changeset 57823 d1e9022c0175
parent 57230 ec5ff6bb2a92
child 57996 ca917ea6969c
--- a/src/HOL/Tools/SMT2/smt2_normalize.ML	Mon Jul 28 11:03:28 2014 +0200
+++ b/src/HOL/Tools/SMT2/smt2_normalize.ML	Sun Jul 27 21:20:11 2014 +0200
@@ -324,84 +324,6 @@
-(** embedding of standard natural number operations into integer operations **)
-  val nat_embedding = @{thms nat_int' int_nat_nneg int_nat_neg}
-  val simple_nat_ops = [
-    @{const less (nat)}, @{const less_eq (nat)},
-    @{const Suc}, @{const plus (nat)}, @{const minus (nat)}]
-  val mult_nat_ops =
-    [@{const times (nat)}, @{const div (nat)}, @{const mod (nat)}]
-  val nat_ops = simple_nat_ops @ mult_nat_ops
-  val nat_consts = nat_ops @ [@{const numeral (nat)},
-    @{const (nat)}, @{const (nat)}]
-  val nat_int_coercions = [@{const of_nat (int)}, @{const nat}]
-  val builtin_nat_ops = nat_int_coercions @ simple_nat_ops
-  val is_nat_const = member (op aconv) nat_consts
-  fun is_nat_const' @{const of_nat (int)} = true
-    | is_nat_const' t = is_nat_const t
-  val expands = map mk_meta_eq @{thms nat_zero_as_int nat_one_as_int nat_numeral_as_int
-    nat_less_as_int nat_leq_as_int Suc_as_int nat_plus_as_int nat_minus_as_int nat_times_as_int
-    nat_div_as_int nat_mod_as_int}
-  val ints = map mk_meta_eq @{thms int_0 int_1 int_Suc int_plus int_minus int_mult zdiv_int
-    zmod_int}
-  val int_if = mk_meta_eq @{lemma "int (if P then n else m) = (if P then int n else int m)" by simp}
-  fun mk_number_eq ctxt i lhs =
-    let
-      val eq = SMT2_Util.mk_cequals lhs (Numeral.mk_cnumber @{ctyp int} i)
-      val ctxt' = put_simpset HOL_ss ctxt addsimps @{thms Int.int_numeral}
-      val tac = HEADGOAL (Simplifier.simp_tac ctxt')
-    in Goal.norm_result ctxt (Goal.prove_internal ctxt [] eq (K tac)) end
-  fun ite_conv cv1 cv2 =
-    Conv.combination_conv (Conv.combination_conv (Conv.arg_conv cv1) cv2) cv2
-  fun int_conv ctxt ct =
-    (case Thm.term_of ct of
-      @{const of_nat (int)} $ (n as (@{const numeral (nat)} $ _)) =>
-        Conv.rewr_conv (mk_number_eq ctxt (snd (HOLogic.dest_number n)) ct)
-    | @{const of_nat (int)} $ _ =>
-        (Conv.rewrs_conv ints then_conv Conv.sub_conv ints_conv ctxt) else_conv
-        (Conv.rewr_conv int_if then_conv
-          ite_conv (nat_conv ctxt) (int_conv ctxt)) else_conv
-        Conv.sub_conv (Conv.top_sweep_conv nat_conv) ctxt
-    | _ => Conv.no_conv) ct
-  and ints_conv ctxt = Conv.top_sweep_conv int_conv ctxt
-  and expand_conv ctxt =
-    SMT2_Util.if_conv (is_nat_const o Term.head_of)
-      (expand_head_conv (Conv.rewrs_conv expands) then_conv ints_conv ctxt) (int_conv ctxt)
-  and nat_conv ctxt = SMT2_Util.if_exists_conv is_nat_const' (Conv.top_sweep_conv expand_conv ctxt)
-  val uses_nat_int = Term.exists_subterm (member (op aconv) nat_int_coercions)
-val nat_as_int_conv = nat_conv
-fun add_nat_embedding thms =
-  if exists (uses_nat_int o Thm.prop_of) thms then (thms, nat_embedding) else (thms, [])
-val setup_nat_as_int =
-  SMT2_Builtin.add_builtin_typ_ext (@{typ nat}, K true) #>
-  fold (SMT2_Builtin.add_builtin_fun_ext' o Term.dest_Const) builtin_nat_ops
 (** normalize numerals **)
@@ -414,14 +336,12 @@
     | is_irregular_number (Const (@{const_name uminus}, _) $ Const (@{const_name}, _)) =
-    | is_irregular_number _ =
-        false;
+    | is_irregular_number _ = false
-  fun is_strange_number ctxt t = is_irregular_number t andalso SMT2_Builtin.is_builtin_num ctxt t;
+  fun is_strange_number ctxt t = is_irregular_number t andalso SMT2_Builtin.is_builtin_num ctxt t
   val proper_num_ss =
-    simpset_of (put_simpset HOL_ss @{context}
-      addsimps @{thms Num.numeral_One minus_zero})
+    simpset_of (put_simpset HOL_ss @{context} addsimps @{thms Num.numeral_One minus_zero})
   fun norm_num_conv ctxt =
     SMT2_Util.if_conv (is_strange_number ctxt) (Simplifier.rewrite (put_simpset proper_num_ss ctxt))
@@ -439,10 +359,13 @@
 fun unfold_conv ctxt =
   rewrite_case_bool_conv ctxt then_conv
   unfold_abs_min_max_conv ctxt then_conv
-  nat_as_int_conv ctxt then_conv
   Thm.beta_conversion true
-fun unfold1 ctxt = map (apsnd (Conv.fconv_rule (unfold_conv ctxt)))
+fun unfold_polymorph ctxt = map (apsnd (Conv.fconv_rule (unfold_conv ctxt)))
+fun unfold_monomorph ctxt = map (apsnd (Conv.fconv_rule (normalize_numerals_conv ctxt)))
+(* overall normalization *)
 fun burrow_ids f ithms =
@@ -450,14 +373,6 @@
     val (thms', extra_thms) = f thms
   in (is ~~ thms') @ map (pair ~1) extra_thms end
-fun unfold2 ctxt ithms =
-  ithms
-  |> map (apsnd (Conv.fconv_rule (normalize_numerals_conv ctxt)))
-  |> burrow_ids add_nat_embedding
-(* overall normalization *)
 type extra_norm = Proof.context -> thm list * thm list -> thm list * thm list
 structure Extra_Norms = Generic_Data
@@ -511,9 +426,9 @@
   |> map_index I
   |> gen_normalize ctxt
-  |> unfold1 ctxt
+  |> unfold_polymorph ctxt
   |> monomorph ctxt
-  |> unfold2 ctxt
+  |> unfold_monomorph ctxt
   |> apply_extra_norms ctxt
 val _ = Theory.setup (Context.theory_map (
@@ -521,7 +436,6 @@
   setup_unfolded_quants #>
   setup_trigger #>
   setup_case_bool #>
-  setup_abs_min_max #>
-  setup_nat_as_int))
+  setup_abs_min_max))