changeset 48937 e7418f8d49fe
parent 48814 d488a5f25bf6
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/doc-src/System/Interfaces.thy	Mon Aug 27 16:48:41 2012 +0200
@@ -0,0 +1,281 @@
+theory Interfaces
+imports Base
+chapter {* User interfaces *}
+section {* Isabelle/jEdit Prover IDE \label{sec:tool-jedit} *}
+text {* The @{tool_def jedit} tool invokes a version of
+  jEdit\footnote{\url{}} that has been augmented
+  with some components to provide a fully-featured Prover IDE:
+\begin{ttbox} Usage: isabelle jedit [OPTIONS]
+  [FILES ...]
+  Options are:
+    -J OPTION    add JVM runtime option (default JEDIT_JAVA_OPTIONS)
+    -b           build only
+    -d DIR       include session directory
+    -f           fresh build
+    -j OPTION    add jEdit runtime option (default JEDIT_OPTIONS)
+    -l NAME      logic image name (default ISABELLE_LOGIC)
+    -m MODE      add print mode for output
+Start jEdit with Isabelle plugin setup and opens theory FILES
+(default Scratch.thy).
+  The @{verbatim "-l"} option specifies the session name of the logic
+  image to be used for proof processing.  Additional session root
+  directories may be included via option @{verbatim "-d"} to augment
+  that name space (see also \secref{sec:tool-build}).
+  The @{verbatim "-m"} option specifies additional print modes.
+  The @{verbatim "-J"} and @{verbatim "-j"} options allow to pass
+  additional low-level options to the JVM or jEdit, respectively.  The
+  defaults are provided by the Isabelle settings environment
+  (\secref{sec:settings}).
+  The @{verbatim "-b"} and @{verbatim "-f"} options control the
+  self-build mechanism of Isabelle/jEdit.  This is only relevant for
+  building from sources, which also requires an auxiliary @{verbatim
+  jedit_build}
+  component.\footnote{\url{}} Note
+  that official Isabelle releases already include a version of
+  Isabelle/jEdit that is built properly.  *}
+section {* Proof General / Emacs *}
+text {* The @{tool_def emacs} tool invokes a version of Emacs and
+  Proof General\footnote{} within the
+  regular Isabelle settings environment (\secref{sec:settings}).  This
+  is more convenient than starting Emacs separately, loading the Proof
+  General LISP files, and then attempting to start Isabelle with
+  dynamic @{setting PATH} lookup etc.
+  The actual interface script is part of the Proof General
+  distribution; its usage depends on the particular version.  There
+  are some options available, such as @{verbatim "-l"} for passing the
+  logic image to be used by default, or @{verbatim "-m"} to tune the
+  standard print mode.  The following Isabelle settings are
+  particularly important for Proof General:
+  \begin{description}
+  \item[@{setting_def PROOFGENERAL_HOME}] points to the main
+  installation directory of the Proof General distribution.  This is
+  implicitly provided for versions of Proof General that are
+  distributed as Isabelle component, see also \secref{sec:components};
+  otherwise it needs to be configured manually.
+  \item[@{setting_def PROOFGENERAL_OPTIONS}] is implicitly prefixed to
+  the command line of any invocation of the Proof General @{verbatim
+  interface} script.  This allows to provide persistent default
+  options for the invocation of \texttt{isabelle emacs}.
+  \end{description}
+section {* Plain TTY interaction \label{sec:tool-tty} *}
+text {*
+  The @{tool_def tty} tool runs the Isabelle process interactively
+  within a plain terminal session:
+Usage: isabelle tty [OPTIONS]
+  Options are:
+    -l NAME      logic image name (default ISABELLE_LOGIC)
+    -m MODE      add print mode for output
+    -p NAME      line editor program name (default ISABELLE_LINE_EDITOR)
+  Run Isabelle process with plain tty interaction and line editor.
+  The @{verbatim "-l"} option specifies the logic image.  The
+  @{verbatim "-m"} option specifies additional print modes.  The
+  @{verbatim "-p"} option specifies an alternative line editor (such
+  as the @{executable_def rlwrap} wrapper for GNU readline); the
+  fall-back is to use raw standard input.
+  Regular interaction works via the standard Isabelle/Isar toplevel
+  loop.  The Isar command @{command exit} drops out into the
+  bare-bones ML system, which is occasionally useful for debugging of
+  the Isar infrastructure itself.  Invoking @{ML Isar.loop}~@{verbatim
+  "();"} in ML will return to the Isar toplevel.  *}
+section {* Theory graph browser \label{sec:browse} *}
+text {* The Isabelle graph browser is a general tool for visualizing
+  dependency graphs.  Certain nodes of the graph (i.e.\ theories) can
+  be grouped together in ``directories'', whose contents may be
+  hidden, thus enabling the user to collapse irrelevant portions of
+  information.  The browser is written in Java, it can be used both as
+  a stand-alone application and as an applet.  *}
+subsection {* Invoking the graph browser *}
+text {* The stand-alone version of the graph browser is wrapped up as
+  @{tool_def browser}:
+Usage: isabelle browser [OPTIONS] [GRAPHFILE]
+  Options are:
+    -b           Admin/build only
+    -c           cleanup -- remove GRAPHFILE after use
+    -o FILE      output to FILE (ps, eps, pdf)
+  When no filename is specified, the browser automatically changes to
+  the directory @{setting ISABELLE_BROWSER_INFO}.
+  \medskip The @{verbatim "-b"} option indicates that this is for
+  administrative build only, i.e.\ no browser popup if no files are
+  given.
+  The @{verbatim "-c"} option causes the input file to be removed
+  after use.
+  The @{verbatim "-o"} option indicates batch-mode operation, with the
+  output written to the indicated file; note that @{verbatim pdf}
+  produces an @{verbatim eps} copy as well.
+  \medskip The applet version of the browser is part of the standard
+  WWW theory presentation, see the link ``theory dependencies'' within
+  each session index.
+subsection {* Using the graph browser *}
+text {*
+  The browser's main window, which is shown in
+  \figref{fig:browserwindow}, consists of two sub-windows.  In the
+  left sub-window, the directory tree is displayed. The graph itself
+  is displayed in the right sub-window.
+  \begin{figure}[ht]
+  \includegraphics[width=\textwidth]{browser_screenshot}
+  \caption{\label{fig:browserwindow} Browser main window}
+  \end{figure}
+subsubsection {* The directory tree window *}
+text {*
+  We describe the usage of the directory browser and the meaning of
+  the different items in the browser window.
+  \begin{itemize}
+  \item A red arrow before a directory name indicates that the
+  directory is currently ``folded'', i.e.~the nodes in this directory
+  are collapsed to one single node. In the right sub-window, the names
+  of nodes corresponding to folded directories are enclosed in square
+  brackets and displayed in red color.
+  \item A green downward arrow before a directory name indicates that
+  the directory is currently ``unfolded''. It can be folded by
+  clicking on the directory name.  Clicking on the name for a second
+  time unfolds the directory again.  Alternatively, a directory can
+  also be unfolded by clicking on the corresponding node in the right
+  sub-window.
+  \item Blue arrows stand before ordinary node names. When clicking on
+  such a name (i.e.\ that of a theory), the graph display window
+  focuses to the corresponding node. Double clicking invokes a text
+  viewer window in which the contents of the theory file are
+  displayed.
+  \end{itemize}
+subsubsection {* The graph display window *}
+text {*
+  When pointing on an ordinary node, an upward and a downward arrow is
+  shown.  Initially, both of these arrows are green. Clicking on the
+  upward or downward arrow collapses all predecessor or successor
+  nodes, respectively. The arrow's color then changes to red,
+  indicating that the predecessor or successor nodes are currently
+  collapsed. The node corresponding to the collapsed nodes has the
+  name ``@{verbatim "[....]"}''. To uncollapse the nodes again, simply
+  click on the red arrow or on the node with the name ``@{verbatim
+  "[....]"}''. Similar to the directory browser, the contents of
+  theory files can be displayed by double clicking on the
+  corresponding node.
+subsubsection {* The ``File'' menu *}
+text {*
+  Due to Java Applet security restrictions this menu is only available
+  in the full application version. The meaning of the menu items is as
+  follows:
+  \begin{description}
+  \item[Open \dots] Open a new graph file.
+  \item[Export to PostScript] Outputs the current graph in Postscript
+  format, appropriately scaled to fit on one single sheet of A4 paper.
+  The resulting file can be printed directly.
+  \item[Export to EPS] Outputs the current graph in Encapsulated
+  Postscript format. The resulting file can be included in other
+  documents.
+  \item[Quit] Quit the graph browser.
+  \end{description}
+subsection {* Syntax of graph definition files *}
+text {*
+  A graph definition file has the following syntax:
+  \begin{center}\small
+  \begin{tabular}{rcl}
+    @{text graph} & @{text "="} & @{text "{ vertex"}~@{verbatim ";"}~@{text "}+"} \\
+    @{text vertex} & @{text "="} & @{text "vertex_name vertex_ID dir_name ["}~@{verbatim "+"}~@{text "] path ["}~@{verbatim "<"}~@{text "|"}~@{verbatim ">"}~@{text "] { vertex_ID }*"}
+  \end{tabular}
+  \end{center}
+  The meaning of the items in a vertex description is as follows:
+  \begin{description}
+  \item[@{text vertex_name}] The name of the vertex.
+  \item[@{text vertex_ID}] The vertex identifier. Note that there may
+  be several vertices with equal names, whereas identifiers must be
+  unique.
+  \item[@{text dir_name}] The name of the ``directory'' the vertex
+  should be placed in.  A ``@{verbatim "+"}'' sign after @{text
+  dir_name} indicates that the nodes in the directory are initially
+  visible. Directories are initially invisible by default.
+  \item[@{text path}] The path of the corresponding theory file. This
+  is specified relatively to the path of the graph definition file.
+  \item[List of successor/predecessor nodes] A ``@{verbatim "<"}''
+  sign before the list means that successor nodes are listed, a
+  ``@{verbatim ">"}'' sign means that predecessor nodes are listed. If
+  neither ``@{verbatim "<"}'' nor ``@{verbatim ">"}'' is found, the
+  browser assumes that successor nodes are listed.
+  \end{description}
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