changeset 14387 e96d5c42c4b0
parent 14370 b0064703967b
child 15184 d2c19aea17bc
--- a/src/HOL/Hyperreal/hypreal_arith.ML	Sat Feb 14 02:06:12 2004 +0100
+++ b/src/HOL/Hyperreal/hypreal_arith.ML	Sun Feb 15 10:46:37 2004 +0100
@@ -15,506 +15,11 @@
     read_instantiate_sg(sign_of (the_context())) [("a","?a::hypreal")] mult_left_mono;
-val hypreal_number_of = thm "hypreal_number_of";
-val hypreal_numeral_0_eq_0 = thm "hypreal_numeral_0_eq_0";
-val hypreal_numeral_1_eq_1 = thm "hypreal_numeral_1_eq_1";
-val hypreal_number_of_def = thm "hypreal_number_of_def";
-val add_hypreal_number_of = thm "add_hypreal_number_of";
-val minus_hypreal_number_of = thm "minus_hypreal_number_of";
-val diff_hypreal_number_of = thm "diff_hypreal_number_of";
-val mult_hypreal_number_of = thm "mult_hypreal_number_of";
-val hypreal_mult_2 = thm "hypreal_mult_2";
-val hypreal_mult_2_right = thm "hypreal_mult_2_right";
-val eq_hypreal_number_of = thm "eq_hypreal_number_of";
-val less_hypreal_number_of = thm "less_hypreal_number_of";
-val hypreal_minus_1_eq_m1 = thm "hypreal_minus_1_eq_m1";
-val hypreal_mult_minus1 = thm "hypreal_mult_minus1";
-val hypreal_mult_minus1_right = thm "hypreal_mult_minus1_right";
-val hypreal_add_number_of_left = thm "hypreal_add_number_of_left";
-val hypreal_mult_number_of_left = thm "hypreal_mult_number_of_left";
-val hypreal_add_number_of_diff1 = thm "hypreal_add_number_of_diff1";
-val hypreal_add_number_of_diff2 = thm "hypreal_add_number_of_diff2";
-(*Maps 0 to Numeral0 and 1 to Numeral1 and -(Numeral1) to -1*)
-val hypreal_numeral_ss =
-    real_numeral_ss addsimps [hypreal_numeral_0_eq_0 RS sym,
-                              hypreal_numeral_1_eq_1 RS sym,
-                              hypreal_minus_1_eq_m1]
-fun rename_numerals th =
-    asm_full_simplify hypreal_numeral_ss (Thm.transfer (the_context ()) th)
-structure Hyperreal_Numeral_Simprocs =
-(*Maps 0 to Numeral0 and 1 to Numeral1 so that arithmetic in simprocs
-  isn't complicated by the abstract 0 and 1.*)
-val numeral_syms = [hypreal_numeral_0_eq_0 RS sym,
-                    hypreal_numeral_1_eq_1 RS sym]
-val hyprealT = Type("HyperDef.hypreal",[])
-fun mk_numeral n = HOLogic.number_of_const hyprealT $ HOLogic.mk_bin n
-val dest_numeral = Real_Numeral_Simprocs.dest_numeral
-val find_first_numeral = Real_Numeral_Simprocs.find_first_numeral
-val zero = mk_numeral 0
-val mk_plus = Real_Numeral_Simprocs.mk_plus
-val uminus_const = Const ("uminus", hyprealT --> hyprealT)
-(*Thus mk_sum[t] yields t+0; longer sums don't have a trailing zero*)
-fun mk_sum []        = zero
-  | mk_sum [t,u]     = mk_plus (t, u)
-  | mk_sum (t :: ts) = mk_plus (t, mk_sum ts)
-(*this version ALWAYS includes a trailing zero*)
-fun long_mk_sum []        = zero
-  | long_mk_sum (t :: ts) = mk_plus (t, mk_sum ts)
-val dest_plus = HOLogic.dest_bin "op +" hyprealT
-(*decompose additions AND subtractions as a sum*)
-fun dest_summing (pos, Const ("op +", _) $ t $ u, ts) =
-        dest_summing (pos, t, dest_summing (pos, u, ts))
-  | dest_summing (pos, Const ("op -", _) $ t $ u, ts) =
-        dest_summing (pos, t, dest_summing (not pos, u, ts))
-  | dest_summing (pos, t, ts) =
-        if pos then t::ts else uminus_const$t :: ts
-fun dest_sum t = dest_summing (true, t, [])
-val mk_diff = HOLogic.mk_binop "op -"
-val dest_diff = HOLogic.dest_bin "op -" hyprealT
-val one = mk_numeral 1
-val mk_times = HOLogic.mk_binop "op *"
-fun mk_prod [] = one
-  | mk_prod [t] = t
-  | mk_prod (t :: ts) = if t = one then mk_prod ts
-                        else mk_times (t, mk_prod ts)
-val dest_times = HOLogic.dest_bin "op *" hyprealT
-fun dest_prod t =
-      let val (t,u) = dest_times t
-      in  dest_prod t @ dest_prod u  end
-      handle TERM _ => [t]
-(*DON'T do the obvious simplifications; that would create special cases*)
-fun mk_coeff (k, ts) = mk_times (mk_numeral k, ts)
-(*Express t as a product of (possibly) a numeral with other sorted terms*)
-fun dest_coeff sign (Const ("uminus", _) $ t) = dest_coeff (~sign) t
-  | dest_coeff sign t =
-    let val ts = sort Term.term_ord (dest_prod t)
-        val (n, ts') = find_first_numeral [] ts
-                          handle TERM _ => (1, ts)
-    in (sign*n, mk_prod ts') end
-(*Find first coefficient-term THAT MATCHES u*)
-fun find_first_coeff past u [] = raise TERM("find_first_coeff", [])
-  | find_first_coeff past u (t::terms) =
-        let val (n,u') = dest_coeff 1 t
-        in  if u aconv u' then (n, rev past @ terms)
-                          else find_first_coeff (t::past) u terms
-        end
-        handle TERM _ => find_first_coeff (t::past) u terms
-(*Simplify Numeral0+n, n+Numeral0, Numeral1*n, n*Numeral1*)
-val add_0s = map rename_numerals
-                 [hypreal_add_zero_left, hypreal_add_zero_right]
-val mult_1s = map rename_numerals [hypreal_mult_1, hypreal_mult_1_right] @
-              [hypreal_mult_minus1, hypreal_mult_minus1_right]
-(*To perform binary arithmetic*)
-val bin_simps =
-    [hypreal_numeral_0_eq_0 RS sym, hypreal_numeral_1_eq_1 RS sym,
-     add_hypreal_number_of, hypreal_add_number_of_left,
-     minus_hypreal_number_of,
-     diff_hypreal_number_of, mult_hypreal_number_of,
-     hypreal_mult_number_of_left] @ bin_arith_simps @ bin_rel_simps
-(*Binary arithmetic BUT NOT ADDITION since it may collapse adjacent terms
-  during re-arrangement*)
-val non_add_bin_simps = 
-    bin_simps \\ [hypreal_add_number_of_left, add_hypreal_number_of]
-(*To evaluate binary negations of coefficients*)
-val hypreal_minus_simps = NCons_simps @
-                   [hypreal_minus_1_eq_m1, minus_hypreal_number_of,
-                    bin_minus_1, bin_minus_0, bin_minus_Pls, bin_minus_Min,
-                    bin_pred_1, bin_pred_0, bin_pred_Pls, bin_pred_Min]
-(*To let us treat subtraction as addition*)
-val diff_simps = [hypreal_diff_def, minus_add_distrib, minus_minus]
-(*push the unary minus down: - x * y = x * - y *)
-val hypreal_minus_mult_eq_1_to_2 =
-    [minus_mult_left RS sym, minus_mult_right] MRS trans
-    |> standard
-(*to extract again any uncancelled minuses*)
-val hypreal_minus_from_mult_simps =
-    [minus_minus, minus_mult_left RS sym, minus_mult_right RS sym]
-(*combine unary minus with numeric literals, however nested within a product*)
-val hypreal_mult_minus_simps =
-    [hypreal_mult_assoc, minus_mult_left, hypreal_minus_mult_eq_1_to_2]
-(*Final simplification: cancel + and *  *)
-val simplify_meta_eq =
-    Int_Numeral_Simprocs.simplify_meta_eq
-         [hypreal_add_zero_left, hypreal_add_zero_right,
-          mult_zero_left, mult_zero_right, mult_1, mult_1_right]
-val prep_simproc = Real_Numeral_Simprocs.prep_simproc
-structure CancelNumeralsCommon =
-  struct
-  val mk_sum            = mk_sum
-  val dest_sum          = dest_sum
-  val mk_coeff          = mk_coeff
-  val dest_coeff        = dest_coeff 1
-  val find_first_coeff  = find_first_coeff []
-  val trans_tac         = Real_Numeral_Simprocs.trans_tac
-  val norm_tac =
-     ALLGOALS (simp_tac (HOL_ss addsimps add_0s@mult_1s@diff_simps@
-                                         hypreal_minus_simps@add_ac))
-     THEN ALLGOALS (simp_tac (HOL_ss addsimps non_add_bin_simps@hypreal_mult_minus_simps))
-              (simp_tac (HOL_ss addsimps hypreal_minus_from_mult_simps@
-                                         add_ac@mult_ac))
-  val numeral_simp_tac  = ALLGOALS (simp_tac (HOL_ss addsimps add_0s@bin_simps))
-  val simplify_meta_eq  = simplify_meta_eq
-  end
-structure EqCancelNumerals = CancelNumeralsFun
- (open CancelNumeralsCommon
-  val prove_conv = Bin_Simprocs.prove_conv
-  val mk_bal   = HOLogic.mk_eq
-  val dest_bal = HOLogic.dest_bin "op =" hyprealT
-  val bal_add1 = eq_add_iff1 RS trans
-  val bal_add2 = eq_add_iff2 RS trans
-structure LessCancelNumerals = CancelNumeralsFun
- (open CancelNumeralsCommon
-  val prove_conv = Bin_Simprocs.prove_conv
-  val mk_bal   = HOLogic.mk_binrel "op <"
-  val dest_bal = HOLogic.dest_bin "op <" hyprealT
-  val bal_add1 = less_add_iff1 RS trans
-  val bal_add2 = less_add_iff2 RS trans
-structure LeCancelNumerals = CancelNumeralsFun
- (open CancelNumeralsCommon
-  val prove_conv = Bin_Simprocs.prove_conv
-  val mk_bal   = HOLogic.mk_binrel "op <="
-  val dest_bal = HOLogic.dest_bin "op <=" hyprealT
-  val bal_add1 = le_add_iff1 RS trans
-  val bal_add2 = le_add_iff2 RS trans
-val cancel_numerals =
-  map prep_simproc
-   [("hyprealeq_cancel_numerals",
-     ["(l::hypreal) + m = n", "(l::hypreal) = m + n",
-      "(l::hypreal) - m = n", "(l::hypreal) = m - n",
-      "(l::hypreal) * m = n", "(l::hypreal) = m * n"],
-     EqCancelNumerals.proc),
-    ("hyprealless_cancel_numerals",
-     ["(l::hypreal) + m < n", "(l::hypreal) < m + n",
-      "(l::hypreal) - m < n", "(l::hypreal) < m - n",
-      "(l::hypreal) * m < n", "(l::hypreal) < m * n"],
-     LessCancelNumerals.proc),
-    ("hyprealle_cancel_numerals",
-     ["(l::hypreal) + m <= n", "(l::hypreal) <= m + n",
-      "(l::hypreal) - m <= n", "(l::hypreal) <= m - n",
-      "(l::hypreal) * m <= n", "(l::hypreal) <= m * n"],
-     LeCancelNumerals.proc)]
-structure CombineNumeralsData =
-  struct
-  val add               = op + : int*int -> int
-  val mk_sum            = long_mk_sum    (*to work for e.g. 2*x + 3*x *)
-  val dest_sum          = dest_sum
-  val mk_coeff          = mk_coeff
-  val dest_coeff        = dest_coeff 1
-  val left_distrib      = combine_common_factor RS trans
-  val prove_conv        = Bin_Simprocs.prove_conv_nohyps
-  val trans_tac         = Real_Numeral_Simprocs.trans_tac
-  val norm_tac =
-     ALLGOALS (simp_tac (HOL_ss addsimps numeral_syms@add_0s@mult_1s@
-                                   diff_simps@hypreal_minus_simps@add_ac))
-     THEN ALLGOALS (simp_tac (HOL_ss addsimps non_add_bin_simps@hypreal_mult_minus_simps))
-     THEN ALLGOALS (simp_tac (HOL_ss addsimps hypreal_minus_from_mult_simps@
-                                              add_ac@mult_ac))
-  val numeral_simp_tac  = ALLGOALS
-                    (simp_tac (HOL_ss addsimps add_0s@bin_simps))
-  val simplify_meta_eq  = simplify_meta_eq
-  end
-structure CombineNumerals = CombineNumeralsFun(CombineNumeralsData)
-val combine_numerals =
-  prep_simproc
-    ("hypreal_combine_numerals", ["(i::hypreal) + j", "(i::hypreal) - j"], CombineNumerals.proc)
-(** Declarations for ExtractCommonTerm **)
-(*this version ALWAYS includes a trailing one*)
-fun long_mk_prod []        = one
-  | long_mk_prod (t :: ts) = mk_times (t, mk_prod ts)
-(*Find first term that matches u*)
-fun find_first past u []         = raise TERM("find_first", [])
-  | find_first past u (t::terms) =
-        if u aconv t then (rev past @ terms)
-        else find_first (t::past) u terms
-        handle TERM _ => find_first (t::past) u terms
-(*Final simplification: cancel + and *  *)
-fun cancel_simplify_meta_eq cancel_th th =
-    Int_Numeral_Simprocs.simplify_meta_eq
-        [mult_1, mult_1_right]
-        (([th, cancel_th]) MRS trans)
-(*** Making constant folding work for 0 and 1 too ***)
-structure HyperrealAbstractNumeralsData =
-  struct
-  val dest_eq         = HOLogic.dest_eq o HOLogic.dest_Trueprop o concl_of
-  val is_numeral      = Bin_Simprocs.is_numeral
-  val numeral_0_eq_0  = hypreal_numeral_0_eq_0
-  val numeral_1_eq_1  = hypreal_numeral_1_eq_1
-  val prove_conv      = Bin_Simprocs.prove_conv_nohyps_novars
-  fun norm_tac simps  = ALLGOALS (simp_tac (HOL_ss addsimps simps))
-  val simplify_meta_eq = Bin_Simprocs.simplify_meta_eq
-  end
-structure HyperrealAbstractNumerals =
-  AbstractNumeralsFun (HyperrealAbstractNumeralsData)
-(*For addition, we already have rules for the operand 0.
-  Multiplication is omitted because there are already special rules for
-  both 0 and 1 as operands.  Unary minus is trivial, just have - 1 = -1.
-  For the others, having three patterns is a compromise between just having
-  one (many spurious calls) and having nine (just too many!) *)
-val eval_numerals =
-  map prep_simproc
-   [("hypreal_add_eval_numerals",
-     ["(m::hypreal) + 1", "(m::hypreal) + number_of v"],
-     HyperrealAbstractNumerals.proc add_hypreal_number_of),
-    ("hypreal_diff_eval_numerals",
-     ["(m::hypreal) - 1", "(m::hypreal) - number_of v"],
-     HyperrealAbstractNumerals.proc diff_hypreal_number_of),
-    ("hypreal_eq_eval_numerals",
-     ["(m::hypreal) = 0", "(m::hypreal) = 1", "(m::hypreal) = number_of v"],
-     HyperrealAbstractNumerals.proc eq_hypreal_number_of),
-    ("hypreal_less_eval_numerals",
-     ["(m::hypreal) < 0", "(m::hypreal) < 1", "(m::hypreal) < number_of v"],
-     HyperrealAbstractNumerals.proc less_hypreal_number_of),
-    ("hypreal_le_eval_numerals",
-     ["(m::hypreal) <= 0", "(m::hypreal) <= 1", "(m::hypreal) <= number_of v"],
-     HyperrealAbstractNumerals.proc le_number_of_eq_not_less)]
-Addsimprocs Hyperreal_Numeral_Simprocs.eval_numerals;
-Addsimprocs Hyperreal_Numeral_Simprocs.cancel_numerals;
-Addsimprocs [Hyperreal_Numeral_Simprocs.combine_numerals];
-(**** Constant folding for hypreal plus and times ****)
-(*We do not need
-    structure Hyperreal_Plus_Assoc = Assoc_Fold (Hyperreal_Plus_Assoc_Data)
-  because combine_numerals does the same thing*)
-structure Hyperreal_Times_Assoc_Data : ASSOC_FOLD_DATA =
-  val ss                = HOL_ss
-  val eq_reflection     = eq_reflection
-  val sg_ref    = Sign.self_ref (Theory.sign_of (the_context ()))
-  val T      = Hyperreal_Numeral_Simprocs.hyprealT
-  val plus   = Const ("op *", [T,T] ---> T)
-  val add_ac = mult_ac
-structure Hyperreal_Times_Assoc = Assoc_Fold (Hyperreal_Times_Assoc_Data);
-Addsimprocs [Hyperreal_Times_Assoc.conv];
-(**** Simprocs for numeric literals ****)
-(****Common factor cancellation****)
-  open Hyperreal_Numeral_Simprocs
-val rel_hypreal_number_of = [eq_hypreal_number_of, less_hypreal_number_of,
-                             le_number_of_eq_not_less];
-structure CancelNumeralFactorCommon =
-  struct
-  val mk_coeff          = mk_coeff
-  val dest_coeff        = dest_coeff 1
-  val trans_tac         = Real_Numeral_Simprocs.trans_tac
-  val norm_tac =
-     ALLGOALS (simp_tac (HOL_ss addsimps hypreal_minus_from_mult_simps @ mult_1s))
-     THEN ALLGOALS (simp_tac (HOL_ss addsimps bin_simps@hypreal_mult_minus_simps))
-     THEN ALLGOALS (simp_tac (HOL_ss addsimps mult_ac))
-  val numeral_simp_tac  =
-         ALLGOALS (simp_tac (HOL_ss addsimps rel_hypreal_number_of@bin_simps))
-  val simplify_meta_eq  = simplify_meta_eq
-  end
-structure DivCancelNumeralFactor = CancelNumeralFactorFun
- (open CancelNumeralFactorCommon
-  val prove_conv = Bin_Simprocs.prove_conv
-  val mk_bal   = HOLogic.mk_binop "HOL.divide"
-  val dest_bal = HOLogic.dest_bin "HOL.divide" hyprealT
-  val cancel = mult_divide_cancel_left RS trans
-  val neg_exchanges = false
-structure EqCancelNumeralFactor = CancelNumeralFactorFun
- (open CancelNumeralFactorCommon
-  val prove_conv = Bin_Simprocs.prove_conv
-  val mk_bal   = HOLogic.mk_eq
-  val dest_bal = HOLogic.dest_bin "op =" hyprealT
-  val cancel = mult_cancel_left RS trans
-  val neg_exchanges = false
-structure LessCancelNumeralFactor = CancelNumeralFactorFun
- (open CancelNumeralFactorCommon
-  val prove_conv = Bin_Simprocs.prove_conv
-  val mk_bal   = HOLogic.mk_binrel "op <"
-  val dest_bal = HOLogic.dest_bin "op <" hyprealT
-  val cancel = mult_less_cancel_left RS trans
-  val neg_exchanges = true
-structure LeCancelNumeralFactor = CancelNumeralFactorFun
- (open CancelNumeralFactorCommon
-  val prove_conv = Bin_Simprocs.prove_conv
-  val mk_bal   = HOLogic.mk_binrel "op <="
-  val dest_bal = HOLogic.dest_bin "op <=" hyprealT
-  val cancel = mult_le_cancel_left RS trans
-  val neg_exchanges = true
-val hypreal_cancel_numeral_factors_relations =
-  map prep_simproc
-   [("hyprealeq_cancel_numeral_factor",
-     ["(l::hypreal) * m = n", "(l::hypreal) = m * n"],
-     EqCancelNumeralFactor.proc),
-    ("hyprealless_cancel_numeral_factor",
-     ["(l::hypreal) * m < n", "(l::hypreal) < m * n"],
-     LessCancelNumeralFactor.proc),
-    ("hyprealle_cancel_numeral_factor",
-     ["(l::hypreal) * m <= n", "(l::hypreal) <= m * n"],
-     LeCancelNumeralFactor.proc)];
-val hypreal_cancel_numeral_factors_divide = prep_simproc
-        ("hyprealdiv_cancel_numeral_factor",
-         ["((l::hypreal) * m) / n", "(l::hypreal) / (m * n)",
-          "((number_of v)::hypreal) / (number_of w)"],
-         DivCancelNumeralFactor.proc);
-val hypreal_cancel_numeral_factors =
-    hypreal_cancel_numeral_factors_relations @
-    [hypreal_cancel_numeral_factors_divide];
-Addsimprocs hypreal_cancel_numeral_factors;
-(** Declarations for ExtractCommonTerm **)
-  open Hyperreal_Numeral_Simprocs
-structure CancelFactorCommon =
-  struct
-  val mk_sum            = long_mk_prod
-  val dest_sum          = dest_prod
-  val mk_coeff          = mk_coeff
-  val dest_coeff        = dest_coeff
-  val find_first        = find_first []
-  val trans_tac         = Real_Numeral_Simprocs.trans_tac
-  val norm_tac = ALLGOALS (simp_tac (HOL_ss addsimps mult_1s@mult_ac))
-  end;
-structure EqCancelFactor = ExtractCommonTermFun
- (open CancelFactorCommon
-  val prove_conv = Bin_Simprocs.prove_conv
-  val mk_bal   = HOLogic.mk_eq
-  val dest_bal = HOLogic.dest_bin "op =" hyprealT
-  val simplify_meta_eq  = cancel_simplify_meta_eq mult_cancel_left
-structure DivideCancelFactor = ExtractCommonTermFun
- (open CancelFactorCommon
-  val prove_conv = Bin_Simprocs.prove_conv
-  val mk_bal   = HOLogic.mk_binop "HOL.divide"
-  val dest_bal = HOLogic.dest_bin "HOL.divide" hyprealT
-  val simplify_meta_eq  = cancel_simplify_meta_eq mult_divide_cancel_eq_if
-val hypreal_cancel_factor =
-  map prep_simproc
-   [("hypreal_eq_cancel_factor", ["(l::hypreal) * m = n", "(l::hypreal) = m * n"],
-     EqCancelFactor.proc),
-    ("hypreal_divide_cancel_factor", ["((l::hypreal) * m) / n", "(l::hypreal) / (m * n)"],
-     DivideCancelFactor.proc)];
-Addsimprocs hypreal_cancel_factor;
 (****Instantiation of the generic linear arithmetic package****)
-(* reduce contradictory <= to False *)
-val add_rules =
-    [hypreal_numeral_0_eq_0, hypreal_numeral_1_eq_1,
-     add_hypreal_number_of, minus_hypreal_number_of, diff_hypreal_number_of,
-     mult_hypreal_number_of, eq_hypreal_number_of, less_hypreal_number_of];
-val simprocs = [Hyperreal_Times_Assoc.conv, 
-                Hyperreal_Numeral_Simprocs.combine_numerals,
-                hypreal_cancel_numeral_factors_divide]@
-               Hyperreal_Numeral_Simprocs.cancel_numerals @
-               Hyperreal_Numeral_Simprocs.eval_numerals;
 fun cvar(th,_ $ (_ $ _ $ var)) = cterm_of (#sign(rep_thm th)) var;
 val hypreal_mult_mono_thms =
@@ -529,6 +34,8 @@
+val hyprealT = Type("Rational.hypreal", []);
 val fast_hypreal_arith_simproc =
     Simplifier.simproc (Theory.sign_of (the_context ()))
@@ -541,10 +48,8 @@
     mult_mono_thms = mult_mono_thms @ hypreal_mult_mono_thms,
     inj_thms = inj_thms @ real_inj_thms, 
     lessD = lessD,  (*Can't change LA_Data_Ref.lessD: the hypreals are dense!*)
-    simpset = simpset addsimps add_rules
-                      addsimprocs simprocs}),
-  arith_inj_const ("HyperDef.hypreal_of_real", 
-                   HOLogic.realT --> Hyperreal_Numeral_Simprocs.hyprealT),
+    simpset = simpset}),
+  arith_inj_const ("HyperDef.hypreal_of_real", HOLogic.realT --> hyprealT),
   arith_discrete ("HyperDef.hypreal",false),
   Simplifier.change_simpset_of (op addsimprocs) [fast_hypreal_arith_simproc]];