changeset 13895 b6105462ccd3
parent 13894 8018173a7979
child 13896 717bd79b976f
--- a/src/Pure/Syntax/sextension.ML	Sat Apr 05 16:18:58 2003 +0200
+++ /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
@@ -1,591 +0,0 @@
-(*  Title:      Pure/Syntax/sextension.ML
-    ID:         $Id$
-    Author:     Tobias Nipkow and Markus Wenzel, TU Muenchen
-Syntax extensions (external interface): mixfix declarations, infixes,
-binders, translation rules / functions and the Pure syntax.
-  move ast_to_term, pt_to_ast (?)
-infix |-> <-| <->;
-signature SEXTENSION0 =
-  structure Parser: PARSER
-  local open Parser.SynExt.Ast in
-    datatype mixfix =
-      Mixfix of string * string * string * int list * int |
-      Delimfix of string * string * string |
-      Infixl of string * string * int |
-      Infixr of string * string * int |
-      Binder of string * string * string * int * int |
-      TInfixl of string * string * int |
-      TInfixr of string * string * int
-    datatype xrule =
-      op |-> of (string * string) * (string * string) |
-      op <-| of (string * string) * (string * string) |
-      op <-> of (string * string) * (string * string)
-    datatype sext =
-      Sext of {
-        mixfix: mixfix list,
-        parse_translation: (string * (term list -> term)) list,
-        print_translation: (string * (term list -> term)) list} |
-      NewSext of {
-        mixfix: mixfix list,
-        xrules: xrule list,
-        parse_ast_translation: (string * (ast list -> ast)) list,
-        parse_translation: (string * (term list -> term)) list,
-        print_translation: (string * (term list -> term)) list,
-        print_ast_translation: (string * (ast list -> ast)) list}
-    val eta_contract: bool ref
-    val mk_binder_tr: string * string -> string * (term list -> term)
-    val mk_binder_tr': string * string -> string * (term list -> term)
-    val dependent_tr': string * string -> term list -> term
-    val max_pri: int
-  end
-signature SEXTENSION1 =
-  include SEXTENSION0
-  local open Parser.SynExt.Ast in
-    val empty_sext: sext
-    val simple_sext: mixfix list -> sext
-    val constants: sext -> (string list * string) list
-    val pure_sext: sext
-    val syntax_types: string list
-    val syntax_consts: (string list * string) list
-    val constrainAbsC: string
-    val pure_trfuns:
-      (string * (ast list -> ast)) list *
-      (string * (term list -> term)) list *
-      (string * (term list -> term)) list *
-      (string * (ast list -> ast)) list
-  end
-signature SEXTENSION =
-  include SEXTENSION1
-  local open Parser Parser.SynExt Parser.SynExt.Ast in
-    val xrules_of: sext -> xrule list
-    val abs_tr': term -> term
-    val prop_tr': bool -> term -> term
-    val appl_ast_tr': ast * ast list -> ast
-    val syn_ext_of_sext: string list -> string list -> string list -> (string -> typ) -> sext -> syn_ext
-    val pt_to_ast: (string -> (ast list -> ast) option) -> parsetree -> ast
-    val ast_to_term: (string -> (term list -> term) option) -> ast -> term
-  end
-functor SExtensionFun(structure TypeExt: TYPE_EXT and Parser: PARSER
-  sharing TypeExt.SynExt = Parser.SynExt): SEXTENSION =
-structure Parser = Parser;
-open TypeExt Parser.Lexicon Parser.SynExt.Ast Parser.SynExt Parser;
-(** datatype sext **)   (* FIXME remove *)
-datatype mixfix =
-  Mixfix of string * string * string * int list * int |
-  Delimfix of string * string * string |
-  Infixl of string * string * int |
-  Infixr of string * string * int |
-  Binder of string * string * string * int * int |
-  TInfixl of string * string * int |
-  TInfixr of string * string * int;
-datatype xrule =
-  op |-> of (string * string) * (string * string) |
-  op <-| of (string * string) * (string * string) |
-  op <-> of (string * string) * (string * string);
-datatype sext =
-  Sext of {
-    mixfix: mixfix list,
-    parse_translation: (string * (term list -> term)) list,
-    print_translation: (string * (term list -> term)) list} |
-  NewSext of {
-    mixfix: mixfix list,
-    xrules: xrule list,
-    parse_ast_translation: (string * (ast list -> ast)) list,
-    parse_translation: (string * (term list -> term)) list,
-    print_translation: (string * (term list -> term)) list,
-    print_ast_translation: (string * (ast list -> ast)) list};
-(* simple_sext *)
-fun simple_sext mixfix =
-  Sext {mixfix = mixfix, parse_translation = [], print_translation = []};
-(* empty_sext *)
-val empty_sext = simple_sext [];
-(* sext_components *)
-fun sext_components (Sext {mixfix, parse_translation, print_translation}) =
-      {mixfix = mixfix,
-        xrules = [],
-        parse_ast_translation = [],
-        parse_translation = parse_translation,
-        print_translation = print_translation,
-        print_ast_translation = []}
-  | sext_components (NewSext cmps) = cmps;
-(* mixfix_of *)
-fun mixfix_of (Sext {mixfix, ...}) = mixfix
-  | mixfix_of (NewSext {mixfix, ...}) = mixfix;
-(* xrules_of *)
-fun xrules_of (Sext _) = []
-  | xrules_of (NewSext {xrules, ...}) = xrules;
-(*** translation functions ***) (* FIXME -> trans.ML *)
-fun const c = Const (c, dummyT);
-(** parse (ast) translations **)
-(* application *)
-fun appl_ast_tr (*"_appl"*) [f, args] = Appl (f :: unfold_ast "_args" args)
-  | appl_ast_tr (*"_appl"*) asts = raise_ast "appl_ast_tr" asts;
-(* abstraction *)
-fun idtyp_ast_tr (*"_idtyp"*) [x, ty] = Appl [Constant constrainC, x, ty]
-  | idtyp_ast_tr (*"_idtyp"*) asts = raise_ast "idtyp_ast_tr" asts;
-fun lambda_ast_tr (*"_lambda"*) [idts, body] =
-      fold_ast_p "_abs" (unfold_ast "_idts" idts, body)
-  | lambda_ast_tr (*"_lambda"*) asts = raise_ast "lambda_ast_tr" asts;
-fun abs_tr (*"_abs"*) [Free (x, T), body] = absfree (x, T, body)
-  | abs_tr (*"_abs"*) (ts as [Const (c, _) $ Free (x, T) $ tT, body]) =
-      if c = constrainC then
-        const "_constrainAbs" $ absfree (x, T, body) $ tT
-      else raise_term "abs_tr" ts
-  | abs_tr (*"_abs"*) ts = raise_term "abs_tr" ts;
-(* nondependent abstraction *)
-fun k_tr (*"_K"*) [t] = Abs ("uu", dummyT, incr_boundvars 1 t)
-  | k_tr (*"_K"*) ts = raise_term "k_tr" ts;
-(* binder *)
-fun mk_binder_tr (sy, name) =
-  let
-    fun tr (Free (x, T), t) = const name $ absfree (x, T, t)
-      | tr (Const ("_idts", _) $ idt $ idts, t) = tr (idt, tr (idts, t))
-      | tr (t1 as Const (c, _) $ Free (x, T) $ tT, t) =
-          if c = constrainC then
-            const name $ (const "_constrainAbs" $ absfree (x, T, t) $ tT)
-          else raise_term "binder_tr" [t1, t]
-      | tr (t1, t2) = raise_term "binder_tr" [t1, t2];
-    fun binder_tr (*sy*) [idts, body] = tr (idts, body)
-      | binder_tr (*sy*) ts = raise_term "binder_tr" ts;
-  in
-    (sy, binder_tr)
-  end;
-(* meta propositions *)
-fun aprop_tr (*"_aprop"*) [t] = const constrainC $ t $ const "prop"
-  | aprop_tr (*"_aprop"*) ts = raise_term "aprop_tr" ts;
-fun ofclass_tr (*"_ofclass"*) [ty, cls] =
-      cls $ (const constrainC $ const "TYPE" $ (const "itself" $ ty))
-  | ofclass_tr (*"_ofclass"*) ts = raise_term "ofclass_tr" ts;
-(* meta implication *)
-fun bigimpl_ast_tr (*"_bigimpl"*) [asms, concl] =
-      fold_ast_p "==>" (unfold_ast "_asms" asms, concl)
-  | bigimpl_ast_tr (*"_bigimpl"*) asts = raise_ast "bigimpl_ast_tr" asts;
-(* explode atoms *)
-fun explode_tr (*"_explode"*) (ts as [consC, nilC, bit0, bit1, txt]) =
-      let
-        fun mk_list [] = nilC
-          | mk_list (t :: ts) = consC $ t $ mk_list ts;
-        fun encode_bit 0 = bit0
-          | encode_bit 1 = bit1
-          | encode_bit _ = sys_error "encode_bit";
-        fun encode_char c =   (* FIXME leading 0s (?) *)
-          mk_list (map encode_bit (radixpand (2, (ord c))));
-        val str =
-          (case txt of
-            Free (s, _) => s
-          | Const (s, _) => s
-          | _ => raise_term "explode_tr" ts);
-      in
-        mk_list (map encode_char (explode str))
-      end
-  | explode_tr (*"_explode"*) ts = raise_term "explode_tr" ts;
-(** print (ast) translations **)
-(* application *)
-fun appl_ast_tr' (f, []) = raise_ast "appl_ast_tr'" [f]
-  | appl_ast_tr' (f, args) = Appl [Constant "_appl", f, fold_ast "_args" args];
-(* abstraction *)
-fun strip_abss vars_of body_of tm =
-  let
-    fun free (x, _) = Free (x, dummyT);
-    val vars = vars_of tm;
-    val body = body_of tm;
-    val rev_new_vars = rename_wrt_term body vars;
-  in
-    (map Free (rev rev_new_vars), subst_bounds (map free rev_new_vars, body))
-  end;
-(*do (partial) eta-contraction before printing*)
-val eta_contract = ref false;
-fun eta_contr tm =
-  let
-    fun eta_abs (Abs (a, T, t)) =
-          (case eta_abs t of
-            t' as f $ u =>
-              (case eta_abs u of
-                Bound 0 =>
-                  if not (0 mem loose_bnos f) then incr_boundvars ~1 f
-                  else Abs (a, T, t')
-              | _ => Abs (a, T, t'))
-          | t' => Abs (a, T, t'))
-      | eta_abs t = t;
-  in
-    if ! eta_contract then eta_abs tm else tm
-  end;
-fun abs_tr' tm =
-  foldr (fn (x, t) => const "_abs" $ x $ t)
-    (strip_abss strip_abs_vars strip_abs_body (eta_contr tm));
-fun abs_ast_tr' (*"_abs"*) asts =
-  (case unfold_ast_p "_abs" (Appl (Constant "_abs" :: asts)) of
-    ([], _) => raise_ast "abs_ast_tr'" asts
-  | (xs, body) => Appl [Constant "_lambda", fold_ast "_idts" xs, body]);
-(* binder *)
-fun mk_binder_tr' (name, sy) =
-  let
-    fun mk_idts [] = raise Match    (*abort translation*)
-      | mk_idts [idt] = idt
-      | mk_idts (idt :: idts) = const "_idts" $ idt $ mk_idts idts;
-    fun tr' t =
-      let
-        val (xs, bd) = strip_abss (strip_qnt_vars name) (strip_qnt_body name) t;
-      in
-        const sy $ mk_idts xs $ bd
-      end;
-    fun binder_tr' (*name*) (t :: ts) =
-          list_comb (tr' (const name $ t), ts)
-      | binder_tr' (*name*) [] = raise Match;
-  in
-    (name, binder_tr')
-  end;
-(* idts *)
-fun idts_ast_tr' (*"_idts"*) [Appl [Constant c, x, ty], xs] =
-      if c = constrainC then
-        Appl [Constant "_idts", Appl [Constant "_idtyp", x, ty], xs]
-      else raise Match
-  | idts_ast_tr' (*"_idts"*) _ = raise Match;
-(* meta propositions *)
-fun prop_tr' show_sorts tm =
-  let
-    fun aprop t = const "_aprop" $ t;
-    fun is_prop tys t =
-      fastype_of1 (tys, t) = propT handle TERM _ => false;
-    fun tr' _ (t as Const _) = t
-      | tr' _ (t as Free (x, ty)) =
-          if ty = propT then aprop (Free (x, dummyT)) else t
-      | tr' _ (t as Var (xi, ty)) =
-          if ty = propT then aprop (Var (xi, dummyT)) else t
-      | tr' tys (t as Bound _) =
-          if is_prop tys t then aprop t else t
-      | tr' tys (Abs (x, ty, t)) = Abs (x, ty, tr' (ty :: tys) t)
-      | tr' tys (t as t1 $ (t2 as Const ("TYPE", Type ("itself", [ty])))) =
-          if is_prop tys t then
-            const "_ofclass" $ term_of_typ show_sorts ty $ tr' tys t1
-          else tr' tys t1 $ tr' tys t2
-      | tr' tys (t as t1 $ t2) =
-          (if is_Const (head_of t) orelse not (is_prop tys t)
-            then I else aprop) (tr' tys t1 $ tr' tys t2);
-  in
-    tr' [] tm
-  end;
-(* meta implication *)
-fun impl_ast_tr' (*"==>"*) asts =
-  (case unfold_ast_p "==>" (Appl (Constant "==>" :: asts)) of
-    (asms as _ :: _ :: _, concl)
-      => Appl [Constant "_bigimpl", fold_ast "_asms" asms, concl]
-  | _ => raise Match);
-(* dependent / nondependent quantifiers *)
-fun dependent_tr' (q, r) (A :: Abs (x, T, B) :: ts) =
-      if 0 mem (loose_bnos B) then
-        let val (x', B') = variant_abs (x, dummyT, B);
-        in list_comb (const q $ Free (x', T) $ A $ B', ts) end
-      else list_comb (const r $ A $ B, ts)
-  | dependent_tr' _ _ = raise Match;
-(* implode atoms *)
-fun implode_ast_tr' (*"_implode"*) (asts as [Constant cons_name, nilC,
-    bit0, bit1, bitss]) =
-      let
-        fun err () = raise_ast "implode_ast_tr'" asts;
-        fun strip_list lst =
-          let val (xs, y) = unfold_ast_p cons_name lst
-          in if y = nilC then xs else err ()
-          end;
-        fun decode_bit bit =
-          if bit = bit0 then "0"
-          else if bit = bit1 then "1"
-          else err ();
-        fun decode_char bits =
-          chr (#1 (scan_radixint (2, map decode_bit (strip_list bits))));
-      in
-        Variable (implode (map decode_char (strip_list bitss)))
-      end
-  | implode_ast_tr' (*"_implode"*) asts = raise_ast "implode_ast_tr'" asts;
-(** syn_ext_of_sext **)   (* FIXME remove *)
-fun strip_esc str =
-  let
-    fun strip ("'" :: c :: cs) = c :: strip cs
-      | strip ["'"] = []
-      | strip (c :: cs) = c :: strip cs
-      | strip [] = [];
-  in
-    implode (strip (explode str))
-  end;
-fun infix_name sy = "op " ^ strip_esc sy;
-fun syn_ext_of_sext all_roots new_roots xconsts read_typ sext =
-  let
-    val {mixfix, parse_ast_translation, parse_translation, print_translation,
-      print_ast_translation, ...} = sext_components sext;
-    val tinfixT = [typeT, typeT] ---> typeT;
-    fun binder (Binder (sy, _, name, _, _)) = Some (sy, name)
-      | binder _ = None;
-    fun binder_typ ty =
-      (case read_typ ty of
-        Type ("fun", [Type ("fun", [_, T2]), T3]) =>
-          [Type ("idts", []), T2] ---> T3
-      | _ => error ("Illegal binder type " ^ quote ty));
-    fun mk_infix sy ty c p1 p2 p3 =
-      [Mfix ("(_ " ^ sy ^ "/ _)", ty, c, [p1, p2], p3),
-       Mfix ("op " ^ sy, ty, c, [], max_pri)];
-    fun mfix_of (Mixfix (sy, ty, c, ps, p)) = [Mfix (sy, read_typ ty, c, ps, p)]
-      | mfix_of (Delimfix (sy, ty, c)) = [Mfix (sy, read_typ ty, c, [], max_pri)]
-      | mfix_of (Infixl (sy, ty, p)) =
-          mk_infix sy (read_typ ty) (infix_name sy) p (p + 1) p
-      | mfix_of (Infixr (sy, ty, p)) =
-          mk_infix sy (read_typ ty) (infix_name sy) (p + 1) p p
-      | mfix_of (Binder (sy, ty, _, p, q)) =
-          [Mfix ("(3" ^ sy ^ "_./ _)", binder_typ ty, sy, [0, p], q)]
-      | mfix_of (TInfixl (s, c, p)) =
-          [Mfix ("(_ " ^ s ^ "/ _)", tinfixT, c, [p, p + 1], p)]
-      | mfix_of (TInfixr (s, c, p)) =
-          [Mfix ("(_ " ^ s ^ "/ _)", tinfixT, c, [p + 1, p], p)];
-    val mfix = flat (map mfix_of mixfix);
-    val binders = mapfilter binder mixfix;
-    val bparses = map mk_binder_tr binders;
-    val bprints = map (mk_binder_tr' o swap) binders;
-  in
-    syn_ext all_roots new_roots mfix (distinct (filter is_xid xconsts))
-      (parse_ast_translation,
-        bparses @ parse_translation,
-        bprints @ print_translation,
-        print_ast_translation)
-      ([], [])
-  end;
-(** constants **)     (* FIXME remove *)
-fun constants sext =
-  let
-    fun consts (Delimfix (_, ty, c)) = ([c], ty)
-      | consts (Mixfix (_, ty, c, _, _)) = ([c], ty)
-      | consts (Infixl (c, ty, _)) = ([infix_name c], ty)
-      | consts (Infixr (c, ty, _)) = ([infix_name c], ty)
-      | consts (Binder (_, ty, c, _, _)) = ([c], ty)
-      | consts _ = ([""], "");    (*is filtered out below*)
-  in
-    distinct (filter_out (fn (l, _) => l = [""]) (map consts (mixfix_of sext)))
-  end;
-(** pt_to_ast **)
-fun pt_to_ast trf pt =
-  let
-    fun trans a args =
-      (case trf a of
-        None => mk_appl (Constant a) args
-      | Some f => f args handle exn
-          => (writeln ("Error in parse ast translation for " ^ quote a); raise exn));
-    fun ast_of (Node (a, pts)) = trans a (map ast_of pts)
-      | ast_of (Tip tok) = Variable (str_of_token tok);
-  in
-    ast_of pt
-  end;
-(** ast_to_term **)
-fun ast_to_term trf ast =
-  let
-    fun trans a args =
-      (case trf a of
-        None => list_comb (const a, args)
-      | Some f => f args handle exn
-          => (writeln ("Error in parse translation for " ^ quote a); raise exn));
-    fun term_of (Constant a) = trans a []
-      | term_of (Variable x) = scan_var x
-      | term_of (Appl (Constant a :: (asts as _ :: _))) =
-          trans a (map term_of asts)
-      | term_of (Appl (ast :: (asts as _ :: _))) =
-          list_comb (term_of ast, map term_of asts)
-      | term_of (ast as Appl _) = raise_ast "ast_to_term: malformed ast" [ast];
-  in
-    term_of ast
-  end;
-(** pure_trfuns **)
-val pure_trfuns =
- ([(applC, appl_ast_tr), ("_lambda", lambda_ast_tr), ("_idtyp", idtyp_ast_tr),
-    ("_bigimpl", bigimpl_ast_tr)],
-  [("_abs", abs_tr), ("_aprop", aprop_tr), ("_ofclass", ofclass_tr),
-    ("_K", k_tr), ("_explode", explode_tr)],
-  [],
-  [("_abs", abs_ast_tr'), ("_idts", idts_ast_tr'), ("==>", impl_ast_tr'),
-    ("_implode", implode_ast_tr')]);
-val constrainAbsC = "_constrainAbs";
-(** the Pure syntax **)   (* FIXME remove *)
-val pure_sext =
-  NewSext {
-    mixfix = [
-      Mixfix   ("(3%_./ _)",  "[idts, 'a] => ('b => 'a)",      "_lambda", [0], 0),
-      Delimfix ("_",          "'a => " ^ args,                 ""),
-      Delimfix ("_,/ _",      "['a, " ^ args ^ "] => " ^ args, "_args"),
-      Delimfix ("_",          "id => idt",                     ""),
-      Mixfix   ("_::_",       "[id, type] => idt",             "_idtyp", [0, 0], 0),
-      Delimfix ("'(_')",      "idt => idt",                    ""),
-      Delimfix ("_",          "idt => idts",                   ""),
-      Mixfix   ("_/ _",       "[idt, idts] => idts",           "_idts", [1, 0], 0),
-      Delimfix ("_",          "id => aprop",                   ""),
-      Delimfix ("_",          "var => aprop",                  ""),
-      Mixfix   ("(1_/(1'(_')))", "[('b => 'a), " ^ args ^ "] => aprop", applC, [max_pri, 0], max_pri),
-      Delimfix ("PROP _",     "aprop => prop",                 "_aprop"),
-      Delimfix ("_",          "prop => asms",                  ""),
-      Delimfix ("_;/ _",      "[prop, asms] => asms",          "_asms"),
-      Mixfix   ("((3[| _ |]) ==>/ _)", "[asms, prop] => prop", "_bigimpl", [0, 1], 1),
-      Mixfix   ("(_ ==/ _)",  "['a::{}, 'a] => prop",          "==", [3, 2], 2),
-      Mixfix   ("(_ =?=/ _)", "['a::{}, 'a] => prop",          "=?=", [3, 2], 2),
-      Mixfix   ("(_ ==>/ _)", "[prop, prop] => prop",          "==>", [2, 1], 1),
-      Binder   ("!!",         "('a::logic => prop) => prop",   "all", 0, 0)],
-    xrules = [],
-    parse_ast_translation = [(applC, appl_ast_tr), ("_lambda", lambda_ast_tr),
-      ("_idtyp", idtyp_ast_tr), ("_bigimpl", bigimpl_ast_tr)],
-    parse_translation = [("_abs", abs_tr), ("_aprop", aprop_tr), ("_K", k_tr),
-      ("_explode", explode_tr)],
-    print_translation = [],
-    print_ast_translation = [("_abs", abs_ast_tr'), ("_idts", idts_ast_tr'),
-      ("==>", impl_ast_tr'), ("_implode", implode_ast_tr')]};
-val syntax_types = terminals @ ["syntax", logic, "type", "types", "sort",
-  "classes", args, "idt", "idts", "aprop", "asms"];
-val syntax_consts = [(["_K", "_explode", "_implode"], "syntax")];