changeset 37766 a779f463bae4
parent 37763 38456e144423
parent 37765 26bdfb7b680b
child 37767 a2b7a20d6ea3
--- a/src/HOL/Matrix/cplex/CplexMatrixConverter.ML	Sat Jul 10 22:39:16 2010 +0200
+++ /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
@@ -1,128 +0,0 @@
-(*  Title:      HOL/Matrix/cplex/CplexMatrixConverter.ML
-    Author:     Steven Obua
-signature MATRIX_BUILDER =
-    type vector
-    type matrix
-    val empty_vector : vector
-    val empty_matrix : matrix
-    exception Nat_expected of int
-    val set_elem : vector -> int -> string -> vector
-    val set_vector : matrix -> int -> vector -> matrix
-    structure cplex : CPLEX
-    structure matrix_builder : MATRIX_BUILDER 
-    type vector = matrix_builder.vector
-    type matrix = matrix_builder.matrix
-    type naming = int * (int -> string) * (string -> int)
-    exception Converter of string
-    (* program must fulfill is_normed_cplexProg and must be an element of the image of elim_nonfree_bounds *)
-    (* convert_prog maximize c A b naming *)
-    val convert_prog : cplex.cplexProg -> bool * vector * matrix * vector * naming
-    (* results must be optimal, converts_results returns the optimal value as string and the solution as vector *)
-    (* convert_results results name2index *)
-    val convert_results : cplex.cplexResult -> (string -> int) -> string * vector
-structure cplex = cplex
-structure matrix_builder = matrix_builder
-type matrix = matrix_builder.matrix
-type vector = matrix_builder.vector
-type naming = int * (int -> string) * (string -> int)
-open matrix_builder 
-open cplex
-exception Converter of string;
-fun neg_term (cplexNeg t) = t
-  | neg_term (cplexSum ts) = cplexSum (map neg_term ts)
-  | neg_term t = cplexNeg t 
-fun convert_prog (cplexProg (s, goal, constrs, bounds)) = 
-    let        
-        fun build_naming index i2s s2i [] = (index, i2s, s2i)
-          | build_naming index i2s s2i (cplexBounds (cplexNeg cplexInf, cplexLeq, cplexVar v, cplexLeq, cplexInf)::bounds)
-            = build_naming (index+1) (Inttab.update (index, v) i2s) (Symtab.update_new (v, index) s2i) bounds
-          | build_naming _ _ _ _ = raise (Converter "nonfree bound")
-        val (varcount, i2s_tab, s2i_tab) = build_naming 0 Inttab.empty Symtab.empty bounds
-        fun i2s i = case Inttab.lookup i2s_tab i of NONE => raise (Converter "index not found")
-                                                     | SOME n => n
-        fun s2i s = case Symtab.lookup s2i_tab s of NONE => raise (Converter ("name not found: "^s))
-                                                     | SOME i => i
-        fun num2str positive (cplexNeg t) = num2str (not positive) t
-          | num2str positive (cplexNum num) = if positive then num else "-"^num                        
-          | num2str _ _ = raise (Converter "term is not a (possibly signed) number")
-        fun setprod vec positive (cplexNeg t) = setprod vec (not positive) t  
-          | setprod vec positive (cplexVar v) = set_elem vec (s2i v) (if positive then "1" else "-1")
-          | setprod vec positive (cplexProd (cplexNum num, cplexVar v)) = 
-            set_elem vec (s2i v) (if positive then num else "-"^num)
-          | setprod _ _ _ = raise (Converter "term is not a normed product")        
-        fun sum2vec (cplexSum ts) = fold (fn t => fn vec => setprod vec true t) ts empty_vector
-          | sum2vec t = setprod empty_vector true t                                                
-        fun constrs2Ab j A b [] = (A, b)
-          | constrs2Ab j A b ((_, cplexConstr (cplexLeq, (t1,t2)))::cs) = 
-            constrs2Ab (j+1) (set_vector A j (sum2vec t1)) (set_elem b j (num2str true t2)) cs
-          | constrs2Ab j A b ((_, cplexConstr (cplexGeq, (t1,t2)))::cs) = 
-            constrs2Ab (j+1) (set_vector A j (sum2vec (neg_term t1))) (set_elem b j (num2str true (neg_term t2))) cs
-          | constrs2Ab j A b ((_, cplexConstr (cplexEq, (t1,t2)))::cs) =
-            constrs2Ab j A b ((NONE, cplexConstr (cplexLeq, (t1,t2)))::
-                              (NONE, cplexConstr (cplexGeq, (t1, t2)))::cs)
-          | constrs2Ab _ _ _ _ = raise (Converter "no strict constraints allowed")
-        val (A, b) = constrs2Ab 0 empty_matrix empty_vector constrs
-        val (goal_maximize, goal_term) = 
-            case goal of
-                (cplexMaximize t) => (true, t)
-              | (cplexMinimize t) => (false, t)                                     
-    in          
-        (goal_maximize, sum2vec goal_term, A, b, (varcount, i2s, s2i))
-    end
-fun convert_results (cplex.Optimal (opt, entries)) name2index =
-    let
-        fun setv (name, value) v = matrix_builder.set_elem v (name2index name) value
-    in
-        (opt, fold setv entries (matrix_builder.empty_vector))
-    end
-  | convert_results _ _ = raise (Converter "No optimal result")
-structure SimpleMatrixBuilder : MATRIX_BUILDER = 
-type vector = (int * string) list
-type matrix = (int * vector) list
-val empty_matrix = []
-val empty_vector = []
-exception Nat_expected of int;
-fun set_elem v i s = v @ [(i, s)] 
-fun set_vector m i v = m @ [(i, v)]
-structure SimpleCplexMatrixConverter =
-  MAKE_CPLEX_MATRIX_CONVERTER(structure cplex = Cplex and matrix_builder = SimpleMatrixBuilder);