--- a/doc-src/Ref/simplifier.tex Wed May 18 23:39:22 2011 +0200
+++ b/doc-src/Ref/simplifier.tex Fri May 20 14:03:42 2011 +0200
@@ -269,59 +269,6 @@
-\subsection{Accessing the current simpset}
-simpset : unit -> simpset
-simpset_ref : unit -> simpset ref
-simpset_of : theory -> simpset
-simpset_ref_of : theory -> simpset ref
-print_simpset : theory -> unit
-SIMPSET :(simpset -> tactic) -> tactic
-SIMPSET' :(simpset -> 'a -> tactic) -> 'a -> tactic
-Each theory contains a current simpset\index{simpset!current} stored
-within a private ML reference variable. This can be retrieved and
-modified as follows.
-\item[\ttindexbold{simpset}();] retrieves the simpset value from the
- current theory context.
-\item[\ttindexbold{simpset_ref}();] retrieves the simpset reference
- variable from the current theory context. This can be assigned to
- by using \texttt{:=} in ML.
-\item[\ttindexbold{simpset_of} $thy$;] retrieves the simpset value
- from theory $thy$.
-\item[\ttindexbold{simpset_ref_of} $thy$;] retrieves the simpset
- reference variable from theory $thy$.
-\item[\ttindexbold{print_simpset} $thy$;] prints the current simpset
- of theory $thy$ in the same way as \texttt{print_ss}.
-\item[\ttindexbold{SIMPSET} $tacf$, \ttindexbold{SIMPSET'} $tacf'$]
- are tacticals that make a tactic depend on the implicit current
- simpset of the theory associated with the proof state they are
- applied on.
- There is a small difference between \texttt{(SIMPSET'~$tacf$)} and
- \texttt{($tacf\,$(simpset()))}. For example \texttt{(SIMPSET'
- simp_tac)} would depend on the theory of the proof state it is
- applied to, while \texttt{(simp_tac (simpset()))} implicitly refers
- to the current theory context. Both are usually the same in proof
- scripts, provided that goals are only stated within the current
- theory. Robust programs would not count on that, of course.
\subsection{Rewrite rules}
addsimps : simpset * thm list -> simpset \hfill{\bf infix 4}
@@ -1262,36 +1209,6 @@
effect for conjunctions.
-\subsection{Splitter setup}\index{simplification!setting up the splitter}
-To set up case splitting, we have to call the \ML{} functor \ttindex{
-SplitterFun}, which takes the argument signature \texttt{SPLITTER_DATA}.
-So we prove the theorem \texttt{meta_eq_to_iff} below and store it, together
-with the \texttt{mk_eq} function described above and several standard
-theorems, in the structure \texttt{SplitterData}. Calling the functor with
-this data yields a new instantiation of the splitter for our logic.
-val meta_eq_to_iff = prove_goal IFOL.thy "x==y ==> x<->y"
- (fn [prem] => [rewtac prem, rtac iffI 1, atac 1, atac 1]);
-structure SplitterData =
- struct
- structure Simplifier = Simplifier
- val mk_eq = mk_eq
- val meta_eq_to_iff = meta_eq_to_iff
- val iffD = iffD2
- val disjE = disjE
- val conjE = conjE
- val exE = exE
- val contrapos = contrapos
- val contrapos2 = contrapos2
- val notnotD = notnotD
- end;
-structure Splitter = SplitterFun(SplitterData);