changeset 28663 bd8438543bf2
parent 28346 b8390cd56b8f
child 30161 c26e515f1c29
--- a/src/Tools/code/code_name.ML	Wed Oct 22 14:15:44 2008 +0200
+++ b/src/Tools/code/code_name.ML	Wed Oct 22 14:15:45 2008 +0200
@@ -2,62 +2,45 @@
     ID:         $Id$
     Author:     Florian Haftmann, TU Muenchen
-Naming policies for code generation: prefixing any name by corresponding
-theory name, conversion to alphanumeric representation.
-Mappings are incrementally cached.  Assumes non-concurrent processing
-inside a single theory.
+Some code generator infrastructure concerning names.
 signature CODE_NAME =
-  val read_const_exprs: theory -> string list -> string list * string list
+  structure StringPairTab: TABLE
+  val first_upper: string -> string
+  val first_lower: string -> string
+  val dest_name: string -> string * string
   val purify_var: string -> string
   val purify_tvar: string -> string
   val purify_sym: string -> string
+  val purify_base: bool -> string -> string
   val check_modulename: string -> string
-  val class: theory -> class -> class
-  val class_rev: theory -> class -> class option
-  val classrel: theory -> class * class -> string
-  val classrel_rev: theory -> string -> (class * class) option
-  val tyco: theory -> string -> string
-  val tyco_rev: theory -> string -> string option
-  val instance: theory -> class * string -> string
-  val instance_rev: theory -> string -> (class * string) option
-  val const: theory -> string -> string
-  val const_rev: theory -> string -> string option
-  val value_name: string
-  val labelled_name: theory -> string -> string
+  type var_ctxt
+  val make_vars: string list -> var_ctxt
+  val intro_vars: string list -> var_ctxt -> var_ctxt
+  val lookup_var: var_ctxt -> string -> string
-  val setup: theory -> theory
+  val read_const_exprs: theory -> string list -> string list * string list
+  val mk_name_module: Name.context -> string option -> (string -> string option)
+    -> 'a Graph.T -> string -> string
 structure Code_Name: CODE_NAME =
-(** constant expressions **)
+(** auxiliary **)
+structure StringPairTab =
+  TableFun(type key = string * string val ord = prod_ord fast_string_ord fast_string_ord);
-fun read_const_exprs thy =
-  let
-    fun consts_of some_thyname =
-      let
-        val thy' = case some_thyname
-         of SOME thyname => ThyInfo.the_theory thyname thy
-          | NONE => thy;
-        val cs = Symtab.fold (fn (c, (_, NONE)) => cons c | _ => I)
-          ((snd o #constants o Consts.dest o #consts o Sign.rep_sg) thy') [];
-        fun belongs_here c =
-          not (exists (fn thy'' => Sign.declared_const thy'' c) (Theory.parents_of thy'))
-      in case some_thyname
-       of NONE => cs
-        | SOME thyname => filter belongs_here cs
-      end;
-    fun read_const_expr "*" = ([], consts_of NONE)
-      | read_const_expr s = if String.isSuffix ".*" s
-          then ([], consts_of (SOME (unsuffix ".*" s)))
-          else ([Code_Unit.read_const thy s], []);
-  in pairself flat o split_list o map read_const_expr end;
+val first_upper = implode o nth_map 0 Symbol.to_ascii_upper o explode;
+val first_lower = implode o nth_map 0 Symbol.to_ascii_lower o explode;
+val dest_name =
+  apfst NameSpace.implode o split_last o fst o split_last o NameSpace.explode;
 (** purification **)
@@ -92,82 +75,16 @@
   | purify_tvar v =
       (unprefix "'" #> explode #> filter Symbol.is_ascii_letter #> cons "'" #> implode) v;
-fun check_modulename mn =
-  let
-    val mns = NameSpace.explode mn;
-    val mns' = map (purify_name true false) mns;
-  in
-    if mns' = mns then mn else error ("Invalid module name: " ^ quote mn ^ "\n"
-      ^ "perhaps try " ^ quote (NameSpace.implode mns'))
-  end;
-(** global names (identifiers) **)
-(* identifier categories *)
-val suffix_class = "class";
-val suffix_classrel = "classrel"
-val suffix_tyco = "tyco";
-val suffix_instance = "inst";
-val suffix_const = "const";
-fun string_of_classrel (class, superclass) = class ^ " < " ^ superclass;
-fun string_of_instance (class, tyco) = tyco ^ " :: " ^ class;
-fun add_suffix nsp name =
-  NameSpace.append name nsp;
-fun dest_suffix nsp name =
-  if NameSpace.base name = nsp
-  then SOME (NameSpace.qualifier name)
-  else NONE;
-val name_mapping  = [
-  (suffix_class,       "class"),
-  (suffix_classrel,    "subclass relation"),
-  (suffix_tyco,        "type constructor"),
-  (suffix_instance,    "instance"),
-  (suffix_const,       "constant")
-val category_of = the o AList.lookup (op =) name_mapping o NameSpace.base;
-(* theory name lookup *)
-  fun thyname_of thy f x = the (AList.lookup (op =) (f x) Markup.theory_nameN);
-  fun thyname_of_class thy =
-    thyname_of thy (ProofContext.query_class (ProofContext.init thy));
-  fun thyname_of_tyco thy =
-    thyname_of thy (Type.the_tags (Sign.tsig_of thy));
-  fun thyname_of_instance thy a = case AxClass.arity_property thy a Markup.theory_nameN
-   of [] => error ("no such instance: " ^ (quote o string_of_instance) a)
-    | thyname :: _ => thyname;
-  fun thyname_of_const thy =
-    thyname_of thy (Consts.the_tags (Sign.consts_of thy));
-(* naming policies *)
 val purify_prefix =
-  (*should disappear as soon as hierarchical theory name spaces are available*)
+  (*FIMXE should disappear as soon as hierarchical theory name spaces are available*)
   #> Symbol.scanner "Malformed name"
       (Scan.repeat ($$ "_" |-- $$ "_" >> (fn _ => ".") || Symbol.is_regular))
   #> implode
   #> NameSpace.explode
   #> map (purify_name true false);
+(*FIMXE non-canonical function treating non-canonical names*)
 fun purify_base _ "op &" = "and"
   | purify_base _ "op |" = "or"
   | purify_base _ "op -->" = "implies"
@@ -183,227 +100,73 @@
 val purify_sym = purify_base false;
-fun default_policy thy get_basename get_thyname name =
+fun check_modulename mn =
-    val prefix = (purify_prefix o get_thyname thy) name;
-    val base = (purify_base true o get_basename) name;
-  in NameSpace.implode (prefix @ [base]) end;
-fun class_policy thy = default_policy thy NameSpace.base thyname_of_class;
-fun classrel_policy thy = default_policy thy (fn (class1, class2) => 
-  NameSpace.base class2 ^ "_" ^ NameSpace.base class1) (fn thy => thyname_of_class thy o fst);
-  (*order fits nicely with composed projections*)
-fun tyco_policy thy = default_policy thy NameSpace.base thyname_of_tyco;
-fun instance_policy thy = default_policy thy (fn (class, tyco) => 
-  NameSpace.base class ^ "_" ^ NameSpace.base tyco) thyname_of_instance;
-fun force_thyname thy c = case Code.get_datatype_of_constr thy c
- of SOME dtco => SOME (thyname_of_tyco thy dtco)
-  | NONE => (case AxClass.class_of_param thy c
-     of SOME class => SOME (thyname_of_class thy class)
-      | NONE => (case AxClass.inst_of_param thy c
-         of SOME (c, tyco) => SOME (thyname_of_instance thy
-              ((the o AxClass.class_of_param thy) c, tyco))
-          | NONE => NONE));
-fun const_policy thy c =
-  case force_thyname thy c
-   of NONE => default_policy thy NameSpace.base thyname_of_const c
-    | SOME thyname => let
-        val prefix = purify_prefix thyname;
-        val base = (purify_base true o NameSpace.base) c;
-      in NameSpace.implode (prefix @ [base]) end;
-(* theory and code data *)
-type tyco = string;
-type const = string;
-structure StringPairTab =
-  TableFun(
-    type key = string * string;
-    val ord = prod_ord fast_string_ord fast_string_ord;
-  );
-datatype names = Names of {
-  class: class Symtab.table * class Symtab.table,
-  classrel: string StringPairTab.table * (class * class) Symtab.table,
-  tyco: tyco Symtab.table * tyco Symtab.table,
-  instance: string StringPairTab.table * (class * tyco) Symtab.table
-val empty_names = Names {
-  class = (Symtab.empty, Symtab.empty),
-  classrel = (StringPairTab.empty, Symtab.empty),
-  tyco = (Symtab.empty, Symtab.empty),
-  instance = (StringPairTab.empty, Symtab.empty)
-  fun mk_names (class, classrel, tyco, instance) =
-    Names { class = class, classrel = classrel, tyco = tyco, instance = instance };
-  fun map_names f (Names { class, classrel, tyco, instance }) =
-    mk_names (f (class, classrel, tyco, instance));
-  fun merge_names (Names { class = (class1, classrev1),
-      classrel = (classrel1, classrelrev1), tyco = (tyco1, tycorev1),
-      instance = (instance1, instancerev1) },
-    Names { class = (class2, classrev2),
-      classrel = (classrel2, classrelrev2), tyco = (tyco2, tycorev2),
-      instance = (instance2, instancerev2) }) =
-    mk_names ((Symtab.merge (op =) (class1, class2), Symtab.merge (op =) (classrev1, classrev2)),
-      (StringPairTab.merge (op =) (classrel1, classrel2), Symtab.merge (op =) (classrelrev1, classrelrev2)),
-      (Symtab.merge (op =) (tyco1, tyco2), Symtab.merge (op =) (tycorev1, tycorev2)),
-      (StringPairTab.merge (op =) (instance1, instance2), Symtab.merge (op =) (instancerev1, instancerev2)));
-  fun map_class f = map_names
-    (fn (class, classrel, tyco, inst) => (f class, classrel, tyco, inst));
-  fun map_classrel f = map_names
-    (fn (class, classrel, tyco, inst) => (class, f classrel, tyco, inst));
-  fun map_tyco f = map_names
-    (fn (class, classrel, tyco, inst) => (class, classrel, f tyco, inst));
-  fun map_instance f = map_names
-    (fn (class, classrel, tyco, inst) => (class, classrel, tyco, f inst));
-end; (*local*)
-structure Code_Name = TheoryDataFun
-  type T = names ref;
-  val empty = ref empty_names;
-  fun copy (ref names) = ref names;
-  val extend = copy;
-  fun merge _ (ref names1, ref names2) = ref (merge_names (names1, names2));
-structure ConstName = CodeDataFun
-  type T = const Symtab.table * string Symtab.table;
-  val empty = (Symtab.empty, Symtab.empty);
-  fun purge _ cs (const, constrev) = (fold Symtab.delete_safe cs const,
-    fold Symtab.delete_safe (map_filter (Symtab.lookup const) cs) constrev);
-val setup = Code_Name.init;
-(* forward lookup with cache update *)
-fun get thy get_tabs get upd_names upd policy x =
-  let
-    val names_ref = Code_Name.get thy;
-    val (Names names) = ! names_ref;
-    val tabs = get_tabs names;
-    fun declare name =
-      let
-        val names' = upd_names (K (upd (x, name) (fst tabs),
-          Symtab.update_new (name, x) (snd tabs))) (Names names)
-      in (names_ref := names'; name) end;
-  in case get (fst tabs) x
-   of SOME name => name
-    | NONE => 
-        x
-        |> policy thy
-        |> Name.variant (Symtab.keys (snd tabs))
-        |> declare
-  end;
-fun get_const thy const =
-  let
-    val tabs = ConstName.get thy;
-    fun declare name =
-      let
-        val names' = (Symtab.update (const, name) (fst tabs),
-          Symtab.update_new (name, const) (snd tabs))
-      in (ConstName.change thy (K names'); name) end;
-  in case Symtab.lookup (fst tabs) const
-   of SOME name => name
-    | NONE => 
-        const
-        |> const_policy thy
-        |> Name.variant (Symtab.keys (snd tabs))
-        |> declare
+    val mns = NameSpace.explode mn;
+    val mns' = map (purify_name true false) mns;
+  in
+    if mns' = mns then mn else error ("Invalid module name: " ^ quote mn ^ "\n"
+      ^ "perhaps try " ^ quote (NameSpace.implode mns'))
-(* backward lookup *)
+(** variable name contexts **)
+type var_ctxt = string Symtab.table * Name.context;
-fun rev thy get_tabs name =
+fun make_vars names = (fold (fn name => Symtab.update_new (name, name)) names Symtab.empty,
+  Name.make_context names);
+fun intro_vars names (namemap, namectxt) =
-    val names_ref = Code_Name.get thy
-    val (Names names) = ! names_ref;
-    val tab = (snd o get_tabs) names;
-  in case Symtab.lookup tab name
-   of SOME x => x
-    | NONE => error ("No such " ^ category_of name ^ ": " ^ quote name)
-  end;
+    val (names', namectxt') = Name.variants names namectxt;
+    val namemap' = fold2 (curry Symtab.update) names names' namemap;
+  in (namemap', namectxt') end;
-fun rev_const thy name =
-  let
-    val tab = snd (ConstName.get thy);
-  in case Symtab.lookup tab name
-   of SOME const => const
-    | NONE => error ("No such " ^ category_of name ^ ": " ^ quote name)
-  end;
+fun lookup_var (namemap, _) name = case Symtab.lookup namemap name
+ of SOME name' => name'
+  | NONE => error ("Invalid name in context: " ^ quote name);
-(* external interfaces *)
-fun class thy =
-  get thy #class Symtab.lookup map_class Symtab.update class_policy
-  #> add_suffix suffix_class;
-fun classrel thy =
-  get thy #classrel StringPairTab.lookup map_classrel StringPairTab.update classrel_policy
-  #> add_suffix suffix_classrel;
-fun tyco thy =
-  get thy #tyco Symtab.lookup map_tyco Symtab.update tyco_policy
-  #> add_suffix suffix_tyco;
-fun instance thy =
-  get thy #instance StringPairTab.lookup map_instance StringPairTab.update instance_policy
-  #> add_suffix suffix_instance;
-fun const thy =
-  get_const thy
-  #> add_suffix suffix_const;
+(** misc **)
-fun class_rev thy =
-  dest_suffix suffix_class
-  #> (rev thy #class);
-fun classrel_rev thy =
-  dest_suffix suffix_classrel
-  #> (rev thy #classrel);
-fun tyco_rev thy =
-  dest_suffix suffix_tyco
-  #> (rev thy #tyco);
-fun instance_rev thy =
-  dest_suffix suffix_instance
-  #> (rev thy #instance);
-fun const_rev thy =
-  dest_suffix suffix_const
-  #> (rev_const thy);
+fun read_const_exprs thy =
+  let
+    fun consts_of some_thyname =
+      let
+        val thy' = case some_thyname
+         of SOME thyname => ThyInfo.the_theory thyname thy
+          | NONE => thy;
+        val cs = Symtab.fold (fn (c, (_, NONE)) => cons c | _ => I)
+          ((snd o #constants o Consts.dest o #consts o Sign.rep_sg) thy') [];
+        fun belongs_here c =
+          not (exists (fn thy'' => Sign.declared_const thy'' c) (Theory.parents_of thy'))
+      in case some_thyname
+       of NONE => cs
+        | SOME thyname => filter belongs_here cs
+      end;
+    fun read_const_expr "*" = ([], consts_of NONE)
+      | read_const_expr s = if String.isSuffix ".*" s
+          then ([], consts_of (SOME (unsuffix ".*" s)))
+          else ([Code_Unit.read_const thy s], []);
+  in pairself flat o split_list o map read_const_expr end;
-val f_mapping = [
-  (suffix_class,       class_rev),
-  (suffix_classrel, string_of_classrel oo classrel_rev),
-  (suffix_tyco,        tyco_rev),
-  (suffix_instance, string_of_instance oo instance_rev),
-  (suffix_const,       fn thy => (Code_Unit.string_of_const thy) o const_rev thy)
-val value_name = "Isabelle_Eval.EVAL.EVAL"
-fun labelled_name thy suffix_name = if suffix_name = value_name then "<term>" else
+fun mk_name_module reserved_names module_prefix module_alias program =
-    val category = category_of suffix_name;
-    val name = NameSpace.qualifier suffix_name;
-    val suffix = NameSpace.base suffix_name
-  in case (the o AList.lookup (op =) f_mapping) suffix thy suffix_name
-   of SOME thing => category ^ " " ^ quote thing
-    | NONE => error ("Unknown name: " ^ quote name)
-  end;
+    fun mk_alias name = case module_alias name
+     of SOME name' => name'
+      | NONE => name
+          |> NameSpace.explode
+          |> map (fn name => (the_single o fst) (Name.variants [name] reserved_names))
+          |> NameSpace.implode;
+    fun mk_prefix name = case module_prefix
+     of SOME module_prefix => NameSpace.append module_prefix name
+      | NONE => name;
+    val tab =
+      Symtab.empty
+      |> Graph.fold ((fn name => Symtab.default (name, (mk_alias #> mk_prefix) name))
+           o fst o dest_name o fst)
+             program
+  in the o Symtab.lookup tab end;