--- a/doc-src/IsarRef/syntax.tex Fri Oct 06 12:31:53 2000 +0200
+++ b/doc-src/IsarRef/syntax.tex Fri Oct 06 14:19:48 2000 +0200
@@ -66,9 +66,9 @@
digit & = & \verb,0, ~|~ \dots ~|~ \verb,9, \\
quasiletter & = & letter ~|~ digit ~|~ \verb,_, ~|~ \verb,', \\
sym & = & \verb,!, ~|~ \verb,#, ~|~ \verb,$, ~|~ \verb,%, ~|~ \verb,&, ~|~ %$
- \verb,*, ~|~ \verb,+, ~|~ \verb,-, ~|~ \verb,/, ~|~ \verb,:, ~|~
- \verb,<, ~|~ \verb,=, ~|~ \verb,>, ~|~ \verb,?, ~|~ \texttt{\at} ~|~ \\
- & & \verb,^, ~|~ \verb,_, ~|~ \verb,`, ~|~ \verb,|, ~|~ \verb,~, \\
+ \verb,*, ~|~ \verb,+, ~|~ \verb,-, ~|~ \verb,/, ~|~ \verb,:, ~|~ \\
+ & & \verb,<, ~|~ \verb,=, ~|~ \verb,>, ~|~ \verb,?, ~|~ \texttt{\at} ~|~
+ \verb,^, ~|~ \verb,_, ~|~ \verb,`, ~|~ \verb,|, ~|~ \verb,~, \\
symbol & = & {\forall} ~|~ {\exists} ~|~ \dots
@@ -85,6 +85,9 @@
syntax also provides \emph{formal comments} that are actually part of the text
(see \S\ref{sec:comments}).
+Mathematical symbols such as ``$\forall$'' are represented in plain ASCII as
\section{Common syntax entities}
@@ -340,10 +343,14 @@
preparation system (see also \S\ref{sec:document-prep}).
Thus embedding of
-\texttt{{\at}{\ttlbrace}term[show_types]~"f(x)~=~a~+~x"{\ttrbrace}} within a
+\texttt{{\at}{\ttlbrace}term~[show_types]~"f(x)~=~a~+~x"{\ttrbrace}} within a
text block would cause
-to appear in the final {\LaTeX} document.
+to appear in the final {\LaTeX} document. Also note that theorem
+antiquotations may involve attributes as well. For example,
+\texttt{{\at}{\ttlbrace}thm~sym~[no_vars]{\ttrbrace}} would print the
+statement where all schematic variables have been replaced by fixed ones,
+which are better readable.
Antiquotations do not only spare the author from tedious typing, but also
achieve some degree of consistency-checking of informal explanations with