changeset 33817 f6a4da31f2f1
child 33823 24090eae50b6
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/src/Tools/WWW_Find/unicode_symbols.ML	Fri Nov 20 18:36:44 2009 +1100
@@ -0,0 +1,277 @@
+(*  Title:      Pure/Thy/unicode_symbols.ML
+    Author:     Timothy Bourke, NICTA
+Parse the etc/symbols file.
+signature UNICODE_SYMBOLS =
+val symbol_to_unicode : string -> int option
+val abbrev_to_unicode : string -> int option
+val unicode_to_symbol : int -> string option
+val unicode_to_abbrev : int -> string option
+val utf8_to_symbols   : string -> string
+val utf8              : int list -> string
+structure UnicodeSymbols (*: UNICODE_SYMBOLS*) =
+local (* Lexer *)
+open Basic_Symbol_Pos
+val keywords =
+  Scan.make_lexicon (map Symbol.explode ["code", "font", "abbrev", ":"]);
+datatype token_kind =
+  Symbol | AsciiSymbol | Keyword | Name | Code | Space | Comment | EOF;
+datatype token = Token of token_kind * string * Position.range;
+fun token kind ss = Token (kind, Symbol_Pos.content ss, Symbol_Pos.range ss);
+fun mk_eof pos = Token (EOF, "", (pos, Position.none));
+fun str_of_token (Token (_, s, _)) = s;
+fun pos_of_token (Token (_, _, (pos, _))) = pos;
+fun int_of_code (Token (Code, s, _)) = #value (Lexicon.read_xnum s)
+  | int_of_code _ = error "internal error in UnicodeSymbols.int_of_code"
+fun is_proper (Token (Space, _, _)) = false
+  | is_proper (Token (Comment, _, _)) = false
+  | is_proper _ = true;
+fun is_keyword kw (Token (Keyword, kw', _)) = (kw = kw')
+  | is_keyword _ _ = false;
+fun is_ascii_sym (Token (AsciiSymbol, _, _)) = true
+  | is_ascii_sym _ = false;
+fun is_hex_code (Token (Code, _, _)) = true
+  | is_hex_code _ = false;
+fun is_symbol (Token (Symbol, _, _)) = true
+  | is_symbol _ = false;
+fun is_name (Token (Name, _, _)) = true
+  | is_name _ = false;
+fun is_eof (Token (EOF, _, _)) = true
+  | is_eof _ = false;
+fun end_position_of (Token (_, _, (_, epos))) = epos;
+val is_space = symbol #> (fn s => Symbol.is_blank s andalso s <> "\n");
+val scan_space =
+  (Scan.many1 is_space @@@ Scan.optional ($$$ "\n") []
+   ||
+   Scan.many is_space @@@ ($$$ "\n")) >> token Space;
+val scan_code = Lexicon.scan_hex #>> token Code;
+val scan_ascii_symbol =
+  ((fn x => Symbol.is_ascii x andalso
+      not (Symbol.is_ascii_letter x
+           orelse Symbol.is_ascii_digit x
+           orelse Symbol.is_ascii_blank x)) o symbol)
+  -- Scan.many (not o Symbol.is_ascii_blank o symbol)
+  >> (token AsciiSymbol o op ::);
+fun not_contains xs c = not ((symbol c) mem_string (explode xs));
+val scan_comment =
+  $$$ "#" |-- (Scan.many (not_contains "\n") @@@ ($$$ "\n"))
+  >> token Comment;
+fun tokenize syms =
+  let
+    val scanner =
+ (Symbol.is_symbolic o symbol) >> (token Symbol o single) ||
+      scan_comment ||
+      scan_space ||
+      scan_code ||
+      Scan.literal keywords >> token Keyword ||
+      scan_ascii_symbol ||
+      Lexicon.scan_id >> token Name;
+    val scan_token = Symbol_Pos.!!! "Lexical error" (Scan.bulk scanner);
+  in
+    (case Scan.error (Scan.finite Symbol_Pos.stopper scan_token) syms of
+      (toks, []) => toks
+    | (_, ss) => error ("Lexical error at: " ^ Symbol_Pos.content ss
+                        ^ Position.str_of (#1 (Symbol_Pos.range ss))))
+  end;
+val stopper =
+  Scan.stopper
+    (fn [] => mk_eof Position.none
+      | toks => mk_eof (end_position_of (List.last toks))) is_eof;
+local (* Parser *)
+structure P = OuterParse;
+fun $$$ kw = (is_keyword kw) >> str_of_token;
+val hex_code = is_hex_code >> int_of_code;
+val ascii_sym = is_ascii_sym >> str_of_token;
+val symbol = is_symbol >> (fn t => (str_of_token t, pos_of_token t));
+val name = is_name >> str_of_token;
+val unicode = $$$ "code" -- $$$ ":" |-- hex_code;
+val font = Scan.option ($$$ "font" -- $$$ ":" |-- name);
+val abbr = Scan.option ($$$ "abbrev" -- $$$ ":"
+                        |-- (ascii_sym || $$$ ":" || name));
+val line = (symbol -- unicode --| font -- abbr) >> P.triple1;
+val symbols_path =
+  [getenv "ISABELLE_HOME", "etc", "symbols"]
+  |> map Path.explode
+  |> Path.appends;
+local (* build tables *)
+fun add_entries ((fromsym, fromabbr, tosym, toabbr), ((sym, pos), uni, oabbr)) =
+  (case oabbr of
+     NONE =>
+       (Symtab.update_new (sym, uni) fromsym,
+        fromabbr,
+        Inttab.update (uni, sym) tosym,
+        toabbr)
+   | SOME abbr =>
+       (Symtab.update_new (sym, uni) fromsym,
+        Symtab.update_new (abbr, uni) fromabbr,
+        Inttab.update (uni, sym) tosym,
+        Inttab.update (uni, abbr) toabbr))
+  handle Symtab.DUP sym => error ("Duplicate at" ^ Position.str_of pos)
+       | Inttab.DUP sym => error ("Duplicate code at" ^ Position.str_of pos);
+fun read_symbols path =
+  let
+    val parsed_lines =
+ path
+      |> (fn x => Symbol_Pos.explode (x, Position.file (Path.implode path)))
+      |> tokenize
+      |> filter is_proper
+      |> Scan.finite stopper (Scan.repeat line)
+      |> fst;
+  in
+    Library.foldl add_entries
+      ((Symtab.empty, Symtab.empty, Inttab.empty, Inttab.empty),
+       parsed_lines)
+  end;
+val (fromsym, fromabbr, tosym, toabbr) = read_symbols symbols_path;
+val symbol_to_unicode = Symtab.lookup fromsym;
+val abbrev_to_unicode = Symtab.lookup fromabbr;
+val unicode_to_symbol = Inttab.lookup tosym;
+val unicode_to_abbrev = Inttab.lookup toabbr;
+fun utf8_to_symbols utf8str =
+  let
+    val get_next =
+      Substring.getc
+      #> (apfst Byte.charToByte);
+    val wstr = String.str o Byte.byteToChar;
+    val replacement_char = "\<questiondown>";
+    fun word_to_symbol w =
+      (case (unicode_to_symbol o Word32.toInt) w of
+         NONE => "?"
+       | SOME s => s);
+    fun andb32 (w1, w2) =
+      Word8.andb(w1, w2)
+      |> Word8.toLarge
+      |> Word32.fromLarge;
+    fun read_next (ss, 0, c) = (word_to_symbol c, ss)
+      | read_next (ss, n, c) =
+          (case get_next ss of
+             NONE => (replacement_char, ss)
+           | SOME (w, ss') =>
+               if Word8.andb (w, 0wxc0) <> 0wx80
+               then (replacement_char, ss')
+               else
+                 let
+                   val w' = (Word8.andb (w, 0wx3f));
+                   val bw = (Word32.fromLarge o Word8.toLarge) w';
+                   val c' = Word32.<< (c, 0wx6);
+                 in read_next (ss', n - 1, Word32.orb (c', bw)) end);
+    fun do_char (w, ss) =
+      if Word8.andb (w, 0wx80) = 0wx00
+      then (wstr w, ss)
+      else if Word8.andb (w, 0wx60) = 0wx40
+      then read_next (ss, 1, andb32 (w, 0wx1f))
+      else if Word8.andb (w, 0wxf0) = 0wxe0
+      then read_next (ss, 2, andb32 (w, 0wx0f))
+      else if Word8.andb (w, 0wxf8) = 0wxf0
+      then read_next (ss, 3, andb32 (w, 0wx07))
+      else (replacement_char, ss);
+    fun read (rs, ss) =
+      (case do_char (get_next ss) of
+         NONE => (implode o rev) rs
+       | SOME (s, ss') => read (s::rs, ss'));
+  in read ([], Substring.full utf8str) end;
+fun consec n =
+  fn w => (
+    Word32.>> (w, Word.fromInt (n * 6))
+    |> (curry Word32.andb) 0wx3f
+    |> (curry Word32.orb) 0wx80
+    |> Word8.fromLargeWord o Word32.toLargeWord);
+fun stamp n =
+  fn w => (
+    Word32.>> (w, Word.fromInt (n * 6))
+    |> (curry Word32.andb) (Word32.>> (0wx000000ff, Word.fromInt (n + 2)))
+    |> (curry Word32.orb) (Word32.<< (0wxffffffff, Word.fromInt (7 - n)))
+    |> Word8.fromLargeWord o Word32.toLargeWord);
+fun to_utf8_bytes i =
+  if i <= 0x007f
+  then [Word8.fromInt i]
+  else let
+    val w = Word32.fromInt i;
+  in
+    if i < 0x07ff
+    then [stamp 1 w, consec 0 w]
+    else if i < 0xffff
+    then [stamp 2 w, consec 1 w, consec 0 w]
+    else if i < 0x10ffff
+    then [stamp 3 w, consec 2 w, consec 1 w, consec 0 w]
+    else []
+  end;
+fun utf8 is =
+  map to_utf8_bytes is
+  |> flat
+  |> Word8Vector.fromList
+  |> Byte.bytesToString;