changeset 14452 c24d90dbf0c9
child 14681 16fcef3a3174
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/src/HOL/Tools/prop_logic.ML	Wed Mar 10 20:27:56 2004 +0100
@@ -0,0 +1,276 @@
+(*  Title:      HOL/Tools/prop_logic.ML
+    ID:         $Id$
+    Author:     Tjark Weber
+    Copyright   2004
+Formulas of propositional logic.
+signature PROP_LOGIC =
+	datatype prop_formula =
+		  True
+		| False
+		| BoolVar of int  (* NOTE: only use indices >= 1 *)
+		| Not of prop_formula
+		| Or of prop_formula * prop_formula
+		| And of prop_formula * prop_formula
+	val SNot : prop_formula -> prop_formula
+	val SOr  : prop_formula * prop_formula -> prop_formula
+	val SAnd : prop_formula * prop_formula -> prop_formula
+	val indices : prop_formula -> int list  (* all variable indices *)
+	val maxidx  : prop_formula -> int  (* maximal variable index *)
+	val nnf    : prop_formula -> prop_formula  (* negation normal form *)
+	val cnf    : prop_formula -> prop_formula  (* clause normal form *)
+	val defcnf : prop_formula -> prop_formula  (* definitional cnf *)
+	val exists      : prop_formula list -> prop_formula  (* finite disjunction *)
+	val all         : prop_formula list -> prop_formula  (* finite conjunction *)
+	val dot_product : prop_formula list * prop_formula list -> prop_formula
+	val eval : (int -> bool) -> prop_formula -> bool  (* semantics *)
+structure PropLogic : PROP_LOGIC =
+(* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
+(* prop_formula: formulas of propositional logic, built from boolean         *)
+(*               variables (referred to by index) and True/False using       *)
+(*               not/or/and                                                  *)
+(* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
+	datatype prop_formula =
+		  True
+		| False
+		| BoolVar of int  (* NOTE: only use indices >= 1 *)
+		| Not of prop_formula
+		| Or of prop_formula * prop_formula
+		| And of prop_formula * prop_formula;
+(* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
+(* The following constructor functions make sure that True and False do not  *)
+(* occur within any of the other connectives (i.e. Not, Or, And), and        *)
+(* perform double-negation elimination.                                      *)
+(* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
+	(* prop_formula -> prop_formula *)
+	fun SNot True     = False
+	  | SNot False    = True
+	  | SNot (Not fm) = fm
+	  | SNot fm       = Not fm;
+	(* prop_formula * prop_formula -> prop_formula *)
+	fun SOr (True, _)   = True
+	  | SOr (_, True)   = True
+	  | SOr (False, fm) = fm
+	  | SOr (fm, False) = fm
+	  | SOr (fm1, fm2)  = Or (fm1, fm2);
+	(* prop_formula * prop_formula -> prop_formula *)
+	fun SAnd (True, fm) = fm
+	  | SAnd (fm, True) = fm
+	  | SAnd (False, _) = False
+	  | SAnd (_, False) = False
+	  | SAnd (fm1, fm2) = And (fm1, fm2);
+(* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
+(* indices: collects all indices of boolean variables that occur in a        *)
+(*      propositional formula 'fm'; no duplicates                            *)
+(* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
+	(* prop_formula -> int list *)
+	fun indices True            = []
+	  | indices False           = []
+	  | indices (BoolVar i)     = [i]
+	  | indices (Not fm)        = indices fm
+	  | indices (Or (fm1,fm2))  = (indices fm1) union_int (indices fm2)
+	  | indices (And (fm1,fm2)) = (indices fm1) union_int (indices fm2);
+(* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
+(* maxidx: computes the maximal variable index occuring in a formula of      *)
+(*      propositional logic 'fm'; 0 if 'fm' contains no variable             *)
+(* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
+	(* prop_formula -> int *)
+	fun maxidx True            = 0
+	  | maxidx False           = 0
+	  | maxidx (BoolVar i)     = i
+	  | maxidx (Not fm)        = maxidx fm
+	  | maxidx (Or (fm1,fm2))  = Int.max (maxidx fm1, maxidx fm2)
+	  | maxidx (And (fm1,fm2)) = Int.max (maxidx fm1, maxidx fm2);
+(* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
+(* nnf: computes the negation normal form of a formula 'fm' of propositional *)
+(*      logic (i.e. only variables may be negated, but not subformulas)      *)
+(* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
+	(* prop_formula -> prop_formula *)
+	fun
+	(* constants *)
+	    nnf True                  = True
+	  | nnf False                 = False
+	(* variables *)
+	  | nnf (BoolVar i)           = BoolVar i
+	(* 'or' and 'and' as outermost connectives are left untouched *)
+	  | nnf (Or  (fm1,fm2))       = SOr  (nnf fm1, nnf fm2)
+	  | nnf (And (fm1,fm2))       = SAnd (nnf fm1, nnf fm2)
+	(* 'not' + constant *)
+	  | nnf (Not True)            = False
+	  | nnf (Not False)           = True
+	(* 'not' + variable *)
+	  | nnf (Not (BoolVar i))     = Not (BoolVar i)
+	(* pushing 'not' inside of 'or'/'and' using de Morgan's laws *)
+	  | nnf (Not (Or  (fm1,fm2))) = SAnd (nnf (SNot fm1), nnf (SNot fm2))
+	  | nnf (Not (And (fm1,fm2))) = SOr  (nnf (SNot fm1), nnf (SNot fm2))
+	(* double-negation elimination *)
+	  | nnf (Not (Not fm))        = nnf fm;
+(* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
+(* cnf: computes the clause normal form (i.e. a conjunction of disjunctions) *)
+(*      of a formula 'fm' of propositional logic.  The result formula may be *)
+(*      exponentially longer than 'fm'.                                      *)
+(* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
+	(* prop_formula -> prop_formula *)
+	fun cnf fm =
+	let
+		fun
+		(* constants *)
+		    cnf_from_nnf True              = True
+		  | cnf_from_nnf False             = False
+		(* literals *)
+		  | cnf_from_nnf (BoolVar i)       = BoolVar i
+		  | cnf_from_nnf (Not (BoolVar i)) = Not (BoolVar i)
+		(* pushing 'or' inside of 'and' using distributive laws *)
+		  | cnf_from_nnf (Or (fm1,fm2)) =
+			let
+				val fm1' = cnf_from_nnf fm1
+				val fm2' = cnf_from_nnf fm2
+			in
+				case fm1' of
+				  And (fm11,fm12) => cnf_from_nnf (SAnd (SOr(fm11,fm2'),SOr(fm12,fm2')))
+				| _               =>
+					(case fm2' of
+					  And (fm21,fm22) => cnf_from_nnf (SAnd (SOr(fm1',fm21),SOr(fm1',fm22)))
+					(* neither subformula contains 'and' *)
+					| _               => Or (fm1,fm2))
+			end
+		(* 'and' as outermost connective is left untouched *)
+		  | cnf_from_nnf (And (fm1,fm2))   = SAnd (cnf_from_nnf fm1, cnf_from_nnf fm2)
+		(* 'not' + something other than a variable: formula is not in negation normal form *)
+		  | cnf_from_nnf _                 = raise ERROR
+	in
+		(cnf_from_nnf o nnf) fm
+	end;
+(* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
+(* defcnf: computes the definitional clause normal form of a formula 'fm' of *)
+(*      propositional logic, introducing auxiliary variables if necessary to *)
+(*      avoid an exponential blowup of the formula.  The result formula is   *)
+(*      satisfiable if and only if 'fm' is satisfiable.                      *)
+(* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
+	(* prop_formula -> prop_formula *)
+	fun defcnf fm =
+	let
+		(* prop_formula * int -> prop_formula * int *)
+		(* 'new' specifies the next index that is available to introduce an auxiliary variable *)
+		fun
+		(* constants *)
+		    defcnf_from_nnf (True,new)            = (True, new)
+		  | defcnf_from_nnf (False,new)           = (False, new)
+		(* literals *)
+		  | defcnf_from_nnf (BoolVar i,new)       = (BoolVar i, new)
+		  | defcnf_from_nnf (Not (BoolVar i),new) = (Not (BoolVar i), new)
+		(* pushing 'or' inside of 'and' using distributive laws *)
+		  | defcnf_from_nnf (Or (fm1,fm2),new)    =
+			let
+				val (fm1',new')  = defcnf_from_nnf (fm1, new)
+				val (fm2',new'') = defcnf_from_nnf (fm2, new')
+			in
+				case fm1' of
+				  And (fm11,fm12) =>
+					let
+						val aux = BoolVar new''
+					in
+						(* '(fm11 AND fm12) OR fm2' is SAT-equivalent to '(fm11 OR aux) AND (fm12 OR aux) AND (fm2 OR NOT aux)' *)
+						defcnf_from_nnf (SAnd (SAnd (SOr (fm11,aux), SOr (fm12,aux)), SOr(fm2', Not aux)), new''+1)
+					end
+				| _               =>
+					(case fm2' of
+					  And (fm21,fm22) =>
+						let
+							val aux = BoolVar new''
+						in
+							(* 'fm1 OR (fm21 AND fm22)' is SAT-equivalent to '(fm1 OR NOT aux) AND (fm21 OR aux) AND (fm22 OR NOT aux)' *)
+							defcnf_from_nnf (SAnd (SOr (fm1', Not aux), SAnd (SOr (fm21,aux), SOr (fm22,aux))), new''+1)
+						end
+					(* neither subformula contains 'and' *)
+					| _               => (Or (fm1,fm2),new))
+			end
+		(* 'and' as outermost connective is left untouched *)
+		  | defcnf_from_nnf (And (fm1,fm2),new)   =
+			let
+				val (fm1',new')  = defcnf_from_nnf (fm1, new)
+				val (fm2',new'') = defcnf_from_nnf (fm2, new')
+			in
+				(SAnd (fm1', fm2'), new'')
+			end
+		(* 'not' + something other than a variable: formula is not in negation normal form *)
+		  | defcnf_from_nnf (_,_)                 = raise ERROR
+	in
+		(fst o defcnf_from_nnf) (nnf fm, (maxidx fm)+1)
+	end;
+(* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
+(* exists: computes the disjunction over a list 'xs' of propositional        *)
+(*      formulas                                                             *)
+(* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
+	(* prop_formula list -> prop_formula *)
+	fun exists xs = foldl SOr (False, xs);
+(* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
+(* all: computes the conjunction over a list 'xs' of propositional formulas  *)
+(* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
+	(* prop_formula list -> prop_formula *)
+	fun all xs = foldl SAnd (True, xs);
+(* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
+(* dot_product: ([x1,...,xn], [y1,...,yn]) -> x1*y1+...+xn*yn                *)
+(* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
+	(* prop_formula list * prop_formula list -> prop_formula *)
+	fun dot_product (xs,ys) = exists (map SAnd (xs~~ys));
+(* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
+(* eval: given an assignment 'a' of boolean values to variable indices, the  *)
+(*      truth value of a propositional formula 'fm' is computed              *)
+(* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
+	(* (int -> bool) -> prop_formula -> bool *)
+	fun eval a True            = true
+	  | eval a False           = false
+	  | eval a (BoolVar i)     = (a i)
+	  | eval a (Not fm)        = not (eval a fm)
+	  | eval a (Or (fm1,fm2))  = (eval a fm1) orelse (eval a fm2)
+	  | eval a (And (fm1,fm2)) = (eval a fm1) andalso (eval a fm2);