changeset 7927 b50446a33c16
parent 7917 5e5b9813cce7
child 7978 1b99ee57d131
--- a/src/HOL/Real/HahnBanach/document/root.tex	Mon Oct 25 19:24:31 1999 +0200
+++ b/src/HOL/Real/HahnBanach/document/root.tex	Mon Oct 25 19:24:43 1999 +0200
@@ -12,32 +12,42 @@
-\title{The Hahn-Banach Theorem for Real Vectorspaces}
+\title{The Hahn-Banach Theorem for Real Vector Spaces}
 \author{Gertrud Bauer}
-The Hahn-Banach theorem is one of the most important theorems
-of functional analysis. We present the fully formal proof of two versions of
-the theorem, one for general linear spaces and one for normed spaces
-as a corollary of the first. 
-The first part contains the definition of basic notions of
-linear algebra, such as vector spaces, subspaces, normed spaces,
-continous linearforms, norm of functions and an order on
-functions by domain extension.
-The second part contains some lemmas about the supremum w.r.t. the
-function order and the extension of a non-maximal function, 
-which are needed for the proof of the main theorem.
-The third part is the proof of the theorem in its two different versions.
+  The Hahn-Banach theorem is one of the most fundamental results in functional
+  analysis. We present a fully formal proof of two versions of the theorem,
+  one for general linear spaces and another for normed spaces.  This
+  development is based on simply-typed classical set-theory, as provided by
+  Isabelle/HOL.
+\parindent 0pt \parskip 0.5ex
-\part {Basic notions}
+This is a fully formal proof of the Hahn-Banach theorem. It closely follows
+the informal presentation given in the textbook \cite[\S 36]{Heuser:1986}.
+Another formal proof of the same theorem has been done in Mizar
+\cite{Nowak:1993}.  A general overview of the relevance and history of the
+Hahn-Banach theorem is given in \cite{Narici:1996}.
+\medskip The document is structured as follows.  The first part contains
+definitions of basic notions of linear algebra: vector spaces, subspaces,
+normed spaces, continuous linearforms, norm of functions and an order on
+functions by domain extension.  The second part contains some lemmas about the
+supremum (w.r.t.\ the function order) and extension of non-maximal functions.
+With these preliminaries, the main proof of the theorem (in its two versions)
+is conducted in the third part.
+\part {Basic Notions}
@@ -49,15 +59,17 @@
-\part {Lemmas for the proof}
+\part {Lemmas for the Proof}
-\part {The proof}
+\part {The Main Proof}