changeset 29363 c1f024b4d76d
parent 29275 9fa69e3858d6
parent 29361 764d51ab0198
child 29392 aa3a30b625d1
--- a/src/Pure/Isar/locale.ML	Mon Jan 05 19:37:15 2009 +0100
+++ b/src/Pure/Isar/locale.ML	Tue Jan 06 08:50:12 2009 +0100
@@ -1,6 +1,5 @@
 (*  Title:      Pure/Isar/locale.ML
     Author:     Clemens Ballarin, TU Muenchen
-    Author:     Markus Wenzel, LMU/TU Muenchen
 Locales -- Isar proof contexts as meta-level predicates, with local
 syntax and implicit structures.
@@ -28,399 +27,131 @@
     pages 31-43, 2006.
-(* TODO:
-- beta-eta normalisation of interpretation parameters
-- dangling type frees in locales
-- test subsumption of interpretations when merging theories
 signature LOCALE =
-  datatype expr =
-    Locale of string |
-    Rename of expr * (string * mixfix option) option list |
-    Merge of expr list
-  val empty: expr
-  val intern: theory -> xstring -> string
-  val intern_expr: theory -> expr -> expr
-  val extern: theory -> string -> xstring
-  val init: string -> theory -> Proof.context
+  type locale
-  (* The specification of a locale *)
-  val parameters_of: theory -> string -> ((string * typ) * mixfix) list
-  val parameters_of_expr: theory -> expr -> ((string * typ) * mixfix) list
-  val local_asms_of: theory -> string -> (Attrib.binding * term list) list
-  val global_asms_of: theory -> string -> (Attrib.binding * term list) list
-  (* Theorems *)
-  val intros: theory -> string -> thm list * thm list
-  val dests: theory -> string -> thm list
-  (* Not part of the official interface.  DO NOT USE *)
-  val facts_of: theory -> string -> (Attrib.binding * (thm list * Attrib.src list) list) list list
-  (* Not part of the official interface.  DO NOT USE *)
-  val declarations_of: theory -> string -> declaration list * declaration list;
+  val test_locale: theory -> string -> bool
+  val register_locale: bstring ->
+    (string * sort) list * (Binding.T * typ option * mixfix) list ->
+    term option * term list ->
+    (declaration * stamp) list * (declaration * stamp) list ->
+    ((string * (Attrib.binding * (thm list * Attrib.src list) list) list) * stamp) list ->
+    ((string * Morphism.morphism) * stamp) list -> theory -> theory
-  (* Processing of locale statements *)
-  val read_context_statement: string option -> Element.context list ->
-    (string * string list) list list -> Proof.context ->
-    string option * Proof.context * Proof.context * (term * term list) list list
-  val read_context_statement_cmd: xstring option -> Element.context list ->
-    (string * string list) list list -> Proof.context ->
-    string option * Proof.context * Proof.context * (term * term list) list list
-  val cert_context_statement: string option -> Element.context_i list ->
-    (term * term list) list list -> Proof.context ->
-    string option * Proof.context * Proof.context * (term * term list) list list
-  val read_expr: expr -> Element.context list -> Proof.context ->
-    Element.context_i list * Proof.context
-  val cert_expr: expr -> Element.context_i list -> Proof.context ->
-    Element.context_i list * Proof.context
+  (* Locale name space *)
+  val intern: theory -> xstring -> string
+  val extern: theory -> string -> xstring
-  (* Diagnostic functions *)
-  val print_locales: theory -> unit
-  val print_locale: theory -> bool -> expr -> Element.context list -> unit
-  val print_registrations: bool -> string -> Proof.context -> unit
-  val add_locale: string -> bstring -> expr -> Element.context_i list -> theory
-    -> string * Proof.context
-  val add_locale_cmd: bstring -> expr -> Element.context list -> theory
-    -> string * Proof.context
-  (* Tactics *)
-  val intro_locales_tac: bool -> Proof.context -> thm list -> tactic
+  (* Specification *)
+  val params_of: theory -> string -> (Binding.T * typ option * mixfix) list
+  val instance_of: theory -> string -> Morphism.morphism -> term list
+  val specification_of: theory -> string -> term option * term list
+  val declarations_of: theory -> string -> declaration list * declaration list
   (* Storing results *)
-  val global_note_qualified: string ->
-    ((Binding.T * attribute list) * (thm list * attribute list) list) list ->
-    theory -> (string * thm list) list * theory
-  val local_note_qualified: string ->
-    ((Binding.T * attribute list) * (thm list * attribute list) list) list ->
-    Proof.context -> (string * thm list) list * Proof.context
   val add_thmss: string -> string -> (Attrib.binding * (thm list * Attrib.src list) list) list ->
     Proof.context -> Proof.context
   val add_type_syntax: string -> declaration -> Proof.context -> Proof.context
   val add_term_syntax: string -> declaration -> Proof.context -> Proof.context
   val add_declaration: string -> declaration -> Proof.context -> Proof.context
+  val add_dependency: string -> (string * Morphism.morphism) -> theory -> theory
-  (* Interpretation *)
-  val get_interpret_morph: theory -> (Binding.T -> Binding.T) -> string * string ->
-    (Morphism.morphism * ((typ Vartab.table * typ list) * (term Vartab.table * term list))) ->
-    string -> term list -> Morphism.morphism
-  val interpretation: (Proof.context -> Proof.context) ->
-    (Binding.T -> Binding.T) -> expr ->
-    term option list * (Attrib.binding * term) list ->
-    theory ->
-    (Morphism.morphism * ((typ Vartab.table * typ list) * (term Vartab.table * term list))) * Proof.state
-  val interpretation_cmd: string -> expr -> string option list * (Attrib.binding * string) list ->
-    theory -> Proof.state
-  val interpretation_in_locale: (Proof.context -> Proof.context) ->
-    xstring * expr -> theory -> Proof.state
-  val interpret: (Proof.state -> Proof.state Seq.seq) ->
-    (Binding.T -> Binding.T) -> expr ->
-    term option list * (Attrib.binding * term) list ->
-    bool -> Proof.state ->
-    (Morphism.morphism * ((typ Vartab.table * typ list) * (term Vartab.table * term list))) * Proof.state
-  val interpret_cmd: string -> expr -> string option list * (Attrib.binding * string) list ->
-    bool -> Proof.state -> Proof.state
+  (* Activation *)
+  val activate_declarations: theory -> string * Morphism.morphism ->
+    Proof.context -> Proof.context
+  val activate_global_facts: string * Morphism.morphism -> theory -> theory
+  val activate_local_facts: string * Morphism.morphism -> Proof.context -> Proof.context
+  val init: string -> theory -> Proof.context
+  (* Reasoning about locales *)
+  val witness_attrib: attribute
+  val intro_attrib: attribute
+  val unfold_attrib: attribute
+  val intro_locales_tac: bool -> Proof.context -> thm list -> tactic
+  (* Registrations *)
+  val add_global_registration: (string * (Morphism.morphism * Morphism.morphism)) ->
+    theory -> theory
+  val amend_global_registration: Morphism.morphism -> (string * Morphism.morphism) ->
+    theory -> theory
+  val get_global_registrations: theory -> (string * Morphism.morphism) list
+  (* Diagnostic *)
+  val print_locales: theory -> unit
+  val print_locale: theory -> bool -> bstring -> unit
+(*** Theorem list extensible via attribute --- to control intro_locales_tac ***)
+(* FIXME: consider moving named_thms.ML up in the build hierarchy and using that *)
+functor ThmsFun() =
+structure Data = GenericDataFun
+  type T = thm list;
+  val empty = [];
+  val extend = I;
+  fun merge _ = Thm.merge_thms;
+val get = Data.get o Context.Proof;
+val add = Thm.declaration_attribute ( o Thm.add_thm);
 structure Locale: LOCALE =
-(* legacy operations *)
-fun merge_lists _ xs [] = xs
-  | merge_lists _ [] ys = ys
-  | merge_lists eq xs ys = xs @ filter_out (member eq xs) ys;
-fun merge_alists eq xs = merge_lists (eq_fst eq) xs;
-(* auxiliary: noting name bindings with qualified base names *)
-fun global_note_qualified kind facts thy =
-  thy
-  |> Sign.qualified_names
-  |> PureThy.note_thmss kind facts
-  ||> Sign.restore_naming thy;
-fun local_note_qualified kind facts ctxt =
-  ctxt
-  |> ProofContext.qualified_names
-  |> ProofContext.note_thmss_i kind facts
-  ||> ProofContext.restore_naming ctxt;
-(** locale elements and expressions **)
 datatype ctxt = datatype Element.ctxt;
-datatype expr =
-  Locale of string |
-  Rename of expr * (string * mixfix option) option list |
-  Merge of expr list;
-val empty = Merge [];
-datatype 'a element =
-  Elem of 'a | Expr of expr;
-fun map_elem f (Elem e) = Elem (f e)
-  | map_elem _ (Expr e) = Expr e;
-type decl = declaration * stamp;
-type locale =
- {axiom: Element.witness list,
-    (* For locales that define predicates this is [A [A]], where A is the locale
-       specification.  Otherwise [].
-       Only required to generate the right witnesses for locales with predicates. *)
-  elems: (Element.context_i * stamp) list,
-    (* Static content, neither Fixes nor Constrains elements *)
-  params: ((string * typ) * mixfix) list,                        (*all term params*)
-  decls: decl list * decl list,                    (*type/term_syntax declarations*)
-  regs: ((string * string list) * Element.witness list) list,
-    (* Registrations: indentifiers and witnesses of locales interpreted in the locale. *)
-  intros: thm list * thm list,
-    (* Introduction rules: of delta predicate and locale predicate. *)
-  dests: thm list}
-    (* Destruction rules: projections from locale predicate to predicates of fragments. *)
-(* CB: an internal (Int) locale element was either imported or included,
-   an external (Ext) element appears directly in the locale text. *)
-datatype ('a, 'b) int_ext = Int of 'a | Ext of 'b;
-(** substitutions on Vars -- clone from element.ML **)
-(* instantiate types *)
-fun var_instT_type env =
-  if Vartab.is_empty env then I
-  else Term.map_type_tvar (fn (x, S) => the_default (TVar (x, S)) (Vartab.lookup env x));
-fun var_instT_term env =
-  if Vartab.is_empty env then I
-  else Term.map_types (var_instT_type env);
-fun var_inst_term (envT, env) =
-  if Vartab.is_empty env then var_instT_term envT
-  else
-    let
-      val instT = var_instT_type envT;
-      fun inst (Const (x, T)) = Const (x, instT T)
-        | inst (Free (x, T)) = Free(x, instT T)
-        | inst (Var (xi, T)) =
-            (case Vartab.lookup env xi of
-              NONE => Var (xi, instT T)
-            | SOME t => t)
-        | inst (b as Bound _) = b
-        | inst (Abs (x, T, t)) = Abs (x, instT T, inst t)
-        | inst (t $ u) = inst t $ inst u;
-    in Envir.beta_norm o inst end;
-(** management of registrations in theories and proof contexts **)
-type registration =
-  {prfx: (Binding.T -> Binding.T) * (string * string),
-      (* first component: interpretation name morphism;
-         second component: parameter prefix *)
-    exp: Morphism.morphism,
-      (* maps content to its originating context *)
-    imp: (typ Vartab.table * typ list) * (term Vartab.table * term list),
-      (* inverse of exp *)
-    wits: Element.witness list,
-      (* witnesses of the registration *)
-    eqns: thm Termtab.table,
-      (* theorems (equations) interpreting derived concepts and indexed by lhs *)
-    morph: unit
-      (* interpreting morphism *)
-  }
-structure Registrations :
-  sig
-    type T
-    val empty: T
-    val join: T * T -> T
-    val dest: theory -> T ->
-      (term list *
-        (((Binding.T -> Binding.T) * (string * string)) *
-         (Morphism.morphism * ((typ Vartab.table * typ list) * (term Vartab.table * term list))) *
-         Element.witness list *
-         thm Termtab.table)) list
-    val test: theory -> T * term list -> bool
-    val lookup: theory ->
-      T * (term list * ((typ Vartab.table * typ list) * (term Vartab.table * term list))) ->
-      (((Binding.T -> Binding.T) * (string * string)) * Element.witness list * thm Termtab.table) option
-    val insert: theory -> term list -> ((Binding.T -> Binding.T) * (string * string)) ->
-      (Morphism.morphism * ((typ Vartab.table * typ list) * (term Vartab.table * term list))) ->
-      T ->
-      T * (term list * (((Binding.T -> Binding.T) * (string * string)) * Element.witness list)) list
-    val add_witness: term list -> Element.witness -> T -> T
-    val add_equation: term list -> thm -> T -> T
-    val update_morph: term list -> Morphism.morphism -> T -> T
-    val get_morph: theory -> T ->
-      term list * ((typ Vartab.table * typ list) * (term Vartab.table * term list)) ->
-      Morphism.morphism
-  end =
-  (* A registration is indexed by parameter instantiation.
-     NB: index is exported whereas content is internalised. *)
-  type T = registration Termtab.table;
-  fun mk_reg prfx exp imp wits eqns morph =
-    {prfx = prfx, exp = exp, imp = imp, wits = wits, eqns = eqns, morph = morph};
-  fun map_reg f reg =
-    let
-      val {prfx, exp, imp, wits, eqns, morph} = reg;
-      val (prfx', exp', imp', wits', eqns', morph') = f (prfx, exp, imp, wits, eqns, morph);
-    in mk_reg prfx' exp' imp' wits' eqns' morph' end;
-  val empty = Termtab.empty;
-  (* term list represented as single term, for simultaneous matching *)
-  fun termify ts =
-    Term.list_comb (Const ("", map fastype_of ts ---> propT), ts);
-  fun untermify t =
-    let fun ut (Const _) ts = ts
-          | ut (s $ t) ts = ut s (t::ts)
-    in ut t [] end;
+(*** Basics ***)
-  (* joining of registrations:
-     - prefix and morphisms of right theory;
-     - witnesses are equal, no attempt to subsumption testing;
-     - union of equalities, if conflicting (i.e. two eqns with equal lhs)
-       eqn of right theory takes precedence *)
-  fun join (r1, r2) = Termtab.join (fn _ => fn ({eqns = e1, ...}, {prfx = n, exp, imp, wits = w, eqns = e2, morph = m}) =>
-      mk_reg n exp imp w (Termtab.join (fn _ => fn (_, e) => e) (e1, e2)) m) (r1, r2);
-  fun dest_transfer thy regs =
-    Termtab.dest regs |> map (apsnd (map_reg (fn (n, e, i, ws, es, m) =>
-      (n, e, i, map (Element.transfer_witness thy) ws, (transfer thy) es, m))));
-  fun dest thy regs = dest_transfer thy regs |> map (apfst untermify) |>
-    map (apsnd (fn {prfx, exp, imp, wits, eqns, ...} => (prfx, (exp, imp), wits, eqns)));
-  (* registrations that subsume t *)
-  fun subsumers thy t regs =
-    filter (fn (t', _) => Pattern.matches thy (t', t)) (dest_transfer thy regs);
-  (* test if registration that subsumes the query is present *)
-  fun test thy (regs, ts) =
-    not (null (subsumers thy (termify ts) regs));
-  (* look up registration, pick one that subsumes the query *)
-  fun lookup thy (regs, (ts, ((impT, _), (imp, _)))) =
-    let
-      val t = termify ts;
-      val subs = subsumers thy t regs;
-    in
-      (case subs of
-        [] => NONE
-        | ((t', {prfx, exp = exp', imp = ((impT', domT'), (imp', dom')), wits, eqns, morph}) :: _) =>
-          let
-            val (tinst, inst) = Pattern.match thy (t', t) (Vartab.empty, Vartab.empty);
-            val tinst' = domT' |> map (fn (T as TFree (x, _)) =>
-                (x, T |> Morphism.typ exp' |> Envir.typ_subst_TVars tinst
-                      |> var_instT_type impT)) |> Symtab.make;
-            val inst' = dom' |> map (fn (t as Free (x, _)) =>
-                (x, t |> Morphism.term exp' |> Envir.subst_vars (tinst, inst)
-                      |> var_inst_term (impT, imp))) |> Symtab.make;
-            val inst'_morph = Element.inst_morphism thy (tinst', inst');
-          in SOME (prfx,
-            map (Element.morph_witness inst'_morph) wits,
-   (Morphism.thm inst'_morph) eqns)
-          end)
-    end;
-  (* add registration if not subsumed by ones already present,
-     additionally returns registrations that are strictly subsumed *)
-  fun insert thy ts prfx (exp, imp) regs =
-    let
-      val t = termify ts;
-      val subs = subsumers thy t regs ;
-    in (case subs of
-        [] => let
-                val sups =
-                  filter (fn (t', _) => Pattern.matches thy (t, t')) (dest_transfer thy regs);
-                val sups' = map (apfst untermify) sups |> map (fn (ts, {prfx, wits, ...}) => (ts, (prfx, wits)))
-              in (Termtab.update (t, mk_reg prfx exp imp [] Termtab.empty ()) regs, sups') end
-      | _ => (regs, []))
-    end;
-  fun gen_add f ts regs =
-    let
-      val t = termify ts;
-    in
-      Termtab.update (t, map_reg f (the (Termtab.lookup regs t))) regs
-    end;
-  (* add witness theorem to registration,
-     only if instantiation is exact, otherwise exception Option raised *)
-  fun add_witness ts wit regs =
-    gen_add (fn (x, e, i, wits, eqns, m) => (x, e, i, Element.close_witness wit :: wits, eqns, m))
-      ts regs;
-  (* add equation to registration, replaces previous equation with same lhs;
-     only if instantiation is exact, otherwise exception Option raised;
-     exception TERM raised if not a meta equality *)
-  fun add_equation ts thm regs =
-    gen_add (fn (x, e, i, thms, eqns, m) =>
-      (x, e, i, thms, Termtab.update (thm |> prop_of |> Logic.dest_equals |> fst, Thm.close_derivation thm) eqns, m))
-      ts regs;
+datatype locale = Loc of {
+  (* extensible lists are in reverse order: decls, notes, dependencies *)
+  parameters: (string * sort) list * (Binding.T * typ option * mixfix) list,
+    (* type and term parameters *)
+  spec: term option * term list,
+    (* assumptions (as a single predicate expression) and defines *)
+  decls: (declaration * stamp) list * (declaration * stamp) list,
+    (* type and term syntax declarations *)
+  notes: ((string * (Attrib.binding * (thm list * Attrib.src list) list) list) * stamp) list,
+    (* theorem declarations *)
+  dependencies: ((string * Morphism.morphism) * stamp) list
+    (* locale dependencies (sublocale relation) *)
-(** theory data : locales **)
+(*** Theory data ***)
 structure LocalesData = TheoryDataFun
   type T = NameSpace.T * locale Symtab.table;
-    (* 1st entry: locale namespace,
-       2nd entry: locales of the theory *)
+    (* locale namespace and locales of the theory *)
   val empty = NameSpace.empty_table;
   val copy = I;
   val extend = I;
   fun join_locales _
-    ({axiom, elems, params, decls = (decls1, decls2), regs, intros, dests}: locale,
-      {elems = elems', decls = (decls1', decls2'), regs = regs', ...}: locale) =
-     {axiom = axiom,
-      elems = merge_lists (eq_snd (op =)) elems elems',
-      params = params,
-      decls =
-       (Library.merge (eq_snd (op =)) (decls1, decls1'),
-        Library.merge (eq_snd (op =)) (decls2, decls2')),
-      regs = merge_alists (op =) regs regs',
-      intros = intros,
-      dests = dests};
+   (Loc {parameters, spec, decls = (decls1, decls2), notes, dependencies},
+    Loc {decls = (decls1', decls2'), notes = notes', dependencies = dependencies', ...}) =
+      Loc {
+        parameters = parameters,
+        spec = spec,
+        decls =
+         (merge (eq_snd op =) (decls1, decls1'),
+          merge (eq_snd op =) (decls2, decls2')),
+        notes = merge (eq_snd op =) (notes, notes'),
+        dependencies = merge (eq_snd op =) (dependencies, dependencies')};
   fun merge _ = NameSpace.join_tables join_locales;
-(** context data : registrations **)
-structure RegistrationsData = GenericDataFun
-  type T = Registrations.T Symtab.table;  (*registrations, indexed by locale name*)
-  val empty = Symtab.empty;
-  val extend = I;
-  fun merge _ = Symtab.join (K Registrations.join);
-(** access locales **)
 val intern = NameSpace.intern o #1 o LocalesData.get;
 val extern = NameSpace.extern o #1 o LocalesData.get;
@@ -430,21 +161,24 @@
  of SOME loc => loc
   | NONE => error ("Unknown locale " ^ quote name);
-fun register_locale bname loc thy =
-  thy |> (NameSpace.bind (Sign.naming_of thy)
-    ( bname, loc) #> snd);
+fun test_locale thy name = case get_locale thy name
+ of SOME _ => true | NONE => false;
+fun register_locale bname parameters spec decls notes dependencies thy =
+  thy |> (NameSpace.bind (Sign.naming_of thy) ( bname,
+    Loc {parameters = parameters, spec = spec, decls = decls, notes = notes,
+      dependencies = dependencies}) #> snd);
 fun change_locale name f thy =
-    val {axiom, elems, params, decls, regs, intros, dests} =
+    val Loc {parameters, spec, decls, notes, dependencies} =
         the_locale thy name;
-    val (axiom', elems', params', decls', regs', intros', dests') =
-      f (axiom, elems, params, decls, regs, intros, dests);
+    val (parameters', spec', decls', notes', dependencies') =
+      f (parameters, spec, decls, notes, dependencies);
-    |> ( o apsnd) (Symtab.update (name, {axiom = axiom',
-          elems = elems', params = params',
-          decls = decls', regs = regs', intros = intros', dests = dests'}))
+    |> ( o apsnd) (Symtab.update (name, Loc {parameters = parameters',
+      spec = spec', decls = decls', notes = notes', dependencies = dependencies'}))
 fun print_locales thy =
@@ -454,1273 +188,288 @@
-(* access registrations *)
-(* retrieve registration from theory or context *)
-fun get_registrations ctxt name =
-  case Symtab.lookup (RegistrationsData.get ctxt) name of
-      NONE => []
-    | SOME reg => Registrations.dest (Context.theory_of ctxt) reg;
-fun get_global_registrations thy = get_registrations (Context.Theory thy);
-fun get_local_registrations ctxt = get_registrations (Context.Proof ctxt);
-fun get_registration ctxt imprt (name, ps) =
-  case Symtab.lookup (RegistrationsData.get ctxt) name of
-      NONE => NONE
-    | SOME reg => Registrations.lookup (Context.theory_of ctxt) (reg, (ps, imprt));
-fun get_global_registration thy = get_registration (Context.Theory thy);
-fun get_local_registration ctxt = get_registration (Context.Proof ctxt);
-fun test_registration ctxt (name, ps) =
-  case Symtab.lookup (RegistrationsData.get ctxt) name of
-      NONE => false
-    | SOME reg => Registrations.test (Context.theory_of ctxt) (reg, ps);
-fun test_global_registration thy = test_registration (Context.Theory thy);
-fun test_local_registration ctxt = test_registration (Context.Proof ctxt);
-(* add registration to theory or context, ignored if subsumed *)
+(*** Primitive operations ***)
-fun put_registration (name, ps) prfx morphs ctxt =
- (fn regs =>
-    let
-      val thy = Context.theory_of ctxt;
-      val reg = the_default Registrations.empty (Symtab.lookup regs name);
-      val (reg', sups) = Registrations.insert thy ps prfx morphs reg;
-      val _ = if not (null sups) then warning
-                ("Subsumed interpretation(s) of locale " ^
-                 quote (extern thy name) ^
-                 "\nwith the following prefix(es):" ^
-                  commas_quote (map (fn (_, ((_, (_, s)), _)) => s) sups))
-              else ();
-    in Symtab.update (name, reg') regs end) ctxt;
+fun params_of thy name =
+  let
+    val Loc {parameters = (_, params), ...} = the_locale thy name
+  in params end;
-fun put_global_registration id prfx morphs =
-  Context.theory_map (put_registration id prfx morphs);
-fun put_local_registration id prfx morphs =
-  Context.proof_map (put_registration id prfx morphs);
-fun put_registration_in_locale name id =
-  change_locale name (fn (axiom, elems, params, decls, regs, intros, dests) =>
-    (axiom, elems, params, decls, regs @ [(id, [])], intros, dests));
-(* add witness theorem to registration, ignored if registration not present *)
-fun add_witness (name, ps) thm =
- (Symtab.map_entry name (Registrations.add_witness ps thm));
-fun add_global_witness id thm = Context.theory_map (add_witness id thm);
-fun add_local_witness id thm = Context.proof_map (add_witness id thm);
+fun instance_of thy name morph =
+  params_of thy name |>
+    map ((fn (b, T, _) => Free (Binding.base_name b, the T)) #> Morphism.term morph);
-fun add_witness_in_locale name id thm =
-  change_locale name (fn (axiom, elems, params, decls, regs, intros, dests) =>
-    let
-      fun add (id', thms) =
-        if id = id' then (id', thm :: thms) else (id', thms);
-    in (axiom, elems, params, decls, map add regs, intros, dests) end);
-(* add equation to registration, ignored if registration not present *)
-fun add_equation (name, ps) thm =
- (Symtab.map_entry name (Registrations.add_equation ps thm));
-fun add_global_equation id thm = Context.theory_map (add_equation id thm);
-fun add_local_equation id thm = Context.proof_map (add_equation id thm);
-(* update morphism of registration, ignored if registration not present *)
-fun update_morph (name, ps) morph =
- (Symtab.map_entry name (Registrations.update_morph ps morph));
-fun update_global_morph id morph = Context.theory_map (update_morph id morph);
-fun update_local_morph id morph = Context.proof_map (update_morph id morph);
-(* printing of registrations *)
-fun print_registrations show_wits loc ctxt =
+fun specification_of thy name =
-    val thy = ProofContext.theory_of ctxt;
-    val prt_term = Pretty.quote o Syntax.pretty_term ctxt;
-    fun prt_term' t = if !show_types
-          then Pretty.block [prt_term t, Pretty.brk 1, Pretty.str "::",
-            Pretty.brk 1, (Pretty.quote o Syntax.pretty_typ ctxt) (type_of t)]
-          else prt_term t;
-    val prt_thm = prt_term o prop_of;
-    fun prt_inst ts =
-        Pretty.enclose "(" ")" (Pretty.breaks (map prt_term' ts));
-    fun prt_prfx ((false, prfx), param_prfx) = [Pretty.str prfx, Pretty.brk 1, Pretty.str "(optional)", Pretty.brk 1, Pretty.str param_prfx]
-      | prt_prfx ((true, prfx), param_prfx) = [Pretty.str prfx, Pretty.brk 1, Pretty.str param_prfx];
-    fun prt_eqns [] = Pretty.str "no equations."
-      | prt_eqns eqns = Pretty.block (Pretty.str "equations:" :: Pretty.brk 1 ::
-          Pretty.breaks (map prt_thm eqns));
-    fun prt_core ts eqns =
-          [prt_inst ts, Pretty.fbrk, prt_eqns (Termtab.dest eqns |> map snd)];
-    fun prt_witns [] = Pretty.str "no witnesses."
-      | prt_witns witns = Pretty.block (Pretty.str "witnesses:" :: Pretty.brk 1 ::
-          Pretty.breaks (map (Element.pretty_witness ctxt) witns))
-    fun prt_reg (ts, (_, _, witns, eqns)) =
-        if show_wits
-          then Pretty.block (prt_core ts eqns @ [Pretty.fbrk, prt_witns witns])
-          else Pretty.block (prt_core ts eqns)
+    val Loc {spec, ...} = the_locale thy name
+  in spec end;
-    val loc_int = intern thy loc;
-    val regs = RegistrationsData.get (Context.Proof ctxt);
-    val loc_regs = Symtab.lookup regs loc_int;
+fun declarations_of thy name =
+  let
+    val Loc {decls, ...} = the_locale thy name
-    (case loc_regs of
-        NONE => Pretty.str ("no interpretations")
-      | SOME r => let
-            val r' = Registrations.dest thy r;
-            val r'' = Library.sort_wrt (fn (_, ((_, (_, prfx)), _, _, _)) => prfx) r';
-          in Pretty.big_list ("interpretations:") (map prt_reg r'') end)
-    |> Pretty.writeln
+    decls |> apfst (map fst) |> apsnd (map fst)
-(* diagnostics *)
-fun err_in_locale ctxt msg ids =
-  let
-    val thy = ProofContext.theory_of ctxt;
-    fun prt_id (name, parms) =
-      [Pretty.block (Pretty.breaks (map Pretty.str (extern thy name :: parms)))];
-    val prt_ids = flat (separate [Pretty.str " +", Pretty.brk 1] (map prt_id ids));
-    val err_msg =
-      if forall (fn (s, _) => s = "") ids then msg
-      else msg ^ "\n" ^ Pretty.string_of (Pretty.block
-        (Pretty.str "The error(s) above occurred in locale:" :: Pretty.brk 1 :: prt_ids));
-  in error err_msg end;
-fun err_in_locale' ctxt msg ids' = err_in_locale ctxt msg (map fst ids');
+(*** Activate context elements of locale ***)
-fun pretty_ren NONE = Pretty.str "_"
-  | pretty_ren (SOME (x, NONE)) = Pretty.str x
-  | pretty_ren (SOME (x, SOME syn)) =
-      Pretty.block [Pretty.str x, Pretty.brk 1, Syntax.pretty_mixfix syn];
-fun pretty_expr thy (Locale name) = Pretty.str (extern thy name)
-  | pretty_expr thy (Rename (expr, xs)) =
-      Pretty.block [pretty_expr thy expr, Pretty.brk 1, Pretty.block (map pretty_ren xs |> Pretty.breaks)]
-  | pretty_expr thy (Merge es) =
-      Pretty.separate "+" (map (pretty_expr thy) es) |> Pretty.block;
-fun err_in_expr _ msg (Merge []) = error msg
-  | err_in_expr ctxt msg expr =
-    error (msg ^ "\n" ^ Pretty.string_of (Pretty.block
-      [Pretty.str "The error(s) above occured in locale expression:", Pretty.brk 1,
-       pretty_expr (ProofContext.theory_of ctxt) expr]));
-(** structured contexts: rename + merge + implicit type instantiation **)
-(* parameter types *)
-fun frozen_tvars ctxt Ts =
-  #1 (Variable.importT_inst (map Logic.mk_type Ts) ctxt)
-  |> map (fn ((xi, S), T) => (xi, (S, T)));
+(** Identifiers: activated locales in theory or proof context **)
-fun unify_frozen ctxt maxidx Ts Us =
-  let
-    fun paramify NONE i = (NONE, i)
-      | paramify (SOME T) i = apfst SOME (TypeInfer.paramify_dummies T i);
-    val (Ts', maxidx') = fold_map paramify Ts maxidx;
-    val (Us', maxidx'') = fold_map paramify Us maxidx';
-    val thy = ProofContext.theory_of ctxt;
-    fun unify (SOME T, SOME U) env = (Sign.typ_unify thy (U, T) env
-          handle Type.TUNIFY => raise TYPE ("unify_frozen: failed to unify types", [U, T], []))
-      | unify _ env = env;
-    val (unifier, _) = fold unify (Ts' ~~ Us') (Vartab.empty, maxidx'');
-    val Vs = map ( (Envir.norm_type unifier)) Us';
-    val unifier' = fold Vartab.update_new (frozen_tvars ctxt (map_filter I Vs)) unifier;
-  in map ( (Envir.norm_type unifier')) Vs end;
-fun params_of elemss =
-  distinct (eq_fst (op = : string * string -> bool)) (maps (snd o fst) elemss);
-fun params_of' elemss =
-  distinct (eq_fst (op = : string * string -> bool)) (maps (snd o fst o fst) elemss);
-fun param_prefix locale_name params = (NameSpace.base locale_name ^ "_locale", space_implode "_" params);
+type identifiers = (string * term list) list;
-(* CB: param_types has the following type:
-  ('a * 'b option) list -> ('a * 'b) list *)
-fun param_types ps = map_filter (fn (_, NONE) => NONE | (x, SOME T) => SOME (x, T)) ps;
-fun merge_syntax ctxt ids ss = Symtab.merge (op = : mixfix * mixfix -> bool) ss
-  handle Symtab.DUP x => err_in_locale ctxt
-    ("Conflicting syntax for parameter: " ^ quote x) (map fst ids);
+val empty = ([] : identifiers);
-(* Distinction of assumed vs. derived identifiers.
-   The former may have axioms relating assumptions of the context to
-   assumptions of the specification fragment (for locales with
-   predicates).  The latter have witnesses relating assumptions of the
-   specification fragment to assumptions of other (assumed) specification
-   fragments. *)
-datatype 'a mode = Assumed of 'a | Derived of 'a;
-fun map_mode f (Assumed x) = Assumed (f x)
-  | map_mode f (Derived x) = Derived (f x);
-(* flatten expressions *)
+fun ident_eq thy ((n: string, ts), (m, ss)) = (m = n) andalso Pattern.matchess thy (ss, ts);
-fun unify_parms ctxt fixed_parms raw_parmss =
-  let
-    val thy = ProofContext.theory_of ctxt;
-    val maxidx = length raw_parmss;
-    val idx_parmss = (0 upto maxidx - 1) ~~ raw_parmss;
-    fun varify i = Term.map_type_tfree (fn (a, S) => TVar ((a, i), S));
-    fun varify_parms (i, ps) = map (apsnd (varify i)) (param_types ps);
-    val parms = fixed_parms @ maps varify_parms idx_parmss;
+datatype 'a delayed = Ready of 'a | ToDo of ('a delayed * 'a delayed);
-    fun unify T U envir = Sign.typ_unify thy (U, T) envir
-      handle Type.TUNIFY =>
-        let
-          val T' = Envir.norm_type (fst envir) T;
-          val U' = Envir.norm_type (fst envir) U;
-          val prt = Syntax.string_of_typ ctxt;
-        in
-          raise TYPE ("unify_parms: failed to unify types " ^
-            prt U' ^ " and " ^ prt T', [U', T'], [])
-        end;
-    fun unify_list (T :: Us) = fold (unify T) Us
-      | unify_list [] = I;
-    val (unifier, _) = fold unify_list (map #2 (Symtab.dest (Symtab.make_list parms)))
-      (Vartab.empty, maxidx);
-    val parms' = map (apsnd (Envir.norm_type unifier)) (distinct (eq_fst (op =)) parms);
-    val unifier' = fold Vartab.update_new (frozen_tvars ctxt (map #2 parms')) unifier;
-    fun inst_parms (i, ps) =
-      List.foldr OldTerm.add_typ_tfrees [] (map_filter snd ps)
-      |> map_filter (fn (a, S) =>
-          let val T = Envir.norm_type unifier' (TVar ((a, i), S))
-          in if T = TFree (a, S) then NONE else SOME (a, T) end)
-      |> Symtab.make;
-  in map inst_parms idx_parmss end;
+structure IdentifiersData = GenericDataFun
+  type T = identifiers delayed;
+  val empty = Ready empty;
+  val extend = I;
+  fun merge _ = ToDo;
-fun unify_elemss _ _ [] = []
-  | unify_elemss _ [] [elems] = [elems]
-  | unify_elemss ctxt fixed_parms elemss =
-      let
-        val thy = ProofContext.theory_of ctxt;
-        val phis = unify_parms ctxt fixed_parms (map (snd o fst o fst) elemss)
-          |> map (Element.instT_morphism thy);
-        fun inst ((((name, ps), mode), elems), phi) =
-          (((name, map (apsnd ( (Morphism.typ phi))) ps),
-              map_mode (map (Element.morph_witness phi)) mode),
-            map (Element.morph_ctxt phi) elems);
-      in map inst (elemss ~~ phis) end;
-fun renaming xs parms = zip_options parms xs
-  handle Library.UnequalLengths =>
-    error ("Too many arguments in renaming: " ^
-      commas (map (fn NONE => "_" | SOME x => quote (fst x)) xs));
-(* params_of_expr:
-   Compute parameters (with types and syntax) of locale expression.
-fun params_of_expr ctxt fixed_params expr (prev_parms, prev_types, prev_syn) =
-  let
-    val thy = ProofContext.theory_of ctxt;
-    fun merge_tenvs fixed tenv1 tenv2 =
-        let
-          val [env1, env2] = unify_parms ctxt fixed
-                [tenv1 |> Symtab.dest |> map (apsnd SOME),
-                 tenv2 |> Symtab.dest |> map (apsnd SOME)]
-        in
-          Symtab.merge (op =) ( (Element.instT_type env1) tenv1,
-   (Element.instT_type env2) tenv2)
-        end;
-    fun merge_syn expr syn1 syn2 =
-        Symtab.merge (op = : mixfix * mixfix -> bool) (syn1, syn2)
-        handle Symtab.DUP x => err_in_expr ctxt
-          ("Conflicting syntax for parameter: " ^ quote x) expr;
-    fun params_of (expr as Locale name) =
-          let
-            val {params, ...} = the_locale thy name;
-          in (map (fst o fst) params, params |> map fst |> Symtab.make,
-               params |> map (apfst fst) |> Symtab.make) end
-      | params_of (expr as Rename (e, xs)) =
-          let
-            val (parms', types', syn') = params_of e;
-            val ren = renaming xs parms';
-            (* renaming may reduce number of parameters *)
-            val new_parms = map (Element.rename ren) parms' |> distinct (op =);
-            val ren_syn = syn' |> Symtab.dest |> map (Element.rename_var_name ren);
-            val new_syn = fold (Symtab.insert (op =)) ren_syn Symtab.empty
-                handle Symtab.DUP x =>
-                  err_in_expr ctxt ("Conflicting syntax for parameter: " ^ quote x) expr;
-            val syn_types = map (apsnd (fn mx =>
-                SOME (Type.freeze_type (#1 (TypeInfer.paramify_dummies (Syntax.mixfixT mx) 0)))))
-              (Symtab.dest new_syn);
-            val ren_types = types' |> Symtab.dest |> map (apfst (Element.rename ren));
-            val (env :: _) = unify_parms ctxt []
-                ((ren_types |> map (apsnd SOME)) :: map single syn_types);
-            val new_types = fold (Symtab.insert (op =))
-                (map (apsnd (Element.instT_type env)) ren_types) Symtab.empty;
-          in (new_parms, new_types, new_syn) end
-      | params_of (Merge es) =
-          fold (fn e => fn (parms, types, syn) =>
-                   let
-                     val (parms', types', syn') = params_of e
-                   in
-                     (merge_lists (op =) parms parms', merge_tenvs [] types types',
-                      merge_syn e syn syn')
-                   end)
-            es ([], Symtab.empty, Symtab.empty)
-      val (parms, types, syn) = params_of expr;
-    in
-      (merge_lists (op =) prev_parms parms, merge_tenvs fixed_params prev_types types,
-       merge_syn expr prev_syn syn)
-    end;
-fun make_params_ids params = [(("", params), ([], Assumed []))];
-fun make_raw_params_elemss (params, tenv, syn) =
-    [((("", map (fn p => (p, Symtab.lookup tenv p)) params), Assumed []),
-      Int [Fixes (map (fn p =>
-        ( p, Symtab.lookup tenv p, Symtab.lookup syn p |> the)) params)])];
-(* flatten_expr:
-   Extend list of identifiers by those new in locale expression expr.
-   Compute corresponding list of lists of locale elements (one entry per
-   identifier).
-   Identifiers represent locale fragments and are in an extended form:
-     ((name, ps), (ax_ps, axs))
-   (name, ps) is the locale name with all its parameters.
-   (ax_ps, axs) is the locale axioms with its parameters;
-     axs are always taken from the top level of the locale hierarchy,
-     hence axioms may contain additional parameters from later fragments:
-     ps subset of ax_ps.  axs is either singleton or empty.
-   Elements are enriched by identifier-like information:
-     (((name, ax_ps), axs), elems)
-   The parameters in ax_ps are the axiom parameters, but enriched by type
-   info: now each entry is a pair of string and typ option.  Axioms are
-   type-instantiated.
-fun flatten_expr ctxt ((prev_idents, prev_syntax), expr) =
-  let
-    val thy = ProofContext.theory_of ctxt;
-    fun rename_parms top ren ((name, ps), (parms, mode)) =
-        ((name, map (Element.rename ren) ps),
-         if top
-         then (map (Element.rename ren) parms,
-               map_mode (map (Element.morph_witness (Element.rename_morphism ren))) mode)
-         else (parms, mode));
+fun finish thy (ToDo (i1, i2)) = merge (ident_eq thy) (finish thy i1, finish thy i2)
+  | finish _ (Ready ids) = ids;
-    (* add (name, pTs) and its registrations, recursively; adjust hyps of witnesses *)
-    fun add_with_regs ((name, pTs), mode) (wits, ids, visited) =
-        if member (fn (a, (b, _)) => a = b) visited (name, map #1 pTs)
-        then (wits, ids, visited)
-        else
-          let
-            val {params, regs, ...} = the_locale thy name;
-            val pTs' = map #1 params;
-            val ren = map #1 pTs' ~~ map (fn (x, _) => (x, NONE)) pTs;
-              (* dummy syntax, since required by rename *)
-            val pTs'' = map (fn ((p, _), (_, T)) => (p, T)) (pTs ~~ pTs');
-            val [env] = unify_parms ctxt pTs [map (apsnd SOME) pTs''];
-              (* propagate parameter types, to keep them consistent *)
-            val regs' = map (fn ((name, ps), wits) =>
-                ((name, map (Element.rename ren) ps),
-                 map (Element.transfer_witness thy) wits)) regs;
-            val new_regs = regs';
-            val new_ids = map fst new_regs;
-            val new_idTs =
-              map (apsnd (map (fn p => (p, (the o AList.lookup (op =) pTs) p)))) new_ids;
-            val new_wits = new_regs |> map (#2 #> map
-              (Element.morph_witness
-                (Element.instT_morphism thy env $>
-                  Element.rename_morphism ren $>
-                  Element.satisfy_morphism wits)
-                #> Element.close_witness));
-            val new_ids' = map (fn (id, wits) =>
-                (id, ([], Derived wits))) (new_ids ~~ new_wits);
-            val new_idTs' = map (fn ((n, pTs), (_, ([], mode))) =>
-                ((n, pTs), mode)) (new_idTs ~~ new_ids');
-            val new_id = ((name, map #1 pTs), ([], mode));
-            val (wits', ids', visited') = fold add_with_regs new_idTs'
-              (wits @ flat new_wits, ids, visited @ [new_id]);
-          in
-            (wits', ids' @ [new_id], visited')
-          end;
-    (* distribute top-level axioms over assumed ids *)
-    fun axiomify all_ps ((name, parms), (_, Assumed _)) axioms =
-        let
-          val {elems, ...} = the_locale thy name;
-          val ts = maps
-            (fn (Assumes asms, _) => maps (map #1 o #2) asms
-              | _ => [])
-            elems;
-          val (axs1, axs2) = chop (length ts) axioms;
-        in (((name, parms), (all_ps, Assumed axs1)), axs2) end
-      | axiomify all_ps (id, (_, Derived ths)) axioms =
-          ((id, (all_ps, Derived ths)), axioms);
-    (* identifiers of an expression *)
+val _ = Context.>> (Context.map_theory (Theory.at_begin (fn thy =>
+  (case IdentifiersData.get (Context.Theory thy) of
+    Ready _ => NONE |
+    ids => SOME (Context.theory_map (IdentifiersData.put (Ready (finish thy ids))) thy))
+  )));
-    fun identify top (Locale name) =
-    (* CB: ids_ax is a list of tuples of the form ((name, ps), axs),
-       where name is a locale name, ps a list of parameter names and axs
-       a list of axioms relating to the identifier, axs is empty unless
-       identify at top level (top = true);
-       parms is accumulated list of parameters *)
-          let
-            val {axiom, params, ...} = the_locale thy name;
-            val ps = map (#1 o #1) params;
-            val (_, ids'', _) = add_with_regs ((name, map #1 params), Assumed []) ([], [], []);
-            val ids_ax = if top then fst (fold_map (axiomify ps) ids'' axiom) else ids'';
-            in (ids_ax, ps) end
-      | identify top (Rename (e, xs)) =
-          let
-            val (ids', parms') = identify top e;
-            val ren = renaming xs parms'
-              handle ERROR msg => err_in_locale' ctxt msg ids';
-            val ids'' = distinct (eq_fst (op =)) (map (rename_parms top ren) ids');
-            val parms'' = distinct (op =) (maps (#2 o #1) ids'');
-          in (ids'', parms'') end
-      | identify top (Merge es) =
-          fold (fn e => fn (ids, parms) =>
-                   let
-                     val (ids', parms') = identify top e
-                   in
-                     (merge_alists (op =) ids ids', merge_lists (op =) parms parms')
-                   end)
-            es ([], []);
+fun get_global_idents thy =
+  let val (Ready ids) = (IdentifiersData.get o Context.Theory) thy in ids end;
+val put_global_idents = Context.theory_map o IdentifiersData.put o Ready;
-    fun inst_wit all_params (t, th) = let
-         val {hyps, prop, ...} = Thm.rep_thm th;
-         val ps = map (apsnd SOME) (fold Term.add_frees (prop :: hyps) []);
-         val [env] = unify_parms ctxt all_params [ps];
-         val t' = Element.instT_term env t;
-         val th' = Element.instT_thm thy env th;
-       in (t', th') end;
-    fun eval all_params tenv syn ((name, params), (locale_params, mode)) =
-      let
-        val {params = ps_mx, elems = elems_stamped, ...} = the_locale thy name;
-        val elems = map fst elems_stamped;
-        val ps = map fst ps_mx;
-        fun lookup_syn x = (case Symtab.lookup syn x of SOME Structure => NONE | opt => opt);
-        val locale_params' = map (fn p => (p, Symtab.lookup tenv p |> the)) locale_params;
-        val mode' = map_mode (map (Element.map_witness (inst_wit all_params))) mode;
-        val ren = map fst ps ~~ map (fn p => (p, lookup_syn p)) params;
-        val [env] = unify_parms ctxt all_params [map (apfst (Element.rename ren) o apsnd SOME) ps];
-        val (lprfx, pprfx) = param_prefix name params;
-        val add_prefices = pprfx <> "" ? Binding.add_prefix false pprfx
-          #> Binding.add_prefix false lprfx;
-        val elem_morphism =
-          Element.rename_morphism ren $>
-          Morphism.binding_morphism add_prefices $>
-          Element.instT_morphism thy env;
-        val elems' = map (Element.morph_ctxt elem_morphism) elems;
-      in (((name, map (apsnd SOME) locale_params'), mode'), elems') end;
-    (* parameters, their types and syntax *)
-    val (all_params', tenv, syn) = params_of_expr ctxt [] expr ([], Symtab.empty, Symtab.empty);
-    val all_params = map (fn p => (p, Symtab.lookup tenv p |> the)) all_params';
-    (* compute identifiers and syntax, merge with previous ones *)
-    val (ids, _) = identify true expr;
-    val idents = subtract (eq_fst (op =)) prev_idents ids;
-    val syntax = merge_syntax ctxt ids (syn, prev_syntax);
-    (* type-instantiate elements *)
-    val final_elemss = map (eval all_params tenv syntax) idents;
-  in ((prev_idents @ idents, syntax), final_elemss) end;
+fun get_local_idents ctxt =
+  let val (Ready ids) = (IdentifiersData.get o Context.Proof) ctxt in ids end;
+val put_local_idents = Context.proof_map o IdentifiersData.put o Ready;
-(* activate elements *)
+(** Resolve locale dependencies in a depth-first fashion **)
-fun axioms_export axs _ As =
-  (Element.satisfy_thm axs #> Drule.implies_intr_list (Library.drop (length axs, As)), fn t => t);
-(* NB: derived ids contain only facts at this stage *)
+val roundup_bound = 120;
-fun activate_elem _ _ (Fixes fixes) (ctxt, mode) =
-      ([], (ctxt |> ProofContext.add_fixes_i fixes |> snd, mode))
-  | activate_elem _ _ (Constrains _) (ctxt, mode) =
-      ([], (ctxt, mode))
-  | activate_elem ax_in_ctxt _ (Assumes asms) (ctxt, Assumed axs) =
-      let
-        val asms' = Attrib.map_specs (Attrib.attribute_i (ProofContext.theory_of ctxt)) asms;
-        val ts = maps (map #1 o #2) asms';
-        val (ps, qs) = chop (length ts) axs;
-        val (_, ctxt') =
-          ctxt |> fold Variable.auto_fixes ts
-          |> ProofContext.add_assms_i (axioms_export (if ax_in_ctxt then ps else [])) asms';
-      in ([], (ctxt', Assumed qs)) end
-  | activate_elem _ _ (Assumes asms) (ctxt, Derived ths) =
-      ([], (ctxt, Derived ths))
-  | activate_elem _ _ (Defines defs) (ctxt, Assumed axs) =
-      let
-        val defs' = Attrib.map_specs (Attrib.attribute_i (ProofContext.theory_of ctxt)) defs;
-        val asms = defs' |> map (fn ((name, atts), (t, ps)) =>
-            let val ((c, _), t') = LocalDefs.cert_def ctxt t
-            in (t', ((Binding.map_base (Thm.def_name_optional c) name, atts), [(t', ps)])) end);
-        val (_, ctxt') =
-          ctxt |> fold (Variable.auto_fixes o #1) asms
-          |> ProofContext.add_assms_i LocalDefs.def_export (map #2 asms);
-      in ([], (ctxt', Assumed axs)) end
-  | activate_elem _ _ (Defines defs) (ctxt, Derived ths) =
-      ([], (ctxt, Derived ths))
-  | activate_elem _ is_ext (Notes (kind, facts)) (ctxt, mode) =
-      let
-        val facts' = Attrib.map_facts (Attrib.attribute_i (ProofContext.theory_of ctxt)) facts;
-        val (res, ctxt') = ctxt |> local_note_qualified kind facts';
-      in (if is_ext then (map (#1 o #1) facts' ~~ map #2 res) else [], (ctxt', mode)) end;
-fun activate_elems ax_in_ctxt (((name, ps), mode), elems) ctxt =
-  let
-    val thy = ProofContext.theory_of ctxt;
-    val (res, (ctxt', _)) = fold_map (activate_elem ax_in_ctxt (name = ""))
-        elems (ProofContext.qualified_names ctxt, mode)
-      handle ERROR msg => err_in_locale ctxt msg [(name, map fst ps)];
-    val ctxt'' = if name = "" then ctxt'
-          else let
-              val ps' = map (fn (n, SOME T) => Free (n, T)) ps;
-            in if test_local_registration ctxt' (name, ps') then ctxt'
-              else let
-                  val ctxt'' = put_local_registration (name, ps') (I, (NameSpace.base name, ""))
-                    (Morphism.identity, ((Vartab.empty, []), (Vartab.empty, []) )) ctxt'
-                in case mode of
-                    Assumed axs =>
-                      fold (add_local_witness (name, ps') o
-                        Element.assume_witness thy o Element.witness_prop) axs ctxt''
-                  | Derived ths =>
-                     fold (add_local_witness (name, ps')) ths ctxt''
-                end
-            end
-  in (ProofContext.restore_naming ctxt ctxt'', res) end;
-fun activate_elemss ax_in_ctxt prep_facts =
-    fold_map (fn (((name, ps), mode), raw_elems) => fn ctxt =>
-      let
-        val elems = map (prep_facts ctxt) raw_elems;
-        val (ctxt', res) = apsnd flat
-            (activate_elems ax_in_ctxt (((name, ps), mode), elems) ctxt);
-        val elems' = elems |> map (Element.map_ctxt_attrib Args.closure);
-      in (((((name, ps), mode), elems'), res), ctxt') end);
+fun add thy depth (name, morph) (deps, marked) =
+  if depth > roundup_bound
+  then error "Roundup bound exceeded (sublocale relation probably not terminating)."
+  else
+    let
+      val Loc {parameters = (_, params), dependencies, ...} = the_locale thy name;
+      val instance = instance_of thy name morph;
+    in
+      if member (ident_eq thy) marked (name, instance)
+      then (deps, marked)
+      else
+        let
+          val dependencies' =
+            map (fn ((name, morph'), _) => (name, morph' $>  morph)) dependencies;
+          val marked' = (name, instance) :: marked;
+          val (deps', marked'') = fold_rev (add thy (depth + 1)) dependencies' ([], marked');
+        in
+          ((name, morph) :: deps' @ deps, marked'')
+        end
+    end;
-(* CB: activate_facts prep_facts elemss ctxt,
-   where elemss is a list of pairs consisting of identifiers and
-   context elements, extends ctxt by the context elements yielding
-   ctxt' and returns ((elemss', facts), ctxt').
-   Identifiers in the argument are of the form ((name, ps), axs) and
-   assumptions use the axioms in the identifiers to set up exporters
-   in ctxt'.  elemss' does not contain identifiers and is obtained
-   from elemss and the intermediate context with prep_facts.
-   If read_facts or cert_facts is used for prep_facts, these also remove
-   the internal/external markers from elemss. *)
-fun activate_facts ax_in_ctxt prep_facts args =
-  activate_elemss ax_in_ctxt prep_facts args
-  #>> (apsnd flat o split_list);
+fun roundup thy activate_dep (name, morph) (marked, input) =
+  let
+    (* Find all dependencies incuding new ones (which are dependencies enriching
+      existing registrations). *)
+    val (dependencies, marked') = add thy 0 (name, morph) ([], empty);
+    (* Filter out exisiting fragments. *)
+    val dependencies' = filter_out (fn (name, morph) =>
+      member (ident_eq thy) marked (name, instance_of thy name morph)) dependencies;
+  in
+    (merge (ident_eq thy) (marked, marked'), input |> fold_rev (activate_dep thy) dependencies')
+  end;
+(* Declarations, facts and entire locale content *)
-(** prepare locale elements **)
+fun activate_decls thy (name, morph) ctxt =
+  let
+    val Loc {decls = (typ_decls, term_decls), ...} = the_locale thy name;
+  in
+    ctxt |> fold_rev (fn (decl, _) => Context.proof_map (decl morph)) typ_decls |>
+      fold_rev (fn (decl, _) => Context.proof_map (decl morph)) term_decls
+  end;
-(* expressions *)
+fun activate_notes activ_elem transfer thy (name, morph) input =
+  let
+    val Loc {notes, ...} = the_locale thy name;
+    fun activate ((kind, facts), _) input =
+      let
+        val facts' = facts |> Element.facts_map (Element.morph_ctxt (transfer input $> morph))
+      in activ_elem (Notes (kind, facts')) input end;
+  in
+    fold_rev activate notes input
+  end;
-fun intern_expr thy (Locale xname) = Locale (intern thy xname)
-  | intern_expr thy (Merge exprs) = Merge (map (intern_expr thy) exprs)
-  | intern_expr thy (Rename (expr, xs)) = Rename (intern_expr thy expr, xs);
+fun activate_all name thy activ_elem transfer (marked, input) =
+  let
+    val Loc {parameters = (_, params), spec = (asm, defs), ...} =
+      the_locale thy name;
+  in
+    input |>
+      (if not (null params) then activ_elem (Fixes params) else I) |>
+      (* FIXME type parameters *)
+      (if is_some asm then activ_elem (Assumes [(Attrib.empty_binding, [(the asm, [])])]) else I) |>
+      (if not (null defs)
+        then activ_elem (Defines (map (fn def => (Attrib.empty_binding, (def, []))) defs))
+        else I) |>
+      pair marked |> roundup thy (activate_notes activ_elem transfer) (name, Morphism.identity)
+  end;
-(* propositions and bindings *)
-(* flatten (ctxt, prep_expr) ((ids, syn), expr)
-   normalises expr (which is either a locale
-   expression or a single context element) wrt.
-   to the list ids of already accumulated identifiers.
-   It returns ((ids', syn'), elemss) where ids' is an extension of ids
-   with identifiers generated for expr, and elemss is the list of
-   context elements generated from expr.
-   syn and syn' are symtabs mapping parameter names to their syntax.  syn'
-   is an extension of syn.
-   For details, see flatten_expr.
-   Additionally, for a locale expression, the elems are grouped into a single
-   Int; individual context elements are marked Ext.  In this case, the
-   identifier-like information of the element is as follows:
-   - for Fixes: (("", ps), []) where the ps have type info NONE
-   - for other elements: (("", []), []).
-   The implementation of activate_facts relies on identifier names being
-   empty strings for external elements.
-fun flatten (ctxt, _) ((ids, syn), Elem (Fixes fixes)) = let
-        val ids' = ids @ [(("", map (Binding.base_name o #1) fixes), ([], Assumed []))]
-      in
-        ((ids',
-         merge_syntax ctxt ids'
-           (syn, Symtab.make (map (fn fx => (Binding.base_name (#1 fx), #3 fx)) fixes))
-           handle Symtab.DUP x => err_in_locale ctxt
-             ("Conflicting syntax for parameter: " ^ quote x)
-             (map #1 ids')),
-         [((("", map (rpair NONE o Binding.base_name o #1) fixes), Assumed []), Ext (Fixes fixes))])
-      end
-  | flatten _ ((ids, syn), Elem elem) =
-      ((ids @ [(("", []), ([], Assumed []))], syn), [((("", []), Assumed []), Ext elem)])
-  | flatten (ctxt, prep_expr) ((ids, syn), Expr expr) =
-      apsnd (map (apsnd Int)) (flatten_expr ctxt ((ids, syn), prep_expr expr));
-fun declare_int_elem (Fixes fixes) ctxt =
-      ([], ctxt |> ProofContext.add_fixes_i (map (fn (x, T, mx) =>
-        (x, (Term.map_type_tfree (TypeInfer.param 0)) T, mx)) fixes) |> snd)
-  | declare_int_elem _ ctxt = ([], ctxt);
-fun declare_ext_elem prep_vars (Fixes fixes) ctxt =
-      let val (vars, _) = prep_vars fixes ctxt
-      in ([], ctxt |> ProofContext.add_fixes_i vars |> snd) end
-  | declare_ext_elem prep_vars (Constrains csts) ctxt =
-      let val (_, ctxt') = prep_vars (map (fn (x, T) => ( x, SOME T, NoSyn)) csts) ctxt
-      in ([], ctxt') end
-  | declare_ext_elem _ (Assumes asms) ctxt = (map #2 asms, ctxt)
-  | declare_ext_elem _ (Defines defs) ctxt = (map (fn (_, (t, ps)) => [(t, ps)]) defs, ctxt)
-  | declare_ext_elem _ (Notes _) ctxt = ([], ctxt);
-fun declare_elems prep_vars (((name, ps), Assumed _), elems) ctxt = ((case elems
-     of Int es => fold_map declare_int_elem es ctxt
-      | Ext e => declare_ext_elem prep_vars e ctxt |>> single)
-          handle ERROR msg => err_in_locale ctxt msg [(name, map fst ps)])
-  | declare_elems _ ((_, Derived _), elems) ctxt = ([], ctxt);
-fun declare_elemss prep_vars fixed_params raw_elemss ctxt =
-  let
-    (* CB: fix of type bug of goal in target with context elements.
-       Parameters new in context elements must receive types that are
-       distinct from types of parameters in target (fixed_params).  *)
-    val ctxt_with_fixed = 
-      fold Variable.declare_term (map Free fixed_params) ctxt;
-    val int_elemss =
-      raw_elemss
-      |> map_filter (fn (id, Int es) => SOME (id, es) | _ => NONE)
-      |> unify_elemss ctxt_with_fixed fixed_params;
-    val (raw_elemss', _) =
-      fold_map (curry (fn ((id, Int _), (_, es) :: elemss) => ((id, Int es), elemss) | x => x))
-        raw_elemss int_elemss;
-  in fold_map (declare_elems prep_vars) raw_elemss' ctxt end;
+(** Public activation functions **)
-val norm_term = Envir.beta_norm oo Term.subst_atomic;
-fun abstract_thm thy eq =
-  Thm.assume (Thm.cterm_of thy eq) |> Drule.gen_all |> Drule.abs_def;
-fun bind_def ctxt (name, ps) eq (xs, env, ths) =
-  let
-    val ((y, T), b) = LocalDefs.abs_def eq;
-    val b' = norm_term env b;
-    val th = abstract_thm (ProofContext.theory_of ctxt) eq;
-    fun err msg = err_in_locale ctxt (msg ^ ": " ^ quote y) [(name, map fst ps)];
-  in
-    exists (fn (x, _) => x = y) xs andalso
-      err "Attempt to define previously specified variable";
-    exists (fn (Free (y', _), _) => y = y' | _ => false) env andalso
-      err "Attempt to redefine variable";
-    (Term.add_frees b' xs, (Free (y, T), b') :: env, th :: ths)
-  end;
-(* CB: for finish_elems (Int and Ext),
-   extracts specification, only of assumed elements *)
-fun eval_text _ _ _ (Fixes _) text = text
-  | eval_text _ _ _ (Constrains _) text = text
-  | eval_text _ (_, Assumed _) is_ext (Assumes asms)
-        (((exts, exts'), (ints, ints')), (xs, env, defs)) =
+fun init_global_elem (Notes (kind, facts)) thy =
-        val ts = maps (map #1 o #2) asms;
-        val ts' = map (norm_term env) ts;
-        val spec' =
-          if is_ext then ((exts @ ts, exts' @ ts'), (ints, ints'))
-          else ((exts, exts'), (ints @ ts, ints' @ ts'));
-      in (spec', (fold Term.add_frees ts' xs, env, defs)) end
-  | eval_text _ (_, Derived _) _ (Assumes _) text = text
-  | eval_text ctxt (id, Assumed _) _ (Defines defs) (spec, binds) =
-      (spec, fold (bind_def ctxt id o #1 o #2) defs binds)
-  | eval_text _ (_, Derived _) _ (Defines _) text = text
-  | eval_text _ _ _ (Notes _) text = text;
-(* for finish_elems (Int),
-   remove redundant elements of derived identifiers,
-   turn assumptions and definitions into facts,
-   satisfy hypotheses of facts *)
-fun finish_derived _ _ (Assumed _) (Fixes fixes) = SOME (Fixes fixes)
-  | finish_derived _ _ (Assumed _) (Constrains csts) = SOME (Constrains csts)
-  | finish_derived _ _ (Assumed _) (Assumes asms) = SOME (Assumes asms)
-  | finish_derived _ _ (Assumed _) (Defines defs) = SOME (Defines defs)
+        val facts' = Attrib.map_facts (Attrib.attribute_i thy) facts
+      in Old_Locale.global_note_qualified kind facts' thy |> snd end
-  | finish_derived _ _ (Derived _) (Fixes _) = NONE
-  | finish_derived _ _ (Derived _) (Constrains _) = NONE
-  | finish_derived sign satisfy (Derived _) (Assumes asms) = asms
-      |> map (apsnd (map (fn (a, _) => ([Thm.assume (cterm_of sign a)], []))))
-      |> pair Thm.assumptionK |> Notes
-      |> Element.morph_ctxt satisfy |> SOME
-  | finish_derived sign satisfy (Derived _) (Defines defs) = defs
-      |> map (apsnd (fn (d, _) => [([Thm.assume (cterm_of sign d)], [])]))
-      |> pair Thm.definitionK |> Notes
-      |> Element.morph_ctxt satisfy |> SOME
-  | finish_derived _ satisfy _ (Notes facts) = Notes facts
-      |> Element.morph_ctxt satisfy |> SOME;
-(* CB: for finish_elems (Ext) *)
-fun closeup _ false elem = elem
-  | closeup ctxt true elem =
+fun init_local_elem (Fixes fixes) ctxt = ctxt |>
+      ProofContext.add_fixes_i fixes |> snd
+  | init_local_elem (Assumes assms) ctxt =
-        fun close_frees t =
-          let
-            val rev_frees =
-              Term.fold_aterms (fn Free (x, T) =>
-                if Variable.is_fixed ctxt x then I else insert (op =) (x, T) | _ => I) t [];
-          in Term.list_all_free (rev rev_frees, t) end;
-        fun no_binds [] = []
-          | no_binds _ = error "Illegal term bindings in locale element";
+        val assms' = Attrib.map_specs (Attrib.attribute_i (ProofContext.theory_of ctxt)) assms
-        (case elem of
-          Assumes asms => Assumes (asms |> map (fn (a, propps) =>
-            (a, map (fn (t, ps) => (close_frees t, no_binds ps)) propps)))
-        | Defines defs => Defines (defs |> map (fn (a, (t, ps)) =>
-            (a, (close_frees (#2 (LocalDefs.cert_def ctxt t)), no_binds ps))))
-        | e => e)
-      end;
-fun finish_ext_elem parms _ (Fixes fixes, _) = Fixes (map (fn (b, _, mx) =>
-      let val x = Binding.base_name b
-      in (b, AList.lookup (op =) parms x, mx) end) fixes)
-  | finish_ext_elem parms _ (Constrains _, _) = Constrains []
-  | finish_ext_elem _ close (Assumes asms, propp) =
-      close (Assumes (map #1 asms ~~ propp))
-  | finish_ext_elem _ close (Defines defs, propp) =
-      close (Defines (map #1 defs ~~ map (fn [(t, ps)] => (t, ps)) propp))
-  | finish_ext_elem _ _ (Notes facts, _) = Notes facts;
+        ctxt |> fold Variable.auto_fixes (maps (map fst o snd) assms') |>
+          ProofContext.add_assms_i Assumption.assume_export assms' |> snd
+     end
+  | init_local_elem (Defines defs) ctxt =
+      let
+        val defs' = Attrib.map_specs (Attrib.attribute_i (ProofContext.theory_of ctxt)) defs
+      in
+        ctxt |> fold Variable.auto_fixes (map (fst o snd) defs') |>
+          ProofContext.add_assms_i LocalDefs.def_export (map (fn (attn, t) => (attn, [t])) defs') |>
+          snd
+      end
+  | init_local_elem (Notes (kind, facts)) ctxt =
+      let
+        val facts' = Attrib.map_facts (Attrib.attribute_i (ProofContext.theory_of ctxt)) facts
+      in Old_Locale.local_note_qualified kind facts' ctxt |> snd end
-(* CB: finish_parms introduces type info from parms to identifiers *)
-(* CB: only needed for types that have been NONE so far???
-   If so, which are these??? *)
-fun finish_parms parms (((name, ps), mode), elems) =
-  (((name, map (fn (x, _) => (x, AList.lookup (op = : string * string -> bool) parms x)) ps), mode), elems);
-fun finish_elems ctxt parms _ ((text, wits), ((id, Int e), _)) =
-      let
-        val [(id' as (_, mode), es)] = unify_elemss ctxt parms [(id, e)];
-        val wits' = case mode of Assumed _ => wits | Derived ths => wits @ ths;
-        val text' = fold (eval_text ctxt id' false) es text;
-        val es' = map_filter
-          (finish_derived (ProofContext.theory_of ctxt) (Element.satisfy_morphism wits') mode) es;
-      in ((text', wits'), (id', map Int es')) end
-  | finish_elems ctxt parms do_close ((text, wits), ((id, Ext e), [propp])) =
-      let
-        val e' = finish_ext_elem parms (closeup ctxt do_close) (e, propp);
-        val text' = eval_text ctxt id true e' text;
-      in ((text', wits), (id, [Ext e'])) end
+fun cons_elem false (Notes notes) elems = elems
+  | cons_elem _ elem elems = elem :: elems
-(* CB: only called by prep_elemss *)
+fun activate_declarations thy dep ctxt =
+  roundup thy activate_decls dep (get_local_idents ctxt, ctxt) |> uncurry put_local_idents;
+fun activate_global_facts dep thy =
+  roundup thy (activate_notes init_global_elem Element.transfer_morphism)
+    dep (get_global_idents thy, thy) |>
+  uncurry put_global_idents;
+fun activate_local_facts dep ctxt =
+  roundup (ProofContext.theory_of ctxt)
+  (activate_notes init_local_elem (Element.transfer_morphism o ProofContext.theory_of)) dep
+    (get_local_idents ctxt, ctxt) |>
+  uncurry put_local_idents;
-fun finish_elemss ctxt parms do_close =
-  foldl_map (apsnd (finish_parms parms) o finish_elems ctxt parms do_close);
+fun init name thy =
+  activate_all name thy init_local_elem (Element.transfer_morphism o ProofContext.theory_of)
+    (empty, ProofContext.init thy) |>
+  uncurry put_local_idents;
+fun print_locale thy show_facts name =
+  let
+    val name' = intern thy name;
+    val ctxt = init name' thy
+  in
+    Pretty.big_list "locale elements:"
+      (activate_all name' thy (cons_elem show_facts) (K (Element.transfer_morphism thy))
+        (empty, []) |> snd |> rev |>
+        map (Element.pretty_ctxt ctxt) |> map Pretty.chunks) |> Pretty.writeln
+  end
-(* Remove duplicate Defines elements: temporary workaround to fix Afp/Category. *)
-fun defs_ord (defs1, defs2) =
-    list_ord (fn ((_, (d1, _)), (_, (d2, _))) =>
-      TermOrd.fast_term_ord (d1, d2)) (defs1, defs2);
-structure Defstab =
-    TableFun(type key = (Attrib.binding * (term * term list)) list val ord = defs_ord);
-fun rem_dup_defs es ds =
-    fold_map (fn e as (Defines defs) => (fn ds =>
-                 if Defstab.defined ds defs
-                 then (Defines [], ds)
-                 else (e, Defstab.update (defs, ()) ds))
-               | e => (fn ds => (e, ds))) es ds;
-fun rem_dup_elemss (Int es) ds = apfst Int (rem_dup_defs es ds)
-  | rem_dup_elemss (Ext e) ds = (Ext e, ds);
-fun rem_dup_defines raw_elemss =
-    fold_map (fn (id as (_, (Assumed _)), es) => (fn ds =>
-                     apfst (pair id) (rem_dup_elemss es ds))
-               | (id as (_, (Derived _)), es) => (fn ds =>
-                     ((id, es), ds))) raw_elemss Defstab.empty |> #1;
-(* CB: type inference and consistency checks for locales.
-   Works by building a context (through declare_elemss), extracting the
-   required information and adjusting the context elements (finish_elemss).
-   Can also universally close free vars in assms and defs.  This is only
-   needed for Ext elements and controlled by parameter do_close.
-   Only elements of assumed identifiers are considered.
+(*** Registrations: interpretations in theories ***)
-fun prep_elemss prep_vars prepp do_close context fixed_params raw_elemss raw_concl =
-  let
-    (* CB: contexts computed in the course of this function are discarded.
-       They are used for type inference and consistency checks only. *)
-    (* CB: fixed_params are the parameters (with types) of the target locale,
-       empty list if there is no target. *)
-    (* CB: raw_elemss are list of pairs consisting of identifiers and
-       context elements, the latter marked as internal or external. *)
-    val raw_elemss = rem_dup_defines raw_elemss;
-    val (raw_proppss, raw_ctxt) = declare_elemss prep_vars fixed_params raw_elemss context;
-    (* CB: raw_ctxt is context with additional fixed variables derived from
-       the fixes elements in raw_elemss,
-       raw_proppss contains assumptions and definitions from the
-       external elements in raw_elemss. *)
-    fun prep_prop raw_propp (raw_ctxt, raw_concl)  =
-      let
-        (* CB: add type information from fixed_params to context (declare_term) *)
-        (* CB: process patterns (conclusion and external elements only) *)
-        val (ctxt, all_propp) =
-          prepp (fold Variable.declare_term (map Free fixed_params) raw_ctxt, raw_concl @ raw_propp);
-        (* CB: add type information from conclusion and external elements to context *)
-        val ctxt = fold Variable.declare_term (maps (map fst) all_propp) ctxt;
-        (* CB: resolve schematic variables (patterns) in conclusion and external elements. *)
-        val all_propp' = map2 (curry (op ~~))
-          (#1 (#2 (ProofContext.bind_propp_schematic_i (ctxt, all_propp)))) (map (map snd) all_propp);
-        val (concl, propp) = chop (length raw_concl) all_propp';
-      in (propp, (ctxt, concl)) end
+(* FIXME only global variant needed *)
+structure RegistrationsData = GenericDataFun
+  type T = ((string * (Morphism.morphism * Morphism.morphism)) * stamp) list;
+(* FIXME mixins need to be stamped *)
+    (* registrations, in reverse order of declaration *)
+  val empty = [];
+  val extend = I;
+  fun merge _ data : T = Library.merge (eq_snd op =) data;
+    (* FIXME consolidate with dependencies, consider one data slot only *)
-    val (proppss, (ctxt, concl)) =
-      (fold_burrow o fold_burrow) prep_prop raw_proppss (raw_ctxt, raw_concl);
-    (* CB: obtain all parameters from identifier part of raw_elemss *)
-    val xs = map #1 (params_of' raw_elemss);
-    val typing = unify_frozen ctxt 0
-      (map (Variable.default_type raw_ctxt) xs)
-      (map (Variable.default_type ctxt) xs);
-    val parms = param_types (xs ~~ typing);
-    (* CB: parms are the parameters from raw_elemss, with correct typing. *)
+val get_global_registrations =
+  Context.Theory #> RegistrationsData.get #> map fst #> map (apsnd op $>);
-    (* CB: extract information from assumes and defines elements
-       (fixes, constrains and notes in raw_elemss don't have an effect on
-       text and elemss), compute final form of context elements. *)
-    val ((text, _), elemss) = finish_elemss ctxt parms do_close
-      ((((([], []), ([], [])), ([], [], [])), []), raw_elemss ~~ proppss);
-    (* CB: text has the following structure:
-           (((exts, exts'), (ints, ints')), (xs, env, defs))
-       where
-         exts: external assumptions (terms in external assumes elements)
-         exts': dito, normalised wrt. env
-         ints: internal assumptions (terms in internal assumes elements)
-         ints': dito, normalised wrt. env
-         xs: the free variables in exts' and ints' and rhss of definitions,
-           this includes parameters except defined parameters
-         env: list of term pairs encoding substitutions, where the first term
-           is a free variable; substitutions represent defines elements and
-           the rhs is normalised wrt. the previous env
-         defs: theorems representing the substitutions from defines elements
-           (thms are normalised wrt. env).
-       elemss is an updated version of raw_elemss:
-         - type info added to Fixes and modified in Constrains
-         - axiom and definition statement replaced by corresponding one
-           from proppss in Assumes and Defines
-         - Facts unchanged
-       *)
-  in ((parms, elemss, concl), text) end;
+fun add_global reg =
+  (Context.theory_map o (cons (reg, stamp ()));
-fun read_elemss x = prep_elemss ProofContext.read_vars ProofContext.read_propp_schematic x;
-fun cert_elemss x = prep_elemss ProofContext.cert_vars ProofContext.cert_propp_schematic x;
+fun add_global_registration (name, (base_morph, export)) thy =
+  roundup thy (fn _ => fn (name', morph') => fn thy => add_global (name', (morph', export)) thy)
+    (name, base_morph) (get_global_idents thy, thy) |>
+    snd (* FIXME ?? uncurry put_global_idents *);
-(* facts and attributes *)
-fun check_name name =
-  if NameSpace.is_qualified name then error ("Illegal qualified name: " ^ quote name)
-  else name;
-fun prep_facts _ _ _ ctxt (Int elem) = elem
-      |> Element.morph_ctxt (Morphism.thm_morphism (Thm.transfer (ProofContext.theory_of ctxt)))
-  | prep_facts prep_name get intern ctxt (Ext elem) = elem |> Element.map_ctxt
-     {var = I, typ = I, term = I,
-      binding = Binding.map_base prep_name,
-      fact = get ctxt,
-      attrib = Args.assignable o intern (ProofContext.theory_of ctxt)};
-fun read_facts x = prep_facts check_name ProofContext.get_fact Attrib.intern_src x;
-fun cert_facts x = prep_facts I (K I) (K I) x;
-(* Get the specification of a locale *)
-(*The global specification is made from the parameters and global
-  assumptions, the local specification from the parameters and the
-  local assumptions.*)
-fun gen_asms_of get thy name =
+fun amend_global_registration morph (name, base_morph) thy =
-    val ctxt = ProofContext.init thy;
-    val (_, raw_elemss) = flatten (ctxt, I) (([], Symtab.empty), Expr (Locale name));
-    val ((_, elemss, _), _) = read_elemss false ctxt [] raw_elemss [];
+    val regs = (Context.Theory #> RegistrationsData.get #> map fst) thy;
+    val base = instance_of thy name base_morph;
+    fun match (name', (morph', _)) =
+      name = name' andalso eq_list (op aconv) (base, instance_of thy name' morph');
+    val i = find_index match (rev regs);
+    val _ = if i = ~1 then error ("No interpretation of locale " ^
+        quote (extern thy name) ^ " and parameter instantiation " ^
+        space_implode " " (map (quote o Syntax.string_of_term_global thy) base) ^ " available.")
+      else ();
-    elemss |> get
-      |> maps (fn (_, es) => map (fn Int e => e) es)
-      |> maps (fn Assumes asms => asms | _ => [])
-      |> map (apsnd (map fst))
-  end;
-fun parameters_of thy = #params o the_locale thy;
-fun intros thy = #intros o the_locale thy;
-  (*returns introduction rule for delta predicate and locale predicate
-    as a pair of singleton lists*)
-fun dests thy = #dests o the_locale thy;
-fun facts_of thy = map_filter (fn (Element.Notes (_, facts), _) => SOME facts
-  | _ => NONE) o #elems o the_locale thy;
-fun parameters_of_expr thy expr =
-  let
-    val ctxt = ProofContext.init thy;
-    val pts = params_of_expr ctxt [] (intern_expr thy expr)
-        ([], Symtab.empty, Symtab.empty);
-    val raw_params_elemss = make_raw_params_elemss pts;
-    val ((_, syn), raw_elemss) = flatten (ctxt, intern_expr thy)
-        (([], Symtab.empty), Expr expr);
-    val ((parms, _, _), _) =
-        read_elemss false ctxt [] (raw_params_elemss @ raw_elemss) [];
-  in map (fn p as (n, _) => (p, Symtab.lookup syn n |> the)) parms end;
-fun local_asms_of thy name =
-  gen_asms_of (single o Library.last_elem) thy name;
-fun global_asms_of thy name =
-  gen_asms_of I thy name;
-(* full context statements: imports + elements + conclusion *)
-fun prep_context_statement prep_expr prep_elemss prep_facts
-    do_close fixed_params imports elements raw_concl context =
-  let
-    val thy = ProofContext.theory_of context;
-    val (import_params, import_tenv, import_syn) =
-      params_of_expr context fixed_params (prep_expr thy imports)
-        ([], Symtab.empty, Symtab.empty);
-    val includes = map_filter (fn Expr e => SOME e | Elem _ => NONE) elements;
-    val (incl_params, incl_tenv, incl_syn) = fold (params_of_expr context fixed_params)
-      (map (prep_expr thy) includes) (import_params, import_tenv, import_syn);
-    val ((import_ids, _), raw_import_elemss) =
-      flatten (context, prep_expr thy) (([], Symtab.empty), Expr imports);
-    (* CB: normalise "includes" among elements *)
-    val ((ids, syn), raw_elemsss) = foldl_map (flatten (context, prep_expr thy))
-      ((import_ids, incl_syn), elements);
-    val raw_elemss = flat raw_elemsss;
-    (* CB: raw_import_elemss @ raw_elemss is the normalised list of
-       context elements obtained from import and elements. *)
-    (* Now additional elements for parameters are inserted. *)
-    val import_params_ids = make_params_ids import_params;
-    val incl_params_ids =
-        make_params_ids (incl_params \\ import_params);
-    val raw_import_params_elemss =
-        make_raw_params_elemss (import_params, incl_tenv, incl_syn);
-    val raw_incl_params_elemss =
-        make_raw_params_elemss (incl_params \\ import_params, incl_tenv, incl_syn);
-    val ((parms, all_elemss, concl), (spec, (_, _, defs))) = prep_elemss do_close
-      context fixed_params
-      (raw_import_params_elemss @ raw_import_elemss @ raw_incl_params_elemss @ raw_elemss) raw_concl;
-    (* replace extended ids (for axioms) by ids *)
-    val (import_ids', incl_ids) = chop (length import_ids) ids;
-    val all_ids = import_params_ids @ import_ids' @ incl_params_ids @ incl_ids;
-    val all_elemss' = map (fn (((_, ps), _), (((n, ps'), mode), elems)) =>
-        (((n, map (fn p => (p, (the o AList.lookup (op =) ps') p)) ps), mode), elems))
-      (all_ids ~~ all_elemss);
-    (* CB: all_elemss and parms contain the correct parameter types *)
-    val (ps, qs) = chop (length raw_import_params_elemss + length raw_import_elemss) all_elemss';
-    val ((import_elemss, _), import_ctxt) =
-      activate_facts false prep_facts ps context;
-    val ((elemss, _), ctxt) =
-      activate_facts false prep_facts qs (ProofContext.set_stmt true import_ctxt);
-  in
-    ((((import_ctxt, import_elemss), (ctxt, elemss, syn)),
-      (parms, spec, defs)), concl)
-  end;
-fun prep_statement prep_locale prep_ctxt raw_locale elems concl ctxt =
-  let
-    val thy = ProofContext.theory_of ctxt;
-    val locale = (prep_locale thy) raw_locale;
-    val (fixed_params, imports) =
-      (case locale of
-        NONE => ([], empty)
-      | SOME name =>
-          let val {params = ps, ...} = the_locale thy name
-          in (map fst ps, Locale name) end);
-    val ((((locale_ctxt, _), (elems_ctxt, _, _)), _), concl') =
-      prep_ctxt false fixed_params imports (map Elem elems) concl ctxt;
-  in (locale, locale_ctxt, elems_ctxt, concl') end;
-fun prep_expr prep imports body ctxt =
-  let
-    val (((_, import_elemss), (ctxt', elemss, _)), _) = prep imports body ctxt;
-    val all_elems = maps snd (import_elemss @ elemss);
-  in (all_elems, ctxt') end;
-val read_ctxt = prep_context_statement intern_expr read_elemss read_facts;
-val cert_ctxt = prep_context_statement (K I) cert_elemss cert_facts;
-fun read_context imports body ctxt = #1 (read_ctxt true [] imports (map Elem body) [] ctxt);
-fun cert_context imports body ctxt = #1 (cert_ctxt true [] imports (map Elem body) [] ctxt);
-val read_expr = prep_expr read_context;
-val cert_expr = prep_expr cert_context;
-fun read_context_statement loc = prep_statement (K I) read_ctxt loc;
-fun read_context_statement_cmd loc = prep_statement intern read_ctxt loc;
-fun cert_context_statement loc = prep_statement (K I) cert_ctxt loc;
-(* init *)
-fun init loc =
-  ProofContext.init
-  #> #2 o cert_context_statement (SOME loc) [] [];
-(* print locale *)
-fun print_locale thy show_facts imports body =
-  let val (all_elems, ctxt) = read_expr imports body (ProofContext.init thy) in
-    Pretty.big_list "locale elements:" (all_elems
-      |> (if show_facts then I else filter (fn Notes _ => false | _ => true))
-      |> map (Element.pretty_ctxt ctxt) |> filter_out null
-      |> map Pretty.chunks)
-    |> Pretty.writeln
+    (Context.theory_map o (nth_map (length regs - 1 - i)
+      (fn ((name, (base, export)), stamp) => ((name, (base $> morph, export)), stamp))) thy
-(** store results **)
-(* join equations of an id with already accumulated ones *)
-fun join_eqns get_reg id eqns =
-  let
-    val eqns' = case get_reg id
-      of NONE => eqns
-        | SOME (_, _, eqns') => Termtab.join (fn _ => fn (_, e) => e) (eqns, eqns')
-            (* prefer equations from eqns' *)
-  in ((id, eqns'), eqns') end;
-(* collect witnesses and equations up to a particular target for a
-   registration; requires parameters and flattened list of identifiers
-   instead of recomputing it from the target *)
-fun collect_witnesses ctxt (imprt as ((impT, _), (imp, _))) parms ids ext_ts = let
-    val thy = ProofContext.theory_of ctxt;
-    val ts = map (var_inst_term (impT, imp)) ext_ts;
-    val (parms, parmTs) = split_list parms;
-    val parmvTs = map Logic.varifyT parmTs;
-    val vtinst = fold (Sign.typ_match thy) (parmvTs ~~ map Term.fastype_of ts) Vartab.empty;
-    val tinst = Vartab.dest vtinst |> map (fn ((x, 0), (_, T)) => (x, T))
-        |> Symtab.make;
-    val inst = Symtab.make (parms ~~ ts);
-    (* instantiate parameter names in ids *)
-    val ext_inst = Symtab.make (parms ~~ ext_ts);
-    fun ext_inst_names ps = map (the o Symtab.lookup ext_inst) ps;
-    val inst_ids = map (apfst (apsnd ext_inst_names)) ids;
-    val assumed_ids = map_filter (fn (id, (_, Assumed _)) => SOME id | _ => NONE) inst_ids;
-    val wits = maps (#2 o the o get_local_registration ctxt imprt) assumed_ids;
-    val eqns =
-      fold_map (join_eqns (get_local_registration ctxt imprt))
-        (map fst inst_ids) Termtab.empty |> snd |> Termtab.dest |> map snd;
-  in ((tinst, inst), wits, eqns) end;
-(* compute and apply morphism *)
-fun name_morph phi_name (lprfx, pprfx) b =
-  b
-  |> (if not (Binding.is_empty b) andalso pprfx <> ""
-        then Binding.add_prefix false pprfx else I)
-  |> (if not (Binding.is_empty b)
-        then Binding.add_prefix false lprfx else I)
-  |> phi_name;
+(*** Storing results ***)
-fun inst_morph thy phi_name param_prfx insts prems eqns export =
-  let
-    (* standardise export morphism *)
-    val exp_fact = Drule.zero_var_indexes_list o map Thm.strip_shyps o Morphism.fact export;
-    val exp_term = TermSubst.zero_var_indexes o Morphism.term export;
-      (* FIXME sync with exp_fact *)
-    val exp_typ = Logic.type_map exp_term;
-    val export' =
-      Morphism.morphism {binding = I, var = I, typ = exp_typ, term = exp_term, fact = exp_fact};
-  in
-    Morphism.binding_morphism (name_morph phi_name param_prfx) $>
-      Element.inst_morphism thy insts $>
-      Element.satisfy_morphism prems $>
-      Morphism.term_morphism (MetaSimplifier.rewrite_term thy eqns []) $>
-      Morphism.thm_morphism (MetaSimplifier.rewrite_rule eqns) $>
-      export'
-  end;
-fun activate_note thy phi_name param_prfx attrib insts prems eqns exp =
-  (Element.facts_map o Element.morph_ctxt)
-      (inst_morph thy phi_name param_prfx insts prems eqns exp)
-  #> Attrib.map_facts attrib;
-(* public interface to interpretation morphism *)
-fun get_interpret_morph thy phi_name param_prfx (exp, imp) target ext_ts =
-  let
-    val parms = the_locale thy target |> #params |> map fst;
-    val ids = flatten (ProofContext.init thy, intern_expr thy)
-      (([], Symtab.empty), Expr (Locale target)) |> fst |> fst;
-    val (insts, prems, eqns) = collect_witnesses (ProofContext.init thy) imp parms ids ext_ts;
-  in
-    inst_morph thy phi_name param_prfx insts prems eqns exp
-  end;
-(* store instantiations of args for all registered interpretations
-   of the theory *)
-fun note_thmss_registrations target (kind, args) thy =
-  let
-    val parms = the_locale thy target |> #params |> map fst;
-    val ids = flatten (ProofContext.init thy, intern_expr thy)
-      (([], Symtab.empty), Expr (Locale target)) |> fst |> fst;
-    val regs = get_global_registrations thy target;
-    (* add args to thy for all registrations *)
-    fun activate (ext_ts, ((phi_name, param_prfx), (exp, imp), _, _)) thy =
-      let
-        val (insts, prems, eqns) = collect_witnesses (ProofContext.init thy) imp parms ids ext_ts;
-        val args' = args
-          |> activate_note thy phi_name param_prfx
-               (Attrib.attribute_i thy) insts prems eqns exp;
-      in
-        thy
-        |> global_note_qualified kind args'
-        |> snd
-      end;
-  in fold activate regs thy end;
-(* locale results *)
+(* Theorems *)
 fun add_thmss loc kind args ctxt =
-    val (([(_, [Notes args'])], _), ctxt') =
-      activate_facts true cert_facts
-        [((("", []), Assumed []), [Ext (Notes (kind, args))])] ctxt;
-    val ctxt'' = ctxt' |> ProofContext.theory
-      (change_locale loc
-        (fn (axiom, elems, params, decls, regs, intros, dests) =>
-          (axiom, elems @ [(Notes args', stamp ())],
-            params, decls, regs, intros, dests))
-      #> note_thmss_registrations loc args');
+    val ([Notes args'], ctxt') = Element.activate_i [Notes (kind, args)] ctxt;
+    val ctxt'' = ctxt' |> ProofContext.theory (
+      change_locale loc
+        (fn (parameters, spec, decls, notes, dependencies) =>
+          (parameters, spec, decls, (args', stamp ()) :: notes, dependencies)) #>
+      (* Registrations *)
+      (fn thy => fold_rev (fn (name, morph) =>
+            let
+              val args'' = snd args' |> Element.facts_map (Element.morph_ctxt morph) |>
+                Attrib.map_facts (Attrib.attribute_i thy)
+            in Old_Locale.global_note_qualified kind args'' #> snd end)
+        (get_global_registrations thy |> filter (fn (name, _) => name = loc)) thy))
   in ctxt'' end;
-(* declarations *)
+(* Declarations *)
@@ -1728,8 +477,8 @@
 fun add_decls add loc decl =
   ProofContext.theory (change_locale loc
-    (fn (axiom, elems, params, decls, regs, intros, dests) =>
-      (axiom, elems, params, add (decl, stamp ()) decls, regs, intros, dests))) #>
+    (fn (parameters, spec, decls, notes, dependencies) =>
+      (parameters, spec, add (decl, stamp ()) decls, notes, dependencies))) #>
   add_thmss loc Thm.internalK
     [((Binding.empty, [Attrib.internal (decl_attrib decl)]), [([Drule.dummy_thm], [])])];
@@ -1739,747 +488,44 @@
 val add_term_syntax = add_decls (apsnd o cons);
 val add_declaration = add_decls (K I);
-fun declarations_of thy loc =
-  the_locale thy loc |> #decls |> apfst (map fst) |> apsnd (map fst);
+(* Dependencies *)
+fun add_dependency loc dep =
+  change_locale loc
+    (fn (parameters, spec, decls, notes, dependencies) =>
+      (parameters, spec, decls, notes, (dep, stamp ()) :: dependencies));
-(** define locales **)
-(* predicate text *)
-(* CB: generate locale predicates and delta predicates *)
-(* introN: name of theorems for introduction rules of locale and
-     delta predicates;
-   axiomsN: name of theorem set with destruct rules for locale predicates,
-     also name suffix of delta predicates. *)
-val introN = "intro";
-val axiomsN = "axioms";
-fun atomize_spec thy ts =
-  let
-    val t = Logic.mk_conjunction_balanced ts;
-    val body = ObjectLogic.atomize_term thy t;
-    val bodyT = Term.fastype_of body;
-  in
-    if bodyT = propT then (t, propT, Thm.reflexive (Thm.cterm_of thy t))
-    else (body, bodyT, ObjectLogic.atomize (Thm.cterm_of thy t))
-  end;
+(*** Reasoning about locales ***)
-fun aprop_tr' n c = (Syntax.constN ^ c, fn ctxt => fn args =>
-  if length args = n then
-    Syntax.const "_aprop" $
-      Term.list_comb ( (Consts.extern (ProofContext.consts_of ctxt) c), args)
-  else raise Match);
-(* CB: define one predicate including its intro rule and axioms
-   - bname: predicate name
-   - parms: locale parameters
-   - defs: thms representing substitutions from defines elements
-   - ts: terms representing locale assumptions (not normalised wrt. defs)
-   - norm_ts: terms representing locale assumptions (normalised wrt. defs)
-   - thy: the theory
-fun def_pred bname parms defs ts norm_ts thy =
-  let
-    val name = Sign.full_bname thy bname;
-    val (body, bodyT, body_eq) = atomize_spec thy norm_ts;
-    val env = Term.add_free_names body [];
-    val xs = filter (member (op =) env o #1) parms;
-    val Ts = map #2 xs;
-    val extraTs =
-      (Term.add_tfrees body [] \\ fold Term.add_tfreesT Ts [])
-      |> Library.sort_wrt #1 |> map TFree;
-    val predT = map Term.itselfT extraTs ---> Ts ---> bodyT;
-    val args = map Logic.mk_type extraTs @ map Free xs;
-    val head = Term.list_comb (Const (name, predT), args);
-    val statement = ObjectLogic.ensure_propT thy head;
+(** Storage for witnesses, intro and unfold rules **)
-    val ([pred_def], defs_thy) =
-      thy
-      |> bodyT = propT ? Sign.add_advanced_trfuns ([], [], [aprop_tr' (length args) name], [])
-      |> Sign.declare_const [] (( bname, predT), NoSyn) |> snd
-      |> PureThy.add_defs false
-        [((Thm.def_name bname, Logic.mk_equals (head, body)), [Thm.kind_internal])];
-    val defs_ctxt = ProofContext.init defs_thy |> Variable.declare_term head;
-    val cert = Thm.cterm_of defs_thy;
-    val intro = Goal.prove_global defs_thy [] norm_ts statement (fn _ =>
-      MetaSimplifier.rewrite_goals_tac [pred_def] THEN
-      Tactic.compose_tac (false, body_eq RS Drule.equal_elim_rule1, 1) 1 THEN
-      Tactic.compose_tac (false,
-        Conjunction.intr_balanced (map (Thm.assume o cert) norm_ts), 0) 1);
-    val conjuncts =
-      (Drule.equal_elim_rule2 OF [body_eq,
-        MetaSimplifier.rewrite_rule [pred_def] (Thm.assume (cert statement))])
-      |> Conjunction.elim_balanced (length ts);
-    val axioms = ts ~~ conjuncts |> map (fn (t, ax) =>
-      Element.prove_witness defs_ctxt t
-       (MetaSimplifier.rewrite_goals_tac defs THEN
-        Tactic.compose_tac (false, ax, 0) 1));
-  in ((statement, intro, axioms), defs_thy) end;
-fun assumes_to_notes (Assumes asms) axms =
-      fold_map (fn (a, spec) => fn axs =>
-          let val (ps, qs) = chop (length spec) axs
-          in ((a, [(ps, [])]), qs) end) asms axms
-      |> apfst (curry Notes Thm.assumptionK)
-  | assumes_to_notes e axms = (e, axms);
-(* CB: the following two change only "new" elems, these have identifier ("", _). *)
-(* turn Assumes into Notes elements *)
-fun change_assumes_elemss axioms elemss =
-  let
-    val satisfy = Element.morph_ctxt (Element.satisfy_morphism axioms);
-    fun change (id as ("", _), es) =
-          fold_map assumes_to_notes (map satisfy es)
-          #-> (fn es' => pair (id, es'))
-      | change e = pair e;
-  in
-    fst (fold_map change elemss (map Element.conclude_witness axioms))
-  end;
-(* adjust hyps of Notes elements *)
-fun change_elemss_hyps axioms elemss =
-  let
-    val satisfy = Element.morph_ctxt (Element.satisfy_morphism axioms);
-    fun change (id as ("", _), es) = (id, map (fn e as Notes _ => satisfy e | e => e) es)
-      | change e = e;
-  in map change elemss end;
-(* CB: main predicate definition function *)
+structure Witnesses = ThmsFun();
+structure Intros = ThmsFun();
+structure Unfolds = ThmsFun();
-fun define_preds pname (parms, ((exts, exts'), (ints, ints')), defs) elemss thy =
-  let
-    val ((elemss', more_ts), a_elem, a_intro, thy'') =
-      if null exts then ((elemss, []), [], [], thy)
-      else
-        let
-          val aname = if null ints then pname else pname ^ "_" ^ axiomsN;
-          val ((statement, intro, axioms), thy') =
-            thy
-            |> def_pred aname parms defs exts exts';
-          val elemss' = change_assumes_elemss axioms elemss;
-          val a_elem = [(("", []),
-            [Assumes [(( (pname ^ "_" ^ axiomsN), []), [(statement, [])])]])];
-          val (_, thy'') =
-            thy'
-            |> Sign.add_path aname
-            |> Sign.no_base_names
-            |> PureThy.note_thmss Thm.internalK [(( introN, []), [([intro], [])])]
-            ||> Sign.restore_naming thy';
-        in ((elemss', [statement]), a_elem, [intro], thy'') end;
-    val (predicate, stmt', elemss'', b_intro, thy'''') =
-      if null ints then (([], []), more_ts, elemss' @ a_elem, [], thy'')
-      else
-        let
-          val ((statement, intro, axioms), thy''') =
-            thy''
-            |> def_pred pname parms defs (ints @ more_ts) (ints' @ more_ts);
-          val cstatement = Thm.cterm_of thy''' statement;
-          val elemss'' = change_elemss_hyps axioms elemss';
-          val b_elem = [(("", []),
-               [Assumes [(( (pname ^ "_" ^ axiomsN), []), [(statement, [])])]])];
-          val (_, thy'''') =
-            thy'''
-            |> Sign.add_path pname
-            |> Sign.no_base_names
-            |> PureThy.note_thmss Thm.internalK
-                 [(( introN, []), [([intro], [])]),
-                  (( axiomsN, []),
-                    [(map (Drule.standard o Element.conclude_witness) axioms, [])])]
-            ||> Sign.restore_naming thy''';
-        in (([cstatement], axioms), [statement], elemss'' @ b_elem, [intro], thy'''') end;
-  in (((elemss'', predicate, stmt'), (a_intro, b_intro)), thy'''') end;
-(* add_locale(_i) *)
-(* turn Defines into Notes elements, accumulate definition terms *)
-fun defines_to_notes is_ext thy (Defines defs) defns =
-    let
-      val defs' = map (fn (_, (def, _)) => (Attrib.empty_binding, (def, []))) defs
-      val notes = map (fn (a, (def, _)) =>
-        (a, [([assume (cterm_of thy def)], [])])) defs
-    in
-      (if is_ext then SOME (Notes (Thm.definitionK, notes)) else NONE, defns @ [Defines defs'])
-    end
-  | defines_to_notes _ _ e defns = (SOME e, defns);
-fun change_defines_elemss thy elemss defns =
-  let
-    fun change (id as (n, _), es) defns =
-        let
-          val (es', defns') = fold_map (defines_to_notes (n="") thy) es defns
-        in ((id, map_filter I es'), defns') end
-  in fold_map change elemss defns end;
+val witness_attrib = Witnesses.add;
+val intro_attrib = Intros.add;
+val unfold_attrib = Unfolds.add;
-fun gen_add_locale prep_ctxt prep_expr
-    predicate_name bname raw_imports raw_body thy =
-    (* predicate_name: "" - locale with predicate named as locale
-        "name" - locale with predicate named "name" *)
-  let
-    val thy_ctxt = ProofContext.init thy;
-    val name = Sign.full_bname thy bname;
-    val _ = is_some (get_locale thy name) andalso
-      error ("Duplicate definition of locale " ^ quote name);
-    val (((import_ctxt, import_elemss), (body_ctxt, body_elemss, syn)),
-      text as (parms, ((_, exts'), _), defs)) =
-        prep_ctxt raw_imports raw_body thy_ctxt;
-    val elemss = import_elemss @ body_elemss |>
-      map_filter (fn ((id, Assumed axs), elems) => SOME (id, elems) | _ => NONE);
-    val extraTs = List.foldr OldTerm.add_term_tfrees [] exts' \\
-      List.foldr OldTerm.add_typ_tfrees [] (map snd parms);
-    val _ = if null extraTs then ()
-      else warning ("Additional type variable(s) in locale specification " ^ quote bname);
+(** Tactic **)
-    val predicate_name' = case predicate_name of "" => bname | _ => predicate_name;
-    val (elemss', defns) = change_defines_elemss thy elemss [];
-    val elemss'' = elemss' @ [(("", []), defns)];
-    val (((elemss''', predicate as (pred_statement, pred_axioms), stmt'), intros), thy') =
-      define_preds predicate_name' text elemss'' thy;
-    val regs = pred_axioms
-      |> fold_map (fn (id, elems) => fn wts => let
-             val ts = flat (map_filter (fn (Assumes asms) =>
-               SOME (maps (map #1 o #2) asms) | _ => NONE) elems);
-             val (wts1, wts2) = chop (length ts) wts;
-           in ((apsnd (map fst) id, wts1), wts2) end) elemss'''
-      |> fst
-      |> map_filter (fn (("", _), _) => NONE | e => SOME e);
-    fun axiomify axioms elemss =
-      (axioms, elemss) |> foldl_map (fn (axs, (id, elems)) => let
-                   val ts = flat (map_filter (fn (Assumes asms) =>
-                     SOME (maps (map #1 o #2) asms) | _ => NONE) elems);
-                   val (axs1, axs2) = chop (length ts) axs;
-                 in (axs2, ((id, Assumed axs1), elems)) end)
-      |> snd;
-    val ((_, facts), ctxt) = activate_facts true (K I)
-      (axiomify pred_axioms elemss''') (ProofContext.init thy');
-    val view_ctxt = Assumption.add_view thy_ctxt pred_statement ctxt;
-    val export = Thm.close_derivation o Goal.norm_result o
-      singleton (ProofContext.export view_ctxt thy_ctxt);
-    val facts' = facts |> map (fn (a, ths) => ((a, []), [(map export ths, [])]));
-    val elems' = maps #2 (filter (fn ((s, _), _) => s = "") elemss''');
-    val elems'' = map_filter (fn (Fixes _) => NONE | e => SOME e) elems';
-    val axs' = map (Element.assume_witness thy') stmt';
-    val loc_ctxt = thy'
-      |> Sign.add_path bname
-      |> Sign.no_base_names
-      |> PureThy.note_thmss Thm.assumptionK facts' |> snd
-      |> Sign.restore_naming thy'
-      |> register_locale bname {axiom = axs',
-        elems = map (fn e => (e, stamp ())) elems'',
-        params = params_of elemss''' |> map (fn (x, SOME T) => ((x, T), the (Symtab.lookup syn x))),
-        decls = ([], []),
-        regs = regs,
-        intros = intros,
-        dests = map Element.conclude_witness pred_axioms}
-      |> init name;
-  in (name, loc_ctxt) end;
-val add_locale = gen_add_locale cert_context (K I);
-val add_locale_cmd = gen_add_locale read_context intern_expr "";
+fun intro_locales_tac eager ctxt facts st =
+  Method.intros_tac
+    (Witnesses.get ctxt @ Intros.get ctxt @ (if eager then Unfolds.get ctxt else [])) facts st;
 val _ = Context.>> (Context.map_theory
- (add_locale "" "var" empty [Fixes [( (Name.internal "x"), NONE, NoSyn)]] #>
-  snd #> ProofContext.theory_of #>
-  add_locale "" "struct" empty [Fixes [( (Name.internal "S"), NONE, Structure)]] #>
-  snd #> ProofContext.theory_of));
-(** Normalisation of locale statements ---
-    discharges goals implied by interpretations **)
-fun locale_assm_intros thy =
-  Symtab.fold (fn (_, {intros = (a, _), ...}) => fn intros => (a @ intros))
-    (#2 (LocalesData.get thy)) [];
-fun locale_base_intros thy =
-  Symtab.fold (fn (_, {intros = (_, b), ...}) => fn intros => (b @ intros))
-    (#2 (LocalesData.get thy)) [];
-fun all_witnesses ctxt =
-  let
-    val thy = ProofContext.theory_of ctxt;
-    fun get registrations = Symtab.fold (fn (_, regs) => fn thms =>
-        (Registrations.dest thy regs |> map (fn (_, (_, (exp, _), wits, _)) =>
-          map (Element.conclude_witness #> Morphism.thm exp) wits) |> flat) @ thms)
-      registrations [];
-  in get (RegistrationsData.get (Context.Proof ctxt)) end;
-fun intro_locales_tac eager ctxt facts st =
-  let
-    val wits = all_witnesses ctxt;
-    val thy = ProofContext.theory_of ctxt;
-    val intros = locale_base_intros thy @ (if eager then locale_assm_intros thy else []);
-  in
-    Method.intros_tac (wits @ intros) facts st
-  end;
+  (Method.add_methods
+    [("intro_locales",
+      Method.ctxt_args (fn ctxt => Method.METHOD (intro_locales_tac false ctxt ORELSE'
+        Old_Locale.intro_locales_tac false ctxt)),
+      "back-chain introduction rules of locales without unfolding predicates"),
+     ("unfold_locales",
+      Method.ctxt_args (fn ctxt => Method.METHOD (intro_locales_tac true ctxt ORELSE'
+        Old_Locale.intro_locales_tac true ctxt)),
+      "back-chain all introduction rules of locales")]));
-(** Interpretation commands **)
-(* extract proof obligations (assms and defs) from elements *)
-fun extract_asms_elems ((id, Assumed _), elems) = (id, maps Element.prems_of elems)
-  | extract_asms_elems ((id, Derived _), _) = (id, []);
-(* activate instantiated facts in theory or context *)
-fun gen_activate_facts_elemss mk_ctxt note attrib put_reg add_wit add_eqn
-        phi_name all_elemss pss propss eq_attns (exp, imp) thmss thy_ctxt =
-  let
-    val ctxt = mk_ctxt thy_ctxt;
-    fun get_reg thy_ctxt = get_local_registration (mk_ctxt thy_ctxt);
-    fun test_reg thy_ctxt = test_local_registration (mk_ctxt thy_ctxt);
-    val (all_propss, eq_props) = chop (length all_elemss) propss;
-    val (all_thmss, eq_thms) = chop (length all_elemss) thmss;
-    (* Filter out fragments already registered. *)
-    val (new_elemss, xs) = split_list (filter_out (fn (((id, _), _), _) =>
-          test_reg thy_ctxt id) (all_elemss ~~ (pss ~~ (all_propss ~~ all_thmss))));
-    val (new_pss, ys) = split_list xs;
-    val (new_propss, new_thmss) = split_list ys;
-    val thy_ctxt' = thy_ctxt
-      (* add registrations *)
-      |> fold2 (fn ((id as (loc, _), _), _) => fn ps => put_reg id (phi_name, param_prefix loc ps) (exp, imp))
-           new_elemss new_pss
-      (* add witnesses of Assumed elements (only those generate proof obligations) *)
-      |> fold2 (fn (id, _) => fold (add_wit id)) new_propss new_thmss
-      (* add equations *)
-      |> fold2 (fn (id, _) => fold (add_eqn id)) eq_props
-          ((map o map) (Drule.abs_def o LocalDefs.meta_rewrite_rule ctxt o
-            Element.conclude_witness) eq_thms);
-    val prems = flat (map_filter
-          (fn ((id, Assumed _), _) => #2 (get_reg thy_ctxt' imp id)
-            | ((_, Derived _), _) => NONE) all_elemss);
-    val thy_ctxt'' = thy_ctxt'
-      (* add witnesses of Derived elements *)
-      |> fold (fn (id, thms) => fold
-           (add_wit id o Element.morph_witness (Element.satisfy_morphism prems)) thms)
-         (map_filter (fn ((_, Assumed _), _) => NONE
-            | ((id, Derived thms), _) => SOME (id, thms)) new_elemss)
-    fun activate_elem phi_name param_prfx insts prems eqns exp (Notes (kind, facts)) thy_ctxt =
-        let
-          val ctxt = mk_ctxt thy_ctxt;
-          val thy = ProofContext.theory_of ctxt;
-          val facts' = facts
-            |> activate_note thy phi_name param_prfx
-                 (attrib thy_ctxt) insts prems eqns exp;
-        in 
-          thy_ctxt
-          |> note kind facts'
-          |> snd
-        end
-      | activate_elem _ _ _ _ _ _ _ thy_ctxt = thy_ctxt;
-    fun activate_elems (((loc, ext_ts), _), _) ps thy_ctxt =
-      let
-        val ctxt = mk_ctxt thy_ctxt;
-        val thy = ProofContext.theory_of ctxt;
-        val {params, elems, ...} = the_locale thy loc;
-        val parms = map fst params;
-        val param_prfx = param_prefix loc ps;
-        val ids = flatten (ProofContext.init thy, intern_expr thy)
-          (([], Symtab.empty), Expr (Locale loc)) |> fst |> fst;
-        val (insts, prems, eqns) = collect_witnesses ctxt imp parms ids ext_ts;
-      in
-        thy_ctxt
-        |> fold (activate_elem phi_name param_prfx insts prems eqns exp o fst) elems
-      end;
-  in
-    thy_ctxt''
-    (* add equations as lemmas to context *)
-    |> (fold2 o fold2) (fn attn => fn thm => snd o yield_singleton (note Thm.lemmaK)
-         ((apsnd o map) (attrib thy_ctxt'') attn, [([Element.conclude_witness thm], [])]))
-            (unflat eq_thms eq_attns) eq_thms
-    (* add interpreted facts *)
-    |> fold2 activate_elems new_elemss new_pss
-  end;
-fun global_activate_facts_elemss x = gen_activate_facts_elemss
-  ProofContext.init
-  global_note_qualified
-  Attrib.attribute_i
-  put_global_registration
-  add_global_witness
-  add_global_equation
-  x;
-fun local_activate_facts_elemss x = gen_activate_facts_elemss
-  I
-  local_note_qualified
-  (Attrib.attribute_i o ProofContext.theory_of)
-  put_local_registration
-  add_local_witness
-  add_local_equation
-  x;
-fun prep_instantiations parse_term parse_prop ctxt parms (insts, eqns) =
-  let
-    (* parameters *)
-    val (parm_names, parm_types) = parms |> split_list
-      ||> map (TypeInfer.paramify_vars o Logic.varifyT);
-    val type_parms = fold Term.add_tvarsT parm_types [] |> map (Logic.mk_type o TVar);
-    val type_parm_names = fold Term.add_tfreesT (map snd parms) [] |> map fst;
-    (* parameter instantiations *)
-    val d = length parms - length insts;
-    val insts =
-      if d < 0 then error "More arguments than parameters in instantiation."
-      else insts @ replicate d NONE;
-    val (given_ps, given_insts) =
-      ((parm_names ~~ parm_types) ~~ insts) |> map_filter
-          (fn (_, NONE) => NONE
-            | ((n, T), SOME inst) => SOME ((n, T), inst))
-        |> split_list;
-    val (given_parm_names, given_parm_types) = given_ps |> split_list;
-    (* parse insts / eqns *)
-    val given_insts' = map (parse_term ctxt) given_insts;
-    val eqns' = map (parse_prop ctxt) eqns;
-    (* type inference and contexts *)
-    val arg = type_parms @ map2 TypeInfer.constrain given_parm_types given_insts' @ eqns';
-    val res = Syntax.check_terms ctxt arg;
-    val ctxt' = ctxt |> fold Variable.auto_fixes res;
-    (* instantiation *)
-    val (type_parms'', res') = chop (length type_parms) res;
-    val (given_insts'', eqns'') = chop (length given_insts) res';
-    val instT = Symtab.make (type_parm_names ~~ map Logic.dest_type type_parms'');
-    val inst = Symtab.make (given_parm_names ~~ given_insts'');
-    (* export from eigencontext *)
-    val export = Variable.export_morphism ctxt' ctxt;
-    (* import, its inverse *)
-    val domT = fold Term.add_tfrees res [] |> map TFree;
-    val importT = domT |> map (fn x => (Morphism.typ export x, x))
-      |> map_filter (fn (TFree _, _) => NONE  (* fixed point of export *)
-               | (TVar y, x) => SOME (fst y, x)
-               | _ => error "internal: illegal export in interpretation")
-      |> Vartab.make;
-    val dom = fold Term.add_frees res [] |> map Free;
-    val imprt = dom |> map (fn x => (Morphism.term export x, x))
-      |> map_filter (fn (Free _, _) => NONE  (* fixed point of export *)
-               | (Var y, x) => SOME (fst y, x)
-               | _ => error "internal: illegal export in interpretation")
-      |> Vartab.make;
-  in (((instT, inst), eqns''), (export, ((importT, domT), (imprt, dom)))) end;
-val read_instantiations = prep_instantiations Syntax.parse_term Syntax.parse_prop;
-val check_instantiations = prep_instantiations (K I) (K I);
-fun gen_prep_registration mk_ctxt test_reg activate
-    prep_attr prep_expr prep_insts
-    thy_ctxt phi_name raw_expr raw_insts =
-  let
-    val ctxt = mk_ctxt thy_ctxt;
-    val thy = ProofContext.theory_of ctxt;
-    val ctxt' = ProofContext.init thy;
-    fun prep_attn attn = (apsnd o map)
-      (Attrib.crude_closure ctxt o Args.assignable o prep_attr thy) attn;
-    val expr = prep_expr thy raw_expr;
-    val pts = params_of_expr ctxt' [] expr ([], Symtab.empty, Symtab.empty);
-    val params_ids = make_params_ids (#1 pts);
-    val raw_params_elemss = make_raw_params_elemss pts;
-    val ((ids, _), raw_elemss) = flatten (ctxt', I) (([], Symtab.empty), Expr expr);
-    val ((parms, all_elemss, _), (_, (_, defs, _))) =
-      read_elemss false ctxt' [] (raw_params_elemss @ raw_elemss) [];
-    (** compute instantiation **)
-    (* consistency check: equations need to be stored in a particular locale,
-       therefore if equations are present locale expression must be a name *)
-    val _ = case (expr, snd raw_insts) of
-        (Locale _, _) => () | (_, []) => ()
-      | (_, _) => error "Interpretations with `where' only permitted if locale expression is a name.";
-    (* read or certify instantiation *)
-    val (raw_insts', raw_eqns) = raw_insts;
-    val (raw_eq_attns, raw_eqns') = split_list raw_eqns;
-    val (((instT, inst1), eqns), morphs) = prep_insts ctxt parms (raw_insts', raw_eqns');
-    val eq_attns = map prep_attn raw_eq_attns;
-    (* defined params without given instantiation *)
-    val not_given = filter_out (Symtab.defined inst1 o fst) parms;
-    fun add_def (p, pT) inst =
-      let
-        val (t, T) = case find_first (fn (Free (a, _), _) => a = p) defs of
-               NONE => error ("Instance missing for parameter " ^ quote p)
-             | SOME (Free (_, T), t) => (t, T);
-        val d = Element.inst_term (instT, inst) t;
-      in Symtab.update_new (p, d) inst end;
-    val inst2 = fold add_def not_given inst1;
-    val inst_morphism = Element.inst_morphism thy (instT, inst2);
-    (* Note: insts contain no vars. *)
-    (** compute proof obligations **)
-    (* restore "small" ids *)
-    val ids' = map (fn ((n, ps), (_, mode)) =>
-          ((n, map (fn p => Free (p, (the o AList.lookup (op =) parms) p)) ps), mode))
-        ids;
-    val (_, all_elemss') = chop (length raw_params_elemss) all_elemss
-    (* instantiate ids and elements *)
-    val inst_elemss = (ids' ~~ all_elemss') |> map (fn (((n, ps), _), ((_, mode), elems)) =>
-      ((n, map (Morphism.term (inst_morphism $> fst morphs)) ps),
-        map (fn Int e => Element.morph_ctxt inst_morphism e) elems)
-      |> apfst (fn id => (id, map_mode (map (Element.morph_witness inst_morphism)) mode)));
-    (* equations *)
-    val eqn_elems = if null eqns then []
-      else [(Library.last_elem inst_elemss |> fst |> fst, eqns)];
-    val propss = map extract_asms_elems inst_elemss @ eqn_elems;
-  in
-    (propss, activate phi_name inst_elemss (map (snd o fst) ids) propss eq_attns morphs, morphs)
-  end;
-fun gen_prep_global_registration mk_ctxt = gen_prep_registration ProofContext.init
-  test_global_registration
-  global_activate_facts_elemss mk_ctxt;
-fun gen_prep_local_registration mk_ctxt = gen_prep_registration I
-  test_local_registration
-  local_activate_facts_elemss mk_ctxt;
-val prep_global_registration = gen_prep_global_registration
-  (K I) (K I) check_instantiations;
-val prep_global_registration_cmd = gen_prep_global_registration
-  Attrib.intern_src intern_expr read_instantiations;
-val prep_local_registration = gen_prep_local_registration
-  (K I) (K I) check_instantiations;
-val prep_local_registration_cmd = gen_prep_local_registration
-  Attrib.intern_src intern_expr read_instantiations;
-fun prep_registration_in_locale target expr thy =
-  (* target already in internal form *)
-  let
-    val ctxt = ProofContext.init thy;
-    val ((raw_target_ids, target_syn), _) = flatten (ctxt, I)
-        (([], Symtab.empty), Expr (Locale target));
-    val fixed = the_locale thy target |> #params |> map #1;
-    val ((all_ids, syn), raw_elemss) = flatten (ctxt, intern_expr thy)
-        ((raw_target_ids, target_syn), Expr expr);
-    val (target_ids, ids) = chop (length raw_target_ids) all_ids;
-    val ((parms, elemss, _), _) = read_elemss false ctxt fixed raw_elemss [];
-    (** compute proof obligations **)
-    (* restore "small" ids, with mode *)
-    val ids' = map (apsnd snd) ids;
-    (* remove Int markers *)
-    val elemss' = map (fn (_, es) =>
-        map (fn Int e => e) es) elemss
-    (* extract assumptions and defs *)
-    val ids_elemss = ids' ~~ elemss';
-    val propss = map extract_asms_elems ids_elemss;
-    (** activation function:
-        - add registrations to the target locale
-        - add induced registrations for all global registrations of
-          the target, unless already present
-        - add facts of induced registrations to theory **)
-    fun activate thmss thy =
-      let
-        val satisfy = Element.satisfy_thm (flat thmss);
-        val ids_elemss_thmss = ids_elemss ~~ thmss;
-        val regs = get_global_registrations thy target;
-        fun activate_id (((id, Assumed _), _), thms) thy =
-            thy |> put_registration_in_locale target id
-                |> fold (add_witness_in_locale target id) thms
-          | activate_id _ thy = thy;
-        fun activate_reg (ext_ts, ((phi_name, param_prfx), (exp, imp), _, _)) thy =
-          let
-            val (insts, wits, _) = collect_witnesses (ProofContext.init thy) imp fixed target_ids ext_ts;
-            val inst_parms = map (the o AList.lookup (op =) (map #1 fixed ~~ ext_ts));
-            val disch = Element.satisfy_thm wits;
-            val new_elemss = filter (fn (((name, ps), _), _) =>
-                not (test_global_registration thy (name, inst_parms ps))) (ids_elemss);
-            fun activate_assumed_id (((_, Derived _), _), _) thy = thy
-              | activate_assumed_id ((((name, ps), Assumed _), _), thms) thy = let
-                val ps' = inst_parms ps;
-              in
-                if test_global_registration thy (name, ps')
-                then thy
-                else thy
-                  |> put_global_registration (name, ps') (phi_name, param_prefix name ps) (exp, imp)
-                  |> fold (fn witn => fn thy => add_global_witness (name, ps')
-                     (Element.morph_witness (Element.inst_morphism thy insts) witn) thy) thms
-              end;
-            fun activate_derived_id ((_, Assumed _), _) thy = thy
-              | activate_derived_id (((name, ps), Derived ths), _) thy = let
-                val ps' = inst_parms ps;
-              in
-                if test_global_registration thy (name, ps')
-                then thy
-                else thy
-                  |> put_global_registration (name, ps') (phi_name, param_prefix name ps) (exp, imp)
-                  |> fold (fn witn => fn thy => add_global_witness (name, ps')
-                       (witn |> Element.map_witness (fn (t, th) =>  (* FIXME *)
-                       (Element.inst_term insts t,
-                        disch (Element.inst_thm thy insts (satisfy th))))) thy) ths
-              end;
-            fun activate_elem (loc, ps) (Notes (kind, facts)) thy =
-                let
-                  val att_morphism =
-                    Morphism.binding_morphism (name_morph phi_name param_prfx) $>
-                    Morphism.thm_morphism satisfy $>
-                    Element.inst_morphism thy insts $>
-                    Morphism.thm_morphism disch;
-                  val facts' = facts
-                    |> Attrib.map_facts (Attrib.attribute_i thy o Args.morph_values att_morphism)
-                    |> (map o apsnd o map o apfst o map) (disch o Element.inst_thm thy insts o satisfy)
-                    |> (map o apfst o apfst) (name_morph phi_name param_prfx);
-                in
-                  thy
-                  |> global_note_qualified kind facts'
-                  |> snd
-                end
-              | activate_elem _ _ thy = thy;
-            fun activate_elems ((id, _), elems) thy = fold (activate_elem id) elems thy;
-          in thy |> fold activate_assumed_id ids_elemss_thmss
-                 |> fold activate_derived_id ids_elemss
-                 |> fold activate_elems new_elemss end;
-      in
-        thy |> fold activate_id ids_elemss_thmss
-            |> fold activate_reg regs
-      end;
-  in (propss, activate) end;
-fun prep_propp propss = propss |> map (fn (_, props) =>
-  map (rpair [] o Element.mark_witness) props);
-fun prep_result propps thmss =
- (fn ((_, props), thms) => map2 Element.make_witness props thms) (propps, thmss);
-fun gen_interpretation prep_registration after_qed prfx raw_expr raw_insts thy =
-  let
-    val (propss, activate, morphs) = prep_registration thy prfx raw_expr raw_insts;
-    fun after_qed' results =
-      ProofContext.theory (activate (prep_result propss results))
-      #> after_qed;
-  in
-    thy
-    |> ProofContext.init
-    |> Proof.theorem_i NONE after_qed' (prep_propp propss)
-    |> Element.refine_witness
-    |> Seq.hd
-    |> pair morphs
-  end;
-fun gen_interpret prep_registration after_qed name_morph expr insts int state =
-  let
-    val _ = Proof.assert_forward_or_chain state;
-    val ctxt = Proof.context_of state;
-    val (propss, activate, morphs) = prep_registration ctxt name_morph expr insts;
-    fun after_qed' results =
-      Proof.map_context (K (ctxt |> activate (prep_result propss results)))
-      #> Proof.put_facts NONE
-      #> after_qed;
-  in
-    state
-    |> Proof.local_goal (ProofDisplay.print_results int) (K I) ProofContext.bind_propp_i
-      "interpret" NONE after_qed' (map (pair (Binding.empty, [])) (prep_propp propss))
-    |> Element.refine_witness |> Seq.hd
-    |> pair morphs
-  end;
-fun standard_name_morph interp_prfx b =
-  if Binding.is_empty b then b
-  else Binding.map_prefix (fn ((lprfx, _) :: pprfx) =>
-    fold (Binding.add_prefix false o fst) pprfx
-    #> interp_prfx <> "" ? Binding.add_prefix true interp_prfx
-    #> Binding.add_prefix false lprfx
-  ) b;
-val interpretation = gen_interpretation prep_global_registration;
-fun interpretation_cmd interp_prfx = snd ooo gen_interpretation prep_global_registration_cmd
-  I (standard_name_morph interp_prfx);
-fun interpretation_in_locale after_qed (raw_target, expr) thy =
-  let
-    val target = intern thy raw_target;
-    val (propss, activate) = prep_registration_in_locale target expr thy;
-    val raw_propp = prep_propp propss;
-    val (_, _, goal_ctxt, propp) = thy
-      |> ProofContext.init
-      |> cert_context_statement (SOME target) [] raw_propp;
-    fun after_qed' results =
-      ProofContext.theory (activate (prep_result propss results))
-      #> after_qed;
-  in
-    goal_ctxt
-    |> Proof.theorem_i NONE after_qed' propp
-    |> Element.refine_witness |> Seq.hd
-  end;
-val interpret = gen_interpret prep_local_registration;
-fun interpret_cmd interp_prfx = snd oooo gen_interpret prep_local_registration_cmd
-  Seq.single (standard_name_morph interp_prfx);