are the generated Isar proofs so ugly/broken?}
+The current implementation of the Isar proof feature,
+enabled by the \textit{isar\_proof} option (\S\ref{output-format}),
+is highly experimental. Work on a new implementation has begun. There is a large body of
+research into transforming resolution proofs into natural deduction proofs (such
+as Isar proofs), which we hope to leverage. In the meantime, a workaround is to
+set the \textit{isar\_shrink\_factor} option (\S\ref{output-format}) to a larger
+value or to try several provers and keep the nicest-looking proof.
+\point{How can I tell whether a suggested proof is sound?}
+Earlier versions of Sledgehammer often suggested unsound proofs---either proofs
+of nontheorems or simply proofs that rely on type-unsound inferences. This
+is a thing of the past, unless you explicitly specify an unsound encoding
+using \textit{type\_enc} (\S\ref{problem-encoding}).
+Officially, the only form of ``unsoundness'' that lurks in the sound
+encodings is related to missing characteristic theorems of datatypes. For
+\textbf{lemma}~``$\exists \mathit{xs}.\; \mathit{xs} \neq []$'' \\
+\textbf{sledgehammer} ()
+suggests an argumentless \textit{metis} call that fails. However, the conjecture
+does actually hold, and the \textit{metis} call can be repaired by adding
+We hope to address this problem in a future version of Isabelle. In the
+meantime, you can avoid it by passing the \textit{strict} option
+\point{What are the \textit{full\_types}, \textit{no\_types}, and
+\textit{mono\_tags} arguments to Metis?}
+The \textit{metis}~(\textit{full\_types}) proof method
+and its cousin \textit{metis}~(\textit{mono\_tags}) are fully-typed
+version of Metis. It is somewhat slower than \textit{metis}, but the proof
+search is fully typed, and it also includes more powerful rules such as the
+axiom ``$x = \const{True} \mathrel{\lor} x = \const{False}$'' for reasoning in
+higher-order places (e.g., in set comprehensions). The method kicks in
+automatically as a fallback when \textit{metis} fails, and it is sometimes
+generated by Sledgehammer instead of \textit{metis} if the proof obviously
+requires type information or if \textit{metis} failed when Sledgehammer
+preplayed the proof. (By default, Sledgehammer tries to run \textit{metis} with
+various options for up to 3 seconds each time to ensure that the generated
+one-line proofs actually work and to display timing information. This can be
+configured using the \textit{preplay\_timeout} and \textit{dont\_preplay}
+options (\S\ref{timeouts}).)
+At the other end of the soundness spectrum, \textit{metis} (\textit{no\_types})
+uses no type information at all during the proof search, which is more efficient
+but often fails. Calls to \textit{metis} (\textit{no\_types}) are occasionally
+generated by Sledgehammer.
+See the \textit{type\_enc} option (\S\ref{problem-encoding}) for details.
+Incidentally, if you ever see warnings such as
+Metis: Falling back on ``\textit{metis} (\textit{full\_types})''.
+for a successful \textit{metis} proof, you can advantageously pass the
+\textit{full\_types} option to \textit{metis} directly.
+\point{And what are the \textit{lifting} and \textit{hide\_lams} arguments
+to Metis?}
+Orthogonally to the encoding of types, it is important to choose an appropriate
+translation of $\lambda$-abstractions. Metis supports three translation schemes,
+in decreasing order of power: Curry combinators (the default),
+$\lambda$-lifting, and a ``hiding'' scheme that disables all reasoning under
+$\lambda$-abstractions. The more powerful schemes also give the automatic
+provers more rope to hang themselves. See the \textit{lam\_trans} option (\S\ref{problem-encoding}) for details.
+\point{Are generated proofs minimal?}
+Automatic provers frequently use many more facts than are necessary.
+Sledgehammer inclues a minimization tool that takes a set of facts returned by a
+given prover and repeatedly calls the same prover, \textit{metis}, or
+\textit{smt} with subsets of those axioms in order to find a minimal set.
+Reducing the number of axioms typically improves Metis's speed and success rate,
+while also removing superfluous clutter from the proof scripts.
+In earlier versions of Sledgehammer, generated proofs were systematically
+accompanied by a suggestion to invoke the minimization tool. This step is now
+performed implicitly if it can be done in a reasonable amount of time (something
+that can be guessed from the number of facts in the original proof and the time
+it took to find or preplay it).
+In addition, some provers (e.g., Yices) do not provide proofs or sometimes
+produce incomplete proofs. The minimizer is then invoked to find out which facts
+are actually needed from the (large) set of facts that was initially given to
+the prover. Finally, if a prover returns a proof with lots of facts, the
+minimizer is invoked automatically since Metis would be unlikely to re-find the
+Automatic minimization can be forced or disabled using the \textit{minimize}
+option (\S\ref{mode-of-operation}).
+\point{A strange error occurred---what should I do?}
+Sledgehammer tries to give informative error messages. Please report any strange
+error to the author at \authoremail. This applies double if you get the message
+The prover found a type-unsound proof involving ``\textit{foo\/}'',
+``\textit{bar\/}'', and ``\textit{baz\/}'' even though a supposedly type-sound
+encoding was used (or, less likely, your axioms are inconsistent). You might
+want to report this to the Isabelle developers.
+\point{Auto can solve it---why not Sledgehammer?}
+Problems can be easy for \textit{auto} and difficult for automatic provers, but
+the reverse is also true, so do not be discouraged if your first attempts fail.
+Because the system refers to all theorems known to Isabelle, it is particularly
+suitable when your goal has a short proof from lemmas that you do not know
+\point{Why are there so many options?}
+Sledgehammer's philosophy should work out of the box, without user guidance.
+Many of the options are meant to be used mostly by the Sledgehammer developers
+for experimentation purposes. Of course, feel free to experiment with them if
+you are so inclined.
+\section{Command Syntax}
+Sledgehammer can be invoked at any point when there is an open goal by entering
+the \textbf{sledgehammer} command in the theory file. Its general syntax is as
+\textbf{sledgehammer} \qty{subcommand}$^?$ \qty{options}$^?$ \qty{facts\_override}$^?$ \qty{num}$^?$
+For convenience, Sledgehammer is also available in the ``Commands'' submenu of
+the ``Isabelle'' menu in Proof General or by pressing the Emacs key sequence C-c
+C-a C-s. This is equivalent to entering the \textbf{sledgehammer} command with
+no arguments in the theory text.
+In the general syntax, the \qty{subcommand} may be any of the following:
+\item[\labelitemi] \textbf{\textit{run} (the default):} Runs Sledgehammer on
+subgoal number \qty{num} (1 by default), with the given options and facts.
+\item[\labelitemi] \textbf{\textit{min}:} Attempts to minimize the facts
+specified in the \qty{facts\_override} argument to obtain a simpler proof
+involving fewer facts. The options and goal number are as for \textit{run}.
+\item[\labelitemi] \textbf{\textit{messages}:} Redisplays recent messages issued
+by Sledgehammer. This allows you to examine results that might have been lost
+due to Sledgehammer's asynchronous nature. The \qty{num} argument specifies a
+limit on the number of messages to display (10 by default).
+\item[\labelitemi] \textbf{\textit{supported\_provers}:} Prints the list of
+automatic provers supported by Sledgehammer. See \S\ref{installation} and
+\S\ref{mode-of-operation} for more information on how to install automatic
+\item[\labelitemi] \textbf{\textit{running\_provers}:} Prints information about
+currently running automatic provers, including elapsed runtime and remaining
+time until timeout.
+\item[\labelitemi] \textbf{\textit{kill\_provers}:} Terminates all running
+automatic provers.
+\item[\labelitemi] \textbf{\textit{refresh\_tptp}:} Refreshes the list of remote
+ATPs available at System\-On\-TPTP \cite{sutcliffe-2000}.
+In addition, the following subcommands provide fine control over machine
+learning with MaSh:
+\item[\labelitemi] \textbf{\textit{unlearn}:} Resets MaSh, erasing any
+persistent state.
+\item[\labelitemi] \textbf{\textit{learn\_isar}:} Invokes MaSh on the current
+theory to process all the available facts, learning from their Isabelle/Isar
+proofs. This happens automatically at Sledgehammer invocations if the
+\textit{learn} option (\S\ref{relevance-filter}) is enabled.
+\item[\labelitemi] \textbf{\textit{learn\_atp}:} Invokes MaSh on the current
+theory to process all the available facts, learning from ATP-generated proofs.
+The ATP to use and its timeout can be set using the
+\textit{prover} (\S\ref{mode-of-operation}) and \textit{timeout}
+(\S\ref{timeouts}) options. It is recommended to perform learning using an
+efficient first-order ATP (such as E, SPASS, and Vampire) as opposed to a
+higher-order ATP or an SMT solver.
+\item[\labelitemi] \textbf{\textit{relearn\_isar}:} Same as \textit{unlearn}
+followed by \textit{learn\_isar}.
+\item[\labelitemi] \textbf{\textit{relearn\_atp}:} Same as \textit{unlearn}
+followed by \textit{learn\_atp}.
+\item[\labelitemi] \textbf{\textit{running\_learners}:} Prints information about
+currently running machine learners, including elapsed runtime and remaining
+time until timeout.
+\item[\labelitemi] \textbf{\textit{kill\_learners}:} Terminates all running
+machine learners.
+Sledgehammer's behavior can be influenced by various \qty{options}, which can be
+specified in brackets after the \textbf{sledgehammer} command. The
+\qty{options} are a list of key--value pairs of the form ``[$k_1 = v_1,
+\ldots, k_n = v_n$]''. For Boolean options, ``= \textit{true\/}'' is optional. For
+\textbf{sledgehammer} [\textit{isar\_proof}, \,\textit{timeout} = 120]
+Default values can be set using \textbf{sledgehammer\_\allowbreak params}:
+\textbf{sledgehammer\_params} \qty{options}
+The supported options are described in \S\ref{option-reference}.
+The \qty{facts\_override} argument lets you alter the set of facts that go
+through the relevance filter. It may be of the form ``(\qty{facts})'', where
+\qty{facts} is a space-separated list of Isabelle facts (theorems, local
+assumptions, etc.), in which case the relevance filter is bypassed and the given
+facts are used. It may also be of the form ``(\textit{add}:\ \qty{facts\/_{\mathrm{1}}})'',
+``(\textit{del}:\ \qty{facts\/_{\mathrm{2}}})'', or ``(\textit{add}:\ \qty{facts\/_{\mathrm{1}}}\
+\textit{del}:\ \qty{facts\/_{\mathrm{2}}})'', where the relevance filter is instructed to
+proceed as usual except that it should consider \qty{facts\/_{\mathrm{1}}}
+highly-relevant and \qty{facts\/_{\mathrm{2}}} fully irrelevant.
+You can instruct Sledgehammer to run automatically on newly entered theorems by
+enabling the ``Auto Sledgehammer'' option in Proof General's ``Isabelle'' menu.
+For automatic runs, only the first prover set using \textit{provers}
+(\S\ref{mode-of-operation}) is considered, fewer facts are passed to the prover,
+\textit{slice} (\S\ref{mode-of-operation}) is disabled, \textit{strict}
+(\S\ref{problem-encoding}) is enabled, \textit{verbose} (\S\ref{output-format})
+and \textit{debug} (\S\ref{output-format}) are disabled, and \textit{timeout}
+(\S\ref{timeouts}) is superseded by the ``Auto Tools Time Limit'' in Proof
+General's ``Isabelle'' menu. Sledgehammer's output is also more concise.
+The \textit{metis} proof method has the syntax
+where \qty{facts} is a list of arbitrary facts and \qty{options} is a
+comma-separated list consisting of at most one $\lambda$ translation scheme
+specification with the same semantics as Sledgehammer's \textit{lam\_trans}
+option (\S\ref{problem-encoding}) and at most one type encoding specification
+with the same semantics as Sledgehammer's \textit{type\_enc} option
+The supported $\lambda$ translation schemes are \textit{hide\_lams},
+\textit{lifting}, and \textit{combs} (the default).
+All the untyped type encodings listed in \S\ref{problem-encoding} are supported.
+For convenience, the following aliases are provided:
+\item[\labelitemi] \textbf{\textit{full\_types}:} Alias for \textit{poly\_guards\_query}.
+\item[\labelitemi] \textbf{\textit{partial\_types}:} Alias for \textit{poly\_args}.
+\item[\labelitemi] \textbf{\textit{no\_types}:} Alias for \textit{erased}.
+\section{Option Reference}
+\def\flushitem#1{\item[]\noindent\kern-\leftmargin \textbf{#1}}
+\def\optrueonly#1{\flushitem{\textit{#1} $\bigl[$= \textit{true}$\bigr]$\enskip}\nopagebreak\\[\parskip]}
+\def\optrue#1#2{\flushitem{\textit{#1} $\bigl[$= \qtybf{bool}$\bigr]$\enskip \defl\textit{true}\defr\hfill (neg.: \textit{#2})}\nopagebreak\\[\parskip]}
+\def\opfalse#1#2{\flushitem{\textit{#1} $\bigl[$= \qtybf{bool}$\bigr]$\enskip \defl\textit{false}\defr\hfill (neg.: \textit{#2})}\nopagebreak\\[\parskip]}
+\def\opsmart#1#2{\flushitem{\textit{#1} $\bigl[$= \qtybf{smart\_bool}$\bigr]$\enskip \defl\textit{smart}\defr\hfill (neg.: \textit{#2})}\nopagebreak\\[\parskip]}
+\def\opsmartx#1#2{\flushitem{\textit{#1} $\bigl[$= \qtybf{smart\_bool}$\bigr]$\enskip \defl\textit{smart}\defr\\\hbox{}\hfill (neg.: \textit{#2})}\nopagebreak\\[\parskip]}
+\def\opnodefault#1#2{\flushitem{\textit{#1} = \qtybf{#2}} \nopagebreak\\[\parskip]}
+\def\opnodefaultbrk#1#2{\flushitem{$\bigl[$\textit{#1} =$\bigr]$ \qtybf{#2}} \nopagebreak\\[\parskip]}
+\def\opdefault#1#2#3{\flushitem{\textit{#1} = \qtybf{#2}\enskip \defl\textit{#3}\defr} \nopagebreak\\[\parskip]}
+\def\oparg#1#2#3{\flushitem{\textit{#1} \qtybf{#2} = \qtybf{#3}} \nopagebreak\\[\parskip]}
+\def\opargbool#1#2#3{\flushitem{\textit{#1} \qtybf{#2} $\bigl[$= \qtybf{bool}$\bigr]$\hfill (neg.: \textit{#3})}\nopagebreak\\[\parskip]}
+\def\opargboolorsmart#1#2#3{\flushitem{\textit{#1} \qtybf{#2} $\bigl[$= \qtybf{smart\_bool}$\bigr]$\hfill (neg.: \textit{#3})}\nopagebreak\\[\parskip]}
+Sledgehammer's options are categorized as follows:\ mode of operation
+(\S\ref{mode-of-operation}), problem encoding (\S\ref{problem-encoding}),
+relevance filter (\S\ref{relevance-filter}), output format
+(\S\ref{output-format}), authentication (\S\ref{authentication}), and timeouts
+The descriptions below refer to the following syntactic quantities:
+\item[\labelitemi] \qtybf{string}: A string.
+\item[\labelitemi] \qtybf{bool\/}: \textit{true} or \textit{false}.
+\item[\labelitemi] \qtybf{smart\_bool\/}: \textit{true}, \textit{false}, or
+\item[\labelitemi] \qtybf{int\/}: An integer.
+%\item[\labelitemi] \qtybf{float\/}: A floating-point number (e.g., 2.5).
+\item[\labelitemi] \qtybf{float\_pair\/}: A pair of floating-point numbers
+(e.g., 0.6 0.95).
+\item[\labelitemi] \qtybf{smart\_int\/}: An integer or \textit{smart}.
+\item[\labelitemi] \qtybf{float\_or\_none\/}: A floating-point number (e.g., 60 or
+0.5) expressing a number of seconds, or the keyword \textit{none} ($\infty$
+Default values are indicated in curly brackets (\textrm{\{\}}). Boolean options
+have a negative counterpart (e.g., \textit{blocking} vs.\
+\textit{non\_blocking}). When setting Boolean options or their negative
+counterparts, ``= \textit{true\/}'' may be omitted.
+\subsection{Mode of Operation}
+Specifies the automatic provers to use as a space-separated list (e.g.,
+Provers can be run locally or remotely; see \S\ref{installation} for
+installation instructions.
+The following local provers are supported:
+\item[\labelitemi] \textbf{\textit{alt\_ergo}:} Alt-Ergo is a polymorphic
+SMT solver developed by Bobot et al.\ \cite{alt-ergo}.
+It supports the TPTP polymorphic typed first-order format (TFF1) via Why3
+\cite{why3}. It is included for experimental purposes. To use Alt-Ergo, set the
+environment variable \texttt{WHY3\_HOME} to the directory that contains the
+\texttt{why3} executable. Sledgehammer has been tested with Alt-Ergo 0.93 and an
+unidentified development version of Why3.
+\item[\labelitemi] \textbf{\textit{cvc3}:} CVC3 is an SMT solver developed by
+Clark Barrett, Cesare Tinelli, and their colleagues \cite{cvc3}. To use CVC3,
+set the environment variable \texttt{CVC3\_SOLVER} to the complete path of the
+executable, including the file name, or install the prebuilt CVC3 package from
+\download. Sledgehammer has been tested with version 2.2 and 2.4.1.
+\item[\labelitemi] \textbf{\textit{e}:} E is a first-order resolution prover
+developed by Stephan Schulz \cite{schulz-2002}. To use E, set the environment
+variable \texttt{E\_HOME} to the directory that contains the \texttt{eproof}
+executable and \texttt{E\_VERSION} to the version number (e.g., ``1.4''), or
+install the prebuilt E package from \download. Sledgehammer has been tested with
+versions 1.0 to 1.6.
+\item[\labelitemi] \textbf{\textit{e\_males}:} E-MaLeS is a metaprover developed
+by Daniel K\"uhlwein that implements strategy scheduling on top of E. To use
+E-MaLeS, set the environment variable \texttt{E\_MALES\_HOME} to the directory
+that contains the \texttt{} script. Sledgehammer has been tested with
+version 1.1.
+\item[\labelitemi] \textbf{\textit{iprover}:} iProver is a pure
+instantiation-based prover developed by Konstantin Korovin \cite{korovin-2009}.
+To use iProver, set the environment variable \texttt{IPROVER\_HOME} to the
+directory that contains the \texttt{iprover} and \texttt{vclausify\_rel}
+executables. Sledgehammer has been tested with version 0.99.
+\item[\labelitemi] \textbf{\textit{iprover\_eq}:} iProver-Eq is an
+instantiation-based prover with native support for equality developed by
+Konstantin Korovin and Christoph Sticksel \cite{korovin-sticksel-2010}. To use
+iProver-Eq, set the environment variable \texttt{IPROVER\_EQ\_HOME} to the
+directory that contains the \texttt{iprover-eq} and \texttt{vclausify\_rel}
+executables. Sledgehammer has been tested with version 0.8.
+\item[\labelitemi] \textbf{\textit{leo2}:} LEO-II is an automatic
+higher-order prover developed by Christoph Benzm\"uller et al.\ \cite{leo2},
+with support for the TPTP typed higher-order syntax (THF0). To use LEO-II, set
+the environment variable \texttt{LEO2\_HOME} to the directory that contains the
+\texttt{leo} executable. Sledgehammer requires version 1.2.9 or above.
+\item[\labelitemi] \textbf{\textit{metis}:} Although it is less powerful than
+the external provers, Metis itself can be used for proof search.
+\item[\labelitemi] \textbf{\textit{satallax}:} Satallax is an automatic
+higher-order prover developed by Chad Brown et al.\ \cite{satallax}, with
+support for the TPTP typed higher-order syntax (THF0). To use Satallax, set the
+environment variable \texttt{SATALLAX\_HOME} to the directory that contains the
+\texttt{satallax} executable. Sledgehammer requires version 2.2 or above.
+\item[\labelitemi] \textbf{\textit{smt}:} The \textit{smt} proof method with the
+current settings (usually:\ Z3 with proof reconstruction) can be used for proof
+\item[\labelitemi] \textbf{\textit{spass}:} SPASS is a first-order resolution
+prover developed by Christoph Weidenbach et al.\ \cite{weidenbach-et-al-2009}.
+To use SPASS, set the environment variable \texttt{SPASS\_HOME} to the directory
+that contains the \texttt{SPASS} executable and \texttt{SPASS\_VERSION} to the
+version number (e.g., ``3.8ds''), or install the prebuilt SPASS package from
+\download. Sledgehammer requires version 3.8ds or above.
+\item[\labelitemi] \textbf{\textit{vampire}:} Vampire is a first-order
+resolution prover developed by Andrei Voronkov and his colleagues
+\cite{riazanov-voronkov-2002}. To use Vampire, set the environment variable
+\texttt{VAMPIRE\_HOME} to the directory that contains the \texttt{vampire}
+executable and \texttt{VAMPIRE\_VERSION} to the version number (e.g.,
+``1.8rev1435'', ``2.6''). Sledgehammer has been tested with versions 0.6, 1.0,
+and 1.8. Versions strictly above 1.8 (e.g., ``1.8rev1435'') support the TPTP
+typed first-order format (TFF0).
+\item[\labelitemi] \textbf{\textit{yices}:} Yices is an SMT solver developed at
+SRI \cite{yices}. To use Yices, set the environment variable
+\texttt{YICES\_SOLVER} to the complete path of the executable, including the
+file name. Sledgehammer has been tested with version 1.0.28.
+\item[\labelitemi] \textbf{\textit{z3}:} Z3 is an SMT solver developed at
+Microsoft Research \cite{z3}. To use Z3, set the environment variable
+\texttt{Z3\_SOLVER} to the complete path of the executable, including the file
+name, and set \texttt{Z3\_NON\_COMMERCIAL} to ``yes'' to confirm that you are a
+noncommercial user. Sledgehammer has been tested with versions 3.0, 3.1, 3.2,
+and 4.0.
+The following remote provers are supported:
+\item[\labelitemi] \textbf{\textit{remote\_cvc3}:} The remote version of CVC3 runs
+on servers at the TU M\"unchen (or wherever \texttt{REMOTE\_SMT\_URL} is set to
+\item[\labelitemi] \textbf{\textit{remote\_e}:} The remote version of E runs
+on Geoff Sutcliffe's Miami servers \cite{sutcliffe-2000}.
+\item[\labelitemi] \textbf{\textit{remote\_e\_sine}:} E-SInE is a metaprover
+developed by Kry\v stof Hoder \cite{sine} based on E. It runs on Geoff
+Sutcliffe's Miami servers.
+\item[\labelitemi] \textbf{\textit{remote\_e\_tofof}:} E-ToFoF is a metaprover
+developed by Geoff Sutcliffe \cite{tofof} based on E running on his Miami
+servers. This ATP supports the TPTP typed first-order format (TFF0). The
+remote version of E-ToFoF runs on Geoff Sutcliffe's Miami servers.
+\item[\labelitemi] \textbf{\textit{remote\_iprover}:} The
+remote version of iProver runs on Geoff Sutcliffe's Miami servers
+\item[\labelitemi] \textbf{\textit{remote\_iprover\_eq}:} The
+remote version of iProver-Eq runs on Geoff Sutcliffe's Miami servers
+\item[\labelitemi] \textbf{\textit{remote\_leo2}:} The remote version of LEO-II
+runs on Geoff Sutcliffe's Miami servers \cite{sutcliffe-2000}.
+\item[\labelitemi] \textbf{\textit{remote\_satallax}:} The remote version of
+Satallax runs on Geoff Sutcliffe's Miami servers \cite{sutcliffe-2000}.
+\item[\labelitemi] \textbf{\textit{remote\_snark}:} SNARK is a first-order
+resolution prover developed by Stickel et al.\ \cite{snark}. It supports the
+TPTP typed first-order format (TFF0). The remote version of SNARK runs on
+Geoff Sutcliffe's Miami servers.
+\item[\labelitemi] \textbf{\textit{remote\_vampire}:} The remote version of
+Vampire runs on Geoff Sutcliffe's Miami servers.
+\item[\labelitemi] \textbf{\textit{remote\_waldmeister}:} Waldmeister is a unit
+equality prover developed by Hillenbrand et al.\ \cite{waldmeister}. It can be
+used to prove universally quantified equations using unconditional equations,
+corresponding to the TPTP CNF UEQ division. The remote version of Waldmeister
+runs on Geoff Sutcliffe's Miami servers.
+\item[\labelitemi] \textbf{\textit{remote\_z3}:} The remote version of Z3 runs on
+servers at the TU M\"unchen (or wherever \texttt{REMOTE\_SMT\_URL} is set to
+By default, Sledgehammer runs a selection of CVC3, E, E-SInE, SPASS, Vampire,
+Yices, Z3, and (if appropriate) Waldmeister in parallel---either locally or
+remotely, depending on the number of processor cores available. For historical
+reasons, the default value of this option can be overridden using the option
+``Sledgehammer: Provers'' in Proof General's ``Isabelle'' menu.
+It is generally a good idea to run several provers in parallel. Running E,
+SPASS, and Vampire for 5~seconds yields a similar success rate to running the
+most effective of these for 120~seconds \cite{boehme-nipkow-2010}.
+For the \textit{min} subcommand, the default prover is \textit{metis}. If
+several provers are set, the first one is used.
+Alias for \textit{provers}.
+Specifies whether the \textbf{sledgehammer} command should operate
+synchronously. The asynchronous (non-blocking) mode lets the user start proving
+the putative theorem manually while Sledgehammer looks for a proof, but it can
+also be more confusing. Irrespective of the value of this option, Sledgehammer
+is always run synchronously for the new jEdit-based user interface or if
+\textit{debug} (\S\ref{output-format}) is enabled.
+Specifies whether the time allocated to a prover should be sliced into several
+segments, each of which has its own set of possibly prover-dependent options.
+For SPASS and Vampire, the first slice tries the fast but incomplete
+set-of-support (SOS) strategy, whereas the second slice runs without it. For E,
+up to three slices are tried, with different weighted search strategies and
+number of facts. For SMT solvers, several slices are tried with the same options
+each time but fewer and fewer facts. According to benchmarks with a timeout of
+30 seconds, slicing is a valuable optimization, and you should probably leave it
+enabled unless you are conducting experiments. This option is implicitly
+disabled for (short) automatic runs.
+{\small See also \textit{verbose} (\S\ref{output-format}).}
+Specifies whether the minimization tool should be invoked automatically after
+proof search. By default, automatic minimization takes place only if
+it can be done in a reasonable amount of time (as determined by
+the number of facts in the original proof and the time it took to find or
+preplay it) or the proof involves an unreasonably large number of facts.
+{\small See also \textit{preplay\_timeout} (\S\ref{timeouts})
+and \textit{dont\_preplay} (\S\ref{timeouts}).}
+Specifies whether Sledgehammer should put its temporary files in
+\texttt{\$ISA\-BELLE\_\allowbreak HOME\_\allowbreak USER}, which is useful for
+debugging Sledgehammer but also unsafe if several instances of the tool are run
+simultaneously. The files are identified by the prefixes \texttt{prob\_} and
+\texttt{mash\_}; you may safely remove them after Sledgehammer has run.
+{\small See also \textit{debug} (\S\ref{output-format}).}
+\subsection{Relevance Filter}
+Specifies the relevance filter to use. The following filters are available:
+\item[\labelitemi] \textbf{\textit{mepo}:}
+The traditional memoryless MePo relevance filter.
+\item[\labelitemi] \textbf{\textit{mash}:}
+The memoryful MaSh machine learner. MaSh relies on the external program
+\texttt{mash}, which can be obtained from the author at \authoremail. To install
+it, set the environment variable \texttt{MASH\_HOME} to the directory that
+contains the \texttt{mash} executable.
+Persistent data is stored in the \texttt{\$ISABELLE\_HOME\_USER/mash} directory.
+\item[\labelitemi] \textbf{\textit{mesh}:} A combination of MePo and MaSh.
+\item[\labelitemi] \textbf{\textit{smart}:} Use Mesh if \texttt{mash} is
+installed and the target prover is an ATP; otherwise, use MePo.
+Specifies the maximum number of facts that may be returned by the relevance
+filter. If the option is set to \textit{smart}, it is set to a value that was
+empirically found to be appropriate for the prover. Typical values range between
+50 and 1000.
+\opdefault{fact\_thresholds}{float\_pair}{\upshape 0.45~0.85}
+Specifies the thresholds above which facts are considered relevant by the
+relevance filter. The first threshold is used for the first iteration of the
+relevance filter and the second threshold is used for the last iteration (if it
+is reached). The effective threshold is quadratically interpolated for the other
+iterations. Each threshold ranges from 0 to 1, where 0 means that all theorems
+are relevant and 1 only theorems that refer to previously seen constants.
+Specifies whether MaSh should be run automatically by Sledgehammer to learn the
+available theories (and hence provide more accurate results). Learning only
+takes place if \texttt{mash} is installed.
+Specifies the maximum number of monomorphic instances to generate beyond
+\textit{max\_facts}. The higher this limit is, the more monomorphic instances
+are potentially generated. Whether monomorphization takes place depends on the
+type encoding used. If the option is set to \textit{smart}, it is set to a value
+that was empirically found to be appropriate for the prover. For most provers,
+this value is 200.
+{\small See also \textit{type\_enc} (\S\ref{problem-encoding}).}
+Specifies the maximum number of iterations for the monomorphization fixpoint
+construction. The higher this limit is, the more monomorphic instances are
+potentially generated. Whether monomorphization takes place depends on the
+type encoding used. If the option is set to \textit{smart}, it is set to a value
+that was empirically found to be appropriate for the prover. For most provers,
+this value is 3.
+{\small See also \textit{type\_enc} (\S\ref{problem-encoding}).}
+\subsection{Problem Encoding}
+Specifies the $\lambda$ translation scheme to use in ATP problems. The supported
+translation schemes are listed below:
+\item[\labelitemi] \textbf{\textit{hide\_lams}:} Hide the $\lambda$-abstractions
+by replacing them by unspecified fresh constants, effectively disabling all
+reasoning under $\lambda$-abstractions.
+\item[\labelitemi] \textbf{\textit{lifting}:} Introduce a new
+supercombinator \const{c} for each cluster of $n$~$\lambda$-abstractions,
+defined using an equation $\const{c}~x_1~\ldots~x_n = t$ ($\lambda$-lifting).
+\item[\labelitemi] \textbf{\textit{combs}:} Rewrite lambdas to the Curry
+combinators (\comb{I}, \comb{K}, \comb{S}, \comb{B}, \comb{C}). Combinators
+enable the ATPs to synthesize $\lambda$-terms but tend to yield bulkier formulas
+than $\lambda$-lifting: The translation is quadratic in the worst case, and the
+equational definitions of the combinators are very prolific in the context of
+\item[\labelitemi] \textbf{\textit{combs\_and\_lifting}:} Introduce a new
+supercombinator \const{c} for each cluster of $\lambda$-abstractions and characterize it both using a
+lifted equation $\const{c}~x_1~\ldots~x_n = t$ and via Curry combinators.
+\item[\labelitemi] \textbf{\textit{combs\_or\_lifting}:} For each cluster of
+$\lambda$-abstractions, heuristically choose between $\lambda$-lifting and Curry
+\item[\labelitemi] \textbf{\textit{keep\_lams}:}
+Keep the $\lambda$-abstractions in the generated problems. This is available
+only with provers that support the THF0 syntax.
+\item[\labelitemi] \textbf{\textit{smart}:} The actual translation scheme used
+depends on the ATP and should be the most efficient scheme for that ATP.
+For SMT solvers, the $\lambda$ translation scheme is always \textit{lifting},
+irrespective of the value of this option.
+Specifies whether fresh function symbols should be generated as aliases for
+applications of curried functions in ATP problems.
+Specifies the type encoding to use in ATP problems. Some of the type encodings
+are unsound, meaning that they can give rise to spurious proofs
+(unreconstructible using \textit{metis}). The type encodings are
+listed below, with an indication of their soundness in parentheses.
+An asterisk (*) indicates that the encoding is slightly incomplete for
+reconstruction with \textit{metis}, unless the \emph{strict} option (described
+below) is enabled.
+\item[\labelitemi] \textbf{\textit{erased} (unsound):} No type information is
+supplied to the ATP, not even to resolve overloading. Types are simply erased.
+\item[\labelitemi] \textbf{\textit{poly\_guards} (sound):} Types are encoded using
+a predicate \const{g}$(\tau, t)$ that guards bound
+variables. Constants are annotated with their types, supplied as extra
+arguments, to resolve overloading.
+\item[\labelitemi] \textbf{\textit{poly\_tags} (sound):} Each term and subterm is
+tagged with its type using a function $\const{t\/}(\tau, t)$.
+\item[\labelitemi] \textbf{\textit{poly\_args} (unsound):}
+Like for \textit{poly\_guards} constants are annotated with their types to
+resolve overloading, but otherwise no type information is encoded. This
+is the default encoding used by the \textit{metis} command.
+\textit{raw\_mono\_guards}, \textit{raw\_mono\_tags} (sound); \\
+\textit{raw\_mono\_args} (unsound):} \\
+Similar to \textit{poly\_guards}, \textit{poly\_tags}, and \textit{poly\_args},
+respectively, but the problem is additionally monomorphized, meaning that type
+variables are instantiated with heuristically chosen ground types.
+Monomorphization can simplify reasoning but also leads to larger fact bases,
+which can slow down the ATPs.
+\textit{mono\_guards}, \textit{mono\_tags} (sound);
+\textit{mono\_args} (unsound):} \\
+Similar to
+\textit{raw\_mono\_guards}, \textit{raw\_mono\_tags}, and
+\textit{raw\_mono\_args}, respectively but types are mangled in constant names
+instead of being supplied as ground term arguments. The binary predicate
+$\const{g}(\tau, t)$ becomes a unary predicate
+$\const{g\_}\tau(t)$, and the binary function
+$\const{t}(\tau, t)$ becomes a unary function
+\item[\labelitemi] \textbf{\textit{mono\_native} (sound):} Exploits native
+first-order types if the prover supports the TFF0, TFF1, or THF0 syntax;
+otherwise, falls back on \textit{mono\_guards}. The problem is monomorphized.
+\item[\labelitemi] \textbf{\textit{mono\_native\_higher} (sound):} Exploits
+native higher-order types if the prover supports the THF0 syntax; otherwise,
+falls back on \textit{mono\_native} or \textit{mono\_guards}. The problem is
+\item[\labelitemi] \textbf{\textit{poly\_native} (sound):} Exploits native
+first-order polymorphic types if the prover supports the TFF1 syntax; otherwise,
+falls back on \textit{mono\_native}.
+\textit{poly\_guards}?, \textit{poly\_tags}?, \textit{raw\_mono\_guards}?, \\
+\textit{raw\_mono\_tags}?, \textit{mono\_guards}?, \textit{mono\_tags}?, \\
+\textit{mono\_native}? (sound*):} \\
+The type encodings \textit{poly\_guards}, \textit{poly\_tags},
+\textit{raw\_mono\_guards}, \textit{raw\_mono\_tags}, \textit{mono\_guards},
+\textit{mono\_tags}, and \textit{mono\_native} are fully typed and sound. For
+each of these, Sledgehammer also provides a lighter variant identified by a
+question mark (`\hbox{?}')\ that detects and erases monotonic types, notably
+infinite types. (For \textit{mono\_native}, the types are not actually erased
+but rather replaced by a shared uniform type of individuals.) As argument to the
+\textit{metis} proof method, the question mark is replaced by a
+\hbox{``\textit{\_query\/}''} suffix.
+\textit{poly\_guards}??, \textit{poly\_tags}??, \textit{raw\_mono\_guards}??, \\
+\textit{raw\_mono\_tags}??, \textit{mono\_guards}??, \textit{mono\_tags}?? \\
+(sound*):} \\
+Even lighter versions of the `\hbox{?}' encodings. As argument to the
+\textit{metis} proof method, the `\hbox{??}' suffix is replaced by
+\textit{poly\_guards}@, \textit{poly\_tags}@, \textit{raw\_mono\_guards}@, \\
+\textit{raw\_mono\_tags}@ (sound*):} \\
+Alternative versions of the `\hbox{??}' encodings. As argument to the
+\textit{metis} proof method, the `\hbox{@}' suffix is replaced by
+\item[\labelitemi] \textbf{\textit{poly\_args}?, \textit{raw\_mono\_args}? (unsound):} \\
+Lighter versions of \textit{poly\_args} and \textit{raw\_mono\_args}.
+\item[\labelitemi] \textbf{\textit{smart}:} The actual encoding used depends on
+the ATP and should be the most efficient sound encoding for that ATP.
+For SMT solvers, the type encoding is always \textit{mono\_native}, irrespective
+of the value of this option.
+{\small See also \textit{max\_new\_mono\_instances} (\S\ref{relevance-filter})
+and \textit{max\_mono\_iters} (\S\ref{relevance-filter}).}
+Specifies whether Sledgehammer should run in its strict mode. In that mode,
+sound type encodings marked with an asterisk (*) above are made complete
+for reconstruction with \textit{metis}, at the cost of some clutter in the
+generated problems. This option has no effect if \textit{type\_enc} is
+deliberately set to an unsound encoding.
+\subsection{Output Format}
+Specifies whether the \textbf{sledgehammer} command should explain what it does.
+This option is implicitly disabled for automatic runs.
+Specifies whether Sledgehammer should display additional debugging information
+beyond what \textit{verbose} already displays. Enabling \textit{debug} also
+enables \textit{verbose} and \textit{blocking} (\S\ref{mode-of-operation})
+behind the scenes. The \textit{debug} option is implicitly disabled for
+automatic runs.
+{\small See also \textit{overlord} (\S\ref{mode-of-operation}).}
+Specifies whether Isar proofs should be output in addition to one-liner
+\textit{metis} proofs. Isar proof construction is still experimental and often
+fails; however, they are usually faster and sometimes more robust than
+\textit{metis} proofs.
+\opdefault{isar\_shrink\_factor}{int}{\upshape 1}
+Specifies the granularity of the Isar proof. A value of $n$ indicates that each
+Isar proof step should correspond to a group of up to $n$ consecutive proof
+steps in the ATP proof.
+Specifies the expected outcome, which must be one of the following:
+\item[\labelitemi] \textbf{\textit{some}:} Sledgehammer found a proof.
+\item[\labelitemi] \textbf{\textit{none}:} Sledgehammer found no proof.
+\item[\labelitemi] \textbf{\textit{timeout}:} Sledgehammer timed out.
+\item[\labelitemi] \textbf{\textit{unknown}:} Sledgehammer encountered some
+Sledgehammer emits an error (if \textit{blocking} is enabled) or a warning
+(otherwise) if the actual outcome differs from the expected outcome. This option
+is useful for regression testing.
+{\small See also \textit{blocking} (\S\ref{mode-of-operation}) and
+\textit{timeout} (\S\ref{timeouts}).}
+\opdefault{timeout}{float\_or\_none}{\upshape 30}
+Specifies the maximum number of seconds that the automatic provers should spend
+searching for a proof. This excludes problem preparation and is a soft limit.
+For historical reasons, the default value of this option can be overridden using
+the option ``Sledgehammer: Time Limit'' in Proof General's ``Isabelle'' menu.
+\opdefault{preplay\_timeout}{float\_or\_none}{\upshape 3}
+Specifies the maximum number of seconds that \textit{metis} or \textit{smt}
+should spend trying to ``preplay'' the found proof. If this option is set to 0,
+no preplaying takes place, and no timing information is displayed next to the
+suggested \textit{metis} calls.
+{\small See also \textit{minimize} (\S\ref{mode-of-operation}).}
+Alias for ``\textit{preplay\_timeout} = 0''.