changeset 1227 c9f7848bc5ee
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/src/Pure/Thy/chart.ML	Fri Aug 11 12:36:15 1995 +0200
@@ -0,0 +1,377 @@
+(*  ID:         $Id$
+    Author:	Mateja Jamnik, University of Cambridge
+    Copyright   1995  University of Cambridge
+   Generator of the dependency charts of Isabelle theories.
+(* --------------------
+   Declaration of the variables carrying the name 
+   of the location of source files:
+   path -    location where the generated HTML files
+	     should be stored
+   srcpath - location where the source files are stored
+	     (ie. the graphics files)
+   -------------------- *)
+val htmlpath = "/homes/lcp/html_isa/";
+val srcpath = "/homes/lcp/Isa/Theory/";
+(* --------------------
+   Notices that display the legend for every dependency 
+   chart, and the link back to the main listing of all
+   theories.
+   -------------------- *)
+val notice1 =
+"<BR>\n"^"The name of the file is linked to the theory file <BR>\n";
+val notice2 =
+"<IMG SRC = \""^srcpath^"red_arrow.gif\" ALT = (sub)></A>\n"^
+" stands for subtheories (child theories) <BR>\n"^
+"<IMG SRC = \""^srcpath^"blue_arrow.gif\" ALT = (super)></A>\n"^
+" stands for supertheories (parent theories) <BR>\n<BR>\n";
+val back = "<A HREF = \""^htmlpath^"00-chart.html\">Back</A>\n"^
+" to the original listing of all the theories. <BR>\n<HR>\n<BR>\n";
+(* --------------------
+   Get a list of all theory files in Isabelle
+   that have been loaded.
+   -------------------- *)
+print_depth 1000;
+val theory_list = !loaded_thys;
+val files = Symtab.alist_of (theory_list);
+(* --------------------
+   Get a list of all theory files and their children.
+   -------------------- *)
+fun subtheory (tname, ThyInfo{children,...}) = (tname,children);
+val subtheories = map subtheory (files);
+(* --------------------
+   Extract a list of all theory files only.
+   -------------------- *)
+fun theory ( [], list ) = list
+  | theory ( (string, _)::rest, list ) = theory(rest, string::list);
+(* --------------------
+   Use quick sort to sort the theories in
+   the alphabetic order. Variable a as the first 
+   element of the list is used as a pivot value.
+   -------------------- *)
+fun quick [] = []
+  | quick [x] = [x]
+  | quick (a::bs) = let
+          fun part (l,r,[]) : string list = (quick l) @ (a::quick r)
+            | part (l,r,x::xs) = if x<=a then part(x::l, r, xs)
+                                         else part(l, x::r, xs)
+          in part([], [], bs) end;
+val theories = quick(theory(subtheories,[]));
+(* --------------------
+   Insert the identifier of the supertheory
+   matrix for every row. Also insert elements
+   into the list of identifier's parents in
+   alphabetic order.
+   -------------------- *)
+fun listins ( l, [], x:string ) = l@[x]
+  | listins ( l, e::r, x ) = if x>e then listins( l@[e], r, x )
+                                    else if x<>e then l@[x,e]@r
+					         else l@[x]@r;
+(* --------------------
+   Arguments:
+   t         - accumulator of the resulting supertheory matrix
+   result    - temporary resulting matrix (up until now)
+   (e,ident) - a list of identifier and its child
+   The child e of subtheory matrix becomes identifier ident of
+   the supertheory matrix. The identifier ident of subtheory
+   matrix becomes the parent elem of supertheory matrix.
+   Call function:
+		- listins
+   -------------------- *)
+fun matins ( t, [], (ident:string, elem:string) ) = t@[(ident,[elem])]
+  | matins ( t, (x:string,y:string list)::b, 
+	        (ident:string, elem:string) ) =
+    if x=ident then t@[(x,listins([],y,elem))]@b
+               else matins (t@[(x,y)], b, (ident,elem));
+(* --------------------
+   Instantiate the identifier ident, and the list of
+   its children (e::l), where e is its first child.
+   Call function:
+		- matins
+   -------------------- *)
+fun rowins ( (ident, []), result ) = result
+  | rowins ( (ident, e::l), result ) =
+    rowins ( (ident, l), matins([],result,(e,ident)) );
+(* --------------------
+   Extract recursively one row at a time of the
+   subtheory matrix.
+   Call function:
+		-rowins
+   -------------------- *)
+fun matinv ( [], result ) = result
+  | matinv ( l::b, result ) = matinv( b, rowins(l, result) );
+(* --------------------
+   Holds the value of supertheory matrix.
+   Call function:
+		-matinv
+   -------------------- *)
+val supertheories = matinv ( subtheories, [] );
+(* ---------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
+(* --------------------
+   Entries for the main chart of all the theories.
+   Every theory name is a link to the theory definition.
+   Down arrow is a link to the subtheory chart of that theory.
+   Up arrow is a link to the supertheory chart of that theory.
+   -------------------- *)
+fun entries x = "\n"^
+    "<A HREF = \""^htmlpath^x^
+    "_sub.html\">\n<IMG SRC = \""^srcpath^
+    "red_arrow.gif\" ALT = (sub)></A>\n"^
+    "<A HREF = \""^htmlpath^x^
+    "_sup.html\">\n<IMG SRC = \""^srcpath^
+    "blue_arrow.gif\" ALT = (super)></A> \n"^
+    "<A HREF = \""^htmlpath^x^".html\">"^x^"</A><BR>\n";
+fun all_list x = map entries x;
+(* --------------------
+   Convert a list of characters and strings
+   into a string.
+   -------------------- *)
+fun join ([],res) = res
+  | join (x::xs,res) = join(xs,res^x);
+val bottom =
+"<! ---------------------------------------------------------------- >\n\n";
+(* --------------------
+   Find the row of the matrix into which
+   the parent (or children) theories
+   are going to be inserted.
+   -------------------- *)
+fun findline (_,[]) = []
+  | findline (th:string,(id,row:string list)::mat) =
+    if th=id then row else findline(th,mat);
+(* --------------------
+   Once a parent (or child) theory has been identified
+   make an entry for it with appropriate indentation and with
+   further links to its parent (or child) dependency chart.
+   It contains the subfunction:
+           - maketableentry
+   -------------------- *)
+fun dependencies (th, mat) =
+    let
+	val stringlist = findline(th,mat);
+	fun maketableentry name =
+	    "<LI> <A HREF=\""^htmlpath^name^".html\">"^name^"</A>\n"^
+	    " <A HREF = \""^htmlpath^name^
+	    "_sub.html\">\n<IMG SRC = \""^srcpath^
+	    "red_arrow.gif\" ALT = (sub)></A> \n"^
+	    "<A HREF = \""^htmlpath^name^
+	    "_sup.html\">\n<IMG SRC = \""^srcpath^
+	    "blue_arrow.gif\" ALT = (super)></A>\n"^
+	    "<UL>\n"^
+	    join(dependencies(name,mat),"")^
+	    "</UL>\n"
+    in
+	map maketableentry stringlist
+    end;
+(* --------------------
+   Create individual super- and sub-theory charts for
+   each theory. Store them in separate files.
+   It contains the subfunction:
+             - page
+   -------------------- *)
+fun pages ([],_,_,_) = 0
+  | pages (th::theories,theorymatrix,suffix,headline) =
+    let
+	fun page th =
+	    let
+		(* Open files for output of individual charts. *)
+		val outf_each = open_out (htmlpath^th^"_"^suffix^".html")
+	    in
+		(* Recursively write to the output files the *)
+                (* dependent theories with appropriate links *)
+		(* depending upon the suffix.		     *)
+		output(outf_each,
+			(* Heading of each dependency chart. *)
+		       "<A NAME=\""^th^"_"^suffix^".html\"></a>\n"^
+		       "<BR><H1>"^headline^"</H1>\n\n"^notice1^notice2^back^
+		       "\n"^"<A HREF=\""^htmlpath^th^".html\">"^th^"</A>\n"^
+		       (if suffix="sup"
+			    then ("<A HREF = \""^htmlpath^th^
+				 "_sub.html\">\n<IMG SRC = \""^srcpath^
+				 "red_arrow.gif\" ALT = (sub)></A>\n")
+			    else ("<A HREF = \""^htmlpath^th^
+				 "_sup.html\">\n<IMG SRC = \""^srcpath^
+				 "blue_arrow.gif\" ALT = (super)></A>\n"))^
+				 "<UL>\n");
+		(* Recursively call the function dependencies  *)
+		(* to create an entry in the chart for all the *)
+		(* levels of dependencies in the hierarchical  *)
+		(* structure of theory files for a given       *)
+		(* theory.                                     *)
+		output(outf_each,
+		       join(dependencies(th,theorymatrix),""));
+		output(outf_each,
+		       "</UL>\n"^bottom);
+		(* Close for output the individual *)
+	        (* dependency charts.              *)
+		close_out (outf_each)
+	    end;
+    in
+	(* Anti-bugging technique to follow the *) 
+	(* execution of the program.	       *)
+	output(std_out,"theory: "^th^"\n");
+	(* The main driver for the creation of the dependencies *)
+	(* which calls the functions page and pages. This will  *)
+	(* go into depth of dependency of each theory with the  *)
+	(* appropriate indentation.				*)
+	page(th);
+	pages(theories,theorymatrix,suffix,headline)
+    end;
+(* ---------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
+(* --------------------
+   Generate the main chart 00-chart.html containing 
+   the listing of all the theories and the links to charts.
+   -------------------- *)
+val outtext = htmlpath^"00-chart.html";
+val outfile = open_out outtext;
+val head = "<HTML>\n<HEAD>\n<TITLE>"^outtext^
+    "</TITLE>\n</HEAD>\n\n"^"<BODY>\n";
+val title = "<H1>Dependency Diagram</H1></P>\n\n"^notice1^notice2;
+val page1part1 = "<H2>Subtheories and Supertheories</H2>\n<BR>\n\n"^
+    join(all_list(theories),"")^"<BR>\n";
+val page1part3 = bottom;
+val tail = "</BODY>\n"^"</HTML>";
+(* ---------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
+(* --------------------
+   The main driver to create individual super- and sub-theory
+   charts for each individual theory. The arguments passed are:
+          - the list of all the theories
+          - the super- or sub-theory matrix
+	  - the appropriate suffix sup or sub
+	  - the title of the chart
+   It calls the function:
+          - pages
+   -------------------- *)
+(* --------------------
+   Close file for output.
+   -------------------- *)