changeset 72987 b1be35908165
parent 72985 9cc431444435
child 72990 db8f94656024
--- a/src/HOL/Hoare/Hoare_Logic_Abort.thy	Wed Dec 23 20:49:05 2020 +0100
+++ b/src/HOL/Hoare/Hoare_Logic_Abort.thy	Wed Dec 23 21:06:31 2020 +0100
@@ -2,12 +2,12 @@
     Author:     Leonor Prensa Nieto & Tobias Nipkow
     Copyright   2003 TUM
     Author:     Walter Guttmann (extension to total-correctness proofs)
-Like Hoare_Logic.thy, but with an Abort statement for modelling run time errors.
+section \<open>Hoare Logic with an Abort statement for modelling run time errors\<close>
 theory Hoare_Logic_Abort
-imports Hoare_Tac
+imports Hoare_Syntax Hoare_Tac
 type_synonym 'a bexp = "'a set"
@@ -17,14 +17,9 @@
 datatype 'a com =
   Basic "'a \<Rightarrow> 'a"
 | Abort
-| Seq "'a com" "'a com"               ("(_;/ _)"      [61,60] 60)
-| Cond "'a bexp" "'a com" "'a com"    ("(1IF _/ THEN _ / ELSE _/ FI)"  [0,0,0] 61)
-| While "'a bexp" "'a assn" "'a var" "'a com"  ("(1WHILE _/ INV {_} / VAR {_} //DO _ /OD)"  [0,0,0,0] 61)
-  "_whilePC" :: "'a bexp \<Rightarrow> 'a assn \<Rightarrow> 'a com \<Rightarrow> 'a com"  ("(1WHILE _/ INV {_} //DO _ /OD)"  [0,0,0] 61)
-  "WHILE b INV {x} DO c OD" \<rightharpoonup> "WHILE b INV {x} VAR {0} DO c OD"
+| Seq "'a com" "'a com"
+| Cond "'a bexp" "'a com" "'a com"
+| While "'a bexp" "'a assn" "'a var" "'a com"
 abbreviation annskip ("SKIP") where "SKIP == Basic id"
@@ -35,18 +30,18 @@
   "Sem (Basic f) None None"
 | "Sem (Basic f) (Some s) (Some (f s))"
 | "Sem Abort s None"
-| "Sem c1 s s'' \<Longrightarrow> Sem c2 s'' s' \<Longrightarrow> Sem (c1;c2) s s'"
-| "Sem (IF b THEN c1 ELSE c2 FI) None None"
-| "s \<in> b \<Longrightarrow> Sem c1 (Some s) s' \<Longrightarrow> Sem (IF b THEN c1 ELSE c2 FI) (Some s) s'"
-| "s \<notin> b \<Longrightarrow> Sem c2 (Some s) s' \<Longrightarrow> Sem (IF b THEN c1 ELSE c2 FI) (Some s) s'"
+| "Sem c1 s s'' \<Longrightarrow> Sem c2 s'' s' \<Longrightarrow> Sem (Seq c1 c2) s s'"
+| "Sem (Cond b c1 c2) None None"
+| "s \<in> b \<Longrightarrow> Sem c1 (Some s) s' \<Longrightarrow> Sem (Cond b c1 c2) (Some s) s'"
+| "s \<notin> b \<Longrightarrow> Sem c2 (Some s) s' \<Longrightarrow> Sem (Cond b c1 c2) (Some s) s'"
 | "Sem (While b x y c) None None"
 | "s \<notin> b \<Longrightarrow> Sem (While b x y c) (Some s) (Some s)"
 | "s \<in> b \<Longrightarrow> Sem c (Some s) s'' \<Longrightarrow> Sem (While b x y c) s'' s' \<Longrightarrow>
    Sem (While b x y c) (Some s) s'"
 inductive_cases [elim!]:
-  "Sem (Basic f) s s'" "Sem (c1;c2) s s'"
-  "Sem (IF b THEN c1 ELSE c2 FI) s s'"
+  "Sem (Basic f) s s'" "Sem (Seq c1 c2) s s'"
+  "Sem (Cond b c1 c2) s s'"
 lemma Sem_deterministic:
   assumes "Sem c s s1"
@@ -73,30 +68,6 @@
   "ValidTC p c q \<Longrightarrow> \<exists>f . \<forall>s . s \<in> p \<longrightarrow> f s \<in> q"
   by (meson ValidTC_def)
-  "_assign" :: "idt => 'b => 'a com"  ("(2_ :=/ _)" [70, 65] 61)
-  "_hoare_abort_vars" :: "[idts, 'a assn,'a com,'a assn] => bool"
-                 ("VARS _// {_} // _ // {_}" [0,0,55,0] 50)
-syntax (output)
-  "_hoare_abort"      :: "['a assn,'a com,'a assn] => bool"
-                 ("{_} // _ // {_}" [0,55,0] 50)
-ML_file \<open>hoare_syntax.ML\<close>
-parse_translation \<open>[(\<^syntax_const>\<open>_hoare_abort_vars\<close>, K Hoare_Syntax.hoare_vars_tr)]\<close>
-print_translation \<open>[(\<^const_syntax>\<open>Valid\<close>, K (Hoare_Syntax.spec_tr' \<^syntax_const>\<open>_hoare_abort\<close>))]\<close>
- "_hoare_abort_tc_vars" :: "[idts, 'a assn,'a com,'a assn] => bool"
-                          ("VARS _// [_] // _ // [_]" [0,0,55,0] 50)
-syntax (output)
- "_hoare_abort_tc"      :: "['a assn,'a com,'a assn] => bool"
-                          ("[_] // _ // [_]" [0,55,0] 50)
-parse_translation \<open>[(\<^syntax_const>\<open>_hoare_abort_tc_vars\<close>, K Hoare_Syntax.hoare_tc_vars_tr)]\<close>
-print_translation \<open>[(\<^const_syntax>\<open>ValidTC\<close>, K (Hoare_Syntax.spec_tr' \<^syntax_const>\<open>_hoare_abort_tc\<close>))]\<close>
 text \<open>The proof rules for partial correctness\<close>
 lemma SkipRule: "p \<subseteq> q \<Longrightarrow> Valid p (Basic id) q"
@@ -105,7 +76,7 @@
 lemma BasicRule: "p \<subseteq> {s. f s \<in> q} \<Longrightarrow> Valid p (Basic f) q"
 by (auto simp:Valid_def)
-lemma SeqRule: "Valid P c1 Q \<Longrightarrow> Valid Q c2 R \<Longrightarrow> Valid P (c1;c2) R"
+lemma SeqRule: "Valid P c1 Q \<Longrightarrow> Valid Q c2 R \<Longrightarrow> Valid P (Seq c1 c2) R"
 by (auto simp:Valid_def)
 lemma CondRule:
@@ -114,11 +85,11 @@
 by (fastforce simp:Valid_def image_def)
 lemma While_aux:
-  assumes "Sem (WHILE b INV {i} VAR {v} DO c OD) s s'"
+  assumes "Sem (While b i v c) s s'"
   shows "\<forall>s s'. Sem c s s' \<longrightarrow> s \<in> Some ` (I \<inter> b) \<longrightarrow> s' \<in> Some ` I \<Longrightarrow>
     s \<in> Some ` I \<Longrightarrow> s' \<in> Some ` (I \<inter> -b)"
   using assms
-  by (induct "WHILE b INV {i} VAR {v} DO c OD" s s') auto
+  by (induct "While b i v c" s s') auto
 lemma WhileRule:
  "p \<subseteq> i \<Longrightarrow> Valid (i \<inter> b) c i \<Longrightarrow> i \<inter> (-b) \<subseteq> q \<Longrightarrow> Valid p (While b i v c) q"
@@ -147,7 +118,7 @@
 lemma SeqRuleTC:
   assumes "ValidTC p c1 q"
       and "ValidTC q c2 r"
-    shows "ValidTC p (c1;c2) r"
+    shows "ValidTC p (Seq c1 c2) r"
   by (meson assms Sem.intros(4) ValidTC_def)
 lemma CondRuleTC:
@@ -201,7 +172,35 @@
-subsection \<open>Derivation of the proof rules and, most importantly, the VCG tactic\<close>
+subsection \<open>Concrete syntax\<close>
+setup \<open>
+  Hoare_Syntax.setup
+   {Basic = \<^const_syntax>\<open>Basic\<close>,
+    Skip = \<^const_syntax>\<open>annskip\<close>,
+    Seq = \<^const_syntax>\<open>Seq\<close>,
+    Cond = \<^const_syntax>\<open>Cond\<close>,
+    While = \<^const_syntax>\<open>While\<close>,
+    Valid = \<^const_syntax>\<open>Valid\<close>,
+    ValidTC = \<^const_syntax>\<open>ValidTC\<close>}
+\<comment> \<open>Special syntax for guarded statements and guarded array updates:\<close>
+  "_guarded_com" :: "bool \<Rightarrow> 'a com \<Rightarrow> 'a com"  ("(2_ \<rightarrow>/ _)" 71)
+  "_array_update" :: "'a list \<Rightarrow> nat \<Rightarrow> 'a \<Rightarrow> 'a com"  ("(2_[_] :=/ _)" [70, 65] 61)
+  "P \<rightarrow> c" \<rightleftharpoons> "IF P THEN c ELSE CONST Abort FI"
+  "a[i] := v" \<rightharpoonup> "(i < CONST length a) \<rightarrow> (a := CONST list_update a i v)"
+  \<comment> \<open>reverse translation not possible because of duplicate \<open>a\<close>\<close>
+text \<open>
+  Note: there is no special syntax for guarded array access. Thus
+  you must write \<open>j < length a \<rightarrow> a[i] := a!j\<close>.
+subsection \<open>Proof methods: VCG\<close>
 declare BasicRule [Hoare_Tac.BasicRule]
   and SkipRule [Hoare_Tac.SkipRule]
@@ -234,18 +233,4 @@
     SIMPLE_METHOD' (Hoare_Tac.hoare_tc_tac ctxt (asm_full_simp_tac ctxt)))\<close>
   "verification condition generator plus simplification"
-\<comment> \<open>Special syntax for guarded statements and guarded array updates:\<close>
-  "_guarded_com" :: "bool \<Rightarrow> 'a com \<Rightarrow> 'a com"  ("(2_ \<rightarrow>/ _)" 71)
-  "_array_update" :: "'a list \<Rightarrow> nat \<Rightarrow> 'a \<Rightarrow> 'a com"  ("(2_[_] :=/ _)" [70, 65] 61)
-  "P \<rightarrow> c" == "IF P THEN c ELSE CONST Abort FI"
-  "a[i] := v" => "(i < CONST length a) \<rightarrow> (a := CONST list_update a i v)"
-  \<comment> \<open>reverse translation not possible because of duplicate \<open>a\<close>\<close>
-text \<open>
-  Note: there is no special syntax for guarded array access. Thus
-  you must write \<open>j < length a \<rightarrow> a[i] := a!j\<close>.