changeset 73761 ef1a18e20ace
parent 73752 eeb076fc569f
child 73780 466fae6bf22e
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/src/Pure/Thy/document_output.ML	Fri May 21 12:29:29 2021 +0200
@@ -0,0 +1,577 @@
+(*  Title:      Pure/Thy/document_output.ML
+    Author:     Makarius
+Theory document output.
+signature DOCUMENT_OUTPUT =
+  val document_reports: Input.source -> list
+  val output_document: Proof.context -> {markdown: bool} -> Input.source -> Latex.text list
+  val check_comments: Proof.context -> Symbol_Pos.T list -> unit
+  val output_token: Proof.context -> Token.T -> Latex.text list
+  val output_source: Proof.context -> string -> Latex.text list
+  type segment =
+    {span: Command_Span.span, command: Toplevel.transition,
+     prev_state: Toplevel.state, state: Toplevel.state}
+  val present_thy: Options.T -> theory -> segment list -> Latex.text list
+  val pretty_term: Proof.context -> term -> Pretty.T
+  val pretty_thm: Proof.context -> thm -> Pretty.T
+  val lines: Latex.text list -> Latex.text list
+  val items: Latex.text list -> Latex.text list
+  val isabelle: Proof.context -> Latex.text list -> Latex.text
+  val isabelle_typewriter: Proof.context -> Latex.text list -> Latex.text
+  val typewriter: Proof.context -> string -> Latex.text
+  val verbatim: Proof.context -> string -> Latex.text
+  val source: Proof.context -> {embedded: bool} -> Token.src -> Latex.text
+  val pretty: Proof.context -> Pretty.T -> Latex.text
+  val pretty_source: Proof.context -> {embedded: bool} -> Token.src -> Pretty.T -> Latex.text
+  val pretty_items: Proof.context -> Pretty.T list -> Latex.text
+  val pretty_items_source: Proof.context -> {embedded: bool} -> Token.src ->
+    Pretty.T list -> Latex.text
+  val antiquotation_pretty:
+    binding -> 'a context_parser -> (Proof.context -> 'a -> Pretty.T) -> theory -> theory
+  val antiquotation_pretty_embedded:
+    binding -> 'a context_parser -> (Proof.context -> 'a -> Pretty.T) -> theory -> theory
+  val antiquotation_pretty_source:
+    binding -> 'a context_parser -> (Proof.context -> 'a -> Pretty.T) -> theory -> theory
+  val antiquotation_pretty_source_embedded:
+    binding -> 'a context_parser -> (Proof.context -> 'a -> Pretty.T) -> theory -> theory
+  val antiquotation_raw:
+    binding -> 'a context_parser -> (Proof.context -> 'a -> Latex.text) -> theory -> theory
+  val antiquotation_raw_embedded:
+    binding -> 'a context_parser -> (Proof.context -> 'a -> Latex.text) -> theory -> theory
+  val antiquotation_verbatim:
+    binding -> 'a context_parser -> (Proof.context -> 'a -> string) -> theory -> theory
+  val antiquotation_verbatim_embedded:
+    binding -> 'a context_parser -> (Proof.context -> 'a -> string) -> theory -> theory
+structure Document_Output: DOCUMENT_OUTPUT =
+(* output document source *)
+fun document_reports txt =
+  let val pos = Input.pos_of txt in
+    [(pos, Markup.language_document (Input.is_delimited txt)),
+     (pos, Markup.plain_text)]
+  end;
+val output_symbols = single o Latex.symbols_output;
+fun output_comment ctxt (kind, syms) =
+  (case kind of
+    Comment.Comment =>
+      Input.cartouche_content syms
+      |> output_document (ctxt |> Config.put Document_Antiquotation.thy_output_display false)
+          {markdown = false}
+      |> Latex.enclose_body "%\n\\isamarkupcmt{" "%\n}"
+  | Comment.Cancel =>
+      Symbol_Pos.cartouche_content syms
+      |> output_symbols
+      |> Latex.enclose_body "%\n\\isamarkupcancel{" "}"
+  | Comment.Latex => [Latex.symbols (Symbol_Pos.cartouche_content syms)]
+  | Comment.Marker => [])
+and output_comment_document ctxt (comment, syms) =
+  (case comment of
+    SOME kind => output_comment ctxt (kind, syms)
+  | NONE => [Latex.symbols syms])
+and output_document_text ctxt syms =
+  Comment.read_body syms |> maps (output_comment_document ctxt)
+and output_document ctxt {markdown} source =
+  let
+    val pos = Input.pos_of source;
+    val syms = Input.source_explode source;
+    val output_antiquotes =
+      maps (Document_Antiquotation.evaluate (output_document_text ctxt) ctxt);
+    fun output_line line =
+      (if Markdown.line_is_item line then [Latex.string "\\item "] else []) @
+        output_antiquotes (Markdown.line_content line);
+    fun output_block (Markdown.Par lines) =
+          Latex.block (separate (Latex.string "\n") (map (Latex.block o output_line) lines))
+      | output_block (Markdown.List {kind, body, ...}) =
+          Latex.environment_block (Markdown.print_kind kind) (output_blocks body)
+    and output_blocks blocks = separate (Latex.string "\n\n") (map output_block blocks);
+  in
+    if Toplevel.is_skipped_proof (Toplevel.presentation_state ctxt) then []
+    else if markdown andalso exists (Markdown.is_control o Symbol_Pos.symbol) syms
+    then
+      let
+        val ants = Antiquote.parse_comments pos syms;
+        val reports = Antiquote.antiq_reports ants;
+        val blocks = Markdown.read_antiquotes ants;
+        val _ = Context_Position.reports ctxt (reports @ Markdown.reports blocks);
+      in output_blocks blocks end
+    else
+      let
+        val ants = Antiquote.parse_comments pos (trim (Symbol.is_blank o Symbol_Pos.symbol) syms);
+        val reports = Antiquote.antiq_reports ants;
+        val _ = Context_Position.reports ctxt (reports @ Markdown.text_reports ants);
+      in output_antiquotes ants end
+  end;
+(* output tokens with formal comments *)
+val output_symbols_antiq =
+  (fn Antiquote.Text syms => output_symbols syms
+    | Antiquote.Control {name = (name, _), body, ...} =>
+        Latex.string (Latex.output_symbols [Symbol.encode (Symbol.Control name)]) ::
+          output_symbols body
+    | Antiquote.Antiq {body, ...} =>
+        Latex.enclose_body "%\n\\isaantiq\n" "{}%\n\\endisaantiq\n" (output_symbols body));
+fun output_comment_symbols ctxt {antiq} (comment, syms) =
+  (case (comment, antiq) of
+    (NONE, false) => output_symbols syms
+  | (NONE, true) =>
+      Antiquote.parse_comments (#1 (Symbol_Pos.range syms)) syms
+      |> maps output_symbols_antiq
+  | (SOME comment, _) => output_comment ctxt (comment, syms));
+fun output_body ctxt antiq bg en syms =
+  Comment.read_body syms
+  |> maps (output_comment_symbols ctxt {antiq = antiq})
+  |> Latex.enclose_body bg en;
+fun output_token ctxt tok =
+  let
+    fun output antiq bg en =
+      output_body ctxt antiq bg en (Input.source_explode (Token.input_of tok));
+  in
+    (case Token.kind_of tok of
+      Token.Comment NONE => []
+    | Token.Comment (SOME Comment.Marker) => []
+    | Token.Command => output false "\\isacommand{" "}"
+    | Token.Keyword =>
+        if Symbol.is_ascii_identifier (Token.content_of tok)
+        then output false "\\isakeyword{" "}"
+        else output false "" ""
+    | Token.String => output false "{\\isachardoublequoteopen}" "{\\isachardoublequoteclose}"
+    | Token.Alt_String => output false "{\\isacharbackquoteopen}" "{\\isacharbackquoteclose}"
+    | Token.Verbatim => output true "{\\isacharverbatimopen}" "{\\isacharverbatimclose}"
+    | Token.Cartouche => output false "{\\isacartoucheopen}" "{\\isacartoucheclose}"
+    | _ => output false "" "")
+  end handle ERROR msg => error (msg ^ (Token.pos_of tok));
+fun output_source ctxt s =
+  output_body ctxt false "" "" (Symbol_Pos.explode (s, Position.none));
+fun check_comments ctxt =
+  Comment.read_body #> (fn (comment, syms) =>
+    let
+      val pos = #1 (Symbol_Pos.range syms);
+      val _ =
+        comment |> (fn kind =>
+          Context_Position.reports ctxt (map (pair pos) (Comment.kind_markups kind)));
+      val _ = output_comment_symbols ctxt {antiq = false} (comment, syms);
+    in if comment = SOME Comment.Comment then check_comments ctxt syms else () end);
+(** present theory source **)
+(* presentation tokens *)
+datatype token =
+    Ignore
+  | Token of Token.T
+  | Heading of string * Input.source
+  | Body of string * Input.source
+  | Raw of Input.source;
+fun token_with pred (Token tok) = pred tok
+  | token_with _ _ = false;
+val white_token = token_with Document_Source.is_white;
+val white_comment_token = token_with Document_Source.is_white_comment;
+val blank_token = token_with Token.is_blank;
+val newline_token = token_with Token.is_newline;
+fun present_token ctxt tok =
+  (case tok of
+    Ignore => []
+  | Token tok => output_token ctxt tok
+  | Heading (cmd, source) =>
+      Latex.enclose_body ("%\n\\isamarkup" ^ cmd ^ "{") "%\n}\n"
+        (output_document ctxt {markdown = false} source)
+  | Body (cmd, source) =>
+      [Latex.environment_block ("isamarkup" ^ cmd) (output_document ctxt {markdown = true} source)]
+  | Raw source =>
+      Latex.string "%\n" :: output_document ctxt {markdown = true} source @ [Latex.string "\n"]);
+(* command spans *)
+type command = string * Position.T;   (*name, position*)
+type source = (token * (string * int)) list;        (*token, markup flag, meta-comment depth*)
+datatype span = Span of command * (source * source * source * source) * bool;
+fun make_span cmd src =
+  let
+    fun chop_newline (tok :: toks) =
+          if newline_token (fst tok) then ([tok], toks, true)
+          else ([], tok :: toks, false)
+      | chop_newline [] = ([], [], false);
+    val (((src_prefix, src_main), src_suffix1), (src_suffix2, src_appendix, newline)) =
+      src
+      |> chop_prefix (white_token o fst)
+      ||>> chop_suffix (white_token o fst)
+      ||>> chop_prefix (white_comment_token o fst)
+      ||> chop_newline;
+  in Span (cmd, (src_prefix, src_main, src_suffix1 @ src_suffix2, src_appendix), newline) end;
+(* present spans *)
+fun err_bad_nesting here =
+  error ("Bad nesting of commands in presentation" ^ here);
+fun edge which f (x: string option, y) =
+  if x = y then I
+  else (case which (x, y) of NONE => I | SOME txt => cons (Latex.string (f txt)));
+val begin_tag = edge #2 Latex.begin_tag;
+val end_tag = edge #1 Latex.end_tag;
+fun open_delim delim e = edge #2 Latex.begin_delim e #> delim #> edge #2 Latex.end_delim e;
+fun close_delim delim e = edge #1 Latex.begin_delim e #> delim #> edge #1 Latex.end_delim e;
+fun document_tag cmd_pos state state' tagging_stack =
+  let
+    val ctxt' = Toplevel.presentation_context state';
+    val nesting = Toplevel.level state' - Toplevel.level state;
+    val (tagging, taggings) = tagging_stack;
+    val (tag', tagging') = Document_Source.update_tagging ctxt' tagging;
+    val tagging_stack' =
+      if nesting = 0 andalso not (Toplevel.is_proof state) then tagging_stack
+      else if nesting >= 0 then (tagging', replicate nesting tagging @ taggings)
+      else
+        (case drop (~ nesting - 1) taggings of
+          tg :: tgs => (tg, tgs)
+        | [] => err_bad_nesting ( cmd_pos));
+  in (tag', tagging_stack') end;
+fun read_tag s =
+  (case space_explode "%" s of
+    ["", b] => (SOME b, NONE)
+  | [a, b] => (NONE, SOME (a, b))
+  | _ => error ("Bad document_tags specification: " ^ quote s));
+fun make_command_tag options keywords =
+  let
+    val document_tags =
+      map read_tag (space_explode "," (Options.string options \<^system_option>\<open>document_tags\<close>));
+    val document_tags_default = map_filter #1 document_tags;
+    val document_tags_command = map_filter #2 document_tags;
+  in
+    fn cmd_name => fn state => fn state' => fn active_tag =>
+      let
+        val keyword_tags =
+          if cmd_name = "end" andalso Toplevel.is_end_theory state' then ["theory"]
+          else Keyword.command_tags keywords cmd_name;
+        val command_tags =
+          the_list (AList.lookup (op =) document_tags_command cmd_name) @
+          keyword_tags @ document_tags_default;
+        val active_tag' =
+          (case command_tags of
+            default_tag :: _ => SOME default_tag
+          | [] =>
+              if Keyword.is_vacuous keywords cmd_name andalso Toplevel.is_proof state
+              then active_tag
+              else NONE);
+      in active_tag' end
+  end;
+fun present_span command_tag span state state'
+    (tagging_stack, active_tag, newline, latex, present_cont) =
+  let
+    val ctxt' = Toplevel.presentation_context state';
+    val present = fold (fn (tok, (flag, 0)) =>
+        fold cons (present_token ctxt' tok)
+        #> cons (Latex.string flag)
+      | _ => I);
+    val Span ((cmd_name, cmd_pos), srcs, span_newline) = span;
+    val (tag', tagging_stack') = document_tag cmd_pos state state' tagging_stack;
+    val active_tag' =
+      if is_some tag' then #1 tag'
+      else command_tag cmd_name state state' active_tag;
+    val edge = (active_tag, active_tag');
+    val newline' =
+      if is_none active_tag' then span_newline else newline;
+    val latex' =
+      latex
+      |> end_tag edge
+      |> close_delim (fst present_cont) edge
+      |> snd present_cont
+      |> open_delim (present (#1 srcs)) edge
+      |> begin_tag edge
+      |> present (#2 srcs);
+    val present_cont' =
+      if newline then (present (#3 srcs), present (#4 srcs))
+      else (I, present (#3 srcs) #> present (#4 srcs));
+  in (tagging_stack', active_tag', newline', latex', present_cont') end;
+fun present_trailer ((_, tags), active_tag, _, latex, present_cont) =
+  if not (null tags) then err_bad_nesting " at end of theory"
+  else
+    latex
+    |> end_tag (active_tag, NONE)
+    |> close_delim (fst present_cont) (active_tag, NONE)
+    |> snd present_cont;
+(* present_thy *)
+val markup_true = "\\isamarkuptrue%\n";
+val markup_false = "\\isamarkupfalse%\n";
+val opt_newline = Scan.option ( Token.is_newline);
+val ignore =
+  Scan.depend (fn d => opt_newline |-- Token.is_begin_ignore
+    >> pair (d + 1)) ||
+  Scan.depend (fn d => Token.is_end_ignore --|
+    (if d = 0 then Scan.fail_with (K (fn () => "Bad nesting of meta-comments")) else opt_newline)
+    >> pair (d - 1));
+val locale =
+  Scan.option ((Parse.$$$ "(" -- Document_Source.improper -- Parse.$$$ "in") |--
+    Parse.!!!
+      (Document_Source.improper |-- --| (Document_Source.improper -- Parse.$$$ ")")));
+type segment =
+  {span: Command_Span.span, command: Toplevel.transition,
+   prev_state: Toplevel.state, state: Toplevel.state};
+fun present_thy options thy (segments: segment list) =
+  let
+    val keywords = Thy_Header.get_keywords thy;
+    (* tokens *)
+    val ignored = Scan.state --| ignore
+      >> (fn d => (NONE, (Ignore, ("", d))));
+    fun markup pred mk flag = Scan.peek (fn d =>
+      Document_Source.improper |--
+        Parse.position ( (fn tok =>
+          Token.is_command tok andalso pred keywords (Token.content_of tok))) --
+      (Document_Source.annotation |--
+        Parse.!!!! ((Document_Source.improper -- locale -- Document_Source.improper) |--
+          Parse.document_source --| Document_Source.improper_end))
+            >> (fn ((tok, pos'), source) =>
+              let val name = Token.content_of tok
+              in (SOME (name, pos'), (mk (name, source), (flag, d))) end));
+    val command = Scan.peek (fn d =>
+      Scan.optional ( Token.is_command_modifier ::: Document_Source.improper) [] --
+ Token.is_command --| Document_Source.annotation
+      >> (fn (cmd_mod, cmd) =>
+        map (fn tok => (NONE, (Token tok, ("", d)))) cmd_mod @
+          [(SOME (Token.content_of cmd, Token.pos_of cmd),
+            (Token cmd, (markup_false, d)))]));
+    val cmt = Scan.peek (fn d =>
+ Document_Source.is_black_comment >> (fn tok => (NONE, (Token tok, ("", d)))));
+    val other = Scan.peek (fn d =>
+       Parse.not_eof >> (fn tok => (NONE, (Token tok, ("", d)))));
+    val tokens =
+      (ignored ||
+        markup Keyword.is_document_heading Heading markup_true ||
+        markup Keyword.is_document_body Body markup_true ||
+        markup Keyword.is_document_raw (Raw o #2) "") >> single ||
+      command ||
+      (cmt || other) >> single;
+    (* spans *)
+    val is_eof = fn (_, (Token x, _)) => Token.is_eof x | _ => false;
+    val stopper = Scan.stopper (K (NONE, (Token Token.eof, ("", 0)))) is_eof;
+    val cmd = (is_some o fst);
+    val non_cmd = (is_none o fst andf not o is_eof) >> #2;
+    val white_comments = Scan.many (white_comment_token o fst o snd);
+    val blank = (blank_token o fst o snd);
+    val newline = (newline_token o fst o snd);
+    val before_cmd =
+      Scan.option (newline -- white_comments) --
+      Scan.option (newline -- white_comments) --
+      Scan.option (blank -- white_comments) -- cmd;
+    val span =
+      Scan.repeat non_cmd -- cmd --
+        Scan.repeat (Scan.unless before_cmd non_cmd) --
+        Scan.option (newline >> (single o snd))
+      >> (fn (((toks1, (cmd, tok2)), toks3), tok4) =>
+          make_span (the cmd) (toks1 @ (tok2 :: (toks3 @ the_default [] tok4))));
+    val spans = segments
+      |> maps (Command_Span.content o #span)
+      |> drop_suffix Token.is_space
+      |> Source.of_list
+      |> Source.source' 0 Token.stopper (Scan.error (Scan.bulk tokens >> flat))
+      |> Source.source stopper (Scan.error (Scan.bulk span))
+      |> Source.exhaust;
+    val command_results =
+      segments |> map_filter (fn {command, state, ...} =>
+        if Toplevel.is_ignored command then NONE else SOME (command, state));
+    (* present commands *)
+    val command_tag = make_command_tag options keywords;
+    fun present_command tr span st st' =
+      Toplevel.setmp_thread_position tr (present_span command_tag span st st');
+    fun present _ [] = I
+      | present st ((span, (tr, st')) :: rest) = present_command tr span st st' #> present st' rest;
+  in
+    if length command_results = length spans then
+      (([], []), NONE, true, [], (I, I))
+      |> present (Toplevel.init_toplevel ()) (spans ~~ command_results)
+      |> present_trailer
+      |> rev
+    else error "Messed-up outer syntax for presentation"
+  end;
+(** standard output operations **)
+(* pretty printing *)
+fun pretty_term ctxt t =
+  Syntax.pretty_term (Proof_Context.augment t ctxt) t;
+fun pretty_thm ctxt = pretty_term ctxt o Thm.full_prop_of;
+(* default output *)
+val lines = separate (Latex.string "\\isanewline%\n");
+val items = separate (Latex.string "\\isasep\\isanewline%\n");
+fun isabelle ctxt body =
+  if Config.get ctxt Document_Antiquotation.thy_output_display
+  then Latex.environment_block "isabelle" body
+  else Latex.block (Latex.enclose_body "\\isa{" "}" body);
+fun isabelle_typewriter ctxt body =
+  if Config.get ctxt Document_Antiquotation.thy_output_display
+  then Latex.environment_block "isabellett" body
+  else Latex.block (Latex.enclose_body "\\isatt{" "}" body);
+fun typewriter ctxt s =
+  isabelle_typewriter ctxt [Latex.string (Latex.output_ascii s)];
+fun verbatim ctxt =
+  if Config.get ctxt Document_Antiquotation.thy_output_display
+  then Document_Antiquotation.indent_lines ctxt #> typewriter ctxt
+  else split_lines #> map (typewriter ctxt) #> lines #> Latex.block;
+fun token_source ctxt {embedded} tok =
+  if Token.is_kind Token.Cartouche tok andalso embedded andalso
+    not (Config.get ctxt Document_Antiquotation.thy_output_source_cartouche)
+  then Token.content_of tok
+  else Token.unparse tok;
+fun is_source ctxt =
+  Config.get ctxt Document_Antiquotation.thy_output_source orelse
+  Config.get ctxt Document_Antiquotation.thy_output_source_cartouche;
+fun source ctxt embedded =
+  Token.args_of_src
+  #> map (token_source ctxt embedded #> Document_Antiquotation.prepare_lines ctxt)
+  #> space_implode " "
+  #> output_source ctxt
+  #> isabelle ctxt;
+fun pretty ctxt =
+  Document_Antiquotation.output ctxt #> Latex.string #> single #> isabelle ctxt;
+fun pretty_source ctxt embedded src prt =
+  if is_source ctxt then source ctxt embedded src else pretty ctxt prt;
+fun pretty_items ctxt =
+  map (Document_Antiquotation.output ctxt #> Latex.string) #> items #> isabelle ctxt;
+fun pretty_items_source ctxt embedded src prts =
+  if is_source ctxt then source ctxt embedded src else pretty_items ctxt prts;
+(* antiquotation variants *)
+fun gen_setup name embedded =
+  if embedded
+  then Document_Antiquotation.setup_embedded name
+  else Document_Antiquotation.setup name;
+fun gen_antiquotation_pretty name embedded scan f =
+  gen_setup name embedded scan (fn {context = ctxt, argument = x, ...} => pretty ctxt (f ctxt x));
+fun gen_antiquotation_pretty_source name embedded scan f =
+  gen_setup name embedded scan
+    (fn {context = ctxt, source = src, argument = x} =>
+      pretty_source ctxt {embedded = embedded} src (f ctxt x));
+fun gen_antiquotation_raw name embedded scan f =
+  gen_setup name embedded scan (fn {context = ctxt, argument = x, ...} => f ctxt x);
+fun gen_antiquotation_verbatim name embedded scan f =
+  gen_antiquotation_raw name embedded scan (fn ctxt => verbatim ctxt o f ctxt);
+fun antiquotation_pretty name = gen_antiquotation_pretty name false;
+fun antiquotation_pretty_embedded name = gen_antiquotation_pretty name true;
+fun antiquotation_pretty_source name = gen_antiquotation_pretty_source name false;
+fun antiquotation_pretty_source_embedded name = gen_antiquotation_pretty_source name true;
+fun antiquotation_raw name = gen_antiquotation_raw name false;
+fun antiquotation_raw_embedded name = gen_antiquotation_raw name true;
+fun antiquotation_verbatim name = gen_antiquotation_verbatim name false;
+fun antiquotation_verbatim_embedded name = gen_antiquotation_verbatim name true;