changeset 44872 a98ef45122f3
parent 41959 b460124855b8
child 47163 248376f8881d
--- a/src/HOL/Number_Theory/Cong.thy	Sat Sep 10 22:11:55 2011 +0200
+++ b/src/HOL/Number_Theory/Cong.thy	Sat Sep 10 23:27:32 2011 +0200
@@ -14,7 +14,7 @@
 The original theory "IntPrimes" was by Thomas M. Rasmussen, and
 extended gcd, lcm, primes to the integers. Amine Chaieb provided
 another extension of the notions to the integers, and added a number
-of results to "Primes" and "GCD". 
+of results to "Primes" and "GCD".
 The original theory, "IntPrimes", by Thomas M. Rasmussen, defined and
 developed the congruence relations on the integers. The notion was
@@ -29,34 +29,33 @@
 imports Primes
-subsection {* Turn off One_nat_def *}
+subsection {* Turn off @{text One_nat_def} *}
-lemma induct'_nat [case_names zero plus1, induct type: nat]: 
-    "\<lbrakk> P (0::nat); !!n. P n \<Longrightarrow> P (n + 1)\<rbrakk> \<Longrightarrow> P n"
-by (erule nat_induct) (simp add:One_nat_def)
+lemma induct'_nat [case_names zero plus1, induct type: nat]:
+    "P (0::nat) \<Longrightarrow> (\<And>n. P n \<Longrightarrow> P (n + 1)) \<Longrightarrow> P n"
+  by (induct n) (simp_all add: One_nat_def)
-lemma cases_nat [case_names zero plus1, cases type: nat]: 
-    "P (0::nat) \<Longrightarrow> (!!n. P (n + 1)) \<Longrightarrow> P n"
-by(metis induct'_nat)
+lemma cases_nat [case_names zero plus1, cases type: nat]:
+    "P (0::nat) \<Longrightarrow> (\<And>n. P (n + 1)) \<Longrightarrow> P n"
+  by (rule induct'_nat)
 lemma power_plus_one [simp]: "(x::'a::power)^(n + 1) = x * x^n"
-by (simp add: One_nat_def)
+  by (simp add: One_nat_def)
-lemma power_eq_one_eq_nat [simp]: 
-  "((x::nat)^m = 1) = (m = 0 | x = 1)"
-by (induct m, auto)
+lemma power_eq_one_eq_nat [simp]: "((x::nat)^m = 1) = (m = 0 | x = 1)"
+  by (induct m) auto
 lemma card_insert_if' [simp]: "finite A \<Longrightarrow>
-  card (insert x A) = (if x \<in> A then (card A) else (card A) + 1)"
-by (auto simp add: insert_absorb)
+    card (insert x A) = (if x \<in> A then (card A) else (card A) + 1)"
+  by (auto simp add: insert_absorb)
 lemma nat_1' [simp]: "nat 1 = 1"
-by simp
+  by simp
 (* For those annoying moments where Suc reappears, use Suc_eq_plus1 *)
 declare nat_1 [simp del]
-declare add_2_eq_Suc [simp del] 
+declare add_2_eq_Suc [simp del]
 declare add_2_eq_Suc' [simp del]
@@ -66,31 +65,23 @@
 subsection {* Main definitions *}
 class cong =
-  cong :: "'a \<Rightarrow> 'a \<Rightarrow> 'a \<Rightarrow> bool" ("(1[_ = _] '(mod _'))")
+  fixes cong :: "'a \<Rightarrow> 'a \<Rightarrow> 'a \<Rightarrow> bool" ("(1[_ = _] '(mod _'))")
-  notcong :: "'a \<Rightarrow> 'a \<Rightarrow> 'a \<Rightarrow> bool" ("(1[_ \<noteq> _] '(mod _'))")
-  "notcong x y m == (~cong x y m)" 
+abbreviation notcong :: "'a \<Rightarrow> 'a \<Rightarrow> 'a \<Rightarrow> bool"  ("(1[_ \<noteq> _] '(mod _'))")
+  where "notcong x y m \<equiv> \<not> cong x y m"
 (* definitions for the natural numbers *)
 instantiation nat :: cong
-  cong_nat :: "nat \<Rightarrow> nat \<Rightarrow> nat \<Rightarrow> bool"
-  "cong_nat x y m = ((x mod m) = (y mod m))"
+definition cong_nat :: "nat \<Rightarrow> nat \<Rightarrow> nat \<Rightarrow> bool"
+  where "cong_nat x y m = ((x mod m) = (y mod m))"
-instance proof qed
+instance ..
@@ -98,15 +89,12 @@
 (* definitions for the integers *)
 instantiation int :: cong
-  cong_int :: "int \<Rightarrow> int \<Rightarrow> int \<Rightarrow> bool"
-  "cong_int x y m = ((x mod m) = (y mod m))"
+definition cong_int :: "int \<Rightarrow> int \<Rightarrow> int \<Rightarrow> bool"
+  where "cong_int x y m = ((x mod m) = (y mod m))"
-instance proof qed
+instance ..
@@ -115,25 +103,25 @@
 lemma transfer_nat_int_cong:
-  "(x::int) >= 0 \<Longrightarrow> y >= 0 \<Longrightarrow> m >= 0 \<Longrightarrow> 
+  "(x::int) >= 0 \<Longrightarrow> y >= 0 \<Longrightarrow> m >= 0 \<Longrightarrow>
     ([(nat x) = (nat y)] (mod (nat m))) = ([x = y] (mod m))"
-  unfolding cong_int_def cong_nat_def 
+  unfolding cong_int_def cong_nat_def
   apply (auto simp add: nat_mod_distrib [symmetric])
   apply (subst (asm) eq_nat_nat_iff)
-  apply (case_tac "m = 0", force, rule pos_mod_sign, force)+
+  apply (cases "m = 0", force, rule pos_mod_sign, force)+
   apply assumption
+  done
-declare transfer_morphism_nat_int[transfer add return: 
+declare transfer_morphism_nat_int[transfer add return:
 lemma transfer_int_nat_cong:
   "[(int x) = (int y)] (mod (int m)) = [x = y] (mod m)"
   apply (auto simp add: cong_int_def cong_nat_def)
   apply (auto simp add: zmod_int [symmetric])
+  done
-declare transfer_morphism_int_nat[transfer add return: 
+declare transfer_morphism_int_nat[transfer add return:
@@ -141,52 +129,52 @@
 (* was zcong_0, etc. *)
 lemma cong_0_nat [simp, presburger]: "([(a::nat) = b] (mod 0)) = (a = b)"
-  by (unfold cong_nat_def, auto)
+  unfolding cong_nat_def by auto
 lemma cong_0_int [simp, presburger]: "([(a::int) = b] (mod 0)) = (a = b)"
-  by (unfold cong_int_def, auto)
+  unfolding cong_int_def by auto
 lemma cong_1_nat [simp, presburger]: "[(a::nat) = b] (mod 1)"
-  by (unfold cong_nat_def, auto)
+  unfolding cong_nat_def by auto
 lemma cong_Suc_0_nat [simp, presburger]: "[(a::nat) = b] (mod Suc 0)"
-  by (unfold cong_nat_def, auto simp add: One_nat_def)
+  unfolding cong_nat_def by (auto simp add: One_nat_def)
 lemma cong_1_int [simp, presburger]: "[(a::int) = b] (mod 1)"
-  by (unfold cong_int_def, auto)
+  unfolding cong_int_def by auto
 lemma cong_refl_nat [simp]: "[(k::nat) = k] (mod m)"
-  by (unfold cong_nat_def, auto)
+  unfolding cong_nat_def by auto
 lemma cong_refl_int [simp]: "[(k::int) = k] (mod m)"
-  by (unfold cong_int_def, auto)
+  unfolding cong_int_def by auto
 lemma cong_sym_nat: "[(a::nat) = b] (mod m) \<Longrightarrow> [b = a] (mod m)"
-  by (unfold cong_nat_def, auto)
+  unfolding cong_nat_def by auto
 lemma cong_sym_int: "[(a::int) = b] (mod m) \<Longrightarrow> [b = a] (mod m)"
-  by (unfold cong_int_def, auto)
+  unfolding cong_int_def by auto
 lemma cong_sym_eq_nat: "[(a::nat) = b] (mod m) = [b = a] (mod m)"
-  by (unfold cong_nat_def, auto)
+  unfolding cong_nat_def by auto
 lemma cong_sym_eq_int: "[(a::int) = b] (mod m) = [b = a] (mod m)"
-  by (unfold cong_int_def, auto)
+  unfolding cong_int_def by auto
 lemma cong_trans_nat [trans]:
     "[(a::nat) = b] (mod m) \<Longrightarrow> [b = c] (mod m) \<Longrightarrow> [a = c] (mod m)"
-  by (unfold cong_nat_def, auto)
+  unfolding cong_nat_def by auto
 lemma cong_trans_int [trans]:
     "[(a::int) = b] (mod m) \<Longrightarrow> [b = c] (mod m) \<Longrightarrow> [a = c] (mod m)"
-  by (unfold cong_int_def, auto)
+  unfolding cong_int_def by auto
 lemma cong_add_nat:
     "[(a::nat) = b] (mod m) \<Longrightarrow> [c = d] (mod m) \<Longrightarrow> [a + c = b + d] (mod m)"
   apply (unfold cong_nat_def)
   apply (subst (1 2) mod_add_eq)
   apply simp
+  done
 lemma cong_add_int:
     "[(a::int) = b] (mod m) \<Longrightarrow> [c = d] (mod m) \<Longrightarrow> [a + c = b + d] (mod m)"
@@ -194,21 +182,21 @@
   apply (subst (1 2) mod_add_left_eq)
   apply (subst (1 2) mod_add_right_eq)
   apply simp
+  done
 lemma cong_diff_int:
     "[(a::int) = b] (mod m) \<Longrightarrow> [c = d] (mod m) \<Longrightarrow> [a - c = b - d] (mod m)"
   apply (unfold cong_int_def)
   apply (subst (1 2) mod_diff_eq)
   apply simp
+  done
 lemma cong_diff_aux_int:
-  "(a::int) >= c \<Longrightarrow> b >= d \<Longrightarrow> [(a::int) = b] (mod m) \<Longrightarrow> 
+  "(a::int) >= c \<Longrightarrow> b >= d \<Longrightarrow> [(a::int) = b] (mod m) \<Longrightarrow>
       [c = d] (mod m) \<Longrightarrow> [tsub a c = tsub b d] (mod m)"
   apply (subst (1 2) tsub_eq)
   apply (auto intro: cong_diff_int)
+  done
 lemma cong_diff_nat:
   assumes "(a::nat) >= c" and "b >= d" and "[a = b] (mod m)" and
@@ -221,7 +209,7 @@
   apply (unfold cong_nat_def)
   apply (subst (1 2) mod_mult_eq)
   apply simp
+  done
 lemma cong_mult_int:
     "[(a::int) = b] (mod m) \<Longrightarrow> [c = d] (mod m) \<Longrightarrow> [a * c = b * d] (mod m)"
@@ -230,73 +218,69 @@
   apply (subst (1 2) mult_commute)
   apply (subst (1 2) zmod_zmult1_eq)
   apply simp
-lemma cong_exp_nat: "[(x::nat) = y] (mod n) \<Longrightarrow> [x^k = y^k] (mod n)"
-  apply (induct k)
-  apply (auto simp add: cong_mult_nat)
-  done
-lemma cong_exp_int: "[(x::int) = y] (mod n) \<Longrightarrow> [x^k = y^k] (mod n)"
-  apply (induct k)
-  apply (auto simp add: cong_mult_int)
-lemma cong_setsum_nat [rule_format]: 
-    "(ALL x: A. [((f x)::nat) = g x] (mod m)) \<longrightarrow> 
+lemma cong_exp_nat: "[(x::nat) = y] (mod n) \<Longrightarrow> [x^k = y^k] (mod n)"
+  by (induct k) (auto simp add: cong_mult_nat)
+lemma cong_exp_int: "[(x::int) = y] (mod n) \<Longrightarrow> [x^k = y^k] (mod n)"
+  by (induct k) (auto simp add: cong_mult_int)
+lemma cong_setsum_nat [rule_format]:
+    "(ALL x: A. [((f x)::nat) = g x] (mod m)) \<longrightarrow>
       [(SUM x:A. f x) = (SUM x:A. g x)] (mod m)"
-  apply (case_tac "finite A")
+  apply (cases "finite A")
   apply (induct set: finite)
   apply (auto intro: cong_add_nat)
+  done
 lemma cong_setsum_int [rule_format]:
-    "(ALL x: A. [((f x)::int) = g x] (mod m)) \<longrightarrow> 
+    "(ALL x: A. [((f x)::int) = g x] (mod m)) \<longrightarrow>
       [(SUM x:A. f x) = (SUM x:A. g x)] (mod m)"
-  apply (case_tac "finite A")
+  apply (cases "finite A")
   apply (induct set: finite)
   apply (auto intro: cong_add_int)
+  done
-lemma cong_setprod_nat [rule_format]: 
-    "(ALL x: A. [((f x)::nat) = g x] (mod m)) \<longrightarrow> 
+lemma cong_setprod_nat [rule_format]:
+    "(ALL x: A. [((f x)::nat) = g x] (mod m)) \<longrightarrow>
       [(PROD x:A. f x) = (PROD x:A. g x)] (mod m)"
-  apply (case_tac "finite A")
+  apply (cases "finite A")
   apply (induct set: finite)
   apply (auto intro: cong_mult_nat)
+  done
-lemma cong_setprod_int [rule_format]: 
-    "(ALL x: A. [((f x)::int) = g x] (mod m)) \<longrightarrow> 
+lemma cong_setprod_int [rule_format]:
+    "(ALL x: A. [((f x)::int) = g x] (mod m)) \<longrightarrow>
       [(PROD x:A. f x) = (PROD x:A. g x)] (mod m)"
-  apply (case_tac "finite A")
+  apply (cases "finite A")
   apply (induct set: finite)
   apply (auto intro: cong_mult_int)
+  done
 lemma cong_scalar_nat: "[(a::nat)= b] (mod m) \<Longrightarrow> [a * k = b * k] (mod m)"
-  by (rule cong_mult_nat, simp_all)
+  by (rule cong_mult_nat) simp_all
 lemma cong_scalar_int: "[(a::int)= b] (mod m) \<Longrightarrow> [a * k = b * k] (mod m)"
-  by (rule cong_mult_int, simp_all)
+  by (rule cong_mult_int) simp_all
 lemma cong_scalar2_nat: "[(a::nat)= b] (mod m) \<Longrightarrow> [k * a = k * b] (mod m)"
-  by (rule cong_mult_nat, simp_all)
+  by (rule cong_mult_nat) simp_all
 lemma cong_scalar2_int: "[(a::int)= b] (mod m) \<Longrightarrow> [k * a = k * b] (mod m)"
-  by (rule cong_mult_int, simp_all)
+  by (rule cong_mult_int) simp_all
 lemma cong_mult_self_nat: "[(a::nat) * m = 0] (mod m)"
-  by (unfold cong_nat_def, auto)
+  unfolding cong_nat_def by auto
 lemma cong_mult_self_int: "[(a::int) * m = 0] (mod m)"
-  by (unfold cong_int_def, auto)
+  unfolding cong_int_def by auto
 lemma cong_eq_diff_cong_0_int: "[(a::int) = b] (mod m) = [a - b = 0] (mod m)"
   apply (rule iffI)
   apply (erule cong_diff_int [of a b m b b, simplified])
   apply (erule cong_add_int [of "a - b" 0 m b b, simplified])
+  done
 lemma cong_eq_diff_cong_0_aux_int: "a >= b \<Longrightarrow>
     [(a::int) = b] (mod m) = [tsub a b = 0] (mod m)"
@@ -307,29 +291,29 @@
   shows "[a = b] (mod m) = [a - b = 0] (mod m)"
   using assms by (rule cong_eq_diff_cong_0_aux_int [transferred])
-lemma cong_diff_cong_0'_nat: 
-  "[(x::nat) = y] (mod n) \<longleftrightarrow> 
+lemma cong_diff_cong_0'_nat:
+  "[(x::nat) = y] (mod n) \<longleftrightarrow>
     (if x <= y then [y - x = 0] (mod n) else [x - y = 0] (mod n))"
-  apply (case_tac "y <= x")
+  apply (cases "y <= x")
   apply (frule cong_eq_diff_cong_0_nat [where m = n])
   apply auto [1]
   apply (subgoal_tac "x <= y")
   apply (frule cong_eq_diff_cong_0_nat [where m = n])
   apply (subst cong_sym_eq_nat)
   apply auto
+  done
 lemma cong_altdef_nat: "(a::nat) >= b \<Longrightarrow> [a = b] (mod m) = (m dvd (a - b))"
   apply (subst cong_eq_diff_cong_0_nat, assumption)
   apply (unfold cong_nat_def)
   apply (simp add: dvd_eq_mod_eq_0 [symmetric])
+  done
 lemma cong_altdef_int: "[(a::int) = b] (mod m) = (m dvd (a - b))"
   apply (subst cong_eq_diff_cong_0_int)
   apply (unfold cong_int_def)
   apply (simp add: dvd_eq_mod_eq_0 [symmetric])
+  done
 lemma cong_abs_int: "[(x::int) = y] (mod abs m) = [x = y] (mod m)"
   by (simp add: cong_altdef_int)
@@ -342,29 +326,29 @@
   (* any way around this? *)
   apply (subgoal_tac "a * a - 1 = (a - 1) * (a - -1)")
   apply (auto simp add: field_simps)
+  done
 lemma cong_mult_rcancel_int:
-  "coprime k (m::int) \<Longrightarrow> [a * k = b * k] (mod m) = [a = b] (mod m)"
+    "coprime k (m::int) \<Longrightarrow> [a * k = b * k] (mod m) = [a = b] (mod m)"
   apply (subst (1 2) cong_altdef_int)
   apply (subst left_diff_distrib [symmetric])
   apply (rule coprime_dvd_mult_iff_int)
   apply (subst gcd_commute_int, assumption)
+  done
 lemma cong_mult_rcancel_nat:
   assumes  "coprime k (m::nat)"
   shows "[a * k = b * k] (mod m) = [a = b] (mod m)"
   apply (rule cong_mult_rcancel_int [transferred])
   using assms apply auto
+  done
 lemma cong_mult_lcancel_nat:
-  "coprime k (m::nat) \<Longrightarrow> [k * a = k * b ] (mod m) = [a = b] (mod m)"
+    "coprime k (m::nat) \<Longrightarrow> [k * a = k * b ] (mod m) = [a = b] (mod m)"
   by (simp add: mult_commute cong_mult_rcancel_nat)
 lemma cong_mult_lcancel_int:
-  "coprime k (m::int) \<Longrightarrow> [k * a = k * b] (mod m) = [a = b] (mod m)"
+    "coprime k (m::int) \<Longrightarrow> [k * a = k * b] (mod m) = [a = b] (mod m)"
   by (simp add: mult_commute cong_mult_rcancel_int)
 (* was zcong_zgcd_zmult_zmod *)
@@ -395,7 +379,7 @@
   apply auto
   apply (rule_tac x = "a mod m" in exI)
   apply (unfold cong_nat_def, auto)
+  done
 lemma cong_less_unique_int:
     "0 < (m::int) \<Longrightarrow> (\<exists>!b. 0 \<le> b \<and> b < m \<and> [a = b] (mod m))"
@@ -407,12 +391,12 @@
 lemma cong_iff_lin_int: "([(a::int) = b] (mod m)) = (\<exists>k. b = a + m * k)"
   apply (auto simp add: cong_altdef_int dvd_def field_simps)
   apply (rule_tac [!] x = "-k" in exI, auto)
+  done
-lemma cong_iff_lin_nat: "([(a::nat) = b] (mod m)) = 
+lemma cong_iff_lin_nat: "([(a::nat) = b] (mod m)) =
     (\<exists>k1 k2. b + k1 * m = a + k2 * m)"
   apply (rule iffI)
-  apply (case_tac "b <= a")
+  apply (cases "b <= a")
   apply (subst (asm) cong_altdef_nat, assumption)
   apply (unfold dvd_def, auto)
   apply (rule_tac x = k in exI)
@@ -430,42 +414,40 @@
   apply (erule ssubst)back
   apply (erule subst)
   apply auto
+  done
 lemma cong_gcd_eq_int: "[(a::int) = b] (mod m) \<Longrightarrow> gcd a m = gcd b m"
   apply (subst (asm) cong_iff_lin_int, auto)
-  apply (subst add_commute) 
+  apply (subst add_commute)
   apply (subst (2) gcd_commute_int)
   apply (subst mult_commute)
   apply (subst gcd_add_mult_int)
   apply (rule gcd_commute_int)
-lemma cong_gcd_eq_nat: 
+lemma cong_gcd_eq_nat:
   assumes "[(a::nat) = b] (mod m)"
   shows "gcd a m = gcd b m"
   apply (rule cong_gcd_eq_int [transferred])
   using assms apply auto
-lemma cong_imp_coprime_nat: "[(a::nat) = b] (mod m) \<Longrightarrow> coprime a m \<Longrightarrow> 
-    coprime b m"
+lemma cong_imp_coprime_nat: "[(a::nat) = b] (mod m) \<Longrightarrow> coprime a m \<Longrightarrow> coprime b m"
   by (auto simp add: cong_gcd_eq_nat)
-lemma cong_imp_coprime_int: "[(a::int) = b] (mod m) \<Longrightarrow> coprime a m \<Longrightarrow> 
-    coprime b m"
+lemma cong_imp_coprime_int: "[(a::int) = b] (mod m) \<Longrightarrow> coprime a m \<Longrightarrow> coprime b m"
   by (auto simp add: cong_gcd_eq_int)
-lemma cong_cong_mod_nat: "[(a::nat) = b] (mod m) = 
-    [a mod m = b mod m] (mod m)"
+lemma cong_cong_mod_nat: "[(a::nat) = b] (mod m) = [a mod m = b mod m] (mod m)"
   by (auto simp add: cong_nat_def)
-lemma cong_cong_mod_int: "[(a::int) = b] (mod m) = 
-    [a mod m = b mod m] (mod m)"
+lemma cong_cong_mod_int: "[(a::int) = b] (mod m) = [a mod m = b mod m] (mod m)"
   by (auto simp add: cong_int_def)
 lemma cong_minus_int [iff]: "[(a::int) = b] (mod -m) = [a = b] (mod m)"
-  by (subst (1 2) cong_altdef_int, auto)
+  apply (subst (1 2) cong_altdef_int)
+  apply auto
+  done
 lemma cong_zero_nat: "[(a::nat) = b] (mod 0) = (a = b)"
   by auto
@@ -479,7 +461,7 @@
   apply (unfold dvd_def, auto)
   apply (rule mod_mod_cancel)
   apply auto
+  done
 lemma mod_dvd_mod:
   assumes "0 < (m::nat)" and "m dvd b"
@@ -490,12 +472,12 @@
-lemma cong_add_lcancel_nat: 
-    "[(a::nat) + x = a + y] (mod n) \<longleftrightarrow> [x = y] (mod n)" 
+lemma cong_add_lcancel_nat:
+    "[(a::nat) + x = a + y] (mod n) \<longleftrightarrow> [x = y] (mod n)"
   by (simp add: cong_iff_lin_nat)
-lemma cong_add_lcancel_int: 
-    "[(a::int) + x = a + y] (mod n) \<longleftrightarrow> [x = y] (mod n)" 
+lemma cong_add_lcancel_int:
+    "[(a::int) + x = a + y] (mod n) \<longleftrightarrow> [x = y] (mod n)"
   by (simp add: cong_iff_lin_int)
 lemma cong_add_rcancel_nat: "[(x::nat) + a = y + a] (mod n) \<longleftrightarrow> [x = y] (mod n)"
@@ -504,43 +486,42 @@
 lemma cong_add_rcancel_int: "[(x::int) + a = y + a] (mod n) \<longleftrightarrow> [x = y] (mod n)"
   by (simp add: cong_iff_lin_int)
-lemma cong_add_lcancel_0_nat: "[(a::nat) + x = a] (mod n) \<longleftrightarrow> [x = 0] (mod n)" 
+lemma cong_add_lcancel_0_nat: "[(a::nat) + x = a] (mod n) \<longleftrightarrow> [x = 0] (mod n)"
   by (simp add: cong_iff_lin_nat)
-lemma cong_add_lcancel_0_int: "[(a::int) + x = a] (mod n) \<longleftrightarrow> [x = 0] (mod n)" 
+lemma cong_add_lcancel_0_int: "[(a::int) + x = a] (mod n) \<longleftrightarrow> [x = 0] (mod n)"
   by (simp add: cong_iff_lin_int)
-lemma cong_add_rcancel_0_nat: "[x + (a::nat) = a] (mod n) \<longleftrightarrow> [x = 0] (mod n)" 
+lemma cong_add_rcancel_0_nat: "[x + (a::nat) = a] (mod n) \<longleftrightarrow> [x = 0] (mod n)"
   by (simp add: cong_iff_lin_nat)
-lemma cong_add_rcancel_0_int: "[x + (a::int) = a] (mod n) \<longleftrightarrow> [x = 0] (mod n)" 
+lemma cong_add_rcancel_0_int: "[x + (a::int) = a] (mod n) \<longleftrightarrow> [x = 0] (mod n)"
   by (simp add: cong_iff_lin_int)
-lemma cong_dvd_modulus_nat: "[(x::nat) = y] (mod m) \<Longrightarrow> n dvd m \<Longrightarrow> 
+lemma cong_dvd_modulus_nat: "[(x::nat) = y] (mod m) \<Longrightarrow> n dvd m \<Longrightarrow>
     [x = y] (mod n)"
   apply (auto simp add: cong_iff_lin_nat dvd_def)
   apply (rule_tac x="k1 * k" in exI)
   apply (rule_tac x="k2 * k" in exI)
   apply (simp add: field_simps)
+  done
-lemma cong_dvd_modulus_int: "[(x::int) = y] (mod m) \<Longrightarrow> n dvd m \<Longrightarrow> 
-    [x = y] (mod n)"
+lemma cong_dvd_modulus_int: "[(x::int) = y] (mod m) \<Longrightarrow> n dvd m \<Longrightarrow> [x = y] (mod n)"
   by (auto simp add: cong_altdef_int dvd_def)
 lemma cong_dvd_eq_nat: "[(x::nat) = y] (mod n) \<Longrightarrow> n dvd x \<longleftrightarrow> n dvd y"
-  by (unfold cong_nat_def, auto simp add: dvd_eq_mod_eq_0)
+  unfolding cong_nat_def by (auto simp add: dvd_eq_mod_eq_0)
 lemma cong_dvd_eq_int: "[(x::int) = y] (mod n) \<Longrightarrow> n dvd x \<longleftrightarrow> n dvd y"
-  by (unfold cong_int_def, auto simp add: dvd_eq_mod_eq_0)
+  unfolding cong_int_def by (auto simp add: dvd_eq_mod_eq_0)
-lemma cong_mod_nat: "(n::nat) ~= 0 \<Longrightarrow> [a mod n = a] (mod n)" 
+lemma cong_mod_nat: "(n::nat) ~= 0 \<Longrightarrow> [a mod n = a] (mod n)"
   by (simp add: cong_nat_def)
-lemma cong_mod_int: "(n::int) ~= 0 \<Longrightarrow> [a mod n = a] (mod n)" 
+lemma cong_mod_int: "(n::int) ~= 0 \<Longrightarrow> [a mod n = a] (mod n)"
   by (simp add: cong_int_def)
-lemma mod_mult_cong_nat: "(a::nat) ~= 0 \<Longrightarrow> b ~= 0 
+lemma mod_mult_cong_nat: "(a::nat) ~= 0 \<Longrightarrow> b ~= 0
     \<Longrightarrow> [x mod (a * b) = y] (mod a) \<longleftrightarrow> [x = y] (mod a)"
   by (simp add: cong_nat_def mod_mult2_eq  mod_add_left_eq)
@@ -548,43 +529,43 @@
   apply (simp add: cong_altdef_int)
   apply (subst dvd_minus_iff [symmetric])
   apply (simp add: field_simps)
+  done
 lemma cong_modulus_neg_int: "([(a::int) = b] (mod m)) = ([a = b] (mod -m))"
   by (auto simp add: cong_altdef_int)
-lemma mod_mult_cong_int: "(a::int) ~= 0 \<Longrightarrow> b ~= 0 
+lemma mod_mult_cong_int: "(a::int) ~= 0 \<Longrightarrow> b ~= 0
     \<Longrightarrow> [x mod (a * b) = y] (mod a) \<longleftrightarrow> [x = y] (mod a)"
-  apply (case_tac "b > 0")
+  apply (cases "b > 0")
   apply (simp add: cong_int_def mod_mod_cancel mod_add_left_eq)
   apply (subst (1 2) cong_modulus_neg_int)
   apply (unfold cong_int_def)
   apply (subgoal_tac "a * b = (-a * -b)")
   apply (erule ssubst)
   apply (subst zmod_zmult2_eq)
-  apply (auto simp add: mod_add_left_eq) 
+  apply (auto simp add: mod_add_left_eq)
+  done
 lemma cong_to_1_nat: "([(a::nat) = 1] (mod n)) \<Longrightarrow> (n dvd (a - 1))"
-  apply (case_tac "a = 0")
+  apply (cases "a = 0")
   apply force
   apply (subst (asm) cong_altdef_nat)
   apply auto
+  done
 lemma cong_0_1_nat: "[(0::nat) = 1] (mod n) = (n = 1)"
-  by (unfold cong_nat_def, auto)
+  unfolding cong_nat_def by auto
 lemma cong_0_1_int: "[(0::int) = 1] (mod n) = ((n = 1) | (n = -1))"
-  by (unfold cong_int_def, auto simp add: zmult_eq_1_iff)
+  unfolding cong_int_def by (auto simp add: zmult_eq_1_iff)
-lemma cong_to_1'_nat: "[(a::nat) = 1] (mod n) \<longleftrightarrow> 
+lemma cong_to_1'_nat: "[(a::nat) = 1] (mod n) \<longleftrightarrow>
     a = 0 \<and> n = 1 \<or> (\<exists>m. a = 1 + m * n)"
-  apply (case_tac "n = 1")
+  apply (cases "n = 1")
   apply auto [1]
   apply (drule_tac x = "a - 1" in spec)
   apply force
-  apply (case_tac "a = 0")
+  apply (cases "a = 0")
   apply (auto simp add: cong_0_1_nat) [1]
   apply (rule iffI)
   apply (drule cong_to_1_nat)
@@ -594,7 +575,7 @@
   apply (auto simp add: field_simps) [1]
   apply (subst cong_altdef_nat)
   apply (auto simp add: dvd_def)
+  done
 lemma cong_le_nat: "(y::nat) <= x \<Longrightarrow> [x = y] (mod n) \<longleftrightarrow> (\<exists>q. x = q * n + y)"
   apply (subst cong_altdef_nat)
@@ -602,10 +583,10 @@
   apply (unfold dvd_def, auto simp add: field_simps)
   apply (rule_tac x = k in exI)
   apply auto
+  done
 lemma cong_solve_nat: "(a::nat) \<noteq> 0 \<Longrightarrow> EX x. [a * x = gcd a n] (mod n)"
-  apply (case_tac "n = 0")
+  apply (cases "n = 0")
   apply force
   apply (frule bezout_nat [of a n], auto)
   apply (rule exI, erule ssubst)
@@ -617,11 +598,11 @@
   apply simp
   apply (rule cong_refl_nat)
   apply (rule cong_refl_nat)
+  done
 lemma cong_solve_int: "(a::int) \<noteq> 0 \<Longrightarrow> EX x. [a * x = gcd a n] (mod n)"
-  apply (case_tac "n = 0")
-  apply (case_tac "a \<ge> 0")
+  apply (cases "n = 0")
+  apply (cases "a \<ge> 0")
   apply auto
   apply (rule_tac x = "-1" in exI)
   apply auto
@@ -637,16 +618,15 @@
   apply simp
   apply (subst mult_commute)
   apply (rule cong_refl_int)
-lemma cong_solve_dvd_nat: 
+  done
+lemma cong_solve_dvd_nat:
   assumes a: "(a::nat) \<noteq> 0" and b: "gcd a n dvd d"
   shows "EX x. [a * x = d] (mod n)"
 proof -
-  from cong_solve_nat [OF a] obtain x where 
-      "[a * x = gcd a n](mod n)"
+  from cong_solve_nat [OF a] obtain x where "[a * x = gcd a n](mod n)"
     by auto
-  hence "[(d div gcd a n) * (a * x) = (d div gcd a n) * gcd a n] (mod n)" 
+  then have "[(d div gcd a n) * (a * x) = (d div gcd a n) * gcd a n] (mod n)"
     by (elim cong_scalar2_nat)
   also from b have "(d div gcd a n) * gcd a n = d"
     by (rule dvd_div_mult_self)
@@ -656,14 +636,13 @@
     by auto
-lemma cong_solve_dvd_int: 
+lemma cong_solve_dvd_int:
   assumes a: "(a::int) \<noteq> 0" and b: "gcd a n dvd d"
   shows "EX x. [a * x = d] (mod n)"
 proof -
-  from cong_solve_int [OF a] obtain x where 
-      "[a * x = gcd a n](mod n)"
+  from cong_solve_int [OF a] obtain x where "[a * x = gcd a n](mod n)"
     by auto
-  hence "[(d div gcd a n) * (a * x) = (d div gcd a n) * gcd a n] (mod n)" 
+  then have "[(d div gcd a n) * (a * x) = (d div gcd a n) * gcd a n] (mod n)"
     by (elim cong_scalar2_int)
   also from b have "(d div gcd a n) * gcd a n = d"
     by (rule dvd_div_mult_self)
@@ -673,56 +652,52 @@
     by auto
-lemma cong_solve_coprime_nat: "coprime (a::nat) n \<Longrightarrow> 
-    EX x. [a * x = 1] (mod n)"
-  apply (case_tac "a = 0")
+lemma cong_solve_coprime_nat: "coprime (a::nat) n \<Longrightarrow> EX x. [a * x = 1] (mod n)"
+  apply (cases "a = 0")
   apply force
   apply (frule cong_solve_nat [of a n])
   apply auto
+  done
-lemma cong_solve_coprime_int: "coprime (a::int) n \<Longrightarrow> 
-    EX x. [a * x = 1] (mod n)"
-  apply (case_tac "a = 0")
+lemma cong_solve_coprime_int: "coprime (a::int) n \<Longrightarrow> EX x. [a * x = 1] (mod n)"
+  apply (cases "a = 0")
   apply auto
-  apply (case_tac "n \<ge> 0")
+  apply (cases "n \<ge> 0")
   apply auto
   apply (subst cong_int_def, auto)
   apply (frule cong_solve_int [of a n])
   apply auto
+  done
-lemma coprime_iff_invertible_nat: "m > (1::nat) \<Longrightarrow> coprime a m = 
-    (EX x. [a * x = 1] (mod m))"
+lemma coprime_iff_invertible_nat: "m > (1::nat) \<Longrightarrow> coprime a m = (EX x. [a * x = 1] (mod m))"
   apply (auto intro: cong_solve_coprime_nat)
   apply (unfold cong_nat_def, auto intro: invertible_coprime_nat)
+  done
-lemma coprime_iff_invertible_int: "m > (1::int) \<Longrightarrow> coprime a m = 
-    (EX x. [a * x = 1] (mod m))"
+lemma coprime_iff_invertible_int: "m > (1::int) \<Longrightarrow> coprime a m = (EX x. [a * x = 1] (mod m))"
   apply (auto intro: cong_solve_coprime_int)
   apply (unfold cong_int_def)
   apply (auto intro: invertible_coprime_int)
+  done
-lemma coprime_iff_invertible'_int: "m > (1::int) \<Longrightarrow> coprime a m = 
+lemma coprime_iff_invertible'_int: "m > (1::int) \<Longrightarrow> coprime a m =
     (EX x. 0 <= x & x < m & [a * x = 1] (mod m))"
   apply (subst coprime_iff_invertible_int)
   apply auto
   apply (auto simp add: cong_int_def)
   apply (rule_tac x = "x mod m" in exI)
   apply (auto simp add: mod_mult_right_eq [symmetric])
+  done
 lemma cong_cong_lcm_nat: "[(x::nat) = y] (mod a) \<Longrightarrow>
     [x = y] (mod b) \<Longrightarrow> [x = y] (mod lcm a b)"
-  apply (case_tac "y \<le> x")
+  apply (cases "y \<le> x")
   apply (auto simp add: cong_altdef_nat lcm_least_nat) [1]
   apply (rule cong_sym_nat)
   apply (subst (asm) (1 2) cong_sym_eq_nat)
   apply (auto simp add: cong_altdef_nat lcm_least_nat)
+  done
 lemma cong_cong_lcm_int: "[(x::int) = y] (mod a) \<Longrightarrow>
     [x = y] (mod b) \<Longrightarrow> [x = y] (mod lcm a b)"
@@ -730,15 +705,17 @@
 lemma cong_cong_coprime_nat: "coprime a b \<Longrightarrow> [(x::nat) = y] (mod a) \<Longrightarrow>
     [x = y] (mod b) \<Longrightarrow> [x = y] (mod a * b)"
-  apply (frule (1) cong_cong_lcm_nat)back
+  apply (frule (1) cong_cong_lcm_nat)
+  back
   apply (simp add: lcm_nat_def)
+  done
 lemma cong_cong_coprime_int: "coprime a b \<Longrightarrow> [(x::int) = y] (mod a) \<Longrightarrow>
     [x = y] (mod b) \<Longrightarrow> [x = y] (mod a * b)"
-  apply (frule (1) cong_cong_lcm_int)back
+  apply (frule (1) cong_cong_lcm_int)
+  back
   apply (simp add: lcm_altdef_int cong_abs_int abs_mult [symmetric])
+  done
 lemma cong_cong_setprod_coprime_nat [rule_format]: "finite A \<Longrightarrow>
     (ALL i:A. (ALL j:A. i \<noteq> j \<longrightarrow> coprime (m i) (m j))) \<longrightarrow>
@@ -750,7 +727,7 @@
   apply (subst gcd_commute_nat)
   apply (rule setprod_coprime_nat)
   apply auto
+  done
 lemma cong_cong_setprod_coprime_int [rule_format]: "finite A \<Longrightarrow>
     (ALL i:A. (ALL j:A. i \<noteq> j \<longrightarrow> coprime (m i) (m j))) \<longrightarrow>
@@ -762,20 +739,18 @@
   apply (subst gcd_commute_int)
   apply (rule setprod_coprime_int)
   apply auto
+  done
-lemma binary_chinese_remainder_aux_nat: 
+lemma binary_chinese_remainder_aux_nat:
   assumes a: "coprime (m1::nat) m2"
   shows "EX b1 b2. [b1 = 1] (mod m1) \<and> [b1 = 0] (mod m2) \<and>
     [b2 = 0] (mod m1) \<and> [b2 = 1] (mod m2)"
 proof -
-  from cong_solve_coprime_nat [OF a]
-      obtain x1 where one: "[m1 * x1 = 1] (mod m2)"
+  from cong_solve_coprime_nat [OF a] obtain x1 where one: "[m1 * x1 = 1] (mod m2)"
     by auto
-  from a have b: "coprime m2 m1" 
+  from a have b: "coprime m2 m1"
     by (subst gcd_commute_nat)
-  from cong_solve_coprime_nat [OF b]
-      obtain x2 where two: "[m2 * x2 = 1] (mod m1)"
+  from cong_solve_coprime_nat [OF b] obtain x2 where two: "[m2 * x2 = 1] (mod m1)"
     by auto
   have "[m1 * x1 = 0] (mod m1)"
     by (subst mult_commute, rule cong_mult_self_nat)
@@ -785,18 +760,16 @@
   ultimately show ?thesis by blast
-lemma binary_chinese_remainder_aux_int: 
+lemma binary_chinese_remainder_aux_int:
   assumes a: "coprime (m1::int) m2"
   shows "EX b1 b2. [b1 = 1] (mod m1) \<and> [b1 = 0] (mod m2) \<and>
     [b2 = 0] (mod m1) \<and> [b2 = 1] (mod m2)"
 proof -
-  from cong_solve_coprime_int [OF a]
-      obtain x1 where one: "[m1 * x1 = 1] (mod m2)"
+  from cong_solve_coprime_int [OF a] obtain x1 where one: "[m1 * x1 = 1] (mod m2)"
     by auto
-  from a have b: "coprime m2 m1" 
+  from a have b: "coprime m2 m1"
     by (subst gcd_commute_int)
-  from cong_solve_coprime_int [OF b]
-      obtain x2 where two: "[m2 * x2 = 1] (mod m1)"
+  from cong_solve_coprime_int [OF b] obtain x2 where two: "[m2 * x2 = 1] (mod m1)"
     by auto
   have "[m1 * x1 = 0] (mod m1)"
     by (subst mult_commute, rule cong_mult_self_int)
@@ -811,8 +784,8 @@
   shows "EX x. [x = u1] (mod m1) \<and> [x = u2] (mod m2)"
 proof -
   from binary_chinese_remainder_aux_nat [OF a] obtain b1 b2
-    where "[b1 = 1] (mod m1)" and "[b1 = 0] (mod m2)" and
-          "[b2 = 0] (mod m1)" and "[b2 = 1] (mod m2)"
+      where "[b1 = 1] (mod m1)" and "[b1 = 0] (mod m2)" and
+            "[b2 = 0] (mod m1)" and "[b2 = 1] (mod m2)"
     by blast
   let ?x = "u1 * b1 + u2 * b2"
   have "[?x = u1 * 1 + u2 * 0] (mod m1)"
@@ -822,7 +795,7 @@
     apply (rule cong_scalar2_nat)
     apply (rule `[b2 = 0] (mod m1)`)
-  hence "[?x = u1] (mod m1)" by simp
+  then have "[?x = u1] (mod m1)" by simp
   have "[?x = u1 * 0 + u2 * 1] (mod m2)"
     apply (rule cong_add_nat)
     apply (rule cong_scalar2_nat)
@@ -830,7 +803,7 @@
     apply (rule cong_scalar2_nat)
     apply (rule `[b2 = 1] (mod m2)`)
-  hence "[?x = u2] (mod m2)" by simp
+  then have "[?x = u2] (mod m2)" by simp
   with `[?x = u1] (mod m1)` show ?thesis by blast
@@ -850,7 +823,7 @@
     apply (rule cong_scalar2_int)
     apply (rule `[b2 = 0] (mod m1)`)
-  hence "[?x = u1] (mod m1)" by simp
+  then have "[?x = u1] (mod m1)" by simp
   have "[?x = u1 * 0 + u2 * 1] (mod m2)"
     apply (rule cong_add_int)
     apply (rule cong_scalar2_int)
@@ -858,42 +831,42 @@
     apply (rule cong_scalar2_int)
     apply (rule `[b2 = 1] (mod m2)`)
-  hence "[?x = u2] (mod m2)" by simp
+  then have "[?x = u2] (mod m2)" by simp
   with `[?x = u1] (mod m1)` show ?thesis by blast
-lemma cong_modulus_mult_nat: "[(x::nat) = y] (mod m * n) \<Longrightarrow> 
+lemma cong_modulus_mult_nat: "[(x::nat) = y] (mod m * n) \<Longrightarrow>
     [x = y] (mod m)"
-  apply (case_tac "y \<le> x")
+  apply (cases "y \<le> x")
   apply (simp add: cong_altdef_nat)
   apply (erule dvd_mult_left)
   apply (rule cong_sym_nat)
   apply (subst (asm) cong_sym_eq_nat)
-  apply (simp add: cong_altdef_nat) 
+  apply (simp add: cong_altdef_nat)
   apply (erule dvd_mult_left)
+  done
-lemma cong_modulus_mult_int: "[(x::int) = y] (mod m * n) \<Longrightarrow> 
+lemma cong_modulus_mult_int: "[(x::int) = y] (mod m * n) \<Longrightarrow>
     [x = y] (mod m)"
-  apply (simp add: cong_altdef_int) 
+  apply (simp add: cong_altdef_int)
   apply (erule dvd_mult_left)
+  done
-lemma cong_less_modulus_unique_nat: 
+lemma cong_less_modulus_unique_nat:
     "[(x::nat) = y] (mod m) \<Longrightarrow> x < m \<Longrightarrow> y < m \<Longrightarrow> x = y"
   by (simp add: cong_nat_def)
 lemma binary_chinese_remainder_unique_nat:
-  assumes a: "coprime (m1::nat) m2" and
-         nz: "m1 \<noteq> 0" "m2 \<noteq> 0"
+  assumes a: "coprime (m1::nat) m2"
+    and nz: "m1 \<noteq> 0" "m2 \<noteq> 0"
   shows "EX! x. x < m1 * m2 \<and> [x = u1] (mod m1) \<and> [x = u2] (mod m2)"
 proof -
-  from binary_chinese_remainder_nat [OF a] obtain y where 
+  from binary_chinese_remainder_nat [OF a] obtain y where
       "[y = u1] (mod m1)" and "[y = u2] (mod m2)"
     by blast
   let ?x = "y mod (m1 * m2)"
   from nz have less: "?x < m1 * m2"
-    by auto   
+    by auto
   have one: "[?x = u1] (mod m1)"
     apply (rule cong_trans_nat)
     prefer 2
@@ -911,9 +884,8 @@
     apply (rule cong_mod_nat)
     using nz apply auto
-  have "ALL z. z < m1 * m2 \<and> [z = u1] (mod m1) \<and> [z = u2] (mod m2) \<longrightarrow>
-      z = ?x"
-  proof (clarify)
+  have "ALL z. z < m1 * m2 \<and> [z = u1] (mod m1) \<and> [z = u2] (mod m2) \<longrightarrow> z = ?x"
+  proof clarify
     fix z
     assume "z < m1 * m2"
     assume "[z = u1] (mod m1)" and  "[z = u2] (mod m2)"
@@ -935,46 +907,43 @@
       apply (intro cong_less_modulus_unique_nat)
       apply (auto, erule cong_sym_nat)
-  qed  
-  with less one two show ?thesis
-    by auto
+  qed
+  with less one two show ?thesis by auto
 lemma chinese_remainder_aux_nat:
-  fixes A :: "'a set" and
-        m :: "'a \<Rightarrow> nat"
-  assumes fin: "finite A" and
-          cop: "ALL i : A. (ALL j : A. i \<noteq> j \<longrightarrow> coprime (m i) (m j))"
-  shows "EX b. (ALL i : A. 
-      [b i = 1] (mod m i) \<and> [b i = 0] (mod (PROD j : A - {i}. m j)))"
+  fixes A :: "'a set"
+    and m :: "'a \<Rightarrow> nat"
+  assumes fin: "finite A"
+    and cop: "ALL i : A. (ALL j : A. i \<noteq> j \<longrightarrow> coprime (m i) (m j))"
+  shows "EX b. (ALL i : A. [b i = 1] (mod m i) \<and> [b i = 0] (mod (PROD j : A - {i}. m j)))"
 proof (rule finite_set_choice, rule fin, rule ballI)
   fix i
   assume "i : A"
   with cop have "coprime (PROD j : A - {i}. m j) (m i)"
     by (intro setprod_coprime_nat, auto)
-  hence "EX x. [(PROD j : A - {i}. m j) * x = 1] (mod m i)"
+  then have "EX x. [(PROD j : A - {i}. m j) * x = 1] (mod m i)"
     by (elim cong_solve_coprime_nat)
   then obtain x where "[(PROD j : A - {i}. m j) * x = 1] (mod m i)"
     by auto
-  moreover have "[(PROD j : A - {i}. m j) * x = 0] 
+  moreover have "[(PROD j : A - {i}. m j) * x = 0]
     (mod (PROD j : A - {i}. m j))"
     by (subst mult_commute, rule cong_mult_self_nat)
-  ultimately show "\<exists>a. [a = 1] (mod m i) \<and> [a = 0] 
+  ultimately show "\<exists>a. [a = 1] (mod m i) \<and> [a = 0]
       (mod setprod m (A - {i}))"
     by blast
 lemma chinese_remainder_nat:
-  fixes A :: "'a set" and
-        m :: "'a \<Rightarrow> nat" and
-        u :: "'a \<Rightarrow> nat"
-  assumes 
-        fin: "finite A" and
-        cop: "ALL i:A. (ALL j : A. i \<noteq> j \<longrightarrow> coprime (m i) (m j))"
+  fixes A :: "'a set"
+    and m :: "'a \<Rightarrow> nat"
+    and u :: "'a \<Rightarrow> nat"
+  assumes fin: "finite A"
+    and cop: "ALL i:A. (ALL j : A. i \<noteq> j \<longrightarrow> coprime (m i) (m j))"
   shows "EX x. (ALL i:A. [x = u i] (mod m i))"
 proof -
   from chinese_remainder_aux_nat [OF fin cop] obtain b where
-    bprop: "ALL i:A. [b i = 1] (mod m i) \<and> 
+    bprop: "ALL i:A. [b i = 1] (mod m i) \<and>
       [b i = 0] (mod (PROD j : A - {i}. m j))"
     by blast
   let ?x = "SUM i:A. (u i) * (b i)"
@@ -982,12 +951,12 @@
   proof (rule exI, clarify)
     fix i
     assume a: "i : A"
-    show "[?x = u i] (mod m i)" 
+    show "[?x = u i] (mod m i)"
     proof -
-      from fin a have "?x = (SUM j:{i}. u j * b j) + 
+      from fin a have "?x = (SUM j:{i}. u j * b j) +
           (SUM j:A-{i}. u j * b j)"
         by (subst setsum_Un_disjoint [symmetric], auto intro: setsum_cong)
-      hence "[?x = u i * b i + (SUM j:A-{i}. u j * b j)] (mod m i)"
+      then have "[?x = u i * b i + (SUM j:A-{i}. u j * b j)] (mod m i)"
         by auto
       also have "[u i * b i + (SUM j:A-{i}. u j * b j) =
                   u i * 1 + (SUM j:A-{i}. u j * 0)] (mod m i)"
@@ -1010,35 +979,34 @@
-lemma coprime_cong_prod_nat [rule_format]: "finite A \<Longrightarrow> 
+lemma coprime_cong_prod_nat [rule_format]: "finite A \<Longrightarrow>
     (ALL i: A. (ALL j: A. i \<noteq> j \<longrightarrow> coprime (m i) (m j))) \<longrightarrow>
       (ALL i: A. [(x::nat) = y] (mod m i)) \<longrightarrow>
-         [x = y] (mod (PROD i:A. m i))" 
+         [x = y] (mod (PROD i:A. m i))"
   apply (induct set: finite)
   apply auto
   apply (erule (1) coprime_cong_mult_nat)
   apply (subst gcd_commute_nat)
   apply (rule setprod_coprime_nat)
   apply auto
+  done
 lemma chinese_remainder_unique_nat:
-  fixes A :: "'a set" and
-        m :: "'a \<Rightarrow> nat" and
-        u :: "'a \<Rightarrow> nat"
-  assumes 
-        fin: "finite A" and
-         nz: "ALL i:A. m i \<noteq> 0" and
-        cop: "ALL i:A. (ALL j : A. i \<noteq> j \<longrightarrow> coprime (m i) (m j))"
+  fixes A :: "'a set"
+    and m :: "'a \<Rightarrow> nat"
+    and u :: "'a \<Rightarrow> nat"
+  assumes fin: "finite A"
+    and nz: "ALL i:A. m i \<noteq> 0"
+    and cop: "ALL i:A. (ALL j : A. i \<noteq> j \<longrightarrow> coprime (m i) (m j))"
   shows "EX! x. x < (PROD i:A. m i) \<and> (ALL i:A. [x = u i] (mod m i))"
 proof -
-  from chinese_remainder_nat [OF fin cop] obtain y where
-      one: "(ALL i:A. [y = u i] (mod m i))" 
+  from chinese_remainder_nat [OF fin cop]
+  obtain y where one: "(ALL i:A. [y = u i] (mod m i))"
     by blast
   let ?x = "y mod (PROD i:A. m i)"
   from fin nz have prodnz: "(PROD i:A. m i) \<noteq> 0"
     by auto
-  hence less: "?x < (PROD i:A. m i)"
+  then have less: "?x < (PROD i:A. m i)"
     by auto
   have cong: "ALL i:A. [?x = u i] (mod m i)"
     apply auto
@@ -1052,28 +1020,29 @@
     apply (rule fin)
     apply assumption
-  have unique: "ALL z. z < (PROD i:A. m i) \<and> 
+  have unique: "ALL z. z < (PROD i:A. m i) \<and>
       (ALL i:A. [z = u i] (mod m i)) \<longrightarrow> z = ?x"
   proof (clarify)
     fix z
     assume zless: "z < (PROD i:A. m i)"
     assume zcong: "(ALL i:A. [z = u i] (mod m i))"
     have "ALL i:A. [?x = z] (mod m i)"
-      apply clarify     
+      apply clarify
       apply (rule cong_trans_nat)
       using cong apply (erule bspec)
       apply (rule cong_sym_nat)
       using zcong apply auto
     with fin cop have "[?x = z] (mod (PROD i:A. m i))"
-      by (intro coprime_cong_prod_nat, auto)
+      apply (intro coprime_cong_prod_nat)
+      apply auto
+      done
     with zless less show "z = ?x"
       apply (intro cong_less_modulus_unique_nat)
       apply (auto, erule cong_sym_nat)
-  qed 
-  from less cong unique show ?thesis
-    by blast  
+  qed
+  from less cong unique show ?thesis by blast