--- a/doc-src/Ref/ref.bbl Tue May 03 18:36:18 1994 +0200
+++ b/doc-src/Ref/ref.bbl Tue May 03 18:38:28 1994 +0200
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+Robert~S. Boyer and J~Strother Moore.
+\newblock {\em A Computational Logic Handbook}.
+\newblock Academic Press, 1988.
E.~Charniak, C.~K. Riesbeck, and D.~V. McDermott.
\newblock {\em Artificial Intelligence Programming}.
@@ -11,11 +16,30 @@
formula manipulation, with application to the {Church-Rosser Theorem}.
\newblock {\em Indagationes Mathematicae}, 34:381--392, 1972.
+K.~Futatsugi, J.A. Goguen, Jean-Pierre Jouannaud, and J.~Meseguer.
+\newblock Principles of {OBJ2}.
+\newblock In {\em Principles of Programming Languages}, pages 52--66, 1985.
+Ursula Martin and Tobias Nipkow.
+\newblock Ordered rewriting and confluence.
+\newblock In M.~E. Stickel, editor, {\em 10th International Conference on
+ Automated Deduction}, pages 366--380. Springer, 1990.
+\newblock LNCS 449.
Tobias Nipkow and Christian Prehofer.
\newblock Type checking type classes.
-\newblock In {\em 20th ACM Symp.\ Principles of Programming Languages}, 1993.
-\newblock To appear.
+\newblock In {\em 20th Principles of Programming Languages}, pages 409--418.
+ ACM Press, 1993.
+\newblock Revised version to appear in \bgroup\em Journal of Functional
+ Programming\egroup.
+Bengt {Nordstr\"om}, Kent Petersson, and Jan Smith.
+\newblock {\em Programming in {Martin-L\"of}'s Type Theory. An Introduction}.
+\newblock Oxford University Press, 1990.
Lawrence~C. Paulson.