changeset 15481 fc075ae929e4
child 15531 08c8dad8e399
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/src/Pure/IsaPlanner/isa_fterm.ML	Tue Feb 01 18:01:57 2005 +0100
@@ -0,0 +1,368 @@
+(* -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- *) 
+(*  Title:      libs/isa_fterm.ML
+    Author:     Lucas Dixon, University of Edinburgh
+    Date:       16 April 2003
+(* -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- *) 
+    Generic Foucs terms (like Zippers) instantiation for Isabelle terms. 
+(* -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- *)
+signature ISA_ENCODE_TERM = 
+    where type term = Term.term type TypeT = Term.typ;
+(* signature BASIC_ISA_FTERM = 
+FOCUS_TERM_SIG where type Term = ISA_ENCODE_TERM.Term *)
+signature ISA_FTERM =
+  include F_ENCODE_TERM_SIG
+    val clean_match_ft :
+       Type.tsig ->
+       FcTerm ->
+       Term.term ->
+       (
+       ((Term.indexname * Term.typ) list * (Term.indexname * Term.term) list)
+       * (string * Type) list * Term.term) Library.option
+    val clean_unify_ft :
+ ->
+       int ->
+       FcTerm ->
+       Term.term ->
+       (
+       ((Term.indexname * Term.typ) list * (Term.indexname * Term.term) list)
+       * (string * Type) list * Term.term) Seq.seq
+    val fakefree_badbounds :
+       (string * Term.typ) list -> int -> Term.term -> Term.term
+    val find_fcterm_matches :
+       ((FcTerm -> 'a) -> FcTerm -> 'b) ->
+       (FcTerm -> 'a) -> FcTerm -> 'b
+    val find_sg_concl_matches :
+       ((FcTerm -> 'a) -> FcTerm -> 'b) ->
+       (FcTerm -> 'a) -> int -> EncodeIsaFTerm.term -> 'b
+    val find_sg_concl_thm_matches :
+       ((FcTerm -> 'a) -> FcTerm -> 'b) ->
+       (FcTerm -> 'a) -> int -> Thm.thm -> 'b
+    val find_sg_matches :
+       ((FcTerm -> 'a) -> FcTerm -> 'b) ->
+       (FcTerm -> 'a) -> int -> EncodeIsaFTerm.term -> 'b
+    val find_sg_thm_matches :
+       ((FcTerm -> 'a) -> FcTerm -> 'b) ->
+       (FcTerm -> 'a) -> int -> Thm.thm -> 'b
+    val focus_to_concl : FcTerm -> FcTerm
+    val focus_to_concl_of_term : EncodeIsaFTerm.term -> FcTerm
+    val focus_to_subgoal :
+       int -> FcTerm -> FcTerm
+    val focus_to_subgoal_of_term :
+       int -> EncodeIsaFTerm.term -> FcTerm
+    val focus_to_term_goal_prem :
+       int * int -> EncodeIsaFTerm.term -> FcTerm
+    val focuseq_to_subgoals :
+       FcTerm -> FcTerm Seq.seq
+    exception isa_focus_term_exp of string
+    val mk_foo_match :
+       (Term.term -> Term.term) ->
+       ('a * Term.typ) list -> Term.term -> Term.term
+    val prepmatch :
+       FcTerm ->
+       Term.term * ((string * Type) list * Term.term)
+    val search_bl_ru_f :
+       (FcTerm -> 'a Seq.seq) ->
+       FcTerm -> 'a Seq.seq
+    val search_bl_ur_f :
+       (FcTerm -> 'a Seq.seq) ->
+       FcTerm -> 'a Seq.seq
+    val valid_match_start : FcTerm -> bool
+end *)
+structure BasicIsaFTerm = 
+FocusTermFUN( structure EncodeTerm = EncodeIsaFTerm);
+(* HOL Dependent *)
+structure IsaFTerm =
+(* include BasicIsaFTerm *)
+(* open FocusTermFUN( structure EncodeTerm = EncodeIsaFTerm ); *)
+open BasicIsaFTerm;
+(* Some general search within a focus term... *)
+(* Note: only upterms with a free or constant are going to yeald a
+match, thus if we get anything else (bound or var) skip it! This is
+important if we switch to a unification net! in particular to avoid
+vars. *)
+fun valid_match_start ft =
+    (case TermLib.bot_left_leaf_of (focus_of_fcterm ft) of 
+       Const _ => true
+     | Free _ =>  true
+     | Abs _ =>  true
+     | _ => false);
+(* match starting at the bottom left, moving up to top of the term,
+   then moving right to the next leaf and up again etc *)
+(* FIXME: make properly lazy! *)
+fun search_nonvar_bl_ur_f f ft = 
+    let 
+      val fts = 
+          Seq.filter valid_match_start
+                     (leaf_seq_of_fcterm ft)
+      fun mk_match_up_seq ft =
+          case focus_up_abs_or_appr ft of 
+            Some ft' => Seq.append(f ft, mk_match_up_seq ft')
+          | None => f ft
+    in
+      Seq.flat ( mk_match_up_seq fts)
+    end;
+fun search_bl_ur_f f ft = 
+    let 
+      val fts = (leaf_seq_of_fcterm ft)
+      fun mk_match_up_seq ft =
+          case focus_up_abs_or_appr ft of 
+            Some ft' => Seq.append(f ft, mk_match_up_seq ft')
+          | None => f ft
+    in
+      Seq.flat ( mk_match_up_seq fts)
+    end;
+(* FIXME: make properly lazy! *)
+(* FIXME: make faking of bound vars local - for speeeeed *)
+fun search_nonvar_bl_ru_f f ft = 
+    let
+      fun mauxtop ft = 
+          if (valid_match_start ft)
+            then maux ft else Seq.empty
+      and maux ft = 
+          let val t' = (focus_of_fcterm ft) 
+          (* val _ = writeln ("Examining: " ^ (TermLib.string_of_term t')) *)
+          in 
+          (case t' of 
+            (_ $ _) => Seq.append (maux (focus_left ft), 
+                         Seq.append(mauxtop (focus_right ft), 
+                                    f ft))
+          | (Abs _) => Seq.append (maux (focus_abs ft), 
+                                   f ft)
+          | leaf => f ft) end
+    in
+      mauxtop ft
+    end;
+fun search_bl_ru_f f ft = 
+    let
+      fun maux ft = 
+          let val t' = (focus_of_fcterm ft) 
+          (*   val _ = writeln ("Examining: " ^ (TermLib.string_of_term t')) *)
+          in 
+          (case t' of 
+            (_ $ _) => Seq.append (maux (focus_left ft), 
+                         Seq.append(maux (focus_right ft), 
+                                    f ft))
+          | (Abs _) => Seq.append (maux (focus_abs ft), 
+                                   f ft)
+          | leaf => f ft) end
+    in maux ft end;
+exception isa_focus_term_exp of string;
+fun focus_to_dest_impl ft = 
+    let val (lhs, rhs) = 
+            Logic.dest_implies (focus_of_fcterm ft) 
+    in (focus_left ft, focus_right ft) end
+    handle Term.TERM _ => 
+           raise isa_focus_term_exp 
+                   "focus_to_dest_impl: applied to non implication";
+(* move focus to the conlusion *)
+fun focus_to_concl ft = 
+    let val (lhs, rhs) = 
+            Logic.dest_implies (focus_of_fcterm ft) 
+    in focus_to_concl (focus_right ft) end
+    handle Term.TERM _ =>  ft;
+val focus_to_concl_of_term = focus_to_concl o fcterm_of_term;
+(* give back sequence of focuses at different subgoals *)
+(* FIXME: make truly lazy *)
+fun focuseq_to_subgoals ft = 
+    if (Logic.is_implies (focus_of_fcterm ft)) then 
+      Seq.cons (focus_right (focus_left ft), focuseq_to_subgoals (focus_right ft))
+    else
+      Seq.empty;
+(* move focus to a specific subgoal, 0 is first  *)
+fun focus_to_subgoal j ft = 
+    let fun focus_to_subgoal' (ft, 0) = 
+            let val (lhs, rhs) = Logic.dest_implies (focus_of_fcterm ft) 
+            in ft |> focus_left |> focus_right end
+          | focus_to_subgoal' (ft, i) = 
+            let val (lhs, rhs) = Logic.dest_implies (focus_of_fcterm ft) 
+            in focus_to_subgoal' (focus_right ft, i - 1) end
+    in focus_to_subgoal' (ft, j - 1) end
+    handle Term.TERM _ => 
+           raise isa_focus_term_exp 
+                   ("focus_to_subgoal: No such subgoal: " ^ 
+                    (string_of_int j));
+fun focus_to_subgoal_of_term i t = 
+    focus_to_subgoal i (fcterm_of_term t)
+(* move focus to a specific premise *)
+(* fun focus_past_params i ft = 
+    (focus_to_subgoal (focus_right ft, i))
+    handle isa_focus_term_exp _ => 
+           raise isa_focus_term_exp 
+             ("focus_to_prmise: No such premise: " ^ (string_of_int i)); *)
+fun focus_to_term_goal_prem (premid,gaolid) t = 
+    focus_to_subgoal premid (focus_to_subgoal_of_term gaolid t);
+(* T is outer bound vars, n is number of locally bound vars *)
+fun fakefree_badbounds T n (a $ b) = 
+    (fakefree_badbounds T n a) $ (fakefree_badbounds T n b)
+  | fakefree_badbounds T n (Abs(s,ty,t)) =  
+    Abs(s,ty, fakefree_badbounds T (n + 1) t)
+  | fakefree_badbounds T n (b as Bound i) = 
+    let fun mkfake_bound j [] = 
+            raise ERROR_MESSAGE "fakefree_badbounds: bound is outside of the known types!"
+          | mkfake_bound 0 ((s,ty)::Ts) = 
+            Free (RWTools.mk_fake_bound_name s,ty)
+          | mkfake_bound j (d::Ts) = mkfake_bound (j - 1) Ts
+    in if n <= i then mkfake_bound (i - n) T else b end
+  | fakefree_badbounds T n t = t;
+(* note: outerterm is the taget with the match replaced by a bound 
+         variable : ie: "P lhs" beocmes "%x. P x" 
+         insts is the types of instantiations of vars in lhs
+         and typinsts is the type instantiations of types in the lhs
+         Note: Final rule is the rule lifted into the ontext of the 
+         taget thm. *)
+fun mk_foo_match mkuptermfunc Ts t = 
+    let 
+      val ty = Term.type_of t
+      val bigtype = (rev (map snd Ts)) ---> ty
+      fun mk_foo 0 t = t
+        | mk_foo i t = mk_foo (i - 1) (t $ (Bound (i - 1)))
+      val num_of_bnds = (length Ts)
+      (* foo_term = "fooabs y0 ... yn" where y's are local bounds *)
+      val foo_term = mk_foo num_of_bnds (Bound num_of_bnds)
+    in Abs("fooabs", bigtype, mkuptermfunc foo_term) end;
+(* before matching we need to fake the bound vars that missing an
+abstraction. In this function we additionally construct the
+abstraction environment, and an outer context term (with the focus
+abstracted out) for use in rewriting with *)
+fun prepmatch ft = 
+    let 
+      val t = focus_of_fcterm ft  
+      val Ts = tyenv_of_focus ft
+      val t' = fakefree_badbounds Ts 0 t
+      fun mktermf t = 
+          term_of_fcterm (set_focus_of_fcterm ft t)
+      val absterm = mk_foo_match mktermf Ts t'
+    in
+      (t', (Ts, absterm))
+    end;
+(* matching and unification for a focus term's focus *)
+fun clean_match_ft tsig pat ft = 
+    let val (t, (Ts,absterm)) = prepmatch ft in
+      case TermLib.clean_match tsig (pat, t) of 
+        None => None 
+      | Some insts => Some (insts, Ts, absterm) end;
+(* ix = max var index *)
+fun clean_unify_ft sgn ix pat ft = 
+    let val (t, (Ts,absterm)) = prepmatch ft in
+ (fn insts => (insts, Ts, absterm)) 
+            (TermLib.clean_unify sgn ix (t, pat)) end;
+(* THINK: ? do we not need to incremement bound indices? *)
+(* THINK: it should be the search which localisaes the search to the
+current focus, not this hack in the matcher... ? *)
+(* find matches below this particular focus term *) 
+(* The search function is to find a match within a term... *)
+(* the matcher is something that is applied to each node chosen by the
+searchf and the results are flattened to form a lazy list. *)
+fun find_fcterm_matches searchf matcher ft = 
+    let 
+      val ftupterm = upterm_of ft
+      val focusft = focus_of_fcterm ft
+      val add_uptermf = add_upterm ftupterm 
+    in
+    searchf
+      (fn ft' => matcher (add_uptermf ft'))
+      (fcterm_of_term focusft)
+    end;
+(* FIXME: move argument orders for efficiency... 
+i.e. wenzel style val foofunc = x o y;
+(* find the matches inside subgoal i of th *)
+fun find_sg_matches searchf matcher i t = 
+    let val subgoal_fcterm = focus_to_subgoal_of_term i t
+    in find_fcterm_matches searchf matcher subgoal_fcterm end;
+(* find the matches inside subgoal i of th *)
+fun find_sg_thm_matches searchf matcher i th = 
+    find_sg_matches searchf matcher i (Thm.prop_of th);
+(* find the matches inside subgoal i's conclusion of th *)
+fun find_sg_concl_matches searchf matcher i t = 
+    let 
+      val subgoal_fcterm = 
+          focus_to_concl (focus_to_subgoal_of_term i t)
+    in
+      find_fcterm_matches searchf matcher subgoal_fcterm
+    end;
+(* find the matches inside subgoal i's conclusion of th *)
+fun find_sg_concl_thm_matches searchf matcher i th = 
+    find_sg_concl_matches searchf matcher i (Thm.prop_of th);
+f_encode_isatermS.encode (read "P a");
+isafocustermS.fcterm_of_term (read "f a");
+isafocustermS.term_of_fcterm it;
+Goal "P b ==> P (suc b)";
+TermLib.string_of_term ((focus_of_fcterm o focus_to_subgoal_of_term 1 o prop_of) (topthm()));
+TermLib.string_of_term ((focus_of_fcterm o focus_to_concl o focus_to_subgoal_of_term 1 o prop_of) (topthm()));
+TermLib.string_of_term ((focus_of_fcterm o focus_to_term_goal_prem (1,1) o prop_of) (topthm()));