changeset 19564 d3e2f532459a
child 19770 be5c23ebe1eb
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/src/HOL/Tools/function_package/fundef_datatype.ML	Fri May 05 17:17:21 2006 +0200
@@ -0,0 +1,167 @@
+(*  Title:      HOL/Tools/function_package/fundef_datatype.ML
+    ID:         $Id$
+    Author:     Alexander Krauss, TU Muenchen
+A package for general recursive function definitions. 
+A tactic to prove completeness of datatype patterns.
+signature FUNDEF_DATATYPE = 
+    val pat_complete_tac: int -> tactic
+    val setup : theory -> theory
+structure FundefDatatype : FUNDEF_DATATYPE =
+fun mk_argvar i T = Free ("_av" ^ (string_of_int i), T)
+fun mk_patvar i T = Free ("_pv" ^ (string_of_int i), T)
+fun inst_free var inst thm =
+    forall_elim inst (forall_intr var thm)
+fun inst_case_thm thy x P thm =
+    let
+	val [Pv, xv] = term_vars (prop_of thm)
+    in
+	cterm_instantiate [(cterm_of thy xv, cterm_of thy x), (cterm_of thy Pv, cterm_of thy P)] thm
+    end
+fun invent_vars constr i =
+    let
+	val Ts = binder_types (fastype_of constr)
+	val j = i + length Ts
+	val is = i upto (j - 1)
+	val avs = map2 mk_argvar is Ts
+	val pvs = map2 mk_patvar is Ts
+    in
+	(avs, pvs, j)
+    end
+fun filter_pats thy cons pvars [] = []
+  | filter_pats thy cons pvars (([], thm) :: pts) = raise Match
+  | filter_pats thy cons pvars ((pat :: pats, thm) :: pts) = 
+    case pat of
+	Free _ => let val inst = list_comb (cons, pvars)
+		 in (inst :: pats, inst_free (cterm_of thy pat) (cterm_of thy inst) thm)
+		    :: (filter_pats thy cons pvars pts) end
+      | _ => if fst (strip_comb pat) = cons
+	     then (pat :: pats, thm) :: (filter_pats thy cons pvars pts)
+	     else filter_pats thy cons pvars pts
+fun inst_constrs_of thy (T as Type (name, _)) =
+	map (fn (Cn,CT) => Envir.subst_TVars (Type.typ_match (Sign.tsig_of thy) (body_type CT, T) Vartab.empty) (Const (Cn, CT)))
+	    (the (DatatypePackage.get_datatype_constrs thy name))
+  | inst_constrs_of thy _ = raise Match
+fun transform_pat thy avars c_assum ([] , thm) = raise Match
+  | transform_pat thy avars c_assum (pat :: pats, thm) =
+    let
+	val (_, subps) = strip_comb pat
+	val eqs = map (cterm_of thy o HOLogic.mk_Trueprop o HOLogic.mk_eq) (avars ~~ subps)
+	val a_eqs = map assume eqs
+	val c_eq_pat = simplify (HOL_basic_ss addsimps a_eqs) c_assum
+    in
+	(subps @ pats, fold_rev implies_intr eqs
+				(implies_elim thm c_eq_pat))
+    end
+fun constr_case thy P idx (v :: vs) pats cons =
+    let
+	val (avars, pvars, newidx) = invent_vars cons idx
+	val c_hyp = cterm_of thy (HOLogic.mk_Trueprop (HOLogic.mk_eq (v, list_comb (cons, avars))))
+	val c_assum = assume c_hyp
+	val newpats = map (transform_pat thy avars c_assum) (filter_pats thy cons pvars pats)
+    in
+	o_alg thy P newidx (avars @ vs) newpats
+	      |> implies_intr c_hyp
+	      |> fold_rev (forall_intr o cterm_of thy) avars
+    end
+  | constr_case _ _ _ _ _ _ = raise Match
+and o_alg thy P idx [] (([], Pthm) :: _)  = Pthm
+  | o_alg thy P idx (v :: vs) [] = raise COMPLETENESS
+  | o_alg thy P idx (v :: vs) pts =
+    if forall (is_Free o hd o fst) pts (* Var case *)
+    then o_alg thy P idx vs (map (fn (pv :: pats, thm) =>
+			       (pats, refl RS (inst_free (cterm_of thy pv) (cterm_of thy v) thm))) pts)
+    else (* Cons case *)
+	 let  
+	     val T = fastype_of v
+	     val (tname, _) = dest_Type T
+	     val {exhaustion=case_thm, ...} = DatatypePackage.the_datatype thy tname
+	     val constrs = inst_constrs_of thy T
+	     val c_cases = map (constr_case thy P idx (v :: vs) pts) constrs
+	 in 
+	     inst_case_thm thy v P case_thm
+			   |> fold (curry op COMP) c_cases
+	 end
+  | o_alg _ _ _ _ _ = raise Match
+fun prove_completeness thy x P qss pats =
+    let
+	fun mk_assum qs pat = Logic.mk_implies (HOLogic.mk_Trueprop (HOLogic.mk_eq (x,pat)),
+						HOLogic.mk_Trueprop P)
+					       |> fold_rev mk_forall qs
+					       |> cterm_of thy
+	val hyps = map2 mk_assum qss pats
+	fun inst_hyps hyp qs = fold (forall_elim o cterm_of thy) qs (assume hyp)
+	val assums = map2 inst_hyps hyps qss
+    in
+	o_alg thy P 2 [x] (map2 (pair o single) pats assums)
+	      |> fold_rev implies_intr hyps
+	      |> zero_var_indexes
+	      |> forall_intr_frees
+	      |> forall_elim_vars 0 
+    end
+fun pat_complete_tac i thm =
+    let 
+	val subgoal = nth (prems_of thm) (i - 1)
+	val assums = Logic.strip_imp_prems subgoal
+	val _ $ P = Logic.strip_imp_concl subgoal
+	fun pat_of assum = 
+	    let
+		val (qs, imp) = dest_all_all assum
+	    in
+		case Logic.dest_implies imp of 
+		    (_ $ (_ $ x $ pat), _) => (x, (qs, pat))
+		  | _ => raise COMPLETENESS
+	    end
+	val (x, (qss, pats)) = 
+	    case (map pat_of assums) of
+		[] => raise COMPLETENESS
+	      | rs as ((x,_) :: _) 
+		=> (x, split_list (snd (split_list rs)))
+	val complete_thm = prove_completeness (theory_of_thm thm) x P qss pats
+    in
+	Seq.single (Drule.compose_single(complete_thm, i, thm))
+    end
+    handle COMPLETENESS => Seq.empty
+val setup = 
+    Method.add_methods [("pat_completeness", Method.no_args (Method.SIMPLE_METHOD (pat_complete_tac 1)), "Completeness prover for datatype patterns")]
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