changeset 24893 b8ef7afe3a6b
parent 16417 9bc16273c2d4
child 27517 c055e1d49285
--- a/src/ZF/CardinalArith.thy	Sun Oct 07 15:49:25 2007 +0200
+++ b/src/ZF/CardinalArith.thy	Sun Oct 07 21:19:31 2007 +0200
@@ -9,40 +9,45 @@
 theory CardinalArith imports Cardinal OrderArith ArithSimp Finite begin
-  InfCard       :: "i=>o"
+  InfCard       :: "i=>o"  where
     "InfCard(i) == Card(i) & nat le i"
-  cmult         :: "[i,i]=>i"       (infixl "|*|" 70)
+  cmult         :: "[i,i]=>i"       (infixl "|*|" 70)  where
     "i |*| j == |i*j|"
-  cadd          :: "[i,i]=>i"       (infixl "|+|" 65)
+  cadd          :: "[i,i]=>i"       (infixl "|+|" 65)  where
     "i |+| j == |i+j|"
-  csquare_rel   :: "i=>i"
+  csquare_rel   :: "i=>i"  where
     "csquare_rel(K) ==   
 		  lam <x,y>:K*K. <x Un y, x, y>, 
 		  rmult(K,Memrel(K), K*K, rmult(K,Memrel(K), K,Memrel(K))))"
-  jump_cardinal :: "i=>i"
+  jump_cardinal :: "i=>i"  where
     --{*This def is more complex than Kunen's but it more easily proved to
         be a cardinal*}
     "jump_cardinal(K) ==   
          \<Union>X\<in>Pow(K). {z. r: Pow(K*K), well_ord(X,r) & z = ordertype(X,r)}"
-  csucc         :: "i=>i"
+  csucc         :: "i=>i"  where
     --{*needed because @{term "jump_cardinal(K)"} might not be the successor
         of @{term K}*}
     "csucc(K) == LEAST L. Card(L) & K<L"
-syntax (xsymbols)
-  "op |+|"     :: "[i,i] => i"          (infixl "\<oplus>" 65)
-  "op |*|"     :: "[i,i] => i"          (infixl "\<otimes>" 70)
-syntax (HTML output)
-  "op |+|"     :: "[i,i] => i"          (infixl "\<oplus>" 65)
-  "op |*|"     :: "[i,i] => i"          (infixl "\<otimes>" 70)
+notation (xsymbols output)
+  cadd  (infixl "\<oplus>" 65) and
+  cmult  (infixl "\<otimes>" 70)
+notation (HTML output)
+  cadd  (infixl "\<oplus>" 65) and
+  cmult  (infixl "\<otimes>" 70)
 lemma Card_Union [simp,intro,TC]: "(ALL x:A. Card(x)) ==> Card(Union(A))"