changeset 38986 e34c1b09bb5e
parent 38939 f0aa0c49fdbf
child 38988 483879af0643
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/src/HOL/Tools/Sledgehammer/sledgehammer_filter.ML	Tue Aug 31 23:46:23 2010 +0200
@@ -0,0 +1,800 @@
+(*  Title:      HOL/Tools/Sledgehammer/sledgehammer_fact_filter.ML
+    Author:     Jia Meng, Cambridge University Computer Laboratory and NICTA
+    Author:     Jasmin Blanchette, TU Muenchen
+  datatype locality = General | Intro | Elim | Simp | Local | Chained
+  type relevance_override =
+    {add: Facts.ref list,
+     del: Facts.ref list,
+     only: bool}
+  val trace : bool Unsynchronized.ref
+  val worse_irrel_freq : real Unsynchronized.ref
+  val higher_order_irrel_weight : real Unsynchronized.ref
+  val abs_rel_weight : real Unsynchronized.ref
+  val abs_irrel_weight : real Unsynchronized.ref
+  val skolem_irrel_weight : real Unsynchronized.ref
+  val intro_bonus : real Unsynchronized.ref
+  val elim_bonus : real Unsynchronized.ref
+  val simp_bonus : real Unsynchronized.ref
+  val local_bonus : real Unsynchronized.ref
+  val chained_bonus : real Unsynchronized.ref
+  val max_imperfect : real Unsynchronized.ref
+  val max_imperfect_exp : real Unsynchronized.ref
+  val threshold_divisor : real Unsynchronized.ref
+  val ridiculous_threshold : real Unsynchronized.ref
+  val name_thm_pairs_from_ref :
+    Proof.context -> unit Symtab.table -> thm list -> Facts.ref
+    -> ((string * locality) * thm) list
+  val relevant_facts :
+    Proof.context -> bool -> real * real -> int -> bool -> relevance_override
+    -> thm list -> term list -> term -> ((string * locality) * thm) list
+structure Sledgehammer_Fact_Filter : SLEDGEHAMMER_FACT_FILTER =
+open Sledgehammer_Util
+val trace = Unsynchronized.ref false
+fun trace_msg msg = if !trace then tracing (msg ()) else ()
+(* experimental feature *)
+val term_patterns = false
+val respect_no_atp = true
+datatype locality = General | Intro | Elim | Simp | Local | Chained
+type relevance_override =
+  {add: Facts.ref list,
+   del: Facts.ref list,
+   only: bool}
+val sledgehammer_prefix = "Sledgehammer" ^ Long_Name.separator
+fun repair_name reserved multi j name =
+  (name |> Symtab.defined reserved name ? quote) ^
+  (if multi then "(" ^ Int.toString j ^ ")" else "")
+fun name_thm_pairs_from_ref ctxt reserved chained_ths xref =
+  let
+    val ths = ProofContext.get_fact ctxt xref
+    val name = Facts.string_of_ref xref
+    val multi = length ths > 1
+  in
+    (ths, (1, []))
+    |-> fold (fn th => fn (j, rest) =>
+                 (j + 1, ((repair_name reserved multi j name,
+                          if member Thm.eq_thm chained_ths th then Chained
+                          else General), th) :: rest))
+    |> snd
+  end
+(* Relevance Filtering                                         *)
+(*** constants with types ***)
+fun order_of_type (Type (@{type_name fun}, [T1, @{typ bool}])) =
+    order_of_type T1 (* cheat: pretend sets are first-order *)
+  | order_of_type (Type (@{type_name fun}, [T1, T2])) =
+    Int.max (order_of_type T1 + 1, order_of_type T2)
+  | order_of_type (Type (_, Ts)) = fold (Integer.max o order_of_type) Ts 0
+  | order_of_type _ = 0
+(* An abstraction of Isabelle types and first-order terms *)
+datatype pattern = PVar | PApp of string * pattern list
+datatype ptype = PType of int * pattern list
+fun string_for_pattern PVar = "_"
+  | string_for_pattern (PApp (s, ps)) =
+    if null ps then s else s ^ string_for_patterns ps
+and string_for_patterns ps = "(" ^ commas (map string_for_pattern ps) ^ ")"
+fun string_for_ptype (PType (_, ps)) = string_for_patterns ps
+(*Is the second type an instance of the first one?*)
+fun match_pattern (PVar, _) = true
+  | match_pattern (PApp _, PVar) = false
+  | match_pattern (PApp (s, ps), PApp (t, qs)) =
+    s = t andalso match_patterns (ps, qs)
+and match_patterns (_, []) = true
+  | match_patterns ([], _) = false
+  | match_patterns (p :: ps, q :: qs) =
+    match_pattern (p, q) andalso match_patterns (ps, qs)
+fun match_ptype (PType (_, ps), PType (_, qs)) = match_patterns (ps, qs)
+(* Is there a unifiable constant? *)
+fun pconst_mem f consts (s, ps) =
+  exists (curry (match_ptype o f) ps)
+         (map snd (filter (curry (op =) s o fst) consts))
+fun pconst_hyper_mem f const_tab (s, ps) =
+  exists (curry (match_ptype o f) ps) (these (Symtab.lookup const_tab s))
+fun pattern_for_type (Type (s, Ts)) = PApp (s, map pattern_for_type Ts)
+  | pattern_for_type (TFree (s, _)) = PApp (s, [])
+  | pattern_for_type (TVar _) = PVar
+fun pterm thy t =
+  case strip_comb t of
+    (Const x, ts) => PApp (pconst thy true x ts)
+  | (Free x, ts) => PApp (pconst thy false x ts)
+  | (Var x, []) => PVar
+  | _ => PApp ("?", [])  (* equivalence class of higher-order constructs *)
+(* Pairs a constant with the list of its type instantiations. *)
+and ptype thy const x ts =
+  (if const then map pattern_for_type (these (try (Sign.const_typargs thy) x))
+   else []) @
+  (if term_patterns then map (pterm thy) ts else [])
+and pconst thy const (s, T) ts = (s, ptype thy const (s, T) ts)
+and rich_ptype thy const (s, T) ts =
+  PType (order_of_type T, ptype thy const (s, T) ts)
+and rich_pconst thy const (s, T) ts = (s, rich_ptype thy const (s, T) ts)
+fun string_for_hyper_pconst (s, ps) =
+  s ^ "{" ^ commas (map string_for_ptype ps) ^ "}"
+val abs_name = "Sledgehammer.abs"
+val skolem_prefix = "Sledgehammer.sko"
+(* These are typically simplified away by "Meson.presimplify". Equality is
+   handled specially via "fequal". *)
+val boring_consts =
+  [@{const_name False}, @{const_name True}, @{const_name If}, @{const_name Let},
+   @{const_name HOL.eq}]
+(* Add a pconstant to the table, but a [] entry means a standard
+   connective, which we ignore.*)
+fun add_pconst_to_table also_skolem (c, p) =
+  if member (op =) boring_consts c orelse
+     (not also_skolem andalso String.isPrefix skolem_prefix c) then
+    I
+  else
+    Symtab.map_default (c, [p]) (insert (op =) p)
+fun is_formula_type T = (T = HOLogic.boolT orelse T = propT)
+fun pconsts_in_terms thy also_skolems pos ts =
+  let
+    val flip = not
+    (* We include free variables, as well as constants, to handle locales. For
+       each quantifiers that must necessarily be skolemized by the ATP, we
+       introduce a fresh constant to simulate the effect of Skolemization. *)
+    fun do_const const (s, T) ts =
+      add_pconst_to_table also_skolems (rich_pconst thy const (s, T) ts)
+      #> fold do_term ts
+    and do_term t =
+      case strip_comb t of
+        (Const x, ts) => do_const true x ts
+      | (Free x, ts) => do_const false x ts
+      | (Abs (_, T, t'), ts) =>
+        (null ts
+         ? add_pconst_to_table true (abs_name, PType (order_of_type T + 1, [])))
+        #> fold do_term (t' :: ts)
+      | (_, ts) => fold do_term ts
+    fun do_quantifier will_surely_be_skolemized abs_T body_t =
+      do_formula pos body_t
+      #> (if also_skolems andalso will_surely_be_skolemized then
+            add_pconst_to_table true
+                         (gensym skolem_prefix, PType (order_of_type abs_T, []))
+          else
+            I)
+    and do_term_or_formula T =
+      if is_formula_type T then do_formula NONE else do_term
+    and do_formula pos t =
+      case t of
+        Const (@{const_name all}, _) $ Abs (_, T, t') =>
+        do_quantifier (pos = SOME false) T t'
+      | @{const "==>"} $ t1 $ t2 =>
+        do_formula (flip pos) t1 #> do_formula pos t2
+      | Const (@{const_name "=="}, Type (_, [T, _])) $ t1 $ t2 =>
+        fold (do_term_or_formula T) [t1, t2]
+      | @{const Trueprop} $ t1 => do_formula pos t1
+      | @{const Not} $ t1 => do_formula (flip pos) t1
+      | Const (@{const_name All}, _) $ Abs (_, T, t') =>
+        do_quantifier (pos = SOME false) T t'
+      | Const (@{const_name Ex}, _) $ Abs (_, T, t') =>
+        do_quantifier (pos = SOME true) T t'
+      | @{const HOL.conj} $ t1 $ t2 => fold (do_formula pos) [t1, t2]
+      | @{const HOL.disj} $ t1 $ t2 => fold (do_formula pos) [t1, t2]
+      | @{const HOL.implies} $ t1 $ t2 =>
+        do_formula (flip pos) t1 #> do_formula pos t2
+      | Const (@{const_name HOL.eq}, Type (_, [T, _])) $ t1 $ t2 =>
+        fold (do_term_or_formula T) [t1, t2]
+      | Const (@{const_name If}, Type (_, [_, Type (_, [T, _])]))
+        $ t1 $ t2 $ t3 =>
+        do_formula NONE t1 #> fold (do_term_or_formula T) [t2, t3]
+      | Const (@{const_name Ex1}, _) $ Abs (_, T, t') =>
+        do_quantifier (is_some pos) T t'
+      | Const (@{const_name Ball}, _) $ t1 $ Abs (_, T, t') =>
+        do_quantifier (pos = SOME false) T
+                      (HOLogic.mk_imp (incr_boundvars 1 t1 $ Bound 0, t'))
+      | Const (@{const_name Bex}, _) $ t1 $ Abs (_, T, t') =>
+        do_quantifier (pos = SOME true) T
+                      (HOLogic.mk_conj (incr_boundvars 1 t1 $ Bound 0, t'))
+      | (t0 as Const (_, @{typ bool})) $ t1 =>
+        do_term t0 #> do_formula pos t1  (* theory constant *)
+      | _ => do_term t
+  in Symtab.empty |> fold (do_formula pos) ts end
+(*Inserts a dummy "constant" referring to the theory name, so that relevance
+  takes the given theory into account.*)
+fun theory_const_prop_of theory_relevant th =
+  if theory_relevant then
+    let
+      val name = Context.theory_name (theory_of_thm th)
+      val t = Const (name ^ ". 1", @{typ bool})
+    in t $ prop_of th end
+  else
+    prop_of th
+(**** Constant / Type Frequencies ****)
+(* A two-dimensional symbol table counts frequencies of constants. It's keyed
+   first by constant name and second by its list of type instantiations. For the
+   latter, we need a linear ordering on "pattern list". *)
+fun pattern_ord p =
+  case p of
+    (PVar, PVar) => EQUAL
+  | (PVar, PApp _) => LESS
+  | (PApp _, PVar) => GREATER
+  | (PApp q1, PApp q2) =>
+    prod_ord fast_string_ord (dict_ord pattern_ord) (q1, q2)
+fun ptype_ord (PType p, PType q) =
+  prod_ord (dict_ord pattern_ord) int_ord (swap p, swap q)
+structure PType_Tab = Table(type key = ptype val ord = ptype_ord)
+fun count_axiom_consts theory_relevant thy =
+  let
+    fun do_const const (s, T) ts =
+      (* Two-dimensional table update. Constant maps to types maps to count. *)
+      PType_Tab.map_default (rich_ptype thy const (s, T) ts, 0) (Integer.add 1)
+      |> Symtab.map_default (s, PType_Tab.empty)
+      #> fold do_term ts
+    and do_term t =
+      case strip_comb t of
+        (Const x, ts) => do_const true x ts
+      | (Free x, ts) => do_const false x ts
+      | (Abs (_, _, t'), ts) => fold do_term (t' :: ts)
+      | (_, ts) => fold do_term ts
+  in do_term o theory_const_prop_of theory_relevant o snd end
+(**** Actual Filtering Code ****)
+fun pow_int x 0 = 1.0
+  | pow_int x 1 = x
+  | pow_int x n = if n > 0 then x * pow_int x (n - 1) else pow_int x (n + 1) / x
+(*The frequency of a constant is the sum of those of all instances of its type.*)
+fun pconst_freq match const_tab (c, ps) =
+  PType_Tab.fold (fn (qs, m) => match (ps, qs) ? Integer.add m)
+                 (the (Symtab.lookup const_tab c)) 0
+(* A surprising number of theorems contain only a few significant constants.
+   These include all induction rules, and other general theorems. *)
+(* "log" seems best in practice. A constant function of one ignores the constant
+   frequencies. Rare constants give more points if they are relevant than less
+   rare ones. *)
+fun rel_weight_for order freq = 1.0 + 2.0 / Math.ln (Real.fromInt freq + 1.0)
+(* FUDGE *)
+val worse_irrel_freq = Unsynchronized.ref 100.0
+val higher_order_irrel_weight = Unsynchronized.ref 1.05
+(* Irrelevant constants are treated differently. We associate lower penalties to
+   very rare constants and very common ones -- the former because they can't
+   lead to the inclusion of too many new facts, and the latter because they are
+   so common as to be of little interest. *)
+fun irrel_weight_for order freq =
+  let val (k, x) = !worse_irrel_freq |> `Real.ceil in
+    (if freq < k then Math.ln (Real.fromInt (freq + 1)) / Math.ln x
+     else rel_weight_for order freq / rel_weight_for order k)
+    * pow_int (!higher_order_irrel_weight) (order - 1)
+  end
+(* FUDGE *)
+val abs_rel_weight = Unsynchronized.ref 0.5
+val abs_irrel_weight = Unsynchronized.ref 2.0
+val skolem_irrel_weight = Unsynchronized.ref 0.75
+(* Computes a constant's weight, as determined by its frequency. *)
+fun generic_pconst_weight abs_weight skolem_weight weight_for f const_tab
+                          (c as (s, PType (m, _))) =
+  if s = abs_name then abs_weight
+  else if String.isPrefix skolem_prefix s then skolem_weight
+  else weight_for m (pconst_freq (match_ptype o f) const_tab c)
+fun rel_pconst_weight const_tab =
+  generic_pconst_weight (!abs_rel_weight) 0.0 rel_weight_for I const_tab
+fun irrel_pconst_weight const_tab =
+  generic_pconst_weight (!abs_irrel_weight) (!skolem_irrel_weight)
+                        irrel_weight_for swap const_tab
+(* FUDGE *)
+val intro_bonus = Unsynchronized.ref 0.15
+val elim_bonus = Unsynchronized.ref 0.15
+val simp_bonus = Unsynchronized.ref 0.15
+val local_bonus = Unsynchronized.ref 0.55
+val chained_bonus = Unsynchronized.ref 1.5
+fun locality_bonus General = 0.0
+  | locality_bonus Intro = !intro_bonus
+  | locality_bonus Elim = !elim_bonus
+  | locality_bonus Simp = !simp_bonus
+  | locality_bonus Local = !local_bonus
+  | locality_bonus Chained = !chained_bonus
+fun axiom_weight loc const_tab relevant_consts axiom_consts =
+  case axiom_consts |> List.partition (pconst_hyper_mem I relevant_consts)
+                    ||> filter_out (pconst_hyper_mem swap relevant_consts) of
+    ([], _) => 0.0
+  | (rel, irrel) =>
+    let
+      val irrel = irrel |> filter_out (pconst_mem swap rel)
+      val rel_weight =
+        0.0 |> fold (curry (op +) o rel_pconst_weight const_tab) rel
+      val irrel_weight =
+        ~ (locality_bonus loc)
+        |> fold (curry (op +) o irrel_pconst_weight const_tab) irrel
+      val res = rel_weight / (rel_weight + irrel_weight)
+    in if Real.isFinite res then res else 0.0 end
+(* FIXME: experiment
+fun debug_axiom_weight loc const_tab relevant_consts axiom_consts =
+  case axiom_consts |> List.partition (pconst_hyper_mem I relevant_consts)
+                    ||> filter_out (pconst_hyper_mem swap relevant_consts) of
+    ([], _) => 0.0
+  | (rel, irrel) =>
+    let
+      val irrel = irrel |> filter_out (pconst_mem swap rel)
+      val rels_weight =
+        0.0 |> fold (curry (op +) o rel_pconst_weight const_tab) rel
+      val irrels_weight =
+        ~ (locality_bonus loc)
+        |> fold (curry (op +) o irrel_pconst_weight const_tab) irrel
+val _ = tracing (PolyML.makestring ("REL: ", map (`(rel_pconst_weight const_tab)) rel))
+val _ = tracing (PolyML.makestring ("IRREL: ", map (`(irrel_pconst_weight const_tab)) irrel))
+      val res = rels_weight / (rels_weight + irrels_weight)
+    in if Real.isFinite res then res else 0.0 end
+fun pconsts_in_axiom thy t =
+  Symtab.fold (fn (s, pss) => fold (cons o pair s) pss)
+              (pconsts_in_terms thy true (SOME true) [t]) []
+fun pair_consts_axiom theory_relevant thy axiom =
+  case axiom |> snd |> theory_const_prop_of theory_relevant
+             |> pconsts_in_axiom thy of
+    [] => NONE
+  | consts => SOME ((axiom, consts), NONE)
+type annotated_thm =
+  (((unit -> string) * locality) * thm) * (string * ptype) list
+(* FUDGE *)
+val max_imperfect = Unsynchronized.ref 11.5
+val max_imperfect_exp = Unsynchronized.ref 1.0
+fun take_most_relevant max_relevant remaining_max
+                       (candidates : (annotated_thm * real) list) =
+  let
+    val max_imperfect =
+      Real.ceil (Math.pow (!max_imperfect,
+                    Math.pow (Real.fromInt remaining_max
+                              / Real.fromInt max_relevant, !max_imperfect_exp)))
+    val (perfect, imperfect) =
+      candidates |> sort ( o swap o pairself snd)
+                 |> take_prefix (fn (_, w) => w > 0.99999)
+    val ((accepts, more_rejects), rejects) =
+      chop max_imperfect imperfect |>> append perfect |>> chop remaining_max
+  in
+    trace_msg (fn () =>
+        "Actually passed (" ^ Int.toString (length accepts) ^ " of " ^
+        Int.toString (length candidates) ^ "): " ^
+        (accepts |> map (fn ((((name, _), _), _), weight) =>
+                            name () ^ " [" ^ Real.toString weight ^ "]")
+                 |> commas));
+    (accepts, more_rejects @ rejects)
+  end
+fun if_empty_replace_with_locality thy axioms loc tab =
+  if Symtab.is_empty tab then
+    pconsts_in_terms thy false (SOME false)
+        (map_filter (fn ((_, loc'), th) =>
+                        if loc' = loc then SOME (prop_of th) else NONE) axioms)
+  else
+    tab
+(* FUDGE *)
+val threshold_divisor = Unsynchronized.ref 2.0
+val ridiculous_threshold = Unsynchronized.ref 0.1
+fun relevance_filter ctxt threshold0 decay max_relevant theory_relevant
+                     ({add, del, ...} : relevance_override) axioms goal_ts =
+  let
+    val thy = ProofContext.theory_of ctxt
+    val const_tab =
+      fold (count_axiom_consts theory_relevant thy) axioms Symtab.empty
+    val goal_const_tab =
+      pconsts_in_terms thy false (SOME false) goal_ts
+      |> fold (if_empty_replace_with_locality thy axioms) [Chained, Local]
+    val add_thms = maps (ProofContext.get_fact ctxt) add
+    val del_thms = maps (ProofContext.get_fact ctxt) del
+    fun iter j remaining_max threshold rel_const_tab hopeless hopeful =
+      let
+        fun game_over rejects =
+          (* Add "add:" facts. *)
+          if null add_thms then
+            []
+          else
+            map_filter (fn ((p as (_, th), _), _) =>
+                           if member Thm.eq_thm add_thms th then SOME p
+                           else NONE) rejects
+        fun relevant [] rejects [] =
+            (* Nothing has been added this iteration. *)
+            if j = 0 andalso threshold >= !ridiculous_threshold then
+              (* First iteration? Try again. *)
+              iter 0 max_relevant (threshold / !threshold_divisor) rel_const_tab
+                   hopeless hopeful
+            else
+              game_over (rejects @ hopeless)
+          | relevant candidates rejects [] =
+            let
+              val (accepts, more_rejects) =
+                take_most_relevant max_relevant remaining_max candidates
+              val rel_const_tab' =
+                rel_const_tab
+                |> fold (add_pconst_to_table false) (maps (snd o fst) accepts)
+              fun is_dirty (c, _) =
+                Symtab.lookup rel_const_tab' c <> Symtab.lookup rel_const_tab c
+              val (hopeful_rejects, hopeless_rejects) =
+                 (rejects @ hopeless, ([], []))
+                 |-> fold (fn (ax as (_, consts), old_weight) =>
+                              if exists is_dirty consts then
+                                apfst (cons (ax, NONE))
+                              else
+                                apsnd (cons (ax, old_weight)))
+                 |>> append (more_rejects
+                             |> map (fn (ax as (_, consts), old_weight) =>
+                                        (ax, if exists is_dirty consts then NONE
+                                             else SOME old_weight)))
+              val threshold =
+                1.0 - (1.0 - threshold)
+                      * Math.pow (decay, Real.fromInt (length accepts))
+              val remaining_max = remaining_max - length accepts
+            in
+              trace_msg (fn () => "New or updated constants: " ^
+                  commas (rel_const_tab' |> Symtab.dest
+                          |> subtract (op =) (rel_const_tab |> Symtab.dest)
+                          |> map string_for_hyper_pconst));
+              map (fst o fst) accepts @
+              (if remaining_max = 0 then
+                 game_over (hopeful_rejects @ map (apsnd SOME) hopeless_rejects)
+               else
+                 iter (j + 1) remaining_max threshold rel_const_tab'
+                      hopeless_rejects hopeful_rejects)
+            end
+          | relevant candidates rejects
+                     (((ax as (((_, loc), th), axiom_consts)), cached_weight)
+                      :: hopeful) =
+            let
+              val weight =
+                case cached_weight of
+                  SOME w => w
+                | NONE => axiom_weight loc const_tab rel_const_tab axiom_consts
+(* FIXME: experiment
+val name = fst (fst (fst ax)) ()
+val _ = if String.isSubstring "positive_minus" name orelse String.isSubstring "not_exp_le_zero" name then
+tracing ("*** " ^ name ^ PolyML.makestring (debug_axiom_weight loc const_tab rel_const_tab axiom_consts))
+            in
+              if weight >= threshold then
+                relevant ((ax, weight) :: candidates) rejects hopeful
+              else
+                relevant candidates ((ax, weight) :: rejects) hopeful
+            end
+        in
+          trace_msg (fn () =>
+              "ITERATION " ^ string_of_int j ^ ": current threshold: " ^
+              Real.toString threshold ^ ", constants: " ^
+              commas (rel_const_tab |> Symtab.dest
+                      |> filter (curry (op <>) [] o snd)
+                      |> map string_for_hyper_pconst));
+          relevant [] [] hopeful
+        end
+  in
+    axioms |> filter_out (member Thm.eq_thm del_thms o snd)
+           |> map_filter (pair_consts_axiom theory_relevant thy)
+           |> iter 0 max_relevant threshold0 goal_const_tab []
+           |> tap (fn res => trace_msg (fn () =>
+                                "Total relevant: " ^ Int.toString (length res)))
+  end
+(* Retrieving and filtering lemmas                             *)
+(*** retrieve lemmas and filter them ***)
+(*Reject theorems with names like "List.filter.filter_list_def" or
+  "Accessible_Part.acc.defs", as these are definitions arising from packages.*)
+fun is_package_def a =
+  let val names = Long_Name.explode a
+  in
+     length names > 2 andalso
+     not (hd names = "local") andalso
+     String.isSuffix "_def" a  orelse  String.isSuffix "_defs" a
+  end;
+fun mk_fact_table f xs =
+  fold (Termtab.update o `(prop_of o f)) xs Termtab.empty
+fun uniquify xs = Termtab.fold (cons o snd) (mk_fact_table snd xs) []
+(* FIXME: put other record thms here, or declare as "no_atp" *)
+val multi_base_blacklist =
+  ["defs", "select_defs", "update_defs", "induct", "inducts", "split", "splits",
+   "split_asm", "cases", "ext_cases", "eq.simps", "eq.refl", "nchotomy",
+   "case_cong", "weak_case_cong"]
+  |> map (prefix ".")
+val max_lambda_nesting = 3
+fun term_has_too_many_lambdas max (t1 $ t2) =
+    exists (term_has_too_many_lambdas max) [t1, t2]
+  | term_has_too_many_lambdas max (Abs (_, _, t)) =
+    max = 0 orelse term_has_too_many_lambdas (max - 1) t
+  | term_has_too_many_lambdas _ _ = false
+(* Don't count nested lambdas at the level of formulas, since they are
+   quantifiers. *)
+fun formula_has_too_many_lambdas Ts (Abs (_, T, t)) =
+    formula_has_too_many_lambdas (T :: Ts) t
+  | formula_has_too_many_lambdas Ts t =
+    if is_formula_type (fastype_of1 (Ts, t)) then
+      exists (formula_has_too_many_lambdas Ts) (#2 (strip_comb t))
+    else
+      term_has_too_many_lambdas max_lambda_nesting t
+(* The max apply depth of any "metis" call in "Metis_Examples" (on 2007-10-31)
+   was 11. *)
+val max_apply_depth = 15
+fun apply_depth (f $ t) = Int.max (apply_depth f, apply_depth t + 1)
+  | apply_depth (Abs (_, _, t)) = apply_depth t
+  | apply_depth _ = 0
+fun is_formula_too_complex t =
+  apply_depth t > max_apply_depth orelse formula_has_too_many_lambdas [] t
+val exists_sledgehammer_const =
+  exists_Const (fn (s, _) => String.isPrefix sledgehammer_prefix s)
+(* FIXME: make more reliable *)
+val exists_low_level_class_const =
+  exists_Const (fn (s, _) =>
+     String.isSubstring (Long_Name.separator ^ "class" ^ Long_Name.separator) s)
+fun is_metastrange_theorem th =
+  case head_of (concl_of th) of
+      Const (a, _) => (a <> @{const_name Trueprop} andalso
+                       a <> @{const_name "=="})
+    | _ => false
+fun is_that_fact th =
+  String.isSuffix (Long_Name.separator ^ Obtain.thatN) (Thm.get_name_hint th)
+  andalso exists_subterm (fn Free (s, _) => s = Name.skolem Auto_Bind.thesisN
+                           | _ => false) (prop_of th)
+val type_has_top_sort =
+  exists_subtype (fn TFree (_, []) => true | TVar (_, []) => true | _ => false)
+(**** Predicates to detect unwanted facts (prolific or likely to cause
+      unsoundness) ****)
+(* Too general means, positive equality literal with a variable X as one
+   operand, when X does not occur properly in the other operand. This rules out
+   clearly inconsistent facts such as X = a | X = b, though it by no means
+   guarantees soundness. *)
+(* Unwanted equalities are those between a (bound or schematic) variable that
+   does not properly occur in the second operand. *)
+val is_exhaustive_finite =
+  let
+    fun is_bad_equal (Var z) t =
+        not (exists_subterm (fn Var z' => z = z' | _ => false) t)
+      | is_bad_equal (Bound j) t = not (loose_bvar1 (t, j))
+      | is_bad_equal _ _ = false
+    fun do_equals t1 t2 = is_bad_equal t1 t2 orelse is_bad_equal t2 t1
+    fun do_formula pos t =
+      case (pos, t) of
+        (_, @{const Trueprop} $ t1) => do_formula pos t1
+      | (true, Const (@{const_name all}, _) $ Abs (_, _, t')) =>
+        do_formula pos t'
+      | (true, Const (@{const_name All}, _) $ Abs (_, _, t')) =>
+        do_formula pos t'
+      | (false, Const (@{const_name Ex}, _) $ Abs (_, _, t')) =>
+        do_formula pos t'
+      | (_, @{const "==>"} $ t1 $ t2) =>
+        do_formula (not pos) t1 andalso
+        (t2 = @{prop False} orelse do_formula pos t2)
+      | (_, @{const HOL.implies} $ t1 $ t2) =>
+        do_formula (not pos) t1 andalso
+        (t2 = @{const False} orelse do_formula pos t2)
+      | (_, @{const Not} $ t1) => do_formula (not pos) t1
+      | (true, @{const HOL.disj} $ t1 $ t2) => forall (do_formula pos) [t1, t2]
+      | (false, @{const HOL.conj} $ t1 $ t2) => forall (do_formula pos) [t1, t2]
+      | (true, Const (@{const_name HOL.eq}, _) $ t1 $ t2) => do_equals t1 t2
+      | (true, Const (@{const_name "=="}, _) $ t1 $ t2) => do_equals t1 t2
+      | _ => false
+  in do_formula true end
+fun has_bound_or_var_of_type tycons =
+  exists_subterm (fn Var (_, Type (s, _)) => member (op =) tycons s
+                   | Abs (_, Type (s, _), _) => member (op =) tycons s
+                   | _ => false)
+(* Facts are forbidden to contain variables of these types. The typical reason
+   is that they lead to unsoundness. Note that "unit" satisfies numerous
+   equations like "?x = ()". The resulting clauses will have no type constraint,
+   yielding false proofs. Even "bool" leads to many unsound proofs, though only
+   for higher-order problems. *)
+val dangerous_types = [@{type_name unit}, @{type_name bool}, @{type_name prop}];
+(* Facts containing variables of type "unit" or "bool" or of the form
+   "ALL x. x = A | x = B | x = C" are likely to lead to unsound proofs if types
+   are omitted. *)
+fun is_dangerous_term full_types t =
+  not full_types andalso
+  let val t = transform_elim_term t in
+    has_bound_or_var_of_type dangerous_types t orelse
+    is_exhaustive_finite t
+  end
+fun is_theorem_bad_for_atps full_types thm =
+  let val t = prop_of thm in
+    is_formula_too_complex t orelse exists_type type_has_top_sort t orelse
+    is_dangerous_term full_types t orelse exists_sledgehammer_const t orelse
+    exists_low_level_class_const t orelse is_metastrange_theorem thm orelse
+    is_that_fact thm
+  end
+fun clasimpset_rules_of ctxt =
+  let
+    val {safeIs, safeEs, hazIs, hazEs, ...} = ctxt |> claset_of |> rep_cs
+    val intros = safeIs @ hazIs
+    val elims = map Classical.classical_rule (safeEs @ hazEs)
+    val simps = ctxt |> simpset_of |> dest_ss |> #simps |> map snd
+  in (mk_fact_table I intros, mk_fact_table I elims, mk_fact_table I simps) end
+fun all_name_thms_pairs ctxt reserved full_types add_thms chained_ths =
+  let
+    val thy = ProofContext.theory_of ctxt
+    val global_facts = PureThy.facts_of thy
+    val local_facts = ProofContext.facts_of ctxt
+    val named_locals = local_facts |> Facts.dest_static []
+    val is_chained = member Thm.eq_thm chained_ths
+    val (intros, elims, simps) =
+      if exists (curry (op <) 0.0) [!intro_bonus, !elim_bonus, !simp_bonus] then
+        clasimpset_rules_of ctxt
+      else
+        (Termtab.empty, Termtab.empty, Termtab.empty)
+    (* Unnamed nonchained formulas with schematic variables are omitted, because
+       they are rejected by the backticks (`...`) parser for some reason. *)
+    fun is_good_unnamed_local th =
+      not (Thm.has_name_hint th) andalso
+      (not (exists_subterm is_Var (prop_of th)) orelse (is_chained th)) andalso
+      forall (fn (_, ths) => not (member Thm.eq_thm ths th)) named_locals
+    val unnamed_locals =
+      union Thm.eq_thm (Facts.props local_facts) chained_ths
+      |> filter is_good_unnamed_local |> map (pair "" o single)
+    val full_space =
+      Name_Space.merge (Facts.space_of global_facts, Facts.space_of local_facts)
+    fun add_facts global foldx facts =
+      foldx (fn (name0, ths) =>
+        if name0 <> "" andalso
+           forall (not o member Thm.eq_thm add_thms) ths andalso
+           (Facts.is_concealed facts name0 orelse
+            (respect_no_atp andalso is_package_def name0) orelse
+            exists (fn s => String.isSuffix s name0) multi_base_blacklist orelse
+            String.isSuffix "_def_raw" (* FIXME: crude hack *) name0) then
+          I
+        else
+          let
+            val multi = length ths > 1
+            fun backquotify th =
+              "`" ^ Print_Mode.setmp [Print_Mode.input]
+                                 (Syntax.string_of_term ctxt) (prop_of th) ^ "`"
+              |> String.translate (fn c => if Char.isPrint c then str c else "")
+              |> simplify_spaces
+            fun check_thms a =
+              case try (ProofContext.get_thms ctxt) a of
+                NONE => false
+              | SOME ths' => Thm.eq_thms (ths, ths')
+          in
+            pair 1
+            #> fold (fn th => fn (j, rest) =>
+                 (j + 1,
+                  if is_theorem_bad_for_atps full_types th andalso
+                     not (member Thm.eq_thm add_thms th) then
+                    rest
+                  else
+                    (((fn () =>
+                          if name0 = "" then
+                            th |> backquotify
+                          else
+                            let
+                              val name1 = Facts.extern facts name0
+                              val name2 = Name_Space.extern full_space name0
+                            in
+                              case find_first check_thms [name1, name2, name0] of
+                                SOME name => repair_name reserved multi j name
+                              | NONE => ""
+                            end),
+                      let val t = prop_of th in
+                        if is_chained th then Chained
+                        else if not global then Local
+                        else if Termtab.defined intros t then Intro
+                        else if Termtab.defined elims t then Elim
+                        else if Termtab.defined simps t then Simp
+                        else General
+                      end),
+                      (multi, th)) :: rest)) ths
+            #> snd
+          end)
+  in
+    [] |> add_facts false fold local_facts (unnamed_locals @ named_locals)
+       |> add_facts true Facts.fold_static global_facts global_facts
+  end
+(* The single-name theorems go after the multiple-name ones, so that single
+   names are preferred when both are available. *)
+fun name_thm_pairs ctxt respect_no_atp =
+  List.partition (fst o snd) #> op @ #> map (apsnd snd)
+  #> respect_no_atp ? filter_out (No_ATPs.member ctxt o snd)
+(* ATP invocation methods setup                                *)
+fun relevant_facts ctxt full_types (threshold0, threshold1) max_relevant
+                   theory_relevant (relevance_override as {add, del, only})
+                   chained_ths hyp_ts concl_t =
+  let
+    val decay = Math.pow ((1.0 - threshold1) / (1.0 - threshold0),
+                          1.0 / Real.fromInt (max_relevant + 1))
+    val add_thms = maps (ProofContext.get_fact ctxt) add
+    val reserved = reserved_isar_keyword_table ()
+    val axioms =
+      (if only then
+         maps (map (fn ((name, loc), th) => ((K name, loc), (true, th)))
+               o name_thm_pairs_from_ref ctxt reserved chained_ths) add
+       else
+         all_name_thms_pairs ctxt reserved full_types add_thms chained_ths)
+      |> name_thm_pairs ctxt (respect_no_atp andalso not only)
+      |> uniquify
+  in
+    trace_msg (fn () => "Considering " ^ Int.toString (length axioms) ^
+                        " theorems");
+    (if threshold0 > 1.0 orelse threshold0 > threshold1 then
+       []
+     else if threshold0 < 0.0 then
+       axioms
+     else
+       relevance_filter ctxt threshold0 decay max_relevant theory_relevant
+                        relevance_override axioms (concl_t :: hyp_ts))
+    |> map (apfst (apfst (fn f => f ())))
+  end