changeset 56420 b266e7a86485
parent 56419 f47de9e82b0f
child 56431 4eb88149c7b2
--- a/src/Doc/ProgProve/Logic.thy	Sat Apr 05 17:52:29 2014 +0100
+++ /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
@@ -1,883 +0,0 @@
-theory Logic
-imports LaTeXsugar
-The core syntax of formulas (\textit{form} below)
-provides the standard logical constructs, in decreasing order of precedence:
-\mathit{form} & ::= &
-  @{text"(form)"} ~\mid~
-  @{const True} ~\mid~
-  @{const False} ~\mid~
-  @{prop "term = term"}\\
- &\mid& @{prop"\<not> form"}\index{$HOL4@\isasymnot} ~\mid~
-  @{prop "form \<and> form"}\index{$HOL0@\isasymand} ~\mid~
-  @{prop "form \<or> form"}\index{$HOL1@\isasymor} ~\mid~
-  @{prop "form \<longrightarrow> form"}\index{$HOL2@\isasymlongrightarrow}\\
- &\mid& @{prop"\<forall>x. form"}\index{$HOL6@\isasymforall} ~\mid~  @{prop"\<exists>x. form"}\index{$HOL7@\isasymexists}
-Terms are the ones we have seen all along, built from constants, variables,
-function application and @{text"\<lambda>"}-abstraction, including all the syntactic
-sugar like infix symbols, @{text "if"}, @{text "case"} etc.
-Remember that formulas are simply terms of type @{text bool}. Hence
-@{text "="} also works for formulas. Beware that @{text"="} has a higher
-precedence than the other logical operators. Hence @{prop"s = t \<and> A"} means
-@{text"(s = t) \<and> A"}, and @{prop"A\<and>B = B\<and>A"} means @{text"A \<and> (B = B) \<and> A"}.
-Logical equivalence can also be written with
-@{text "\<longleftrightarrow>"} instead of @{text"="}, where @{text"\<longleftrightarrow>"} has the same low
-precedence as @{text"\<longrightarrow>"}. Hence @{text"A \<and> B \<longleftrightarrow> B \<and> A"} really means
-@{text"(A \<and> B) \<longleftrightarrow> (B \<and> A)"}.
-Quantifiers need to be enclosed in parentheses if they are nested within
-other constructs (just like @{text "if"}, @{text case} and @{text let}).
-The most frequent logical symbols and their ASCII representations are shown
-in Fig.~\ref{fig:log-symbols}.
-\begin{tabular}{l@ {\qquad}l@ {\qquad}l}
-@{text "\<forall>"} & \xsymbol{forall} & \texttt{ALL}\\
-@{text "\<exists>"} & \xsymbol{exists} & \texttt{EX}\\
-@{text "\<lambda>"} & \xsymbol{lambda} & \texttt{\%}\\
-@{text "\<longrightarrow>"} & \texttt{-{}->}\\
-@{text "\<longleftrightarrow>"} & \texttt{<->}\\
-@{text "\<and>"} & \texttt{/\char`\\} & \texttt{\&}\\
-@{text "\<or>"} & \texttt{\char`\\/} & \texttt{|}\\
-@{text "\<not>"} & \xsymbol{not} & \texttt{\char`~}\\
-@{text "\<noteq>"} & \xsymbol{noteq} & \texttt{\char`~=}
-\caption{Logical symbols and their ASCII forms}
-The first column shows the symbols, the other columns ASCII representations.
-The \texttt{\char`\\}\texttt{<...>} form is always converted into the symbolic form
-by the Isabelle interfaces, the treatment of the other ASCII forms
-depends on the interface. The ASCII forms \texttt{/\char`\\} and
-are special in that they are merely keyboard shortcuts for the interface and
-not logical symbols by themselves.
-The implication @{text"\<Longrightarrow>"} is part of the Isabelle framework. It structures
-theorems and proof states, separating assumptions from conclusions.
-The implication @{text"\<longrightarrow>"} is part of the logic HOL and can occur inside the
-formulas that make up the assumptions and conclusion.
-Theorems should be of the form @{text"\<lbrakk> A\<^sub>1; \<dots>; A\<^sub>n \<rbrakk> \<Longrightarrow> A"},
-not @{text"A\<^sub>1 \<and> \<dots> \<and> A\<^sub>n \<longrightarrow> A"}. Both are logically equivalent
-but the first one works better when using the theorem in further proofs.
-Sets of elements of type @{typ 'a} have type @{typ"'a set"}\index{set@@{text set}}.
-They can be finite or infinite. Sets come with the usual notation:
-\item \indexed{@{term"{}"}}{$IMP042},\quad @{text"{e\<^sub>1,\<dots>,e\<^sub>n}"}
-\item @{prop"e \<in> A"}\index{$HOLSet0@\isasymin},\quad @{prop"A \<subseteq> B"}\index{$HOLSet2@\isasymsubseteq}
-\item @{term"A \<union> B"}\index{$HOLSet4@\isasymunion},\quad @{term"A \<inter> B"}\index{$HOLSet5@\isasyminter},\quad @{term"A - B"},\quad @{term"-A"}
-(where @{term"A-B"} and @{text"-A"} are set difference and complement)
-and much more. @{const UNIV} is the set of all elements of some type.
-Set comprehension\index{set comprehension} is written
-@{term"{x. P}"}\index{$IMP042@@{term"{x. P}"}} rather than @{text"{x | P}"}.
-In @{term"{x. P}"} the @{text x} must be a variable. Set comprehension
-involving a proper term @{text t} must be written
-\noquotes{@{term[source] "{t | x y. P}"}}\index{$IMP042@@{text"{t |x. P}"}},
-where @{text "x y"} are those free variables in @{text t}
-that occur in @{text P}.
-This is just a shorthand for @{term"{v. EX x y. v = t \<and> P}"}, where
-@{text v} is a new variable. For example, @{term"{x+y|x. x \<in> A}"}
-is short for \noquotes{@{term[source]"{v. \<exists>x. v = x+y \<and> x \<in> A}"}}.
-Here are the ASCII representations of the mathematical symbols:
-\begin{tabular}{l@ {\quad}l@ {\quad}l}
-@{text "\<in>"} & \texttt{\char`\\\char`\<in>} & \texttt{:}\\
-@{text "\<subseteq>"} & \texttt{\char`\\\char`\<subseteq>} & \texttt{<=}\\
-@{text "\<union>"} & \texttt{\char`\\\char`\<union>} & \texttt{Un}\\
-@{text "\<inter>"} & \texttt{\char`\\\char`\<inter>} & \texttt{Int}
-Sets also allow bounded quantifications @{prop"ALL x : A. P"} and
-@{prop"EX x : A. P"}.
-For the more ambitious, there are also @{text"\<Union>"}\index{$HOLSet6@\isasymUnion}
-and @{text"\<Inter>"}\index{$HOLSet7@\isasymInter}:
-@{thm Union_eq} \qquad @{thm Inter_eq}
-The ASCII forms of @{text"\<Union>"} are \texttt{\char`\\\char`\<Union>} and \texttt{Union},
-those of @{text"\<Inter>"} are \texttt{\char`\\\char`\<Inter>} and \texttt{Inter}.
-There are also indexed unions and intersections:
-@{thm UNION_eq} \\ @{thm INTER_eq}
-The ASCII forms are \ \texttt{UN x:A.~B} \ and \ \texttt{INT x:A. B} \
-where \texttt{x} may occur in \texttt{B}.
-If \texttt{A} is \texttt{UNIV} you can just write \ \texttt{UN x.~B} \ and \ \texttt{INT x. B}.
-Some other frequently useful functions on sets are the following:
-\begin{tabular}{l@ {\quad}l}
-@{const_typ set}\index{set@@{const set}} & converts a list to the set of its elements\\
-@{const_typ finite}\index{finite@@{const finite}} & is true iff its argument is finite\\
-@{const_typ card}\index{card@@{const card}} & is the cardinality of a finite set\\
- & and is @{text 0} for all infinite sets\\
-@{thm image_def}\index{$IMP042@@{term"f ` A"}} & is the image of a function over a set
-See \cite{Nipkow-Main} for the wealth of further predefined functions in theory
-@{theory Main}.
-Start from the data type of binary trees defined earlier:
-datatype 'a tree = Tip | Node "'a tree" 'a "'a tree"
-Define a function @{text "set ::"} @{typ "'a tree \<Rightarrow> 'a set"}
-that returns the elements in a tree and a function
-@{text "ord ::"} @{typ "int tree \<Rightarrow> bool"}
-the tests if an @{typ "int tree"} is ordered.
-Define a function @{text ins} that inserts an element into an ordered @{typ "int tree"}
-while maintaining the order of the tree. If the element is already in the tree, the
-same tree should be returned. Prove correctness of @{text ins}:
-@{prop "set(ins x t) = {x} \<union> set t"} and @{prop "ord t \<Longrightarrow> ord(ins i t)"}.
-\section{Proof Automation}
-So far we have only seen @{text simp} and \indexed{@{text auto}}{auto}: Both perform
-rewriting, both can also prove linear arithmetic facts (no multiplication),
-and @{text auto} is also able to prove simple logical or set-theoretic goals:
-lemma "\<forall>x. \<exists>y. x = y"
-by auto
-lemma "A \<subseteq> B \<inter> C \<Longrightarrow> A \<subseteq> B \<union> C"
-by auto
-text{* where
-\isacom{by} \textit{proof-method}
-is short for
-\isacom{apply} \textit{proof-method}\\
-The key characteristics of both @{text simp} and @{text auto} are
-\item They show you were they got stuck, giving you an idea how to continue.
-\item They perform the obvious steps but are highly incomplete.
-A proof method is \conceptnoidx{complete} if it can prove all true formulas.
-There is no complete proof method for HOL, not even in theory.
-Hence all our proof methods only differ in how incomplete they are.
-A proof method that is still incomplete but tries harder than @{text auto} is
-\indexed{@{text fastforce}}{fastforce}.  It either succeeds or fails, it acts on the first
-subgoal only, and it can be modified just like @{text auto}, e.g.\
-with @{text "simp add"}. Here is a typical example of what @{text fastforce}
-can do:
-lemma "\<lbrakk> \<forall>xs \<in> A. \<exists>ys. xs = ys @ ys;  us \<in> A \<rbrakk>
-   \<Longrightarrow> \<exists>n. length us = n+n"
-by fastforce
-text{* This lemma is out of reach for @{text auto} because of the
-quantifiers.  Even @{text fastforce} fails when the quantifier structure
-becomes more complicated. In a few cases, its slow version @{text force}
-succeeds where @{text fastforce} fails.
-The method of choice for complex logical goals is \indexed{@{text blast}}{blast}. In the
-following example, @{text T} and @{text A} are two binary predicates. It
-is shown that if @{text T} is total, @{text A} is antisymmetric and @{text T} is
-a subset of @{text A}, then @{text A} is a subset of @{text T}:
-  "\<lbrakk> \<forall>x y. T x y \<or> T y x;
-     \<forall>x y. A x y \<and> A y x \<longrightarrow> x = y;
-     \<forall>x y. T x y \<longrightarrow> A x y \<rbrakk>
-   \<Longrightarrow> \<forall>x y. A x y \<longrightarrow> T x y"
-by blast
-We leave it to the reader to figure out why this lemma is true.
-Method @{text blast}
-\item is (in principle) a complete proof procedure for first-order formulas,
-  a fragment of HOL. In practice there is a search bound.
-\item does no rewriting and knows very little about equality.
-\item covers logic, sets and relations.
-\item either succeeds or fails.
-Because of its strength in logic and sets and its weakness in equality reasoning, it complements the earlier proof methods.
-Command \isacom{sledgehammer} calls a number of external automatic
-theorem provers (ATPs) that run for up to 30 seconds searching for a
-proof. Some of these ATPs are part of the Isabelle installation, others are
-queried over the internet. If successful, a proof command is generated and can
-be inserted into your proof.  The biggest win of \isacom{sledgehammer} is
-that it will take into account the whole lemma library and you do not need to
-feed in any lemma explicitly. For example,*}
-lemma "\<lbrakk> xs @ ys = ys @ xs;  length xs = length ys \<rbrakk> \<Longrightarrow> xs = ys"
-txt{* cannot be solved by any of the standard proof methods, but
-\isacom{sledgehammer} finds the following proof: *}
-by (metis append_eq_conv_conj)
-text{* We do not explain how the proof was found but what this command
-means. For a start, Isabelle does not trust external tools (and in particular
-not the translations from Isabelle's logic to those tools!)
-and insists on a proof that it can check. This is what \indexed{@{text metis}}{metis} does.
-It is given a list of lemmas and tries to find a proof just using those lemmas
-(and pure logic). In contrast to @{text simp} and friends that know a lot of
-lemmas already, using @{text metis} manually is tedious because one has
-to find all the relevant lemmas first. But that is precisely what
-\isacom{sledgehammer} does for us.
-In this case lemma @{thm[source]append_eq_conv_conj} alone suffices:
-@{thm[display] append_eq_conv_conj}
-We leave it to the reader to figure out why this lemma suffices to prove
-the above lemma, even without any knowledge of what the functions @{const take}
-and @{const drop} do. Keep in mind that the variables in the two lemmas
-are independent of each other, despite the same names, and that you can
-substitute arbitrary values for the free variables in a lemma.
-Just as for the other proof methods we have seen, there is no guarantee that
-\isacom{sledgehammer} will find a proof if it exists. Nor is
-\isacom{sledgehammer} superior to the other proof methods.  They are
-incomparable. Therefore it is recommended to apply @{text simp} or @{text
-auto} before invoking \isacom{sledgehammer} on what is left.
-By arithmetic formulas we mean formulas involving variables, numbers, @{text
-"+"}, @{text"-"}, @{text "="}, @{text "<"}, @{text "\<le>"} and the usual logical
-connectives @{text"\<not>"}, @{text"\<and>"}, @{text"\<or>"}, @{text"\<longrightarrow>"},
-@{text"\<longleftrightarrow>"}. Strictly speaking, this is known as \concept{linear arithmetic}
-because it does not involve multiplication, although multiplication with
-numbers, e.g.\ @{text"2*n"} is allowed. Such formulas can be proved by
-\indexed{@{text arith}}{arith}:
-lemma "\<lbrakk> (a::nat) \<le> x + b; 2*x < c \<rbrakk> \<Longrightarrow> 2*a + 1 \<le> 2*b + c"
-by arith
-text{* In fact, @{text auto} and @{text simp} can prove many linear
-arithmetic formulas already, like the one above, by calling a weak but fast
-version of @{text arith}. Hence it is usually not necessary to invoke
-@{text arith} explicitly.
-The above example involves natural numbers, but integers (type @{typ int})
-and real numbers (type @{text real}) are supported as well. As are a number
-of further operators like @{const min} and @{const max}. On @{typ nat} and
-@{typ int}, @{text arith} can even prove theorems with quantifiers in them,
-but we will not enlarge on that here.
-\subsection{Trying Them All}
-If you want to try all of the above automatic proof methods you simply type
-You can also add specific simplification and introduction rules:
-\isacom{try} @{text"simp: \<dots> intro: \<dots>"}
-There is also a lightweight variant \isacom{try0} that does not call
-\section{Single Step Proofs}
-Although automation is nice, it often fails, at least initially, and you need
-to find out why. When @{text fastforce} or @{text blast} simply fail, you have
-no clue why. At this point, the stepwise
-application of proof rules may be necessary. For example, if @{text blast}
-fails on @{prop"A \<and> B"}, you want to attack the two
-conjuncts @{text A} and @{text B} separately. This can
-be achieved by applying \emph{conjunction introduction}
-\[ @{thm[mode=Rule,show_question_marks]conjI}\ @{text conjI}
-to the proof state. We will now examine the details of this process.
-\subsection{Instantiating Unknowns}
-We had briefly mentioned earlier that after proving some theorem,
-Isabelle replaces all free variables @{text x} by so called \conceptidx{unknowns}{unknown}
-@{text "?x"}. We can see this clearly in rule @{thm[source] conjI}.
-These unknowns can later be instantiated explicitly or implicitly:
-\item By hand, using \indexed{@{text of}}{of}.
-The expression @{text"conjI[of \"a=b\" \"False\"]"}
-instantiates the unknowns in @{thm[source] conjI} from left to right with the
-two formulas @{text"a=b"} and @{text False}, yielding the rule
-@{thm[display,mode=Rule]conjI[of "a=b" False]}
-In general, @{text"th[of string\<^sub>1 \<dots> string\<^sub>n]"} instantiates
-the unknowns in the theorem @{text th} from left to right with the terms
-@{text string\<^sub>1} to @{text string\<^sub>n}.
-\item By unification. \conceptidx{Unification}{unification} is the process of making two
-terms syntactically equal by suitable instantiations of unknowns. For example,
-unifying @{text"?P \<and> ?Q"} with \mbox{@{prop"a=b \<and> False"}} instantiates
-@{text "?P"} with @{prop "a=b"} and @{text "?Q"} with @{prop False}.
-We need not instantiate all unknowns. If we want to skip a particular one we
-can just write @{text"_"} instead, for example @{text "conjI[of _ \"False\"]"}.
-Unknowns can also be instantiated by name using \indexed{@{text "where"}}{where}, for example
-@{text "conjI[where ?P = \"a=b\""} \isacom{and} @{text"?Q = \"False\"]"}.
-\subsection{Rule Application}
-\conceptidx{Rule application}{rule application} means applying a rule backwards to a proof state.
-For example, applying rule @{thm[source]conjI} to a proof state
-@{text"1.  \<dots>  \<Longrightarrow> A \<and> B"}
-results in two subgoals, one for each premise of @{thm[source]conjI}:
-@{text"1.  \<dots>  \<Longrightarrow> A"}\\
-@{text"2.  \<dots>  \<Longrightarrow> B"}
-In general, the application of a rule @{text"\<lbrakk> A\<^sub>1; \<dots>; A\<^sub>n \<rbrakk> \<Longrightarrow> A"}
-to a subgoal \mbox{@{text"\<dots> \<Longrightarrow> C"}} proceeds in two steps:
-Unify @{text A} and @{text C}, thus instantiating the unknowns in the rule.
-Replace the subgoal @{text C} with @{text n} new subgoals @{text"A\<^sub>1"} to @{text"A\<^sub>n"}.
-This is the command to apply rule @{text xyz}:
-\isacom{apply}@{text"(rule xyz)"}\index{rule@@{text rule}}
-This is also called \concept{backchaining} with rule @{text xyz}.
-\subsection{Introduction Rules}
-Conjunction introduction (@{thm[source] conjI}) is one example of a whole
-class of rules known as \conceptidx{introduction rules}{introduction rule}. They explain under which
-premises some logical construct can be introduced. Here are some further
-useful introduction rules:
-\inferrule*[right=\mbox{@{text impI}}]{\mbox{@{text"?P \<Longrightarrow> ?Q"}}}{\mbox{@{text"?P \<longrightarrow> ?Q"}}}
-\inferrule*[right=\mbox{@{text allI}}]{\mbox{@{text"\<And>x. ?P x"}}}{\mbox{@{text"\<forall>x. ?P x"}}}
-\inferrule*[right=\mbox{@{text iffI}}]{\mbox{@{text"?P \<Longrightarrow> ?Q"}} \\ \mbox{@{text"?Q \<Longrightarrow> ?P"}}}
-  {\mbox{@{text"?P = ?Q"}}}
-These rules are part of the logical system of \concept{natural deduction}
-(e.g.\ \cite{HuthRyan}). Although we intentionally de-emphasize the basic rules
-of logic in favour of automatic proof methods that allow you to take bigger
-steps, these rules are helpful in locating where and why automation fails.
-When applied backwards, these rules decompose the goal:
-\item @{thm[source] conjI} and @{thm[source]iffI} split the goal into two subgoals,
-\item @{thm[source] impI} moves the left-hand side of a HOL implication into the list of assumptions,
-\item and @{thm[source] allI} removes a @{text "\<forall>"} by turning the quantified variable into a fixed local variable of the subgoal.
-Isabelle knows about these and a number of other introduction rules.
-The command
-\isacom{apply} @{text rule}\index{rule@@{text rule}}
-automatically selects the appropriate rule for the current subgoal.
-You can also turn your own theorems into introduction rules by giving them
-the \indexed{@{text"intro"}}{intro} attribute, analogous to the @{text simp} attribute.  In
-that case @{text blast}, @{text fastforce} and (to a limited extent) @{text
-auto} will automatically backchain with those theorems. The @{text intro}
-attribute should be used with care because it increases the search space and
-can lead to nontermination.  Sometimes it is better to use it only in
-specific calls of @{text blast} and friends. For example,
-@{thm[source] le_trans}, transitivity of @{text"\<le>"} on type @{typ nat},
-is not an introduction rule by default because of the disastrous effect
-on the search space, but can be useful in specific situations:
-lemma "\<lbrakk> (a::nat) \<le> b; b \<le> c; c \<le> d; d \<le> e \<rbrakk> \<Longrightarrow> a \<le> e"
-by(blast intro: le_trans)
-Of course this is just an example and could be proved by @{text arith}, too.
-\subsection{Forward Proof}
-Forward proof means deriving new theorems from old theorems. We have already
-seen a very simple form of forward proof: the @{text of} operator for
-instantiating unknowns in a theorem. The big brother of @{text of} is
-\indexed{@{text OF}}{OF} for applying one theorem to others. Given a theorem @{prop"A \<Longrightarrow> B"} called
-@{text r} and a theorem @{text A'} called @{text r'}, the theorem @{text
-"r[OF r']"} is the result of applying @{text r} to @{text r'}, where @{text
-r} should be viewed as a function taking a theorem @{text A} and returning
-@{text B}.  More precisely, @{text A} and @{text A'} are unified, thus
-instantiating the unknowns in @{text B}, and the result is the instantiated
-@{text B}. Of course, unification may also fail.
-Application of rules to other rules operates in the forward direction: from
-the premises to the conclusion of the rule; application of rules to proof
-states operates in the backward direction, from the conclusion to the
-In general @{text r} can be of the form @{text"\<lbrakk> A\<^sub>1; \<dots>; A\<^sub>n \<rbrakk> \<Longrightarrow> A"}
-and there can be multiple argument theorems @{text r\<^sub>1} to @{text r\<^sub>m}
-(with @{text"m \<le> n"}), in which case @{text "r[OF r\<^sub>1 \<dots> r\<^sub>m]"} is obtained
-by unifying and thus proving @{text "A\<^sub>i"} with @{text "r\<^sub>i"}, @{text"i = 1\<dots>m"}.
-Here is an example, where @{thm[source]refl} is the theorem
-@{thm[show_question_marks] refl}:
-thm conjI[OF refl[of "a"] refl[of "b"]]
-text{* yields the theorem @{thm conjI[OF refl[of "a"] refl[of "b"]]}.
-The command \isacom{thm} merely displays the result.
-Forward reasoning also makes sense in connection with proof states.
-Therefore @{text blast}, @{text fastforce} and @{text auto} support a modifier
-@{text dest} which instructs the proof method to use certain rules in a
-forward fashion. If @{text r} is of the form \mbox{@{text "A \<Longrightarrow> B"}}, the modifier
-\mbox{@{text"dest: r"}}\index{dest@@{text"dest:"}}
-allows proof search to reason forward with @{text r}, i.e.\
-to replace an assumption @{text A'}, where @{text A'} unifies with @{text A},
-with the correspondingly instantiated @{text B}. For example, @{thm[source,show_question_marks] Suc_leD} is the theorem \mbox{@{thm Suc_leD}}, which works well for forward reasoning:
-lemma "Suc(Suc(Suc a)) \<le> b \<Longrightarrow> a \<le> b"
-by(blast dest: Suc_leD)
-text{* In this particular example we could have backchained with
-@{thm[source] Suc_leD}, too, but because the premise is more complicated than the conclusion this can easily lead to nontermination.
-%\subsection{Finding Theorems}
-%Command \isacom{find{\isacharunderscorekeyword}theorems} searches for specific theorems in the current
-%theory. Search criteria include pattern matching on terms and on names.
-%For details see the Isabelle/Isar Reference Manual~\cite{IsarRef}.
-To ease readability we will drop the question marks
-in front of unknowns from now on.
-\section{Inductive Definitions}
-\label{sec:inductive-defs}\index{inductive definition|(}
-Inductive definitions are the third important definition facility, after
-datatypes and recursive function.
-In fact, they are the key construct in the
-definition of operational semantics in the second part of the book.
-\subsection{An Example: Even Numbers}
-Here is a simple example of an inductively defined predicate:
-\item 0 is even
-\item If $n$ is even, so is $n+2$.
-The operative word ``inductive'' means that these are the only even numbers.
-In Isabelle we give the two rules the names @{text ev0} and @{text evSS}
-and write
-inductive ev :: "nat \<Rightarrow> bool" where
-ev0:    "ev 0" |
-evSS:  (*<*)"ev n \<Longrightarrow> ev (Suc(Suc n))"(*>*)
-text_raw{* @{prop[source]"ev n \<Longrightarrow> ev (n + 2)"} *}
-text{* To get used to inductive definitions, we will first prove a few
-properties of @{const ev} informally before we descend to the Isabelle level.
-How do we prove that some number is even, e.g.\ @{prop "ev 4"}? Simply by combining the defining rules for @{const ev}:
-@{text "ev 0 \<Longrightarrow> ev (0 + 2) \<Longrightarrow> ev((0 + 2) + 2) = ev 4"}
-\subsubsection{Rule Induction}\index{rule induction|(}
-Showing that all even numbers have some property is more complicated.  For
-example, let us prove that the inductive definition of even numbers agrees
-with the following recursive one:*}
-fun even :: "nat \<Rightarrow> bool" where
-"even 0 = True" |
-"even (Suc 0) = False" |
-"even (Suc(Suc n)) = even n"
-text{* We prove @{prop"ev m \<Longrightarrow> even m"}.  That is, we
-assume @{prop"ev m"} and by induction on the form of its derivation
-prove @{prop"even m"}. There are two cases corresponding to the two rules
-for @{const ev}:
-\item[Case @{thm[source]ev0}:]
- @{prop"ev m"} was derived by rule @{prop "ev 0"}: \\
- @{text"\<Longrightarrow>"} @{prop"m=(0::nat)"} @{text"\<Longrightarrow>"} @{text "even m = even 0 = True"}
-\item[Case @{thm[source]evSS}:]
- @{prop"ev m"} was derived by rule @{prop "ev n \<Longrightarrow> ev(n+2)"}: \\
-@{text"\<Longrightarrow>"} @{prop"m=n+(2::nat)"} and by induction hypothesis @{prop"even n"}\\
-@{text"\<Longrightarrow>"} @{text"even m = even(n + 2) = even n = True"}
-What we have just seen is a special case of \concept{rule induction}.
-Rule induction applies to propositions of this form
-@{prop "ev n \<Longrightarrow> P n"}
-That is, we want to prove a property @{prop"P n"}
-for all even @{text n}. But if we assume @{prop"ev n"}, then there must be
-some derivation of this assumption using the two defining rules for
-@{const ev}. That is, we must prove
-\item[Case @{thm[source]ev0}:] @{prop"P(0::nat)"}
-\item[Case @{thm[source]evSS}:] @{prop"\<lbrakk> ev n; P n \<rbrakk> \<Longrightarrow> P(n + 2::nat)"}
-The corresponding rule is called @{thm[source] ev.induct} and looks like this:
-\mbox{@{thm (prem 1) ev.induct[of "n"]}}\\
-\mbox{@{thm (prem 2) ev.induct}}\\
-\mbox{@{prop"!!n. \<lbrakk> ev n; P n \<rbrakk> \<Longrightarrow> P(n+2)"}}}
-{\mbox{@{thm (concl) ev.induct[of "n"]}}}
-The first premise @{prop"ev n"} enforces that this rule can only be applied
-in situations where we know that @{text n} is even.
-Note that in the induction step we may not just assume @{prop"P n"} but also
-\mbox{@{prop"ev n"}}, which is simply the premise of rule @{thm[source]
-evSS}.  Here is an example where the local assumption @{prop"ev n"} comes in
-handy: we prove @{prop"ev m \<Longrightarrow> ev(m - 2)"} by induction on @{prop"ev m"}.
-Case @{thm[source]ev0} requires us to prove @{prop"ev(0 - 2)"}, which follows
-from @{prop"ev 0"} because @{prop"0 - 2 = (0::nat)"} on type @{typ nat}. In
-case @{thm[source]evSS} we have \mbox{@{prop"m = n+(2::nat)"}} and may assume
-@{prop"ev n"}, which implies @{prop"ev (m - 2)"} because @{text"m - 2 = (n +
-2) - 2 = n"}. We did not need the induction hypothesis at all for this proof,
-it is just a case analysis of which rule was used, but having @{prop"ev
-n"} at our disposal in case @{thm[source]evSS} was essential.
-This case analysis of rules is also called ``rule inversion''
-and is discussed in more detail in \autoref{ch:Isar}.
-\subsubsection{In Isabelle}
-Let us now recast the above informal proofs in Isabelle. For a start,
-we use @{const Suc} terms instead of numerals in rule @{thm[source]evSS}:
-@{thm[display] evSS}
-This avoids the difficulty of unifying @{text"n+2"} with some numeral,
-which is not automatic.
-The simplest way to prove @{prop"ev(Suc(Suc(Suc(Suc 0))))"} is in a forward
-direction: @{text "evSS[OF evSS[OF ev0]]"} yields the theorem @{thm evSS[OF
-evSS[OF ev0]]}. Alternatively, you can also prove it as a lemma in backwards
-fashion. Although this is more verbose, it allows us to demonstrate how each
-rule application changes the proof state: *}
-lemma "ev(Suc(Suc(Suc(Suc 0))))"
-apply(rule evSS)
-apply(rule evSS)
-apply(rule ev0)
-text{* \indent
-Rule induction is applied by giving the induction rule explicitly via the
-@{text"rule:"} modifier:\index{inductionrule@@{text"induction ... rule:"}}*}
-lemma "ev m \<Longrightarrow> even m"
-apply(induction rule: ev.induct)
-text{* Both cases are automatic. Note that if there are multiple assumptions
-of the form @{prop"ev t"}, method @{text induction} will induct on the leftmost
-As a bonus, we also prove the remaining direction of the equivalence of
-@{const ev} and @{const even}:
-lemma "even n \<Longrightarrow> ev n"
-apply(induction n rule: even.induct)
-txt{* This is a proof by computation induction on @{text n} (see
-\autoref{sec:recursive-funs}) that sets up three subgoals corresponding to
-the three equations for @{const even}:
-The first and third subgoals follow with @{thm[source]ev0} and @{thm[source]evSS}, and the second subgoal is trivially true because @{prop"even(Suc 0)"} is @{const False}:
-by (simp_all add: ev0 evSS)
-text{* The rules for @{const ev} make perfect simplification and introduction
-rules because their premises are always smaller than the conclusion. It
-makes sense to turn them into simplification and introduction rules
-permanently, to enhance proof automation. They are named @{thm[source] ev.intros}
-\index{intros@@{text".intros"}} by Isabelle: *}
-declare ev.intros[simp,intro]
-text{* The rules of an inductive definition are not simplification rules by
-default because, in contrast to recursive functions, there is no termination
-requirement for inductive definitions.
-\subsubsection{Inductive Versus Recursive}
-We have seen two definitions of the notion of evenness, an inductive and a
-recursive one. Which one is better? Much of the time, the recursive one is
-more convenient: it allows us to do rewriting in the middle of terms, and it
-expresses both the positive information (which numbers are even) and the
-negative information (which numbers are not even) directly. An inductive
-definition only expresses the positive information directly. The negative
-information, for example, that @{text 1} is not even, has to be proved from
-it (by induction or rule inversion). On the other hand, rule induction is
-tailor-made for proving \mbox{@{prop"ev n \<Longrightarrow> P n"}} because it only asks you
-to prove the positive cases. In the proof of @{prop"even n \<Longrightarrow> P n"} by
-computation induction via @{thm[source]even.induct}, we are also presented
-with the trivial negative cases. If you want the convenience of both
-rewriting and rule induction, you can make two definitions and show their
-equivalence (as above) or make one definition and prove additional properties
-from it, for example rule induction from computation induction.
-But many concepts do not admit a recursive definition at all because there is
-no datatype for the recursion (for example, the transitive closure of a
-relation), or the recursion would not terminate (for example,
-an interpreter for a programming language). Even if there is a recursive
-definition, if we are only interested in the positive information, the
-inductive definition may be much simpler.
-\subsection{The Reflexive Transitive Closure}
-Evenness is really more conveniently expressed recursively than inductively.
-As a second and very typical example of an inductive definition we define the
-reflexive transitive closure.
-It will also be an important building block for
-some of the semantics considered in the second part of the book.
-The reflexive transitive closure, called @{text star} below, is a function
-that maps a binary predicate to another binary predicate: if @{text r} is of
-type @{text"\<tau> \<Rightarrow> \<tau> \<Rightarrow> bool"} then @{term "star r"} is again of type @{text"\<tau> \<Rightarrow>
-\<tau> \<Rightarrow> bool"}, and @{prop"star r x y"} means that @{text x} and @{text y} are in
-the relation @{term"star r"}. Think @{term"r^*"} when you see @{term"star
-r"}, because @{text"star r"} is meant to be the reflexive transitive closure.
-That is, @{prop"star r x y"} is meant to be true if from @{text x} we can
-reach @{text y} in finitely many @{text r} steps. This concept is naturally
-defined inductively: *}
-inductive star :: "('a \<Rightarrow> 'a \<Rightarrow> bool) \<Rightarrow> 'a \<Rightarrow> 'a \<Rightarrow> bool"  for r where
-refl:  "star r x x" |
-step:  "r x y \<Longrightarrow> star r y z \<Longrightarrow> star r x z"
-text{* The base case @{thm[source] refl} is reflexivity: @{term "x=y"}. The
-step case @{thm[source]step} combines an @{text r} step (from @{text x} to
-@{text y}) and a @{term"star r"} step (from @{text y} to @{text z}) into a
-@{term"star r"} step (from @{text x} to @{text z}).
-The ``\isacom{for}~@{text r}'' in the header is merely a hint to Isabelle
-that @{text r} is a fixed parameter of @{const star}, in contrast to the
-further parameters of @{const star}, which change. As a result, Isabelle
-generates a simpler induction rule.
-By definition @{term"star r"} is reflexive. It is also transitive, but we
-need rule induction to prove that: *}
-lemma star_trans: "star r x y \<Longrightarrow> star r y z \<Longrightarrow> star r x z"
-apply(induction rule: star.induct)
-apply(rename_tac u x y)
-txt{* The induction is over @{prop"star r x y"} (the first matching assumption)
-and we try to prove \mbox{@{prop"star r y z \<Longrightarrow> star r x z"}},
-which we abbreviate by @{prop"P x y"}. These are our two subgoals:
-The first one is @{prop"P x x"}, the result of case @{thm[source]refl},
-and it is trivial:\index{assumption@@{text assumption}}
-txt{* Let us examine subgoal @{text 2}, case @{thm[source] step}.
-Assumptions @{prop"r u x"} and \mbox{@{prop"star r x y"}}
-are the premises of rule @{thm[source]step}.
-Assumption @{prop"star r y z \<Longrightarrow> star r x z"} is \mbox{@{prop"P x y"}},
-the IH coming from @{prop"star r x y"}. We have to prove @{prop"P u y"},
-which we do by assuming @{prop"star r y z"} and proving @{prop"star r u z"}.
-The proof itself is straightforward: from \mbox{@{prop"star r y z"}} the IH
-leads to @{prop"star r x z"} which, together with @{prop"r u x"},
-leads to \mbox{@{prop"star r u z"}} via rule @{thm[source]step}:
-apply(metis step)
-text{*\index{rule induction|)}
-\subsection{The General Case}
-Inductive definitions have approximately the following general form:
-\isacom{inductive} @{text"I :: \"\<tau> \<Rightarrow> bool\""} \isacom{where}
-followed by a sequence of (possibly named) rules of the form
-@{text "\<lbrakk> I a\<^sub>1; \<dots>; I a\<^sub>n \<rbrakk> \<Longrightarrow> I a"}
-separated by @{text"|"}. As usual, @{text n} can be 0.
-The corresponding rule induction principle
-@{text I.induct} applies to propositions of the form
-@{prop "I x \<Longrightarrow> P x"}
-where @{text P} may itself be a chain of implications.
-Rule induction is always on the leftmost premise of the goal.
-Hence @{text "I x"} must be the first premise.
-Proving @{prop "I x \<Longrightarrow> P x"} by rule induction means proving
-for every rule of @{text I} that @{text P} is invariant:
-@{text "\<lbrakk> I a\<^sub>1; P a\<^sub>1; \<dots>; I a\<^sub>n; P a\<^sub>n \<rbrakk> \<Longrightarrow> P a"}
-The above format for inductive definitions is simplified in a number of
-respects. @{text I} can have any number of arguments and each rule can have
-additional premises not involving @{text I}, so-called \conceptidx{side
-conditions}{side condition}. In rule inductions, these side conditions appear as additional
-assumptions. The \isacom{for} clause seen in the definition of the reflexive
-transitive closure simplifies the induction rule.
-\index{inductive definition|)}
-Formalise the following definition of palindromes
-\item The empty list and a singleton list are palindromes.
-\item If @{text xs} is a palindrome, so is @{term "a # xs @ [a]"}.
-as an inductive predicate @{text "palindrome ::"} @{typ "'a list \<Rightarrow> bool"}
-and prove that @{prop "rev xs = xs"} if @{text xs} is a palindrome.
-We could also have defined @{const star} as follows:
-inductive star' :: "('a \<Rightarrow> 'a \<Rightarrow> bool) \<Rightarrow> 'a \<Rightarrow> 'a \<Rightarrow> bool" for r where
-refl': "star' r x x" |
-step': "star' r x y \<Longrightarrow> r y z \<Longrightarrow> star' r x z"
-The single @{text r} step is performed after rather than before the @{text star'}
-steps. Prove @{prop "star' r x y \<Longrightarrow> star r x y"} and
-@{prop "star r x y \<Longrightarrow> star r' x y"}. You may need lemmas.
-Note that rule induction fails
-if the assumption about the inductive predicate is not the first assumption.
-Analogous to @{const star}, give an inductive definition of the @{text n}-fold iteration
-of a relation @{text r}: @{term "iter r n x y"} should hold if there are @{text x\<^sub>0}, \dots, @{text x\<^sub>n}
-such that @{prop"x = x\<^sub>0"}, @{prop"x\<^sub>n = y"} and @{text"r x\<^bsub>i\<^esub> x\<^bsub>i+1\<^esub>"} for
-all @{prop"i < n"}. Correct and prove the following claim:
-@{prop"star r x y \<Longrightarrow> iter r n x y"}.
-A context-free grammar can be seen as an inductive definition where each
-nonterminal $A$ is an inductively defined predicate on lists of terminal
-symbols: $A(w)$ means that $w$ is in the language generated by $A$.
-For example, the production $S \to a S b$ can be viewed as the implication
-@{prop"S w \<Longrightarrow> S (a # w @ [b])"} where @{text a} and @{text b} are terminal symbols,
-i.e., elements of some alphabet. The alphabet can be defined like this:
-\isacom{datatype} @{text"alpha = a | b | \<dots>"}
-Define the two grammars (where $\varepsilon$ is the empty word)
-\begin{array}{r@ {\quad}c@ {\quad}l}
-S &\to& \varepsilon \quad\mid\quad aSb \quad\mid\quad SS \\
-T &\to& \varepsilon \quad\mid\quad TaTb
-as two inductive predicates.
-If you think of @{text a} and @{text b} as ``@{text "("}'' and  ``@{text ")"}'',
-the grammars defines strings of balanced parentheses.
-Prove @{prop"T w \<Longrightarrow> S w"} and @{prop "S w \<Longrightarrow> T w"} separately and conclude
-@{prop "S w = T w"}.
-In \autoref{sec:AExp} we defined a recursive evaluation function
-@{text "aval :: aexp \<Rightarrow> state \<Rightarrow> val"}.
-Define an inductive evaluation predicate
-@{text "aval_rel :: aexp \<Rightarrow> state \<Rightarrow> val \<Rightarrow> bool"}
-and prove that it agrees with the recursive function:
-@{prop "aval_rel a s v \<Longrightarrow> aval a s = v"}, 
-@{prop "aval a s = v \<Longrightarrow> aval_rel a s v"} and thus
-\noquotes{@{prop [source] "aval_rel a s v \<longleftrightarrow> aval a s = v"}}.
-Consider the stack machine from Chapter~3
-and recall the concept of \concept{stack underflow}
-from Exercise~\ref{exe:stack-underflow}.
-Define an inductive predicate
-@{text "ok :: nat \<Rightarrow> instr list \<Rightarrow> nat \<Rightarrow> bool"}
-such that @{text "ok n is n'"} means that with any initial stack of length
-@{text n} the instructions @{text "is"} can be executed
-without stack underflow and that the final stack has length @{text n'}.
-Prove that @{text ok} correctly computes the final stack size
-@{prop[display] "\<lbrakk>ok n is n'; length stk = n\<rbrakk> \<Longrightarrow> length (exec is s stk) = n'"}
-and that instruction sequences generated by @{text comp}
-cannot cause stack underflow: \ @{text "ok n (comp a) ?"} \ for
-some suitable value of @{text "?"}.