--- a/src/HOL/Nominal/nominal_atoms.ML Sat Nov 26 18:41:41 2005 +0100
+++ b/src/HOL/Nominal/nominal_atoms.ML Sun Nov 27 03:55:16 2005 +0100
@@ -743,8 +743,8 @@
(thy, ak_names_types)) (thy31, ak_names_types);
- (* abbreviations for some collection of rules *)
- (*============================================*)
+ (* abbreviations for some lemmas *)
+ (*===============================*)
val abs_fun_pi = PureThy.get_thm thy32 (Name ("nominal.abs_fun_pi"));
val abs_fun_pi_ineq = PureThy.get_thm thy32 (Name ("nominal.abs_fun_pi_ineq"));
val abs_fun_eq = PureThy.get_thm thy32 (Name ("nominal.abs_fun_eq"));
@@ -764,63 +764,64 @@
val at_supp = PureThy.get_thm thy32 (Name ("nominal.at_supp"));
val dj_supp = PureThy.get_thm thy32 (Name ("nominal.dj_supp"));
- (* abs_perm collects all lemmas for simplifying a permutation *)
- (* in front of an abs_fun *)
+ (* Now we collect and instantiate some lemmas w.r.t. all atom *)
+ (* types; this allows for example to use abs_perm (which is a *)
+ (* collection of theorems) instead of thm abs_fun_pi with explicit *)
+ (* instantiations. *)
val (thy33,_) =
- let
- val name = "abs_perm"
- val thm_list = Library.flat (map (fn (ak_name, T) =>
- let
- val at_inst = PureThy.get_thm thy32 (Name ("at_"^ak_name^"_inst"));
- val pt_inst = PureThy.get_thm thy32 (Name ("pt_"^ak_name^"_inst"));
- val thm = [pt_inst, at_inst] MRS abs_fun_pi
- val thm_list = map (fn (ak_name', T') =>
- let
- val cp_inst = PureThy.get_thm thy32 (Name ("cp_"^ak_name^"_"^ak_name'^"_inst"));
- in
- [pt_inst, pt_inst, at_inst, cp_inst] MRS abs_fun_pi_ineq
- end) ak_names_types;
- in thm::thm_list end) (ak_names_types))
- in
- (PureThy.add_thmss [((name, thm_list),[])] thy32)
- end;
+ let
+ (* takes a theorem and a list of theorems *)
+ (* produces a list of theorems of the form *)
+ (* [t1 RS thm,..,tn RS thm] where t1..tn in thms, *)
+ fun instR thm thms = map (fn ti => ti RS thm) thms;
- val (thy34,_) =
- let
- (* takes a theorem and a list of theorems *)
- (* produces a list of theorems of the form *)
- (* [t1 RS thm,..,tn RS thm] where t1..tn in thms *)
- fun instantiate thm thms = map (fn ti => ti RS thm) thms;
- (* takes two theorem lists (hopefully of the same length) *)
- (* produces a list of theorems of the form *)
- (* [t1 RS m1,..,tn RS mn] where t1..tn in thms1 and m1..mn in thms2 *)
- fun instantiate_zip thms1 thms2 =
+ (* takes two theorem lists (hopefully of the same length ;o) *)
+ (* produces a list of theorems of the form *)
+ (* [t1 RS m1,..,tn RS mn] where [t1,..,tn] is thms1 and [m1,..,mn] is thms2 *)
+ fun inst_zip thms1 thms2 =
map (fn (t1,t2) => t1 RS t2) (thms1 ~~ thms2);
+ (* takes a theorem list of the form [l1,...,ln] *)
+ (* and a list of theorem lists of the form *)
+ (* [[h11,...,h1m],....,[hk1,....,hkm] *)
+ (* produces the list of theorem lists *)
+ (* [[l1 RS h11,...,l1 RS h1m],...,[ln RS hk1,...,ln RS hkm]] *)
+ fun inst_mult thms thmss =
+ map (fn (t,ts) => instR t ts) (thms ~~ thmss);
(* list of all at_inst-theorems *)
- val ats = map (fn ak => PureThy.get_thm thy33 (Name ("at_"^ak^"_inst"))) ak_names
+ val ats = map (fn ak => PureThy.get_thm thy32 (Name ("at_"^ak^"_inst"))) ak_names
(* list of all pt_inst-theorems *)
- val pts = map (fn ak => PureThy.get_thm thy33 (Name ("pt_"^ak^"_inst"))) ak_names
- (* list of all cp_inst-theorems *)
+ val pts = map (fn ak => PureThy.get_thm thy32 (Name ("pt_"^ak^"_inst"))) ak_names
+ (* list of all cp_inst-theorems as a collection of lists*)
val cps =
- let fun cps_fun (ak1,ak2) = PureThy.get_thm thy33 (Name ("cp_"^ak1^"_"^ak2^"_inst"))
- in map cps_fun (Library.product ak_names ak_names) end;
+ let fun cps_fun ak1 ak2 = PureThy.get_thm thy32 (Name ("cp_"^ak1^"_"^ak2^"_inst"))
+ in map (fn aki => (map (cps_fun aki) ak_names)) ak_names end;
+ (* list of all cp_inst-theorems that have different atom types *)
+ val cps' =
+ let fun cps'_fun ak1 ak2 =
+ if ak1=ak2 then NONE else SOME(PureThy.get_thm thy32 (Name ("cp_"^ak1^"_"^ak2^"_inst")))
+ in map (fn aki => (List.mapPartial I (map (cps'_fun aki) ak_names))) ak_names end;
(* list of all dj_inst-theorems *)
val djs =
let fun djs_fun (ak1,ak2) =
- if ak1=ak2
- then NONE
- else SOME(PureThy.get_thm thy33 (Name ("dj_"^ak1^"_"^ak2)))
- in List.mapPartial I (map djs_fun (Library.product ak_names ak_names)) end;
+ if ak1=ak2 then NONE else SOME(PureThy.get_thm thy32 (Name ("dj_"^ak2^"_"^ak1)))
+ in List.mapPartial I (map djs_fun (Library.product ak_names ak_names)) end;
+ (* list of all fs_inst-theorems *)
+ val fss = map (fn ak => PureThy.get_thm thy32 (Name ("fs_"^ak^"_inst"))) ak_names
- fun inst_pt thms = Library.flat (map (fn ti => instantiate ti pts) thms);
- fun inst_at thms = Library.flat (map (fn ti => instantiate ti ats) thms);
- fun inst_pt_at thms = instantiate_zip ats (inst_pt thms);
- fun inst_dj thms = Library.flat (map (fn ti => instantiate ti djs) thms);
+ fun inst_pt thms = Library.flat (map (fn ti => instR ti pts) thms);
+ fun inst_at thms = Library.flat (map (fn ti => instR ti ats) thms);
+ fun inst_fs thms = Library.flat (map (fn ti => instR ti fss) thms);
+ fun inst_pt_at thms = inst_zip ats (inst_pt thms);
+ fun inst_dj thms = Library.flat (map (fn ti => instR ti djs) thms);
+ fun inst_pt_pt_at_cp thms =
+ Library.flat (inst_mult (inst_zip ats (inst_zip pts (inst_pt thms))) cps);
+ fun inst_pt_at_fs thms = inst_zip (inst_fs [fs1]) (inst_zip ats (inst_pt thms));
+ fun inst_pt_at_cp_dj thms =
+ inst_zip djs (Library.flat (inst_mult (inst_zip ats (inst_zip pts (inst_pt thms))) cps'));
- thy33
+ thy32
|> PureThy.add_thmss [(("alpha", inst_pt_at [abs_fun_eq]),[])]
|>>> PureThy.add_thmss [(("perm_swap", inst_pt_at [pt_swap_bij]),[])]
|>>> PureThy.add_thmss [(("perm_fresh_fresh", inst_pt_at [pt_fresh_fresh]),[])]
@@ -830,85 +831,27 @@
|>>> PureThy.add_thmss [(("supp_atm", (inst_at [at_supp]) @ (inst_dj [dj_supp])),[])]
|>>> PureThy.add_thmss [(("fresh_atm", inst_at [at_fresh]),[])]
|>>> PureThy.add_thmss [(("calc_atm", inst_at at_calc),[])]
+ |>>> PureThy.add_thmss
+ let val thms1 = inst_pt_at [abs_fun_pi]
+ and thms2 = inst_pt_pt_at_cp [abs_fun_pi_ineq]
+ in [(("abs_perm", thms1 @ thms2),[])] end
+ |>>> PureThy.add_thmss
+ let val thms1 = inst_dj [dj_perm_forget]
+ and thms2 = inst_dj [dj_pp_forget]
+ in [(("perm_dj", thms1 @ thms2),[])] end
+ |>>> PureThy.add_thmss
+ let val thms1 = inst_pt_at_fs [fresh_iff]
+ and thms2 = inst_pt_at_cp_dj [fresh_iff_ineq]
+ in [(("abs_fresh", thms1 @ thms2),[])] end
+ |>>> PureThy.add_thmss
+ let val thms1 = inst_pt_at [abs_fun_supp]
+ and thms2 = inst_pt_at_fs [abs_fun_supp]
+ and thms3 = inst_pt_at_cp_dj [abs_fun_supp_ineq]
+ in [(("abs_supp", thms1 @ thms2 @ thms3),[])] end
- (* perm_dj collects all lemmas that forget an permutation *)
- (* when it acts on an atom of different type *)
- val (thy35,_) =
- let
- val name = "perm_dj"
- val thm_list = Library.flat (map (fn (ak_name, T) =>
- Library.flat (map (fn (ak_name', T') =>
- if not (ak_name = ak_name')
- then
- let
- val dj_inst = PureThy.get_thm thy34 (Name ("dj_"^ak_name^"_"^ak_name'));
- in
- [dj_inst RS dj_perm_forget, dj_inst RS dj_pp_forget]
- end
- else []) ak_names_types)) ak_names_types)
- in
- (PureThy.add_thmss [((name, thm_list),[])] thy34)
- end;
- (* abs_fresh collects all lemmas for simplifying a freshness *)
- (* proposition involving an abs_fun *)
- val (thy36,_) =
- let
- val name = "abs_fresh"
- val thm_list = Library.flat (map (fn (ak_name, T) =>
- let
- val at_inst = PureThy.get_thm thy35 (Name ("at_"^ak_name^"_inst"));
- val pt_inst = PureThy.get_thm thy35 (Name ("pt_"^ak_name^"_inst"));
- val fs_inst = PureThy.get_thm thy35 (Name ("fs_"^ak_name^"_inst"));
- val thm = [pt_inst, at_inst, (fs_inst RS fs1)] MRS fresh_iff
- val thm_list = Library.flat (map (fn (ak_name', T') =>
- (if (not (ak_name = ak_name'))
- then
- let
- val cp_inst = PureThy.get_thm thy35 (Name ("cp_"^ak_name^"_"^ak_name'^"_inst"));
- val dj_inst = PureThy.get_thm thy35 (Name ("dj_"^ak_name'^"_"^ak_name));
- in
- [[pt_inst, pt_inst, at_inst, cp_inst, dj_inst] MRS fresh_iff_ineq]
- end
- else [])) ak_names_types);
- in thm::thm_list end) (ak_names_types))
- in
- (PureThy.add_thmss [((name, thm_list),[])] thy35)
- end;
- (* abs_supp collects all lemmas for simplifying *)
- (* support proposition involving an abs_fun *)
- val (thy37,_) =
- let
- val name = "abs_supp"
- val thm_list = Library.flat (map (fn (ak_name, T) =>
- let
- val at_inst = PureThy.get_thm thy36 (Name ("at_"^ak_name^"_inst"));
- val pt_inst = PureThy.get_thm thy36 (Name ("pt_"^ak_name^"_inst"));
- val fs_inst = PureThy.get_thm thy36 (Name ("fs_"^ak_name^"_inst"));
- val thm1 = [pt_inst, at_inst, (fs_inst RS fs1)] MRS abs_fun_supp
- val thm2 = [pt_inst, at_inst] MRS abs_fun_supp
- val thm_list = Library.flat (map (fn (ak_name', T') =>
- (if (not (ak_name = ak_name'))
- then
- let
- val cp_inst = PureThy.get_thm thy36 (Name ("cp_"^ak_name^"_"^ak_name'^"_inst"));
- val dj_inst = PureThy.get_thm thy36 (Name ("dj_"^ak_name'^"_"^ak_name));
- in
- [[pt_inst, pt_inst, at_inst, cp_inst, dj_inst] MRS abs_fun_supp_ineq]
- end
- else [])) ak_names_types);
- in thm1::thm2::thm_list end) (ak_names_types))
- in
- (PureThy.add_thmss [((name, thm_list),[])] thy36)
- end;
in NominalData.put (fold Symtab.update (map (rpair ()) full_ak_names)
- (NominalData.get thy11)) thy37
+ (NominalData.get thy11)) thy33