changeset 73526 a3cc9fa1295d
child 74561 8e6c973003c8
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/src/Provers/order_tac.ML	Wed Mar 31 18:18:03 2021 +0200
@@ -0,0 +1,456 @@
+signature REIFY_TABLE =
+  type table
+  val empty : table
+  val get_var : term -> table -> (int * table)
+  val get_term : int -> table -> term option
+structure Reifytab: REIFY_TABLE =
+  type table = (int * int Termtab.table * term Inttab.table)
+  val empty = (0, Termtab.empty, Inttab.empty)
+  fun get_var t (tab as (max_var, termtab, inttab)) =
+    (case Termtab.lookup termtab t of
+      SOME v => (v, tab)
+    | NONE => (max_var,
+              (max_var + 1, Termtab.update (t, max_var) termtab, Inttab.update (max_var, t) inttab))
+    )
+  fun get_term v (_, _, inttab) = Inttab.lookup inttab v
+signature LOGIC_SIGNATURE =
+  val mk_Trueprop : term -> term
+  val dest_Trueprop : term -> term
+  val Trueprop_conv : conv -> conv
+  val Not : term
+  val conj : term
+  val disj : term
+  val notI : thm (* (P \<Longrightarrow> False) \<Longrightarrow> \<not> P *)
+  val ccontr : thm (* (\<not> P \<Longrightarrow> False) \<Longrightarrow> P *)
+  val conjI : thm (* P \<Longrightarrow> Q \<Longrightarrow> P \<and> Q *)
+  val conjE : thm (* P \<and> Q \<Longrightarrow> (P \<Longrightarrow> Q \<Longrightarrow> R) \<Longrightarrow> R *)
+  val disjE : thm (* P \<or> Q \<Longrightarrow> (P \<Longrightarrow> R) \<Longrightarrow> (Q \<Longrightarrow> R) \<Longrightarrow> R *)
+  val not_not_conv : conv (* \<not> (\<not> P) \<equiv> P *)
+  val de_Morgan_conj_conv : conv (* \<not> (P \<and> Q) \<equiv> \<not> P \<or> \<not> Q *)
+  val de_Morgan_disj_conv : conv (* \<not> (P \<or> Q) \<equiv> \<not> P \<and> \<not> Q *)
+  val conj_disj_distribL_conv : conv (* P \<and> (Q \<or> R) \<equiv> (P \<and> Q) \<or> (P \<and> R) *)
+  val conj_disj_distribR_conv : conv (* (Q \<or> R) \<and> P \<equiv> (Q \<and> P) \<or> (R \<and> P) *)
+(* Control tracing output of the solver. *)
+val order_trace_cfg = Attrib.setup_config_bool @{binding "order_trace"} (K false)
+(* In partial orders, literals of the form \<not> x < y will force the order solver to perform case
+   distinctions, which leads to an exponential blowup of the runtime. The split limit controls
+   the number of literals of this form that are passed to the solver. 
+ *)
+val order_split_limit_cfg = Attrib.setup_config_int @{binding "order_split_limit"} (K 8)
+datatype order_kind = Order | Linorder
+type order_literal = (bool * Order_Procedure.o_atom)
+type order_context = {
+    kind : order_kind,
+    ops : term list, thms : (string * thm) list, conv_thms : (string * thm) list
+  }
+signature BASE_ORDER_TAC =
+  val tac :
+        (order_literal -> Order_Procedure.prf_trm option)
+        -> order_context -> thm list
+        -> Proof.context -> int -> tactic
+functor Base_Order_Tac(
+  structure Logic_Sig : LOGIC_SIGNATURE; val excluded_types : typ list) : BASE_ORDER_TAC =
+  open Order_Procedure
+  fun expect _ (SOME x) = x
+    | expect f NONE = f ()
+  fun matches_skeleton t s = t = Term.dummy orelse
+    (case (t, s) of
+      (t0 $ t1, s0 $ s1) => matches_skeleton t0 s0 andalso matches_skeleton t1 s1
+    | _ => t aconv s)
+  fun dest_binop t =
+    let
+      val binop_skel = Term.dummy $ Term.dummy $ Term.dummy
+      val not_binop_skel = Logic_Sig.Not $ binop_skel
+    in
+      if matches_skeleton not_binop_skel t
+        then (case t of (_ $ (t1 $ t2 $ t3)) => (false, (t1, t2, t3)))
+        else if matches_skeleton binop_skel t
+          then (case t of (t1 $ t2 $ t3) => (true, (t1, t2, t3)))
+          else raise TERM ("Not a binop literal", [t])
+    end
+  fun find_term t = Library.find_first (fn (t', _) => t' aconv t)
+  fun reify_order_atom (eq, le, lt) t reifytab =
+    let
+      val (b, (t0, t1, t2)) =
+        (dest_binop t) handle TERM (_, _) => raise TERM ("Can't reify order literal", [t])
+      val binops = [(eq, EQ), (le, LEQ), (lt, LESS)]
+    in
+      case find_term t0 binops of
+        SOME (_, reified_bop) =>
+          reifytab
+          |> Reifytab.get_var t1 ||> Reifytab.get_var t2
+          |> (fn (v1, (v2, vartab')) =>
+               ((b, reified_bop (Int_of_integer v1, Int_of_integer v2)), vartab'))
+          |>> Atom
+      | NONE => raise TERM ("Can't reify order literal", [t])
+    end
+  fun reify consts reify_atom t reifytab =
+    let
+      fun reify' (t1 $ t2) reifytab =
+            let
+              val (t0, ts) = strip_comb (t1 $ t2)
+              val consts_of_arity = filter (fn (_, (_, ar)) => length ts = ar) consts
+            in
+              (case find_term t0 consts_of_arity of
+                SOME (_, (reified_op, _)) => fold_map reify' ts reifytab |>> reified_op
+              | NONE => reify_atom (t1 $ t2) reifytab)
+            end
+        | reify' t reifytab = reify_atom t reifytab
+    in
+      reify' t reifytab
+    end
+  fun list_curry0 f = (fn [] => f, 0)
+  fun list_curry1 f = (fn [x] => f x, 1)
+  fun list_curry2 f = (fn [x, y] => f x y, 2)
+  fun reify_order_conj ord_ops =
+    let
+      val consts = map (apsnd (list_curry2 o curry)) [(Logic_Sig.conj, And), (Logic_Sig.disj, Or)]
+    in   
+      reify consts (reify_order_atom ord_ops)
+    end
+  fun dereify_term consts reifytab t =
+    let
+      fun dereify_term' (App (t1, t2)) = (dereify_term' t1) $ (dereify_term' t2)
+        | dereify_term' (Const s) =
+            AList.lookup (op =) consts s
+            |> expect (fn () => raise TERM ("Const " ^ s ^ " not in", map snd consts))
+        | dereify_term' (Var v) = Reifytab.get_term (integer_of_int v) reifytab |> the
+    in
+      dereify_term' t
+    end
+  fun dereify_order_fm (eq, le, lt) reifytab t =
+    let
+      val consts = [
+        ("eq", eq), ("le", le), ("lt", lt),
+        ("Not", Logic_Sig.Not), ("disj", Logic_Sig.disj), ("conj", Logic_Sig.conj)
+        ]
+    in
+      dereify_term consts reifytab t
+    end
+  fun strip_AppP t =
+    let fun strip (AppP (f, s), ss) = strip (f, s::ss)
+          | strip x = x
+    in strip (t, []) end
+  fun replay_conv convs cvp =
+    let
+      val convs = convs @
+        [("all_conv", list_curry0 Conv.all_conv)] @ 
+        map (apsnd list_curry1) [
+          ("atom_conv", I),
+          ("neg_atom_conv", I),
+          ("arg_conv", Conv.arg_conv)] @
+        map (apsnd list_curry2) [
+          ("combination_conv", Conv.combination_conv),
+          ("then_conv", curry (op then_conv))]
+      fun lookup_conv convs c = AList.lookup (op =) convs c
+            |> expect (fn () => error ("Can't replay conversion: " ^ c))
+      fun rp_conv t =
+        (case strip_AppP t ||> map rp_conv of
+          (PThm c, cvs) =>
+            let val (conv, arity) = lookup_conv convs c
+            in if arity = length cvs
+              then conv cvs
+              else error ("Expected " ^ Int.toString arity ^ " arguments for conversion " ^
+                          c ^ " but got " ^ (length cvs |> Int.toString) ^ " arguments")
+            end
+        | _ => error "Unexpected constructor in conversion proof")
+    in
+      rp_conv cvp
+    end
+  fun replay_prf_trm replay_conv dereify ctxt thmtab assmtab p =
+    let
+      fun replay_prf_trm' _ (PThm s) =
+            AList.lookup (op =) thmtab s
+            |> expect (fn () => error ("Cannot replay theorem: " ^ s))
+        | replay_prf_trm' assmtab (Appt (p, t)) =
+            replay_prf_trm' assmtab p
+            |> Drule.infer_instantiate' ctxt [SOME (Thm.cterm_of ctxt (dereify t))]
+        | replay_prf_trm' assmtab (AppP (p1, p2)) =
+            apply2 (replay_prf_trm' assmtab) (p2, p1) |> (op COMP)
+        | replay_prf_trm' assmtab (AbsP (reified_t, p)) =
+            let
+              val t = dereify reified_t
+              val t_thm = Logic_Sig.mk_Trueprop t |> Thm.cterm_of ctxt |> Assumption.assume ctxt
+              val rp = replay_prf_trm' (Termtab.update (Thm.prop_of t_thm, t_thm) assmtab) p
+            in
+              Thm.implies_intr (Thm.cprop_of t_thm) rp
+            end
+        | replay_prf_trm' assmtab (Bound reified_t) =
+            let
+              val t = dereify reified_t |> Logic_Sig.mk_Trueprop
+            in
+              Termtab.lookup assmtab t
+              |> expect (fn () => raise TERM ("Assumption not found:", t::Termtab.keys assmtab))
+            end
+        | replay_prf_trm' assmtab (Conv (t, cp, p)) =
+            let
+              val thm = replay_prf_trm' assmtab (Bound t)
+              val conv = Logic_Sig.Trueprop_conv (replay_conv cp)
+              val conv_thm = Conv.fconv_rule conv thm
+              val conv_term = Thm.prop_of conv_thm
+            in
+              replay_prf_trm' (Termtab.update (conv_term, conv_thm) assmtab) p
+            end
+    in
+      replay_prf_trm' assmtab p
+    end
+  fun replay_order_prf_trm ord_ops {thms = thms, conv_thms = conv_thms, ...} ctxt reifytab assmtab =
+    let
+      val thmtab = thms @ [
+          ("conjE", Logic_Sig.conjE), ("conjI", Logic_Sig.conjI), ("disjE", Logic_Sig.disjE)
+        ]
+      val convs = map (apsnd list_curry0) (
+        map (apsnd Conv.rewr_conv) conv_thms @
+        [
+          ("not_not_conv", Logic_Sig.not_not_conv),
+          ("de_Morgan_conj_conv", Logic_Sig.de_Morgan_conj_conv),
+          ("de_Morgan_disj_conv", Logic_Sig.de_Morgan_disj_conv),
+          ("conj_disj_distribR_conv", Logic_Sig.conj_disj_distribR_conv),
+          ("conj_disj_distribL_conv", Logic_Sig.conj_disj_distribL_conv)
+        ])
+      val dereify = dereify_order_fm ord_ops reifytab
+    in
+      replay_prf_trm (replay_conv convs) dereify ctxt thmtab assmtab
+    end
+  fun is_binop_term t =
+    let
+      fun is_included t = forall (curry (op <>) (t |> fastype_of |> domain_type)) excluded_types
+    in
+      (case dest_binop (Logic_Sig.dest_Trueprop t) of
+        (_, (binop, t1, t2)) =>
+          is_included binop andalso
+          (* Exclude terms with schematic variables since the solver can't deal with them.
+             More specifically, the solver uses Assumption.assume which does not allow schematic
+             variables in the assumed cterm.
+          *)
+          Term.add_var_names (binop $ t1 $ t2) [] = []
+      ) handle TERM (_, _) => false
+    end
+  fun partition_matches ctxt term_of pats ys =
+    let
+      val thy = Proof_Context.theory_of ctxt
+      fun find_match t env =
+        Library.get_first (try (fn pat => Pattern.match thy (pat, t) env)) pats
+      fun filter_matches xs = fold (fn x => fn (mxs, nmxs, env) =>
+        case find_match (term_of x) env of
+          SOME env' => (x::mxs, nmxs, env')
+        | NONE => (mxs, x::nmxs, env)) xs ([], [], (Vartab.empty, Vartab.empty))
+      fun partition xs =
+        case filter_matches xs of
+          ([], _, _) => []
+        | (mxs, nmxs, env) => (env, mxs) :: partition nmxs
+    in
+      partition ys
+    end
+  fun limit_not_less [_, _, lt] ctxt prems =
+    let
+      val thy = Proof_Context.theory_of ctxt
+      val trace = Config.get ctxt order_trace_cfg
+      val limit = Config.get ctxt order_split_limit_cfg
+      fun is_not_less_term t =
+        (case dest_binop (Logic_Sig.dest_Trueprop t) of
+          (false, (t0, _, _)) => Pattern.matches thy (lt, t0)
+        | _ => false)
+        handle TERM _ => false
+      val not_less_prems = filter (is_not_less_term o Thm.prop_of) prems
+      val _ = if trace andalso length not_less_prems > limit
+                then tracing "order split limit exceeded"
+                else ()
+     in
+      filter_out (is_not_less_term o Thm.prop_of) prems @
+      take limit not_less_prems
+     end
+  fun order_tac raw_order_proc octxt simp_prems =
+    Subgoal.FOCUS (fn {prems=prems, context=ctxt, ...} =>
+      let
+        val trace = Config.get ctxt order_trace_cfg
+        val binop_prems = filter (is_binop_term o Thm.prop_of) (prems @ simp_prems)
+        val strip_binop = (fn (x, _, _) => x) o snd o dest_binop
+        val binop_of = strip_binop o Logic_Sig.dest_Trueprop o Thm.prop_of
+        (* Due to local_setup, the operators of the order may contain schematic term and type
+           variables. We partition the premises according to distinct instances of those operators.
+         *)
+        val part_prems = partition_matches ctxt binop_of (#ops octxt) binop_prems
+          |> (case #kind octxt of
+                Order => map (fn (env, prems) =>
+                          (env, limit_not_less (#ops octxt) ctxt prems))
+              | _ => I)
+        fun order_tac' (_, []) = no_tac
+          | order_tac' (env, prems) =
+            let
+              val [eq, le, lt] = #ops octxt
+              val subst_contract = Envir.eta_contract o Envir.subst_term env
+              val ord_ops = (subst_contract eq,
+                             subst_contract le,
+                             subst_contract lt)
+              val _ = if trace then @{print} (ord_ops, prems) else (ord_ops, prems)
+              val prems_conj_thm = foldl1 (fn (x, a) => Logic_Sig.conjI OF [x, a]) prems
+                |> Conv.fconv_rule Thm.eta_conversion 
+              val prems_conj = prems_conj_thm |> Thm.prop_of
+              val (reified_prems_conj, reifytab) =
+                reify_order_conj ord_ops (Logic_Sig.dest_Trueprop prems_conj) Reifytab.empty
+              val proof = raw_order_proc reified_prems_conj
+              val assmtab = Termtab.make [(prems_conj, prems_conj_thm)]
+              val replay = replay_order_prf_trm ord_ops octxt ctxt reifytab assmtab
+            in
+              case proof of
+                NONE => no_tac
+              | SOME p => SOLVED' (resolve_tac ctxt [replay p]) 1
+            end
+     in
+      FIRST (map order_tac' part_prems)
+     end)
+  val ad_absurdum_tac = SUBGOAL (fn (A, i) =>
+      case try (Logic_Sig.dest_Trueprop o Logic.strip_assums_concl) A of
+        SOME (nt $ _) =>
+          if nt = Logic_Sig.Not
+            then resolve0_tac [Logic_Sig.notI] i
+            else resolve0_tac [Logic_Sig.ccontr] i
+      | SOME _ => resolve0_tac [Logic_Sig.ccontr] i
+      | NONE => resolve0_tac [Logic_Sig.ccontr] i)
+  fun tac raw_order_proc octxt simp_prems ctxt =
+      EVERY' [
+          ad_absurdum_tac,
+          CONVERSION Thm.eta_conversion,
+          order_tac raw_order_proc octxt simp_prems ctxt
+        ]
+functor Order_Tac(structure Base_Tac : BASE_ORDER_TAC) = struct
+  fun order_context_eq ({kind = kind1, ops = ops1, ...}, {kind = kind2, ops = ops2, ...}) =
+    kind1 = kind2 andalso eq_list (op aconv) (ops1, ops2)
+  fun order_data_eq (x, y) = order_context_eq (fst x, fst y)
+  structure Data = Generic_Data(
+    type T = (order_context * (order_context -> thm list -> Proof.context -> int -> tactic)) list
+    val empty = []
+    val extend = I
+    fun merge data = Library.merge order_data_eq data
+  )
+  fun declare (octxt as {kind = kind, raw_proc = raw_proc, ...}) lthy =
+    lthy |> Local_Theory.declaration {syntax = false, pervasive = false} (fn phi => fn context =>
+      let
+        val ops = map (Morphism.term phi) (#ops octxt)
+        val thms = map (fn (s, thm) => (s, Morphism.thm phi thm)) (#thms octxt)
+        val conv_thms = map (fn (s, thm) => (s, Morphism.thm phi thm)) (#conv_thms octxt)
+        val octxt' = {kind = kind, ops = ops, thms = thms, conv_thms = conv_thms}
+      in
+        context |> (Library.insert order_data_eq (octxt', raw_proc))
+      end)
+  fun declare_order {
+      ops = {eq = eq, le = le, lt = lt},
+      thms = {
+        trans = trans, (* x \<le> y \<Longrightarrow> y \<le> z \<Longrightarrow> x \<le> z *)
+        refl = refl, (* x \<le> x *)
+        eqD1 = eqD1, (* x = y \<Longrightarrow> x \<le> y *)
+        eqD2 = eqD2, (* x = y \<Longrightarrow> y \<le> x *)
+        antisym = antisym, (* x \<le> y \<Longrightarrow> y \<le> x \<Longrightarrow> x = y *)
+        contr = contr (* \<not> P \<Longrightarrow> P \<Longrightarrow> R *)
+      },
+      conv_thms = {
+        less_le = less_le, (* x < y \<equiv> x \<le> y \<and> x \<noteq> y *)
+        nless_le = nless_le (* \<not> a < b \<equiv> \<not> a \<le> b \<or> a = b *)
+      }
+    } =
+    declare {
+      kind = Order,
+      ops = [eq, le, lt],
+      thms = [("trans", trans), ("refl", refl), ("eqD1", eqD1), ("eqD2", eqD2),
+              ("antisym", antisym), ("contr", contr)],
+      conv_thms = [("less_le", less_le), ("nless_le", nless_le)],
+      raw_proc = Base_Tac.tac Order_Procedure.po_contr_prf
+     }                
+  fun declare_linorder {
+      ops = {eq = eq, le = le, lt = lt},
+      thms = {
+        trans = trans, (* x \<le> y \<Longrightarrow> y \<le> z \<Longrightarrow> x \<le> z *)
+        refl = refl, (* x \<le> x *)
+        eqD1 = eqD1, (* x = y \<Longrightarrow> x \<le> y *)
+        eqD2 = eqD2, (* x = y \<Longrightarrow> y \<le> x *)
+        antisym = antisym, (* x \<le> y \<Longrightarrow> y \<le> x \<Longrightarrow> x = y *)
+        contr = contr (* \<not> P \<Longrightarrow> P \<Longrightarrow> R *)
+      },
+      conv_thms = {
+        less_le = less_le, (* x < y \<equiv> x \<le> y \<and> x \<noteq> y *)
+        nless_le = nless_le, (* \<not> x < y \<equiv> y \<le> x *)
+        nle_le = nle_le (* \<not> a \<le> b \<equiv> b \<le> a \<and> b \<noteq> a *)
+      }
+    } =
+    declare {
+      kind = Linorder,
+      ops = [eq, le, lt],
+      thms = [("trans", trans), ("refl", refl), ("eqD1", eqD1), ("eqD2", eqD2),
+              ("antisym", antisym), ("contr", contr)],
+      conv_thms = [("less_le", less_le), ("nless_le", nless_le), ("nle_le", nle_le)],
+      raw_proc = Base_Tac.tac Order_Procedure.lo_contr_prf
+     }
+  (* Try to solve the goal by calling the order solver with each of the declared orders. *)      
+  fun tac simp_prems ctxt =
+    let fun app_tac (octxt, tac0) = CHANGED o tac0 octxt simp_prems ctxt
+    in FIRST' (map app_tac (Data.get (Context.Proof ctxt))) end