changeset 37872 d83659570337
parent 37871 c7ce7685e087
child 37873 66d90b2b87bc
--- a/src/Tools/Compute_Oracle/compute.ML	Wed Jul 21 15:31:38 2010 +0200
+++ /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
@@ -1,683 +0,0 @@
-(*  Title:      Tools/Compute_Oracle/compute.ML
-    Author:     Steven Obua
-signature COMPUTE = sig
-    type computer
-    type theorem
-    type naming = int -> string
-    datatype machine = BARRAS | BARRAS_COMPILED | HASKELL | SML
-    (* Functions designated with a ! in front of them actually update the computer parameter *)
-    exception Make of string
-    val make : machine -> theory -> thm list -> computer
-    val make_with_cache : machine -> theory -> term list -> thm list -> computer
-    val theory_of : computer -> theory
-    val hyps_of : computer -> term list
-    val shyps_of : computer -> sort list
-    (* ! *) val update : computer -> thm list -> unit
-    (* ! *) val update_with_cache : computer -> term list -> thm list -> unit
-    (* ! *) val discard : computer -> unit
-    (* ! *) val set_naming : computer -> naming -> unit
-    val naming_of : computer -> naming
-    exception Compute of string    
-    val simplify : computer -> theorem -> thm 
-    val rewrite : computer -> cterm -> thm 
-    val make_theorem : computer -> thm -> string list -> theorem
-    (* ! *) val instantiate : computer -> (string * cterm) list -> theorem -> theorem
-    (* ! *) val evaluate_prem : computer -> int -> theorem -> theorem
-    (* ! *) val modus_ponens : computer -> int -> thm -> theorem -> theorem
-structure Compute :> COMPUTE = struct
-open Report;
-datatype machine = BARRAS | BARRAS_COMPILED | HASKELL | SML      
-(* Terms are mapped to integer codes *)
-structure Encode :> 
-    type encoding
-    val empty : encoding
-    val insert : term -> encoding -> int * encoding
-    val lookup_code : term -> encoding -> int option
-    val lookup_term : int -> encoding -> term option                                    
-    val remove_code : int -> encoding -> encoding
-    val remove_term : term -> encoding -> encoding
-    val fold : ((term * int) -> 'a -> 'a) -> encoding -> 'a -> 'a                                                      
-type encoding = int * (int Termtab.table) * (term Inttab.table)
-val empty = (0, Termtab.empty, Inttab.empty)
-fun insert t (e as (count, term2int, int2term)) = 
-    (case Termtab.lookup term2int t of
-         NONE => (count, (count+1, Termtab.update_new (t, count) term2int, Inttab.update_new (count, t) int2term))
-       | SOME code => (code, e))
-fun lookup_code t (_, term2int, _) = Termtab.lookup term2int t
-fun lookup_term c (_, _, int2term) = Inttab.lookup int2term c
-fun remove_code c (e as (count, term2int, int2term)) = 
-    (case lookup_term c e of NONE => e | SOME t => (count, Termtab.delete t term2int, Inttab.delete c int2term))
-fun remove_term t (e as (count, term2int, int2term)) = 
-    (case lookup_code t e of NONE => e | SOME c => (count, Termtab.delete t term2int, Inttab.delete c int2term))
-fun fold f (_, term2int, _) = Termtab.fold f term2int
-exception Make of string;
-exception Compute of string;
-    fun make_constant t ty encoding = 
-        let 
-            val (code, encoding) = Encode.insert t encoding 
-        in 
-            (encoding, AbstractMachine.Const code)
-        end
-fun remove_types encoding t =
-    case t of 
-        Var (_, ty) => make_constant t ty encoding
-      | Free (_, ty) => make_constant t ty encoding
-      | Const (_, ty) => make_constant t ty encoding
-      | Abs (_, ty, t') => 
-        let val (encoding, t'') = remove_types encoding t' in
-            (encoding, AbstractMachine.Abs t'')
-        end
-      | a $ b => 
-        let
-            val (encoding, a) = remove_types encoding a
-            val (encoding, b) = remove_types encoding b
-        in
-            (encoding, AbstractMachine.App (a,b))
-        end
-      | Bound b => (encoding, AbstractMachine.Var b)
-    fun type_of (Free (_, ty)) = ty
-      | type_of (Const (_, ty)) = ty
-      | type_of (Var (_, ty)) = ty
-      | type_of _ = sys_error "infer_types: type_of error"
-fun infer_types naming encoding =
-    let
-        fun infer_types _ bounds _ (AbstractMachine.Var v) = (Bound v, List.nth (bounds, v))
-          | infer_types _ bounds _ (AbstractMachine.Const code) = 
-            let
-                val c = the (Encode.lookup_term code encoding)
-            in
-                (c, type_of c)
-            end
-          | infer_types level bounds _ (AbstractMachine.App (a, b)) = 
-            let
-                val (a, aty) = infer_types level bounds NONE a
-                val (adom, arange) =
-                    case aty of
-                        Type ("fun", [dom, range]) => (dom, range)
-                      | _ => sys_error "infer_types: function type expected"
-                val (b, bty) = infer_types level bounds (SOME adom) b
-            in
-                (a $ b, arange)
-            end
-          | infer_types level bounds (SOME (ty as Type ("fun", [dom, range]))) (AbstractMachine.Abs m) =
-            let
-                val (m, _) = infer_types (level+1) (dom::bounds) (SOME range) m
-            in
-                (Abs (naming level, dom, m), ty)
-            end
-          | infer_types _ _ NONE (AbstractMachine.Abs m) = sys_error "infer_types: cannot infer type of abstraction"
-        fun infer ty term =
-            let
-                val (term', _) = infer_types 0 [] (SOME ty) term
-            in
-                term'
-            end
-    in
-        infer
-    end
-datatype prog = 
-         ProgBarras of AM_Interpreter.program 
-       | ProgBarrasC of AM_Compiler.program
-       | ProgHaskell of AM_GHC.program
-       | ProgSML of AM_SML.program
-fun machine_of_prog (ProgBarras _) = BARRAS
-  | machine_of_prog (ProgBarrasC _) = BARRAS_COMPILED
-  | machine_of_prog (ProgHaskell _) = HASKELL
-  | machine_of_prog (ProgSML _) = SML
-type naming = int -> string
-fun default_naming i = "v_" ^ Int.toString i
-datatype computer = Computer of
-  (theory_ref * Encode.encoding * term list * unit Sorttab.table * prog * unit Unsynchronized.ref * naming)
-    option Unsynchronized.ref
-fun theory_of (Computer (Unsynchronized.ref (SOME (rthy,_,_,_,_,_,_)))) = Theory.deref rthy
-fun hyps_of (Computer (Unsynchronized.ref (SOME (_,_,hyps,_,_,_,_)))) = hyps
-fun shyps_of (Computer (Unsynchronized.ref (SOME (_,_,_,shyptable,_,_,_)))) = Sorttab.keys (shyptable)
-fun shyptab_of (Computer (Unsynchronized.ref (SOME (_,_,_,shyptable,_,_,_)))) = shyptable
-fun stamp_of (Computer (Unsynchronized.ref (SOME (_,_,_,_,_,stamp,_)))) = stamp
-fun prog_of (Computer (Unsynchronized.ref (SOME (_,_,_,_,prog,_,_)))) = prog
-fun encoding_of (Computer (Unsynchronized.ref (SOME (_,encoding,_,_,_,_,_)))) = encoding
-fun set_encoding (Computer (r as Unsynchronized.ref (SOME (p1,encoding,p2,p3,p4,p5,p6)))) encoding' = 
-    (r := SOME (p1,encoding',p2,p3,p4,p5,p6))
-fun naming_of (Computer (Unsynchronized.ref (SOME (_,_,_,_,_,_,n)))) = n
-fun set_naming (Computer (r as Unsynchronized.ref (SOME (p1,p2,p3,p4,p5,p6,naming)))) naming'= 
-    (r := SOME (p1,p2,p3,p4,p5,p6,naming'))
-fun ref_of (Computer r) = r
-datatype cthm = ComputeThm of term list * sort list * term
-fun thm2cthm th = 
-    let
-        val {hyps, prop, tpairs, shyps, ...} = Thm.rep_thm th
-        val _ = if not (null tpairs) then raise Make "theorems may not contain tpairs" else ()
-    in
-        ComputeThm (hyps, shyps, prop)
-    end
-fun make_internal machine thy stamp encoding cache_pattern_terms raw_ths =
-    let
-        fun transfer (x:thm) = Thm.transfer thy x
-        val ths = map (thm2cthm o Thm.strip_shyps o transfer) raw_ths
-        fun make_pattern encoding n vars (var as AbstractMachine.Abs _) =
-            raise (Make "no lambda abstractions allowed in pattern")
-          | make_pattern encoding n vars (var as AbstractMachine.Var _) =
-            raise (Make "no bound variables allowed in pattern")
-          | make_pattern encoding n vars (AbstractMachine.Const code) =
-            (case the (Encode.lookup_term code encoding) of
-                 Var _ => ((n+1, Inttab.update_new (code, n) vars, AbstractMachine.PVar)
-                           handle Inttab.DUP _ => raise (Make "no duplicate variable in pattern allowed"))
-               | _ => (n, vars, AbstractMachine.PConst (code, [])))
-          | make_pattern encoding n vars (AbstractMachine.App (a, b)) =
-            let
-                val (n, vars, pa) = make_pattern encoding n vars a
-                val (n, vars, pb) = make_pattern encoding n vars b
-            in
-                case pa of
-                    AbstractMachine.PVar =>
-                    raise (Make "patterns may not start with a variable")
-                  | AbstractMachine.PConst (c, args) =>
-                    (n, vars, AbstractMachine.PConst (c, args@[pb]))
-            end
-        fun thm2rule (encoding, hyptable, shyptable) th =
-            let
-                val (ComputeThm (hyps, shyps, prop)) = th
-                val hyptable = fold (fn h => Termtab.update (h, ())) hyps hyptable
-                val shyptable = fold (fn sh => Sorttab.update (sh, ())) shyps shyptable
-                val (prems, prop) = (Logic.strip_imp_prems prop, Logic.strip_imp_concl prop)
-                val (a, b) = Logic.dest_equals prop
-                  handle TERM _ => raise (Make "theorems must be meta-level equations (with optional guards)")
-                val a = Envir.eta_contract a
-                val b = Envir.eta_contract b
-                val prems = map Envir.eta_contract prems
-                val (encoding, left) = remove_types encoding a     
-                val (encoding, right) = remove_types encoding b  
-                fun remove_types_of_guard encoding g = 
-                    (let
-                         val (t1, t2) = Logic.dest_equals g 
-                         val (encoding, t1) = remove_types encoding t1
-                         val (encoding, t2) = remove_types encoding t2
-                     in
-                         (encoding, AbstractMachine.Guard (t1, t2))
-                     end handle TERM _ => raise (Make "guards must be meta-level equations"))
-                val (encoding, prems) = fold_rev (fn p => fn (encoding, ps) => let val (e, p) = remove_types_of_guard encoding p in (e, p::ps) end) prems (encoding, [])
-                (* Principally, a check should be made here to see if the (meta-) hyps contain any of the variables of the rule.
-                   As it is, all variables of the rule are schematic, and there are no schematic variables in meta-hyps, therefore
-                   this check can be left out. *)
-                val (vcount, vars, pattern) = make_pattern encoding 0 Inttab.empty left
-                val _ = (case pattern of
-                             AbstractMachine.PVar =>
-                             raise (Make "patterns may not start with a variable")
-                         (*  | AbstractMachine.PConst (_, []) => 
-                             (print th; raise (Make "no parameter rewrite found"))*)
-                           | _ => ())
-                (* finally, provide a function for renaming the
-                   pattern bound variables on the right hand side *)
-                fun rename level vars (var as AbstractMachine.Var _) = var
-                  | rename level vars (c as AbstractMachine.Const code) =
-                    (case Inttab.lookup vars code of 
-                         NONE => c 
-                       | SOME n => AbstractMachine.Var (vcount-n-1+level))
-                  | rename level vars (AbstractMachine.App (a, b)) =
-                    AbstractMachine.App (rename level vars a, rename level vars b)
-                  | rename level vars (AbstractMachine.Abs m) =
-                    AbstractMachine.Abs (rename (level+1) vars m)
-                fun rename_guard (AbstractMachine.Guard (a,b)) = 
-                    AbstractMachine.Guard (rename 0 vars a, rename 0 vars b)
-            in
-                ((encoding, hyptable, shyptable), (map rename_guard prems, pattern, rename 0 vars right))
-            end
-        val ((encoding, hyptable, shyptable), rules) =
-          fold_rev (fn th => fn (encoding_hyptable, rules) =>
-            let
-              val (encoding_hyptable, rule) = thm2rule encoding_hyptable th
-            in (encoding_hyptable, rule::rules) end)
-          ths ((encoding, Termtab.empty, Sorttab.empty), [])
-        fun make_cache_pattern t (encoding, cache_patterns) =
-            let
-                val (encoding, a) = remove_types encoding t
-                val (_,_,p) = make_pattern encoding 0 Inttab.empty a
-            in
-                (encoding, p::cache_patterns)
-            end
-        val (encoding, cache_patterns) = fold_rev make_cache_pattern cache_pattern_terms (encoding, [])
-        fun arity (Type ("fun", [a,b])) = 1 + arity b
-          | arity _ = 0
-        fun make_arity (Const (s, _), i) tab = 
-            (Inttab.update (i, arity (Sign.the_const_type thy s)) tab handle TYPE _ => tab)
-          | make_arity _ tab = tab
-        val const_arity_tab = Encode.fold make_arity encoding Inttab.empty
-        fun const_arity x = Inttab.lookup const_arity_tab x 
-        val prog = 
-            case machine of 
-                BARRAS => ProgBarras (AM_Interpreter.compile cache_patterns const_arity rules)
-              | BARRAS_COMPILED => ProgBarrasC (AM_Compiler.compile cache_patterns const_arity rules)
-              | HASKELL => ProgHaskell (AM_GHC.compile cache_patterns const_arity rules)
-              | SML => ProgSML (AM_SML.compile cache_patterns const_arity rules)
-        fun has_witness s = not (null (Sign.witness_sorts thy [] [s]))
-        val shyptable = fold Sorttab.delete (filter has_witness (Sorttab.keys (shyptable))) shyptable
-    in (Theory.check_thy thy, encoding, Termtab.keys hyptable, shyptable, prog, stamp, default_naming) end
-fun make_with_cache machine thy cache_patterns raw_thms =
-  Computer (Unsynchronized.ref (SOME (make_internal machine thy (Unsynchronized.ref ()) Encode.empty cache_patterns raw_thms)))
-fun make machine thy raw_thms = make_with_cache machine thy [] raw_thms
-fun update_with_cache computer cache_patterns raw_thms =
-    let 
-        val c = make_internal (machine_of_prog (prog_of computer)) (theory_of computer) (stamp_of computer) 
-                              (encoding_of computer) cache_patterns raw_thms
-        val _ = (ref_of computer) := SOME c     
-    in
-        ()
-    end
-fun update computer raw_thms = update_with_cache computer [] raw_thms
-fun discard computer =
-    let
-        val _ = 
-            case prog_of computer of
-                ProgBarras p => AM_Interpreter.discard p
-              | ProgBarrasC p => AM_Compiler.discard p
-              | ProgHaskell p => AM_GHC.discard p
-              | ProgSML p => AM_SML.discard p
-        val _ = (ref_of computer) := NONE
-    in
-        ()
-    end 
-fun runprog (ProgBarras p) = p
-  | runprog (ProgBarrasC p) = p
-  | runprog (ProgHaskell p) = p
-  | runprog (ProgSML p) = p    
-(* ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
-(* An oracle for exporting theorems; must only be accessible from inside this structure! *)
-(* ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
-fun merge_hyps hyps1 hyps2 = 
-    fun add hyps tab = fold (fn h => fn tab => Termtab.update (h, ()) tab) hyps tab
-    Termtab.keys (add hyps2 (add hyps1 Termtab.empty))
-fun add_shyps shyps tab = fold (fn h => fn tab => Sorttab.update (h, ()) tab) shyps tab
-fun merge_shyps shyps1 shyps2 = Sorttab.keys (add_shyps shyps2 (add_shyps shyps1 Sorttab.empty))
-val (_, export_oracle) = Context.>>> (Context.map_theory_result
-  (Thm.add_oracle ( "compute", fn (thy, hyps, shyps, prop) =>
-    let
-        val shyptab = add_shyps shyps Sorttab.empty
-        fun delete s shyptab = Sorttab.delete s shyptab handle Sorttab.UNDEF _ => shyptab
-        fun delete_term t shyptab = fold delete (Sorts.insert_term t []) shyptab
-        fun has_witness s = not (null (Sign.witness_sorts thy [] [s]))
-        val shyptab = fold Sorttab.delete (filter has_witness (Sorttab.keys (shyptab))) shyptab
-        val shyps = if Sorttab.is_empty shyptab then [] else Sorttab.keys (fold delete_term (prop::hyps) shyptab)
-        val _ =
-          if not (null shyps) then
-            raise Compute ("dangling sort hypotheses: " ^
-              commas (map (Syntax.string_of_sort_global thy) shyps))
-          else ()
-    in
-        Thm.cterm_of thy (fold_rev (fn hyp => fn p => Logic.mk_implies (hyp, p)) hyps prop)
-    end)));
-fun export_thm thy hyps shyps prop =
-    let
-        val th = export_oracle (thy, hyps, shyps, prop)
-        val hyps = map (fn h => Thm.assume (cterm_of thy h)) hyps
-    in
-        fold (fn h => fn p => Thm.implies_elim p h) hyps th 
-    end
-(* --------- Rewrite ----------- *)
-fun rewrite computer ct =
-    let
-        val thy = Thm.theory_of_cterm ct
-        val {t=t',T=ty,...} = rep_cterm ct
-        val _ = Theory.assert_super (theory_of computer) thy
-        val naming = naming_of computer
-        val (encoding, t) = remove_types (encoding_of computer) t'
-        (*val _ = if (!print_encoding) then writeln (makestring ("encoding: ",Encode.fold (fn x => fn s => x::s) encoding [])) else ()*)
-        val t = runprog (prog_of computer) t
-        val t = infer_types naming encoding ty t
-        val eq = Logic.mk_equals (t', t)
-    in
-        export_thm thy (hyps_of computer) (Sorttab.keys (shyptab_of computer)) eq
-    end
-(* --------- Simplify ------------ *)
-datatype prem = EqPrem of AbstractMachine.term * AbstractMachine.term * Term.typ * int 
-              | Prem of AbstractMachine.term
-datatype theorem = Theorem of theory_ref * unit Unsynchronized.ref * (int * typ) Symtab.table * (AbstractMachine.term option) Inttab.table  
-               * prem list * AbstractMachine.term * term list * sort list
-exception ParamSimplify of computer * theorem
-fun make_theorem computer th vars =
-    val _ = Theory.assert_super (theory_of computer) (theory_of_thm th)
-    val (ComputeThm (hyps, shyps, prop)) = thm2cthm th 
-    val encoding = encoding_of computer
-    (* variables in the theorem are identified upfront *)
-    fun collect_vars (Abs (_, _, t)) tab = collect_vars t tab
-      | collect_vars (a $ b) tab = collect_vars b (collect_vars a tab)
-      | collect_vars (Const _) tab = tab
-      | collect_vars (Free _) tab = tab
-      | collect_vars (Var ((s, i), ty)) tab = 
-            if List.find (fn x => x=s) vars = NONE then 
-                tab
-            else                
-                (case Symtab.lookup tab s of
-                     SOME ((s',i'),ty') => 
-                     if s' <> s orelse i' <> i orelse ty <> ty' then 
-                         raise Compute ("make_theorem: variable name '"^s^"' is not unique")
-                     else 
-                         tab
-                   | NONE => Symtab.update (s, ((s, i), ty)) tab)
-    val vartab = collect_vars prop Symtab.empty 
-    fun encodevar (s, t as (_, ty)) (encoding, tab) = 
-        let
-            val (x, encoding) = Encode.insert (Var t) encoding
-        in
-            (encoding, Symtab.update (s, (x, ty)) tab)
-        end
-    val (encoding, vartab) = Symtab.fold encodevar vartab (encoding, Symtab.empty)                                                     
-    val varsubst = Inttab.make (map (fn (s, (x, _)) => (x, NONE)) (Symtab.dest vartab))
-    (* make the premises and the conclusion *)
-    fun mk_prem encoding t = 
-        (let
-             val (a, b) = Logic.dest_equals t
-             val ty = type_of a
-             val (encoding, a) = remove_types encoding a
-             val (encoding, b) = remove_types encoding b
-             val (eq, encoding) = Encode.insert (Const ("==", ty --> ty --> @{typ "prop"})) encoding 
-         in
-             (encoding, EqPrem (a, b, ty, eq))
-         end handle TERM _ => let val (encoding, t) = remove_types encoding t in (encoding, Prem t) end)
-    val (encoding, prems) = 
-        (fold_rev (fn t => fn (encoding, l) => 
-            case mk_prem encoding t  of 
-                (encoding, t) => (encoding, t::l)) (Logic.strip_imp_prems prop) (encoding, []))
-    val (encoding, concl) = remove_types encoding (Logic.strip_imp_concl prop)
-    val _ = set_encoding computer encoding
-    Theorem (Theory.check_thy (theory_of_thm th), stamp_of computer, vartab, varsubst, 
-             prems, concl, hyps, shyps)
-fun theory_of_theorem (Theorem (rthy,_,_,_,_,_,_,_)) = Theory.deref rthy
-fun update_theory thy (Theorem (_,p0,p1,p2,p3,p4,p5,p6)) =
-    Theorem (Theory.check_thy thy,p0,p1,p2,p3,p4,p5,p6)
-fun stamp_of_theorem (Theorem (_,s, _, _, _, _, _, _)) = s     
-fun vartab_of_theorem (Theorem (_,_,vt,_,_,_,_,_)) = vt
-fun varsubst_of_theorem (Theorem (_,_,_,vs,_,_,_,_)) = vs 
-fun update_varsubst vs (Theorem (p0,p1,p2,_,p3,p4,p5,p6)) = Theorem (p0,p1,p2,vs,p3,p4,p5,p6)
-fun prems_of_theorem (Theorem (_,_,_,_,prems,_,_,_)) = prems
-fun update_prems prems (Theorem (p0,p1,p2,p3,_,p4,p5,p6)) = Theorem (p0,p1,p2,p3,prems,p4,p5,p6)
-fun concl_of_theorem (Theorem (_,_,_,_,_,concl,_,_)) = concl
-fun hyps_of_theorem (Theorem (_,_,_,_,_,_,hyps,_)) = hyps
-fun update_hyps hyps (Theorem (p0,p1,p2,p3,p4,p5,_,p6)) = Theorem (p0,p1,p2,p3,p4,p5,hyps,p6)
-fun shyps_of_theorem (Theorem (_,_,_,_,_,_,_,shyps)) = shyps
-fun update_shyps shyps (Theorem (p0,p1,p2,p3,p4,p5,p6,_)) = Theorem (p0,p1,p2,p3,p4,p5,p6,shyps)
-fun check_compatible computer th s = 
-    if stamp_of computer <> stamp_of_theorem th then
-        raise Compute (s^": computer and theorem are incompatible")
-    else ()
-fun instantiate computer insts th =
-    val _ = check_compatible computer th
-    val thy = theory_of computer
-    val vartab = vartab_of_theorem th
-    fun rewrite computer t =
-    let  
-        val naming = naming_of computer
-        val (encoding, t) = remove_types (encoding_of computer) t
-        val t = runprog (prog_of computer) t
-        val _ = set_encoding computer encoding
-    in
-        t
-    end
-    fun assert_varfree vs t = 
-        if AbstractMachine.forall_consts (fn x => Inttab.lookup vs x = NONE) t then
-            ()
-        else
-            raise Compute "instantiate: assert_varfree failed"
-    fun assert_closed t =
-        if AbstractMachine.closed t then
-            ()
-        else 
-            raise Compute "instantiate: not a closed term"
-    fun compute_inst (s, ct) vs =
-        let
-            val _ = Theory.assert_super (theory_of_cterm ct) thy
-            val ty = typ_of (ctyp_of_term ct) 
-        in          
-            (case Symtab.lookup vartab s of 
-                 NONE => raise Compute ("instantiate: variable '"^s^"' not found in theorem")
-               | SOME (x, ty') => 
-                 (case Inttab.lookup vs x of 
-                      SOME (SOME _) => raise Compute ("instantiate: variable '"^s^"' has already been instantiated")
-                    | SOME NONE => 
-                      if ty <> ty' then 
-                          raise Compute ("instantiate: wrong type for variable '"^s^"'")
-                      else
-                          let
-                              val t = rewrite computer (term_of ct)
-                              val _ = assert_varfree vs t 
-                              val _ = assert_closed t
-                          in
-                              Inttab.update (x, SOME t) vs
-                          end
-                    | NONE => raise Compute "instantiate: internal error"))
-        end
-    val vs = fold compute_inst insts (varsubst_of_theorem th)
-    update_varsubst vs th
-fun match_aterms subst =
-    let 
-        exception no_match
-        open AbstractMachine
-        fun match subst (b as (Const c)) a = 
-            if a = b then subst
-            else 
-                (case Inttab.lookup subst c of 
-                     SOME (SOME a') => if a=a' then subst else raise no_match
-                   | SOME NONE => if AbstractMachine.closed a then 
-                                      Inttab.update (c, SOME a) subst 
-                                  else raise no_match
-                   | NONE => raise no_match)
-          | match subst (b as (Var _)) a = if a=b then subst else raise no_match
-          | match subst (App (u, v)) (App (u', v')) = match (match subst u u') v v'
-          | match subst (Abs u) (Abs u') = match subst u u'
-          | match subst _ _ = raise no_match
-    in
-        fn b => fn a => (SOME (match subst b a) handle no_match => NONE)
-    end
-fun apply_subst vars_allowed subst =
-    let
-        open AbstractMachine
-        fun app (t as (Const c)) = 
-            (case Inttab.lookup subst c of 
-                 NONE => t 
-               | SOME (SOME t) => Computed t
-               | SOME NONE => if vars_allowed then t else raise Compute "apply_subst: no vars allowed")
-          | app (t as (Var _)) = t
-          | app (App (u, v)) = App (app u, app v)
-          | app (Abs m) = Abs (app m)
-    in
-        app
-    end
-fun splicein n l L = List.take (L, n) @ l @ List.drop (L, n+1)
-fun evaluate_prem computer prem_no th =
-    val _ = check_compatible computer th
-    val prems = prems_of_theorem th
-    val varsubst = varsubst_of_theorem th
-    fun run vars_allowed t = 
-        runprog (prog_of computer) (apply_subst vars_allowed varsubst t)
-    case List.nth (prems, prem_no) of
-        Prem _ => raise Compute "evaluate_prem: no equality premise"
-      | EqPrem (a, b, ty, _) =>         
-        let
-            val a' = run false a
-            val b' = run true b
-        in
-            case match_aterms varsubst b' a' of
-                NONE => 
-                let
-                    fun mk s = Syntax.string_of_term_global Pure.thy
-                      (infer_types (naming_of computer) (encoding_of computer) ty s)
-                    val left = "computed left side: "^(mk a')
-                    val right = "computed right side: "^(mk b')
-                in
-                    raise Compute ("evaluate_prem: cannot assign computed left to right hand side\n"^left^"\n"^right^"\n")
-                end
-              | SOME varsubst => 
-                update_prems (splicein prem_no [] prems) (update_varsubst varsubst th)
-        end
-fun prem2term (Prem t) = t
-  | prem2term (EqPrem (a,b,_,eq)) = 
-    AbstractMachine.App (AbstractMachine.App (AbstractMachine.Const eq, a), b)
-fun modus_ponens computer prem_no th' th = 
-    val _ = check_compatible computer th
-    val thy = 
-        let
-            val thy1 = theory_of_theorem th
-            val thy2 = theory_of_thm th'
-        in
-            if Theory.subthy (thy1, thy2) then thy2 
-            else if Theory.subthy (thy2, thy1) then thy1 else
-            raise Compute "modus_ponens: theorems are not compatible with each other"
-        end 
-    val th' = make_theorem computer th' []
-    val varsubst = varsubst_of_theorem th
-    fun run vars_allowed t =
-        runprog (prog_of computer) (apply_subst vars_allowed varsubst t)
-    val prems = prems_of_theorem th
-    val prem = run true (prem2term (List.nth (prems, prem_no)))
-    val concl = run false (concl_of_theorem th')    
-    case match_aterms varsubst prem concl of
-        NONE => raise Compute "modus_ponens: conclusion does not match premise"
-      | SOME varsubst =>
-        let
-            val th = update_varsubst varsubst th
-            val th = update_prems (splicein prem_no (prems_of_theorem th') prems) th
-            val th = update_hyps (merge_hyps (hyps_of_theorem th) (hyps_of_theorem th')) th
-            val th = update_shyps (merge_shyps (shyps_of_theorem th) (shyps_of_theorem th')) th
-        in
-            update_theory thy th
-        end
-fun simplify computer th =
-    val _ = check_compatible computer th
-    val varsubst = varsubst_of_theorem th
-    val encoding = encoding_of computer
-    val naming = naming_of computer
-    fun infer t = infer_types naming encoding @{typ "prop"} t
-    fun run t = infer (runprog (prog_of computer) (apply_subst true varsubst t))
-    fun runprem p = run (prem2term p)
-    val prop = Logic.list_implies (map runprem (prems_of_theorem th), run (concl_of_theorem th))
-    val hyps = merge_hyps (hyps_of computer) (hyps_of_theorem th)
-    val shyps = merge_shyps (shyps_of_theorem th) (Sorttab.keys (shyptab_of computer))
-    export_thm (theory_of_theorem th) hyps shyps prop