changeset 36749 a8dc19a352e6
parent 36719 d396f6f63d94
child 36801 3560de0fe851
--- a/src/HOL/Int.thy	Thu May 06 23:37:07 2010 +0200
+++ b/src/HOL/Int.thy	Fri May 07 09:51:55 2010 +0200
@@ -2173,6 +2173,25 @@
   apply (auto simp add: dvd_imp_le)
+lemma zdvd_period:
+  fixes a d :: int
+  assumes "a dvd d"
+  shows "a dvd (x + t) \<longleftrightarrow> a dvd ((x + c * d) + t)"
+proof -
+  from assms obtain k where "d = a * k" by (rule dvdE)
+  show ?thesis proof
+    assume "a dvd (x + t)"
+    then obtain l where "x + t = a * l" by (rule dvdE)
+    then have "x = a * l - t" by simp
+    with `d = a * k` show "a dvd x + c * d + t" by simp
+  next
+    assume "a dvd x + c * d + t"
+    then obtain l where "x + c * d + t = a * l" by (rule dvdE)
+    then have "x = a * l - c * d - t" by simp
+    with `d = a * k` show "a dvd (x + t)" by simp
+  qed
 subsection {* Configuration of the code generator *}