changeset 56533 cd8b6d849b6a
parent 56531 ec4cd116844b
child 56612 74851ff86180
--- a/src/Pure/Thy/present.ML	Fri Apr 11 09:36:38 2014 +0200
+++ b/src/Pure/Thy/present.ML	Fri Apr 11 11:52:28 2014 +0200
@@ -9,7 +9,7 @@
   val session_name: theory -> string
   val read_variant: string -> string * string
   val init: bool -> bool -> Path.T -> string -> bool -> string -> (string * string) list ->
-    string * string -> bool -> theory list -> unit  (*not thread-safe!*)
+    (Path.T * Path.T) list -> string * string -> bool -> theory list -> unit  (*not thread-safe!*)
   val finish: unit -> unit  (*not thread-safe!*)
   val theory_output: string -> string -> unit
   val begin_theory: int -> (unit -> HTML.text) -> theory -> theory
@@ -170,15 +170,15 @@
 type session_info =
   {name: string, chapter: string, info_path: Path.T, info: bool,
     doc_format: string, doc_graph: bool, doc_output: Path.T option,
-    documents: (string * string) list, verbose: bool,
-    readme: Path.T option};
+    doc_files: (Path.T * Path.T) list, documents: (string * string) list,
+    verbose: bool, readme: Path.T option};
 fun make_session_info
   (name, chapter, info_path, info, doc_format, doc_graph, doc_output,
-    documents, verbose, readme) =
+    doc_files, documents, verbose, readme) =
   {name = name, chapter = chapter, info_path = info_path, info = info,
     doc_format = doc_format, doc_graph = doc_graph, doc_output = doc_output,
-    documents = documents, verbose = verbose,
+    doc_files = doc_files, documents = documents, verbose = verbose,
     readme = readme}: session_info;
@@ -203,7 +203,7 @@
 (* init session *)
-fun init build info info_path doc doc_graph document_output doc_variants
+fun init build info info_path doc doc_graph document_output doc_variants doc_files
     (chapter, name) verbose thys =
   if not build andalso not info andalso doc = "" then
     (browser_info := empty_browser_info; session_info := NONE)
@@ -214,7 +214,7 @@
       val documents =
         if doc = "" then []
-        else if not (can File.check_dir document_path) then
+        else if null doc_files andalso not (can File.check_dir document_path) then
           (if verbose then Output.physical_stderr "Warning: missing document directory\n"
            else (); [])
         else doc_variants;
@@ -227,7 +227,7 @@
       session_info :=
         SOME (make_session_info (name, chapter, info_path, info, doc,
-          doc_graph, doc_output, documents, verbose, readme));
+          doc_graph, doc_output, doc_files, documents, verbose, readme));
       browser_info := init_browser_info (chapter, name) thys;
       add_html_index (0, HTML.begin_session_index name docs (Url.explode "medium.html"))
@@ -275,10 +275,9 @@
 fun write_tex_index tex_index path =
   write_tex (index_buffer tex_index |> Buffer.add Latex.tex_trailer) doc_indexN path;
 fun finish () =
-  with_session_info () (fn {name, chapter, info, info_path, doc_format, doc_graph, doc_output,
-    documents, verbose, readme, ...} =>
+  with_session_info () (fn {name, chapter, info, info_path, doc_format, doc_graph,
+    doc_output, doc_files, documents, verbose, readme, ...} =>
     val {theories, tex_index, html_index, graph} = ! browser_info;
     val thys = Symtab.dest theories;
@@ -300,33 +299,30 @@
        (Isabelle_System.mkdirs session_prefix;
         File.write_buffer (Path.append session_prefix index_path)
           (index_buffer html_index |> Buffer.add HTML.end_document);
-        (case readme of NONE => () | SOME path => File.copy path session_prefix);
+        (case readme of NONE => () | SOME path => Isabelle_System.copy_file path session_prefix);
         Graph_Display.write_graph_browser (Path.append session_prefix graph_path) sorted_graph;
         Isabelle_System.isabelle_tool "browser" "-b";
-        File.copy (Path.explode "~~/lib/browser/GraphBrowser.jar") session_prefix;
+        Isabelle_System.copy_file (Path.explode "~~/lib/browser/GraphBrowser.jar") session_prefix; (fn (a, txt) => File.write (Path.append session_prefix (Path.basic a)) txt)
           (HTML.applet_pages name (Url.File index_path, name));
-        File.copy (Path.explode "~~/etc/isabelle.css") session_prefix;
+        Isabelle_System.copy_file (Path.explode "~~/etc/isabelle.css") session_prefix; finish_html thys;
         if verbose
         then Output.physical_stderr ("Browser info at " ^ show_path session_prefix ^ "\n")
         else ())
       else ();
-    fun document_job doc_prefix backdrop (name, tags) =
+    fun document_job doc_prefix backdrop (doc_name, tags) =
-        val _ =
-          File.eq (document_path, doc_prefix) andalso
-            error ("Overlap of document input and output directory " ^ Path.print doc_prefix);
-        val doc_dir = Path.append doc_prefix (Path.basic name);
+        val doc_dir = Path.append doc_prefix (Path.basic doc_name);
         val _ = Isabelle_System.mkdirs doc_dir;
         val _ =
-          if File.eq (document_path, doc_dir) then ()
-          else Isabelle_System.copy_dir document_path doc_dir;
-        val _ =
           Isabelle_System.isabelle_tool "latex"
             ("-o sty " ^ File.shell_path (Path.append doc_dir (Path.basic "root.tex")));
         val _ =
+          if null doc_files then Isabelle_System.copy_dir document_path doc_dir
+          else (fn file => Isabelle_System.copy_file_base file doc_dir) doc_files;
+        val _ =
           (case opt_graphs of
             NONE => ()
           | SOME (pdf, eps) =>
@@ -338,7 +334,7 @@
             write_tex (Buffer.add tex_source Buffer.empty) a doc_dir) thys;
         fn () =>
-          (isabelle_document {verbose = true, purge = backdrop} doc_format name tags doc_dir,
+          (isabelle_document {verbose = true, purge = backdrop} doc_format doc_name tags doc_dir,
             fn doc =>
               if verbose orelse not backdrop then
                 Output.physical_stderr ("Document at " ^ show_path doc ^ "\n")
@@ -353,6 +349,12 @@
         NONE => []
       | SOME path => map (document_job path false) documents);
+    val _ =
+      if not (null jobs) andalso null doc_files then
+        Output.physical_stderr ("### Document preparation for session " ^ quote name ^
+          " without 'document_files'\n")
+      else ();
     val _ = jobs |> (fn job => job ()) |> (op |>);
     browser_info := empty_browser_info;
@@ -416,7 +418,7 @@
     val doc_path = Path.append dir document_path;
     val _ = Isabelle_System.mkdirs doc_path;
     val root_path = Path.append doc_path (Path.basic "root.tex");
-    val _ = File.copy (Path.explode "~~/lib/texinputs/draft.tex") root_path;
+    val _ = Isabelle_System.copy_file (Path.explode "~~/lib/texinputs/draft.tex") root_path;
     val _ = Isabelle_System.isabelle_tool "latex" ("-o sty " ^ File.shell_path root_path);
     val _ = Isabelle_System.isabelle_tool "latex" ("-o syms " ^ File.shell_path root_path);
@@ -438,7 +440,7 @@
     val target_dir = Path.explode "$ISABELLE_HOME_USER/tmp";
     val target = Path.explode "$ISABELLE_HOME_USER/tmp/drafts.pdf"
     val _ = Isabelle_System.mkdirs target_dir;
-    val _ = File.copy result target;
+    val _ = Isabelle_System.copy_file result target;
     Isabelle_System.isabelle_tool "display" (File.shell_path target ^ " &")