changeset 27656 d4f6e64ee7cc
child 27674 2736967f27fd
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/src/HOL/ex/ImperativeQuicksort.thy	Sat Jul 19 19:27:13 2008 +0200
@@ -0,0 +1,622 @@
+theory ImperativeQuickSort
+imports Imperative_HOL Subarray Multiset
+text {* We prove QuickSort correct in the Relational Calculus. *}
+definition swap :: "nat array \<Rightarrow> nat \<Rightarrow> nat \<Rightarrow> unit Heap"
+  "swap arr i j = (
+     do
+       x \<leftarrow> nth arr i;
+       y \<leftarrow> nth arr j;
+       upd i y arr;
+       upd j x arr;
+       return ()
+     done)"
+lemma swap_permutes:
+  assumes "crel (swap a i j) h h' rs"
+  shows "multiset_of (get_array a h') 
+  = multiset_of (get_array a h)"
+  using assms
+  unfolding swap_def run_drop
+  by (auto simp add: Heap.length_def multiset_of_swap dest: sym [of _ "h'"] elim!: crelE crel_nth crel_return crel_upd)
+function part1 :: "nat array \<Rightarrow> nat \<Rightarrow> nat \<Rightarrow> nat \<Rightarrow> nat Heap"
+  "part1 a left right p = (
+     if (right \<le> left) then return right
+     else (do
+       v \<leftarrow> nth a left;
+       (if (v \<le> p) then (part1 a (left + 1) right p)
+                    else (do swap a left right;
+  part1 a left (right - 1) p done))
+     done))"
+by pat_completeness auto
+by (relation "measure (\<lambda>(_,l,r,_). r - l )") auto
+declare part1.simps[simp del]
+lemma part_permutes:
+  assumes "crel (part1 a l r p) h h' rs"
+  shows "multiset_of (get_array a h') 
+  = multiset_of (get_array a h)"
+  using assms
+proof (induct a l r p arbitrary: h h' rs rule:part1.induct)
+  case (1 a l r p h h' rs)
+  thus ?case
+    unfolding part1.simps [of a l r p] run_drop
+    by (elim crelE crel_if crel_return crel_nth) (auto simp add: swap_permutes)
+lemma part_returns_index_in_bounds:
+  assumes "crel (part1 a l r p) h h' rs"
+  assumes "l \<le> r"
+  shows "l \<le> rs \<and> rs \<le> r"
+using assms
+proof (induct a l r p arbitrary: h h' rs rule:part1.induct)
+  case (1 a l r p h h' rs)
+  note cr = `crel (part1 a l r p) h h' rs`
+  show ?case
+  proof (cases "r \<le> l")
+    case True (* Terminating case *)
+    with cr `l \<le> r` show ?thesis
+      unfolding part1.simps[of a l r p] run_drop
+      by (elim crelE crel_if crel_return crel_nth) auto
+  next
+    case False (* recursive case *)
+    note rec_condition = this
+    let ?v = "get_array a h ! l"
+    show ?thesis
+    proof (cases "?v \<le> p")
+      case True
+      with cr False
+      have rec1: "crel (part1 a (l + 1) r p) h h' rs"
+        unfolding part1.simps[of a l r p] run_drop
+        by (elim crelE crel_nth crel_if crel_return) auto
+      from rec_condition have "l + 1 \<le> r" by arith
+      from 1(1)[OF rec_condition True rec1 `l + 1 \<le> r`]
+      show ?thesis by simp
+    next
+      case False
+      with rec_condition cr
+      obtain h1 where swp: "crel (swap a l r) h h1 ()"
+        and rec2: "crel (part1 a l (r - 1) p) h1 h' rs"
+        unfolding part1.simps[of a l r p] run_drop
+        by (elim crelE crel_nth crel_if crel_return) auto
+      from rec_condition have "l \<le> r - 1" by arith
+      from 1(2) [OF rec_condition False rec2 `l \<le> r - 1`] show ?thesis by fastsimp
+    qed
+  qed
+lemma part_length_remains:
+  assumes "crel (part1 a l r p) h h' rs"
+  shows "Heap.length a h = Heap.length a h'"
+using assms
+proof (induct a l r p arbitrary: h h' rs rule:part1.induct)
+  case (1 a l r p h h' rs)
+  note cr = `crel (part1 a l r p) h h' rs`
+  show ?case
+  proof (cases "r \<le> l")
+    case True (* Terminating case *)
+    with cr show ?thesis
+      unfolding part1.simps[of a l r p] run_drop
+      by (elim crelE crel_if crel_return crel_nth) auto
+  next
+    case False (* recursive case *)
+    with cr 1 show ?thesis
+      unfolding part1.simps [of a l r p] swap_def run_drop
+      by (auto elim!: crelE crel_if crel_nth crel_return crel_upd) fastsimp
+  qed
+lemma part_outer_remains:
+  assumes "crel (part1 a l r p) h h' rs"
+  shows "\<forall>i. i < l \<or> r < i \<longrightarrow> get_array (a::nat array) h ! i = get_array a h' ! i"
+  using assms
+proof (induct a l r p arbitrary: h h' rs rule:part1.induct)
+  case (1 a l r p h h' rs)
+  note cr = `crel (part1 a l r p) h h' rs`
+  show ?case
+  proof (cases "r \<le> l")
+    case True (* Terminating case *)
+    with cr show ?thesis
+      unfolding part1.simps[of a l r p] run_drop
+      by (elim crelE crel_if crel_return crel_nth) auto
+  next
+    case False (* recursive case *)
+    note rec_condition = this
+    let ?v = "get_array a h ! l"
+    show ?thesis
+    proof (cases "?v \<le> p")
+      case True
+      with cr False
+      have rec1: "crel (part1 a (l + 1) r p) h h' rs"
+        unfolding part1.simps[of a l r p] run_drop
+        by (elim crelE crel_nth crel_if crel_return) auto
+      from 1(1)[OF rec_condition True rec1]
+      show ?thesis by fastsimp
+    next
+      case False
+      with rec_condition cr
+      obtain h1 where swp: "crel (swap a l r) h h1 ()"
+        and rec2: "crel (part1 a l (r - 1) p) h1 h' rs"
+        unfolding part1.simps[of a l r p] run_drop
+        by (elim crelE crel_nth crel_if crel_return) auto
+      from swp rec_condition have
+	"\<forall>i. i < l \<or> r < i \<longrightarrow> get_array a h ! i = get_array a h1 ! i"
+	unfolding swap_def run_drop
+	by (elim crelE crel_nth crel_upd crel_return) auto
+      with 1(2) [OF rec_condition False rec2] show ?thesis by fastsimp
+    qed
+  qed
+lemma part_partitions:
+  assumes "crel (part1 a l r p) h h' rs"
+  shows "(\<forall>i. l \<le> i \<and> i < rs \<longrightarrow> get_array (a::nat array) h' ! i \<le> p)
+  \<and> (\<forall>i. rs < i \<and> i \<le> r \<longrightarrow> get_array a h' ! i \<ge> p)"
+  using assms
+proof (induct a l r p arbitrary: h h' rs rule:part1.induct)
+  case (1 a l r p h h' rs)
+  note cr = `crel (part1 a l r p) h h' rs`
+  show ?case
+  proof (cases "r \<le> l")
+    case True (* Terminating case *)
+    with cr have "rs = r"
+      unfolding part1.simps[of a l r p] run_drop
+      by (elim crelE crel_if crel_return crel_nth) auto
+    with True
+    show ?thesis by auto
+  next
+    case False (* recursive case *)
+    note lr = this
+    let ?v = "get_array a h ! l"
+    show ?thesis
+    proof (cases "?v \<le> p")
+      case True
+      with lr cr
+      have rec1: "crel (part1 a (l + 1) r p) h h' rs"
+        unfolding part1.simps[of a l r p] run_drop
+        by (elim crelE crel_nth crel_if crel_return) auto
+      from True part_outer_remains[OF rec1] have a_l: "get_array a h' ! l \<le> p"
+	by fastsimp
+      have "\<forall>i. (l \<le> i = (l = i \<or> Suc l \<le> i))" by arith
+      with 1(1)[OF False True rec1] a_l show ?thesis
+	by auto
+    next
+      case False
+      with lr cr
+      obtain h1 where swp: "crel (swap a l r) h h1 ()"
+        and rec2: "crel (part1 a l (r - 1) p) h1 h' rs"
+        unfolding part1.simps[of a l r p] run_drop
+        by (elim crelE crel_nth crel_if crel_return) auto
+      from swp False have "get_array a h1 ! r \<ge> p"
+	unfolding swap_def run_drop
+	by (auto simp add: Heap.length_def elim!: crelE crel_nth crel_upd crel_return)
+      with part_outer_remains [OF rec2] lr have a_r: "get_array a h' ! r \<ge> p"
+	by fastsimp
+      have "\<forall>i. (i \<le> r = (i = r \<or> i \<le> r - 1))" by arith
+      with 1(2)[OF lr False rec2] a_r show ?thesis
+	by auto
+    qed
+  qed
+fun partition :: "nat array \<Rightarrow> nat \<Rightarrow> nat \<Rightarrow> nat Heap"
+  "partition a left right = (do
+     pivot \<leftarrow> nth a right;
+     middle \<leftarrow> part1 a left (right - 1) pivot;
+     v \<leftarrow> nth a middle;
+     m \<leftarrow> return (if (v \<le> pivot) then (middle + 1) else middle);
+     swap a m right;
+     return m
+   done)"
+declare partition.simps[simp del]
+lemma partition_permutes:
+  assumes "crel (partition a l r) h h' rs"
+  shows "multiset_of (get_array a h') 
+  = multiset_of (get_array a h)"
+proof -
+    from assms part_permutes swap_permutes show ?thesis
+      unfolding partition.simps run_drop
+      by (elim crelE crel_return crel_nth crel_if crel_upd) auto
+lemma partition_length_remains:
+  assumes "crel (partition a l r) h h' rs"
+  shows "Heap.length a h = Heap.length a h'"
+proof -
+  from assms part_length_remains show ?thesis
+    unfolding partition.simps run_drop swap_def
+    by (elim crelE crel_return crel_nth crel_if crel_upd) auto
+lemma partition_outer_remains:
+  assumes "crel (partition a l r) h h' rs"
+  assumes "l < r"
+  shows "\<forall>i. i < l \<or> r < i \<longrightarrow> get_array (a::nat array) h ! i = get_array a h' ! i"
+proof -
+  from assms part_outer_remains part_returns_index_in_bounds show ?thesis
+    unfolding partition.simps swap_def run_drop
+    by (elim crelE crel_return crel_nth crel_if crel_upd) fastsimp
+lemma partition_returns_index_in_bounds:
+  assumes crel: "crel (partition a l r) h h' rs"
+  assumes "l < r"
+  shows "l \<le> rs \<and> rs \<le> r"
+proof -
+  from crel obtain middle h'' p where part: "crel (part1 a l (r - 1) p) h h'' middle"
+    and rs_equals: "rs = (if get_array a h'' ! middle \<le> get_array a h ! r then middle + 1
+         else middle)"
+    unfolding partition.simps run_drop
+    by (elim crelE crel_return crel_nth crel_if crel_upd) simp
+  from `l < r` have "l \<le> r - 1" by arith
+  from part_returns_index_in_bounds[OF part this] rs_equals `l < r` show ?thesis by auto
+lemma partition_partitions:
+  assumes crel: "crel (partition a l r) h h' rs"
+  assumes "l < r"
+  shows "(\<forall>i. l \<le> i \<and> i < rs \<longrightarrow> get_array (a::nat array) h' ! i \<le> get_array a h' ! rs) \<and>
+  (\<forall>i. rs < i \<and> i \<le> r \<longrightarrow> get_array a h' ! rs \<le> get_array a h' ! i)"
+proof -
+  let ?pivot = "get_array a h ! r" 
+  from crel obtain middle h1 where part: "crel (part1 a l (r - 1) ?pivot) h h1 middle"
+    and swap: "crel (swap a rs r) h1 h' ()"
+    and rs_equals: "rs = (if get_array a h1 ! middle \<le> ?pivot then middle + 1
+         else middle)"
+    unfolding partition.simps run_drop
+    by (elim crelE crel_return crel_nth crel_if crel_upd) simp
+  from swap have h'_def: "h' = Heap.upd a r (get_array a h1 ! rs)
+    (Heap.upd a rs (get_array a h1 ! r) h1)"
+    unfolding swap_def run_drop
+    by (elim crelE crel_return crel_nth crel_upd) simp
+  from swap have in_bounds: "r < Heap.length a h1 \<and> rs < Heap.length a h1"
+    unfolding swap_def run_drop
+    by (elim crelE crel_return crel_nth crel_upd) simp
+  from swap have swap_length_remains: "Heap.length a h1 = Heap.length a h'"
+    unfolding swap_def run_drop by (elim crelE crel_return crel_nth crel_upd) auto
+  from `l < r` have "l \<le> r - 1" by simp 
+  note middle_in_bounds = part_returns_index_in_bounds[OF part this]
+  from part_outer_remains[OF part] `l < r`
+  have "get_array a h ! r = get_array a h1 ! r"
+    by fastsimp
+  with swap
+  have right_remains: "get_array a h ! r = get_array a h' ! rs"
+    unfolding swap_def run_drop
+    by (auto simp add: Heap.length_def elim!: crelE crel_return crel_nth crel_upd) (cases "r = rs", auto)
+  from part_partitions [OF part]
+  show ?thesis
+  proof (cases "get_array a h1 ! middle \<le> ?pivot")
+    case True
+    with rs_equals have rs_equals: "rs = middle + 1" by simp
+    { 
+      fix i
+      assume i_is_left: "l \<le> i \<and> i < rs"
+      with swap_length_remains in_bounds middle_in_bounds rs_equals `l < r`
+      have i_props: "i < Heap.length a h'" "i \<noteq> r" "i \<noteq> rs" by auto
+      from i_is_left rs_equals have "l \<le> i \<and> i < middle \<or> i = middle" by arith
+      with part_partitions[OF part] right_remains True
+      have "get_array a h1 ! i \<le> get_array a h' ! rs" by fastsimp
+      with i_props h'_def in_bounds have "get_array a h' ! i \<le> get_array a h' ! rs"
+	unfolding Heap.upd_def Heap.length_def by simp
+    }
+    moreover
+    {
+      fix i
+      assume "rs < i \<and> i \<le> r"
+      hence "(rs < i \<and> i \<le> r - 1) \<or> (rs < i \<and> i = r)" by arith
+      hence "get_array a h' ! rs \<le> get_array a h' ! i"
+      proof
+	assume i_is: "rs < i \<and> i \<le> r - 1"
+	with swap_length_remains in_bounds middle_in_bounds rs_equals
+	have i_props: "i < Heap.length a h'" "i \<noteq> r" "i \<noteq> rs" by auto
+	from part_partitions[OF part] rs_equals right_remains i_is
+	have "get_array a h' ! rs \<le> get_array a h1 ! i"
+	  by fastsimp
+	with i_props h'_def show ?thesis by fastsimp
+      next
+	assume i_is: "rs < i \<and> i = r"
+	with rs_equals have "Suc middle \<noteq> r" by arith
+	with middle_in_bounds `l < r` have "Suc middle \<le> r - 1" by arith
+	with part_partitions[OF part] right_remains 
+	have "get_array a h' ! rs \<le> get_array a h1 ! (Suc middle)"
+	  by fastsimp
+	with i_is True rs_equals right_remains h'_def
+	show ?thesis using in_bounds
+	  unfolding Heap.upd_def Heap.length_def
+	  by auto
+      qed
+    }
+    ultimately show ?thesis by auto
+  next
+    case False
+    with rs_equals have rs_equals: "middle = rs" by simp
+    { 
+      fix i
+      assume i_is_left: "l \<le> i \<and> i < rs"
+      with swap_length_remains in_bounds middle_in_bounds rs_equals
+      have i_props: "i < Heap.length a h'" "i \<noteq> r" "i \<noteq> rs" by auto
+      from part_partitions[OF part] rs_equals right_remains i_is_left
+      have "get_array a h1 ! i \<le> get_array a h' ! rs" by fastsimp
+      with i_props h'_def have "get_array a h' ! i \<le> get_array a h' ! rs"
+	unfolding Heap.upd_def by simp
+    }
+    moreover
+    {
+      fix i
+      assume "rs < i \<and> i \<le> r"
+      hence "(rs < i \<and> i \<le> r - 1) \<or> i = r" by arith
+      hence "get_array a h' ! rs \<le> get_array a h' ! i"
+      proof
+	assume i_is: "rs < i \<and> i \<le> r - 1"
+	with swap_length_remains in_bounds middle_in_bounds rs_equals
+	have i_props: "i < Heap.length a h'" "i \<noteq> r" "i \<noteq> rs" by auto
+	from part_partitions[OF part] rs_equals right_remains i_is
+	have "get_array a h' ! rs \<le> get_array a h1 ! i"
+	  by fastsimp
+	with i_props h'_def show ?thesis by fastsimp
+      next
+	assume i_is: "i = r"
+	from i_is False rs_equals right_remains h'_def
+	show ?thesis using in_bounds
+	  unfolding Heap.upd_def Heap.length_def
+	  by auto
+      qed
+    }
+    ultimately
+    show ?thesis by auto
+  qed
+function quicksort :: "nat array \<Rightarrow> nat \<Rightarrow> nat \<Rightarrow> unit Heap"
+  "quicksort arr left right =
+     (if (right > left)  then
+        do
+          pivotNewIndex \<leftarrow> partition arr left right;
+          pivotNewIndex \<leftarrow> assert (\<lambda>x. left \<le> x \<and> x \<le> right) pivotNewIndex;
+          quicksort arr left (pivotNewIndex - 1);
+          quicksort arr (pivotNewIndex + 1) right
+        done
+     else return ())"
+by pat_completeness auto
+(* For termination, we must show that the pivotNewIndex is between left and right *) 
+by (relation "measure (\<lambda>(a, l, r). (r - l))") auto
+declare quicksort.simps[simp del]
+lemma quicksort_permutes:
+  assumes "crel (quicksort a l r) h h' rs"
+  shows "multiset_of (get_array a h') 
+  = multiset_of (get_array a h)"
+  using assms
+proof (induct a l r arbitrary: h h' rs rule: quicksort.induct)
+  case (1 a l r h h' rs)
+  with partition_permutes show ?case
+    unfolding quicksort.simps [of a l r] run_drop
+    by (elim crel_if crelE crel_assert crel_return) auto
+lemma length_remains:
+  assumes "crel (quicksort a l r) h h' rs"
+  shows "Heap.length a h = Heap.length a h'"
+using assms
+proof (induct a l r arbitrary: h h' rs rule: quicksort.induct)
+  case (1 a l r h h' rs)
+  with partition_length_remains show ?case
+    unfolding quicksort.simps [of a l r] run_drop
+    by (elim crel_if crelE crel_assert crel_return) auto
+lemma quicksort_outer_remains:
+  assumes "crel (quicksort a l r) h h' rs"
+   shows "\<forall>i. i < l \<or> r < i \<longrightarrow> get_array (a::nat array) h ! i = get_array a h' ! i"
+  using assms
+proof (induct a l r arbitrary: h h' rs rule: quicksort.induct)
+  case (1 a l r h h' rs)
+  note cr = `crel (quicksort a l r) h h' rs`
+  thus ?case
+  proof (cases "r > l")
+    case False
+    with cr have "h' = h"
+      unfolding quicksort.simps [of a l r]
+      by (elim crel_if crel_return) auto
+    thus ?thesis by simp
+  next
+  case True
+   { 
+      fix h1 h2 p ret1 ret2 i
+      assume part: "crel (partition a l r) h h1 p"
+      assume qs1: "crel (quicksort a l (p - 1)) h1 h2 ret1"
+      assume qs2: "crel (quicksort a (p + 1) r) h2 h' ret2"
+      assume pivot: "l \<le> p \<and> p \<le> r"
+      assume i_outer: "i < l \<or> r < i"
+      from  partition_outer_remains [OF part True] i_outer
+      have "get_array a h !i = get_array a h1 ! i" by fastsimp
+      moreover
+      with 1(1) [OF True pivot qs1] pivot i_outer
+      have "get_array a h1 ! i = get_array a h2 ! i" by auto
+      moreover
+      with qs2 1(2) [of p h2 h' ret2] True pivot i_outer
+      have "get_array a h2 ! i = get_array a h' ! i" by auto
+      ultimately have "get_array a h ! i= get_array a h' ! i" by simp
+    }
+    with cr show ?thesis
+      unfolding quicksort.simps [of a l r] run_drop
+      by (elim crel_if crelE crel_assert crel_return) auto
+  qed
+lemma quicksort_is_skip:
+  assumes "crel (quicksort a l r) h h' rs"
+  shows "r \<le> l \<longrightarrow> h = h'"
+  using assms
+  unfolding quicksort.simps [of a l r] run_drop
+  by (elim crel_if crel_return) auto
+lemma quicksort_sorts:
+  assumes "crel (quicksort a l r) h h' rs"
+  assumes l_r_length: "l < Heap.length a h" "r < Heap.length a h" 
+  shows "sorted (subarray l (r + 1) a h')"
+  using assms
+proof (induct a l r arbitrary: h h' rs rule: quicksort.induct)
+  case (1 a l r h h' rs)
+  note cr = `crel (quicksort a l r) h h' rs`
+  thus ?case
+  proof (cases "r > l")
+    case False
+    hence "l \<ge> r + 1 \<or> l = r" by arith 
+    with length_remains[OF cr] 1(5) show ?thesis
+      by (auto simp add: subarray_Nil subarray_single)
+  next
+    case True
+    { 
+      fix h1 h2 p
+      assume part: "crel (partition a l r) h h1 p"
+      assume qs1: "crel (quicksort a l (p - 1)) h1 h2 ()"
+      assume qs2: "crel (quicksort a (p + 1) r) h2 h' ()"
+      from partition_returns_index_in_bounds [OF part True]
+      have pivot: "l\<le> p \<and> p \<le> r" .
+     note length_remains = length_remains[OF qs2] length_remains[OF qs1] partition_length_remains[OF part]
+      from quicksort_outer_remains [OF qs2] quicksort_outer_remains [OF qs1] pivot quicksort_is_skip[OF qs1]
+      have pivot_unchanged: "get_array a h1 ! p = get_array a h' ! p" by (cases p, auto)
+	(*-- First of all, by induction hypothesis both sublists are sorted. *)
+      from 1(1)[OF True pivot qs1] length_remains pivot 1(5) 
+      have IH1: "sorted (subarray l p a h2)"  by (cases p, auto simp add: subarray_Nil)
+      from quicksort_outer_remains [OF qs2] length_remains
+      have left_subarray_remains: "subarray l p a h2 = subarray l p a h'"
+	by (simp add: subarray_eq_samelength_iff)
+      with IH1 have IH1': "sorted (subarray l p a h')" by simp
+      from 1(2)[OF True pivot qs2] pivot 1(5) length_remains
+      have IH2: "sorted (subarray (p + 1) (r + 1) a h')"
+	by (cases "Suc p \<le> r", auto simp add: subarray_Nil)
+	  (* -- Secondly, both sublists remain partitioned. *)
+      from partition_partitions[OF part True]
+      have part_conds1: "\<forall>j. j \<in> set (subarray l p a h1) \<longrightarrow> j \<le> get_array a h1 ! p "
+	and part_conds2: "\<forall>j. j \<in> set (subarray (p + 1) (r + 1) a h1) \<longrightarrow> get_array a h1 ! p \<le> j"
+	by (auto simp add: all_in_set_subarray_conv)
+      from quicksort_outer_remains [OF qs1] quicksort_permutes [OF qs1] True
+	length_remains 1(5) pivot multiset_of_sublist [of l p "get_array a h1" "get_array a h2"]
+      have multiset_partconds1: "multiset_of (subarray l p a h2) = multiset_of (subarray l p a h1)"
+	unfolding Heap.length_def subarray_def by (cases p, auto)
+      with left_subarray_remains part_conds1 pivot_unchanged
+      have part_conds2': "\<forall>j. j \<in> set (subarray l p a h') \<longrightarrow> j \<le> get_array a h' ! p"
+	by (simp, subst set_of_multiset_of[symmetric], simp)
+	  (* -- These steps are the analogous for the right sublist \<dots> *)
+      from quicksort_outer_remains [OF qs1] length_remains
+      have right_subarray_remains: "subarray (p + 1) (r + 1) a h1 = subarray (p + 1) (r + 1) a h2"
+	by (auto simp add: subarray_eq_samelength_iff)
+      from quicksort_outer_remains [OF qs2] quicksort_permutes [OF qs2] True
+	length_remains 1(5) pivot multiset_of_sublist [of "p + 1" "r + 1" "get_array a h2" "get_array a h'"]
+      have multiset_partconds2: "multiset_of (subarray (p + 1) (r + 1) a h') = multiset_of (subarray (p + 1) (r + 1) a h2)"
+	unfolding Heap.length_def subarray_def by auto
+      with right_subarray_remains part_conds2 pivot_unchanged
+      have part_conds1': "\<forall>j. j \<in> set (subarray (p + 1) (r + 1) a h') \<longrightarrow> get_array a h' ! p \<le> j"
+	by (simp, subst set_of_multiset_of[symmetric], simp)
+	  (* -- Thirdly and finally, we show that the array is sorted
+	  following from the facts above. *)
+      from True pivot 1(5) length_remains have "subarray l (r + 1) a h' = subarray l p a h' @ [get_array a h' ! p] @ subarray (p + 1) (r + 1) a h'"
+	by (simp add: subarray_nth_array_Cons, cases "l < p") (auto simp add: subarray_append subarray_Nil)
+      with IH1' IH2 part_conds1' part_conds2' pivot have ?thesis
+	unfolding subarray_def
+	apply (auto simp add: sorted_append sorted_Cons all_in_set_sublist'_conv)
+	by (auto simp add: set_sublist' dest: le_trans [of _ "get_array a h' ! p"])
+    }
+    with True cr show ?thesis
+      unfolding quicksort.simps [of a l r] run_drop
+      by (elim crel_if crel_return crelE crel_assert) auto
+  qed
+lemma quicksort_is_sort:
+  assumes crel: "crel (quicksort a 0 (Heap.length a h - 1)) h h' rs"
+  shows "get_array a h' = sort (get_array a h)"
+proof (cases "get_array a h = []")
+  case True
+  with quicksort_is_skip[OF crel] show ?thesis
+  unfolding Heap.length_def by simp
+  case False
+  from quicksort_sorts [OF crel] False have "sorted (sublist' 0 (List.length (get_array a h)) (get_array a h'))"
+    unfolding Heap.length_def subarray_def by auto
+  with length_remains[OF crel] have "sorted (get_array a h')"
+    unfolding Heap.length_def by simp
+  with quicksort_permutes [OF crel] properties_for_sort show ?thesis by fastsimp
+subsection {* No Errors in quicksort *}
+text {* We have proved that quicksort sorts (if no exceptions occur).
+We will now show that exceptions do not occur. *}
+lemma noError_part1: 
+  assumes "l < Heap.length a h" "r < Heap.length a h"
+  shows "noError (part1 a l r p) h"
+  using assms
+proof (induct a l r p arbitrary: h rule: part1.induct)
+  case (1 a l r p)
+  thus ?case
+    unfolding part1.simps [of a l r] swap_def run_drop
+    by (auto intro!: noError_if noErrorI noError_return noError_nth noError_upd elim!: crelE crel_upd crel_nth crel_return)
+lemma noError_partition:
+  assumes "l < r" "l < Heap.length a h" "r < Heap.length a h"
+  shows "noError (partition a l r) h"
+using assms
+unfolding partition.simps swap_def run_drop
+apply (auto intro!: noError_if noErrorI noError_return noError_nth noError_upd noError_part1 elim!: crelE crel_upd crel_nth crel_return)
+apply (frule part_length_remains)
+apply (frule part_returns_index_in_bounds)
+apply auto
+apply (frule part_length_remains)
+apply (frule part_returns_index_in_bounds)
+apply auto
+apply (frule part_length_remains)
+apply auto
+lemma noError_quicksort:
+  assumes "l < Heap.length a h" "r < Heap.length a h"
+  shows "noError (quicksort a l r) h"
+using assms
+proof (induct a l r arbitrary: h rule: quicksort.induct)
+  case (1 a l ri h)
+  thus ?case
+    unfolding quicksort.simps [of a l ri] run_drop
+    apply (auto intro!: noError_if noErrorI noError_return noError_nth noError_upd noError_assert noError_partition)
+    apply (frule partition_returns_index_in_bounds)
+    apply auto
+    apply (frule partition_returns_index_in_bounds)
+    apply auto
+    apply (auto elim!: crel_assert dest!: partition_length_remains length_remains)
+    apply (subgoal_tac "Suc r \<le> ri \<or> r = ri") 
+    apply (erule disjE)
+    apply auto
+    unfolding quicksort.simps [of a "Suc ri" ri] run_drop
+    apply (auto intro!: noError_if noError_return)
+    done
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