--- a/src/HOL/Multivariate_Analysis/Bounded_Linear_Function.thy Mon Jan 11 13:15:15 2016 +0100
+++ b/src/HOL/Multivariate_Analysis/Bounded_Linear_Function.thy Mon Jan 11 15:20:17 2016 +0100
@@ -467,74 +467,15 @@
"(if P then (1::'a::comm_semiring_1) else 0) * q = (if P then q else 0)"
by auto
-text \<open>TODO: generalize this and @{thm compact_lemma}?!\<close>
lemma compact_blinfun_lemma:
fixes f :: "nat \<Rightarrow> 'a::euclidean_space \<Rightarrow>\<^sub>L 'b::euclidean_space"
assumes "bounded (range f)"
shows "\<forall>d\<subseteq>Basis. \<exists>l::'a \<Rightarrow>\<^sub>L 'b. \<exists> r.
subseq r \<and> (\<forall>e>0. eventually (\<lambda>n. \<forall>i\<in>d. dist (f (r n) i) (l i) < e) sequentially)"
-proof safe
- fix d :: "'a set"
- assume d: "d \<subseteq> Basis"
- with finite_Basis have "finite d"
- by (blast intro: finite_subset)
- from this d show "\<exists>l::'a \<Rightarrow>\<^sub>L 'b. \<exists>r. subseq r \<and>
- (\<forall>e>0. eventually (\<lambda>n. \<forall>i\<in>d. dist (f (r n) i) (l i) < e) sequentially)"
- proof (induct d)
- case empty
- then show ?case
- unfolding subseq_def by auto
- next
- case (insert k d)
- have k[intro]: "k \<in> Basis"
- using insert by auto
- have s': "bounded ((\<lambda>x. blinfun_apply x k) ` range f)"
- using \<open>bounded (range f)\<close>
- by (auto intro!: bounded_linear_image bounded_linear_intros)
- obtain l1::"'a \<Rightarrow>\<^sub>L 'b" and r1 where r1: "subseq r1"
- and lr1: "\<forall>e > 0. eventually (\<lambda>n. \<forall>i\<in>d. dist (f (r1 n) i) (l1 i) < e) sequentially"
- using insert(3) using insert(4) by auto
- have f': "\<forall>n. f (r1 n) k \<in> (\<lambda>x. blinfun_apply x k) ` range f"
- by simp
- have "bounded (range (\<lambda>i. f (r1 i) k))"
- by (metis (lifting) bounded_subset f' image_subsetI s')
- then obtain l2 r2
- where r2: "subseq r2"
- and lr2: "((\<lambda>i. f (r1 (r2 i)) k) \<longlongrightarrow> l2) sequentially"
- using bounded_imp_convergent_subsequence[of "\<lambda>i. f (r1 i) k"]
- by (auto simp: o_def)
- def r \<equiv> "r1 \<circ> r2"
- have r:"subseq r"
- using r1 and r2 unfolding r_def o_def subseq_def by auto
- moreover
- def l \<equiv> "blinfun_of_matrix (\<lambda>i j. if j = k then l2 \<bullet> i else l1 j \<bullet> i)::'a \<Rightarrow>\<^sub>L 'b"
- {
- fix e::real
- assume "e > 0"
- from lr1 \<open>e > 0\<close> have N1: "eventually (\<lambda>n. \<forall>i\<in>d. dist (f (r1 n) i) (l1 i) < e) sequentially"
- by blast
- from lr2 \<open>e > 0\<close> have N2:"eventually (\<lambda>n. dist (f (r1 (r2 n)) k) l2 < e) sequentially"
- by (rule tendstoD)
- from r2 N1 have N1': "eventually (\<lambda>n. \<forall>i\<in>d. dist (f (r1 (r2 n)) i) (l1 i) < e) sequentially"
- by (rule eventually_subseq)
- have l2: "l k = l2"
- using insert.prems
- by (auto simp: blinfun_of_matrix.rep_eq inner_Basis l_def mult_if_delta
- scaleR_setsum_left[symmetric] setsum.delta' intro!: euclidean_eqI[where 'a='b])
- {
- fix i assume "i \<in> d"
- with insert have "i \<in> Basis" "i \<noteq> k" by auto
- hence l1: "l i = (l1 i)"
- by (auto simp: blinfun_of_matrix.rep_eq inner_Basis l_def mult_if_delta
- scaleR_setsum_left[symmetric] setsum.delta' intro!: euclidean_eqI[where 'a='b])
- } note l1 = this
- have "eventually (\<lambda>n. \<forall>i\<in>(insert k d). dist (f (r n) i) (l i) < e) sequentially"
- using N1' N2
- by eventually_elim (insert insert.prems, auto simp: r_def o_def l1 l2)
- }
- ultimately show ?case by auto
- qed
+ by (rule compact_lemma_general[where unproj = "\<lambda>e. blinfun_of_matrix (\<lambda>i j. e j \<bullet> i)"])
+ (auto intro!: euclidean_eqI[where 'a='b] bounded_linear_image assms
+ simp: blinfun_of_matrix_works blinfun_of_matrix_apply inner_Basis mult_if_delta setsum.delta'
+ scaleR_setsum_left[symmetric])
lemma blinfun_euclidean_eqI: "(\<And>i. i \<in> Basis \<Longrightarrow> blinfun_apply x i = blinfun_apply y i) \<Longrightarrow> x = y"
apply (auto intro!: blinfun_eqI)